The Ultimate Mma Strength And Conditioning Program Review

July 13, 2012 by  
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Article by Thomas K

The Ultimate Mma Strength And Conditioning Program Review – Sports – Martial Arts

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Getting into whatever type of sports call for patience and discipline. Understandably, one has to undergo trainings, invest far more time with routine exercises and eat the proper type of meals. Along the way, you will have to give up on a whole lot of points that even your personal life is often sacrificed. Nicely, they always say that you will discover no shortcuts to achievement along with the very same holds accurate when it comes to becoming a sports hero. On the other hand, issues have changed due to the fact there are now workout and training packages that can guarantee and deliver results in so brief a time thereby saving you a whole lot of time and energy. One of them may be the Ultimate MMA Strength and Conditioning Program. It can be an on line provide that’s incredibly complicated to resist specially should you train to grow to be a winner.

1. Just A Couple Of Workouts For Extra Power.

There is truth to what they say about operating out regularly as incredibly significant if one is engaged in professional sports. Boxers, athletes and team players have devoted their lives into working out and practicing just to have the ability to stay in shape for each and every game. Even so, for those that don’t have the luxury time or is operating out ahead of the competition begins, there’s often Ultimate MMA Strength and Conditioning Program. True to its commitment of giving you your substantially needed energy and conditioning in so short a time, this package has never ever failed its quite a few users.

2. Principles To Live By.

Each and every program follows a certain principle but for Ultimate MMA Strength and Conditioning Program, you will discover three critical principles to live by. These are cardio, power and fewer workouts. In this program, you might be taught of cardio workouts which are geared towards giving you a lot more energy and can be achieved by going via minimal workouts which you can do from dwelling. With so a lot spare time within your hands, you may nonetheless do greater factors and grow to be much more productive even though on training.

3. A Versatile Program.

Training programs come and go but you will find those that have withstood the test of time and one of them is Ultimate MMA Strength and Conditioning Program. Designed and conceptualized to bring out the winner in every person, it has been verified as helpful. The truth is, it’s just versatile in such a way that it may also be utilized by anybody who do not desire to get involved in any form of competition but basically who just desires to have enjoyable in creating muscles, power and strength.

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Is Ultimate MMA Strength and Conditioning a scam? Visit to read a FREE report and find out the truth about this MMA Workout Program!

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Is Ultimate MMA Strength and Conditioning a scam? Visit to read a FREE report and find out the truth about this MMA Workout Program!

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The Benefits Of A Strength Training Program

July 12, 2012 by  
Filed under Resistance Training

Article by James Waltermaine

The Benefits Of A Strength Training Program – Health – Fitness

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An effective strength training program and a healthier diet can enhance weight loss while maintaining good health. In today’s rising problems with obesity, more and more people are gaining unwanted weight due to the quality of foods they eat and their chosen lifestyle. Concerns about obesity and other health issues brought about the need for healthier food options and proven exercise programs.

Program for Men and Women is one of the Best Options to Consider

Numerous studies have proven that an appropriate program is one of the most effective and healthy options for losing weight. However, before we can say that such a training program is truly the best option, it is essential that we first learn what it is all about. It involves exercises that make the muscles to tighten by resisting pressure provided by weights, rubber tubing, high-resistance equipment, or the individual’s own body weight by repeating a certain exercise step for about two minutes.

The different types of strength training program include:

• Basic Strength Training is the common type used by people who want to lose weight while gaining strength and energy in order to be healthy. The major objective is to make the major muscle groups, ligaments, tendons, and joints strong, flexible, and healthy.• Hypertrophy Strength Training is usually used by people, especially athletes who want to add extra muscle bulk.• Maximal Strength Training is the type of training that focuses on developing strong coordination between nerves and muscles in order to create maximum strength.• Explosive Strength Training is for people who need explosive power in order to have maximum strength for a sport activity.• Muscular Endurance Strength Training is a training that concentrates on building strength to beat low resistance, but for an extended period. Marathoners and mountain climbers benefit from this training program.Strength training programs may also be classified as weight training program, plyometric training program, and resistance training program.

Remarkable Benefits of a Reliable Program

A reliable training program has numerous benefits in maintaining good health and providing the needed energy, especially among people over forty. Some of the remarkable benefits are:

• Weight Loss – program that involves plyometric exercises and the use of weight lifting belts is most helpful in enhancing metabolism and burning calories that results to weight loss. Weight training for women keeps most women in shape and helps fight obesity.• Reduce Pains – program helps reduce back pains, muscle pains, and cramps.• Healthier Bones and Muscles – program helps in making bones healthier and minimizes osteoporosis. It also improves body posture and figure. Strength training also provides well-toned and firm muscles.• Anti-Aging Benefits – program is also helpful in preventing aging by improving the quality of skin, improves cardio and respiratory conditions, and increase muscle composition. Weight training is effective in the elevation of testosterone levels among older men as proven by studies on testosterone replacement.Before you enroll, make sure that you first consult your doctor or any licensed physical therapist. It is crucial that the exercises suit your body requirements. A wrong training program will result to more injuries than health benefits.

If you are doing your training at home, find a good online personal trainer who can help you achieve your goal with the appropriate program recommended by your doctor. Most online personal trainers are highly trained and hold certification from known fitness organizations. When you enroll in any of the online programs, you will definitely gain the numerous benefits from a strength training program.

About the Author

James Waltermaine is a contributing writer for a strength training program website. For more related articles about strength training, plyometric training, etc., please visit

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James Waltermaine is a contributing writer for a strength training program website. For more related articles about strength training, plyometric training, etc., please visit

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Strength Training Program for Men and Women

July 10, 2012 by  
Filed under Strength Training

Article by Katrina Rooker

Strength Training Program for Men and Women – Self Help – Advice

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Men and Women always want to have a toned body. One of fastest growing forms of exercise is strength training. There are many benefits to strength training; lose fat, increases metabolic rate, increase bone density, increase lean muscles, helps prevent sports injuries, improves balance, helps prevent coronary disease, delays the aging process and improves self image.

Before beginning a strength training program, you need to consult a doctor. Your strength training programs need to be created according to your specific objectives; loss of fat or bulking up your muscles. Choosing your workout routine might be the hardest part of starting your fitness program. But if you follow the guidelines provided by a personal trainer, then you can increase your chances of becoming successful with your fitness goals.

Here are some things to think about before you start:

1. Do not strength train every day of the week, allow 24 to 36 hours between each workout. Consecutive days of doing the exercises can lead to muscle fatigue, possible injury, and overtraining. Your muscle need to rest between workouts.

2. Be realistic, you are not going to lose your weight overnight. Remember you didn’t gain weight overnight so don’t expect it to come to off overnight. First you will need plenty of rest, eat well balanced meals and exercise on a regular basis.

3. It will take time to tone your body. You need to concentrate on one muscle group at a time. Once you are through, you can proceed to your next targeted area. Use machines along with free weights to get an optimum workout. (Just remember you will not get a flat stomach just by doing crunches.)

4. Your strength training programs should be consistent and regular to ensure successful results. Your strength training requires a change in your lifestyle. Bad habits must be replaced with good ones.

5. Strength training requires that you change your routine every 4 to 6 weeks. It will prevent your body from getting bored and makes your workouts more interesting.

The best way to get started is to set your fitness goals. Be certain that your goals are realizable, attainable and realistic. Don’t go for unrealistic ones because you won’t get anywhere and it’s far too out of reach. Identify your health, fitness, and diet needs, and after doing so, set your goals right away. Try to make goals only for yourself, especially if you’re just starting out with this kind of activity.

It seems that health, fitness, and diet are all intertwined. If one of the three is absent, you can’t achieve your goal. A good strength training progarm and a healthy diet are two important things that you should consider.

About the Author

I work in the health and wellness field. It is important to share information about health issues concerning Men and Women. My website is all about health, fitness and dietary supplements. Please visit and check out the free sample page at

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I work in the health and wellness field. It is important to share information about health issues concerning Men and Women. My website is all about health, fitness and dietary supplements. Please visit and check out the free sample page at

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Get started on a beginner strength training program for women with a tricep extensions workout routine. Expert: Erin Sharoni (follow Erin on Twitter at You can also follow Erin on Facebook, at Thanks for watching Beginner Strength Training Program for Women: Tricep Extensions! If you enjoyed this video, subscribe to the Howcast YouTube channel! Check out Howcast for other do-it-yourself videos from howcast and more videos in the Howto category. You can contribute too! Create your own DIY guide (at ), learn about producing Howcast spots with the Howcast Filmmaker Program (at ), or showcase your expertise in a Howcast video series (at ).
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Your Strength Training Program: Advanced Tips To Gain Strength Quickly

July 9, 2012 by  
Filed under Endurance Training

Article by Rusty Moore

Your Strength Training Program: Advanced Tips To Gain Strength Quickly – Health – Fitness

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A Strength Training Program is Much Different Than A Bodybuilding Program.

In order to setup a proper strength training program, you need to understand how a muscle gets stronger. If you fail to understand the physiology behind getting stronger, you will put together a sub-optimal strength training program. My goal in this short article is to explain the differences between bodybuilding and gaining strength.

How a Bodybuilding Program Works.

Bodybuilding involves breaking down a muscle. This is done by performing reps in the 6-12 range and working the muscle to exhaustion. Typically bodybuilders aim for a “burn” and a “pump” in the muscle. They employ things like forced reps and negatives. If your goal is to build muscle then you are purposely trying to damage that muscle group. The idea is that when the muscle repairs itself, it will overcompensate and add a little more mass to that muscle group. Over time, these muscle groups will become noticeably larger. A proper strength training program aims for something much different.

How a Strength Training Program Works.

A good strength training program should focus on making a muscle more efficient, not in breaking down a muscle. If your strength training program is geared toward things like the “pump” or the “burn” then you need to change your approach. Think of bodybuilding as “muscle” based and strength training as “nervous system” based. In a good strength training program you are trying to train your nervous system to send stronger impulses to the muscle group being worked. Your strength training program should be based around performing heavy weights and low repetitions.

Heavy Weights Generate Stronger Nerve Impulses to the Muscle Than Light Weights.

If you take a 5 pound weight and curl it, you nervous system barely needs to work to contract your bicep muscle. If you take a 40 pound weight and curl it, your nervous system needs to work harder. The heavier the weights you chose, the less reps you can perform in a specific lift. That is why an effective strength training program is based around lifting heavy weights for low reps.

How Many Sets and Reps are Optimal in a Good Strength Training Program?

In order to train your nervous system to become more efficient, you need to train it to fire strong impulses to the muscle over and over again. You must perform a specific heavy lift enough times for the mind-to-muscle link to get stronger. Gaining strength is a skill that is developed with practice like any other skill, so your strength training program needs to reflect that. Each set you perform should be 2-5 reps, but you will need to perform many sets to get the proper practice. You can decide for yourself how many sets you want to perform, I recommend between 6-10 sets in the major lifts.

Never Train To Failure if You Want to Gain Strength at a Fast Rate!

Training to failure is definitely a bodybuilding thing. None of your sets in your strength training program should ever be taken to failure. Every time you train to failure you are teaching your nervous system to fail. You will be rewarded with weaker impulses sent to the muscle on the next sets you perform. When you train to failure you are taking a “few steps back” in your quest to gaining strength. Obviously forced reps are to be avoided as well.

Schedule Plenty of Rest In Between Sets in Your Strength Training Program.

Bodybuilders strive hard for things like “the pump” and they are trying to really exhaust their muscles, so they need to keep rest to a minimum. In a strength training program, you want maximum nerve impulses sent to the muscle each and every rep. In order to insure that really strong impulses are generated, you need to rest up to 5 minutes in between each set. If you ever play video games it is like waiting for your character’s energy to recharge up to 100%. Schedule enough time in your strength training program to rest 3-5 minutes in between each set.

You Should Not Be Sore After Performing Your Strength Training Program.

Since your strength training program isn’t breaking down your muscles, you should experience very little soreness the days after your workout. Since the muscles don’t need to repair themselves, you can work each muscle group more often than if you following a bodybuilding routine. A bodybuilder might work each muscle group twice a week, you should be able to work each muscle group 3-4 times per week. If you “practice” each lift 4 times per week, you should get quicker results than someone who does it 2 times per week. Just make sure that you aren’t breaking the muscle down like a bodybuilder.

A Quick Summary of a Good Strength Training Program

1) 3-5 reps per set2) 6-10 sets per exercise3) 3-5 minutes rest in between sets4) Never train to failure5) Never perform forced reps6) Practice major lifts 3-4 times per week

Hopefully this clears up some of the confusion out there in setting up an effective strength training program.

About the Author

Rusty Moore is a trainer who gives advice to men and women who want their body to “attract the opposite sex”. Learn how to get that rare “Hollywood” physique. Click Here ===> The Death of Bodybuilding

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Rusty Moore is a trainer who gives advice to men and women who want their body to “attract the opposite sex”. Learn how to get that rare “Hollywood” physique. Click Here ===> The Death of Bodybuilding

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Physical Fitness Training For Horses – Monitoring Change in an Equine Conditioning Program

June 26, 2012 by  
Filed under Fitness Training

As you proceed through your horse’s fitness training program, remember that change is not only inevitable, CHANGE IS THE GOAL. As your horse increases in physical fitness, his body, mind and emotions will all change too.  The horse trainer who pays careful attention to the horses in her or his stable will achieve the best results in the shortest amount of time.

Keep your eyes trained on your horse for changes in these common areas:

Vital Statistics– Vital Statistics refer to your horse’s temperature, pulse and respiration (TPR). As your horse progresses through your fitness training program, his vital statistics can act as red flags. Check his TPR at the same time each day for several days in a row and average the numbers to learn what is “normal” for your horse.  Monitor your horses TPR throughout your conditioning program. Even slight changes can indicate problems brewing. As horses become more physically fit, expect to see their baseline pulse and respiration lower.
Nutrient Requirements- The amount of feed that was sufficient to maintain good body condition when your horse was a pasture potato will not be enough to support him as his training load increases.  Adjust your horse’s feed ration to accommodate increasing physical demands
Tack Fit– A human Olympic athlete looks very different from a couch potato. Expect to see some radical changes in your horse’s physiology through your fitness training program!  As he loses weight and gains muscle, you will find your saddle no longer fits. If you do not have several different sized saddles that are appropriate to your horse, you may use a saddle with adjustable gullets or use shims or pads to maintain correct fit. Your horse’s soundness and your competitive success depend on it!
Inflammation– Inflammation is the equine body’s response to overexertion. Train yourself to watch and feel your horse, particularly his legs and hooves, for any changes. Watch for swelling and feel for heat. Swelling and heat indicate inflammation, excessive stress and potential injury. 

MONITOR your horse’s changes carefully as you progress through your equine conditioning program. You may need to adjust your training program to accommodate unforeseen challenges. The faster you can catch and fix potential problems, the more you can avoid damaging your horse. This means more fitness and more fun faster for both you and your horse!

Kirsten Lee produces extraordinary results for horses and riders!

Things To Think About When Opting For Your Home Gym Workout Program

June 23, 2012 by  
Filed under Gym Workouts

Article by Gene B. Pineda

Things To Think About When Opting For Your Home Gym Workout Program – Health – Wellness

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Getting into a home gym workout program is a big decision. You cannot just get into a home gym workout plan without really committing yourself to it. Pretending to go through the exercise routines without really putting your heart in it will not do you any good. A lot of people have tried getting into exercise programs half-heartedly only to quite after a couple of sessions.

If you want to get into a successful home gym workout program, you need to be 100% sold out to the program. You need to believe in the exercise program and commit yourself to following it. To help you choose a home gym workout program that you can commit yourself into, here are some points for you to consider.

Consider Your GoalsBefore you starting buying home gym workout guides and getting into a workout routine, you need to set goals for yourself. Knowing what you want to achieve out of your exercise program is very important. A lot of people eventually quit their home gym workout program because they do not know exactly what they want out of their fitness program.

If you want to achieve something, you need to know exactly what that something is. Set your goals and workout to achieve those goals. You need to set realistic and achievable fitness goals. Forget about those too ambitious goals which require you to lose 10 pounds in two weeks. Setting unreasonable goals is not a good thing. You will only feel frustrated and depressed if you cannot meet your goals.

Find an Exercise Program that Matches Your Physical Makeup

One of the main reasons why so many people fail to follow through their home gym workout program is because their exercise routine is too difficult for them to follow. Before your select a home gym workout program, make sure that you evaluate the program properly. Ask a fitness trainer to assess your physical capacity and give you exercise routines that match with your physical makeup.

If you have not been exercising for years, you need to start slow and let your body adjust to the new physical activities. Do not risk injuries by going for your exercise routines that require a lot of strength and endurance. You need to build your strength and endurance first before you advance to more difficult routines. Once you feel that your body has adjusted to the rigors of home gym workouts, you may not increase the intensity of your home gym workout program.

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Making Your Program Golf Specific

June 18, 2012 by  
Filed under Powerlifting

Article by Aear Lucy

Making Your Program Golf Specific – Sports – Golf

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“Golf-Specific” means different things to different people. One of the things I have learned from my education and experience in working with elite trainers and golfers is that in order to improve someone’s performance you must know where their strengths and weaknesses currently exist. This is, of course, the real value of assessments. If you look at the requirements of the golf swing itself, a golfer needs adequate spinal rotation, hip rotation, shoulder rotation, core engagement, some degree of cardiovascular endurance, and some degree of strength and stability.

You don’t need to be a bodybuilder or powerlifter for golf, just enough strength to produce a powerful swing. So, in evaluating a golfer you simply look at the rotational ability of the joints that most affect the golf swing. It is also helpful to look at a golfer’s current level of strength and stability or muscular imbalances which have the potential to create injury.

But then what? Well, if you are assessing a golfer who always complains about lack of distance and you find out they have very limited spinal rotation then you just found out a potential reason “why.” If a golfer lacks adequate spinal rotation, then its virtually impossible to produce respectable distance because you are not able to move your body freely through this motion, at least without finding another way to compensate in the body like excessive hip rotation or other variation.

The good news is that if this is discovered in an assessment, then a few simple stretches which focus entirely on improving spinal rotation will likely yield distance you have never experienced.

This brings us back to the meaning of “golf specific”. If we understand the biomechanics of the swing, then we can look at an individual and determine where they need improvement. With some golfers, a few stretches will produce results they’ve never seen before. With other golfers, they need considerably more strength. Some golfers are very strong, yet can’t move through a full range of motion or lack proper core engagement to keep their backs protected. Each golfer is different and therefore has different needs.

Maybe you’re not convinced that there’s an inner-golfer in you, but why not give it a try? The rules of the game are simple and easy to follow, the details of which you’ll learn in time. As you probably know, you’re goal is basically to hit your golf ball into a bunch of holes!

Buying golf equipment can be a lot more complicated than buying a basketball, but it will surely be worth the investment in time and money. You’ll want to consider your age, gender, and handicap (which indicates your skill level), when purchasing your first golf set! You don’t have to be the next Tiger Woods — just do your best on the course and you’re sure to get better and better at this fun and rewarding sport. You might even find you quite enjoy being out on the range and practicing your swing. And if for whatever reason you don’t, at least you’ll get a tan.

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Navy Seals Training Program – Tacfit Commando

June 16, 2012 by  
Filed under Strength Workouts

Article by Leslie Waler

Navy Seals Training Program – Tacfit Commando – Health – Weight Loss

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Navy Seals training program is perceived to be one of the most challenging periods of time a young man can deal with. Navy Seals are expected to be able to survive a great amount of physical strain, be able to function day in and day out in combat conditions, to be able to adapt both on sea and land, since apart from being able to swim fast over long distance, they also go through a lot of difficult and exerting workout phase on land, not to mention have top notch weapon training and discipline. Click Here For Tacfit Commando Instant Access Now!Civilians must understand that military fitness is nowhere close to gym fitness and training programs you may know which are focused on fat loss, or muscle building. Most of the Navy Seals training workouts are done outdoors and not in gym. A greater emphasis is given on body weight exercises rather than on weight training. Training is done with a lot of added equipment carried or strapped to the body, in full military gear and not in comfortable gym shorts.In Navy Seals training program, one can expect to do a lot of circuit training that involves strength and cardio exercises in rapid succession. Doing both long duration cardio and sprinting is something you can expect, as is running through water, uphill, or on uncomfortable terrain.It is very important to be able to perform under time constraints. They don’t have all the time in the world and they can’t take a break unless their drill sergeant allows it. This is very different from the air conditioned, free spirit atmosphere of the gym.Navy Seals training program entails quick recovery from physical exertion in order to have the ability to perform once more. Trainees must eventually have the ability to charge the enemy even if they are tired. There is no excuse for failure because the price of it may be high.Click Here For Tacfit Commando Instant Access Now!

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This author writes about Combat Training Techniques and Tacfit Commando.

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This author writes about Combat Training Techniques and Tacfit Commando.

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The 5 X 5 Training Program

June 15, 2012 by  
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Article by Mike Westerdal

The 5 X 5 Training Program – Health – Fitness

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Sometimes, we all get in a rut or hit a plateau and are looking for a routine to shake things up and kick-start the gains. And often, when this happens, guys start looking for the newest “hot” routine they see in a magazine. But more often than not, the answer is not found in what’s new and hot, but rather, it’s found in what is tried and true. If this might be you, then you definitely ought to consider the 5×5 workout. It’s a readily adaptable time-tested routine that is ideal for beginners and advanced trainers alike.

The foundation of 5×5 is pretty simple-five reps and five sets of each exercise. You get a 90-second rest between sets and a three minute break between exercises if your goal is strength or a 90-second break between exercises if your objective is gaining size. You can also choose something in the middle-the choice is yours and depends entirely on what you hope to achieve.

Because of its intensity, powerlifters often use the 5×5 program to realize gains in both size and strength. It’s also an ideal training regimen for someone who has been lifting higher reps for a while before starting a serious powerlifting program.

The basic 5×5 program can be done either as a split or full-body routine. You can do a full-body workout 2-3 times a week or, you can alternate upper body one day and lower body the next or any other combination that you’d like. Whatever you decide, you can maximize your results by focusing on compound exercises-which use multiple muscle groups-rather than isolation exercises that only focus in a single muscle.

To make the most of 5×5 you should use the maximum weight you can lift. When you’re able to do 5 sets of 5 with that weight, increase the weight by 5 – 10% until you can again do 5 sets of 5 and so on. You can also increase the intensity by shortening your rest periods between sets and exercises.

Here are some sample routines (note: because the 5×5 program is intense, always be sure to do several warm-up sets before getting started). Remember that the 5×5 routine is highly adaptable so come up with combinations that work for you. In any case though, keep your workout to a maximum of one-hour.

Full-body workout:

This is a great full-body workout you can do three times a week:

Monday: Bench press, bent-over rows, squat and deadlift;

Wednesday: Weighted dips, weighted chin-ups, deadlift and hanging leg raises (just 2 sets of 5 reps for the leg raises);

Friday: incline bench press, front squat, glute/hamstring raise; renegade row (with dumbbells or kettlebells), and saxon sidebends;Split routines:

Here are a couple of good split 5×5 routines to get you started:

Split one:

Monday/Thursday: Bench press, bent-over row, barbell curl and tricep push-downs;

Wednesday/Friday: Barbell squat, glute/hamstring kickback, seated calf-raise, hanging leg raises;

Split two: This is an advanced 6-day a week routine (alternate A/B):

Monday/Thursday (chest/back): A) Incline bench press, wide grip pull-up (palms facing you), weighted rope crunches; B) Chest dips, one-arm dumbbell rows, weighted lying leg raises;

Tuesday/Friday (shoulders/arms): A) Upright row; close-grip bench press, preacher curls; B) Rear delt rows, triceps pushdowns, incline hammer curls;

Wednesday/Saturday (legs): A) Squats, lying leg curls, calf raises; B) Leg press, stiff-legged deadlifts, calf press;

One of the things I love about 5×5 is that it is highly adaptable to meet your particular lifting goals. Since 5×5 has been around for so long, it’s easy to find plenty of proven routines for just about anyone-beginners, powerlifters, high-intensity trainers and lots more. Because of its intensity, whether you’re doing a full-body workout, a split routine or another modified version of the program, you should do the 5×5 program on a 12-week cycle. Work it hard for 12 weeks and at the end of the cycle take a week or two off from the gym to give your body a chance to recover.

Particularly when it comes to bodybuilding, the answers to what we seek are not necessarily found by looking for the latest and greatest but by looking to the past, learning from the wisdom and experience of the greats who came before us. If you’re looking to make gains in both size and strength, and you think you’re up to the challenge, then you might want to give the 5×5 workout a try-you won’t be disappointed.

About the Author

Mike Westerdal is the owner of Visit his site to receive two free PDF reports entitled, “31 Days To Bigger Arms” and “Boosting Testosterone Levels for Big Muscle Gains.”

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Mike Westerdal

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Mike Westerdal is the owner of Visit his site to receive two free PDF reports entitled, “31 Days To Bigger Arms” and “Boosting Testosterone Levels for Big Muscle Gains.”

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Implementing a Bridge-Signal in your Horse Training Program

June 11, 2012 by  
Filed under Marine Training

Article by Manzoor

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Different signals are used in training session. Bridge signal is one such signal which is used to communicate with horse. A good communication system is always necessary for any sort of training program. If you have a good communication system that will definitely accelerate the training process. Bridge signal is considered to be the important part of the horse training program. It is used to transmit clear and reliable message to the horse.

The name bridge signal is given to it for the function it performs. Bridge signal is used to bridge the gap between the moment in the training when animal responds correctly and the moment of reinforcement of that behavior. Reward reinforcement and bridge signal are so closely intertwined that without proper signal, reinforcement will be unclear. You can also expect an undesired behavior from your horse due to lack of use of bridge signal. This is just because of the lack of bridge signal that your horse misinterprets that which behavior is to be rewarded and which is not.

To remove this uncertainty for your horse; including bridge signal in your training program becomes essential. Using bridge signal prior to offering any reward reinforcement, clearly suggest your horse that you want to see the same behavior repeated again. Bridge signal in this way helps you to set up a clear and ample system of communication with your horse for any particular behavior.

Most of the time reinforces are used along with bridge signal. Introducing a reinforcer considerably increase the frequency of the behavior. Primary reinforcer may include clicker, carrot, a sugar cube, or a hand full of grain. Bridge signal can be anything. Anything which you think will serve the purpose well for you and your horse. It can be a clicker, a spoken word, a touch, or a snap of the fingers. The only thing which you need to be focus on is to keep bridge signal distinct and precise. For instance, a sound of whistle is used as a bridge signal for captive dolphins and whales. The bridge signal is useful because these are the marine mammals which tend to stay near (close proximity) to the trainers.

Close proximity or nearness to trainers is also common for horses. The most often used bridge signal for horses is a clicker. It is easy for horses to identify the sound of a clicker than anything else. It is also a distinct sound for them and they pay attention to that sound almost instantaneously. Once your horse get used to it, new bridge signal has been introduced like verbal bridge signal. The idea behind this is that you need not to hold the clicker and you can freely control the behavior of the horse with verbal signals easily. You can also do riding, clipping and longing with ease. While riding a horse, you can use clicker attach at the whip or riding crop to make signaling easier for your horse.

Once your horse has mastered the concept of bridge conditioning, now is the time move along the training process and teach him some new concepts. Target is another such tool to guide your horse in right direction. Target is used as an extension of the hands. Targets are devised in a way to guide your horse through behaviors, to touch the targets physically. Target can be used to teach your horse to lift his leg for hoof picking, to lead into the carrier, or to lower his head for clipping. There are many other options available to train your horse behavior accordingly.

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You might also want to learn about Teach your Horse to Cross-tie and Implement a Bridge-Signal in your horse Training Program.

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You might also want to learn about Teach your Horse to Cross-tie and Implement a Bridge-Signal in your horse Training Program.

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