Less is More with this Wintertime Power and Bulk Weight Training Program.

June 9, 2012 by  
Filed under Weight Training

Article by Kevin Carbone

Less is More with this Wintertime Power and Bulk Weight Training Program. – Health – Fitness

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Less is More with this Wintertime Power and Bulk Weight Training Program.

by Kevin Carbone, FitnessSource1.com

Note: This is an advanced weight training program and should only be used by those with at least one year of consistent weighttraining behind them. You will be using heavy weight and a less strict form which could lead to injury if you don’t have a strongfoundation of previous weight training exercise to build upon.

Power and Bulk TrainingBack in the 1960’s it was quite common for bodybuilders to train during the winter months exclusively for size, strength, and mass. This was referred to as “power and bulk training” or a “bulking-up” bodybuilding routine which consisted of basic compound weight training exercises done with low reps and heavy weight. As far as diet was concerned, they ate everything and anything and in large quantities. Lots of whole eggs, whole milk,steaks, and potatoes were the order of the day. The idea was to gain as much weight, size and strength as possible during the winter and then trim down and lose the body fat for the summer months. Overall they would be bigger, stronger and would carry more muscle mass from their winter power and bulk weight training program.

When it came time to trim down for the summer, they usually allotted about 3 months for the task. This was done by cutting calories and changing their weight training routine to one of high reps and sets and adding isolation movements while using light to moderate weights. Workouts were also long which helped to burn calories. Cardio and aerobics were unheard of and generally frowned on because it was thought that this type of training broke the muscles down and would make you smaller and weaker.

Nowadays, the idea is to stay in relatively good shape all year round because this is a healthier thing to do for your body. The yo-yo effect of putting weight on and taking it off over and over again puts a strain on your system that in the long term is not good.

However, a modified power and bulk weight training program combined with current advances in diet and nutrition can be very beneficial to someone who is looking to bulk-up and add more muscle mass and strength. Follow this program for 3 months and then analyze your progress. You can continue for awhile longer if things are going well, or you can move on to a new routine if progress begins to slow or if you are putting on too much body fat.

Your workouts will be shorter with fewer exercises but they will be much more intense as you will be using heavy weights with compound power movements. That’s why I say that Less is More with this bodybuilding routine. As for diet, you will want to addat least 300-500 extra calories per day increasing your protein and carb intake while watching your fats. Make sure you consume at least 1 gram of protein per pound of body weight. Some trainers say to eat everything and anything and not to worry about how much or what kinds of fat you consume because fats produce testosterone and testosterone produces muscle. Although this is true, the wrong type of fat eaten in abundance over an extended period of time is bad for your health. You’ve heard it before – stuff like heart disease, diabetes, high blood pressure,and a host of other physical problems. The critics will say that you are only going to be on this bulk and power program for 3 or 4 months so go for the gusto and eat everything because you can trim the fat off later on to be ready for the Summer months.

Personally, my long term philosophy is to have moderation in everything and this is no exception. If I were you I would add some extra fat but make sure its the good stuff like the Essential Fatty Acids (EFAs) that are found in fish, fish oil, olive oil and nuts of all types (go for the unsalted variety). Definitely eat more but be sensible and don’t go crazy and eat a ton of empty calorie junk foods like doughnuts, cake, and fast foods. These contain a large amount of saturated fat and trans fat which should be avoided for general good health. Remember to have a large meal of protein and carbohydrates within one hour after your workout to help speed the recovery process and feed hungry muscles.

You will be training 3 days per week with one day off in between training days. As an example, train Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. And take Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday and Sunday off. Recovery time is very important with this routine. Remember, you grow during your rest periods not in the gym. Put your aerobics on hold and do not play any strenuous sports while on this program. You must focus all of your energy on your workouts in order to progress as you should. Also, remember to get a least 8 hours of sleep with 9 or 10 hours being even better. Because yourmuscles grow when you sleep, have a whey and casein protein drinkbefore you hit the sack. The whey gets absorbed quickly but the casein get assimilated more slowly thus feeding your muscles moreconsistently through the night.

The whole premise of this routine is to handle as much weight as possible and to increase the poundages whenever you can. Use the pyramiding method where you gradually add weight to each set while doing less reps. You are to relax your strict form and “cheat” or use momentum and bounce to handle the heavier weights.

Your Power and Bulk Weight Training Schedule


Always do a warmup before attempting any workout. Start with someall-over body movements to get the heart beating and the blood flowing such as treadmill work, jumping jacks, jumping rope, etc.Then do a few exercises with light weight and high reps that target the muscle groups that you will be working on that particular workout. This is also a good time to do your abdominalexercises such as the crunch, reverse crunch, leg raises, hanging leg raises, etc. This is a good way to warm your core body temperature and get your ab work done first thing. Remember not to forget your ab work while doing this power and bulk program. Train your abs at least 2 times per week.

DAY 1 – Chest/Shoulders/Triceps

1) Flat Bench Press

2) Seated Overhead Press

3) Upright Rowing(Vary your hand grip spacing. A somewhat wider grip hits the outer or side delts more.)

4) Dips (Lean forward to work the chest more and stay vertical to work the triceps more – do both versions and add extra weight when necessary.)

DAY 2 – Legs

1) Squat

2) Leg Press

3) Deadlift (Also works the lower back)

4) Calf Heel Raise (Calves respond better to higher reps. Try a rep range of 15, 12,10, 8 for 4 sets.)

DAY 3 – Back/Traps/Biceps

1) Barbell Rowing

2) Lat Pulldowns

3) Shrug

4) Cheat Curl

Start with about 4 sets per exercise with a rep range of 10, 8, 6, 4. Pyramid or add additional weight to each set when possible.You can experiment with adding additional sets but don’t over do it because you will be using heavy weights. Also, don’t do less than 3 reps on any exercise or you will be toying with possible injury. Because you are doing only 4 exercises per training session your workout time will be shorter but more intense as youwill be using heavy weight in each set. Remember to rest long enough between sets to fully recover from the previous set, but not too long or you’ll lose your edge. If you are consistent in your training and eat correctly during the next 3-4 months you will see that Less can equal More!

About the Author

Kevin Carbone is a bodybuilding & fitness enthusiast who has decades of training experience. To read more of his articles go to http://www.FitnessSource1.com. At this site you will also findinformation on Weight Loss, Dating Guides (Guys & Gals), How to Get Your Ex Back, and How to Find the Job You Love. Plus, many FREE articles and much more. Go to: http://www.FitnessSource1.com.

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Kevin Carbone

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Kevin Carbone is a bodybuilding & fitness enthusiast who has decades of training experience. To read more of his articles go to http://www.FitnessSource1.com. At this site you will also findinformation on Weight Loss, Dating Guides (Guys & Gals), How to Get Your Ex Back, and How to Find the Job You Love. Plus, many FREE articles and much more. Go to: http://www.FitnessSource1.com.

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whereby the original author’s information and copyright must be included.

www.weightgaindiary.com In this bodybuilding step by step workout guide you’re going to learn everything you need to know about setting up your own free weight training program. It isn’t as difficult as is it looks like. All you need to do is to apply the proven and working principles to your own bodybuilding regime and you’ll start to experience some serious muscle growth! I would like to apologize for my English, because it isn’t my first language and I’ve been talking in English for less than three years. In case I’ll say something wrong – please don’t kill me! www.armfatsecrets.com

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Adding Deadlifts to Your Physical Fitness Program

June 1, 2012 by  
Filed under Physical Fitness

Article by Jonathon Hyatt

Adding Deadlifts to Your Physical Fitness Program – Health

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After the squat, the deadlift might just be the most important exercise for physical fitness. It’s such a basic movement, yet it involves almost every muscle in your body. Even better, most trainees can deadlift more weight than with any other exercise! No matter your current goals, this is one move you’ve got to be doing. Here are a few ways you can add deads to your own lifting program.

Heavy Lifting for Mass

Heavy deadlifts will put slabs of muscle on your back like no other exercise. They’ll also stimulate new growth in your quads, hamstrings, traps, and even biceps. If you have one day per week for training your back, try getting a few heavy sets in before your pull-ups and rows. If you train your upper and lower body on separate days – or if you train every muscle at every session – rotate deadlifts in with your other leg exercises.

Deadlifts for Fat Loss?

Most people don’t think of heavy lifting as good exercise for fat loss. However, it’s FAR more effective than cardio can ever be! Heavy deadlifts activate muscles all over your body, and they have to work hard to move all that weight. This is metabolically demanding, and you’ll burn hundreds more calories for hours after a good training session. However, you’ve got to focus on deadlifts and other “big” movements. Curls, raises, and other isolation exercise are not very demanding, and they will have minimal impacts on your metabolism and body composition.

Condition with High Reps

If you’ve got great form, then deadlifts can actually be a good conditioning tool, as well. While sets of five or six are great for building muscle, high reps will tax your cardiovascular system like nothing else. When it’s too rainy to run – or you just don’t have time to hit the track – try knocking out a few sets of twenty with short rest periods. Just make sure you keep your back in a safe position when you start to get fatigued.

Tips for Perfect Form

Despite its simplicity, there are still several important form tips for the deadlift. Make sure you understand this advice before including deadlifts in your physical fitness program.

*Keep your lower back in a safe position. Arched or flat is fine, but a rounded back will inevitably lead to injuries.*Lift with your whole body. Make sure you’re engaging your hips, quads, and hamstrings in addition to your back.*Pull back. You should think about pulling the weight “backwards” as you get it off the floor. This keeps the bar as close to your body as possible, making for a faster, smoother rep.*Mix your grip. Once you start deadlifting some heavy weights, you’ll need to alternate the directions your palms face when you grip the bar. This keeps it from rolling out of your hands.

But of all these physical fitness program tips, the most important is to not overdo it – an injury could end your ability to workout at all. Take it slow and know your abilities.

About the Author

After the squat, the deadlift might just be the most important exercise for physical fitness. It’s such a basic movement, yet it involves almost every muscle in your body.

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Jonathon Hyatt

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After the squat, the deadlift might just be the most important exercise for physical fitness. It’s such a basic movement, yet it involves almost every muscle in your body.

Use and distribution of this article is subject to our Publisher Guidelines
whereby the original author’s information and copyright must be included.

Aerobics Exercise at Home – The Diet Solution Program

May 22, 2012 by  
Filed under Aerobic Exercises

The Diet Solution Program also teaches the importance of protein and the difference between those carbs that are healthy and those that are not. The Diet Solution is an excellent value as this diet program includes everything that you need to lose weight. The meal planner has you select from the right foods for your metabolism so that you can put together balanced meals that are right for you.

The Diet Solution Program Review. The proof was really in the results of real people. The Diet Solution Plan comes with several benefits that women enjoy. You can start immediately after you purchase it. The program has sound scientific research behind it, a sane diet and exercise element which won’t bore you to tears.

The Diet Solution Program is an effective fat loss program based on nutrition and healthy food.

This program is safe to follow as it will not have and side effects. If you follow the diet solution program, you will lose weight, simple as that. In fact, Isabel is already a well-respected speaker and owns her own wellness practice. The Diet Solution Program teaches you how you can ensure healthy blood sugar levels and demonstrates how you create food combinations to maximize fat burning. The creator is a nutrition specialist and has been involved with diet and nutrition programs for 15 years.

If you have previously been burnt by diet plans, and have spent loads of money and energy on programs that do not work, you have to see what Diet Solutions can offer you. The Diet Solution Program includes a quick start guide to fix your weight problems .There is also a mention of all those stuffs that are unknown to others trying to fight their excess body weight significantly. With Muscle Advance, you’ll get the same secret used by pro athletes and bodybuilders to get the bodies you see on TV.

Costs and Expenses The Diet Solution Program is available for download for $ 39.97. De Los Rios says that her plan gives dieters a way to change eating habits for life, develop a long term eating strategy and not just modify the diet temporarily. I am so proud to be writing this article about the diet solution. You name it and I did it.


Get started on your own personal fat burning meal plans right away with The Diet Solution Program. You can learn more at aerobics exercise at home.


MMA Weight Training Program

May 16, 2012 by  
Filed under Weight Training

Being physically strong is what you need to be to succeed in MMA. In this article, I will tell you some typical exercises that are now being wasted and the perfect exercises to be successful.


Many men and women beginning their MMA careers already have some sort of sports background, and therefore have probably already been in the gym for years. Because of this background, many people who begin training for MMA find themselves doing it wrong!


They will get in the gym and train just as they always have and add more cardio, but this will not help them in an MMA fight. Weight lifting is purely anaerobic, and cardio is stricly aerobic. An MMA fight will mix both anaerobic and aerobic conditions at the same time, so combine anaerobic and aerobic exercises for the best training.


A traditional upper body weightlifting routine that you will find in the average weight loss or fitness book will look like this:


* 5 min cardio for warm up

* Bench Press 3×10

* Bent Over Row 3×10

* Bicep Curls 3×10

* Close Grip Bench Press 3×10

* 20-30 minutes cardio


Now this would be a great routine if you were looking to get bigger, as most gym goers are.

Here’s the problem with that: You do not want to gain tons and tons of pure mass! Pure mass will only slow you down and tire you more quickly. It also is not combining the aerobic and anaerobic portions, as was mentioned earlier, but separating them into two parts. For anybody who has done MMA sparring before, do you remember how exhausted you got after struggling for a takedown for several seconds? Chances are you were doing a workout like this.


An MMA weight training workout should look different than a traditional workout. The MMA workout must focus on the body as a whole and have a ferocious blend of strength and speed to producepower. Power comes through explosiveness and core strength, so your workouts should mirror those ideas. Here is an example of what an upper body workout for MMA should look like:


* Clap (plyometric) pushups: These are great for improving explosiveness, upper body strength, hand speed, and balance. To perform a clap pushup, simply push with all your strength when at the lowest point in your pushup to propel yourself up. While off the ground, clap your hands together, and return to the originial pushup position.

* Tire Flips: Most gyms should have one of these as part of their training material. Simply bend low at the knees, grip the tire, and lift up and flip the tire over (similar motion to a takedown.) Repeat this action for a given distance.

*Sledgehammer Hit: UFC promos love to show fighters using this move. To perform this move, simply swing the sledgehammer over your head and down onto the tire that is used for the tire flip. Be sure to alternate sides.

* Donkey Kong: This exercise is excellent for training ground and pound again uses the tire. Hold a heavy hammer or mallet in each hand, and kneel on the tire with one knee and swing the hammers at the tire.

* Heavy Bag Slams: Pull out some mats used for throws and a heavy bag equal to your size. Practice lifting the heavy bag and slamming it onto the mat. Again, be sure to alternate sides.


Use the above workout when training for a fight, competition, or even if you want to just increase your power and endurance. Even if you are an experienced weightlifter, it is likely that you have not done many of these exercises before and it will help break a plateau. For a greater breakdown of how to stay in shape as an MMA fighter, click here. Happy training!


Riece Keck is a strength and fitness enthusiast who has been involved in martial arts for over eight years. He holds a black belt in Kenpo Karate. To learn more about how to get fit for MMA, visit my hubpage at http://hubpages.com/hub/Martial-Arts-Fitness-Training

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Free Aerobic Exercise Program

May 16, 2012 by  
Filed under Aerobic Exercises

If people work out on their own to begin with there’s just they and after a hard day at work that exercise tape will look mighty unfriendly and really it’s easy to talk themselves out of exercising just for a day and they all know how that route goes.Diagnosis Whereas in an aerobic exercise program people have got the other members in their group who equally do not want to work out but are there as well so they have morale support. If people do not show up one night they can bet they will get on their case about slacking off and not showing up. Not to mention they will have paid good money that will go to waste for every class they do not show up for.

Another bonus of a free aerobic exercise program is that people will have professional advice available at every turn to ensure that they do not over-exert themselves; people can go too fast or stop progressing once they have started their regime.

The worst thing people can do is find a comfortable plateau and stay there, if they do not keep increasing the difficulty of their work out they will not build their stamina or their fitness levels, they will not even build muscle, they will just keep the ones they have got which is fine but for right now they want to keep increasing their muscle tone.

By joining an aerobic exercise program people also get the use of all the gym’s facilities including exercise equipment they might not be able to afford privately. People will probably get access to the facilities like spa and sauna which are excellent for winding down after a hard work out. But in true sense the best part about joining a program is having people to commiserate with about how hard they have worked and to congratulate them when they accomplish different milestones in the program.Diagnosis The professional support people get from the program will be well worth the fee they pay for joining and the weight they lose and the muscle tone they gain are priceless.

There are a number of factors that people need to consider to make sure they maximize the burning of fat, and do not over train and give up. There are two types main of exercise. Aerobic exercise and the other is anaerobic exercise. Aerobic exercise is commonly the low intensity training, so the heart rate is pushed to between 60 and 70% of the maximum heart rate threshold. When people train in this heart rate range, studies have shown that they burn the highest percentage of fat. Anaerobic type of exercise on the other hand, is high intensity training.

Hi, I am Sana Khan, I am a student of mbbs for more information about my work please visit at :www.Doctorinuk.com

Learn what the best aerobic exercise is for a great workout routine in this fitness for women video. Expert: Erin Sharoni (follow Erin on Twitter at twitter.com You can also follow Erin on Facebook, at www.facebook.com Thanks for watching Fitness for Women: The Best Aerobic Exercise! Ifyou enjoyed this video, subscribe to the Howcast YouTube channel! www.youtube.com Check out Howcast for other do-it-yourself videos from howcast and more videos in the Howto category. You can contribute too! Create your own DIY guide (at www.howcast.com ), learn about producing Howcast spots with the Howcast Filmmaker Program (at info.howcast.com ), or showcase your expertise in a Howcast video series (at info.howcast.com ).
Video Rating: 4 / 5

Physical Fitness Program- The Key To Rejuvenated Self

May 5, 2012 by  
Filed under Physical Fitness

Physical fitness programs are an ultimate solution for keeping the body up and running for long. . Your fitness schedule should include exercise for every part of the body to make sure that the total effect is attained for your body. The three major aspects of a body that are strength, suppleness and stamina should have a perfect balance maintained in the body. A slight imbalance will lead to deterioration of complete working out schedule and a perfect schedule will definitely make for a healthy body and smart living.

Stamina is essential to keep the body going. Moreover, if this element is missing, it is virtually impossible to work on others. Therefore, one should work on this aspect to make sure that you have enough stamina to work out and accomplish other tasks. There are a variety of activities that can be undertaken towards a better physical fitness program. The best solution by which this can be taken care of is through moving the muscles of body that are large in structure. A rhythmic motion in continuous pattern will take care of this schedule.

Talking about the activities that you can perform, the list includes names like jogging, swimming, skipping, tennis and many more which are not only enjoyable but also lead to a healthy living. Such exercises are good for one’s health as these lead to an increased gush of oxygen into the body’s nerves, veins and cells. A better ‘aired’ heart is obviously better than a starved one!

The next level that we should talk about is the level of sugar in the blood as it has direct impact on one’s stamina. It is essential to understand that whatever you do is via a process where signals are sent to your brain which in turn, directs what to do and the fuel for this machine is glucose, that is, the level of sugar in blood. When this level goes up, the excess part has to be stored in the body in the form of fat directly affecting one’s stamina and vice versa. Therefore, even such aspects are to be seen to avoid any hindrance in the path of physical fitness exercises.

The other two aspects strength and suppleness have their separate schedules and exercising patterns. Strength activities make sure that the bones and muscles of one’s body are string enough for undertaking schedules. Suppleness can be achieved by bend or twist.

For more information on physical fitness program, check out the info available online; these will help you learn to find the physical fitness exercises!

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Combat Core Strength – Core Strength Training Program

April 29, 2012 by  
Filed under Endurance Training

Core strength training program may be simple, but not as easy as you think it is. Core training aids us to strengthen our stomach and helps us to improve our mid-section. Improving our mid-section will also help us to enhance muscle in the upper leg, as well as our back. If can be just done correctly, core programs will help us to increase the stamina and endurance of our body.

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To achieve the best result of core training, performing each exercise is really important; this is to reach the full potential of each work out. Aside from that, it will assist us from getting injured and to experience more body aches every after work out.

A good posture allows you to core strength training program, which is really important for women out there, to maintain their stance and a better body, in addition to that, we all know that having a good posture for women aids them to be more attractive.

This can only be achievable if you will impose the right execution for each core training program that you have.

Combine your program with a medicine ball; a core program with a combination of a medicine ball will lead you to a much better and faster result. This medicine ball will add more force in your exercise that will give you the most possible outcome you can have. Do this with a more challenging exercise as you go through your workout, and having a firm, sexy core of your body will be a success.

Another benefit that we can get from core strength training program is endurance and resistance. Remember that improving your endurance will help you to last each and every exercise you are doing. Don’t forget that regular exercise will lead you to a healthy body and good lifestyle.

Click Here For Combat Core Strength Instant Access Now!

This author writes about Combat Core Strength and Lose Belly Fat Diets.

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Weight Training Program For Women – Use These Ideas To Improve Your Base Levels Of Fitness

April 9, 2012 by  
Filed under Weight Training

Article by Philip Roberts

If you have been looking for a weight training program for women, you may not have realised that by following a few ‘basics’ you can go a long way towards achieving your goals, as well as those of your family.

If you have let your fitness go a bit, you can rest assured you are not alone! Particularly as people become older, they find themselves putting fitness on the back burner. Other, more pressing matters, such as family and work duties, are put before health and fitness. These simple tips can help show you the way to regaining your fitness. You can regain some of the body tone that you had when you were younger by following these tips. When people age, they sometimes neglect their fitness. Working out may lose out to the demands of work and family as we age. If you are in this situation yourself, then make use of the tips in this article to turn things around. Just like the last time you were slender, when you use this advice you will get into great shape.

Do not wear tight uncomfortable clothes when you exercise. If you wear clothes that do not let you breath, it will be more difficult for you to exercise. Make sure that your workout clothing is flexible, comfortable, and well ventilated, so it allows your skin to breathe. Make sure to put on some fresh clothes after your workout. Make it a point to wear loose-fitting, comfortable clothing during your exercise routine. You need to wear clothes that allow your skin to breathe, otherwise you will not sweat which causes you to feel uncomfortable. Comfortable, natural materials, such as a cotton jersey, are very good exercise clothes. Be sure to keep a change of fresh clothing to change into when you are finished exercising.

If you are interested in working out in a climbing gym, you should take the time to purchase proper climbing shoes. Buy shoes that are particularly flexible if you want to successfully climb. You need different shoes for running and walking then you do for climbing, because the requirements for traction and balance are different. Buy special shoes for climbing. Flexibility and traction are important features to have in a pair of shoes while climbing. Get a pair of shoes made for climbing rather than using regular training shoes.

Exercise can help reduce menstrual cramps. A woman’s hormone levels increase during this time, which can lead to feelings of stress. Exercise can help eliminate stress and anxiety. This can also help the body deal with bloating due to the retention of water. Exercise can help women relieve their pain and discomfort around their period. Hormonal changes during a woman’s monthly cycle can bring on emotional fluctuations, including stress or depression. An effective antidote to high levels of stress and anxiety is exercise. It can also relieve bloating and other stress-related water retention.

Educate yourself about your child’s physical education program at school and make sure they are getting the proper education and information they need. You may find it necessary to volunteer part of your time to ensure your child gets proper physical education. This may lead to your child gaining a larger interest in physical fitness. Perhaps your child has not been properly educated at school. Find out more about the physical education courses your child has taken. You can volunteer your time at the school during special fitness programs to show your child how important it is to you, and it should be important to them, too. This could lead to them being more involved.

If you pay for your training sessions ahead of time, you are more likely to be motivated to attend them regularly. You will be more likely to attend your workout sessions because not attending them will result in lost money. Once way to increase training compliance is to pay your personal trainer up front. This way, you are much more apt to keep your appointments because if you don’t, you’ll be wasting money.

Even when you are seated at your desk, you can still do some stretching exercises that will help prepare you for any weight training program for women. When you are at work, you should not be sitting for too long without getting up from time to time. You should attempt to move around and stretch for a few minutes out of every hour to 90 minutes; this can improve blood flow and prevent painful cramping. Instead of sitting idly in your chair at work, use that time to do some stretching exercises. Sitting for hours at a time without getting up and moving around is unhealthy. Get up every hour or so and spend five minutes stretching; this will keep your circulation going and help prevent cramps in your muscles.

If you are someone who wants to be in shape, read these tips and find out how easy it can be. Spend some time working on yourself and do the work it takes to get into shape. These are not only virtues on the training floor, but in life in general. If you can do this in your exeryday life, you can do it in a work out. Get up and go do it. As you can see, getting in shape doesn’t have to be tough. You just need to work hard and stay motivated to reach your goals. These characteristics are inherent in all sorts of things in life. When you are successful with all other aspects of your life, your fitness goals will be a breeze. Just get up and go for it!

To get your Free Report on ‘The ABCs of Bodybuilding, Diet and Fitness’ including essential facts on weight training program for women, visit http://www.buildingmuscleforwomen.com/weight-training-program-for-women

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Start a Golf Fitness Training Program Today

April 4, 2012 by  
Filed under Fitness Training

Golf originated on the eastern coast of Scotland in the Kingdom of Fife during the 15th century. Players used primitive clubs and sticks, which they used to hit pebbles around a natural course of sand dunes. Over the years golf has evolved. Golf was once considered a gentlemen’s game, where an entire game could be played without breaking a sweat.

Today, golf has taken on a new dimension. All ages are getting involved in this exciting sport. More and more players are getting involved in a golf fitness-training program.

An exercise program for the professional level is now a rule and not the exception. Golf players from the junior level to the senior level and anywhere in between are getting involved in a golf workout program. The word “exercise” doesn’t have to be a dirty word. Golf experts are now saying that a golf exercise program will improve your game.

If you are serious about improving your game, it is important to do an evaluation on one’s golf fitness.

First have an evaluation on your golf fitness level. A good place to start is with a trainer at your golf club. Then take some action to enhance your fitness level. Get involved in a golf fitness program and stick with it. Once your fitness level increases you should see your golf game improve. Don’t worry, a golf fitness program doesn’t require hours at the gym lifting weights.

Typically a golf weight-training program is designed to increase strength and not to build huge muscles. Don’t worry lady golfers you won’t bulk up like a body builder. Many golf weight-training programs include dumbbells and golf stretches. Stretching exercises are very good for improving your golf swing. With the proper training equipment these exercises can be done at home.

A golf fitness program should not be feared but embraced.

A few minutes a day of exercises could improve your game. Another benefit is, daily exercise does the body well. It keeps the body and mind strong.

This site has new articles, videos, golf humor, new equipment, improvement book reviews and products designed to help you with your game.

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Strength and Fitness Training Program

April 2, 2012 by  
Filed under Fitness Training

Article by Adam Eric

Physical fitness is the state of the human body when it is in perfect health. Being fit is very important to stay alert both physically and mentally and also to ward off certain diseases that attack as the body ages. Fitness programs are schedules that allow a person to incorporate exercise into their daily routine.

Choosing the right fitness training program is not the only important step of getting in shape – you must also construct your plan realistically so that you can stay fully committed. Anyone can begin a fitness training program after getting clearance from his or her physician, and there are thousands of different programs on the market today; however, the real trick comes in knowing how to achieve the personal fitness goals you have set forth.

You are about to embark upon the journey of a lifetime and the program, the timing, and the overall coaching is crucial. One component ignored or mishandled will result in a less-that-desired effect. As in business and in life, planning and timing are everything. You are basically embarking upon a launch, a product launch, and you are the product.

The beauty of golf fitness training is that it is something that improves your game, but can also become a hobby in itself. An exercise program can dramatically improve your life, and also provide inherent satisfaction. As you delve into your fitness program, you will grow more and more interested in living a healthy lifestyle.

Another attribute of your typical fitness training program that didn’t quite work out for me was the aggressive weight training. Thanks to my physical condition, I couldn’t put it too much stress on my wrists, elbows or shoulders without suffering from an undue amount of pain which would eventually become nearly unbearable.

If you are like me and want to be fairly big, big enough that my wife is proud to have other women look at me, then you may need to look into additional equipment or a gym membership. For most people getting tone and musclar can be done right at home. You will find on the market today hundreds if not thousands of programs designed to meet at your fitness needs.

While your progress might not seem apparent when you step onto the scale on Day 2 of your fitness program, the fact is progress has been made. This is another reason why people give up so soon on their fitness dreams. They finish a hard day at the gym plus starve themselves of their chocolate fix only to hit the scales and realize no weight has been loss.

The bottom line is that you will be able to get free fitness training program which will be as good as any other program that you might end up paying scores of money for. When you get yourself a free fitness training program you can go on and further tailor make it to suit your individual need and requirement.

The intensity that you have in the physical fitness training program plays an important role to decide whether you will continue with the program or not. If you are going to pick an exercise plan that is too hard on you then you might be tempted to give up midway or you might harm your body.

You won’t have a trainer in the online fitness training program to push you into completing the exercises and also to increase the number. You need to make certain that your levels of motivation are really high; in fact you need to be highly self-motivated.

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