Want to play guitar like the pros? Part 3 – Guitar Speed-Building and Strength-Building Exercises

September 9, 2012 by  
Filed under Isometric Exercises

Article by David Woodford

Want to play guitar like the pros? Part 3 – Guitar Speed-Building and Strength-Building Exercises – Entertainment – Music

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As you probably already know, playing the guitar requires time, practice, and passion. Just as in anything else in life, you can’t get better unless you practice. The rule sticks in guitar; you must practice to get better. To play guitar, you also must have good hand strength. That can be done by doing guitar exercising and practicing a lot. Here I have written some simple exercises which will build speed and strength.

I’m going to start out with speed exercises. The simplest speed exercise is to play a scale, or cycling patters. There are scales in the other lessons online, and it isn’t hard to make your own scale. A good way to increase speed with scales if by playing the note 2 or 3 times while playing the scale. So if you’re playing a chromatic scale, you play each note twice and then move on to the next note. As you get better, go faster and add more notes, at the end you will have improved a lot from where you began.

An important exercise I used for strength building is hammer-on pull-offs. I start out at the 1st string 1st fret and hammer on to the 2nd, then pull off to the first. I keep on moving up until I reach the 6th string. After I reach the 6th string I move over a fret, and then go back down to 1. I repeat the process until my fingers get tired. While doing this it is best to use a pair of fingers, then start over and change fingers. Not only does this build on your hand strength, but this will also help your coordination for hammer-ons and pull-offs. Also, use the exercise in the previous lesson about positioning yourself with chords without actually playing them; they will make you play chords faster.

An exercise I use for barring is to bar the 1st fret. I bar the fret, play every note individually, then play the fret all barred, and then play the 1st fret open for all the strings. I repeat the process until the 12th fret or so, and then I move all the way back. Doing this will help you bar better and will also produce strength in your fingers.

A good exercise I use for picking is called alternate picking. I’ll play a piece to warm up, but I will pick alternately. Picking alternately means that you will pick one note upwards and the other downwards. This will build strength in your picking arm, and will also make you a faster picker.

While doing this exercise, the tip of your fingers might start to peel a little and develop calices. You should take a rest, but this is a good thing. The more your fingers peel, the harder the tips of your fingers will get which will assist you in guitar playing. It is always best to warm up before practicing the guitar so doing these exercises will not only build up strength, but they will also get you ready to play!

About the Author

David Woodford is a professional writer who specializes in beginners guides for a variety of subjects. He is currently writing this series of guides on learning to play guitar for novices and ‘false beginners’.More information can be found on his site at http://www.info4u-services.com/guitar

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David Woodford

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David Woodford is a professional writer who specializes in beginners guides for a variety of subjects. He is currently writing this series of guides on learning to play guitar for novices and ‘false beginners’.More information can be found on his site at http://www.info4u-services.com/guitar

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The Pros and Cons of Indoor Exercise Bikes

July 28, 2012 by  
Filed under Anaerobic Exercises

Article by Javier Salces

The Pros and Cons of Indoor Exercise Bikes – Health – Fitness

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Thinking about buying an indoor exercise bike? There are actually many advantages to using this type of equipment to get in shape. Of course there’s a flip side to every coin. It’s important to weigh both the pros and cons before buying fitness equipment and indoor exercise bikes in particular.

The Pros of Indoor Exercise Bikes

Good Exercise – These bikes are an exceptional way to get aerobic exercise. And if you purchase an upright stationary bike, rather than a recumbent, then you can also get good anaerobic and strengthening exercise.

Small Profile – Indoor bikes are one of the smallest profile forms of indoor fitness equipment. This means they don’t take up as much space as other equipment like a treadmill or an elliptical. And you don’t have to worry about bumping your head if you work out in your basement!

Safety – Indoor exercise bikes are safe. In fact, there’s not much of a risk of any type of injury. You certainly don’t have to worry about crashing your bike or bumping your head. You don’t have to worry about traffic or pedestrians either. And unlike other larger scale exercise equipment, there’s very little risk of falling off.

Maintenance – Most stationary bikes are actually quite simple in design. They’re easy to maintain and very rarely break. Of course the simpler the bike’s design, the less likely you are to have to repair it.

Inexpensive – Sure you can spend thousands on an indoor exercise bike. However, you don’t have to. There are many quality and budget friendly indoor bikes.

Convenience – Finally, this bike offers the same convenience benefits that any type of indoor exercise equipment provides. You can work out when you want. You don’t have to worry about lines, germs from other users, gym annoyances or inclement weather. And you can exercise and take care of your family at the same time.

The Cons of Indoor Exercise Bikes

Boredom – Indoor exercise bikes don’t offer much workout variety. If you’re the type of person who likes variety you may not enjoy working out on your bike every day. That being said, there are four different types of stationary cycle workouts including Tabata, circuit, interval, and long distance workouts.

Distractions – You may not get the best work out of your life if you’re exercising in front of the television. A class environment, trainer, or even an outdoor workout may be more motivating.

Sore butt – Let’s face it, sitting on a bike for an extended period of time can cause soreness on your rear end. Chafing and rubbing and sometimes even bruising can occur. However, buying good bike shorts, adjusting your bike seat and buying a quality bike seat can make all the difference, and your rear end will adapt the more you exercise.

If you’re searching for a new piece of indoor exercise equipment or you want to create a home gym, you can’t go wrong with an indoor exercise bike. Weigh the pros and cons and decide if it’s the right choice for you.

About the Author

Javier Salces is an experienced online marketer and list building expert doing business online since 2001. He manages several websites in various niches. To get more diet and fitness tips please visit his website at DietandFitnessHome.com

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Javier Salces is an experienced online marketer and list building expert doing business online since 2001. He manages several websites in various niches. To get more diet and fitness tips please visit his website at DietandFitnessHome.com

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whereby the original author’s information and copyright must be included.