Power Golf Exercises That Are Proven To Add Distance

July 13, 2012 by  
Filed under Dumbbell Exercises

Article by Mike Pedersen, CPT

Power Golf Exercises That Are Proven To Add Distance – Sports

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Power golf exercises are a unique set of exercises that you do not do in a gym on machines, nor do you lift heavy weights. For that matter, you can do simple power golf exercises right in your home with minimal equipment.

You see…to improve the power in your golf swing, you need to look at the mechanics that create the power.

It’s not your arms swinging the club as hard as you can! It’s not your legs driving your body through the swing! And it’s not swinging some funky 50 inch shaft with a 600cc titanium head either.

It’s quite simple!

The power in your golf swing is your CORE!

Your core is the engine to your swing. If your core is weak or inflexible, you will never be able to hit a powerful tee shot. This is harsh…but very true!

The modern power golf swing is one of being “connected” with your upper body. Not letting your letting your arms get separated from your body. Rotating your upper body as a whole, over a somewhat stable lower body will produce maximum power at impact.

So the perfect power golf exercises involve rotational movements with resistance in your core area. The are many exercises you can do that will dramatically improve your driving distance and power…and no gym required!

A simple power golf exercise for your core is my Seated Twist w/Dumbbell:* Sit upright in your chair.* Hold single dumbbell straight out from chest with arms fully extended.* While keeping your head focused straight ahead, rotate your arms to the right, then to the left as far as you can go both ways.* Do this non-stop for 20 total rotations.* Pause for 15 seconds and repeat 2 more times.

At first you will feel very restricted in your midsection. That’s a sign of how limited your rotational flexibility really is. But do this exercise daily and you will see improvement quickly.

The next time you step out onto the course, you’ll blast your drives up to 20 yards further!

As you can see above…the key is ROTATIONAL exercises with resistance, whether it be a single dumbbell, exercise tubing or even a weighted golf club.

Doesn’t matter what you use, as long as it is up to 5 pounds in weight and you can handle it easily in both hands. If you’re already in good shape go for 10-15 pounds and increase your rate of speed. This will both improve your “fast-twitch” core muscles and also your range of motion for a bigger backswing and a complete follow through.

So you see…I wasn’t fibbing! It doesn’t take a gym or fancy equipment to do effective and proven power golf exercises!

About the Author

Mike Pedersen is one of the top golf performance trainers in the country, author and founder of several cutting-edge online golf improvement sites. Take a look at his just released golf dvds and manual at his power golf swing site – Perform Better Golf.

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whereby the original author’s information and copyright must be included.

Mike Pedersen, CPT

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Mike Pedersen is one of the top golf performance trainers in the country, author and founder of several cutting-edge online golf improvement sites. Take a look at his just released golf dvds and manual at his power golf swing site – Perform Better Golf.

Use and distribution of this article is subject to our Publisher Guidelines
whereby the original author’s information and copyright must be included.

Exercises at home No gym, No equipment with proven results.

May 4, 2012 by  
Filed under Bicep Exercises

Article by Exercisesathome

Indeed, there are a variety of ways to perform exercises at home. What can be done with exercise equipment and not just at home without spending any money at the gym. Our blog is totally focused on the exercises at home, no matter where you are, or what do you do that you can exercise while watching TV, working, cooking, and also for household chores. The idea is to keep your body moving every day to constantly burn calories. And you can increase your business all day without fatigue.

Make at least 20 minutes of exercise a day all to maintain the shape of the body and health. In this exercise, you will not need any piece of equipment you can still do the exercise that will strongly influence, and this is all fun. In addition to doing exercises at home you can save a lot of money and do exercises in the gym or doing a series of physical programs. Exercises at home are a good way to control weight and to give the utmost care of your heart and overall health. In addition to doing exercises at home you can save a lot of money and do exercises in the gym or doing a series of physical programs. Exercises at home are a good way to control weight and to give the utmost care of your heart and overall health.

You can do this exercise, even without a team effort or other jogging. You can just run or jog in place around the room or garage maybe. This exercise can also improve your cardiovascular fitness. Even during cooking, can be exercised to good effect to your muscles. Watching TV just sit on the couch and exercise described in our blog.

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Exercises at home concentrated on complete exercises for routine life which contains No Gym, No Equipment with proven results.

Weight Training For Women – Proven Methods For a Sexy Body

February 28, 2012 by  
Filed under Weight Training

Article by Arnold Vessigny

Most women who take up exercise or workout programs tend to dismiss the idea of weight training for women. A lot women find weight training as a very light and non-engaging program that does not really lead to good or noteworthy results. However, these preconceptions about the program are misleading since many women have benefited from following the basics of strength training for women.. If you’re in doubt, and are a woman, try to find time and consider this program as it may work for you-nothing to lose but fat and a sluggish lifestyle.

A common misconception about women weight training is that weight training would make a woman’s body so muscular to the point that they would look like petite bodybuilders. This, friends, is not true. A woman’s body is just as good as a man’s, as both bodies are, by convention, a work in progress. Unless a person really starts taking working out seriously, nothing good will ever come out of a workout program except for good appearance and a good excuse to burn money.

Modern women who consider the option of weight training usually do so after work or during weekends. Weekdays are still just as jam-packed though, since a lot of gyms now have huge female followings regardless of age and life status.

For those interested in strength training, it is essential to have enough of a budget and an open mind. Although working out won’t be cheap, availing the assistance of a professional gym trainer may cost you depending on the plan or program you intend to sign-up for, and the gym where you’d be doing your workouts.

Also, consider your diet before going on weight training. Women’s bodies respond to things quite differently, and having an irregular diet while engaging in extreme activities might lead to unwanted injuries in the future. In order to prevent these things, it is important for women to rethink their diet by going for less calories and more protein. Depending on the age, other food groups may be added in order to make your diet work for you.

Women’s weight training routines differ greatly from men’s in such a way that women’s routines are less rigorous but still efficient in delivering results. It is important to note that women’s bodies are more fragile than men’s, but are just as equal in terms of potential. It is also important to note that working out in gyms may be more ideal, but sometimes, workout programs may be carried out within the comforts of one’s home. So consider having your own workout set in your spare room and ask for help from friends who are in the know.

Weight training is just like any other training; just make sure you’re ready for it – physically, mentally and financially. Before you know it, you’ll be in great shape in no time! Brace yourself for a rigorous but very rewarding experience.

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Be A Better Player With These 3 Proven Basketball Training Techniques

January 29, 2012 by  
Filed under Endurance Training

Article by Winterholler Lymaster

In order to make improvements in your game, you know that the right basketball training regimen is critical. There are so many skills to develop in basketball, and you also need a high level of physical conditioning to be at your best. If you want to improve faster, you should try some of the training tips that follow.

Endurance training is the single most essential aspect of training for basketball. You need almost endless reserves of energy to compete on the court, and without this, skills and abilities won’t help you. Basketball training, then, has to emphasize increasing your endurance. This may include jogging, jumping rope, bicycling or running on a treadmill at the gym. If you play basketball seasonally, you should still work on aerobic exercises throughout the year. Whatever else you do for your basketball training, you have to maintain a consistent regimen of exercises that work on endurance.

One principle of basketball training you should keep in mind is the need for intensity and explosive energy. Anyone who plays the game understands the need to be able to change directions and run or jump at any time. You should always try to do some research on the matter, but you should train in a way so it develops your ability for fast muscle reaction times. If you have ever been on a basketball team, then you know all about interval training; those are the kinds of drills that will help you. That kind of training is far better than a slow jog, although there are benefits to a slow jog. Try to do those particular drills that are similar to playing a basketball game, and that will help you quite a bit.

When it comes to basketball training, you can train much better and more effectively if you receive the proper nutrition. For maximum energy in your day, eat about four or five small meals as opposed to the traditional three large meal habit we all grew up with. More than most other athletes, basketball players often want to maintain or even increase their weight rather than lose it. Playing basketball burns a lot of energy, and what you do not want to happen is to lose too much weight. On the other hand, if you desire to add more weight, then the best approach is by eating healthy foods and avoiding the junk food menus. How well you progress with your game hinges on your dedication to your basketball training. The real truth about all this is the battle to stay dedicated is a mental battle and not the physical aspect of training. These basketball training tips have been proven to be effective over and over again. As you know, you are the only one with the power to make them work for you.

There is more content available on press release template there’s plenty of information not detailed in this article, find those details on Author’s web blog to locate more.

Advanced Basketball Trainer Dorian Lee demonstrates various ways to finish with the basketball around the basket. Become a basketball player that can finish the play.
Video Rating: 4 / 5

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Physical Fitness Articles – How to Get a Well Toned Body Using These Proven Tips

January 1, 2012 by  
Filed under Physical Fitness

Article by Maria Jones

Generally speaking, most people would like to lose weight and have a well toned impressive body. Despite the fact that many people join health clubs and gyms to get exercise, the results that they achieve may not be up to their expectations. What you really need to do is strive for a healthier life using physical fitness articles that will help you understand which physical fitness techniques will help you the most toward achieving your goals.

To help you reach those hidden qualities within, and extract the knowledge that you need to discover, physical fitness articles will show you what exercises to do, and what nutritious meals you need to eat in order to shape your body in an effective way that will facilitate a healthier you.

The tips that you must use must be gathered from sources that provide effective fitness tips that will work with you specifically. A good place to start our online sites that can provide specific guidelines in regard to what your body needs the most. You will more than likely find excellent diet tips and articles on physical fitness that will not only provide you with proper health oriented guidance, but also help you enhance your personality in a positive manner.

What you will probably find as you surf online to find relevant information for your workout are huge repositories of information that specifically target your thighs, tips on how to burn extra fat off of your belly, and guidelines that will help you burn more calories per mile through walking on a regular basis. If you do enough research, you will definitely find fitness tips that will help you understand the inner secrets of diets that actually work.

If you are looking for the best online information on diet tips, as well as physical fitness articles that can help you reach your goals, the “Workout Healthy Blog” is a portal with very useful information. The latest information on weightlifting, diet and nutrition, health clubs, and general fitness advice can be found at this trustworthy and reliable directory of blogs related to fitness. You will see firsthand once you visit the site articles and information that will show you the things you should and should not do as you pursue your physical fitness goals. To help you reach those hidden qualities within, and extract the knowledge that you need to discover, physical fitness articles will show you what exercises to do, and what nutritious meals you need to eat in order to shape your body in an effective way that will facilitate a healthier you.

The tips that you must use must be gathered from sources that provide effective fitness tips that will work with you specifically. A good place to start our online sites that can provide specific guidelines in regard to what your body needs the most. You will more than likely find excellent diet tips and articles on physical fitness that will not only provide you with proper health oriented guidance, but also help you enhance your personality in a positive manner.

What you will probably find as you surf online to find relevant information for your workout are huge repositories of information that specifically target your thighs, tips on how to burn extra fat off of your belly, and guidelines that will help you burn more calories per mile through walking on a regular basis.

If you do enough research, you will definitely find fitness tips that will help you understand the inner secrets of diets that actually work. You will more than likely find excellent diet tips and articles on physical fitness that will provide you with proper health oriented guidance, but also help you enhance your personality in a positive manner. For more detail visit us at: http://blog.workouthealthy.com/

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