Pull up workouts – The benefits of pullup exercises

July 30, 2012 by  
Filed under Pull Ups

Article by Richard Butler

Pull up workouts – The benefits of pullup exercises – Health – Fitness

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Pullups are an extremely effective way of building both strength and endurance. They are very good for full body conditioning, particularly if you are an athlete or martial artist.Pullups are one of the most beneficial overall muscle and strength developers. This exercise (also called a chin up) is a simple body weight exercise for building upper body, back and core strength. Unfortunately this exercise is often overlooked/neglected in favour of pumping iron or machine weights at the gym. Why do PullUps?• A pull-up is a compound, pull-type exercise which works a large number of muscles in your back, shoulders, and arms (biceps) at the same time. An added benefit is that it works the abs as well as burning fat. Bonus!• Standard exercise for special forces and elite organization fitness testing• Improves grip strength significantly• Develop a V-shaped back• Impress your mates!!

As a judo black belt who needs to apply practical strength i do pull up workouts to supplement my judo specific training along with other cardio based home workouts and dumbbell training.

If you are new to this exercise or are out of practice a weight assisted pull up machine at the gym will help your muscles adapt to this challenging exercise. Lat pull downs machines should also help prepare you for a non assisted pull up workout. Once you have mastered the basics there are various different types of pull up you can do including wide and close grip: learn more visit http://pull-upworkout.blogspot.com/

I have a wall mounted pull up bar attached to my house for convenience, as a much prefer time efficient home workouts (especially as i am a new father with a busy work schedule). Other pull up bar include door frame pull up bars, and pull up stations, however, i have not used these.

Pull up workouts can be made varied and challenging by integrating them into explosive cardio circuits. There is also scope to attach weights to yourself or use a weighted vest if you become very advanced at pull up workouts. I am currently working on the twenty pull up challenge, and have improved consistently since i first started. Following a structured training programme, i have achieved positive results with good gains in my biceps, chest. triceps and shoulder muscles. Just need to work on my diet a bit more to get those abs.Good luck with your workouts.

Thank you for reading this articl.

For further information on pull up workouts please visit: http://pull-upworkout.blogspot.com/

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Ezine articles expert statusMartial arts and fitness enthusiast

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Richard Butler

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Ezine articles expert statusMartial arts and fitness enthusiast

Use and distribution of this article is subject to our Publisher Guidelines
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Can I Night Train without a Pull-Up Diaper?

March 30, 2012 by  
Filed under Pull Ups

Article by Expertmom

Once you start to potty train your child in the day you also need to make a plan for how to get to the dry nights. There are several different methods for night time potty training and which one you will go for depends on your child, your energy levels and what you think is right. It can be hard enough to get through the mess of the day so if you feel that changing sheets and clothes in the night is more than what you need to deal with right now, you can always wait a bit with the night training.

When to Start Nights without Diapers

Some will tell you that it is time to quite the diapers for the night when your baby wakes up dry in the morning. If your child wakes up dry you can certainly go for it and simply switch to underwear and night training sheets. If your child is still waking up with a soaked diaper it is not necessarily an indication of the child not being ready for dry nights. If the child is keeping dry days it is certainly possible to get rid of diapers in the night as well!

Pull-Up Diapers

Pull-up diapers are meant to look and feel like underwear and they can come in handy when it is time for night time potty training. They are also an excellent choice in the beginning of the day time training when you want to take the child for a long car ride without risking a soaked car seat. The thing with pull-up diapers is that they are usually very expensive. You can expect a price 2-4 times what you normally pay for regular diapers. This is reason enough to ask if you can night train without the pull-up diapers.

Yes, You Can!

You can absolutely save the pull-up diapers for car travel, plane rides and other times when this sort of support comes in handy. In the nights, in your home, you can choose to be brave and use regular underwear just like in the day. It is smart to start sleeping without diapers during nap time. If your child naps at home this is an excellent opportunity for night time training to begin. Make sure to go right before sleep but don

How To Do Pull-Ups At Home When You Don’t Have a Pull-Up Bar

January 3, 2012 by  
Filed under Pull Ups

Article by Nick Nilsson

So you’re training at home and you don’t have a place to put a chin-up bar. Or you don’t have a power rack with a chin-up bar on it.

No problem!

I’ve got a couple of simple items that are going to totally change the way you look at hardware stores…

What are those items?


Your basic woodworking C-clamps, available at any hardware store in the world.

All you have to do is clamp those onto something solid in your house (or outside) and you’ve got yourself a couple of chin-up handles! I have two clamps (the size I use is 4 inch – it gives you the perfect size handle for gripping on) attached to a rafter in my basement.

It’s a simple matter of clamping those on somewhere high up then doing pull-ups on them! Of course, just be absolutely sure that the rafters you’re clamping onto are very solid.

If you’re worried about damaging the surface with the clamps, just slide a couple of smaller pieces of wood in between the clamping surfaces to spread out the load.

This setup is not only cheap and easy but very versatile. Because you can clamp on anywhere you like, you can change the grip width very easily. You can start with close grip chins then move a clamp out further and do neutral-grip wide-grip pull-ups.

You can set the clamps on two different rafters and do regular wide-grip pull-ups. Heck, you can shift the clamps around to almost any position and do a HUGE variety of mixed-grip pull-ups. The options are many.

At this point, I’m sure you’re thinking “sounds great, but are they solid?”

The are definitely solid and can hold up a substantial amount of weight, as long as they’re clamped on tight.

I weigh about 200 lbs and once solidly clamped on, mine did not budge the slightest bit. And this was with me TRYING to pull them loose. I even did pull-ups on just ONE clamp and it didn’t budge.

You could very easily do weight pull-ups with a set-up like that as well…you would need either a dumbell or a dip belt in order to add that extra weight, though.

I also highly recommend a solid bench or chair to stand on when getting into position so that you don’t have to jump up to grab the clamps. This will make it a lot easier to get into position, especially when doing weight pull-ups.

So if you train at home and have been looking for a pull-up solution, head over to the hardware store a.s.a.p. and go grab your C-clamps!

Nick Nilsson has a degree in Physical Education and Psychology and has been innovating new training techniques for more than 18 years. Be sure to grab your FREE copy of Nick’s 30-day “Dirty Little Secret Program for Building Muscle and Burning Fat FAST,” available at http://www.fitness-ebooks.com

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