6 Tips To Do More Push-ups
Article by Justin Yule
6 Tips To Do More Push-ups – Health – Fitness
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The Push-up. It is probably the most basic and most popular exercise of all time – from gym class to group fitness classes around the world. However, the push-up tends to be the undying nemesis for people who carry extra body weight and for most females who feel they do not have the upper-body strength to ever be able to do anything but “wuss-ups,” or modified push-ups on the knees.
The goal of this article is to address everything you need to know about performing the push-up with correct form. Remember, people only hate what they are not good at it. In other words, I am confident that though you may currently hate push-ups, by following these tips you will finally unveil your true push-up potential.
The Benefits
Right next to pull-ups, a push-up is the greatest upper body exercise of all time. In fact, I believe they are one of the best total body exercises around.
Push-ups work primarily your chest, triceps, and front shoulders. However, they also place a great demand on your core stability and strength. After all, your spinal stabilizers (transverse abdominis and spinal erectors) need to have the endurance to maintain that critical straight-line position throughout the duration of your push-ups for optimal safety and performance. In addition, push-ups engage your scapular muscles (shoulder blades) in a way that most pushing exercises do not, thus providing some much needed mid and upper back work that most trainees are missing out on. Furthermore, maintaining the proper position throughout the movement requires that you tense and engage every muscle on the front side of your body from your feet to your shoulders. Heck, if you squeeze your glutes (which you should as this helps protect your lower back), you even get your booty involved!
Finally, push-ups are the ultimate anywhere, anytime exercise that requires nothing but your body-weight and space the size of your frame to perform.
How to Perform a Perfect Push-up
Though nearly everyone reading this has attempted a push-up at some time in his or her life, the vast majority of people have never performed one with a full range of motion using perfect form and technique. If this describes you, don’t sweat it (there was a time when I absolutely sucked at push-ups). It’s not your fault if no one ever taught you how to perform them properly. Let’s face it, you’re gym teacher probably wasn’t much help…
“Alright gimme push-ups NOW! No, not like that, get lower! What’s wrong with you? It’s just a push-up! If you don’t do them right, we’re going to do them all day! I’ve got the time!”
But, what’s done is done. Let’s move on.
Below is a complete list of technique and coaching points regarding how to perform a perfect push-up:
1- Simultaneously tuck your elbows to your sides and pull your shoulders blades down and back: It’s critical to keep your elbows close to your ribcage while performing push-ups. Letting your elbows “sprawl” away from your torso puts your rotator cuff at a much greater risk for injury. In addition, since most of us are so upper trap dominant, we tend to shrug our shoulders during push-ups. This scapular elevation can lead to clicking and grinding of the shoulder (known as shoulder impingement syndrome). To avoid these pitfalls, visualize trying to hug your elbows to your ribcage while cracking a nut between your shoulder blades during all push-ups.
2- Simultaneously suck in your gut and brace your abs: As mentioned earlier, the push-up is a great core exercise that requires good muscular endurance for your deep spinal stabilizers. By pulling your navel to your spine and bracing your abs as if you were about to be kicked in the gut, you will best activate those key core muscles.
3- Simultaneously tense your thighs and squeeze your glutes: The straighter your legs are the more stable you will be. This is easily accomplished by tensing your thighs throughout the exercise. Furthermore, tense your butt cheeks- this helps relax overactive hip flexors, thus alleviating unnecessary strain on the lower back.
4- Power breathing: In general, seek to focus on inhaling during the lowering portion and then forcefully exhaling during the lifting portion. By filling your belly with air during the lowering portion you make it easier to stabilize your spine, meaning that your core remains locked in thus allowing for a smooth and seamless transition from the down position to the up position.
5- Spread your fingers: Many people complain of wrist pain while they do push-ups. This usually stems from a combination of a lack of mobility at the wrist joint and a lack of flexibility of the forearm flexors and extensors. Plus, many people simply have weak wrists from a lack of weight-bearing exercises in their daily routine. Think about it- we do not do as much as we used to do with our hands and are rarely in a position where our wrists our supporting our entire body weight (besides when doing push-ups). One way to take pressure off of your wrists is to focus on spreading your fingers as far apart as possible. This expands the surface area and thus dissipates some of the excess strain on the wrists. Furthermore, doing fist push-ups or push-ups with your hands on a dumbbell tends to significantly alleviate if not eliminate any unwanted wrist issues. This neutral grip allows you get all of the benefits of push-ups so that your wrists do not continue to be the biggest limiting factor for your push-up goals. In addition, the neutral grip also makes it easier to keep your elbows tucked to your sides and shoulders down and back for optimal shoulder safety.
6- Be flat as a diving board: Throughout the entire movement, the key is to maintain a straight line from the heels through the knees, hip and the shoulders. You must not let your hips sag, as this will put undue strain on your lower back in the form of hyperextension. Furthermore, you must avoid raising or “piking” your hips because this not only takes away much needed core work, but also results in a rounding of the upper back that potentially results in unwanted shoulder issues (impingement, rotator cuff strains, etc.).
Well, you now know everything you need to know to safely and effectively perform more push-ups than 99+% of the world. Remember, the less fat you have the better you will be at push-ups, and the more push-ups you can do the better you will look- time to master the push-up!
Have Faith & Take Action!
Justin Yule
About the Author
Justin Yule, B.S., CPT is a local Chaska, MN and Online fitness boot camp instructor and personal trainer. He is also the author of The Science of Getting Fit: 6 Proven Steps to Achieve Your Weight Loss & Fitness Goals.You can learn more at http://www.JustinYule.com.To book him to speak at your local club, business, or organization, please contact him by email at jyule2@gmail.com or by phone at 952-956-2016.
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Justin Yule, B.S., CPT is a local Chaska, MN and Online fitness boot camp instructor and personal trainer. He is also the author of The Science of Getting Fit: 6 Proven Steps to Achieve Your Weight Loss & Fitness Goals.You can learn more at http://www.JustinYule.com.To book him to speak at your local club, business, or organization, please contact him by email at jyule2@gmail.com or by phone at 952-956-2016.
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Advantages of Push-Ups
Article by Destinylend
Advantages of Push-Ups – Internet – Free
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There are a lot of different advantages of a push up exercise. A push up is a very basic exercise to do but they are known for bring very effective when exercising. The first advantage is that they have the ability to work out all of the muscles in a person’s upper body. Therefore, a person’s arms, shoulders, and chest are going to be a lot stronger. The push ups are going to help a person to stay in shape and if a person keeps doing the push ups, then they are going to be able to stay in shape.
The second advantage to a push up workout is that the push ups can increase a person’s metabolism. This is because the push ups can give a person more energy to get through their day. Therefore, it is going to make the blood in a person’s body to pump a little bit faster since their heart is going to be working a lot harder. A person is going to be able to burn a lot more calories during the day if they have did the push ups in the morning. Plus a person is going to feel great throughout their day.
The third advantage to doing a push up exercise is that it is going to help a person to build up their confidence. This is because a person’s body is going to look a lot better after they have been doing the push ups as part of their daily exercise routine for a short period of time. Therefore, a person is going to feel pride in the accomplishment of losing a lot of weight and sticking to this exercise routine of daily push ups in the morning. This is why the Army uses them to get their soldiers in shape.
The fourth advantage to a push up workout is that a person is a lot less likely to get an injury from doing this type of exercise. But it is still important that a person does sketch a little bit before they do a push up. This is because a push up is one of the easiest types of weight training that a person can do but it is going to come a lot more naturally for you to know how to do the push ups.
These are the top four advantages of doing the push up exercises daily.
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Get ready for the summer. Get back in shape using push up workout.I am a fitness expert. If you need advise how to lose weight just email me. You can usepush up positions to lose weight now. Visit my website now.
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Get ready for the summer. Get back in shape using push up workout.I am a fitness expert. If you need advise how to lose weight just email me. You can usepush up positions to lose weight now. Visit my website now.
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Changing Up Your Fitness Regimen With Hindu Squats and Hindu Pushups
Article by Avi Marents
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When compared to traditional squats and pushups, Hindu squats and Hindu pushups are unique variations on these well-known bodyweight exercises. Bethaks (Hindu squats) and dands (Hindu pushups) have been in common use among Indian wrestlers for several decades now. These exercises have begun to appear in the West, and my first encounter with them was in Combat Conditioning by Matt Furey. Some believe the products offered by Furey to be “over-hyped,” however, due to his experience as a former Kung Fu and wrestling champion, he has a lot of experience with strength-training and endurance.
Furey states that the bethaks and dands will help you build your strength, endurance, power and speed though I find that they are better as a single component in a standard calisthenics program. In order to get the most out of these exercises, high repetitions should be completed. I’m always up for a new challenge, particularly one like the Hindu squats and Hindu pushups that will increase your cardiovascular performance and force your muscles to work in a new and unexpected way; I wouldn’t suggest replacing your low rep weight training program with these, however, because your heavy weights are still the best way to increase your strength.
Hindu squats work much like traditional squats, focusing the work on your calves, hamstrings and quads, as well as working your lower back and hips as you improve your lung capacity during each exercise. To perform a Hindu squat, you stand with your hands pulled into your chest. You will then extend your hands toward the floor behind you as you lower down into the squat. Rise up on your toes as you near the bottom region of your squat. Then, as you extend your arms in front of you, propel your body upward at the same time. Bring your hands in toward your chest and begin a second rep.
The key to Hindu squats is that motion should be fluid. Breathing correctly is one of the hardest parts to adapt to. For example, breathing is completed opposite to what you would do in a traditional squat, and you should instead inhale as you stand up and exhale as you descend down toward the floor. One of the toughest cardiovascular workouts you’ll ever try will be to perform several Hindu squats without stopping. Matt Furey claims to have done 2,000 straight, a mere drop in the bucket compared to his mentor Karl Gotch who was able to do 9,000 such squats over 4 1/2 hours; for the rest of us, a set of 100 reps is a fair goal.
A Hindu pushup is similar to the traditional pushup but with an additional arched back motion. The arching movement helps to bring the back and hips into the exercise in addition to the involvement of the arms and shoulders. To begin performing your first Hindu pushup you need to get your body into the traditional pushup position. However, spread your legs wide and stick your butt in the air. Your arms should now be fully extended. To perform one rep, bend your elbows and lower your hips, pushing through until your arms are straight once again. You should be facing forward and your hips should be as close to the floor as possible throughout the exercise. Then, move back into the start position, while still keeping your arms straight. As with the Hindu squats, your Hindu pushups should be done in a very fluid motion.
Hindu pushups are similar to dive bomber pushups with a subtle difference. During a dive bomber pushup, you bend your arms twice – once on the way down and once on the way back up. Dive bomber pushups give more of a workout to the arms, however they reduce the benefits that the Hindu pushups give to the back and shoulder regions.
If you want to raise your endurance levels and increase your cardiovascular health, then Hindu squats and Hindu pushups can really help; if, on the other hand, you want to tighten your muscles or increase your max lifts, then you probably need to try something else. After you get over the strangeness of doing these traditional exercises in such an unique and different way, you will be able to get the rhythm down pat and increase your speed in order to get an even better cardio workout. A regimen of Hindu squats and Hindu pushups will definitely help fortify your stamina and flexibility.
About the Author
About me: Dave provides no-nonsense “best of the best” dieting and exercise ideas to lose weight as well as build toned, defined muscle with out spending too much time in the work out center. There is no point in using a bodybuilder program to secure a fitness model appearance. These are Not Your Average Fitness Tips. Read more about fitness tips and get a low fat, athletic look in no time.
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About me: Dave provides no-nonsense “best of the best” dieting and exercise ideas to lose weight as well as build toned, defined muscle with out spending too much time in the work out center. There is no point in using a bodybuilder program to secure a fitness model appearance. These are Not Your Average Fitness Tips. Read more about fitness tips and get a low fat, athletic look in no time.
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Changing Up Your Fitness Regimen with Hindu Squats and Hindu Pushups
Article by David Martinez
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When compared to traditional squats and pushups, Hindu squats and Hindu pushups are unique variations on these well-known bodyweight exercises. Bethaks (Hindu squats) and dands (Hindu pushups) have been in common use among Indian wrestlers for several decades now. These exercises have begun to appear in the West, and my first encounter with them was in Combat Conditioning by Matt Furey. Some believe the products offered by Furey to be “over-hyped,” however, due to his experience as a former Kung Fu and wrestling champion, he has a lot of experience with strength-training and endurance.
Furey states that the bethaks and dands will help you build your strength, endurance, power and speed though I find that they are better as a single component in a standard calisthenics program. In order to get the most out of these exercises, high repetitions should be completed. I’m always up for a new challenge, particularly one like the Hindu squats and Hindu pushups that will increase your cardiovascular performance and force your muscles to work in a new and unexpected way; I wouldn’t suggest replacing your low rep weight training program with these, however, because your heavy weights are still the best way to increase your strength.
A well-executed Hindu squat works the same muscles as the traditional squat, namely the calves, quads and hamstrings, as well as your lungs, hips and lower back. To perform a Hindu squat, you stand with your hands pulled into your chest. You will then extend your hands toward the floor behind you as you lower down into the squat. Rise up on your toes as you near the bottom region of your squat. Then, as you extend your arms in front of you, propel your body upward at the same time. Bring your hands in toward your chest and begin a second rep.
The key to Hindu squats is that motion should be fluid. Breathing correctly is one of the hardest parts to adapt to. For example, breathing is completed opposite to what you would do in a traditional squat, and you should instead inhale as you stand up and exhale as you descend down toward the floor. One of the toughest cardiovascular workouts you’ll ever try will be to perform several Hindu squats without stopping. Matt Furey claims to have done 2,000 straight, a mere drop in the bucket compared to his mentor Karl Gotch who was able to do 9,000 such squats over 4 1/2 hours; for the rest of us, a set of 100 reps is a fair goal.
A Hindu pushup is similar to the traditional pushup but with an additional arched back motion. So not only do you work the arm and shoulder muscles, you also use the hips and back. To begin performing your first Hindu pushup you need to get your body into the traditional pushup position. However, in this case, you need to stick your butt up in the air and spread your legs far apart. Your arms should now be fully extended. To perform one rep, bend your elbows and lower your hips, pushing through until your arms are straight once again. You should still be facing forward, with your hips just a few inches from the floor. Then, move back into the start position, while still keeping your arms straight. As with the Hindu squats, your Hindu pushups should be done in a very fluid motion.
Hindu pushups are similar to dive bomber pushups with a subtle difference. During a dive bomber pushup, you bend your arms twice – once on the way down and once on the way back up. Dive bomber pushups give more of a workout to the arms, however they reduce the benefits that the Hindu pushups give to the back and shoulder regions.
While Hindu squats and Hindu pushups won’t necessarily make your muscles tighter or increase your max lifts, they will undoubtedly increase your endurance and cardiovascular conditioning. After you get over the strangeness of doing these traditional exercises in such an unique and different way, you will be able to get the rhythm down pat and increase your speed in order to get an even better cardio workout. A regimen of Hindu squats and Hindu pushups will definitely help fortify your stamina and flexibility.
About the Author
In case you’d like to find out more about fitness tips, come take a look at my website where I have diet and exercise techniques to allow you to get in shape and obtain a lean look. Start getting in great condition immediately!
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David Martinez
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In case you’d like to find out more about fitness tips, come take a look at my website where I have diet and exercise techniques to allow you to get in shape and obtain a lean look. Start getting in great condition immediately!
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The Dive Bomber Push-up is an advanced push-up exercise that targets chest, arms, abdominals, back and legs. It is a whole body workout in one exercise. Use this fitness drill to double your strength, stamina and flexibility in 30 days! HOOAH! *Assumes no association with the US ARMY or the Department of Defense.
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Push-up Power: Practicing Perfect Push-Ups For Massive Muscle Building Gains
Article by CK Clark
Push-up Power: Practicing Perfect Push-Ups For Massive Muscle Building Gains – Health
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So you’re stranded on a deserted island… How do you keep your muscles bulging and ripped?… Push-ups of course!
Push-ups along with a few other simple body exercises such as (body squats and sit-ups/crunches) could keep you looking buff in almost any situation (yes, even on a deserted island).
Here’s some basic push-up information to get you going:
Performing The Basic Push-Up:
Lie face down with your body parallel to the floor.Place your hands palm down slightly beyond shoulder-width apart. Make sure your arms are positioned next to your shoulders and not too low next to your belly button or too high next to your head.Look up and ahead rather than down to the ground.Slowly raise yourself up keeping your body straight from the back of your heels to your head.Exhale on the way up.Once your arms are very close to being fully extended pause just slightly, this constitutes 1 repetition.Begin lowering your body back to the floor while inhaling.Once your chin touches the floor (remember your head is looking ahead not down!) begin raising your body back up to repeat the process.
Key Points:
It’s very important to do the motion correctly for maximum benefit. Keeping your body straight is essential. Tighten your abs throughout the entire movement to prevent your butt from raising too high or lowering too low. If you have access to a ground level mirror (or even a reflection from a glass door) try watching your body position a few times until you get it right. Don’t waste your time doing push-ups the wrong way. Use slow, controlled movements. Going fast may allow you to do more push-ups in a set amount of time however, you will receive less benefit from each individual push up. Many times people who go really fast don’t work their muscles through their full range of motion. Remember the goal is to build muscle not your ego. 10 well-formed, controlled movement push-ups are better than doing 25 sloppy, incomplete push-ups.
When To Do Push-ups:
Push-ups can be used as one of your primary upper body exercises or as a replacement when you can’t do your regular workout routine.
Personally, I love to do push-up workouts when I’m traveling or don’t have access to a gym for a particular reason. I generally use a push-up routine to replace any missed Chest/Shoulder/Tricep weight-lifting workouts.
Push-Up Workouts:
There are probably thousands of push-up workouts out there to choose from. One of my favorites is what I refer to as “countdowns.”
The idea is to progressively lower the amount of reps performed for each set as your muscles become more fatigued. This allows you to achieve maximum benefit for each set with out sacrificing form and technique.
Here’s an example: We’ll start with 20 push-ups for our first set. Each set we will reduce the number of push-ups attempted by 2 until we get to 0. We’ll rest only moderately (15 seconds to 30 seconds) between sets.
So in this case it would look like this:
Set 01 – 20 repsSet 02 – 18 repsSet 03 – 16 repsSet 04 – 14 repsSet 05 – 12 repsSet 06 – 10 repsSet 07 – 08 repsSet 08 – 06 repsSet 09 – 04 repsSet 10 – 02 reps
Note: This workout can be adapted to suit your needs. If this seems too hard try starting at 10 reps and counting down 1 each set (10,9,8,7 etc).
If a 20 rep starting point is too easy you could always increase the starting count to 40 or 80 reps and count down 4 or 8 reps respectively (40, 36, 32 etc or 80, 72, 64 etc).
Final Thoughts
Push-ups are a tremendous tool for muscle building when done properly. They can be used as a primary workout or just to keep fit while on the road.
Practice perfect push-ups and you’ll find that they are one of the most useful tools in your fitness arsenal.
About the Author
CK Clark is a fitness author, fitness advocate, and founder of http://www.bestmuscleprograms.com which provides reviews of the top internet muscle building programs.
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CK Clark is a fitness author, fitness advocate, and founder of http://www.bestmuscleprograms.com which provides reviews of the top internet muscle building programs.
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Perfect Pushup – Chest Workout
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We all heard whenever someone lifts a heavy object, they should bend their knees properly and put their rear close to the floor. Then grab the object and lift with your legs, not your back. Good advice. You have to take care of that back.
Something happened to me a several months ago when I was doing push-ups with the “perfect push-ups” device. Instead of placing the palms of my hands shoulder length, I tried something different. Instead, I placed my hands in a wide position, in other words, far apart, outside of the should length position. Now this wasn’t the first time I had done push-ups this way. I would also bench-press using a wide grip – no problem.
I was only doing twenty of them and all of the sudden, something pulled in my back. I went down in a flash, pain pulsing through the middle of my back. I eventually got up and laid down for a while. It wasn’t until three weeks later, I was able to do push-ups once again. During that time though, my back was very soar and my movements were somewhat limited. I should have seen a chiropractor, but didn’t.
Six months later, I was doing the same wide spread on the perfect-pushup device, and everything was ok. I did it for a couple weeks. One day at work (a day after I did the wide spread push-ups), I stood up from my desk just to stretch my arms a little. All of a sudden, the same pain throbbed through the middle of my back. It felt like there was a catch. It took me an hour to be about half way mobile again. The next two weeks, my back was very soar. I went back doing my push-ups, but this time, I learned my lesson. Before I did my wide spread push-ups, I would warm up first, getting the blood circulating through my back muscles. Then, when doing the wide spread push-ups (using Perfect-Pushups), I didn’t have my hands spread as far. This put less stress on my middle back. So far, no more back problems, and no trips to see a chiropractor. Though, as common sense would have it, I should’ve seen one when I developed back pains. At least this time, I know what to do.
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SEO Consultant who helps companies drive more traffic to their site.
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How to do Push-Ups Perfectly
Article by Alex Rider
How to do Push-Ups Perfectly – Health – Fitness
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Push-ups aren’t just for those super athletic sorts you see on TV or films. These exercises are an effective and cheap way to hone your upper body.
No other movement is quite as effective at strengthening your chest, deltoids, lower back and triceps as the good old push-up. When done perfectly push-up’s controlled movements offer three types of muscle-building resistance (isometric, concenctric and eccentric) whilst getting all the muscles to work together.
What follows are details on how to perform push-ups correctly:
1. Lie flat on your chest, legs together, with your hand palms flat on the ground next to your shoulder, slightly in excess of your shoulder width. Your only your toes should be curled round and flat on the floor so as to soon be able to take the weight of your body.
2. Look forward, not down towards the floor. Ensure that only your chin is the part of your face that may touch the floor.
3. Keeping your whole body rigid/ straight you then need to straighten your arms so as to elevate your body off the floor. Aim not to arch your back or bend your legs.
4. When your arms start to straighten up exhale the air from your lungs.
5. Take a moment to pause whilst at the highest position possible.
6. Using your arms, lower your body slowly to the floor. As you bend your arms remember to keep your palms in a fixed position on the floor. As usual your body must be kept straight in a rigid fashion, legs and feet together.
7. Keep lowering your body right until your chest touches the floor. Try not to let your back arch. Your knees should not make contact with the floor. As you bend your arms breathe in.
8. Take a moment to pause, then begin the whole process again to perform the second push-up. Start to straighten your arms and exhale as you rise.
Modifications and things to be aware of:
If you want to make the push-ups easier rest your knees on the ground at all times, and/ or have an exercise partner place their fist on the ground below your chest to stop you lowering your body as far.
A variation on this exercise is to perform it whilst leaning against a vertical wall. This is called the ‘incline push-up’.
Importantly, if you have any physical ailments that hinder this exercise in any way stop engaging in physical exercise and seek professional medical advice on the situation.
About the Author
For information on fitness nutrition aspects like, what high energy foods are best before exercises, or, the foods best associated with particular work outs and sports, visit http://www.fit4fitness.com/Increase-Your-Energy-Levels-By-Eating-High-Energy-Foods.php. Information here is current and constantly updated.
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Alex Rider
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For information on fitness nutrition aspects like, what high energy foods are best before exercises, or, the foods best associated with particular work outs and sports, visit http://www.fit4fitness.com/Increase-Your-Energy-Levels-By-Eating-High-Energy-Foods.php. Information here is current and constantly updated.
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How Pushups Can Burn Fat
Article by Johnny Grube
How Pushups Can Burn Fat
When people think about burning fat or losing weightmost automatically think jogging, walking, biking,treadmills the regular gym staples are the only wayand the best way.
The best way to burn fat and keep it off is a combination of your eating habits and exercises that use many musclesat one time, the bigger and more muscles you bring in to playthe more muscle you build, and more fat you will burn fasterand for longer periods of time; and the body will continue to burn fat faster and longer than the more popular gym exercises everyone else use
Are Pushups Effective for Muscle Development?
Article by Jack bush
Are pushups effective for muscle development? Think of it this way: pushups cause resistance while resistance develops muscle. Therefore, its only evident that pushups develop muscle. There are, however, people that do not understand how much of a help pushups can be. People don’t like to use bodily resistance to develop muscle. They prefer going to the gym and spending lots of money so that they can use expensive machines to perform the same task that a pushup does, but for free.
You always have the equipment needed for a pushup available as it will go wherever you do. Wherever you go: there you are! the old saying goes; all you need is your body and space isn’t a problem. Even in a small hotel room what you have to do is get on your hands and feet on the side of your bed and get cracking.
Build Muscle and Improve Metabolism
Using your body for resistance is not a new concept. Its been being employed way before people thought of creating weights. Just think of how many muscle groups it targets: back, chest, shoulders, legs, and stomach. Its one of the best exercises for muscle development. Exercises like chin-ups are also convenient to perform but in no way do they provide any of the other benefits that pushups do. Pushups are simply amazing for muscle development. They increase ones metabolism along with building muscle, which means it helps you lose weight and fat much faster.
Make Pushups a Habit C Establish a Routine
Don’t ever begin a workout on a rough start; always ease yourself into your workouts. If you just begin a routine by performing pushups, you’ll tire your muscles out, which may lead to serious injuries or if not, minor sores. Avoid this by having a routine. Start off with a small number of pushups. Do them so you’re not overly tired but a bit sore. Remember, no pain, no gain. Start with ten pushups an hour so that you can be doing around a hundred pushups a day, getting you used to the exercise.
When you’re getting the hang of doing ten, increase the number of pushups. Do more sets if you feel that you aren’t giving your muscles enough of a challenge. The alternate method to increase resistance is to perform sets more often. Forty-five minutes is a good increase in resistance from one hour.
Are pushups effective for muscle development? Yes, of course they do but you must remember that eating habits are very important as well. Muscle mass comes with two components: exercise and diet. After You’ve got the exercise down, eating is whats left. It isn’t very difficult, as long as you’re eating properly to give you energy for your workouts and to build muscle. So long that you eat properly and have good exercise habits, you’ll succeed in achieving results that you want to.
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