Quickest Way To Gain Muscle – Visual Impact Muscle Building

September 9, 2012 by  
Filed under Gain Muscle

Article by Claire Adams

Quickest Way To Gain Muscle – Visual Impact Muscle Building – Health

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Most individuals are always on hurry, work, schools and other types of activities and even in building muscle. Actually there is no quickest way to gain muscle. In fact, if you are really determined to gain muscle, you must work hard on it, you may be spend a lot of time and effort to do workout and see the results, because of this, you may observe that most body builders are really patient to get great results. Perform these techniques to ensure the success of your workout:

Diet: This is the most important thing to give attention, if you don

Quickest Way to Lose Fat and Getting Rid of Love Handles

May 30, 2012 by  
Filed under Slim Down

Article by vandexter rutledge

Quickest Way to Lose Fat and Getting Rid of Love Handles – Health

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It may sound funny to hear about love handles, but it is actually not funny for those who have it. Love handles are actually the fat depositions on the sides and back of the waist. These are not only unattractive, but unhealthy too. The best part of the story is that there is a quickest way to lose fat from these areas and get rid of love handles. So, keep reading to know more about how to get back into shape using a safe weight loss method.

Lose overall fatIf are a victim of love handles then you must be aware that these happen due to excessive abdominal fat. So, if you want to get rid of love handles, you must lose fat from all over the body. There is no such trick or quickest way to lose fat from a specific body part. If it would have been so, everyone would have the perfect body.

Spot reduction is not practical, so you need to lose overall fat to lose the abdominal fat. This can be done by combining cardio exercises with strength training. While cardio exercise will help you burn extra fat, strength training will let you gain lean mass. Combining this physical activity with right amount of calorie intake is a quickest way to lose fat and experience safe weight loss.

Eat fat bustersIf you are on a mission of safe weight loss, you must be able to distinguish between fat busters and high fat foods. For example, all foods containing sugars and high quantity of sodium make you gain weight. Therefore, you should consume a carefully chosen diet that include nuts, salmon, low fats dairy products, high fiber foods and whole grains.

Consumption of highly proteinaceous foods helps you feel fuller and hence you feel satisfied for long time. Caffeinated drinks should be replaced by green tea as it fastens your metabolism and also increases the immunity.

Build stronger obliquesObliques are the framework for the 6-pack muscles and are present on both sides of the abdomen. These allow you to twist and turn, but get covered by love handles due to excessive abdominal fat. Another quickest way to lose fat is to build stronger obliques, which burns abdominal fat and make them tight enough.

There are several exercises for safe weight loss from abdominal area such as bicycle crunches, vertical leg crunches and captain’s chair leg raises. One can perform these crunches either at gym or at home with the help of proper instructions and pictures.

The clothes trickThis might sound as a silly trick, but works really well. Keep a check on your clothes is they fit well on you. Do not wear too tight dresses as these create the false impression of love handles even in slim people. Moreover, if you have spent a lot of time on losing the abdominal fat, do not let them hide in an oversized dress. Your clothes should be appropriately fitted so that your hard work in losing love handles can be rewarded.

About the Author

Next, Discover the proven secrets to successfully starting weigh loss regardless of body type at http://www.startingweightloss.com. Also, I’ve prepared a valuable time sensitive product for my visitors for free, that you don’t want to miss getting it, so click the link now.”I help people lose weight everyday”.

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Next, Discover the proven secrets to successfully starting weigh loss regardless of body type at http://www.startingweightloss.com. Also, I’ve prepared a valuable time sensitive product for my visitors for free, that you don’t want to miss getting it, so click the link now.”I help people lose weight everyday”.

Use and distribution of this article is subject to our Publisher Guidelines
whereby the original author’s information and copyright must be included.

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The Quickest Way to Lose Fat and Gain Muscle Revealed!

May 20, 2012 by  
Filed under Gain Muscle

One of the larger obstacles to success, when striving to get fit, is having to wait a long time to see any results, especially after enduring a severely restrictive diet and undergoing a grueling exercise program, when trying to lose weight and build muscle. It is much easier to follow through on a regimented diet and exercise program if a bit of progress is seen, as early as possible.

The best way to see early results, in the quest to lose fat and build muscle, is to successfully jump-start metabolism. The easiest way to do this is by commencing upon a program that requires participation in exercises that focus, initially and primarily, on correct weight training techniques to put on muscle. The muscle that is added, in the beginning, will make it easy to remove additional fat later, during the aerobic portion of the exercise program, when it is combined with a low calorie, high protein, low glycemic index diet.

The recommendation is to start the weight training portion of this process, by working the upper body one day, with exercises for the triceps, biceps, shoulders and chest and alternately concentrating on the lower body the next day, with some glute, thigh, hip and calf exercises.

Use five to 10 pound weights to perform at least three sets of 20 on each body part and follow each session of weight training with 30 minutes of aerobic exercise. After a couple of weeks, when the exercises are starting to be less difficult, the routine should be mixed up a bit to keep the intensity going. Vary the weight training routine, by including more body parts and adding a bit more weight, or put high intensity strength training into the mix, to keep metabolism at a high level, while continuing to alternate between the upper and lower halves of the body. Don’t ever worry about what the scale says during the body transformation process, while losing fat and gaining muscle, because muscle weighs more than fat.

Make sure to continue to weight train daily, as the most important part of the exercise program, even if some days the aerobic portion of the routine is neglected. Continue eating the healthy high protein diet, gradually adding calories, as the fat is lost and the body transformation continues. Soon, the results will be noticeable with clothes that fit better and a sleeker body with less fat.

Dane Fletcher is the world-wide authority on training, nutrition, and supplements. To build muscle fast, he recommends the world class steroid alternatives from GetAnabolics.com instead of illegal anabolics


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Quickest Way To Gain Muscle – 5 Easy Steps

February 20, 2012 by  
Filed under Gain Muscle

Article by Greg Taylor

If you find it hard to put on weight and build muscle, you’re not alone. Most body builders have at one time, gone through the same problems you are going through right now. Perhaps you’re underweight, or simply cannot seem to get ripped toned. Either way, if you would like to know the quickest way to gain muscle, you’re not doomed. Chances are that you’ve spent several months (and maybe even years) going to the gym, lifting weights, and trying to gain muscle mass but nothing seems to have worked. You’ve read the articles and have taken advice from the pro’s. You’re still not seeing results. Does this mean that you are not equipped to gain muscle? Absolutely not.

Below are Some Real Tips on How You Can Start To Gain More Muscle:

1. Eat More “Good” Protein – Despite what most people may think, eating tons of red meat and steak will not get you anywhere in the realm of muscle growth. What it will get you is tons of extra flab – which is something you don’t need. Even if you’re underweight, you need to avoid “bad” fatty animal protein as much as possible and stick to healthier sources of protein including nuts, salmon, fish, tuna, chicken, milk, eggs, and beans.

2. No Steroids – Steroids are a big “no-no”. For one, they work, but only temporarily. In the long run, they will leave you high and dry because you can not take them forever. If you do, well, you might die because of the long list of negative long-term side effects. There have even been individuals who were so negatively influenced by steroids that they became depressed and committed suicide – something you definitely don’t want.

3. Stop Working Out So Much – Did you know that working out more than 3 to 4 days per week will actually deplete your muscles? Also, every weight training session should not been any longer than 45 minutes. The reason? Too much working out acts as cardio and starts burning off not only fat, but using muscle for fuel. The result? A reversed effect. For those who really want to know the quickest way to gain muscle, the ultimate answer is to simply work out, rest until your muscles have recovered (usually 24- 72 hours) and then re train the muscles.

4. Multiply Your Own Hormones Naturally – You can learn how to multiply your body’s natural muscle-growth hormones. The only thing you need to know is what foods to eat, as well as what supplements you should be taking. You can simply find out this information by taking advice from a weight gaining guide.

5. Know What Exercises Work, and What Exercises Do Not – Do you continually find yourself wondering whether what you are doing will get you the body you want? If so, you’re probably doing it all wrong. Instead of taking the time to find a method that really works, you all over the place asking different individuals what they do to gain muscle. What you need to be doing is following one, simple routine with proven results designed to help you build muscle, rather than driving yourself nuts.

After you’ve found the quickest way to gain muscle, you’ll literally start building muscle in your sleep. There are even diet tricks out there that will force your body to gain muscle mass all day long. The best part is that you don’t have to worry about gaining fat.

If you would like to read more about everything mentioned above and learn the quickest way to gain muscle, click on the following link: http://www.fastwaytogainweight.com and you will discover the secrets to building muscle

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