Exercise for Low Back Pain Relief

August 16, 2012 by  
Filed under Back Exercises

Article by Namita Munjal

Exercise for Low Back Pain Relief – Health – Fitness

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Back pain is an apparent problem but the important part is that suffering pain need not be something of daily routine. Now that lower pain is also a general problem with chair work involving most people. But good news is that you can prevent back pain or reduce it. If you want to get relief from low back pain relief or prevent back pains that you may develop in your old age you can perform and practice low back pain exercises in the comfort and privacy of your home. You do not need any trainer or gym membership to help with your pain. The exercises should be your first line of therapy whenever you encounter discomfort regarding low back.

Now let’s take a look at some very simple yet effective exercises for back pain relief. Hip rolls is one thing you can do to lessen your back pain. To do this, you have to stand little away from your support keeping legs at shoulder-width apart. Assume you are doing hula and similarly rotate your hips 5 times clockwise and 5 times anti-clockwise. Breathe normally while doing this exercise. You can also perform waist twists in sets at a count of 10. Keep your feet at shoulder-width apart and hands relaxed. Swing your arms right then left patting both hands on lower back while taking round. Another simple exercise is some gentle and relaxed knee bends. For this you have to stand in a relaxed shoulder-width position keeping your hands on support. Tighten your stomach muscles and exhale while bending your knees and bend down up to the extent you can without straining your knees. Breathe in while standing up.

Add all three exercises or any of the exercise for low back pain relief to your daily routine. Perform these exercises three times a day. A few relaxed sets of these exercises will help you feel better very soon and prevent your trip to doctor. You will be happy to see how relaxed your lower back will feel over the time if you stick to your exercises seriously. If done regularly, these simple exercises will greatly improve your health and fitness levels by regulating blood circulation and release muscle tightness and spasms thereby toning up your body. Even your digestive health will be improved as these exercises also help the action of intestines to regulate bowel movement and assist in detoxification process.

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Namita Munjal

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Want to Learn more? Go to: exercise for low back pain relief to get to see more information about Backache remedies.

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Back Pain Exercises – 3 Simple Solutions For Instant Relief!

August 5, 2012 by  
Filed under Back Exercises

Article by Matt Murphy

Back Pain Exercises – 3 Simple Solutions For Instant Relief! – Health – Fitness

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Many people suffer from back pain and are therefore looking for back pain exercises that can bring them some relief from the pain they are experiencing.

This is becoming an increasingly common problem for people of all ages. However before carrying out exercises to get relief it is important to understand the exact causes of the pain itself.

Our human body depends on the spinal column in order to maintain our mobility and stability. Our spine gives us the support required in order for us to bend, move or twist around.

Our spinal column itself is made up of 24 vertebrae and it protected by muscles and ligaments. Damage or injury to any of these muscles or ligaments will result in back pain.There are many back pain exercises which can be effective in eliminating the pain itself.Just like the rest of our body, your back needs regular exercise in order to be strong and healthy.Exercising both your back muscles and also all of those muscles which actually support your back including your abdomen and thigh muscles.

It is also a good idea to increase the amount of fish oils in your diet as this will help lubricate your joints.

There are some simple exercises which you can do in the comfort of your own home which will be helpful for reducing back pain.

Back, hip, and leg muscles;-

For this exercise you should stand with your back facing a wall. You need to stand with your feet shoulder-width apart and then place your hands on your hips.

You then need to breathe in and out deeply and at the same time slowly slide your back down the wall. Keep sliding down the wall until your knees are at a 90 degree angle.

You now need to count to five and then gently slide back the starting position.

You should repeat this exercise 6 times, this exercise is helpful to improve the strength in your hip, back and thigh muscles.

Abdomen muscles;-

For this exercise you need to lie with your back on the floor. Make sure that your feet are flat on the floor with your knees slightly bent and then raised towards the ceiling.

You now need to lean forward until you notice that your head and shoulders have left the floor, attempt to touch your knees with your hands.

You now need to maintain this position and count to 10. You should repeat this exercise 6 times as this will help to increase the strength in your abdominal muscles which support your back.

Back muscles;-

For this exercise you need to stand with your hands placed on your hips and make sure that your feet are positioned slightly apart.

You now need to move your hand to touch the small of your back while making sure that you keep your knees straight. Now you need to try and bend backwards as far as you can.Hold this position for around 4 seconds and then return to your original position. This back pain exercises is helpful to increase the strength in your back muscles.

In Closing

If you suffer from chronic back pain the above back pain exercises can be extremely effective. To learn more solutions for back pain relief visit: www.BackPainExercisesx.com

About the Author

Matt Murphy is known as the info provider who spends a lot of his time researching and writing articles on various topics that will help people find the information they are looking for. My goal is to try and provide quality information that people can use to help with their situations. I hope you find my articles interesting, informative and helpful.


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Matt Murphy is known as the info provider who spends a lot of his time researching and writing articles on various topics that will help people find the information they are looking for. My goal is to try and provide quality information that people can use to help with their situations. I hope you find my articles interesting, informative and helpful.


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The Importance Of Lower Back Exercises For Lower Back Pain Relief

May 10, 2012 by  
Filed under Lower Back Exercises

Article by John Miller

The most effective lower back exercises are those that loosen off the muscles that have taken your pelvis out of alignment. Once the pelvis is back in alignment the bones above it will go back into better alignment. The term ‘loosening’ provides a better description of the process than ‘stretching’. To relieve back pain, loosen off tight muscles.

You’ll read all sorts of articles about stretching and how it helps you to achieve a good level of joint mobility. That of course may be true. If muscles around a joint are tight then mobility will be restricted.

You’ll see sports people stretching before they begin their training sessions and matches. You’ll see paddocks full of people trying to push over trees and walls in an effort to loosen off their calf muscles and bending forward with their legs on rails to loosen off hamstrings.

It’s all worthwhile.

However for mere mortals the main value of stretching is to keep the bones of the body in good alignment. It’s as simple as that.

The other thing we need to clarify is the term ‘stretching’. It would be better to define the process as ‘loosening’.

When you think of stretching you think of putting the string back on a bow, ready to fire an arrow. That’s not what we went to do with muscles. In fact all we want to do is create the conditions under which a muscle will gradually loosen off. For that to happen it takes time.

The initial inclination of a muscles to being ‘stretched’ is to tighten up. Imagine walking on a slippery floor and slipping. Your muscles tighten up to protect your body. You don’t gracefully do the splits.

So to create the conditions for loosening off tight muscles you need to relax and give the muscle about a minute to loosen off. Even longer is better.

For some loosening exercises you need between 1 and 5 minutes. For the static back and supine groin exercises (which your can view on YouTube) it’s recommended you relax off for 20 minutes.

Once bones move out of alignment you get all manner of joint problems. If the misalignment is bad enough you’ll experience a symptom of that misalignment – pain.

Most people don’t readily identify this pain with misalignment. They think their joint pain comes from out of the blue. All they want to do is make the pain go away.

The statements from medical research and arthritis organisations of the world shy away from diagnosing the cause of most pain associated with the vertebrae. In fact they’re useless.

Can you believe this statement from the Australian National Health and Medical Research Council?

‘Specific patho-anatomic diagnosis is not necessary for effective management of acute non-specific low back pain.’

If you believed that about the mechanics of your own body, how could you ever trust your motor mechanic to work out what’s wrong with your car and fix it.

Pain in any of the joints has a cause and given the right treatment there’s a good chance it can be fixed. My rule of thumb is that for 80% of people there’s an 80% chance they can get their back – and any other joints that are painful – back to 80% of good nick.

The principal cause of back pain is bones that are out of alignment. The secret to relieving pain is getting the vertebrae back into better alignment. Once that happens pressure is taken off ligaments, tendons, muscles and herniated discs. As poor function is restored to good, the pain goes away.

Finding out which muscles are tight and may have contributed to the misalignment is not a tough assignment. Just go to a yoga class. In less than an hour you’ll come away with a very good impression of which muscles are tight and may be causing your pain.

If you keep going back to yoga class and practice it at home on most days of the week, day by day, month by month, millimetre by millimetre you’ll gradually get the bones of your body back into better alignment; the pain will start to go away.

As to what causes this tightening of muscles it’s a fair bet that it comes from prolonged sitting. Hamstring, buttock and hip flexor muscles gradually become shorter; and for shorter read tighter. It’s your job to loosen those muscles and keep them loose.

So there you have it. The most effective lower back exercises aren’t for muscles around your lower back, they’re for muscles attached to your pelvis. Loosen them off and the pelvis will get back into better alignment. Once the pelvis gets back into better alignment the bones above it will get back into better alignment.

Coupled with a total body strengthening program you’ll gradually get your body back in better alignment and pain free.

John Miller, Canberra (Australia) based physical educator and the Director of the Musculo-skeletal Fitness Institute helps people worldwide achieve relief from musculo-skeletal pain. To find out more about the most effective lower back exercises to relieve back pain and a home based solution for lower back pain relief, download a FREE Emergency Handbook for Musculo-skeletal Dysfunction Pain at www.lower-backpainrelief.com/

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Where To Look For To Find Long Term Back Relief

February 28, 2012 by  
Filed under Lower Back Exercises

Article by Dr Graeme Teague

As a person gets older the spring of youth slowly fades and an individual is more prone to situations like regular back pain. The reality is that nearly every individual experiences some or the other type of back pain in some point of their life and they’re always searching for the finest ways to find back relief.

For the sporty person back pain is usually a side effect of continuously making swift and strong motions, finding back relief in a hot tub or warm bath. For the profession minded person back pain is usually a result of sitting for extended periods of time and their back relief solutions often involve minimal stretching and some form of pain medicine. Even the parent who is active with their children experiences pain and uses any form of back relief they could fit into their active schedule.

While all of these solutions may provide a person with back relief, the reality is that they are all momentary solutions that usually need to be repeated on a frequent basis. The current conception that individuals should blindly accept back pain in their life is a sham formed by people that are not willing to make the adjustments to cure their own ailments.

Back pain is not a symptom of old age and back relief is available on a long term scale rather than with the brief respites most individuals apply. When you initially start your back relief plan its true that most of those same techniques would be utilised to achieve your initial back pain relief. Though, they are just momentary measures to cure pain while you do what is essential to take advantage of more long term back relief. This process starts with getting the knowledge you require to achieve long term back relief results.

Most people aren’t medical experts and this is why they make use of medical individuals to heal ailments, aid the fight against diseases and fix our broken bones. Back pain is no different than any other ailment affecting a person which is why you ought to search for the knowledge distributed by a medical professional.

Most people who are looking for back relief turn towards the net to discover the next solution to finding their back relief medication. Going online is a smart choice as it represents the greatest source of global knowledge available, though it is significant to recognize where you get your info from. Make certain your online back relief resource is done by a medical professional and not by some individual trying to profit off of your pain.

To discover a leading medical professional online who is looking to help you in your back relief struggle then simply go to http://www.back-pain-advisor.com

If youre experiencing low back pain try these simple moves with Adi to bring strength and integrity to your spine and core. By giving your hip flexors, hamstring and psoas muscles a nice stretch, this sequence will keep your back feeling limber and prevent pain in the future.

Want Back Pain Relief – Try Muscle Stretching Exercises

January 12, 2012 by  
Filed under Stretching

Article by Dianne M. Buxton

Much back pain is from habitual poor posture either standing and often from sitting as well. Yet you can train yourself for good posture and reap many other health benefits too.

Back pain relief is possible by performing muscle stretching exercises. The source of your back pain is most likely a problem with your posture, or some kind of repetitive motion you do every day. If your pain is sharp and does resolve with rest and icing, you should definitely get checked out by a health care practitioner.

Normally, however, postural pain relief is achieved with muscle strengthening, and gentle and frequent stretches.

A huge lifestyle change is not required, this is something you will find fairly easy to do. It may be your style to simply follow along with a routine on a DVD. I don’t think this is a “woosey” approach at all.

If you’ve decided to learn at home, watch a DVD work out once through, to absorb the pace and the language used. In most cases trainers are not going to use cryptic or clinical nomenclature, but create routines that are extremely user friendly.

It is good to note, however, especially if you are shopping on line, the credentials of the trainers you choose for instruction.

Inspiration counts too! I personally enjoy work outs filmed outdoors because I do not get out to exercise enough as I would like, myself. I’m sure I am not alone in this situation. It’s good for the brain, in fact studies have shown, that persons who get to view greenery and blue sky learn faster and better than those who do not.

(It makes no difference whether they work next to a window and can view the outdoors, or whether they hang a picture in their office.)

Any work out you pick will probably need to be done three times a week to be effective. Once you start, after a few weeks if you start skipping it at all, you will start to remember once again that old stiff feeling that you actually got rid of!

But that is a good sign….your body has changed its perception of ‘normal’.

A whole body work out will include a warm up, and stretches that accommodate your upper back (neck, shoulders, arms, chest), and your mid and low back too.

Back tension pain is not an isolated condition. Visit us and get back pain relief with MUSCLE STRETCHING EXERCISES.

Lower Back Exercises for Back Pain Relief

December 2, 2011 by  
Filed under Back Exercises

Article by Dr.Larry S. Case

Lower back exercises are an important component of any lower back pain relief program, and it is essential that that they are carried out correctly if they are not to exacerbate the problem. However, whether these exercises are appropriate for you or not will depend upon the cause of your back pain, and if you are suffering from a herniated disc you will need more specialized treatment prior to undertaking any exercise program.

Many people wrongly believe that they should never exercise with back pain, because they feel that will just make the condition worse. In fact, if you allow your back muscles, particularly those of the lower back, to progressively weaken through a lack of exercise during chronic back pain, then your spine will not be sufficiently supported and your back will become increasing weaker and more prone to further injury.

Exercise, therefore, is necessary for a quick and proper recovery, although it is important that you realize that you must not try to lift anything if you are suffering from, or have recently suffered from, acute back pain of any form. If you have chronic back pain never lift with a bent back, but with a straight back and lift with your knees. Any weigh over 30 pounds will too heavy for you, at least until you have built up your core strength.

If you have recently suffered a back injury, you should rest for a few days until the acute pain has subsided and then begin with just a few simple stretching exercises. Leave the strengthening exercises until the pain has subsided or you are liable to make your condition worse.

Many people can get used to the pain, and falsely believe that have become fit enough for more vigorous exercise, and then do themselves more lasting injury. It is very important that the pain has subsided prior to undertaking any lifting exercises or significant stretching, although you can try some simple stretches such as those detailed further below. These will help to relieve the pain by relaxing your muscles, and also improving the flexibility of your joints.

Before attempting any lower back exercises it is important to warm up your muscles. This gets the blood flowing through them and enables the muscles cells to contract without doing further damage. A warm bath or shower will help achieve this. Gentle stretching improves the circulation through the muscle tissue and helps to loosen them up. This helps to improve your mobility and relieve the pain.

Walking is a good exercise to begin with and so is swimming – particularly in warm water. Physiotherapists normally provide hydrotherapy in water at around 40C, close to blood temperature, that helps to loosen up the joints and muscles.

The initial lower back exercises provide very gentle but effective stretching, and work on your back indirectly by the movement of other areas of your body. Lying down flat on your back and slowly bending and straightening one knee, allowing your heels to slide up and down the floor is a gentle exercise that will do you no harm. Do this 10 times with each leg, and you will impart a gentle stretching motion on your lower back muscles.

Then, still lying down, you can try tightening your abdominal muscles with your arms down straight. Make sure you breathe normally doing this to keep your blood oxygenated. This will put slight pressure on your spine and your lower back muscles, stretching them and helping them to recover.

These lower back exercises, and others similar to them, will help provide acute lower back pain relief and help you to recover to a stage when you carry out more demanding exercises. You will never be truly recovered from back pain, however, until you are able to improve your core muscle strength, and the flexibility of your joints and muscles. All of these will provide stronger support for the bones of your spine and muscles of the lower back.

A gentle massage followed later when feel stronger by deeper massaging and stretching offer lower back exercises that will loosen up the joints and muscles and help provide this core flexibility needed for more permanent back pain relief. You can save on the cost of frequent professional massages by using power massage pads that provide the form of deep massage needed to free up the deep joints and relieve deep-seated muscular pain.

Once you are able to, more extensive stretching exercises will be needed to offer more lasting back pain relief from chronic conditions, and inversion tables are ideal to provide stretching exercises precisely targeted to the areas that have to be exercised.

Lower back exercises can be used both to help you regain your strength after acute back pain and to provide chronic back pain relief, but they must be carried out correctly and targeted to the muscles and joints that have to be stretched, made more flexible and strengthened.

More information on lower back exercises and how to achieve lasting back pain relief is available on Dr. Case’s Back Pain Relief Website where he also offers massagers, inversion tables and other equipment that help relieve your back pain.