Lower Back Pain Exercises – Best Ways To Relieve Your Pain

September 7, 2012 by  
Filed under Back Exercises

Article by Richard Jones

Lower Back Pain Exercises – Best Ways To Relieve Your Pain – Health – Wellness

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There are some types of exercices that can relieve your back pain when it persists for a long time. It often takes place when a person overworks a particular muscle region. It must be noted that some kind of stubborn back discomfort is normal. Proper treatment can help a person stay active.

Avoiding certain wrong postures can help significantly in reducing pain. There are various types of exercises that can help in reducing the pain. Sometimes certain painkillers help as relievers. However, it is always better to opt for specific back exercises, as they are healthier and safer options to reduce the pain.

The typical exercises that can help in decreasing it are as follows: Aerobics, Stretching exercises and Strengthening exercises.

Aerobics are great to alleviate your pain. They help in conditioning heart muscles and maintaining a healthy life. It also helps in a speedy recovery. Stretching exercises are those that can help in keeping a person’s muscles and other supporting tissues less prone to injury by keeping them flexible. Strengthening exercises have focus on one’s stomach and leg muscles

Some exercises can aggravate the situation

Some people are unaware of the correct types of lower back pain exercises. Hence, they end up in performing the wrong lower back pain exercises that result in aggravating a situation. These include bent-leg sit ups, straight leg sit-ups, partial sit-ups, lifting up legs when a person on his/ her back, toe touching ground while a person is standing and lifting up of heavy weights above the waist. These exercises can have adverse effect on a person who is facing acute lower back pain.

Aerobics include swimming and walking in waist length water. It may help in retaining a good health and make your back least vulnerable to injuries. Strengthening and stretching are useful in reducing your discomfort. A strong stomach, leg and back muscles are important to maintain a better spine by reducing pressure on the spinal discs.

Don’t forget to consult a doctor before starting your routine of exercises

It is important to consult a doctor before going ahead with all these exercises. If the pain persists, it may require a supervised session of pain exercises. A physical therapist may be the right person in this regard. He can suggest the correct kind of home exercise program and assess the progress of a patient.

Lower back pain must not be taken casually, as it keeps coming back. Even when a person finds that the pain has subsided, he/ she must not give up on the lower back pain exercises all of a sudden. In fact, when the pain is fading, it is the right time to get some mild strengthening lower back pain exercises. It’s important to remember that lower back pain exercises not only helps in decreasing the pain but also speeds up the recovery process by reducing the risks of getting a disability from a back discomfort.

About the Author

What if these exercises can’t relieve your pain?

I know how hard it can be to fell lower back pain every day even when you’re doing the most basic tasks like walking or just sleeping. But before you can control your pain it’s very important to know the Causes of Lower Back Pain (free article).

Just don’t give up! You can win and relieve your pain. Learn more about Lower Back Pain Relief by clicking the link.

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Richard Jones

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What if these exercises can’t relieve your pain?

I know how hard it can be to fell lower back pain every day even when you’re doing the most basic tasks like walking or just sleeping. But before you can control your pain it’s very important to know the Causes of Lower Back Pain (free article).

Just don’t give up! You can win and relieve your pain. Learn more about Lower Back Pain Relief by clicking the link.

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whereby the original author’s information and copyright must be included.

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Dog Joint Pain – Fun, Quick Exercise Tips to Relieve Dog Joint Pain

August 31, 2012 by  
Filed under Exercise Tips

Article by Karen Kaec

Dog Joint Pain – Fun, Quick Exercise Tips to Relieve Dog Joint Pain – Family – Pets

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Exercise is really one to best methods to combat dog joint pain and increase mobility. Have you ever stood or sat still for a long period? If you have, then you know how stiff your muscles and bones become. This exercise routine will help build up your pet’s ability to move around more freely with less joint pain.

These are the benefits of this routine:

Increases joint mobility Helps relieve joint painAides weight management Speeds healing time And your dog will love you for it

Ready, let’s go!

Start with a 10-15 minute warm up. A slow paced walk is great for this. It helps loosen stiff muscles and joints.

20-30 Minutes Aerobic – Match activities to your dog’s ability such as a fast leash walk. Take your dog along while you jog or bike. Swimming is one of best exercises to sooth your dog’s joint pain. It builds muscles without straining the joints and promotes blood circulation for faster healing. If you have access to a place where your dog can swim, it’s an excellent way to introduce low impact aerobic exercise.

20-30 Minutes Play Time – Play is a great way to keep your dog active. Play your dog’s favorite game; a ball, a frisbee or anything else that keeps your dog’s interest.

5-10 Minutes Cool Off – Slow down the pace with a gentle walk and be sure to give your dog plenty of water.

Just like in humans, the levels of joint pain from arthritis can change from day to day. You can see if your dog is excited to play or lethargic. Match your pet’s ability to the amount of exercise each day. Remember, the purpose of these exercises is to get your pet in shape, feeling better and never strain them.

Get more information on arthritis including healthy diet, unconventional treatments and homeopathic dog pain relief.

Visit my Pet Health Guide to get insider tips on canine arthritis.

About the Author

Karen is a Pet Nutritionist. She is currently working alongside pet health organizations based in New Mexico. Her husband and co-worker, Cameron, provides holistic pet care and training. Learn more at PetReviewSpace.com.

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Karen Kaec

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Karen is a Pet Nutritionist. She is currently working alongside pet health organizations based in New Mexico. Her husband and co-worker, Cameron, provides holistic pet care and training. Learn more at PetReviewSpace.com.

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Lower Back Exercises to Relieve You of Pain

August 20, 2012 by  
Filed under Back Exercises

Article by Guido Nussbaum

Lower Back Exercises to Relieve You of Pain – Health – Fitness

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Of all of the different areas of the body that we may have trouble with, the lower back is going to be on that is going to be more frustrating than almost any other. That is why many people do lower back exercises on a regular basis in order to strengthen this area of the body, either to overcome an existing problem that they may be having or to avoid a problem that may be occurring in the future. You might be surprised to learn, there are actually some lower back exercises that can not only help this area of the body, it can strengthen the entire body along with it.

One of the best things that you can possibly do is to combine any lower back exercises that you might be doing along with additional parts of the body by doing multi-joint exercises. Not only are these great for toning and shaping the entire body, they can also save you a considerable amount of time whenever you’re at the gym. Good examples of lower back exercises that utilize multi-joint weightlifting exercises are the dead lift and the squat. As a matter of fact, these two exercises alone should be the focus and the core of any good weightlifting routine.

One thing that you need to keep mind, however, is that if you are already having problems with your back then it might not be a good idea for you to jump right in with some high-intensity lower back exercises. This tends to be a rather tender part of the body and you certainly would not want to irritate it by doing too much, too soon. Perhaps it would be a good idea for you to speak to a doctor about some lower back exercises that will isolate this area and will allow you to strengthen it, without irritating your existing situation any further.

It may be possible that your doctor will tell you that you need to do your lower back exercises in the presence of a qualified physical therapist. This will not necessarily be a permanent situation, it will just be something that will need to be done until you are qualified to be able to do them on your own. Having a physical therapist there with you will help to make sure that your form is exactly as it should be, which can help you to avoid a number of different injuries that occur whenever doing these types of exercises. Make sure that you take advantage of having the physical therapist and you will have a better opportunity of overcoming your problem.

If you don’t have an existing problem but you would simply like to strengthen the area of your lower back, then you should work your way into doing squats and deadlifts, as we discussed earlier in this article. It is also a good idea for you to work your abdominal muscles along with doing these lower back exercises, as the two areas tend to work together with each other in order to strengthen the core.

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Relieve Back Pain Core Strength Training

January 26, 2012 by  
Filed under Strength Training

Article by Leena Marcos

There are several methods that can relieve back pains. The most beneficial method to both general health and back pain alike is core strength training. Since core strength training involves physical activity, it is a natural way to improve the way your body carries itself. Back pain problems are usually the cause of improper posture which in turn disrupts the alignment of the spinal bones.

Core strength training as its name implies involves specific training that strengthens the core of the human body that is the muscles that are responsible for holding the body upright. The core is that area of the body that starts from the limbs and ends below the chest. This includes mainly the glutei and abdominal muscles.

Having strong abdominal muscles is a key element in the support of the back structure as it holds the back in a way that it assumes a better posture. This benefit mainly derives from the fact that strong abdominal muscles prevent excessive pressure from becoming the sole responsibility of the back muscle and nerves. Consequently, instead of succumbing to the enormous pressure caused by a weak core system, the back muscles will be better equipped to erect the body in a comfortable position without damaging the spine, thereby preventing back pains. Exercising the gluteus area will ensure the core system of the body is stable. Therefore, exercising this area is necessary for a fully functioning core system. This article is not written by or checked for accuracy by a medical doctor. Please consult with your physician for treatment options.

There are various core strength training techniques that a person suffering from back pain can easily adapt to their lifestyles. These include, sits ups, crunches, Pilates and yoga among others. A few seconds of knee to chest exercises a day are one of the simplest exercises that people can do from home. Lying on the floor pull your knee towards your chest, hold for 5 seconds and release. Do the same on the other knee. Repeat for a number of times. This exercise helps to relax the spine disc and thus releases the nerves of the back from the unnecessary pressure which is caused by the closing of the spine disc.

Core strength training is a proven efficient method that generates long term benefits as opposed to temporary back pain relieve when treating the pain with over the counter painkiller medicine. Moreover, core strength training is a cheap equipment free therapy as it mostly depends on using the weight of your body.

This article is not written by or checked for accuracy by a medical doctor. Please consult with your physician for treatment options.

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Upper Back Pain Exercises That Work – 3 Effective Exercises to Relieve Your Back Pain

January 7, 2012 by  
Filed under Back Exercises

Many health conditions can be minimized with the right exercises. To reduce your upper back pain, exercises will need to be light to moderate to ensure you do not cause further damage to your back.

You should also speak with your doctor before beginning an exercise regimen. Your doctor should be able to assist you in finding the perfect exercise regimen to meet your overall needs.

Upper back pain exercises are not difficult and generally should not cause you to be in more pain. By exercising the upper back muscles on a regular basis you are giving them essential flexibility to avoid future pain. In addition to the prevention of back pain you can also reduce existing pain with the right exercises.

Here are some recommended exercises that you should discuss with your doctor:

1. The first exercise is the Pec Stretch. You will need to stand in a doorway for this.

Grab onto both sides of the frame and lean forward. You should begin feeling your chest muscles tightening. Hold your position for about 15 seconds and then release. You should do this particular exercise in intervals of three.

2. The second exercise is called Mid Trap Exercise. For this exercise you should lay flat, with your stomach to the ground/floor. You will need a pillow. It should be put under your chest for this exercise. Your hands should be at your sides but outstretched.. Raise your hands slightly into the air until you begin feeling the tension. Essentially you should be squeezing your shoulder blades together. Repeat this for at least 10 times.

3. The final exercise you should consult with your doctor about is the Arm Slides. This is another very simple exercise to do.

All you need is a wall for this exercise. You need to stand flush against the wall with your palms facing out. Move your hands slowly but constantly up the wall. Once your hands are over your head you can slowly glide them back down to your sides on the wall. Repeat this at least 10 times.

As you can see, upper back pain exercises are fairly simple. Taking a few minutes a day out of your hectic schedule could prove to be in your best interest if you want to avoid upper back pain. These exercises should be done even on the days that you are not suffering from back pain, to prevent future back pain.

Alvin Hopkinson is a leading researcher in the area of natural remedies and offers back pain solutions. Discover how you can get rid of your back pain using simple remedies that are proven and effective. Visit his blog now for more useful articles such as: Severe Back Pain Treatment

Back Exercises at Home – Easy Workouts to Relieve the Pain

December 14, 2011 by  
Filed under Lower Back Exercises

Article by Johnny Richardson

In a country where back pain is so widespread, few people realize the benefit of regular back exercises at home. Back pain affects up to 80% of Americans, according to recent research. The one big (of course not the only) reason so many people suffer from it is that, as individuals, we just aren’t active enough.

Regular back exercises at home can help you relieve pain and enjoy a better health. There are plenty of easy workouts to help you achieve that goal. Here are two:

The dorsal raise – this is a lower back workout and is done lying on a mat, facing the floor.

With your hands on the forehead, slowly lift your shoulders backwards to between 4-6 inches from the floor. Remember to keep your shoulders relax as you bent backwards. Keep the position for about 2 seconds, then slowly return back to the horizontal pose. Ten repetitions per session should be enough.

If your back muscles are too week, you can also use your arms to push yourself backwards. You should stop if you feel any pain.

Here is another back stretching exercise: It’s done while lying with your face up, the knees bent and your feet on the floor.

With the back flat on the floor, slowly lower your knees sideways in a rotating hip movement, until you feel a stretch. Keep the position for 20 seconds, then slowly return to the initial position. Repeat this 10 times.

Before attempting back exercises at home, you need to keep in mind this word of caution tough: If you suffer from a sore back, some exercises can actually worsen the condition. You should avoid workouts like straight or bent leg sit-ups as well as lifting both legs while lying on your back (leg lifts). Avoid also lifting heavy weights above the waist and touching your toes while standing.

Discover how to lose weight once and for all with the 30 minute workout at http://www.30MinuteWorkout.org/ today.