Resistance Bands: Working Out Without Equipments

April 9, 2012 by  
Filed under Resistance Training

Article by Viola M. McCain

Many people have made lifting weights and operating out a part of their lifestyle. It has become an choice for people who want to attain improved physique and overall health. The majority of the time, individuals workout to shed undesirable pounds and gain muscle mass. Some workout and physical exercise for relaxation and relieve stress. Nevertheless some do not have the cash to avail of gym memberships and acquire necessary equipments. These individuals can use resistance bands to aid them in their workout regimen. These bands are versatile alternatives to workout routines that requires machines and equipments. Additionally, this bands are cheap, handy, and are simple to make use of. Resistance bands are widely utilized in strength, conditioning, and rehabilitation programs.

Resistance bands are hollow elastic tubes that are becoming a handy tool many workout routines. These bands provide continuous resistance all through each and every physical exercise movement which makes it feel harder. The tension supplied by these bands might aid within the development of muscle strength, speed and power. When used correctly, these bands can offer the right degree of tension with out using totally free weights or machines. In addition, these bands offer more selection of workout because one can create tension from numerous angles and may be adjusted to any shape and size of the physique. Because of this, not only the main muscles are trained but also the small ones. Fitness specialists believe that stabilizing the muscles properly is very important in muscle development, injury prevention, and improved well being.

Regular exercise along with a healthy diet can give numerous benefits like improved physical and mental health. Utilizing resistance bands during workouts might provide additional tension required for improved health along with a fit-looking body. Resistance bands added in a coaching regimen might help promote the following:

. Improved muscle strength and tone . Weight management . Prevention and manage of health circumstances like diabetes, heart disease and arthritis . Pain management . Improved mobility and balance . Improved posture . Decreased risk of injury . Increased bone density and strength . Reduced physique fat . Increased muscle-to-fat ratio . Boosted metabolism (burning more kilojoules when at rest) . Improved sleep patterns . Increased self-esteem . Enhanced efficiency of everyday tasks because of improved strength and flexibility. Enhanced self-esteem . Increased cognition and memory Working out with resistance bands not only promotes improved overall health but is also an efficient and secure method to train. In contrast to weight-training, working out with resistance bands uses tension to improve muscle development and strength. This tension could be adjusted rapidly and merely by altering bands or shortening the length from the band. Being able to change resistance rapidly in workouts may help increase the cardiovascular aspect of one’s workout. Additionally, resistance bands are perfect for numerous seniors simply because tension can be adjusted to the tension that suits them. Another notable advantage of resistance bands is it portable and may be brought whilst traveling because it fits in an ordinary bag. Resistance bands are perfect for people who want workouts that builds strength and improve overall well being.

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Resistance Band Exercise Made Simple

April 5, 2012 by  
Filed under Isometric Exercises

Article by Ellen Miller

One of the largest problems with those suffering from nerve diseases and disabilities is keeping up circulation. Because walking let alone, more strenuous exercise can be painful, even dangerous because of the impact involved, these people end up living very sedentary lives. Eventually, limb loss may ensue due to circulation problems. Fortunately, resistance band exercise can be used by these previously sedentary people. A few stretches go a long way to keeping the blood flowing through limbs.

The best part of resistance band exercise is there is virtually no impact. Multiple Sclerosis patients who can barely walk utilize resistance bands to keep the blood flowing through their legs by doing a few stretches with the band wrapped around one of their feet.

Resistance Band Exercise can also be performed by the very large. For the obese, exercise can be nearly impossibly and terribly daunting. Resistance band exercise once again comes to the rescue for these folk. A light, convenient resistance band can be used with little to no impact and without moving all parts of your body or supporting your own weight.

For the elderly, walking and swimming are always recommended. Though these are fantastic cardiovascular exercises, it is not really toning ones’ muscles. Of course an elaborate home gym is not the right solution for an elderly person. They need the convenient, fun, and simple strength training that resistance bands can provide. Because there is virtually no set up and certainly no assembly required, any person can get their muscles toned up with a bit of colorful resistance training regardless of age.

Resistance Band training can increase in difficulty as muscle mass increases. Exercise bands are inexpensive; there is no large financial commitment. The intensity of resistance band exercise is only dependant on your ability; as your strength improves resistance bands allow you the flexibility to increase the intensity of your workout accordingly.

Children can even participate in a resistance band program to tone little muscles and inspire growth. It is a fun little quick exercise that can hold the attention of even the most rambunctious child. There are so many exercises that may be conducted with resistance bands that boredom is never a factor. Coaches have even begun to implement resistance band usage in sports to increase their players’ flexibility and endurance.

There has been resurgence in resistance band popularity due to their use in physical therapy. Those that do not have a great deal of joint flexibility or cannot stress a muscle too much are recommended to use resistance bands in their recuperation. Physical therapists recommend and apply resistance band training in combination with isometric exercise to help patients reach their maximum range of motion, flexibility, strength, and endurance.

Resistance band exercise does not only provide for excellent muscle build up, but it definitely increases one’s flexibility and range of motion. For those suffering from any movement impairing disabilities, resistance band exercise can ease the discomfort and improve upon one’s limited range of motion.

Implementing a resistance band exercise program is by no means a cure all system. It must be combined with healthy eating and mild aerobic exercises in order to achieve total physical fitness. However, combined with these two aspects, resistance band exercise can assist in toning muscle, burning fat, and increasing overall health. Once you have acquired your resistance band, exercise as much as you feel comfortable doing to see the pounds fly and the muscles build.

Owner of IsoBreathing Inc. and creator of IsoBreathing

Four Effective Resistance Training Workouts

March 12, 2012 by  
Filed under Endurance Training

Resistance training includes all exercises devoted towards increasing size of skeletal muscles and improving physical strength. It is a form of strength training that uses free weights, elastic bands, exercise machines or one’s own body weight to increase strength and endurance. Resistance training exercises help you burn excessive fats accumulated around body parts especially belly, hips, buttocks, thighs and arms. Moreover, they also increase your stamina and boost energy levels.

There are numerous resistance training exercises that you should perform on a regular basis to strengthen your whole body and build your muscles. Among those exercises, Squat is a magnificent resistance training workout that targets your quads, glutes, hamstrings and calves all at once.

Push-Up, like Squat, is another compound exercise that works multiple muscle groups simultaneously.

You can also perform this exercise in the comfort of your home or even room. This exercise targets abs, back, chest, shoulders and triceps.

Lat Pulldown is one of the best exercises you can do to work the major muscles of your back, known as latissmus dorsi. Not only does this exercise help strengthen your back, but it also burn fat from abdomen and lower back.

Lunges make an excellent exercise to resistance train your lower limbs. Like squats, it targets muscles in your legs including calves, quads, hamstrings and glutes.

Make sure that you incorporate these 4 exercises 2 to 3 times a week into your regular resistance training sessions. In order to reap the maximum weight-loss results from resistance training workouts, you need to perform some aerobic exercises as well. You should do brisk walking, jogging, running or swimming half an hour before starting a resistance training session.

After performing Squats, Lunges, Deadlifts or other resistance training exercises, make sure that you nourish your body with protein and carbohydrate.

Protein contains amino acids that are known as the building blocks. They are metabolized directly in muscles and help cellular growth to take place. Consumption of protein-rich diets before and after resistance training exercises helps in increased nitrogen retention, which plays an important role in repair and building of muscle tissue.

Protein rich diets include lean meats such as chicken, turkey, fish, and fish oil, dairy products such as cheese, butter, and milk, cereals such as millet, barley, oat, and wheat, pulses such as red beans, and chickpeas, eggs, nuts, whole grains etc.

If you are new to gym or are not sure about how to perform above mentioned resistance training workouts, then hire the services of a qualified gym trainer in your vicinity. Not only will he or she suggest you a right combination of resistance training exercises keeping in view your health, age group and training needs, but will also guide you on how to execute them safely. Another benefit of hiring a professional fitness trainer is that he or she will guide you on performing workouts with a perfect technique and right angle. This will allow you to get maximum benefits from hard resistance training exercises in a quick span of time.

Guy Long is a Fitness Trainer in Caulfield and provides Personal Training in St.Kilda where he specializes in resistance training, body transformation, weight control, fat loss and overall muscular strength for local residents.

New Mini Stepper with Resistance Bands

March 10, 2012 by  
Filed under Step Machines

  • Mini-Stepper with resistance bands combines the lower body workout of a stepper with the upper body workout provided by the resistance bands, for full body cardiovascular conditioning.
  • Use the resistance bands to work various upper body muscle groups
  • Compact design for easy storage.
  • Heavy duty steel frame for years of long life.
  • LCD computer function: scan, time, count, total count, calories

Product Description
Mini-Stepper with resistance bands combines the lower body workout of a stepper with the upper body workout provided by the resistance bands, for full body cardiovascular conditioning.
This compact unit comes complete with dual hydraulic cylinders for resistance and an LCD monitor for tracking time and steps taken.
Compact design for easy storage.
Heavy duty steel frame for years of long life.

LCD Batteries – FREE – included
No need to run out to the store, the Mi… More >>

New Mini Stepper with Resistance Bands

Cinnamon: Help for Insulin Resistance and Weight Loss

March 3, 2012 by  
Filed under Resistance Training

Article by James Pendergraft

Recent studies have shown that cinnamon is more than an everyday spice. Aside from being the best condiment to sprinkle to your morning coffee and holiday cookies, cinnamon’s health value is as precious as gold. It has been discovered that cinnamon is a help for insulin resistance and weight loss, among its many other health benefits.

A reputable diabetes journal recently published that cinnamon has the innate ability to reduce the body’s blood sugar level, while increasing insulin production. When taken by a diabetics on a regular basis, it can definitely help manage the disease.

How Cinnamon Helps Fight Diabetes

Cinnamon has insulin-like properties, said the researchers at University of South Carolina Beaufort. The spice is so powerful that it can actually be used as a cheaper substitute for insulin. It is most effective for people suffering from type II diabetes. Cinnamon contains bio-active components that can even prevent the onset of this disease.

In the study printed in the Diabetes Care journal, 60 diabetic men and women taking diabetes medications were put in a clinical test. Some are asked to continue with their medications, while others are placed on a placebo. And there are those who were given cassia cinnamon in different dosages for forty days.

Those who were taking cinnamon exhibit dropped blood glucose level of up to 29%. What’s more, the effect is even better for the group who are taking just a single gram of cinnamon compared to those who are getting three to six grams of it per dose. Why this is the case, the researchers are still evaluating. Aside from maintaining good blood sugar levels, cinnamon also lowers triglycerides and the level of bad cholesterol in the body.

Cinnamon and Weight Loss

Cinnamon is believed to be a weight loss inducer primarily because it has a cleansing effect on the digestive tract. This spice can help remove bacteria, fungus, and parasites from the stomach and the intestines. Therefore, food is processed better and faster. When this happens, the nutrients are effectively distributed all over the body and the waste products are flushed out accordingly.

Cinnamon can also boost one’s energy, which dieters can take advantage of. With enough energy, you can burn fats better through aerobic exercising and weight training. The energy boost is actually a product of glucose being processed by the body instead of storing it in the blood stream.

What’s more, it was found that cinnamon has the ability to block fats. With enough cinnamon in the body, fats cells won’t develop easily. Cinnamon contains lots of nutrients too, more particularly manganese. This spice is also an anti-oxidant in its own right.

To help insulin resistance and weight loss, cinnamon is best used as a tea or as an herbal infusion. It can be added to other natural health aides like honey to boost its effect. Cinnamon can also be taken in its natural form, although the capsule form is the better choice.

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Resistance Band Exercises and Swiss Ball Exercises – The Best Low Cost Gym Equipment?

February 28, 2012 by  
Filed under Resistance Training

Article by David Johnston

Resistance band exercises are really great, simply because of how portable a resistance band actually is. Swiss ball exercises can also be quite portable, certainly from room to room in your house, and possibly further if you wanted. Why should you read this? To give you a brief introduction to resistance band exercises and Swiss ball exercises so that you will recognise that they are a really valuable piece of gym equipment, and are portable as a bonus.

So what is a resistance band? Well it is a piece of rubber usually, sometimes if you buy more expensive ones, they have handles at either end, though a tough piece of rubber is going to work fine. The resistance band is used for resistance training, where you will look the band under your foot, around a column, around a chair, under a chair, whatever you need to do to make it work. Resistance bands come in different lengths and with different resistances too, if you want a harder workout for example. The great thing with a resistance band is that it offers resistance in both the concentric contractions and the eccentric contraction, which is basically when your muscle is tensed, and is either getting shorter, or longer respectively. What is a Swiss ball? A Swiss ball is an inflatable ball made out of thick rubber – the balls come in different diameters – the smaller balls are for shorter people, and the larger ones for taller or heavier people. The Swiss ball is also known as the fit ball, or gym ball, and can be used for bodyweight exercises, or exercises with weights.

Here are a selection of resistance band exercises:

Resistance Band Exercises – 1. Squats: Put the middle of the resistance band under your feet, and hold either end of the band in your hand. Stand with your feet shoulder width apart, and your legs straight. Holding your hands up at your collar bone, with your elbows sticking out, slowly squat down until your upper thighs are parallel with the floor, then slowly return to the start position. You should feel resistance during the whole exercise.Resistance Band Exercises – 2. Chest Press: Lie on the middle of the resistance band and hold the resistance band with one end in each hand. By contracting your chest muscles, extend your arms above your chest until they are almost straight. Hold this position, then slowly return your hands to your chest. Repeat for as many time as you are able. Resistance Band Exercises – 3. Bicep Curls: Place the middle of the resistance band between your feet, and hold the ends of the band one in each hand. Keeping your elbows in the same position at your sides, contract your biceps, and pull your hands upward to shoulder level. Hold, and then lower back again slowly. Do not swing or rock to help your progress – perform with strict form otherwise the exercise will not work properly..

Here are a selection of Swiss ball exercises:

Swiss Ball Exercises – 1. Squats: Trap the ball between your upper back and a wall. With your feed shoulder width apart, squat down until your thighs are parallel with the floor. Hold the position, then slowly return to the standing position. Ensure you keep your abdominal muscles tight and tucked in throughout the exercise.Swiss Ball Exercises – 2. Push Ups: Start in a push up position with your shins resting on the top of the ball. Bend your arms and lower your chest until your chest is close but not touching the floor. Briefly hold the position, and then push up back to the starting position. If you wish to make the exercise harder, rest your feet on the ball instead of your shins. You may also keep your feet together to engage your core more. Swiss Ball Exercises 3: Crunches – Sit on the ball with your feet flat on the floor, and lower / roll until your pelvis and lower back are also in contract with the ball. Tuck your abdominal muscles in, and slowly raise your upper body to about 45 degrees, half way between lying and sitting up. Hold, and return to the start position. You can hold your hands at the sides of your head, or across your chest, whichever you find most appropriate.Swiss Ball Exercises – 3. Crunches: Begin by sitting on the ball, then rolling the ball until only your lower back and pelvis are in contract with the ball. Keep your abdominal muscle tight, and pulled in, and contract, and slowly raise the torso until it is about 45 degrees from the horizontal position. Hold the position, then lower to the starting position slowly. You arms may be across your chest or touching your temples, whichever feels best for you.

As you can see, both the resistance bands and Swiss ball are excellent equipment to keep your body strong, and are also excellent to have around the house and use for your workouts. These exercises can be made a lot harder than presented here, by doing things like lifting up one leg, to engage the core, or put more pressure on the legs. We just wanted to ease you into the equipment.

The swiss ball and resistance bands are great equipment to really challenge and strengthen your body, and are great for home gym equipment. All the exercises can be made much more difficult by lifting a leg to engage the core, or make it harder on the legs – these exercises are intended to start you off.

To find out more about resistance band exercises, or swiss ball exercises, at David Johnston’s site You will also find many tips and exercises that will really help you achieve your results building lean muscle or getting a six pack.

Pitching - leg strength- Speed exercises Training with Resistance Kinetic Bands Baseball training for working your core to increase endurance, stride length, and hips strength. These exercises work the Core muscles, quads, hams, glutes, hips, hips flexor, lower abs and lower back. The Bands are great for all baseball training. Here we are working on pitchers building leg and hip strength. Increasing power and velocity. head on the ball increase power drive Baseball traiing Core Training How to build powermyosource kinetic bands resistance bands fielding throwing running base stealing base running abdominals core exercises core training resistance bands workouts exercises using bands best core exercises core workout exercises resistance bands training
Video Rating: 3 / 5

Find More Leg Resistance Bands Articles

How Effective is Resistance Training For Weight Loss?

February 13, 2012 by  
Filed under Resistance Training

Article by Bobby Grecu

Resistance training, also called strength and weight training is a type of workout that involves the use of exercise equipment and machines, and body weight to strengthen the muscles and shape the body. Many people erroneously think that resistance training will make their body get bigger but that is not the case. The main purpose of these types of exercises is increasing the body strength (not its size) and to tone the muscles giving the body an attractive look.

Resistance training programs are appropriate for everyone and are especially recommended for the elderly. The most appropriate for the elderly are standing free-weights resistance or moderately intense seated machine workouts.

How Resistance Training Works

A typical resistance training program includes a wide range of different exercise equipment and machines such as dumbbells, bench presses and barbells. However, this type of training does not necessarily involve the use of exercise equipment. One of the best examples of resistance training without the standard workout equipment and machines are the push-ups in which the muscles are pitted against the body weight. Push-ups can be done just about anywhere as long as there is enough space and do not cost a cent. Training without exercise equipment and machines is therefore a great way to strengthen your body muscles if you are on a budget.

It is recommended to consult with a health care provider before starting any kind of resistance training program, especially if you are having a medical condition or are being overweight or obese because this type of exercise is not the kind of workout that can be explored on your own. Is it very important to choose the proper equipment and to be physically in shape before starting the training.

Main Benefits

– Increased bone mineral density. The bones are constantly remodeling reaching peak during puberty. Bone remodeling typically decreases with aging resulting in problems with mineral bone density, especially in post-menopausal women. One of the best ways to strengthen the bones and maintain a healthy mineral bone density is regular exercise including resistance training.

– Increased muscle strength. Pitting muscles against a weight does not only tone the muscles but makes them stronger.

– Reduced body fat. Resistance training is one of the best types of exercise to burn excess calories and get rid of undesired body fat.

– Enhanced heart health – helps lowering heart rate as well as blood pressure and considerably reduces the risk of heart disease.

– Improved quality of life for the elderly – helps improve overall health of the elderly and reduces the risk of age-related diseases and injuries.

The author helps to provide inside information on the best Weight Loss tips. Visit his latest website on Toddler car seat covers and read his latest article on Kids Leash.

Youth Baseball Training – Resistance Band Routines for Flexibility, Strength and Injury Prevention

February 9, 2012 by  
Filed under Resistance Training

Article by Jake Wyatt

There are many ways a youth baseball coach can help his players increase their flexibility and strength, thereby reducing their risk of injury. One way is to require that players perform exercise routines on their own time. Youth baseball players may not be ready for a serious weight lifting routine as their bodies are still forming. Large rubber bands can be used instead of weights to increase strength and flexibility.

The bands can be purchased at any sporting goods store and come in different sizes and thicknesses. Each type of band will have its own resistance. If training is for flexibility, less resistant bands can be used. Higher-resistance bands can be used to build strength.

Different band routines can be used to accomplish different goals. Here are some examples of specific objectives for which band routines can be established:

1. Pitching – focus on exercises that work the core, back and shoulders.2. Batting – focus on exercises that work the core, triceps and biceps.3. Running speed – focus on exercises that work the legs.4. Flexibility and injury prevention – focus on exercises that work the core and increase flexibility.5. Long toss – focus on shoulder and arm exercises.

The specifics of each routine should depend on player age, strength and skill. The coach should work with each player individually to determine the youth’s goals and the specific areas where improvement is needed. A band routine can then be created to accomplish the desired changes. The coach should encourage the player to record his routine in a notebook so progress can be tracked.

Working with bands is easy and can be done anywhere with minimal preparation. A player can keep his bands in his bat bag so they are always with him. This type of exercise will significantly reduce the chance of injury, improve baseball performance, and lead to healthier kids overall.

In order to be the best possible baseball player, training should happen year-round and be a joint effort between the coach, the player and the parents. Get more FREE tips to improve baseball performance, reviews of e-products related to baseball, and links to training resources at

First Degree Fitness Neptune Challenge Adjustable Resistance Fluid Rower

February 3, 2012 by  
Filed under Rowers

  • New! Adjustable Resistance
  • Water resistance
  • Ergonomic handle
  • Pivoting footboards
  • Superior seat rail

Product Description
Developed by professional rowers to deliver the feeling, sound and sight of real on-water rowing in your own home. Featuring the all new, mutil level patented fluid resistance tank for home. A simple turn of the adjuster dial provides a feather light resistance workout to full olympic sprint on the fly…. More >>

First Degree Fitness Neptune Challenge Adjustable Resistance Fluid Rower

Why You Should Not Ignore The Benefits Of Resistance Training

January 29, 2012 by  
Filed under Resistance Training

Article by Marley Martinerin

While the benefits of resistance training have gotten quite a bit of publicity in recent years, many people still haven’t taken the hint and started a strength building program. Once you begin doing this exercise program, you will realize there are no unwanted side effects. After reading the rest of this article, it will be clear as to why you should incorporate resistance training into your existing exercise program.

The local gym, which it used to be filled with younger guys trying to bulk up by lifting weights, has seen a gradual change. However, as research has shown the many health benefits of resistance training, especially to the bones, you now see people of all ages lifting weights and using strength training machines. Bone mass naturally begins to dissipate in your early 30s and 40s. As you get older, you will have to eat less and exercise much more in order to compensate for your slowing metabolism. Weight lifting or other forms of resistance training help to counteract both of these natural occurrences, increasing your metabolism and improving bone density.

Getting the maximum benefits from a fitness program really involves combining as many elements as possible. A resistance workout, combined with proper dieting and aerobic exercise, can create a workout that can help you stay in shape. Resistance exercise, combined with aerobic activity, can create a perfect exercise routine that can build muscle and help you lose weight. It is also very important to stick to a good diet that is free of junk foods and foods that are high in fat.

Benefits, such as increased physical strength, are found in those that do resistance training on a regular basis. If you play golf on a regular basis, or play tennis, this routine can help improve your game because of your added strength. Strength can also be important for many everyday activities, such as carrying groceries, moving furniture or shoveling snow. Your extra strength will allow you to prevent potential injuries from occurring when you do certain physical activities. As with most weightlifters, you will have been added feeling of confidence knowing that you are stronger than ever before. When you do resistance training, you are also improving the way you feel about yourself and your health on an everyday basis. If you are consistent, you will do well as you do this routine every day. If you’re not sure what kind of exercise is best for you, try some different methods, such as free weights, exercise machines at the gym or strength building exercises you can do at home. You will definitely enjoy your workouts once you get started as long as you remain consistent every day.

Marley Martinerin is a regular contributor to a number of sites and writes articles about such topics as the big tv stand, and the techcraft tv stand.

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