Best Fat-Burning Kettlebell Exercises Revealed

July 24, 2012 by  
Filed under Kettlebell Exercises

Kettlebell training has certainly become an indispensable fitness tool for some champion athletes and famous celebrities around the world. Kettlebell training is not only superior to most of form of training for athletic development, it is a great and simple tool for shedding the fat in the body which is obviously important for athletes and celebrities. It is no wonder that kettlebell has only increased in its popularity when most of the other fitness trend are fading off.

As a kettlebell instructor, I know certain kettlebell exercises are great for increasing the metabolism and losing the fat in the body. In fact, these three exercises have common elements and are the type of exercises that research has found to be effective in raising the metabolism. These kettlebell exercises are classified as ballistic and compound movements. The following are 3 fat-burning kettlebell exercises you want to include in your fat loss training.

The Swing
When performing this exercise, be sure to go for high repetition in order to achieve the fat-burning effects.

It is a fundamental movement in kettlebell exercises that must be mastered with high level of proficiency. Without mastering the proper techniques of the kettlebell swing, it can be very hard to do well in the next two exercises and achieve the maximum fat-burning effects.

The Clean
It is one of the compound exercises that has been found to be effective in raising the metabolism. Although deceptively dangerous, it is actually a lot gentler on the wrist compared to a clean performed with barbell.

The Snatch
It is a highly explosive move in kettlebell training and great exercise for increasing the heart rate for great cardiovascular fitness and fat loss.

The recommendation here is to go for high repetitions.

The common things about the 3 kettlebell exercises are that they worked on multiple muscles groups at the same time, fast movements and caused high elevation of heart rate. All these factors contribute to effective fat loss and raise in the resting metabolism.

TC is a personal trainer in Perth who runs personal training and boot camp services in the suburb of Nedlands, Dalkeith, Subiaco and Claremont in Perth, Western Australia. He is very passionate about kettlebell training and he runs a Perth kettlebell boot camp in the City. For a 1-week FREE access to his kettlebell boot camp and access to his kettlebell training blog, please visit

High Intensity Interval Training Revealed

July 18, 2012 by  
Filed under Strength Training

What if I were to tell you that there is a way to burn the same amount of calories in half the time? No, I’m not talking about a magic pill or crazy diet. High Intensity Interval Training, aka HIIT, is a training method that burns calories at twice the rate of traditional aerobic exercise. The method requires hard work, but for those willing to take the challenge it can pay off greatly.

It is very important to point out that HIIT is not easy. It is very efficient, but that is because it accomplishes so much in such a short period of time. The HIIT technique is very physically demanding and isn’t for everyone. You should hold off on HIIT if you have any heart problems or other health concerns that limit your ability to exercise at very intense levels, or if you are relatively new to cardio exercise or not already in good shape.

If you have any doubts or questions about whether it might be safe for you, check in with your doctor before trying high intensity training.

HIIT is a unique form of interval training that contains short intervals of high intensity exercise separated by longer intervals of lower intensity exercise. Because it involves pushing yourself beyond your comfort zone, it offers you several advantages that traditional exercise where you keep your heart rate steady do not. HIIT works both your anaerobic and aerobic energy systems. You train your anaerobic system with short, intense efforts, like doing plyometric jumps; you train your aerobic system with lower intensity exercises like crunches. HIIT increases the amount of calories you burn because of the increased energy needed during recovery. HIIT will enable metabolic adaptations that allow you to use more stored fat as fuel. This effect improves your athletic performance as well as your ability to burn fat. HIIT also helps avoid muscle loss that can accompany losing weight.

You need to push yourself past your comfort zone if you are to be successful with the HIIT system. HIIT differs from other forms of interval training in that the high intensity intervals involve maximum effort, not just raising your heart rate. There are countless variations of the high intensity interval training style. The varying techniques use different numbers of high and low intensity intervals, different levels of intensity, different exercises, different lengths of time, and different training sessions per week. In order to use HIIT to improve sports performance, you’ll need to specialize the exercises used for your specific sport. HIIT provides endless variations to confuse your muscles and fit your needs while burning the most amount of calories in the shortest time.

Joshua “Coach” Kozak has been a fixture in the world of health and fitness for over 10 years. Best Advanced Exercises and high intensity training and Coach Kozak’s strength exercises.

The Quickest Way to Lose Fat and Gain Muscle Revealed!

May 20, 2012 by  
Filed under Gain Muscle

One of the larger obstacles to success, when striving to get fit, is having to wait a long time to see any results, especially after enduring a severely restrictive diet and undergoing a grueling exercise program, when trying to lose weight and build muscle. It is much easier to follow through on a regimented diet and exercise program if a bit of progress is seen, as early as possible.

The best way to see early results, in the quest to lose fat and build muscle, is to successfully jump-start metabolism. The easiest way to do this is by commencing upon a program that requires participation in exercises that focus, initially and primarily, on correct weight training techniques to put on muscle. The muscle that is added, in the beginning, will make it easy to remove additional fat later, during the aerobic portion of the exercise program, when it is combined with a low calorie, high protein, low glycemic index diet.

The recommendation is to start the weight training portion of this process, by working the upper body one day, with exercises for the triceps, biceps, shoulders and chest and alternately concentrating on the lower body the next day, with some glute, thigh, hip and calf exercises.

Use five to 10 pound weights to perform at least three sets of 20 on each body part and follow each session of weight training with 30 minutes of aerobic exercise. After a couple of weeks, when the exercises are starting to be less difficult, the routine should be mixed up a bit to keep the intensity going. Vary the weight training routine, by including more body parts and adding a bit more weight, or put high intensity strength training into the mix, to keep metabolism at a high level, while continuing to alternate between the upper and lower halves of the body. Don’t ever worry about what the scale says during the body transformation process, while losing fat and gaining muscle, because muscle weighs more than fat.

Make sure to continue to weight train daily, as the most important part of the exercise program, even if some days the aerobic portion of the routine is neglected. Continue eating the healthy high protein diet, gradually adding calories, as the fat is lost and the body transformation continues. Soon, the results will be noticeable with clothes that fit better and a sleeker body with less fat.

Dane Fletcher is the world-wide authority on training, nutrition, and supplements. To build muscle fast, he recommends the world class steroid alternatives from instead of illegal anabolics


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4 Simple Secrets About Getting in Shape After 40 Revealed

January 26, 2012 by  
Filed under Get in Shape

Article by Richard Rowsons

Are you on the lookout for some tips that can help you get in shape at the age of 40? This article will reveal to you some tips about getting in shape after 40 so make sure to pick up the advice that will be shared and so that you can finally get the figure you have always dreamed of.

Although a lot of people are skeptical about being able to get back in shape when they have reached the age of forty, you don’t personally need to be disheartened because there are so many things that you can do to be in tip-top shape once again. Look below for some of the things that you will need to consider in order that you may once and for all get the body shape you want:

Improve Your DietThe very first thing you will need to focus on when getting in shape is your diet. It’s crucial to modify your diet so that you begin to see the results you want. If you are not the type of woman who is aware of what she eats, then make it your business to watch over your diet starting this instant. Look closely at your diet so that you know exactly what you consume, know what’s good and what’s not so good! The important part here is to seek some expert advice as when you are of a certain age your body requires different types of nutrition. For example a 20 year old looking to build muscle will require a different diet to a fifty year old looking to lose weight.

Drink Lots of Water In addition, if you are serious about getting in shape, you will need to drink lots and lots of water. Make sure you drink at least eight glasses of water each day. Doing so can truly help you lose weight and stay healthy. You see, for as long as you nourish your body with the right kinds of food, the adequate amount of water and the right kind of exercise, you will surely be able to seize the ideal body shape you want.

Get Regular ExerciseLast but not least, get the right kind of exercise you need in order to stay fit and truly body beautiful. It is never enough that you eat healthy, drink the required amount of water; sleep the adequate number of hours because to exercise also plays a very big part in getting in shape after 40. And just as with your diet you must ensure that your exercise regime is in sync with your age ability and goal. Again if you are in your 40’s then you will have a different approach to a teenager!

Eliminate Stress in Your Life Last but not least, getting in shape after 40 entails eliminating all the stress factors in your life. By trimming down the level of stress in your life, you are actually working your way towards a more beautiful and fit body every woman on earth longs to have. In a nutshell, staying fit and healthy despite being at forty is not a difficult task after all. Simply follow the tips shared in this article and you will surely get that perfect figure you have always dreamed of.

But don’t forget to speak to a fitness professional or personal trainer that can tailor your diet and exercise program to suit your age, ability and goals.

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How to Lose Weight Fast- Truth Revealed

December 15, 2011 by  
Filed under Slim Down

Article by Keri Hartman

Don’t feel bad if you cannot lose weight quickly, many people have the same problem. The facts show that ninty five percent of people fail to keep weight off permanently. But you will be happy to know it’s not your fault. The most likely reason you cannot lose weight quickly is that you are going about it the wrong way by buying a diet or weight loss product. The people that make money selling weight loss products aren’t going to be happy I told you this, but here’s the honest truth: Not ONE weight loss products has been proven to be effective on a permanrnt basis for fast weight loss. When you see a sales pitch to lose your belly or body fat fast, the pitch is basically this: When you BUY our product, it will do the fast weight loss work for you. There’s only one problem with that:Millions of of people that cannot lose weight fast- while at the same time spending billions have shown that no diet products work.Don’t think that’s true? Go the beach and look around. How many thin people do you see?Why can’t diet products work for fast weight loss? It is really very simple once you look past the advertsing and look at the facts: Diet prodcuts are either a total scam that will never work in a million years- pill, tea, herb, colon cleanse, etc. Or a short term fix that can’t work permanently. Examples here would be diet plan or even weight loss surguery. Of course, the diet scams can’t work fast because they are well, just useless scams. Now what’s the reason “real” diet products cannot help you lose weight fast?If you’re ready, here’s the real story you’ll never get from people that sell weight loss products.Anything will work, IF if makes you have a daily calorie deficit. But the people that want to sell you something are leaving out part of the story:Eventually, nearly everyone gets tired of using or spending money on that diet product- and they go right back to the same foods or habits that made them gain weight in the first place. Here’s what’s happening: You are using an external tool you create the calorie deficit for you. And when the day comes when you stop using the tool that you’ve bought, you stop having the calorie deficit created for you. This is why nothing works for fast and permanent weight loss other than taking no fail heath and fitness principals- and adapting them to fit your life. Quickly losing all the weight you want and keeping it off forever is not as hard as you think. It’s trying useless scams that makes you feel like losing weight fast is impossible. It’s forcing yourself to eat bland diet foods, go hungry, or do brutal workouts that makes you think it’s not worth the effort to lose weight. Trust me on this one: Taking some time and discovering what works in reality- and then discovering how to adapt it to fit you is really, really, worth it. I promise you; just taking a little time and discovering what works for you, will change your life and future in more quickly ways than you can imagine.Having a new body and life can never come in the form of a pill or diet. It’s in the little things you do everyday that add up over time. So don’t think you cannot learn how to lose weight fast, you can. All you really need is to learn how fast weight loss really works, and the desire to change.This could be the day you change your life, don’t waste it. Watch the how to lose weigth fast video.

I write about honeslt health, fitness, and weight loss solutions
 How to Lose Weight Quickly. Read and apply these 3 tips and you can lose weight quickly.
Video Rating: 4 / 5

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Bodybuilding Revealed Forum

December 2, 2011 by  
Filed under Bodybuilding

Believe me, they do not pay me for seminars and on-site training camp, because I give the same old tired Re spun tips you can see on the Internet.

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If you follow the “Bro-science” do you usually read, you will almost certainly be training, nutrition and supplements to the sub-optimal level.

“You can easily double or triple results in half the time.”

“Back in the day” I will also be used for training and amateur level bodybuilders. In short, I know exactly what works against shit read forums and various places on the Internet.

my article on weight loss, bodybuilding, cancer prevention, fitness, and more have been published in more than 30 newspapers and has been translated into several languages.

Some of my first includes the industry and the fact that I was a young man who made sports nutrition community for the benefit of whey protein.

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Mimi kijana ambaye juu Ya Kwanza aliandika faida Ya ‘I mafuta afya “quasi bodybuilders on wanariadha wengine.

Kwa Kweli, niliandika kuhusu Healy mapema Zili, Yang Makaeu I Kwanza ilikuwa kukataliwa to newspapers muda bodybuilding maarufu Ya Ya mambo juu msingi ilikuwa Pia H. magazeti. matumizi Lev Ya Ya mafuta afya NOT kiwango information katika Jamie.

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Makaeu Ivan creatine maalumu katika section quasi kuwasababishia baadhi Ya Ya Kweli bidhaa vyenye viwango po juu H. Zaid uchafu kuliko wengine. Mfululizo Makaeu Mimi Islands Madai iliyopita katika J. Wakati quasi nzima sect, hifadhi J. matumizi at Gahr wauzaji Islands creatine for daraja Maine fedha me. Juu Thus, for the unscrupulous to unasababishwa daraja creatine muuzaji kuchukua swing SAA Jan katika kuonyesha fitness baada J. Cham.

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