Getting in shape for summer begins right now!
May 25, 2012 by admin
Filed under Get in Shape
Article by Melonie
Getting in shape for summer begins right now! – Health – Weight Loss
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Getting in shape for summer should start now because by the time July comes around you’ll want to be fitting nicely into your summer clothes, especially your swim suit (get going for a beach body). When you feel confident you express confidence, because you feel great and look great and isn’t that the way you want to live your life, especially during the summer months when you wear less clothing. So, if you are overweight, and you want to lose weight fast this article will share some strategies to help you.Let me share some tips for losing weight.1. Visualize your ideal weight: Start now and see yourself at the weight you want to be! What I’m asking you to do is some creative visualization. If you find this challenging take a look through a magazine and find a body type similar to what you desire or find a picture of yourself at a weight that you felt good at and look at it often. It is the first step to success. 2. Keep a journal: Next what you want to do is write down your goal if it is to lose 10 pounds, 20 pounds or whatever. Be realistic and remember it is already April and you don’t want to set yourself up for failure. Write a journal to keep track of your success and challenges during this time.3. Exercise: It’s okay if you haven’t been that active during the winter months. Don’t go getting depressed before you begin. Start today to walk for 15 minutes and then increase daily. Doing a little something is better than doing nothing!4. Buy a DVD: Buy an exercise DVD and start off by doing 5 minutes one day and then 10 minutes the next day and so on. You may want to start doing Yoga. So, buy a DVD to see if it feels right for you and then go join a class. 5. Diet – Meal Plan: Diet and I don’t mean dieting. It is a good practice to eat up to 6 small meals or snacks during the day and remember not to skip a meal or you will slow your metabolism down. Avoid white anything like sugar or rice or flour it is processed and has no nutritional value and as well, you will want to leave out the fast foods and processed foods.6. Drink WATER: Drink plenty of WATER! Lots of water will not only make your skin look great, it helps curb your appetite. Remember this tip when you are feeling hungry. True hunger comes on gradually. If you’re not sure if you are really hungry, have a big glass of water.7. Follow the 80/20 rule: Do not get angry with yourself if you slip up and find yourself having that slice of cake at your neighbor’s party. If you eat by the 80/20 rule which says: If you eat healthy wholesome foods 80% of the time, 20% of the time, you can enjoy those special treats that you really enjoy so you won’t feel deprived.This may sound like a lot to do but you’re worth it and trust me, you’ll be loving the way you look and feel in your summer clothes. Hey, well here’s the next step. If you enjoyed this article, here’s something else you can do. Check out the FREE sneak preview of The MindBody FX Lifestyle book and Consumer’s Guide at You will find many weight loss tips to get you started.
About the Author
Melonie Dodaro is an author, coach, trainer and the founder and CEO of MindBody FX Weight Management Company, who specializes in changing the way women think so they can achieve permanent weight loss. Now, you can learn how to harness the power of your mind to experience the weight loss results you desire. Claim your FREE MindBody FX Lifestyle Book Sneak Preview and Consumer Awareness Guide at and start shedding the pounds today.
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Melonie Dodaro is an author, coach, trainer and the founder and CEO of MindBody FX Weight Management Company, who specializes in changing the way women think so they can achieve permanent weight loss. Now, you can learn how to harness the power of your mind to experience the weight loss results you desire. Claim your FREE MindBody FX Lifestyle Book Sneak Preview and Consumer Awareness Guide at and start shedding the pounds today.
Use and distribution of this article is subject to our Publisher Guidelines
whereby the original author’s information and copyright must be included.
Low Back Pain Exercises Treatments – How To Do It Right
April 5, 2012 by admin
Filed under Back Exercises
Having low back pain is a real problem for any person. The feeling of staying at the same place day after day can scare even the bravest man. Research shows that there are more than 70% adult in this world suffer from low back pain at least once in a life time. However, the good news is low back pain is treatable using some simple self-care treatments (exercises) that you can do yourself.
One of the biggest mistakes that people who have back pain do is have rest all day on the bed. Doing so will make the problem worse. Some simple walking around the house or the park will do a great help. It would be nice if you have someone to walk along. It might cause some mild pain and inconvenience at first but soon you will see the benefits.
Low back pain exercises can vary but the most popular and effective are some simple stretching.
The stretching exercises will keep your muscle and other tissues more flexible. This will reduce the pain and the likely to suffer from injuries. Doctors may also recommend you do some aerobic exercises. These types of exercise can be very helpful as they will help you condition your heart and other muscles as well as boost the recovery.
There are, however, some exercises can do harm to your condition while many people think they help. They are toe touches while standing, straight leg sit-up, lift legs while you are lying on your back. You should completely not do such exercises as they will cause the problem worse.
Low back pain, as I said, can be treated really fast if you do the exercise properly.
If you suffer from back pain quite a long time, you may not have the right method. There is a course that can help you get rid of low back pain as fast as in 7 days.
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Choosing The Right Weight Lifting Equipment For You
April 1, 2012 by admin
Filed under Weight Lifting
Article by Marry Jazz
When you decide to engage in a weight lifting program at the convenience of your home, it is wise and practical to identify what is the right weight lifting equipment for you. Do not just buy anything without prior planning because buying in impulse is not really recommended..
The first thing that you need to do is to identify why you want to engage in weight lifting. Do you want to lose weight or gain weight? Or is it for improving your strength and endurance? Or just to tone your muscles? After identifying your purpose, look for the appropriate weight lifting training program for your need.
There are lots of free and yet highly effective training workout programs that are available in the internet which are being shared by experienced weight lifters and trainers. Many of these free weight lifting programs are designed for beginners while there are also some that are intended for intermediate and advance weight lifters. Just choose the one that matches your lifestyle and especially your schedule.
After identifying your program, read the necessary weight lifting equipment that you need to do the said workout. You will definitely need set of barbells or dumbbells and a weight bench. In buying these equipment or tools, prefer those that are adjustable and comes with set of adjustable discs. Likewise, consider barbells or dumbbells with rubber bumper plates because these do not easily bend or break even when you dropped them accidentally.
When in comes in buying weight bench, choose the durable and heavy duty one that is preferably adjustable. But you can choose just the basic weight bench unless your workout routine will require you to use adjustable or reclining weight benches.
The critical part of buying weight lifting equipment is when you are looking for weight lifting machine to aid in your workout. There are so many available machines in the market today and they are relatively way expensive than barbells, dumbbells and weight benches so ask for feed back and advice. And be sure that it can serve it purpose when you start your work training program.
One good place to read functions, reviews as well as to check and compare prices of any weight lifting equipment or even accessory is the internet. Check out the online stores and weight lifting forums to know the function and effectivity of these machines or accessories. And be sure that the weight lifting machine that you want to buy is the one that you really need and can still be used even you advance in more complicated weight lifting program.
Marry Jazz is a successful author of
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Four Keys to Hiring the Right Houston Personal Trainer
March 23, 2012 by admin
Filed under Fitness Training
Article by Joseph Carter
Selecting a Houston personal trainer to facilitate you get in shape can be a intimidating and unclear process. Employing a personal trainer is seen by many to be kind of costly, but it can make a big difference in your level of fitness and health. Most Houstonians who have good personal trainers are hooked to the positive effects they produce and believe it to be a deal. This article will distinguish the four keys to selecting the appropriate Houston personal trainer.
Key #1 — In What Area of Houston Do You Need a Personal Trainer
While this may look unmistakable it is powerful that you select a personal trainer who operates in a section of Houston that is convenient for you. You will probably be meeting with the trainer two to three times per calendar week, and perhaps even using that same gym on other days as well, so you require a location to be somewhat easy to get to. For example, if you work or live in Spring you would not want to employ a Galleria area personal trainer, causing you to spend an hour plus traveling one way each time you had a session. The Houston area is full of quality physical trainers so it makes sense to hire one within a sensible proximity to your home or office.
Key #2 — Personal Referrals Are the Optimal Way to Locate a Quality Personal Trainer
While glossy marketing pamphlets and elaborate websites are nice, you are a great deal better off forming your decision with suggestions from friends or acquaintances who have actually used the services of the Houston personal trainer you’re considering hiring. If your friend informs you how she loves her trainer, has lost a considerable amount of weight and half of her body fat, and really relishes her workouts, that is a physical trainer who should be high on your list. On the other hand, if another acquaintance tells you that she really enjoys her trainer but that she has not really made any physical progress even though she’s used the trainer for over a year, you probably want to keep away from her physical trainer. Put Differently, results matter. Physical trainers bill by the session so there’s no real point in getting one unless you are going to advance towards your goals. A good word from someone who has gotten great results with that trainer is absolutely the best demonstration of an effective trainer.
Key #3 — Your Houston Physical Trainer Should Be Certified by One of the Major Associations
The physical trainer field has several major industry organizations they can belong to. Most of these associations have relatively demanding certification requirements which include certain educational and knowledge-based measures as well as up-to-date continuing education course requirements. One of the biggest organizations who certify personal trainers is ACE (American Council on Exercise). Any Houston personal trainer you look at hiring should have one of these certifications. The reality is that there is no certification requirement by the government before someone can
Joseph Carter writes on the topics of health and fitness. He is associated with the website of Houston Personal Trainer Anu Morgan. If you live in the Houston area and want to get in the best shape of your life you need Certified Houston Personal Trainer Anu Morgan.
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An Introduction on Finding the Right London Run Club for You
March 21, 2012 by admin
Filed under Running and Jogging
Article by Tom Ward
When considering to begin a new fitness regime people often overlook the basics and try to get kick start their new life with many fancy fitness routines or programmes. Most people overlook the very basics of fitness, these are often the most enjoyable, simple and do not cost a lot of money to participate in. This is where running comes into play. Running is one of the most simple, cost effective and enjoyable forms of exercise available. It is also completely free, wherever you are and can lead to a feeling of great well being. The number of people who are now taking to the streets in London and running has reached an all time high, this can be attributed to the global recession, as well the high prices now being charged in commercial gyms. However, many people discover that they find it hard to motivate themselves and to keep a new fitness regime going over an extended period of time. This is where joining a London running club really could provide to be a invaluable decision and you can experience the camaraderie enjoyed through out a run club in London. This camaraderie will ensure that you gain the highest enjoyment and benefit from group running in London and will help you to meet like minded people who are looking to improve their levels of fitness and to share running tips and ideas in a safe and rewarding environment. When you are seeking to join a London running club there are a number of things which you really need to consider so that you are joining a run club in London which is suitable for you and one that you can commit to in the long term. This is a common mistake people make, they do not conduct through research or spend the time getting greater insight into a particular London running club. It is also important to ensure that they cater for your level of fitness and do not specialise for a particular fitness group, such as novice or experienced runners. You should also consider the location and if this will be accessible for you to reach on a regular basis, particularly during the winter months when you will need to be aware that you will need to motivate yourself during the dark Winter days. You should also make sure that the sessions are varied and of a high tempo, this will help to ensure that you are kept interested during the work out and give it your full concentration and dedication, variations such as circuits and hill climbs are ideal and will keep your body guessing and effectively push it harder and harder. Many people often feel intimidated and nervous about joining a London run club but there really is no need and you should ask to whether or not they are able to offer you a free session so you can try a London running club for free and ascertain whether or not the running club is the right one for you. Through this free session you can see first hand what the sessions and entail and begin to make an informed decision as to whether or not you join the particular London running club.”>Run Club London is a West London running club that provides members with an exciting and varied workout. We are considered to be a leading London running club. Sign up to Run Club today and try our London running club for free.
Speedy Sneakers Walking and Running Clubs for Women appearing on NBC4 Midday News in Columbus Ohio
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Getting Fit With the Right Fitness Training Equipment
March 3, 2012 by admin
Filed under Fitness Training
Article by Yap Shirley
Before beginning usage of fitness training equipment, one must know the types of equipment which are available in the market and how each of equipment works for various parts of the body.
Choosing the Proper Equipment
Various types of equipments are available for home now and it is not just for gym anymore. As simple equipment like set of weights is available, a garage or spare bedroom can be converted into complete home gym. We first have to choose the fitness training equipment we require and if looking for a total workout, the all in one gym sets suits well. With the same piece of machinery, one can tone muscles in a variety of various exercises.
Regular sports equipment for training such as punching bags, basketballs and footballs is available if someone is looking for more athletic oriented fitness equipment. This type of fitness training equipment is for those planning for less intensive workouts and for beginners. Fitness training equipment is also available for those who wish for a real light workout which is more geared towards aerobic exercises such as jogging, running, Pilates, yoga and step exercises. They can be used at home or gym or wherever someone finds time to do some exercise and many women prefers to have such equipment meant for doing such exercises.
Checking and trying out some equipment at a gym if someone is not sure of what kind of equipment they need. Once proper machine is found, necessary research work need to be done for finding out same home version of the equipment. Thus one can get the workout without paying the price of gym membership which also give the privacy and convenience of working out from home.
If someone aspiring to get the body into shape, fitness training equipment plays a vital role. Healthy eating and exercise habits can benefit throughout the life which prevent injuries and diseases. So having own set of fitness training equipment avoids slacking off from daily exercises. Having fitness training equipment at home is best advised to keep someone on track of getting and staying healthy.
Shirley has been writing articles professionally, both online and offline, since 4 years ago. This author is not only writing in the subject of health, but also in dieting, fat loss, fitness and many other more. Check out her latest website in Iron Bed Frames which discuss and review about Cheap Bed Frames.
I just began exercising regularly again and I thought some of you might be interested in some inexpensive ways to get in a workout at home. This is only a portion of my homemade fitness equipment, so I’ll probably do a part 2 to this video at some point. I hope you find it interesting, thanks for watching! Cheap inexpensive home gym fitness equipment weightlifting gear homemade workout training muscle building powerlifting lifting bodybuilding bench barbell lat machine chinup squat rack RamblinAround Rambling vlog hd partner
Carbohydrates Are Bad Right, So What’s With Weight Lifting Diets?
February 29, 2012 by admin
Filed under Weight Lifting
Article by Dan Gonzalez
Carbohydrates are not evil. There seems to be a very big trend that seems to suggest that carbs are not good for you unless your a marathon runner or something. Or that they just make you fat. Your weight lifting diet actually benefits from carbs when consumed sensibly. Any weight lifting diet that attempts to cancel them out completely should be questioned. (No, I’m not talking about Atkins, it has it’s place)
Question: What is one of the key factors when you need to bulk up while following you weight lifting diet.
Answer: Energy.
If your body lacks the fuel that it needs to burn energy and repair itself, you will have a serious lag in your ability to build muscle. Carbohydrates are a source of this fuel. Carb intake for a “weight loss” is very different for carb intake for a weight lifting diet.
There are other factors but for now lets look at Carbohydrates.
Come good sources of carbohydrates are pasta, rice, potatoes, fruit and veggies. Carbs should be consumed with the future in mind. What I mean is just as they say your decisions today shape your success tomorrow, the carbs you eat to day help your workout tomorrow.
It takes time for you body to process a meal and convert carbs into usable energy. There are some forms that are in drinks that take effect faster but in our weight lifting diet we need to plan ahead.
I’m not gonna try to confuse you by talking about good carbs and bad carbs and all that scientific stuff. I bet you that if you asked Arnold if he cared about good and bad carbs he’d probably laugh at you and might say, in his notable accent, “I would just workout and then go get a healthy meal, I could care less about how it works, it just does”.
You should make sure that you have a carb packed meal after a good workout and something to hydrate you and replenish your electrolytes. Do not consume things with refined sugar or even any of those “just like sugar” products.
Your weight lifting diet should be carb enriched but not over done because when you finally get to the burning stages to chisel and burn excess weight to give you that statuesque look you don’t want to have to join “The Biggest Loser” just to do it.
As a matter of fact when you see a bodybuilder during the building phases when his carb intake is high, many times they appear to overweight. They know what they’re doing and will come to a time when they shed all of that and that’s when all that you see is muscle and veins.
By the way you need carbs in a weight lifting diet because they help in the production of blood and clotting, your immune system, As a matter of fact when you’re over training your body with bad workout practices your body goes into a specific survival state that switches to burning any source of carbs available and burns minimal fat.
This is one reason why some people say I work out like crazy but I don’t seem to really be losing fat. It’s all about survival and when we put stress on our physiological system, intentionally our bodies have a very cool emergency back up plan. Your weight lifting diet plan should utilize this to your advantage.
Remember a weight lifting diet should not be unbalanced. To find out more about Carbs and optimum weight lifting diet plan, make sure that you find a reliable source and do not take any thing that’s thrown at you until you’ve researched it. It’s your body and anything you put into it is up to you.
Weight lifting diet plans are meant to make your bodies muscular gains excel to aid in bigger, faster gains. Make sure you have just that. Click here for a complete weight lifting program.
Dan Gonzalez
Dan Gonzalez Recommends: Finally Discover Secrets Of The Shortest Route To Amazing Muscle Gains, Spend Less Time In The Gym While You Grow Faster Than You Ever Thought Possible. Every Muscle Counts
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Body Builders Need The Right Approach
February 9, 2012 by admin
Filed under Body Builders
Article by Vinna Henry
Body building is about more than turning yourself into the next Arnold Schwarzenegger (the 1980s Arnold, not the current, Governor of California Arnold). The common thought on body building is that it is merely a way for you to pump your muscles up to outlandish proportions. The simple truth is that body building is all about strengthening your muscles and then building them up to give you a “prettier” physique. There is far more to the sport than just “getting ripped.” It is actually about getting healthy. If you are thinking about putting together a body building routine for yourself, here are some hints that will help you. Don’t forget that the key to body building is becoming healthy first and then getting pretty later.
Each muscle you have should be worked on at least once a week. When you are a beginner you will need to plan your workout in advance. You need to do this to ensure that your muscles are given the proper amount of attention. Adding variety to your workout routines is something that you will be able to do when you have more experience. Plenty body builders do advance planning with their workouts. This helps them make sure that they are working out correctly and that they won’t get bored. For some, it is the “rut” that will keep them from advancing in their sport. There are a lot of different body building exercises that you can do; take some time to learn about each of them. You don’t have to make a commitment to any of them; just try them out. Doing this will help you learn which exercises to do when you want to work certain groups of muscles. It will be easier to plan a workout and to get results when you know exactly what you need to do to each part of your body. After all, if you want to build up your arms, you don’t want to be focusing on a routine that only builds muscles in your back! When you take the time to explore and learn you are less likely to waste your own time and hurt yourself.
It is okay to take a moment to relax and rest between exercises. If you push yourself too hard you could wind up injuring yourself unnecessarily. The best way to increase your stamina levels and to lengthen your workout is to let your body have a couple of minutes to rest periodically. Dehydration is often caused by someone trying to complete a workout without stopping. It could cause you to pull or strain muscles. You might get too weak to finish the workout at all. Professional body builders are the strongest advocates for rest periods and they know what they are talking about!
Body building is something that everybody can do. It is a great way to focus on getting healthy and getting in shape. For some people body building is more than a hobby, it is a career! You do not have to be as dedicated to the activity but if you stick with it you could find that you rather enjoy the way your body feels and looks. If you set reasonable body building goals and use your brain you should easily be able to improve the level of your health!
Vinna website’s: Call Center Training, Free Delivery Flowers, Sofas And Loveseats and Jewelry And Accessories.

Super strong body builder.
Video Rating: 3 / 5
How to Buy the Right Exercise Equipment
February 8, 2012 by admin
Filed under Arm Exercises
Article by Edwin Jones
Sometimes going to the gym is just not convenient. We have to work, take care of the kids and do the many chores that require us to live in a modern world. Unfortunately today’s busy lifestyle can really take a toll on your health. We all know that we need to take the time to exercise but where do we actually find that time? A solution is to purchase exercise equipment for your home.
There are a few things to consider when you think of purchasing exercise equipment. How often are you going to use it? Do you have space in your home? What kind of exercises do you like to do? Should you purchase used or new? Do you want to buy equipment with a specific body area in mind?
Are you Really Going to Use the Equipment?
The market for used exercise equipment is huge. The reason is not typically because people want to upgrade their equipment, but because they bought something that they had no intention of using in the first place. If you are not a runner, then perhaps you would not like a treadmill, despite it being the most popular piece of exercise equipment you can buy. Maybe you would be more comfortable with an elliptical machine instead.
How many times have you been seduced by those info commercials showing hot bodies working out with fancy machines? It takes a long time to look as good as the models. The equipment is not going to magically transform you into a bodybuilder. You have to use the exercise equipment consistently to create a healthy body. So make sure before you spend the money that you actually expect to use the equipment.
Decide what Type of Exercise You Like
Many people buy exercise equipment thinking that they would like to get involved in the activity without ever really participating in it. It seems as though the first piece of exercise equipment purchased is a treadmill. Now, if you do not like to go outside for a walk or running is not your thing, there should be serious doubts that you would enjoy it any better inside your home. However, if you always enjoyed lifting weights at the gym, then you know you would benefit from having a high quality bench and a few choice dumb bells in your home.
Make Sure You Have the Space
Before you run out and buy a couple of exercise machines you probably want to map out where you intend to put it in your home. Exercise equipment can look relatively small in huge gyms, but the same piece of equipment in your little upstairs bedroom can dominate the room. There are many pieces of equipment made nowadays that can fold up into smaller units perfect for closet storage or fit in unused corner areas.
Buying New or Used
There are so many pieces of quality exercise equipment for sale used and cheap that it is difficult to recommend that you buy them new. The only reason to buy new is if you could not find the exact piece that you really want. Convenience in purchasing a new one also comes into play, but with this convenience comes a high cost. There are numerous quality second hand stores that sell used equipment. Also it is a good idea to comb through the classifieds in the paper and see if anyone is selling good equipment.
What Part of the Body to Concentrate On?
You might consider what body parts you are most interested in working out with home exercise equipment. Maybe you only want something that can help tone your abdominal muscles. Or perhaps you are not getting enough legwork and want equipment to build those muscles. Of course, there is also exercise equipment that can work out the entire body. The idea is to consider your goals and what you want to accomplish with the exercise equipment and then make your purchase.
Exercise equipment can be a time saver for those people who want a workout but cannot make it to the gym. There are many types of equipment available so choosing the right one will ensure that it will actually be used. Exercise equipment can make you healthier but only if you use it and do not relegate it to the junk pile.
About the Author: Edwin Jones is a writer on a wide range of Health and fitness related topics. His latest website has detailed information about Discount Home Gyms. Find out more here about Discount Home Gyms You have full permission to reprint this article provided the sentence above and links are kept.
Is Aerobic Exercise Right For You?
January 19, 2012 by admin
Filed under Anaerobic Exercises
Article by Troy Anderson
Copyright (c) 2008 Anderson Training Systems
There is a long standing myth that aerobic exercise, otherwise known as cardio in the inner sanctum that we call the gym or fitness center, is the absolute Holy Grail when it comes to losing weight.
It’s very unfortunate that this MYTH is still being perpetuated since it is quite possibly the worst way to lose fat, other than camping out on the couch eating bon bons.
On top of that, an exercise program consisting solely of cardio or aerobic exercise is a nearly certain path to a plateau, frustration, and, in many cases, failure.
Although it all started with good intentions, let me paint you a little picture on why aerobic exercise by no means the end-all and be-all for weight loss. Imagine one of those mammoth, jacked-up, diesel-guzzling behemoths of an SUV being driven around your neighborhood by the stay-at-home mom with a single child.
Inefficient and quite possibly downright wasteful, right?
Now imagine one of those goofy-shaped, 80-mile-per-gallon, quiet, metallic lime green hybrids sneaking up on you at a more rapid rate driven by your Birkenstock-wearing, ultra-liberal neighbor.
A picture of efficiency, right?
The latter is exactly what slow, steady aerobic exercise program turns the body into when it comes to burning fat. When the name of the game is fast fat-loss, we want to be as inefficient as possible, a big ‘ol diesel SUV with 35″ wheels on it just for good measure.
So how do you safely dive into the world of fast-results exercise when you aren’t exactly sure what to do and definitely don’t want to get injured? Simple, really.
Move your body. Yup! Move in lots of different directions and angles. You will be surprised at how much effort it takes just to move your body. I do have a caveat, however.
Bodyweight exercise is a great tool, but if you are severely overweight (+50 lbs or more) the exercise circuit described below may be a little too challenging. You probably should use a very specific regimen that is customized to your needs and orthopedic conditions.
That being said, let’s get into the good stuff. This is a little circuit that you can use and get a good sweat going. It can be performed on a daily basis and will provide an excellent beginning exercise stimulus.
– Planks – Start by lying on the floor. Lift your body up, and with forearms and feet as your points of support, hold this position by pulling in your stomach.
– Lunges – Take a step forward. Stop all forward momentum and lower yourself by bending the knee and hip of your front leg, trying to lower the front hip straight down. Concentrate on keeping your trunk centered over your hips.
– Push-ups – Start with your hands directly underneath your shoulders. From here lower your chest towards the floor, ideally reaching a level where your upper and lower arms form a 90 degree angle. Be sure not to sag at the hips or lower back as this will make the push-up impossible to do correctly.
Women, if you cannot do full push-ups, start in the same position but with your hands elevated on something like a countertop or chair. Gradually reduce the elevation as you become stronger.
– Inch worms – Squat down as if you were having to use the facilities in a foreign country. From this position, lean forward, place your hands on the floor, and walk out until your body is parallel to the floor.
– Get-ups – Start by lying on your back on the floor. The goal is to move into a standing upright position without having to use any other objects for assistance.
General instructions:
Complete the circuit 2-5 times.
Depending on your fitness level, spend 20-60 seconds on each exercise.
Be sure to increase the number of times you repeat each exercise or increase the amount of time spent performing each exercise every 2 weeks.
This little program can be done every day. And if you don’t take the easy way out by continuing to do the same amount week after week, you will make consistent progress with both your level of fitness and amount of fat-loss.
hich, of course, is much better than the same hours spent on the treadmill or in aerobic classes, only to be rewarded with plateaus and frustrations.
So press on the gas and let the engine roar. Smoke the tires and watch your fat-burning machine speed down the fat-loss super highway with total body exercise.
Troy M. Anderson is the owner of Anderson Training Systems, LLC,a fitness coaching business based in Tempe, Arizona.Troy is often referred to as “the MacGyver of coaching” for his unique ability to build effective fitness programs using only the most basic equipment.For more articles and instructional video, visit http://www.atscoaching.comFitness Ain’t Pretty-RESULTS ARE!