Body Weight Training – My Routine

May 18, 2012 by  
Filed under Weight Training

Alright, so lately I’ve been getting a lot of emails back and forth about what I do when it comes to body weight training and calisthenics. Aside from my weight training, my workout is pretty much simple to say the least. Although that being said, it might look simple on the looks of things but really it’s harder than it looks.

Before starting my routine, I do a quick 4-5 minute medium paced jog to get the blood going. Must I say it’s really important you warm up and stretch a little bit before you do any exercise. Blasting straight into a routine without giving your muscles a proper warm up can lead to muscle pulls, strains, and other connective tissue injuries as well.

Alright back to my workout. After I do my 5 minute warm-up and stretch, I start to do a set of push-ups doing as many as I can for that first set. After I complete my first set, I rest for about 1-2 minutes.

Going into my second set, I aim to get 10 less push-ups from my max from the first set. So if I did 60 push-ups the first set, I would drop down to 50. I would drop down another 5 push-ups the next following 2 sets.

After the completion of push-ups, I go straight into pull-ups. For the first 3 sets, I’ll start with a overhand grip. The first set I’ll aim to do 12, the second set 10, and the third 8. After I complete 3 sets, I’ll do another 3 sets underhand with the same repetition scheme as stated for the overhand sets.

The next exercise on the list is bodyboards. This exercise also goes by other names, but I prefer the more simpler and easy to remember name. I’ll also super set this exercise with sit-ups from time to time. Anywho, I’ll do three sets of bodyboards with a minute in each set for a total of 3 sets. And if I don’t super set this exercise, I’ll either do V-ups or even sit-ups on a decline bench.

If you’re ready to see a fitter, stronger, and a better you, click the highlighted link for more information on Home Workout Routines!

Find Your Own Weight Loss Exercise Routine

May 3, 2012 by  
Filed under Anaerobic Exercises

Article by Trevor Dalley

You will need a weight loss exercise routine if you want to lose weight in the smartest and healthiest way. Diet alone can help you lose weight, but the eating plan will have to be so restrictive and limited that many people end up giving up and gaining back any weight that they may have lost. When exercise is included, the weight loss is helped and the diet can be much more realistic.

Your weight loss exercise should include a cardiovascular exercise such as walking, running, or swimming to get your heart rate up to the proper rate for aerobic activity. This heart rate will have to be sustained for twenty minutes to get the best benefit from your exercise plan. Start off slow to get your body accustomed to the workout if you have not exercised in a while. Make sure that you warm up first and always cool down to avoid injury.

Weight training can also be a part of your weight loss exercise routine. When you engage your muscles, the increase to your metabolism will go on long after you have finished your exercise. Increasing your muscle mass will also increase the amount of calories that you burn. There are many benefits to using weight training in your routine including toning your body and sculpting some fabulous muscles on your body. Take your time and build up slowly to avoid injuring yourself while working out.

Vary your weight loss exercise routine from time to time. You will avoid boredom and there are some great benefits to your muscles when you use them in a different way. Over time, your muscles can become accustomed to your workout and you will no longer get the same benefit from the routine.

Choose exercises that you will enjoy doing every day to make sure that you have some consistency in your routine. You are much more likely to go back to an exercise that you enjoy doing than one that you dread every day. There are many activities that you can include in your weight loss exercise routine that are not your typical exercise such as dancing or even incorporating your housecleaning into your exercise routine.

Your weight loss exercise routine should also include a well balanced diet. The exercise will help you to stick with your diet as well. Many times your exercise routine can help you to stick with a diet as well. Once you begin to see some results from your efforts, you will be encouraged to keep on going and making more improvements to your healthier lifestyle.

Over time, you will have a well balanced diet in place with a weight loss exercise plan that keeps your body in good condition and health. It is the only way to a healthy body and the results that you want. Begin with an exercise routine instead of a diet this time and see what kind of results you can get. You’ve tried every diet on the market, right? Now it’s time to try a whole new approach to weight

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The Best Workout Routine

April 30, 2012 by  
Filed under Gym Workouts

Be prepared in developing your workout schedule!

So, you’ve decided to get started again and try a new sport like soccer, baseball, rowing, running, cycling, or tennis. Just making the decision to do so is leading you to a much healthier lifestyle.  OK, now what?  Take some time to prepare yourself for whats ahead of you concerning your increased physical activity.  Being better prepared will bring you confidence and create a better chance of you having fun and staying injury-free.

Get in Shape First

That means taking it slow when you first start out no matter what your sport is.  The best workout routines are those that incorporate preparing your body through conditioning prior to the season opening. Find a workout routine that’s specifically designed to prepare you for the activity. You can then gradually ramp up in the weeks or months before the activity begins.  A good rule of thumb is a 10 percent increase in activity each week. So start out six to eight weeks to get in shape and you’ll peck during your selected sport even.

Mix It Up

Cross training is a great way to mix it up and help prevent injuries, boredom, and burnout. Bikers, who use very specific muscle groups can incorporate complementary activities such as jogging or swimming to mix it up. Downhill skiers often use yoga to develop balance and flexibility. Challenge your body with several different activities to keep it fresh.

Get the Right Gear and Use It

With any sport you need to take pro-cations to protect yourself from injury.  Always wear padding, helmets, mouth guards, goggles, and other protective gear that are recommended for the sport along with making sure all equipment fits well. Don’t hop on a borrowed bicycle from a friend and head out on a 20-mile ride. Make sure you get the bike adjusted to your fit. Good shoes are a must, so don’t buy last year’s athletic shoes. It’s your body, so invest in this year’s shoes with good arch support.

Fuel Up

Hitting the road for an extended period of time without giving your body adequate fuel is a recipe for crash and burn. Along those lines make sure you have a way to carry water with you and drink before you get thirsty. Snacks that are high in carbohydrates such as energy bars, bananas, raisins, and trail mix will help you feel energetic.

Take your time and work yourself into a new sport slowly. This will prove to be the best workout routine you could prepare for yourself.

Visit to get up to date fitness secrets,  articles, and [Lose That Fat Product Reviews] to be better informed of your Lose That Fat Options.

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Bodyweight Workout System – Home Gym Workout Routine

April 23, 2012 by  
Filed under Gym Workouts

All of us want to have a body we can brag about. This is the reason why we use to attend or enroll ourselves to gym sessions and yoga classes. They teach us on how to do each workout routine properly to achieve what our goals are. Sad to say, not all of us are able to avail their services. But you have nothing to worry about. You can perform a home gym workout routine which you can perform even in the comfort of your own home.

Click Here For Bodyweight Workout System Instant Access Now!

The first thing you need to do is to find a room with enough space for your weight-training exercises. Look for a room with a controlled temperature; you definitely want to be comfortable while doing your workout.

Use professional safety equipment that you can incorporate in doing your workout. And one of the mistakes while doing a home gym exercise routines are the cutting corners and also the use of poor gym equipment.

Be careful when it comes to your equipment. Know how to use it correctly. After using it, return the weights to a safe place, cover your bench, bench press bars and weights to make last and preserve its attractiveness. Look for a way on how will you store each equipment when you are not using them.

One of the keys for your home training workout routine to be a success is to incorporate a weight training exercise. This will assist you to avoid on focusing at one particular muscle group. When you are at home, you dont have any trainer to help you set-up a workout plan so be careful when doing each exercise. Much better to do your research or ask a medical doctor to ensure that you will not experience side effects before and after doing your home gym workout routine.

Click Here For Bodyweight Workout System Instant Access Now!

This author writes about Bodyweight Training Exercises at Home Workout Routine For Men

Workout Routine – Weight Loss Workout Routine

April 21, 2012 by  
Filed under Muscle Fitness

Most of us recognize that whether we like it or not we will have tofollow a weight loss workout routine to shed those poundsthe proper way–the way thatwill help keep them off. But one common error that first-time dieters, or dieters that are in the first couple of days of their diet, make is to diminish their intake of food too much when they are exercising.

This will not allow you all of the energy you should havein order to get through your weight loss workout routine. You’ll tire too quickly to be able to follow through. Perfecting the fragile balance of eating properly (the appropriate foods, and not too much or too little) and exercise is what can get you to your goal weight.

Many diets advise that you reduce (or even eliminate) carbohydrates from your meals. However, you should have carbohydrates for energy. Just be surethat you’regetting the right varieties of carbohydrates. They ought to come from foods that are unprocessed and fiber rich like whole grains, vegetables, fruit, brown rice and potatoes. Whenever you eat the right carbohydrates, you’re getting all the needed fiber along with other nutrients that thebody needs.

Ensure that youmake sure that youare having enough protein and healthy fat (like olive oil, nuts, seeds and omega3). You need to be eating three moderate meals as well as two snacks or five small meals a day so that you can have the energy you’ll need for your weight loss workout routine.

In regard to your weight loss workout routine, you might want to first assess your status and see how in-shape or out-of-shape you may be. You’ll eventuallyaspire to incorporate both aerobics (cardiovascular training) and resistance training into your weight loss workout routine, but if you’re just starting out, it is advisable tobegin with one and start very slowly. In your assessment, also think abouthow much time you can commit to your workout routine and your preferences.

Then, take heed to a few general rules. If your goal is only to lose weight, you can really consider cardio activities. It’s also advisable todo some strength training to tone and raise your metabolism. If your goal is also to build up some muscle mass, you simply musttarget the strength training. If you’re intending to put both aerobics and weight training in the same weight loss workout, do the strength training first so that you avoid using up any energy after the cardio part. You can do five minutes or so of cardio for a warm-up before your resistance training.

If you don’t have any real detailed goals except to lose the weight and just be much healthier, just vary days of strength training and aerobics training. This helps to ensure thatyou will get both in and removes the boredom of doing exactly the same thingon a daily basis. Likewise try to mix up what you may do for aerobic training and everything you do for resistance training in your weight loss workout routine.

Joe Golson – Natural Health And Wellness Coach,writer and promoter of GNLD Natural Health And Wellness products.Wish to manage your weight better? Get GNLD’s GR2 Control Weight Loss Supplements for an all natural Nutritional Health Supplements that is based in nature and backed by science

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The Brock Lesnar Workout Routine

April 8, 2012 by  
Filed under Muscular Endurance

Article by Don Johnson

From the first time he stepped into the wrestling ring, until he made the much publicized crossover to the world of Mixed Martial Arts; Brock Lesnar has been larger than life.  He shocked the MMA world by beating some of the best heavyweight fighters they had to offer. A huge part of Brock’s success has been his unique combination of strength and explosiveness. How often have you watched Brock fight and thought to yourself; how does a guy that big move like that? Few MMA fighters are as massive and muscular, while still remaining flexible and agile, as Brock. Watching such a large guy move so quickly always intrested me.  So I started looking into what the Brock Lesnar workout consisted of.  How exactly does he train to build and maintain his massive amount of muscle mass?  How does he use his MMA training to condition his body, and win in the octagon?

Unfortunately, Brock won’t be stepping back in the octagon until sometime next year because of surgery.  I am sure that once he is cleared by doctors he will be back at DeathCluth killing it.

Obviously Brock’s training addresses all area of conditioning.  And despite the fact that Lesnar is a heavyweight, that doesn’t mean that cardio is neglected.  In fact, he probably has to focus on it more than smaller fighters do to keep himself in shape.  Carrying that much muscle mass at such a low bodyfat percentage is no easy task.  Cardio is of course a big part of his conditioning.  Here is an example of some of Brock’s conditioning work.

Cardio and Muscular Endurance Workout This workout was shown on the UFC All Access program where Rachelle Leah gives viewers an insight how UFC fighters live and train. It consists of 5 x 5 minute rounds. Each round focuses on a different aspect of his fitness.

Round 1 – Pushing Muscular Endurance

Spiderman Push Ups

Plyo Push Ups

Mounted Punching

Tire Push

Hand Switch

Round 2 – Pulling Muscular Endurance

Recline Pull Ups

Bodyweight Pull Ups

Pulling/Pushing Tire

Jumping Pull Ups

Heavy Bag Twirl

Round 3 – Cardio

Airdyne Bike (70 rpm)

UBE Machine

Incline Treadmill (as steep as possible)

Windsprint Bike (standing the whole time)

Airdyne Bike

Round 4 – Hybrid Strength

Jammer Machine

One Arm Sledge Hammer

Medicine Ball Sprawls

Bear Crawls

Transition Station

Round 5 – Finishing Round

Airdyne Bike (70 rpm)

UBE Machine

Incline Treadmill (as steep as possible)

Windsprint Bike (standing the whole time)

Airdyne Bike (70 rpm)

As you can see, the Brock Lesnar Workout is no joke.  Keep in mind this is only one small part of the training he uses.  Think you could handle it?  Whether you are interested in MMA training for you own conditioning purposes, or actually hope to step in the octagon; this is a great workout.  Give it a try, and see if you can go the distance.

Don Johnson is the founder and head strength coach at Mammoth Strength, and athletic training facility in Jacksonville Fla. Visit his sites at Mammoth Strength and Bench Press Technique

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Choosing A Workout Routine

March 29, 2012 by  
Filed under Muscle Fitness

Article by Robert William Locke

Choose A Workout Routine

First of all you should know that the prime rule from which the best workout routines are based is that the workout routine itself should not be aimed to lose weight, but rather to lose fat. The “beginner” and “intermediate” workout routines are pretty decent (although, like other reviewers, I am a bit skeptical about the 6 day workout schedule and its potential for burnout). Pilates workout routines are different in that they are exercises that promote strength and sculpture of the body without over stressing the joints.


For better results train 2 times per day, because all workout routines are approximately 20 minutes long this is sufficient when you want just to tone your body. Benefits from home workout routines :- Train when you want. For example, it’s not wise to weight train everyday, unless you’re trying to build muscle and following split bodypart workout routines. The optimal workout routines include a combination of weight training and cardio.


Weight training improves the performance of our muscles. Weight training covers exercises that work on muscular strength and muscular endurance. Weight training is not just for the body builders, it is important for all of us. Weight training is a very effective way to lose fat, but, when combined with cardio, it becomes a LOT more effective. One rule when making weightlifting workout programs is to make sure to split it so that you aren’t overtraining.

Cardio Workouts

Cardio workouts are becoming important for those who want to enjoy life even until their twilight years. While everyone has their own preference of workouts, the best cardio workouts are the ones you enjoy because they are the workouts you will actually complete. If you are looking for the one piece of fitness equipment that gives you the best cardio workouts, elliptical cross trainers are an ideal choice. If you are ready to get on the road to the best cardio workouts, choose a workout you actually enjoy and you’ll be on your way to a much healthier life.


When you were born, your parents did not get to choose your size. Many athletes and regular exercisers would love to lose body fat and improve their overall body composition. The most you should weight train as part of a fat-loss strategy is 3 times a week. During a fat-loss plan, each weight training workout routine should be limited to 20-30 minutes, in order to maximize the calorie burning effect. While your diet and nutrition plan is important, exercise gets your metabolism revved up and into an optimal fat-burning state. Too much exercise might also cause burn out and fatigue.


Home workout routines are the best opportunity if you are short in time and want to stay at home with your children You need very little equipment to practice home workout routines. Home gym workout routines are convenient, easy and reduce the hassles of driving and spending time away from home. With the advent of modern technology like the Internet, these workout routines are now available online.

Author: Robert William Locke.Visit his blog for Health Tips :-http://www.thewellnessbible.blogspot.comSpecialising in Health and Fitness. Read more about choosing a workout routine on :-

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Incorporating Advanced Tubing Exercises into Your Exercise Routine

March 22, 2012 by  
Filed under Resistance Training

Article by Mandy Gibbons

Tubing exercises can be worked into your exercise program in a variety of ways. They are gentle enough to be used as recovery workouts between more intense workout days yet they can be used for major strength training and toning as well. They can even be worked into circuit training workouts for a combined cardio and strength training effect. It is a great way to get in effective workouts when you are pressed for time.

Example tubing exercises:

Cable Twist

Attach your tubing or exercise band to a door or wall and stand at the furthest point away from the wall, turned sideways with arms holding the handles in an outstretched position. Pull the handles across the body to the other side. So, if you are standing with your left side facing the wall you will hold your arms outright point toward the wall then pull the tubing handles across the body and out to the right side.

Make sure you are standing sideways so you can easily pull the tubing across the body to the other side. You can make tubing exercises like this more powerful by picking up the speed. Just make sure to keep your legs comfortable and only move the upper body. Your feet should remain stable even when pulling at a faster speed.

You can also make this basic movement a full body workout by stepping out into a side lunge away from the wall as you pull the tubing or bands across your body. This is one of the best tubing exercises for circuit training since it moves your energy from one area of the body to the other within the same movement.

Weightlifting Tubing Exercises

If your goal is to incorporate tubing exercises with your strength training routine, consider adding tubes or cables onto your bench press. The tubes or cables are connected to each ends of the bar and then down at the bottom of the bench frame somewhere. Every time you lift the bar you will notice it is a lot more challenging than just lifting the same weighted bar without the extra resistance. You may want to use a spotter, have someone supporting the bar, for this exercise.

Tubing Exercises for Arms & Back

If you have an exercise ball on hand, lie across it and pull the tubing or bands back alongside the body. You should be positioned with your stomach on the ball and hands out in front of you superman style to grip the handles of your tubing. Your weight is balanced by your feet which are stretched out behind you with toes down to the ground.

Not only will you work your arms and back with tubing exercises like this, but you will also work the rest of your core muscles as you balance and control your body to stay in the proper position on the ball.

These tubing exercises are great for strength training and can easily be incorporated into circuit training with cardio movements.

Mandy GibbonsVirtual Fitness Trainer.comFor a video demonstrating the tubing exercises in this article visit Virtual Fitness

Reebok Fitness Online Workout: Resistance Tubes - Lateral Raise

Work your body, have fun and get fit with Reebok Fitness. This online workout video utilises the resistance tubes fitness accessory within a lateral raise workout.
Video Rating: 5 / 5

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Prevent Christmas Fat with an Orange County Boot Camp Gym Routine

March 19, 2012 by  
Filed under Gym Workouts

Article by Bryan Abram Marks

Creating an Orange County boot camp gym routine is the best solution for keeping Christmas pounds away. The months of November to December can be known to make people fatter with all the parties that are thrown. With a coastline that goes for more than 40 miles long, Orange County is known for its warm beaches; and having a beach-worthy body is important. With a number of gyms in the area, locals can consult with their OC personal trainer on how to create a special workout routine designed to be more aggressive towards reaching fitness goals. In making an Orange County boot camp routine, gym goers have to consider how much time they can invest in working out. Workouts should be designed to counteract the fat that is gained from the parties that are attended. Since this will require double the effort, gym goers will have to be committed to meet their goals and make it a point to follow the routine without fail. When creating the program, gym-goers should also consider doing different exercises, as compared to their regular “off-season” routine to prevent muscles plateau. Recommendation from any OC personal trainer available at the gym should be welcomed to see which alternative exercises can make the Orange County boot camp even more effective. By keeping this up, anyone can look their best during and after the Christmas season. Everyone can enjoy the celebrations without having to count calories or worrying about gaining weight. As long as people stay true to their goals, they can maintain their weight, or even get better results, and prevent the need to buy a bigger sized swimsuit for the next year. Resource Box:Premier Fitness is a family oriented gym located in Orange County, CA, that believes in a private, workout environment as the better alternative to the usual overcrowded gyms. An OC personal trainer is provided to each client and is highly effective with multiple specialties, making him ideal for creating personalized training programs like simulating a client’s very own Orange County boot camp. For inquiries, call 949-622-9670 or visit

Bryan Abram Marks is a certified digital marketer and experienced online article writer. Bryan’s interest in a diverse range of industries and what they have to offer drives him to conduct extensive research, and publish informative articles that aim to benefit astute consumers like himself.

Basic Routine Triceps Exercises for Women in Fitness

March 16, 2012 by  
Filed under Tricep Exercises

Article by Mohamad Alodah

There have been constant dilemmas among women when it talks about getting trimming fatty arms. As a result, this give them negative consequences such as not able to wear sleeveless and spaghetti straps. Being able to achieve proportional, sexy arms like Jennifer Aniston or much preferred, Madonna, it won’t require you to go to fitness gyms or any assistance from fitness trainers! There are efficient exercises in which you can easily perform it anywhere, that could be possibly done at your home or outdoors if you feel comfortable with it. This fitness schedule that is good for three occurrences in a week shall lead you to be even sexier. Actually, this can improve your wellness and let you build confidence to wear daring clothes. Well, prepare yourself for a full blast fitness series of triceps exercises for women. Here is how most women jump start on fitness.Engaging the Basic Triceps ExercisesGetting Ready for the ExerciseBefore you start the exercise, have 5 -10 minute stationary jogging until you can feel your body is pumped with energy. You should perform required arm stretches first which would avoid you to suffer from muscle pains. Learn to take full inhales to your nose and slow exhales to your mouth as you walk in place.Starting at Low Intensity to High IntensityTo begin this exercise division, you would be needing resistance tubes to accustom your muscles for peak work. This means, aiming to tone and condition the triceps muscle. First, let’s perform the triceps exercises with the resistance tube.1. Fast Triceps Contraction with Resistance TubesAmong the various, yet, effective means in developing your triceps that affects almost all muscles on the arms. One is the triceps exercises with resistance bands or tubes which came to be commonly done by women in fitness. Here is the procedure:· It’s either you sit or stand in preparation for the exercise.· Place your grip on the middle of the tube.· Stretch your arms straight out in front of you while keeping them few inches away from each other.· Contract your shoulder blades together as you pull the tube so that arms are out to the sides forming a wing. It’s highly recommended by fitness experts to keep the exercise in a fast pace. This includes three sets of 16 repetitions per set. You should always keep the tension of the tubes in the whole routine.· As you finish the first phase, extend your triceps and hold the tube’s end using separate hands level to your shoulders, having bent the right arm.· This is done so that it’s in front of your chest as you straighten out your left arm. Have your left arm stabled to create tension, contract the triceps to straighten the right arm. Go back to the starting position and execute it again before you change arm positions.· Finally, curl the tube around a sturdy object (ex. Pole, anchor) behind you leveled to your chest. Start by having bent your elbows at 90 degrees. Forearms must be parallel to the floor. Keep your right arm stationary and press your left arm out. Bring your left arm back and then press forward with your right arm. Continue alternating arms for a total of 16 reps on each side2. Slow Triceps Contraction with DumbbellsAfter you have done the resistance tube routine, you can proceed with the high intensity exercise. Adjustable dumbbells are able to provide ease in doing your routines. They feature with easy to adjust weights. This equipment is practically cheap instead of buying fixed weight dumbbells. Triceps exercises with dumbbells provide women the process of developing their triceps muscle.· Start with a standing position. Hold one dumbbell with both hands behind your head.· You should keep your upper arms pointing straight up.· Lift the dumbbell up by bending your elbows and slowly lower it back. You keep your upper arms stable in the entire phase. Do 2 sets of 12 repetitions per set.· After that, you proceed to the next phase by positioning your knee and hand on top of a bench. Hold a dumbbell with the other hand. Place your palm faced at your body. Maintain upper arm at parallel to your body. Push the dumbbell back through stretching out your elbows until you slowly return to the first position. Stable your upper arm throughout the exercise. Have 12 – 16 repetitions for each arm.

For more fitness info you can visit our fitness and wellness for women site .

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