The Best Powerlifting Routines

March 27, 2012 by  
Filed under Powerlifting

If you’re looking to get as strong as possible, or even if you’re using weight training as a means to an end of a great physique, powerlifting training is extremely beneficial. There are tons of weight lifting programs out there, but all of the successful things have one thing in common – they focus on gaining lots of strength! Here is what you should look for in the best powerlifting routines:

1. Focus on the Squat, Bench Press, and Deadlift

If you’ve been in the powerlifting game for long, or even if you’re researched the sport itself, this will be a no-brainer to you. However, it’s surprising how many people (don’t be ashamed if this is you!) are unaware that they should be doing the basic power exercises in their powerlifting routines.

These important exercises are the squat, bench press, and deadlift. Even if you are not training specifically for powerlifting, and many of you probably are not, you should always focus on variations of these movements for maximum muscle growth.

All good powerlifting routines (or bodybuilding routines, for that matter) will have you performing various squats, presses, and deadlifts to build most of your muscle mass.

Gaining strength on these basic movements will take you further than any other supposed “bodybuilding” technique when it comes to building lots of muscle mass.

2. Use Many Methods of Weight Lifting

You have probably heard about using low reps, high reps, medium reps, etc. These are often referred to as the different “methods” of weight training. Though people often try to categorize these methods as “powerlifting training” or “bodybuilding training,” successful lifters and physique builders of any type use a combination, not just one.

Using very heavy weights with which you can only perform 1-3 (and sometimes up to 5) reps is referred to as the maximal effort method.

This is what most people think of when they think powerlifting routines – heavy weights, very few reps.

Using light or moderate weights for sets of 8, 10, 12, or even more reps is usually referred to as the repetition, or repeated effort method. This is what people traditionally think of as “bodybuilding” training. However, powerlifters, competitive and recreational, use this method to build up their muscle mass, as well.

The third method of importance is called the dynamic effort method. This is when you use a weight that is around 50-60 percent of your max for a given movement and perform sets of 1-3 very fast reps. Though this method can be great for building speed, it is best left to very advanced lifters.

3. Eat to Grow

The most important piece to the muscle-building puzzle is eating. You must eat more food than your body expends each day, so that your body can use the surplus to build NEW muscle tissue, and not just repair what you already have.

Eating enough food is one area in which competitive powerlifters tend to outdo bodybuilders and other fitness enthusiasts. Many trainees, even advanced ones, will often avoid eating enough to gain muscle for fear of fat gain, as well. While this is a legitimate concern, you can’t be worried about it so much that it inhibits your muscle gains.

You should be eating 2 times your bodyweight in protein grams per day (that’s a lot!), as well as enough carbs and fats to supply the additional energy to train and grow. Focus mainly on “clean” sources of food such lean meats, fish, grains, oils, nuts, and produce. However, don’t be afraid to cheat on your diet every once in a while. You’re already going for a calorie surplus, it’s not like a few hundred extra at one meal is really going to hurt you in the long run.

4. Keep Learning More About Powerlifting

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Hypertrophy Training – What Are The Best Weight Training Routines And Endurance Training For Building Muscle?

March 27, 2012 by  
Filed under Endurance Training

Article by Thomas Brodie

Hypertrophy training was firstly introduced in to mainstream muscles building in October of 2000. Bryan Haycock, a workout writer for Think Muscle right then, unleashed a revolutionary process of building muscle which quickly became one of the core rules of body building. In actuality hypertrophy working out is categorized as strength coaching however, its purpose is to cause rapid muscle growth without the threat of introducing anabolic steroid drugs into your routine.

Hypertrophy also mentioned as HST, is also created to maintain the efficiency of the rapidly growing muscles, as it could not be very beneficial to have massive muscles and have them be week. HST was structured around psychological principles and designed to stimulate hypertrophy through certain weight training exercises.

The concepts of HST are narrowed down into four types, the first is Mechanical Load. The Mechanical Load process is a form of endurance instruction which is required for the hypertrophy training to be effective. It consists of loading tension on to the muscle during activity by means of lifting weights. The next hypertrophic standard is Chronic Stimulation. Here the idea of continuous hypertrophy training routines is expressed as crucial. The muscles will begin to recuperate after 48 hours of rest, and will render the previous routine ineffective in building muscle by the next bout. Continuous working out is a strategic key in weight coaching.

The third theory is the idea of Progressive Loads. This principle is a sibling to Mechanical loads, and requires the slow progression of heavier weights throughout the hypertrophy routines, weight training specific. Muscles will adapt over time to the load placed on them and will reduce the effects of mechanical load. Growing the weight forces the muscles to continuously work harder and thus becoming much larger. Strategic De-conditioning is the last stage in hypertrophy training. This de-conditioning lasts somewhere around twelve days and is used as a reversal of the usual weight lifting by halting the use of the heaviest weights for some time.

Aerobic endurance training should also be combined into any training routine. Endurance training enables the cardiovascular and respiratory systems to get more efficient at providing oxygen to the muscles being used during exercise. It also improves the conversion of carbohydrates and fats into valuable energy. There are different methods of aerobic endurance training. Two of them may sound acquainted to veteran gym attendants.

Long Slow Distance Training is the most popular method which allows for the trainee to run long distances as a constant slower pace. This will build the runners ability to run long distances before he must center on his speed. This technique is also used for new weight coaching exercisers. Pace Training contains of training at a higher pace than the normal “race pace” for a lower period of time. This exercise routine concentrates on the runner’s speed potential without the endurance of long distance running and hypertrophy plan weight training. Weight and muscles building routines require a bit of outside help for example protein rich diets and aerobic training. But the core of muscle building remains hypertrophy working out.

Building muscle

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Feeling Healthy – Abdominal Exercise Routines For Women

March 12, 2012 by  
Filed under Gym Workouts

How you look has a lot to do with how you feel. Millions of dollars are spent each year on exercise routines and gimmicks, make- up, and reconditioned new body parts. There seem to be no limits to what people will do to get a certain look.

Putting all of the artificial means to the side for a moment let’s consider possibly the best and most effective way to change your look and your body. Choosing one of the abdominal exercise routines for women that can work for you can be your best solution to finding your healthy fitness Fountain of Youth

So why so much talk about the abs? The abdominal muscles are among the large muscles in the core section of the body. They belong to the group of muscles in the body that makes movement effective, graceful, and effortless. Taking care of the abs affects back health and gives a person the energy to move through each day with minimal effort.

A slender, strong looking abdominal section also makes a person feel comfortable with their appearance.

How we look certainly affects how we feel. Feeling that your abs are strong and tight helps you to be and feel healthier.

Sometimes we are directed off of the path. We see many tools, some effective and some just gimmicks, that you can be used to give us an effective abdominal workout. Tools can certainly help us in our quest for better health but what would we do to sustain our workouts if we didn’t have any machines to sit and twist on.

Some of the most effective abdominal exercise routines for women include those programs that do not require any special equipment and can be done anywhere. Choosing an exercise program that you can use that will tone, condition, add strength and stamina, improve cardiovascular fitness, and improve flexibility is important for women.

Some of the programs that will do the aforementioned things are Pilates, yoga, and hill sprinting and walking, and boxing and martial arts.

All of these routines work the entire body without isolating any body parts. Effective abdominal training which emphasizes total body movement gives the added benefits mentioned earlier in addition to strengthening and sculpting the abdominals.

Another program for you to consider that works with total body, body weight exercise routines is the Combat Endurance Training program.

Developed by a Special Forces captain for his group of men this exercise routine employs total body movement by implementing exercises that give tone and power to all muscles of the body. Some of the additional reasons for success of the program include short breaks between exercises to build stamina along with an assortment of fast, explosive movements that help burn fat and tone and condition all body parts.

Strengthening the abdominal area is important as long as you don’t sacrifice the strength of the rest of your body. Taking your time to choose and then begin a program that strengthens and gives non stop energy to the entire body is a good idea for your overall health.

Choosing one of the abdominal exercise routines for women that gets your whole body moving is a choice that will bring you many happy returns.

Fred Nicklaus is a National Champion martial artist who has also trained other National and World Champions in his martial arts schools. After total hip replacement surgery in 2005 he found the Combat Endurance Training program and it has helped him maintain his health and fitness. He teaches local Combat Endurance Training classes to adults and children in La Crosse, Wisconsin. Visit to find out more about Abdominal Exercise Routines For Women and Combat Endurance Training.

Here is the perfect workout that woman can do at home. This can also be done by men. These workouts help the entire body and can be done in 30 min. If done properly you will see results within a few weeks. more strength, energy etc.

Gym Workout Routines

March 6, 2012 by  
Filed under Gym Workouts

If you happen to ask anyone in the gym: what’s the most vital factor about their exercises the reply would undeniably be – having good gym workout routines!

Nevertheless, if you’re a person who still doesn’t have an idea of what gym workout routines are all about then you’ve come to the right place! I am going to give you two examples of good gym workout routines and these routines are meant to be done on a particular day of the week i.e. you do this routine every Saturday or Friday.

Example One: Workout Routine For Chest

This kind of routine is known as a split routine; where you work on one part of your body on different days of the week. For example, work your chest on Fridays and legs on Tuesdays, etc.

•Warm up for about 15-20 minutes either on a treadmill, an elliptical cross trainer, or a rowing machine. This helps gets your muscles heated up for better growth

•Start off by doing Bench Presses.

Aim to finish 3 sets of 8-12 reps and rest for at least 1-2 minutes after each set

•Next move on to doing Incline Bench Presses. Aim to complete 3 sets of 8-10 reps and rest at least 1-2 minutes after each set

•Now you are going to do Decline Bench Presses. Aim for the same completion as Incline Bench Presses with the same amount of resting time between sets

•For the last bit of the routine you are going to do the same thing for all sets but this time instead of using barbells you will be using dumbells. So you’re going to end it with 1 set of 8-12 reps each of Dumbell Bench Presses, Incline Dumbell Presses, and Decline Dumbell Presses

Example #2: Routine for Chest and Triceps Workout Day

This routine is something like a total body workout routine where you work two body parts a day.

This allows you to have more rest days.

•Warm up for 15 minutes

•Bench Press (Flat) – 3 x 10-12 reps

•Bench Dips – 3 x 12 reps

•Incline Bench Press – 3 x 10 reps

•Lying Dumbell Extensions – 3 x 10 reps

•Decline Bench Press – 3 x 10 reps

•Two-arm Lying Dumbell extensions – 3 x 10 reps

To Wrap It Up

Knowing what you’ll be doing in the gym that day is essential. You need to know which muscles you plan to work on and what sort of workouts your body can take. Gym workout routines play a vital role in achieving your fitness goals.

If you are interested in more brilliant expamples of gym workout routines, visit our resource page at “” and don’t forget to grab your free gift! – Check out Mot’s extremely intense workout routine. He’s a real go getter. Please subscribe & share with friends! Cya later world…

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Chest Building Routines And The Best Chest Exercises To Increase Bulk

March 5, 2012 by  
Filed under Chest Exercises

Article by Paul James

A large thick chest is generally one of the primary goals of any weight trainer or bodybuilder.

To understand how to build a massive chest you must first understand what muscles comprise the chest and how to target them specifically.

In building a strong, powerful chest we target a number of muscles: the Pectoralis Major and Minor, and to a lesser degree the Serratus Anterior, the Intercostals and the Front Deltoids.

The primary and most visible muscle of the chest is the Pectoralis Major. It is a thick muscle in a triangular fan shape across the entire chest area. It is connected to the skeleton at three different points, the sternum, the clavicle (collar bone) and the shoulder (armpit).

The Pectoralis Major is divided into two sections, the Clavicular section which is the upper portion of the muscle connected to the Clavicle, and the Sternal which is the lower section of the muscle connected to the Sternum. Whilst they are connected in two different areas, they are still the SAME muscle.

There is a common misconception that the upper pec (Clavicular section) is the Pectoralis Major and the lower pec (Sternal section) is the Pectoralis Minor. This is not the case.

The Pectoralis Minor is a smaller triangular shaped muscle actually situated underneath the Pectoralis Major and is not generally visible. However this muscle is trained in conjunction with the Pectoralis Major and when it grows it can help to push the Pectoralis Major out to give the appearance of a bigger chest.

The Serratus Anterior (small muscles situated along the chest wall and around the ribs), Intercostals (smaller muscles positioned between each rib) and the Front Deltoids (shoulder muscles) are all muscles that whilst not part of the chest itself, each perform a stabilising function during chest exercises and when developed properly help give definition to the chest.

By hitting the muscles from different angles using different exercises you will achieve maximum growth of all muscle fibres in the shortest time possible.

The best chest exercises to increase bulk, strength and mass are Compound exercises. Those used primarily for shaping and toning are Isolation exercises.

Compound exercises involve the use of more than one muscle group through different joints in order to perform the exercise movement. Isolation exercises effectively isolate the working muscle and only involve movement though one joint.

Compound chest exercises to increase bulk include the bench press (and variations of), pushups, and dips. While Isolation exercises include flyes, pec dec, cable crossover and dumbbell pullover.

There are other exercises out there but these are just some of the most common.

Here is one of my original chest building routines designed to attack the Pec muscle from 3 different angles. It also provides toning and effectively works the other supporting muscles mentioned above. All exercises should be performed using medium-heavy weights and the target number of reps for each set are listed in brackets:

Incline Bench Press 3 Sets (12, 10, 8)

Dumbbell Bench Press 3 Sets (12, 10, 8)

Lateral Flye 2 Sets (12, 10)

Decline Bench Press 2 Sets (12, 10)

As a note, the best chest exercises to increase bulk are compound exercises performed with Dumbbells. This is because they allow each side of the body to work independently through the full range of movement. However limits on the dumbbell weight range at your gym or home or old injury may mean you are unable to use dumbbells all the time. That is when a barbell should be used.

This chest routine will provide you with a solid base on which to develop a thick powerful chest. I would recommend you use a workout log to record your progress so you know what you have to beat each time you set foot in the gym. Then when you exceed the target reps by one, i.e. you perform 13, 11, 9 it is time to increase the weights.

And always remember that REST is the most important factor in muscle growth! For more information visit

Paul James is the author of 4 eBooks including the latest: Simple Muscle: Insider Secrets To Fast Muscle Gains (available at and has been weight training and body building for over 10 years. He is a respected source when it comes to drug free muscle development. Visit the About Me link at to find out more.

Home Gym Workout Routines

February 22, 2012 by  
Filed under Gym Workouts

Article by Mandarock

Creating flourishing workouts on your self might be equally uncomplicated and also enjoyment. There is absolutely no suspense towards process, and also in fact the majority over complicate the method; delivering this into a amount of which highlights extraneous methods that will only act being a filter in your home gym workout routines instead than assist you in a person’s quest intended for conditioning.

There are actually however several steps that people ought to decide to use make certain they stay with these kinds of. The most crucial matter a person can can to guarantee the success in their home gym workout routines is always to established some sort of already signed occasion which they observe every day that you just thinking about doing exercise.

Putting that component program helps it be more and more difficult for you to “cheat” plus omit the training. On top of that working with a scheduled moment indicates you are competent to keep away from arrangement disturbances. Permits skin this just about every with can be occupied todaythese days, and it is not really unusual intended for our times to become entire without having also recognizing that; yet with a set signed moment for the home gym workout routines you may keep away from the following popular pitfall. Scheduling your current home gym workout routines must not exclusively become confined for you to times, but also schedules.

Exactly how common will it be if anyone is that will put away any exercise session until the next day considering which they exclusively need to do FIVE exercises a week, plus there are actually even now plenty of days and nights quit? Exclusively that will subsequently understand that things keep springing up stopping all of them from getting back in all of the 7days home fitness space exercise routines.

Forbidding it is hence incredibly quick that folks normally around glance the idea. Most of that is definitely required is made for individuals for you to “pencil in” their own regular home gym workout routines in to whatsoever timetable keeper some people use.

Using a couple of work out towels additionally aids you to allow you to get from the suitable working out ambiance. Once you gown intended for being successful (and however being successful is setting up the workout) success can get everyone. Much more only, by means of outfitting to work out anyone place on your own while in the state of mind to successfully total your house health and fitness center workout routines.

These kinds of towels have no reason to possibly be anything at all particular, simply cozy, in addition to solely applied for your exercise. Tunes can be a further common supplement that will any kind of home fitness workout routines. Tunes is mostly viewed to be a motivator, and also efficiently utilised by lots of people to help you thrust yourself over the fence and quicker; reaching all those work out heights, and also bridging people bothersome plateaus.

Many people decide upbeat songs, a thing with a generating conquer and a quick habit to hold these stimulated, then again it is definitely your own selection of course , if classical songs can evoke the proper complement in your home gym workout routines after that of course delight in your Mozart. Watching television or examining is normally not really proposed being a diversion although accomplishing your house gym workout routines.

These are generally noticed when much more distracting after that new music, plus rather than pressuring a person trickier within your work out, telly and also ebooks have a tendency to take people from them, inducing your current cardiovascular system fee for you to lessen and you also that will free concentrate. Obviously when you have to have the television in to achieve success in your home gym workout routines subsequently by all means observe it.

Owning an simply somewhat effective exercise routine remains to be far better after that absolutely no exercise session whatsoever, plus because you will work out and about for your own personel wellbeing then you definitely may in addition like your house health club exercise routines. Complete what it takes, and now have exciting! It is your special time frame and you need to take your current home gym workout routines and really help make these individuals your own personal.

Top Article : Visual Impact Muscle Building

Manda Rock is the author of How to Gain Weight and Build Muscle for Hardgainers., if you just want more quality information on how to gain weight and build muscle, please visit

Making Great Stretching Routines a Part of Your Day

February 17, 2012 by  
Filed under Stretching

Article by Nancy Rishworth

Copyright (c) 2009 Nancy Rishworth

Flexibility exercises are an essential part of a good fitness routine. When you use a great stretching routine, you greatly improve flexibility. You’ll find it benefits many areas of your life, including less stress, more energy and improved performance.

More people are ailing from a lack of flexibility and core muscle strength. As an example, lower back pain affects millions of people in the United States, and we spend millions of dollars trying to fix or mask the symptoms of lower back pain. Great stretching routines will strengthen those lower back muscles, prevent pain, and improve flexibility.

Stretching exercises in general fall into three types of exercises: static, dynamic, and ballistic stretches.

– Static stretches – These stretches hold a stretch for a given amount of time – say from 30 to 60 seconds. While you are stretching your muscles, you focus on your breathing and attempting to relax the muscles.

– Dynamic stretches – This stretching procedure involves movement throughout the stretch. For instance, dynamic stretching routines include a series of leg lifts or arm circles. One of the essential steps to remember when using a dynamic stretching routine is that the movement is carefully controlled. Uncontrolled movement could result in an injury.

– Ballistic stretches – This type of stretch involves moving your muscles in a vertical movement and using inertial pressure to enhance the stretches. When not done correctly, ballistic stretches can cause muscle tension or pain instead of relaxation.

Adding great stretching routines to your daily activities does not have to be time consuming. You can simply devote 10 minutes to stretching out your muscles. When you integrate great stretching routines into your life, you’ll immediately notice the results. Not only will you improve flexibility, but you will also reduce stress.

Stretching procedures are great for releasing stress that is typically held within your muscles. Have an aching back or neck? A few stretches help release that muscle tension and get the blood flowing to those tense muscles – you immediately feel better.

In addition to releasing that stress, a great stretching routine will also improve your flexibility. That makes you less prone to injuries. When your muscles are stretched, the muscles are better able to absorb shock – therefore, less likely to become injured by unexpected movement.

Stretching also improves muscle strength. As your muscles become stronger, you can carry out your daily activities or sports with greater ease.

Great stretching routines can help you feel better, improve flexibility, and make daily activities more fun and effortless. Take the time to add some stretching activities to your routine and feel the benefits.

Nancy Rishworth grew up dancing and became a qualified Aerobics and Fitness Instructor, and Personal Trainer. She is also a qualified Naturopath having studied various healing modalities through healthful eating, herbal remedies, vitamins, massage and exercise. FlexibiltyPlus offers important information on how to increase health, vitality and flexibility for a healthier life and for improved athletic performance.

Best Exercise Routines

February 13, 2012 by  
Filed under Anaerobic Exercises

Exercise routines are essential for bodyweight loss, health-fitness maintenance and muscle mass improvement. You will find training variations based of the objectives you set for a specific bodily action, however the advantages are usually general. Thus, you may train to grow muscle mass, but that would inevitably help you shed fat. Or you might strive to maintain fitness, but that would also require some form of muscle mass stimulation. All types of bodily work outs are inter-related helping a healthy and rewarding lifestyle.

By exercise routines we refer to normal gym coaching, the practice of the sport or outdoor activity that energizes the muscle tissue and the cardiovascular program.

What distinction do exercise routines come up with within your life? Here are just a few examples.

Keep counting the benefits!
You will get stronger bones, much more versatile joints, properly shaped muscles along with a great body position.

Bodily workouts solve back pains because of incorrect backbone positioning.

This usually occurs whenever you regularly promote the core muscles (abs and back muscles) which are accountable for the body position and stability.

Exercise routines decrease the aging process and faster mobile decay, allowing you to stay and feel youthful for a longer time period.

More power is discharged in the body whenever you exercise regularly, which means that you’ll manage much better with household chores and work tasks.

Bodily activity increases the sleep pattern and permits for great stress management. Through exercise routines, endorphines (chemical substances accountable for pleased moods) are released at the brain level.

Furthermore, through intense bodily activity, you release accrued stress, and thus sleep much better at evening, damaging the vicious circle of anxiousness and depression.

Exercise routines can be created for any problem level and for all health situations. Even when you cannot do cardio training since you have a heart problem or you are pregnant, you will find Pilates and yoga applications that can show just as efficient.
Regular exercise routines also support psychological-behavioral changes, being extremely effective in the battle against depression, anxiousness, eating disorders, emotional instability and many more.

You would really feel the distinction in the power level, the positive mood and the enhanced self-confidence. You will really feel much better being you, and that matters more than you can ever picture.
Every single individual who’s devoted to normal exercise routines supported by a balanced healthy diet has noted a substantial enhancement in the overall well being.
This might occur for you personally too, in the event you just care enough for yourself to get moving!

The Author is a literary master and have written tons of books on love and romance. He is involved in all sorts of websites and niches. He loves to write so he writes everything on his websites. Check out his latest article about Bodybuilding Musclewomen on his website. Yes, his website is all about How to Build Muscles. See you there!

Youth Baseball Training – Resistance Band Routines for Flexibility, Strength and Injury Prevention

February 9, 2012 by  
Filed under Resistance Training

Article by Jake Wyatt

There are many ways a youth baseball coach can help his players increase their flexibility and strength, thereby reducing their risk of injury. One way is to require that players perform exercise routines on their own time. Youth baseball players may not be ready for a serious weight lifting routine as their bodies are still forming. Large rubber bands can be used instead of weights to increase strength and flexibility.

The bands can be purchased at any sporting goods store and come in different sizes and thicknesses. Each type of band will have its own resistance. If training is for flexibility, less resistant bands can be used. Higher-resistance bands can be used to build strength.

Different band routines can be used to accomplish different goals. Here are some examples of specific objectives for which band routines can be established:

1. Pitching – focus on exercises that work the core, back and shoulders.2. Batting – focus on exercises that work the core, triceps and biceps.3. Running speed – focus on exercises that work the legs.4. Flexibility and injury prevention – focus on exercises that work the core and increase flexibility.5. Long toss – focus on shoulder and arm exercises.

The specifics of each routine should depend on player age, strength and skill. The coach should work with each player individually to determine the youth’s goals and the specific areas where improvement is needed. A band routine can then be created to accomplish the desired changes. The coach should encourage the player to record his routine in a notebook so progress can be tracked.

Working with bands is easy and can be done anywhere with minimal preparation. A player can keep his bands in his bat bag so they are always with him. This type of exercise will significantly reduce the chance of injury, improve baseball performance, and lead to healthier kids overall.

In order to be the best possible baseball player, training should happen year-round and be a joint effort between the coach, the player and the parents. Get more FREE tips to improve baseball performance, reviews of e-products related to baseball, and links to training resources at

Dumbbell Workout Routines: Solutions to Body Building Issues

January 31, 2012 by  
Filed under Dumbbell Exercises

Article by Karen Winton

There are fats that are easy to get rid of, while there are some that are too stubborn. Sometimes, after dieting and exercising often, you may notice that you have stopped losing weight, and that there are still some flab on various parts of your body. There is a good solution to this dilemma: dumbbell workout routines.

Working out with dumbbells on a regular basis actually speeds up fat elimination, and also helps in muscle building and muscle shaping at the same time. If you see that fitness machines in the gym do not work as much as you expect, try exercising with dumbbells. Performing a dumbbell exercise routine that targets your problem spots, if not daily, every other day, more often than not results to a body that’s toner and healthier.

The following are some must try dumbbell workout routines:

1. Dumbbell Lifting Sets

These are a collection of dumbbell exercises that rely mainly on lifting movements which are said to be excellent muscle shapers and muscle developers. Squatting with dumbbells is a good example of a dumbbell lifting routine.

Another dumbbell exercise routine that belongs to this set is the dead lift exercise. The dead lift routine basically means holding your dumbbells in each hand, while bending forward using your waist while lowering your weight slightly to the ground. The dead lift is somewhat similar to the squat.

For these dumbbell workout routines to really work, it is best to perform another routine after performing the other. By interchanging those workouts, most fitness experts say that your excess fat will be burned off faster.

2. Dumbbell Energy Sets

Just by the term ‘energy sets’ you should have an idea that every dumbbell exercise routine included requires a lot of energy. Speed is also another requirement when performing dumbbell energy sets. You have to be able to move your dumbbells fast, which means that you’ll use up a lot of energy, eventually leading to better fat burning and muscle shaping.

3. Dumbbell Exercise Combos

Exercising with dumbbells can make your body leaner and make your muscles grow faster especially when you perform dumbbell workout routines in combos. This means combining at least two dumbbell routines and doing them in a single repetition. The result: longer repetitions done, more muscles utilized and targeted, which means higher chances of waving goodbye to stubborn fat. Of course, working out with dumbbells in combos requires a big amount of energy so you should be prepared.

Do not think that a dumbbell exercise routine only gives little results. For as long as you perform dumbbell workout routines properly as well as engage in exercising with dumbbells in a regular manner, body shaping, toning, and fat burning are not ‘impossible dreams’.

Karen Winton is a trusted fitness writer. To learn more muscle building moves, see: Dumbbell Workout Routines. Want to have a leaner and stronger body at the same time? This is for you: Train Smart.
 – Learn how to do a Home Chest & Back Dumbbell Workout Routine designed to help you build muscle as fast as possible. Become a fan The 10 sets of 10 reps bodybuilding workout has been used in bodybuilding circles for years in order to break through plateaus and make weight gains in the form of lean muscle mass. Many people have claimed to its invention, but regardless of who came up with it, it has been used with great success by awesome bodybuilders from the past such as Vince Gironda, as well as Dave Draper and Arnold Schwarzenegger. Today, many athletes on the know still use this method and even elite strength coaches, such as Charles Poliquin, are great advocates of it and use it on their Olympic athletes when they are in need of gaining muscle weight quickly. I’ve used this method myself without fail since early on my bodybuilding career. It never ceases to yield great results. As a matter of fact, early on when I was less informed, I thought that I had invented it. That was until I found out that this bodybulding workout has been around since the early 60s! The 10 sets of 10 reps bodybuilding workout has proven time and time again to be fantastic at increasing muscle mass through the systematic fatigue of the muscle fibers being worked on. In order to implement a 10×10 routine, a mass building exercise is chosen and a weight that you can perform for 15 reps or so is selected. However, you will stop your set once you achieve 10
Video Rating: 4 / 5

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