Kettlebell Workout Routines to shed excess weight

December 7, 2011 by  
Filed under Kettlebell Exercises

Article by Avi Marents

I just started off making use of kettlebell exercises into my exercise plan. If you prefer to add a little diversity and also increase weight loss, I’d recommend using kettlebell workout routines. So, why should you start employing kettlebells? Because they’re ideal for boosting strength, dropping body weight, and also enhancing cardiovascular health. What more can you require from a piece of equipment? Another benefit I’ve found out is that one-arm kettlebell physical exercises have helped me even out the strength between my arms.

A kettlebell is a cannonball which has a grip. For some people, the initial reaction to kettlebell routines is that you could execute the same workouts by using dumbbells or even a barbell. In my current experience, I’ve found the kettlebell provides for a somewhat unique workout routine as compared with either though. It is based on the fact that you secure the handgrip to do routines meaning the load is going to be allocated in a different way than a dumbbell as well as barbell. This slightly unique element makes training with these harder than expected.

An effective weight for men in the beginning is 35lbs (16kg). More experienced males might go up to 53lbs or even 70lbs, although I’d advise starting off lower and working on your form prior to moving forward too rapidly. Women may start with 18lbs. Just as before, advanced women could start off up to 26lbs or perhaps 35lbs.

Here’s a breakdown between the basic kettlebell techniques in addition to others I’ve incorporated into my kettlebell exercise routine.Swing: this one will definitely work your butt and it is among the best training activities around. Kettlebell swings accomplished for very high reps could easily replace a cardio plan.Get Up: exactly like it may sound, the goal will be to lay down face up and get up while holding a kettlebell above your head.and then lay down again. Personally, I really enjoy this specific exercise and am impressed by how much more challenging it is for my left arm when compared with my right.CleanMilitary pressSnatch: start with a kettlebell swing and employ your upper back to pull the weight above your head

An assortment of Kettlebell Exercises:Sots press: in a total squat position, perform a military pressBent over rowFloor press: fundamentally an one-arm bench press while lying down on the floor

This is actually the extent of exercises I accomplish but you could very easily do additional exercises that you would typically perform with hand weights such as leg squats as well as curls. Kettlebells by themselves can certainly constitute an entire body exercise regimen. They offer all you need to train for power and also stamina. Nonetheless, I include them as an element of my larger training regimen. Therefore, I just execute a single circuit using the one-arm variation of the kettlebell techniques listed above. I carry out 5-10 reps with half a minute of rest between exercises. I challenge my muscles but steer clear of failure. I am usually sweating and also out of breath following this basic 10 minute circuit. I prefer to change between pulling and pushing exercises to allow my individual muscles more rest time.

Do yourself a favor and go get a kettlebell. I put this off for some time but now I can’t imagine my workouts without one. I never realized exactly how useful kettlebell exercises could be. Given all of their advantages, a case could be easily made to drop other weight training exercise and cardiovascular exercise and concentrate completely on kettlebell workouts. I’m definitely not at this stage yet, nevertheless kettlebells have added great variety to my regimen and so are absolutely making me get stronger and leaner.

In case you’d like to find out about kettlebell workout routines, come view my page where I give you exercise and diet methods to enable you to shed pounds and get a lean physical appearance. Start getting in really good shape immediately!

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MMA Weight Training Routines

December 3, 2011 by  
Filed under Weight Training

MMA Exercise Training Routines and Techniques That Increase Cardio and Power

If MMA Fighters that want to increase their Weight Lifting Systems – the only way to do this, is to copy techniques that MMA fighters have used daily, to get prepared for real matches. And listening to some nobody – that has never even seen a fight – isn’t your best bet.

But if you want to break out, and learn all these, this is what you need:

Here is what your MMA Weight Training Routine should do for you:

Strengthen your Core

Build Stamina – So that you STILL have Alot of energy AFTER the fight

Learn How and When to do every routine and exercise – Including lifting

Help you to Avoid Injuries

Save you time – Get more done in less time

Teach you how to TRAIN -and not just “Workout”

Teach you how to PEAK just in time for your fights

And basically -You will have STRUCTURE in your training routines

The main thing you need top do, is come up with a way to maximise your efforts.

Its about less work and added cardio.Too many times fighters think that the more we work the better results. Thats why we need a real MMA Training Method. One that is about getting the most out of every session – while increasing every aspect of the fighters – basically power and cardio, is more important than how many inches your biceps are. Do you think Muhammed Ali cared about the size of his chest or arms? 

No, he just wanted to be in better shape than his opponents.

Everyone of them. And that’s what I think makes this MMA Weight training routine so special. The Guy that made it -Eric Wong – is only worried about making you a better fighter.

He has been apart of MMA fighting for a long time -and you can finally learn from these experiences. You get to copy these Training techniques – step by step. Do exactly like other MMA fighters, that are training , using these same techniques.

What makes this MMA Weight Training Routine so unique, and so in-depth, that it will provide you with more than ANY other routine:

How to develop power and endurance in your aerobic, anaerobic lactic and anaerobic alactic energy systems.

More strength and power in all the major movement patterns, like: Lunge, bend, push, pull, squat, and twist.

Improve isometric endurance

Improvement in all 7 Biomotor abilities.

Sagittal transverse and frontal plane core stability and lots more.

There are so many of the most impressive professional training techniques, that you will again waste your time doing useless weight training exercise that are just huge time wasters. Learn how to be professional and be able to totally handle all opponents in the ring – and you will understand why some of the best fighters, use the same trainers – most of the time, its the Weight Lifting Methods .

You can have the keys to the same Weight Training Methods – That Increase Power- and will work for you to.

You can check out some great ab and cardio routines that many MMA Fighters use on a weekly basis here:

Here is an overview of some of the techniques that are used by MMA Fighters everywhere- MMA Exercise TipsMMA Training Routine – Here is the review of Eric Wongs Ultimate MMA Training Routines

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Aerobic Routines

December 2, 2011 by  
Filed under Aerobic Exercises

Aerobic exercise will help you to improve your overall health, increase your metabolism and shed excess body fat and with the variety of aerobic routines a person is sure to stay interested. Varied routines are available for the beginner, intermediate and the advanced and often the routines can cross fitness levels.

With a few basic moves effective aerobic routines can be built to suit any experience or fitness level.

A few basics in aerobic routines include moving left and right in a rhythmic fashion. An aerobic step can be used or not, depending on preference. Additional movements move the body forward and back. Both of these simple basic movements can be modified and mixed up to create unique and effective aerobic routines.

The faster the moves are done the more intense the routine the better the workout. The entire routine should last 20 to 40 minutes and raise the heart rate to 70 to 80 percent to be fully beneficial.

With just a few basic aerobic moves you can create a complete aerobic routine by adding in a tap with the foot and arm movements.

Vary the moves as well as the music the routine is performed to and you may be surprised at the routine you are able to come up with and just how creative you can be. Creating your own aerobic routines allows you to design an exercise that you enjoy and sculpt your body to what you desire.

Do some research into the best clubs in your area or maybe just set up an aerobics class at home.

Richard Coppin – Aerobics is fun and keeps you fit – Aerobic Routines and pilates aerobics audio books.

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Gym Workout Routines

December 2, 2011 by  
Filed under Gym Workouts

If you happen to ask anyone in the gym: what’s the most vital factor about their exercises the reply would undeniably be – having good gym workout routines!

Nevertheless, if you’re a person who still doesn’t have an idea of what gym workout routines are all about then you’ve come to the right place! I am going to give you two examples of good gym workout routines and these routines are meant to be done on a particular day of the week i.e. you do this routine every Saturday or Friday.

Example One: Workout Routine For Chest

This kind of routine is known as a split routine; where you work on one part of your body on different days of the week. For example, work your chest on Fridays and legs on Tuesdays, etc.

•Warm up for about 15-20 minutes either on a treadmill, an elliptical cross trainer, or a rowing machine. This helps gets your muscles heated up for better growth

•Start off by doing Bench Presses.

Aim to finish 3 sets of 8-12 reps and rest for at least 1-2 minutes after each set

•Next move on to doing Incline Bench Presses. Aim to complete 3 sets of 8-10 reps and rest at least 1-2 minutes after each set

•Now you are going to do Decline Bench Presses. Aim for the same completion as Incline Bench Presses with the same amount of resting time between sets

•For the last bit of the routine you are going to do the same thing for all sets but this time instead of using barbells you will be using dumbells. So you’re going to end it with 1 set of 8-12 reps each of Dumbell Bench Presses, Incline Dumbell Presses, and Decline Dumbell Presses

Example #2: Routine for Chest and Triceps Workout Day

This routine is something like a total body workout routine where you work two body parts a day. This allows you to have more rest days.

•Warm up for 15 minutes

•Bench Press (Flat) – 3 x 10-12 reps

•Bench Dips – 3 x 12 reps

•Incline Bench Press – 3 x 10 reps

•Lying Dumbell Extensions – 3 x 10 reps

•Decline Bench Press – 3 x 10 reps

•Two-arm Lying Dumbell extensions – 3 x 10 reps

To Wrap It Up

Knowing what you’ll be doing in the gym that day is essential. You need to know which muscles you plan to work on and what sort of workouts your body can take. Gym workout routines play a vital role in achieving your fitness goals.

If you are interested in more brilliant expamples of gym workout routines, visit our resource page at “” and don’t forget to grab your free gift!

Powerlifting Routines

December 2, 2011 by  
Filed under Powerlifting

“You will sense it; you will be awed by it; and your fellow men will indeed, as he has done for thousands of years, pay you homage”.

People do adore the powerlifters, be it because of their great physique or their strength. No wonder powerlifting training is becoming so popular these days. Such strength trainings are very beneficial; however, one must be focused, as powerlifting programs are often tiring. These programs also require one to gain lots of strength and follow some powerlifting routines.

The most important fact is to focus on bench press, squat and deadlift. It is a no-brainer for those who are already familiar with this sport form. Even though many fail to focus on their basic power exercises while framing their powerlifting routines, exercises like bench press, squat, and deadlift are essential for maximum muscle growth and one need not to be a powerlifter to incorporate these exercises in their workout routines.

Powerlifting routines require one to perform a number of bench presses, deadlifts and squats for building most of their muscle mass. When it comes to building muscle mass these basic exercises can help you to get the edge on other bodybuilding techniques.

Bench press helps in gaining strength for the upper body. Lie down on a bench; the back needs to be fully arched for forming a bridge. Make this bridge as higher as possible. Tightly squeeze the shoulder blades against each other. It will shorten the path of the bar and the lifter can lift more weight by using less strength. Drive the bar up by using the same technique.

Deadlift is a simple fitness exercise where one needs to learn and use proper techniques. The middle of the entire feet needs to be placed below the bar and the stance width must be comfortable. Place the hands shoulder width apart and grab the bar keeping the wrists and elbows completely straight. Relax the traps and while arching back place the hips lower enough to comfortably grab the bar. Hold the hip as high as possible; the middle deltoid needs to be slightly behind or right above the bar. In the second phase of deadlift includes contracting the hips forward and at the same time pushing the body entire weight from heels. Once the weight is above the knee level, place the knees in such a way to get a completely locked position. Follow the same technique while doing the descent.

Squat helps to reach the maximum lifting potential and to avoid possible injuries during powerlifting. Make sure the loaded bar is set at the chest level and settle it deep inside the palms. The grips width must be slightly wider than the shoulder width; this will create massive plateau in the trapezius muscles and upper back and will hold the loaded bar during the movement. Stand fully erect and touch the barbell with your chest; dive under to put the barbell on your back. It must be on the line where the rear deltoid meets. Now push it upwards and off the rack and then step back. While doing the second phase of squatting arch the back as hard as possible and look straight ahead to create a solid leverage point. While descending, unlock the hips first and then lower them down. Once the hamstrings are fully stretched, you can begin unlocking the knees.

Larry Scott is a health and fitness enthusiast and an aspiring powerlifter. Larry has published articles about powerlifting equipments and various strength training methods; he is a big fan of Louie Simmons and is a member of

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Workout Routines

December 2, 2011 by  
Filed under Muscle Fitness

Instead of going to a gym or paying for a trainer, you create your own daily exercise workout. This can be done in conjunction with another form of exercise, or you can use your free exercise routines as your only form of exercise. The best thing about creating your own free workout routines is that you get to choose what exercises you will do. You can pick the exercises that will be most beneficial.
Exercise Plans And Goals

Once you know the type of exercises you want to include in your exercise routine, you should write them down. People who write down things are more likely to stick with what they have planned. An exercise book (or computer file) can be of great benefit for people who wish to follow a daily exercise routine. Use it to record:
Your goals. Do you want to lose weight? How much weight do you want to lose? Do you want to improve your capacity for exercising? Write down a number of goals if this is appropriate.
Your motivation. Put something in your book that motivates you. Maybe it is a picture of you when you were thinning. Maybe it is a picture of a body builder. Maybe its a picture of your children to remind you that you want to be there for them when they grow up. Or maybe its just an inspiring quote.
Your exercise routine. Write down your planned exercise routine.
Your daily statistics. Write down what you did each day, how you did and how you feel. This is very motivating as you will be able to see how your fitness levels are improving.
Daily exercise tips. Write down any tips you read about or hear on television, radio or from friends.

workout routines

Muscle Building Routines – Leg Muscle Workout Routine

December 2, 2011 by  
Filed under Strength Workouts

Your legs are the largest muscle groups of your body, and therefore should be one of your priorities when it comes to building muscles. However, most people neglect their leg muscle development, and elect to focus on their upper body instead. Sure, your legs are covered up most of the time in long pants, and nobody sees them, but to build true overall body strength and size, you cannot neglect your legs.

It’s understandable that the chest and arm muscles are by far the favorite body parts for many people, especially beginners, but have you ever heard the phrase that “you don’t get big guns by doing curls, but by doing heavy squats?” Heavy squats will build a bigger everything – bigger chest, bigger arms, bigger legs, you name it.

Let’s get one thing straight first – your goal is to build a well-rounded, proportionate body, right? Right.

Having a big squat will translate in to having bigger lifts all around. Because the leg muscles are the biggest muscle groups of your body, and require the most effort, I typically start off my training week with them.

My leg workout routine looks something like this:

· Squats – 3 x 6 reps
· Leg Press – 3 x 6 reps
· Stiff leg deadlifts – 3 x 6 reps
· Leg curls – 3 x 6 reps
· Standing calf raises 3 x 12
· Seated calf raises 3 x 12

Some substitute exercises you can alternate with the above listed exercises include:

· front squats
· hack squats
· lunges
· donkey calf raises
· leg extension

For your exercises, make sure to use a weight heavy enough that allows you to perform no more than 6 reps, with the exception of calf exercises, which sometimes I continue until failure.

Start off with a good warmup with some stretches and light weight lifting.

Sometimes, I find that working my quads, hamstrings, and calves in one workout takes a little too long – around 45 to 50 minutes – I prefer workout sessions lasting 30 to 35 minutes to maintain a high level of intensity. I find that by the time I’m done with my quads and hamstring exercises, I’m pretty beat for my calves, and sometimes, don’t give them the attention they need. So, I’ve been splitting up my leg days, and moving my calf workouts to random days of the week. I’ve found that this works quite well for me, allowing me to get a good training session for my calves and still keeping my workouts under 40 minutes.

Learn the secrets of bodybuilding, and discover how you can gain serious muscle and strength.

Weight Lifting Routines that Work

December 2, 2011 by  
Filed under Weight Lifting

Lifting weights is one of the programs that is done when one desires to develop muscle mass and to boost overall fitness. Some of these routines is actually suitable for body building or sports training. It is much better if you know that there are a variety of weight lifting routines that can be found out there.

A well-known weight lifting routine is called as the One-Three-Five System. Most athletes use this sort of program to improve their endurance. This will be a bonus to the athlete by improving his strength and ability when he is doing his sport. The One-Three-Five System is done on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays and these days are allocated for weight lifting while the rest of the days are for sports training. These three days that the athlete is doing weight lifting, he will do a lot of bench press, sit-ups, dumbbell press and squats.

These exercises are good for muscle building and endurance training. This will target a specific muscle and through repetition, endurance is achieved. Doing this traning will improve their skills on the field or whatever sports that they’re engaged in.

The Alternate Body Training System is another type of weight lifting routine. This training program is good for body builders. This routine focuses on complementary muscle groups. These muscle groups work when one contracts, other groups of muscles stay at rest or are not activated.An example of complementary muscles are as follows, adomen and spinal erectors, hamstrings and quadriceps plus the biceps and triceps. So example, on the very first day one can think about one group of muscles like the abdomen, biceps and hamstrings. And on the 2nd day, you possibly can work on the other group such as spinal erectors, triceps and quadriceps.

This could be repeated several times. The web offers an amazing array of weight lifting exercises. Read on these exercises before you do your exercises. You can mix weight lifting routines when your levels progress.

The right weight lifting routines are essential for anyone looking to make progress with their training.

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Circuit Training Routines and Circuit Weight Lifting Workout Routines

December 2, 2011 by  
Filed under Circuit Training

Article by Avi Marents

A circuit training workout is great way to get a time efficient workout that offers the potential for muscle gain and fat loss. Also effective for increasing endurance and improving cardiovascular health, I have been incorporating circuit training exercise recently for these purposes. You don’t do a lot of resting between each exercise, instead moving through each circuits quickly. I prefer to incorporate circuit weight training routines at the end of my workout in order to increase my heart rate and lose some fat in the process.

Circuit training is beneficial because it allows you to integrate as few or as many movements into a workout. You can add what works for you to your workout, as I have listed some circuit training exercise that are working well for me and also some samples of circuit weight training routines.

Because I workout at home, I divide my circuit training exercises into three different categories: barbell, dumbbell, and bodyweight. I move quickly through the exercises without resting because I am not hampered by changing weights between each exercise. For the barbell exercises, I use a 65lb barbell. This level of weight gives me just enough resistance to concentrate on my main endeavor which is increasing my cardiovascular endurance, but it isn’t enough weight for all of my exercises. I use 12 pound weights when I am doing my dumbbell portion. Similarly, this is insufficient weight for some of the exercises detailed later on, but it is an appropriate weight for completing rapid repetitions, as opposed to the deliberate, slow weight lifting that comprises a portion of my strength training regimen. Bodyweight exercises are also great to add to a circuit training routine as you don’t need any equipment. I’ve listed the muscles worked in parentheses.

As you can see from above, there’s a broad range of exercises that you can incorporate into a simple circuit training workout. It is not uncommon for me to complete upwards of 15-20 of such movements consecutively without a break. I like the variety it adds to the end of my workout and each exercise hits my muscles in a slightly different manner. I go through one circuit of exercises with 10 reps for each one. I try to avoid hitting the same muscles in back to back exercises.

It is certainly possible to perform circuit weight training routines that are briefer than 15-20 different movements. Deadlifts, upright rows, bent over rows, good mornings, squat push presses, lunges, squat push presses, and military presses make up the circuit routine of the famous MMA fighter, Randy Couture, and offer one example. He rests for one minute between each circuit, completes the circuit 3 to 5 times, and does 8 reps per exercise.

You can add many different circuit training exercises to your routine as the combinations are endless. Build a circuit weight training routine for you by adding in some of the above mentioned exercises. Perform a high intensity set or two at the end of your regular strength training routine for a nice cardio workout that will help burn fat and preserve muscle.

Who am i ?: Dave offers you no-nonsense “best of the best” exercise and diet tips to shed weight and also gain lean, defined muscle mass with out spending too much time in the health and fitness center. There isn’t any point in utilizing a bodybuilder program to get a fitness model physique. These are Not Your Average Fitness Tips. Read more about circuit weight training and get a lean, athletic appearance in virtually no time.

Bodybuilding Workout Routines

December 2, 2011 by  
Filed under Bodybuilding

Article by Nikola Milivojac

Bodybuilding Workout Routines – Gaining mass is probably the most predominant goal amongst weight trainees. However, a very small percentage of current trainees are satisfied with their gaining schedule after their first 12 weeks into it. Why, because pretty much any training system will work for a novice lifter. To keep making gains, one must follow proper training principles.

Bodybuilding Workout Routines

To further add to the problem, there is no single mass gaining training program that works for everybody. However there are training principles that will help you design one that works best for you. For any given training program, there are four main factors that affect its outcome:1. The interpretation by its reader on how to apply the program. No two readers will interpret and implement a given set of loading parameters in the same fashion.

2. Not everybody reacts to out-of-the gym training stressors. One situation can be looked on placidly by one trainer, while another trainer’s cortisol levels will shoot up.

3. Genetics. No two trainers are born with the same genetic make-up to respond to a given training program. Even in identical twins, I have seen differences in training responses, this may have to do with the fact that there is one who is always more dominant psychologically.

4. Training age. A program that may be great to get your bodyweight from165 lbs to 180 lbs, will be useless to get your from 180 to 190 lbs. Trainers who have made significant gains in hypertrophy have one thing in common: they have tried many approaches.

The objective of this chapter is to give you the necessary framework to design an hypertrophy program that works for you. In part I of this chapter I will outline 22time and result tested training principles for hypertrophy. Part II will outline sample workout programs that apply those success based principles.

Knowing the best exercise technique for each lift is more important than any loading parameter, dietary regime, supplement, or psychological technique. Whether you have a perfect diet, get quality sleep and have a great routine, if you don’t know how to lift properly you are opening yourself to plenty of wasted efforts and frustration. My clients have often reported to me, that tips on how to lift that I have taught them have had the greatest positive influence on their progress curve. If you don’t know how to lift, don’t waste time, get help from a qualified professional. Without a shadow of a doubt, non-gainers have horrendous lifting technique. How many trainees do you know who are limited in their exercise selection because of training injuries? By the way, rep tempo and exercise are not synonymous. Poor mechanics at a controlled tempo is still poor technique.

People who want to gain large amounts of muscle mass should never train more than two days in a row. Olympic level throwers have long been proponents of this concept. Training more frequently tends to lead to overtraining not so much at the level of the muscle cell but at the nervous system level. In other words, it is hard to recruit high threshold motor units training at high intensities for more than two days in arrow. There are three possible options of split routines to the individuals wanted to gain weight:

Option 1 – Three non-consecutive days a week, whole body workouts. Example: Monday, Wednesday, Friday. In this case, I prefer to use two different routines covering all major body parts. This routine is best suited for 20% of trainees. The ones with more limited recovery ability, or for individuals with limited time for training like medical school students for instance.

Option 2 – Four days a week, split workouts. Example: Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday. In this case, the lower body would be trained Monday and Thursday, while the upper body is trained Tuesday and Friday. This is the option which I would prescribe 60% of the time. It is well suited for the individual with average recovery ability. Leg training is most demanding and should be done first when coming back from the weekend recovery period. Like option 1, it also offers the advantage of leaving the weekends off for rest and relaxation.

Do you want a full bodybuilding workout plan? Read more at:

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