Marathon Running For Beginners

April 13, 2012 by  
Filed under Running and Jogging

Article by Muhammad Azeem Ashraf

The marathon is a really challenging event, especially if you have never ran one before, or even if you have completed one or two. Here are some proven tips to follow that will help you finish the distance without too much difficulty.Start SlowlyI advise you not to try and run the race at the same pace all the way through. It’s better to start out somewhat slower and gradually pick up your pace after several miles. Time and time again I see marathon runners who have run out of steam by mile 20 simply because they started too quickly.Have Modest ExpectationsAs a beginner your goal should be to finish the distance as comfortably as possible. It’s not to finish under a certain time. This will come later!Conserve Your EnergyWindy day? Hilly course? When the conditions are against you, you must slow down to save energy. You’ll really notice a difference in the later miles.Expect Some Weak MomentsThe marathon distance takes its toll on your body, so it’s normal to feel really weary at times, and you just want to stop running. At these points, slow down a little but try to keep going, – you will be able to ‘run through’ the tough spot.HydrationDon’t skip the water stops. It’s best to take a little water at each one, just don’t overdo it. If you have used energy drinks like Gatorade during your training take some during the run, otherwise stick to water.Power Bars & Energy SupplementsLike the sports drinks, if you haven’t tried these during your training it’s better to abstain…Split the race into partsAs I go along I like to focus on the next ‘milestone’ instead of the finish line. Here are some typical checkpoints to aim for:- 10K – 10 miles – Half way – 16 miles – 20 milesTalk to your fellow runners!Nothing makes the miles go easier than when you can chat with the runner next to you. Sometimes you’ll run by a mile marker without even noticing…These tips should help you get to the end of the race. Crossing the finish line is a tremendous achievement, and well worth the effort you have spent to get there! To find out more about marathon training schedule for beginners and running just follow the links below. is best for website called Marathon Experts. For more information about training for a marathon and to learn how you can successfully complete your first marathon visit
 – Running for beginners is explained in this video. You’ll discover how to start running and the simple strategy I use with all my beginner running clients. Watch and enjoy.
Video Rating: 4 / 5

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Four of the Best Beginner Running Tips

April 10, 2012 by  
Filed under Running and Jogging

Article by Dominique de Rooij

Running is a very effective way in achieving better health and a fitter body. It is a great habit that can build your heart’s endurance, increase your lung’s capacity for oxygen, and control your overall weight. Yes it is beneficial but in any exercise regimen you need to start right to prevent injuries happening to you. If you are planning to become a runner, you need to take note of some beginner running tips found in this article to make sure you start off your running the right way.

Beginner Running Tip #1: Go See a Doctor

The first and perhaps the most important thing you need to do is see a doctor. This is very important since some people whether you are really out of shape or not, may be diagnosed for some certain conditions that would make you unfit to run. Having heart problems, breathing problems, chronic fatigue, and other ailments could make the doctor suggest for you not to do some running because it can cause more injury to you or worsen your present condition.

Talk to your doctor about the plans that you have and ask for his advice on whether you should pursue your plans of running or not. If you have no existing condition then he would usually say it is perfectly fine and that he is happy that you are taking the necessary steps to improve your overall health condition.

Beginner Running Tip #2: Do a Run/Walk Program

Contrary to what some may believe, running needs to be learnt. Everybody can run, but running longer distances needs to be trained. Therefore you should start with a walking / running program before you run non-stop. Especially when you are overweight this is important as you do not want to put yourself at unnecessary risk of getting injured or experiencing health problems. Bottom line is to start slow and gradually increase your pacing and distance. You will be surprised of your progress in just a matter of weeks.

Beginner Running Tip #3: Check Your Pulse

When you are already running, one way to check your progress and see if you have made considerable amount of improvement is to check your pulse. Remember that running is a cardiovascular activity therefore it trains you heart to pump more blood through your body than it did before. In other words, as you get better trained the heart will need lesser beats than before to let you do the same amount of work. So regularly test yourself by doing a similar workout and then see if your pulse is lower or higher.

If it is lower, then there is a good chance you have made some progress.

However, if it is higher, than this could mean you might be overdoing it and the best way to get around it is to rest for a day and check your pulse the following day. When it is back to its normal level then you can start running again.

Beginner Running Tip #4: Keep a Running Log

More experienced runners keep a running log to help them monitor their progress. It does not mean that you can skip this since you are a beginner, it is better to practice this as early as possible so you get used to the habit and do what is commonly seen as best practice. In your record book, log your distance, time, and type of workout you can also add other information there to keep it more interesting for you.

This will help you follow your improvements, but can also be useful later on when you get injured and you can see the trajectory towards that injury. Especially over a longer period of time this becomes helpful. You might find out you always get pains after about 3-4 weeks of more intense speed work, or after increasing your weekly mileage to over a certain threshold. Your running log will help you understand better how your body functions and what it can and cannot handle.

Following these four beginner running tips should get you on the right track in your newfound passion. It is a great sport, providing plenty of benefits to you, including improved stamina, reduced risk of heart diseases and it can even help combat depression. With that mind, turn off that computer now and go for a run right now, so you can start reaping the benefits derived from running.

Want more beginner running tips? Then check out The 18 Most Important Beginner Running Tips of Best Running Tips is your website for anything to do with running training, apparel, gear and beginner running tips.
 CLICK HERE for a FREE RUNNING WORKOUT. Learn how to run and better your running form to run faster!

Guide to Beginning Running

April 1, 2012 by  
Filed under Running and Jogging

Article by Sherri Haggard

Like walking, you can run anywhere. You do not need special equipment. All you need is the open road and a nice pair of shoes. Plus, any runner will tell you, nothing feels as nice as running.

The Essential Gear for Running

You could spend thousands of dollars of jogging suits, tights, tops, and a whole bunch of pointless equipment. However, all you really need is a good pair of shoes. (Now bigger women will want a good sports bra to hold themselves down.)

Shoes – It is tempting purchase the name brand expensive shoes. You really do not need to buy the most expensive shoe. You do need a good shoe.

Discount Running Gear – Read This Before You Buy

March 27, 2012 by  
Filed under Running and Jogging

Article by Jackie Dennis

Whether you buy discount running gear or pay the highest prices, the gear you choose makes all the difference when running in cold weather, rain or heat. Following you’ll find reviews of some of the coolest running gear and where to find it online at a great discount.

Click Here for Low Prices on Running Gear

Garmin Forerunners: These handy gadgets come in a variety of styles and colors (yes, even pink) with a wide array of training features. They feature a heart rate monitor, watch and gps receiver with exceptional signal reception. They really are the one all-purpose piece of electronic equipment that every serious runner should own. Training Center Software is included, which keeps track of all your workout data, and they can record your distance, time calories burned, heart rate and pace. If that’s not enough, their wireless technology can automatically transfer all that data to your computer. What a great asset to your training!

Nathan Speed Waistpacks: This is the best investment you can make to keep you hydrated on a long run. They hold up to four ten-ounce bottles in individually molded holsters and also feature pockets for your other essentials you need while running. Based on the needs and laboratory results of some of the top athletes, these waist packs are truly a mobile aid station during long treks.

Nike Sunglasses: These come in a wide array of styles and colors, and all are top of the line, protecting your eyes whether you run in the woods or on harsh pavement. They feature Nike Max Optics which ensures you are seeing the clearest picture at all angles as well as lenses that resist fogging. An added benefit is the ventilated nose bridge, which improves airflow and reduces slipping. Their adjustable design also ensures they’ll grip your head properly to keep you comfortable and your shades in place. Of course, you’ll also find 100% UVA and UVB protection in these specialized sunglasses.

GoMotion Light Kits: While this may seem like a frivolous purchase, if you run outside late in the day or early in the morning, it’s a necessity. Make sure those cars can see you. GoMotion makes several varieties of these specialized runner’s lights. They come in a low profile, lightweight mesh vest, which is extremely comfortable due to the padded straps, adjustable elements and chafe guard. Another option is the waist kit. These are meant to mount on your existing pack or belt and come with high, medium and low beam settings. GoMotion even has a sternum kit, meant to retrofit to any existing pack. With all these options, you’ll find a comfortable way to be safe that works for you.

These are just a few items that will make your running experience that much more fun, safe and comfortable. The days of just throwing on your sweatpants are over. Runners now have just as many, if not more, gadgets as everyone else to choose from to make their training that much more efficient.

How To Find Discount Running Gear OnlineThere are hundreds of sites offering all types of running apparel, shoes and various types of gear and gadgets online. Shopping all of them takes a lot of time. Some have discounts, coupons, free shipping or special sales. The best way to find a great deal is to find someone who knows about buying running gear and knows where to find the best prices. That will save you so much time in shopping all the stores yourself.

To find the best Discount Running Gear, visit the Discount Running Blog. There, you’ll find where to get the best deals online and save yourself more time to run!

Originally published in Discount Running Gear – Where to Find the Best Deals on the Net

Jackie Dennis is a whiz when it comes to online shopping savvy. She’s also an avid runner and loves to review the latest and greatest gear and products.

Whether you’re a beginner or a well-seasoned runner, you want to invest in gear that will help prevent injuries, keep you comfortable, and help you perform to the best of your ability!
Video Rating: 5 / 5

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Avoid Injuries From Running – 3 Simple Keys For Distance Runners

March 25, 2012 by  
Filed under Speed Workouts

In order to improve as a distance runner you must avoid injuries from running. Consistency is the underlying goal of any training program. A distance runner thrives on progressing from week to week and month to month. Whether striving to get faster or go farther, a running injury can put a stop to any progress and begin to lose some of the hard earned endurance and speed. To maintain constant improvement, distance runners can benefit from the following keys to avoid running injuries:

Know your personal limits

Every runner has a different breaking point. The best example of this relates to a runners weekly mileage. Elite runners training volume will often include weeks of 100+ miles. For the everyday distance runner, this volume may be far beyond their limit. Your limit is the point that as you approach your body starts to break down.

For example, each time a particular runner approaches 50 miles in a week, an unannounced injury will pop up setting back their training. With proper training personal limits can be pushed back, but it is best to allow your body time to adjust to levels just below your limits and slowly build up to and then beyond.

Recover Recover Recover

The nature of increasing speed or endurance as a distance runner is based on consistently tearing down your body and slowly improving with each consecutive workout. The only way to steadily get faster and stronger is to allow your body to heal in between runs. This is especially true of speedwork, tempo and long runs. Training creates micro tears in your muscles and recovery allows them to heal themselves and get stronger. Proper recovery helps to repair your muscles.

Without the rest needed to rejuvenate, weakened muscles can swiftly lead to injury.

Identify Your Weak Areas

The body is only as strong as your weakest area. Experienced runners will listen to their bodies to see what areas are “talking” to them before, during and after a run. These talkative areas are generally the weak areas of the body. Once identified, these weaknesses can be targeted through specific exercises to strengthen potential problem areas.

The most effective way to prevent injuries from running is to strengthen those areas that are most prone to injury. Following a core and leg strengthening program designed specifically for endurance athletes will help you to avoid common injuries and to perform at your best. Click Here to see how you can live up to your potential as an endurance athlete.

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Three Techniques the Experts Use to Gain Break-Neck Running Speeds

March 17, 2012 by  
Filed under Speed Workouts

Article by Anthony Sanza

Three Techniques the Experts Use to Gain Break-Neck Running Speeds

Running faster is an excellent goal to have, and it’s one that you can achieve if you work hard enough. But unfortunately, hard work isn’t enough. In order to drastically boost your running speed, you’re also going to need to learn the steps required. To help you get faster and stronger so that you can beat anyone who tries to race against you, here are the top three tips the experts use in order to achieve the kinds of speed that break records and turn heads.

Proper Form

Running faster requires you to keep perfect form. When you maintain the right posture and limb positioning, your body will be in a more efficient mode and you’ll not only run faster but you’ll expend less energy while you’re pushing yourself to achieve faster speeds. The proper form in running consists of relaxed arms, a strong push off and faster cadence. To help you maintain proper form, have a spotter watch you so that you can tweak any areas that need it.

Start Slowly

It may sound funny, but in order to run faster you’re going to need to start slowly. This means building up your aerobic fitness and strength in order to build a solid foundation which you can then build upon with more advanced strength training techniques later on. By starting slowly and working on the areas that need it, you will keep yourself from becoming injured and you’ll be more likely to achieve the ideal fitness level that’s required to win races and championships.

Break Through Your Comfort Zone

Every runner knows that wall you hit when you’ve reached the boundaries of your comfort levels. This is when your lungs and muscles begin to burn and the taste of copper fills your taste buds. But if you hope to run faster than you already do, then you’re going to need to break past that comfort barrier. Only by breaking past your personal comfort zones can you hope to reach your personal best in all that you do. To really break through your barriers, try running up hills, doing speed drills or racing against friends and teammates and try to push yourself just a little bit further each and every time. Even though your body may be screaming for you to stop, you must push on. The more you do, the better you’ll get and the faster your legs will take you across the finish line.

If you try as hard as you can and you still can’t seem to break your personal running speed records, it’s time to put these three tips to good use. If you can manage to keep proper running form, start slowly and break through your comfort zones, you’ll soon discover that boosting your speed isn’t so difficult after all once you know exactly what to do.

Visit now to get all the secret techniques and drills that the professionals have been using for years! Believe it or not, these are all easy to use and understand drills that anyone can learn and needs to learn to reach their maximum speed. Don’t waste another second!

Anthony Sanza – Secrets to Speed

Running For Beginners – Three Tips

March 15, 2012 by  
Filed under Running and Jogging

Running is so natural, people have been running for millennium, that some think they can just go start running. Although you can it’s best to follow the advice below.

Start slowly – You don’t run a marathon in the beginning. Regardless of your fitness level, running will introduce new stresses into your body so you need to start slowly. This also applies to runners who have taken a while off.

You can start very slowly, perhaps only running a quarter or half a mile at a time. Another great option is alternating walking with running. Even if you are only running a hundred feet at a time it’s a beginning and you can build up from there.

Vary your pace and distance – You’ll get more benefit by varying your pace and distance. Do you think marathon runners only practice by running marathon distances as fast as they can? Of course not! Some days push yourself and other days take it easy.

Don’t increase your distance too fast – That makes it more likely to get an injury.

You need to build up your distance very slowly. Some people recommend not increases your distance by more than 10% a week and that seems pretty prudent.

That may mean if you have a goal that it will take a long time to reach it. So what? If you enjoy running that shouldn’t be a burden. For example I’m planning on running a marathon in two years, which is quite conservative but safe in terms of minimizing the risk of injury.

Running can be great if you do it right and don’t push yourself too hard too fast and increase your odds of in jury. Since you need to build up slowly, why not get started today?

Harry loves to write on his passions of exercise, food, and wine. See his latest at best wine opener including the advantages of a screwpull wine opener.

Tips for Running Faster

March 14, 2012 by  
Filed under Speed Workouts

Article by Anthony Sanza

3 Tips for Running Faster That Don’t Require Weights

When searching for ways to get faster, you’ve probably come across dozens of exercises and methods, but most of those involve weights. Everywhere you turn, people are telling you to do squats and leg extensions and all kinds of other workouts that are mostly done in a weight room. But what if you don’t have access to a weight room and you want to get faster? The following three tips for running faster don’t require weights, but they’re very effective at making you ultra-fast in record time.

Stair Running

This is a cheap and easy solution for helping you run faster and, unlike other tips for running faster, you don’t need the resistance of physical weights to keep your body under stress. You only need your own body weight. When you run stairs, you are forcing your legs to drive your body upwards, which is building the muscles in your legs that are responsible for increasing your speed and power. Then, when you run back down the stairs you should try to go as fast as you safely can to increase your foot speed. Do this for 10-20 minutes a few days per week and you’ll become faster in no time.


When you get into the lunge position, you are isolating the hip flexors and the hamstrings, which are essential when it comes to the pull and return phases of the running process. Simply step forward as much as you can and make sure your front knee stays over your ankle. Then, with your other leg outstretched behind you, dip down as far as you can and slowly come back up. Do ten reps and then repeat with the other leg.Sprints

Nothing builds speed more than running for speed as much as you can. You should practice sprinting at short distances and at long distances to mix it up. Most athletes will use a combination of short and long distance sprints to prepare them for all scenarios where quick or long-lasting speed may come into play. It’s recommended that you do the same. Some of the best tips for running faster include sprints at 10, 20, 40, 60, 80, 100 and 120 yards. By mixing it up, you’ll be ready to push your speed to the limit no matter how long or hard you have to run.

There you have it: a simple and effective way to help you get to the finish line before everyone else. Speed isn’t something you’re born with and you certainly don’t have to have a certain type of body to be fast. And now you also see that you don’t need weights to increase your speed. You only need to use stair running, lunges and sprints at various distances in order to run faster, longer and harder than anyone on the court or field. Simply incorporate these three tips for running faster into your current training regimen and soon you’ll achieve the speed you’ve always wanted.

To learn more about speed training drills, visit, where you’ll find the secrets to speed and so much more, including [Mind Blowing Speed Training].

Anthony Sanza – Secrets to Speed
 EPS brings you instruction from current Division 1 Army Football player, Rob Wright, who demonstrates speed training drills and proper running form to improve your speed and help you run faster. Explosive Power & Speed offers speed training products such as parachutes, speed ladders, resistance sleds, hurdles, lateral side steppers, resistance harnesses, cones, balance wobble boards, reaction balls, and much more. We also offer a variety of speed, power, and agility equipment along with instructional videos, workout manuals, and workout plans. Our goal is to provide you with the highest quality and most effective tools to fully develop your God-given athletic potential. By using our products and programs, athletes can increase their speed, agility, explosiveness, power, reaction, quickness, balance, and core strength. All athletes can benefit from our products and programs, regardless of their sports.
Video Rating: 4 / 5

Running for Beginners: 5 Tips to Help You Get Started

March 4, 2012 by  
Filed under Running and Jogging

Article by Dominique de Rooij

Looking for tips on running for beginners? Yes, running is great exercise that will help you burn those calories. However, it is not as simple as you may think. There are certain running practices that every beginner should observe. You will also learn how to avoid running mishaps for an injury-free running experience.

Running is a great way of exercising. It helps you in all kinds of ways. It can help make you healthier. It will make you stronger. You will also have more energy, and you can sleep better and feel more rested too. And of course, running will also help you lose weight. Aside from health benefits, running will also improve your concentration. But before you start running, check out some tips on running for beginners, so you start off on the right foot, so to speak!

Running for Beginners Tip #1: It’s Not Too Late to Start Running

Running is ideal for everyone. Even if you’re over 35 years old, you can still run. In fact, majority of runners are people over 35 years old. So do not think twice. Put on your running shoes and running clothing. Just go for it and reap the benefits soon.

Running for Beginners Tip #2: Visit a Physician

It would be wise to pay your doctor a visit. Check if you are in a good condition for running. You will need to be extra careful especially if you are overweight, suffer from a heart disease, have breathing problems, and are over 40 years old. Better safe than sorry!

Running for Beginners Tip #3: Use a Running Program

A common running mistake among beginners is to run too fast too soon. Running programs for beginners are very helpful. It will teach you all the essential running tips to help you increase your fitness, avoid injuries, and lose weight. So use a running program and avoid making those novice mistakes.

Running for Beginners Tip #4: Start with a Run/Walk Program

Most beginner running programs will let you start slowly and safely. There will be a combination of walking and running. The primary goal of this is so that you can increase your mileage safely and stay away from injuries. Do not rush. You will eventually make progress in a matter of weeks. Running for Beginners Tip #5: Listen to Your Body

No matter how careful you are, you will still encounter minor running injuries, such as muscle and body pains. However, when you feel dizzy, experience pain in your chest area, your back or your legs during or after your run, then immediately stop running and take a rest. Visit your physician if you experience these kinds of pains.

So these are just some tips on running for beginners. Make sure you use them. Just follow these tips to enjoy all the benefits you can get from running.

To learn more about running for beginners, check out this running for beginners page of

Best Running Tips is your website for anything about running. Whether you are looking for advice on training, apparel, shoes or gear, it is your running website of choice.

More Running For Beginners Articles

Running Shoes: Benefit from the best Pair on your Feet

March 1, 2012 by  
Filed under Running and Jogging

Article by Tnf2

The latest support gear for running . . . moisture wicking clothing, Gps system watches, Various models of ipods – pales when compared with that one supplies item that a runner requires and every runner owns. Experienced person runners know there’s one tool it is indispensable traveling – an excellent set of runners.

But if you may be new to jogging, how do you know if for example the pair of jogging shoes you plan to assist you to buy are really meets your needs? Actually, performing newbies might not know how to determine an appropriate running footwear – unless they’re competitive sports physicians and physical therapists. Nevertheless there are some effortless tips which enables you to you get the perfect pair of running shoes North Face jackets for your feet, even though you have no idea exactly what means to ‘over-pronate.Wi Just carry out these guidelines: Refrain from any all-purpose black-jack shoe stores. This includes your local inexpensive department store, shoes stores that have already “mart” in the title, and any keep that also markets dress shoes. Perhaps stores that are sports connected – such as ones the spot that the salesclerks dress since referees – should be avoided. With regard to you’re exceedingly lucky, instead of getting a really serious North Face T-Shirts Outlet runner being salesclerk, you’ll finish up with a high college student doing work for college tuition hard earned cash.

Visit a “real” operating store. You will know it’s a running store the subsequent you tip through the doorway. Moisture wicking clothing will be on the whole set of racks. Really the only footwear viewable will be trainers. The d隆搂|cor may perhaps include kind tee-shirts hung within the wall. And you will probably see lots of the basics which usually runners need to have, like energy levels gels, chafing lubrication and spice up spray. Likelihood is that you’ll perhaps see a number of piles of race varieties or fliers through cash register. Ask for a gait investigation. The best managing stores can analyze your current gait. Quite a few do this simply by videotaping your legs while you are powered by a cardio equipment. Others just simply watch everyone as you dash around the car park. An experienced running shoe salesperson should be able to tell your walking by reviewing you run. Following determining when you over-pronate or under-pronate (and also neither), all of the salesclerk will be able to advocate an appropriate running shoe, such Womens North Face Cipher Jackets outlet as a general stability running shoes or routine control sneaker.

Try quite a few on. Subsequently try on a lot more. If the salesclerk really appears exasperated or discouraged because you hold trying on match after partners, pick up your personal wallet along with walk out in the store. Knowledgeable runners understand that a properly measured running shoe can indicate the difference from a great work and a horrid run. In addition know that usually it takes a lot of time to get that great pair. Jog in them when you buy them. Before choosing the shoes, have an opportunity to manage in them. Work with the store’s treadmill machine or go forth to the automobile parking space. Any reliable running save will permit you to take the athletic shoes for a “test drive” prior to buying any them.

Find out about the go back policy. It doesn’t matter how much attempt you put to shopping for jogging sneakers, it’s North Face GTX XCR Shoe Wheat White nonetheless possible you’re going to end up with moobs that seems lead body fat once you reach the two-mile draw on your subsequent run. Therefore ask about that store’s return policy. The majority of reputable jogging stores allow you to return these comfortable shoes within fortnight or four weeks, especially if yet properly fitted to your base.

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