Think Of Safety When You Want To Lose Weight Fast

August 10, 2012 by  
Filed under Slim Down

You are afraid that you won’t fit in your clothers in a coming wedding, or holiday or party soon, and you want to lose weight fast, don’t you? It won’t be problem. You can ose 30 pounds in 30 days, or even 10 pounds in 3 days – easy. Well, it can be done – but is it a good idea? Not really. You can harm your health doing it.


There are a lot of pills on the market which make impressive claims. Some decrease appetite, others increase calories burned. There are those which block absorption of dietary fat. The problem is we do not know enough about their side effects. A few pills are banned by the American FDA, but what about the others? It is all a grey area. If you do use pills to lose weight do your research first. Try to find out what they do and if there have been any problems with the ones you propose using.


So what are the dangers of fast weight loss? These include.


Dehydration caused by mainly losing water weight and also the possibility of diarrhoea.


Gallbladder and gallstone problems.


Tiredness and lack of energy.


Cramps through reduced sodium and potassium levels.


Muscle loss, as the body uses its own muscle to produce energy.


When it undergoes fast weight loss your body tries to protect itself from famine and slows down its metabolism, thus burning fewer calories.

This in turn prevents it losing weight, as it is adapting to a lower calorie diet. You have abused your body by becoming fat, now you are abusing your body by trying to lose weight too quickly.


There is nothing wrong in losing weight.

In fact there is a lot right in doing so, but you must do it the right way. You should lose weight with a combination of exercise and a healthy diet. This is the way to go, but it is not an instant solution.


Start by cutting out fats, sugars, fizzy drinks and junk food. Do not just decide not to eat them. Ban them from the house. Instead eat fresh fruit and vegetables, grains, lean meat and oily fish such as mackerel. There are plenty of recipes available which show you how to use these ingredients in imaginative and appetizing ways. The Mediterranean diet is one of the best available.


You must exercise; walking, swimming, or cycling are all good if you do not like going to the gym. Start by exercising for half an hour a day and after two or three weeks work up to an hour a day. This can be split into half an hour morning and half an hour evening if that is more convenient. This way you should lose 1-2 pounds a week. If you are losing more reduce the exercise. You will then lose weight without any of the problems of fast weight loss diets and become fit and healthy in just a few months. That is plenty fast enough.


For information on the best weight loss program and regularly updated tips on keeping fit, just visit The Senior Walking Fitness Blog.

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Strapping ensures safety of the luggage

July 30, 2012 by  
Filed under Resistance Training

Article by Alan Youghal

Strapping ensures safety of the luggage – Business – Small Business

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Cord strapping is a solution of excellent packaging for all cargo companies. Usually a cord bracelet is attached around a box to keep and provide force to what to be transported over long distances. It is very necessary to protect the elements which is to be transported and is very important to use the high quality of the cord strapping. Before the straps of the cord was made with steel that had its own limitations and discomfort to users. Latest innovation in science and technology led to the invention of polyester woven straps. These are as strong as steel. It does not have sharp edges that could damage your product. It will not rust or rot. It is resistant to all weather and U.V. It has high linear and system breaking strength. It has strong ability to absorb shocks during transport retained high voltage. Because of it’s elastic elongation and even memory of packaging markets it is fast and easy to handle.

Curtain tapes help to fix curtains safely.

When you decide to decorate your curtains in the room Curtain Tapes is the main concern. Many people do not know to make beautiful and elegant curtains of their house in a less costly manner using curtain tapes. Several hard goods of curtain are available on the market to make your curtains with less effort and ease made by curtain tape manufacturers. There are different types of curtain tapes such as multi color tapes, designer tapes bands, trimming and folding types from curtain tape manufacturers. Fold strips are usually bands of heading curtain used to set in the curtains to hang on the bars. It is also available in different sizes and shapes. There are several reasons why people use strips of curtain. It is available in different widths, designs and colors. It is designed by curtain tape manufacturers for your attractive curtain. The choice of the curtaining has the ability to transform a room and may prove to be one of the strengths of larger houses. Although curtains play an aesthetic role in any room, they also have a functional role.

Strapping is required to transport materials.

The method of the combination of two items or goods is called hot melt strapping. Applying a strap to an element is more commonly known in the packaging industry. A bracelet is a flexible flat material which is generally composed of plastic or steel materials. Practice of banding is also known as the name of the band or group, which will combine or hold the elements intact. Hot melt strapping can be done by various materials such as steel, polystyerene, paper, nylon, etc. Hand tools and strapping machines are available for the strapping of goods. Hot melt strapping are used for a wide range of products. They are not too soft or too rigid. Hot Melt Strapping is weatherproof and is therefore used in out door applications as in the wood industry. Hot melt strapping are also used to paste the fibres in the textile industry, which is based on the number and diameter of the fibre.

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The above descriptions gives the informations regarding the Cord Strapping, and Hot Melt Strapping helps transporting very easy. Different types of curtain tapes are made by Curtain Tape Manufacturers.

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Alan Youghal

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The above descriptions gives the informations regarding the Cord Strapping, and Hot Melt Strapping helps transporting very easy. Different types of curtain tapes are made by Curtain Tape Manufacturers.

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whereby the original author’s information and copyright must be included.

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Kettlebell Training and Safety!

July 26, 2012 by  
Filed under Kettlebell Exercises

To train with kettlebells means that you will pound your body into shape from every core strengthening swing you execute! However, if you are not careful you can destroy a lot of property and injure yourself or someone else. The key to training with kettlebells is to just use common sense. Check out the following safety tips you can implement to ensure your safety.

I would recommend training outdoors with kettlebells on an open grassy area if possible. This is the best environment for kettlebell training because if you lose control of the weight you can simply let it go without worry of hurting anyone or anything. Anytime you begin dynamic movements such as swings and overhead snatches make sure no one walks in front of the arc of your swing. People don’t generally use common sense and they will walk in front of you, trust me its happened to me.

A kettlebell man or woman has to use common sense for everyone else. This is part of what separates you and your training from everyone else and their training! This awesome tool of fat-loss and hard body development is very effective in helping you to develop the body you have always wanted, but it must be respected.

Make sure that you are always aware of your surroundings when starting your kettlebell training program. If you are helping someone else to get started then you need to also take the time to make sure they are aware of their kettlebell responsibilities.

To learn more about Kettlebells, Fitness, and achieving Total Mind-Blowing Strength come and visit me at:
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I’m Brandon Richey the Strength and Conditioning Pro!

Pacemaster ProElite Treadmill Safety Key

June 6, 2012 by  
Filed under Treadmills

Product Description
This is the replacement Safety Key for the Pacemaster ProElite. Pacemaster part number: APPKEY… More >>

Pacemaster ProElite Treadmill Safety Key

How To Avoid Injuries with Sports and Exercise Safety

June 4, 2012 by  
Filed under Exercise Tips

Article by Sam Li

How To Avoid Injuries with Sports and Exercise Safety – Entertainment

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Exercise and sports safety both on and off the playing field must always be taken very seriously. Sports and exercise injuries occur in people of all ages every day, and many of these are avoidable. The truth is, anytime you engage in some kind of exercise or sports there’s going to be some possibility of getting injured. While these risks can be reduced, they can’t be completely eliminated; but then, there are risks associated with everything we do. There are steps that can be taken, though, that can make an injury far less likely. We will cover a few topics concerning safety precautions for sports and exercise.

No matter what kind of exercise or sport you’re involved with, there’s a simple way to prepare yourself for it. No matter what the activity is, or how fit you may be, it’s essential to warm up properly. This is equally true for high level athletes as it is for someone just starting a fitness program. Even a short warm-up will get your muscle groups prepared for the greater effort you’re about to demand of them. Along with a proper warm up, stretching exercises are very important. A muscle injury is something that can happen to anyone, which is why stretching should be done before any strenuous activity.

If you exercise and get a good burn, sometimes you feel a lot better than you did prior to the workout The positive state of your mind is actually coming to play and is a result of a good workout. You are hyped up and full of adrenaline, and the feelings that result are to be expected. The physical exercise that you do should be limited by virtue of what you’re able to do.

Your performance on any given day will depend upon your body and your mind. You may try too much one day, sometimes motivated by the way you think or feel. Many problems can arise including major or minor injuries that should not happen. Know your limitations, and by using common sense, you will avoid physical injuries.

Learn to listen to what your body is trying to tell you, especially when you are doing physical exercise routines or sports. Your nerves will give your brain feedback you need to listen to in regard to how your body feels and what it can take.

You can learn to understand the needs of your physical system through constant monitoring and consistent workouts. People need to become aware of the demands of their bodies. Doing what needs to be done once you understand what your body is asking for the key to maintaining your health. Once you clearly understand the physical limitations that you have, you will be less inclined to push past them which can be very bad. The above are some of the sports and exercise safety tips that can help you enjoy your favorite sports and other activities in the safest possible manner. You can eliminate many injuries simply be remembering to warm up and stretch ahead of time.

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True Blood S04E11

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True Blood S04E11

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Sole F80 Treadmill Safety Key Part # 022497V1

April 23, 2012 by  
Filed under Treadmills

Product Description
This is the O.E.M. Safety Key for the F80 (580881) Sole Treadmill. Part # 022497 Version 1…. More >>

Sole F80 Treadmill Safety Key Part # 022497V1

Sportcraft 1″ Flat Replacement Safety Key

April 19, 2012 by  
Filed under Treadmills

Product Description
This 1″ flat red safety key fits many models of the Sportscraft treadmills. Maintenance Tip: Annual walking belt lubrication with our World Famous Treadmill Lube will help prevent damage to the motor and other expensive electrical parts…. More >>

Sportcraft 1″ Flat Replacement Safety Key

Treadmill Safety Key 243532

April 15, 2012 by  
Filed under Treadmills

  • This part will work on many of the ICON Health and Fitness models. Icon Health and Fitness distributes exercise equipment under the following brand names: Nordic Track
  • Pro Form
  • Weslo
  • Weider
  • Epic
  • Healthrider
  • Gold?s Gym
  • Free Motion
  • ICON
  • Reebok
  • Body Fit
  • Sears.

Product Description

Treadmill Safety Key 243532

Quad Bike Safety Tips

April 14, 2012 by  
Filed under Stretching

When making a purchase, be it a 50cc or a 250cc quad bike then you will notice that most of them look and feel as if they are designed for road legal use. When in fact that over 60% of Quad Bike sold in the United Kingdom do not posses any documentation for use on a public highway and should only be used on private land.

Standard maintenance for any quad bike is essential, and we have included below some of the top tips for making sure that you get great service from your machine, be it for road use or just for off road fun.

As follows are the top 5 tips that we would issue to anyone buying a new or used bike or, if you are selling a quad bike then you should point out to the respective buyer that these areas have been recognized in a scheduled service.

1) Before you even consider starting an engine there are two things on a quad bike that you should check, one is the front brake and the other is the rear.

When pulling the lever for the front brake, it should only move towards the handle bar approximately 75% of the distance when not engaged at all. This normally signifies that the cable is not stretched or the brake pads are low.

As with the front brake, this also applies to the rear braking system. Should you have a brake lever on the left hand side of the handle bars then you would expect the same measurements as the front brake, and that is approximately 75% travel towards the handle bars maximum. Some older used quad bikes do have this system, but most of the new quad bikes now have a foot pedal as the rear brake. From pressing the foot lever you foot should not travel any greater than 45 degrees from the point where the pedal is stationary and nothing pressing against it.

2) Before starting the engine on your machine, always check the levels of water, coolant, oil and petrol before you start your journey.

Some machines do not have oil reservoir facility which means that they 2 stroke oil should be mixed in a petrol can prior to putting it in the fuel tank. Anything from a 110cc Quad Bike can also have an engine cooling system, which should be checked prior to moving the bike.

Brake fluids should be checked and a good level should always be maintained in the reservoir. If the level drops below the minimum line then there is a possibility that with all the bouncing around across rough terrain that an air blockage can be created.

3) Ignition switches and kill switches should be checked and double checked. In the unfortunate event of mechanical failure on any quad bike or buggy, you need to be able to kill the engine to stop the bike from running away with it’s passenger. Some Adult Quad Bikes and most Children’s Quad Bikes are fitted with a safety device kill switch which is fastened around the wrist, this in the event of an accident will remove a key from a temporary switch killing the engine.

On Road Legal Quad Bikes and Buggies it has become a legal requirement when putting the a machine through the SVA test that it should have one of these as standard. Unfortunately the UK testing system is not completely clear cut on this subject, so even to this day some centers do not enforce this one point.

4) Once you have completed these very basic checks, the next stage is to make sure the throttle and linkage is free moving both to accelerate and to shut down the engine when slowing down. Some if not all New Quad Bikes will be fitted with a thumb control throttle system. These are standard fitting from the factory, yet even though most people can use them they do get changed for the same twist grip control system that is used on even the most standard of bikes and mini moto.

When you are happy with the operational features of the throttle and brakes, it is time to look at the last important part of the machine, and this is the tires.

5) A Road Legal Quad Bike will come (or should come) with road legal tires. The way to identify the difference between road legal tires and off road tires is a small CE mark or a the British Standards Institute Kite Mark. If neither of these are present then the fitted tires are classed as Off Road Tires and should not be used on a public highway.

Even though it is not written in complete stone, the standard tires that come on most models when imported are accepted, as there is nothing to say that the correct ones would not have been fitted whilst the registration is being processed through a DVLA test center.

Darren Moore has been involved within the motorcycle and quad bike industry for the last 9 years. Through this time he has imported quad bikes and buggies, traded machines to and from dealers to now part owning with his business partners the most comprehensive website the Quad Bike Industry has ever seen.

When looking to buy a Quad BIke or ATV – always consider the issue’s involved with potential fraudulant sellers by only purchasing what you can see. If the seller will not let you see it, then do not proceed with any sale until you have physical proof the machine exists.

Quad Bikes and ATVs can be amazing machines if treated correctly, with many of them being used on the road as well as off road too. For Quad Bike Insurance – please view our insurance pages and follow the recommended companies provided.

Safety With Exercise Balls

April 9, 2012 by  
Filed under Exercise Tips

Exercise balls are unstable for obvious reasons. Using an exercise ball can be quite fun. The difficulty comes from the balls roundness, which also contribute to giving you a tremendous workout. By adding weights, you increase the amount of exercises that you can do with the ball.

The correct equipment, size matters.

You should find a ball that fits your body. The biggest mistake most people make is buying a large ball. If you are shorter than 4 1/2 feet, then a ball size of 45cm will work, 55cm between 4 1/2 and 5 1/4 feet, 65cm between 5 1/4 and 6 feet, and above 6 feet, you want a ball that is 75cm.

Material matters

Exercise balls need to be puncture resistant. Most injuries occur when the ball bursts, and you hit the ground. Additionally, you want to prevent accidental puncturing from sharp objects. You should purchase the strongest ball possible to prevent any accidental harm to you and the ball.

Care for your exercise ball.

Keeping your ball clean is the first step toward a long relationship with your ball.

You should avoid cleaners with chemical additives. These can break down the surface of the ball, and increase the chance of a burst. Opt for warm water with a mild soap, using a soft cloth. Storing your ball is likely your next biggest challenge. It’s best to find a nice quiet corner, away from any heat. If you don’t have the space, then deflating your ball after use is your next best option. If you do go with deflation, then you may want to invest in an electric pump so you can inflate your exercise ball with ease.

Your exercise ball is just like any other tool that you might own. You need to care for it to get the most use out of your investment.

Stay consistent with your upkeep and your exercise ball will reward you with plenty of hours of wonderful exercise.

David has been writing articles online for almost 2 years now. Come check out his latest website at which offers great articles and resources on allergies and asthma, including a free E-book: health-tips-e-book.

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