Sportcraft Replacement Round Safety Key

March 18, 2012 by  
Filed under Treadmills

Product Description
This replacement key fits many Sportscraft models. Maintenance Tip: Annual walking belt lubrication with our World Famous Treadmill Lube will help prevent damage to the motor and other expensive electrical parts…. More >>

Sportcraft Replacement Round Safety Key

Weight Training Safety Tips!

February 19, 2012 by  
Filed under Weight Training


Weight training is one of the safest sports. It is only dangerous when carelessness and ignorance replace good judgment and common sense. Grouping by ability, securely-fastened weights, proper progression, and various other items previously discussed were closely related to safety. This advice should help the instructor look after his pupils.

The first and most important consideration is the requirement of a complete medic al examination prior to participation in a weight training program. This precaution is no more necessary for weight training than for any other form of strenuous physical exertion, but it should be done before undertaking any athlete or physical education activity. The results of such a physical examination can give assurance that the individual is organically sound.

If not, he should be excluded from the program.

Time should be allowed for rehabilitation before resuming heavy work by the injured part. When a player returns after injury or illness he should have the same careful examination to determine his capabilities. The player returning after illness or accident will have to be watched to avoid overdoing the activity in a weakened condition. Conversely, some players may have to be encouraged to exercise an injured limb in order to maintain its strength.

Correct lifting position is a point the coach or instructor should remind his pupils of often. When lifting the weight from the floor the correct position is with the feet close to the bar and on the same line, hips lowered, knees flexed, head up, and back straight.

The weight should be lifted with the legs, not the back muscles.

Master each lift with lighter weights before attempting to progress to a maximum lift. The time taken to master a lift not only assures proper technique but it also conditions the muscles to lifting, thereby reducing the danger of a pulled muscle. Careless stance, incorrect form, and over-optimism in an effort to show off will result in needless accidents and injuries.

Everyone should remain clear of those players actually engaged in performing a lift. It is important to maintain good discipline in a weight room. Wandering from station to station and engaging in general “horseplay” may result in bumping into another lifter and could result in a serious accident.

Some coaches prefer to use spotters at each end of the bar and dispense with placing the collars in position after each change in weights. Always make certain that the collars which hold the weights in position are securely tightened. Such a system makes it extremely important for the spotters to be in position at the ends of the bar to prevent the bar from tilting. specializes in nutritional supplements for individuals looking to stay in shape and for training professionally. Buy discount Lipo 6, d aspartic acid, cheap whey protein products, weight loss products, and more online.

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Treadmill Round Red Safety Magnet 236977

February 19, 2012 by  
Filed under Treadmills

  • This part will work on many of the ICON Health and Fitness models. Icon Health and Fitness distributes exercise equipment under the following brand names: Nordic Track
  • Pro Form
  • Weslo
  • Weider
  • Epic
  • Healthrider
  • Gold?s Gym
  • Free Motion
  • ICON
  • Reebok
  • Body Fit
  • Sears.

Product Description
Red Round 1″ Weslo Treadmill Safety Key. This key will work on the following models; WATL139060 , WATL139060 , WATL149060 , WATL268060 , WETL127060 , WETL127060 , WETL136060 , WETL136060 , WETL136061 , WETL136061 , WETL137060 , WETL137060 , WETL138060 , WETL138060 , WETL138061 , WETL138061 , WETL139060 , WETL139060 , WETL139061 , WETL139061 , WETL147070 , WETL149060 , WETL149060 , WETL268060 , WETL268060 , WETL269060 , WLTL195070 , WLTL198070 , WLTL198072 , 308630… More >>

Treadmill Round Red Safety Magnet 236977

Sports and Exercise Safety Tips to Reduce Injuries

February 12, 2012 by  
Filed under Exercise Tips

Article by Holly Franklin

Exercise and sports safety both on and off the playing field must always be taken very seriously. It’s quite easy to get seriously hurt when engaged in rigorous physical activity such as sports, and this can occur at any age. The truth is, anytime you engage in some kind of exercise or sports there’s going to be some possibility of getting injured. It is the risk that we all accept, even if many people never think about it or adequately prepare. We can, however, reduce the chances of getting injured by taking some sensible measures. We will cover a few topics concerning safety precautions for sports and exercise.

Participating in sports or exercises by yourself always poses certain dangers, and some activities are often done in this manner. Jogging or any type of running is a good example of an activity usually done solo. Many other sports also fit into this category, and many people also work out on their own. This isn’t usually a problem, but it can be if someone is injured and no one else is around. Much depends on the nature of the injury, and clearly some are worse than others. If you’re badly hurt, it’s not always possible to move on your own or call for emergency aid. So try to keep that in mind and train with partners or friends whenever possible. Your running or sports shoes must be high quality and in good condition if you run or engage in any strenuous sport. To some extent, your choice of athletic shoes may be limited by your budget, as these can be priced very high. Buying the least expensive shoes you can find may end up costing you more than you bargained for. You don’t want to increase the chances of getting hurt, and inferior shoes can do this. Injuries involving the foot or ankle are especially troublesome and take a long time to recover from. Good shoes also help prevent knee injuries, which is another reason they’re so vital. You depend on your shoes for balance, support and stability in any sport or form of exercise.

It’s always best to start exercising at a slow pace and increase the difficulty little by little. This doesn’t just mean stretching and doing a typical warm-up, though this is, of course, important too. Working out at a very fast pace, or lifting a lot of weight right after warming up isn’t recommended. It’s better to begin the workout at a gentle pace and build from there. Just as you start your car and begin driving at a slow pace, you should do something similar in your workout. The engine in your automobile needs a little time to warm up, which is why you don’t go at top speed right after starting it up. In the same way, if you begin exercising too fast or intensely, your risking an injury. Sports and exercise safety is serious business for anyone who exercises, and it does not matter if you are a weekend exerciser, either. Always take the time to do proper warm-ups and cool-downs to give your body the greatest advantage possible.

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1″ Safety Key for Proform & Weslo Treadmills

January 18, 2012 by  
Filed under Treadmills

Product Description
These keys are a standard size for various Proform, Weslo, Weider Weslo, Lifestyler, Image, Healthrider, Good Family, ReeBok, NordicTrack, Golds Gym and Cardio Trainer Treadmills. Part # 119038 and 119039.

Maintenance Tip: Annual walking belt lubrication with our World Famous Treadmill Lube will help prevent damage to the motor and other expensive electrical parts…. More >>

1″ Safety Key for Proform & Weslo Treadmills

Exercise Safety Tips for Kids

January 1, 2012 by  
Filed under Exercise Tips

Article by Riza C. Belgira

Health is one of the primary concerns by everybody. This is one of the reasons why most parents train their kids to exercise or participate in sports because aside from building the resistance of the body against diseases, the kids also enjoy and develop social interaction with other kids. Nonetheless, it is quite alarming that according to statistics, over 3 million kids suffer injuries when exercising, running, riding a bicycle and also when overheated due to overexertion. Hence, parents and guardians must be guided on how to prevent this to ensure the safety of the kids. Below are exercise safety tips for kids to serve as guidelines.

Supervision. One of the basic exercise safety tips for kids is for parents and guardians to have supervision on the kids while exercising or playing. This is helpful since they can respond immediately when any untoward incident happens.

Running. Running is one of the most enjoyable exercises for kids yet it is the common reason why kids injured. Stretching exercises would be helpful when performed before running so as to prepare the body for any type of physical activity. Additionally, kids should cool down after each activity. This will minimize the stress placed into the muscles when kids exercise.

Sports. Another important point or exercise safety tip for kids is to wear the proper gear required for the exercise or sports or any physical activity. Some examples of these gears are helmets, and knee and elbow pads. Moreover, it should be noted if the area for the exercises or sports activity is conducive for the event. Equally important is to make sure that the equipment utilized such as swings, monkey bars, teeter-totters, and other stationary equipment are safe for use and properly maintained.

Bike Riding. Kids want to explore new things, do new sports and ride vehicles, and one of them is the bicycle. There are a number of accidents that happen with bike riding and it is a must, as part of exercise safety tips for kids, that kids wear a helmet, elbow and knee pads to protect them from serious injury if they fall off or have a collision while riding.

Keep kids hydrated. Drinking water should be a primary concern so that kids do not overheat and/or pass out from heat exhaustion. Health. Not all kids are capable of doing exercises and sports normally. There are kids that are limited by their health conditions such as asthma. It is a pre-requisite that kids are tested and examined by a doctor or physician prior to any physical activity.

Participating in exercises and sports is good for the health not only of kids but of everybody. On the other hand, to make sure that these activities will do good, it should be done with extra caution and care to avoid injuries and enjoy the activities. Keep these exercise safety tips for kids in mind and you can assure that you are on the right path towards good health.

Riza C. Belgira is an advocate for better health especially in women and aims to help empower women by contributing to their knowledge on health through informative resources.

Know more about women’s health on

Elastic exercise tubing, or rubber tubing, is great for resistance training. Get an overview of how to use elastic tubing for exercise, plus get safety tips, in this free fitness video lesson. Expert: Alice Monsaert Contact: Bio: Alice Monsaert has worked in the fitness industry for more than 25 years. She develops education courses for her staff of over 300, and trains newcomers through the Shapes Academy. Filmmaker: Christopher Rokosz
Video Rating: 5 / 5

Personal Training Studio Safety tips – use interlocking rubber floor tiles

December 2, 2011 by  
Filed under Fitness Training

Article by Gen Wright

The gym culture is growing in our world today, and as the credit crunch hits and gym membership soars, many of us are creating their own personal training studio. After the initial expenditure, it is free to use as much as you chose for free. There is one consideration that you do need to build into though when you are building your personal training studio or once it has been built; your own personal safety.

When setting up your personal training studio, you need to consider whether you have thought of your own safety. For example any weight lifting machines, are they safe and securely fitted, do you have someone to spot you when you are using free weights. These are some aspects that could cause you personal injury.

Another is the flooring. Some floors are especially designed for the gyms and some are not. The types that aren’t are the more traditional type of flooring, such as wooden, laminate and carpets. These floorings, although they have many great qualities for regular flooring, they are not suited for the gym.

When in the gym, we sweat; a carpet will harbour the liquid and help create that old gym sock smell. Wooden flooring will be easily damaged if any of the weights are dropped and at times the training machines put undue pressure on the flooring. Laminate flooring is cracks easily and is damaged through any consistent amount of liquid placed on it.

There is a solution; rubber flooring. Rubber flooring consists of all the qualities that rubber actually holds. This means that it is bouncy and will resist any weights that are dropped accidentally on the floor. Rubber flooring rolls and interlocking rubber floor tiles are also water resistant, meaning if you sweat or spill anything on the floor it will easily be soaked up, without it clinging to the floor. This prevents the old sock smell that a lot of personal training studios can have.

So, rubber flooring is not only easy to maintain, it is long lasting and great for the personal safety of you and anyone who is going to be using your studio.

With all of the benefits to recycled Rubber flooring rolls and interlocking rubber floor tiles, it is the obvious choice to have in your personal training studio. Safe, durable and environmentally friendly it is the perfect choice.

When installing your own home gym flooring it makes sense to order the interlocking rubber floor tiles as they will make it simple and fast to fit, and also means that replacing any extra hard wearing spots is simple without needing to replace the whole floor. They are also really effective to create design and colour variations to brighten every colour scheme. And for corporate clients, they can even incorporate the company Logos.

Using Recycled Rubber flooring rolls and interlocking rubber floor tiles means that you can train with the knowledge that you won’t be damaging your floor or your expensive gym equipment. Recycled rubber flooring s the future of your personal training studio.

Did you know that some Rubber Flooring Rolls are made from recycled auto tires? You can recycle and go green at the same time as you renovate. Learn about what you need in rubber flooring rolls and Interlocking Rubber Floor tiles for home gym flooring, dog housing, garages, for durable & safe waterproof areas.

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