Never Too Late: Senior Physical Fitness

May 13, 2012 by  
Filed under Physical Fitness

Article by Jeremy S. Abrahamson

It is important for those individuals who could be classified as seniors to realize that physical fitness is still important. However, it is equally important to realize that as the body matures that there are limitations as to what sort of physical fitness regimens the senior can participate in. For example, running is an endurance activity that requires a strong cardiovascular system. Therefore, if the senior is unaccustomed to running it is not wise to begin this sort of senior physical fitness program.

Therefore, when embarking on a senior physical fitness program it is important to take a number of preliminary steps. The first step is to consult with one’s physician to make sure that the activity that is being considered matches the physical capabilities of the senior. Secondly, it is important to consider alternative exercise programs that would meet the need for an individual to be involved in the senior physical fitness program.

Consulting with One’s Physician

Before beginning any exercise program it is important to consult with one’s physician. This advice is to ensure that the individual’s physical condition is a good match with the doctor’s estimation of the limits of physical activity for the individual.

Often, the doctor will conduct a general physical and let the patient know what exercises would be appropriate. In addition, the doctor may order certain types of tests to help in the assessment of the physical condition of the individual.

Some of these tests can include walking on a treadmill or using a stepping type device. Both of these pieces of equipment are utilized along with monitors placed on the individual. Specifically, the respiratory system, heart rate and stress placed on the heart while conducting these exercises are assessed to help the doctor suggest a comparable physical fitness program.

This strategy is especially important when a doctor is suggesting a senior physical fitness program. This is because even though a senior may feel physically fit there may be underlying physical conditions that may be exacerbated by attempting a rigorous fitness program. Therefore, it is important to be overly cautious when beginning a senior physical fitness plan.Senior Physical Fitness Programs

There are many types of senior physical fitness programs that can provide a great deal of benefit to the more mature individual. Specifically some of those programs include aquatic fitness programs and weightlifting.

Swimming or aquatic fitness programs can be especially useful in providing a quality senior physical fitness regimen. This is because being in the water provides a certain amount of cushion to the body. In addition, the activities that can be conducted while in the swimming pool can provide a great deal of physical value. Specifically, that value can be achieved through water aerobics which helps stimulate the heart, the respiratory system and provide good exercise for the muscles.

Another great senior physical fitness plan is through the use of weights. The weights that add value to the senior physical condition is not one where excessive weight is used to build muscle, but limited amounts of weight lifted frequently. This allows a strengthening of the muscles, provides tone and strengthens the skeletal system.

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Fitness Tips – Fitness Tips For Senior Citizens

February 16, 2012 by  
Filed under Exercise Tips

I recommend checking with your doctor if you have not worked out in over a year. It is wise to get a check up once a year any way, so while your there ask about an exercise program.

It is important to do something that you enjoy when thinking about a fitness plan. It could be lifting weights or walking on a treadmill. Any exercise is better than nothing at all. I find that seniors love to workout provided that the exercise routines are fun.

Most seniors like to workout with a trainer or a partner. I feel the reason for this is that they feel comfortable with someone helping them with their exercises. If it makes them train harder and safer then it’s great for them.

Some seniors nowadays are in such good shape they can help me workout.

I’m always amazed at what some senior citizens can do in a gym. Quite a few of them are still very strong and muscular. I can only hope that I will be in that good of shape.

If you never worked out or starting to get back into the swing of things. I would start off very slow at first. The individual does not want to hurt themselves right off the starting block. Take your time and the strength and endurance will come back gradually. You will have some muscle soreness when starting off. Just don’t overdo it at first. The body has ways to overcome muscle soreness with rest and proper nutrition.

Starting out a fitness plan for senior citizens, I would recommend setting some short- term goals to get going. It could be something like walking a block.

Walking on the treadmill, or even lifting some light weights. The more goals you set the more likely the person will keep exercising and making progress.

Please make sure you stay hydrated by drinking water throughout your workouts. Staying hydrated will also help if you suffer from cramping.

Also please make sure you have good fitted sneakers. It’s very important for your safety to have a nice pair of sneakers.

Please stretch before and after you exercise. Your body will love this and prevent injuries. As we get older our joints and ligaments shorten, so stretching helps to elongate the muscle.

As senior citizens it is wise to start a fitness routine in order to maintain a healthy body and mind. It won’t take long once you have a fitness plan to see great results.

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