Seven Top Work Out Tips For Adding Hard Muscle Fast

July 13, 2012 by  
Filed under Running and Jogging

Article by Ged McCabe

Seven Top Work Out Tips For Adding Hard Muscle Fast – Health – Fitness

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Workout tip no 1 – train using major compound movements when ever possible – reason being is that you need to do less exercises in order to work your major muscle groups.

Movements like the squat and dead lift will develop all the major muscles in your legs and back, which is where two thirds of your muscle mass is located. The dead lift works your entire body. There is absolutely no doubt that the squat and dead lift are the two supreme muscle builders – so make it a point to plan all your bodybuilding routines around one if not both.

For upper body look at the bench press, overhead press, dip and chin up – these are the absolute best upper body exercises ever invented. Also, don’t forget the shrug exercise – it really targets your Trapezius muscle which gives you that freaky look at the back.

Here’s your second work out tip – short, hard sessions in the gym, then plenty of rest. Four or more weight training sessions a week will not work because muscle grows at rest, so you need more rest days than workout days. If you train hard enough you will not be able to have four workouts a week, unless you have truly amazing recovery capability.

This is a common mistake – too many sessions but not working hard enough! If you’re used to four sessions a week and poor results, you’ve nothing to lose by cutting down to two sessions – but make certain that you do work hard. This should get you growing again.

Here’s the next work out tip – train hard! You must work hard enough to give the muscles the growth stimulus. If you’re only training twice a week you should be able to find the motivation to make each session count.

An important part of this is to add weight to the bar on a regular basis. If you add small amounts of weight your body will be better able to adapt to the extra stress placed on the muscles.

It’s really important to eat well – a much overlooked tip – most amateur muscle builders do not eat nearly enough food. If you don’t eat enough food to allow your muscles to grow, you will never make any meaningful gains.

Stick to high protein, good quality foods like turkey, tuna, chicken breast and eggs. Plenty of vegetables too. Watch the amount of saturated fat you eat, especially as you’re going to be taking in more food.

Make sure that sessions with the weights don’t drag on over the hour. After around an hours training your body will start to produce the Cortisol hormone, which will inhibit muscle growth. So two hard sessions a week, under the hour in length – you get some of your life back too!

A work out tip not to be underestimated is don’t get injured! I know that sounds trite, but nothing like an injury to ruin any chance of muscle gains. How do you avoid injury? Keep these two thoughts uppermost in your exercise selection – first, only do safe exercises that won’t harm your body and second, learn textbook exercise form and always practise it.

Never press behind the neck, never use the smith machine for squats, and avoid the bent over and upright row movements.

Here’s another terrific work out tip – cycle your workouts. When cycling workouts you need to create a gaining momentum, and this is done by starting out with lifts below your current abilities, and then working up to and past your previous best levels.

By dropping the weight below your best lift, you can build momentum to forge on into new personal best lifts, with less apparent effort.

About the Author

Understanding how to design and plan home workout routines that will work for your body is perhaps the most important part of bodybuilding.

Ged McCabe has created a complimentary 90 minute video presentation,

Seven Easy And Quick Work Out Tips

June 12, 2012 by  
Filed under Fitness Tips

There are numerous several articles in addition to publications in physical exercise it’s all to easy to acquire mixed up for the best one for you. There is however something you should keep in mind. Work out doesn’t need to be a challenging program. You ought to simply just try to go a bit every day. Learn what you want to do the most effective and also integrate in to your day. There’s no need to accomplish extravagant exercises or become a member of some sort of health and fitness center. This article will offer you Seven simple exercise ideas to keep.

A single) Set a goal. It’s advocated that you simply do no less than 30 minutes associated with exercising each day within the normal of five days per week. Established an objective for doing that Half an hour. If you fail to perform A half-hour at the same time, try and do it within five second durations at all hours. Since your action degree enhances the timeframe that one could invest doing exercises will increase in addition. Wait and see as it could take time to acquire there.
Two) Find available what sort of physical exercises you like to accomplish. If you like to bounce, get some physical exercise audio tapes or even Videos that incorporate party directly into an exercise routine. If you appreciate just to walk, have a fitness treadmill machine to enable you to go walking all year round. There are several exercise sessions around to suit just about any individuality. Obtain the one that is best for your needs so that you can take pleasure in and check forward to the exercise.
Three) Drink drinking water pre and post you workout. This is extremely important to keep yourself watered also to make the most gain from necessary exercise.
4) Schedule time directly into your time with regard to work out. Transform it into a concern. If you think that you’re also hectic, test getting out of bed Half an hour beginning every day. How to get started could be the most difficult, nevertheless, you should find that you anticipate your favorite time in your mornings.
5) Challenge oneself. Try to do a different small regarding work out or perhaps one more set or maybe physical exercises every day. Raise the intensity of your training session with regard to greater benefits.
Some) If you might have difficulties adhering to plans, get yourself a good friend to join you actually. A good work out buddy can help help you stay responsible but not allow you to let up. Additionally it is more pleasant for you to workout with another man than to take action by yourself.
6) Reward your self to get a job well done. You could obtain who you are a completely new ensemble or even receive a therapeutic massage every week. Good encouragement is paramount to help determination. If you set a training objective a week that has a compensate with regard to assembly the aim, you are more prone to stick to the system to have your pay back.

Starting an exercise routine is hard. Nevertheless getting started will be the most difficult step. Once you see precisely how great it’ll make you are feeling, you might grow to be dependent on physical exercise!
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Seven simplified tips to boost Metabolism

February 8, 2012 by  
Filed under Boost Metabolism

Article by vijay jain

When trying to lose weight, one of the most effective things you can do to speed the process along is implement small changes in your routine that give a boost to your metabolism. This will magnify the results of your diet and exercise routines and help give you the confidence to keep going. Use the following seven simple strategies for how to lose weight fast, an instant metabolic lift:

1. Avoid eating within three hours of your usual bedtime – it is important to allow your body to digest before going to sleep; otherwise, you are likely to store away more calories as body fat since your system has no immediate need for the energy. Nighttime eating sabotages your metabolism, and if you choose just one recommendation from this list, this should be it.

2. Drink eight glasses of water a day – keeping well hydrated is key to maintaining an elevated metabolism. Without adequate fluids, you will become dehydrated and your metabolism will slow down, making fat loss naturally much more difficult. For an increased metabolic boost, drink hot water with lemon instead of cold water.

3. Take a brisk 30-minute walk or bike ride at least a few times every week. If you have a regular exercise routine in place, walk on your rest days. You should also incorporate weight training into your exercise regimen if you have not already, since this form of exercise has been shown to raise your metabolism for up to 24 hours following a workout.

4. Drink tea – green tea, black tea and white tea have all been shown to help increase metabolism. Avoid coffee and diet pills that contain a lot of caffeine – caffeine does boost metabolism, but the side effects are not worth it. Drinking too much caffeine can lead to dehydration, which depresses metabolism and outweighs any gains.

5. Spice up your food – chilies and other spices have been shown to boost metabolism, and can have other health benefits, as well.

6. Eat rasberries – some studies have suggested that they help raise metabolism (it is not known exactly how, but they taste good anyway, so you shouldn’t need too much evidence to be convinced), and they also contain a substance that triggers receptors in the brain to signal that you are full.

7. Resveratrol, which can be found in red wine or as a supplement, is a powerful antioxidant that has also been shown to help boost metabolism. This is a good method to lose weight fast.

Vijay wants to give you the tips on how to lose body fat naturally , which is not harmful for our body.

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Oakland-Fitness Personal Training Seven Tips to Get You Moving

January 28, 2012 by  
Filed under Fitness Training

Article by Geneva Clay

Oakland-Fitness Personal Training promotes the message that – being physically active is the first step to living a healthy life! Our Personal Training staff at Oakland-Fitness put together these seven tips to help you get moving as you begin your journey to a becoming healthier and fitter you!

1. Commit for Thirty Days – Begin by make a commitment to exercise every day for one month. At Oakland-Fitness we understand that making a commitment to yourself is the most important part of you being successful. This will solidify the exercise habit. 2. Don’t Break the Habit – The easiest way to keep things going is simply not to stop. Avoid long breaks in exercising or rebuilding the habit will take some effort. If you have an exercise habit going, don’t drop it at the first sign of trouble.

3. Start Small – Trying to run fifteen miles your first workout isn’t a good way to build a habit. Work below your capacity for the first few weeks to build the habit. Otherwise you might scare yourself off after a brutal workout. Setting smart realistic goals are important for the success with any fitness programs. Our personal trainers pride themselves on helping our clients set achievable fitness and nutrition goals. 4. Start Slow – Slowly increase the duration (length of time) and intensity (how hard) of your fitness program as you become fit. Over time, work up to 30 to 60 minutes of physical activity, at least five days a week. If you can’t dedicate a full 30 minutes to exercise, break your physical activity into three10-minute intervals to meet your goal. 5. Create a Ritual – Your exercise routine should become so ingrained that it becomes a ritual. This means the time of day, place or cue automatically starts you towards grabbing your bag and heading out. For example, you might walk every Monday, Wednesday, Friday and Saturday from noon to 12:30 p.m. At Oakland-Fitness we inform our clients if their workout times are completely random, it will be harder to benefit from the momentum of a ritual. 6. Add Variety – Try not to rely too much on one exercise activity. Find several that you enjoy. That way, exercise will never seem boring or routine. One of the things that we at Oakland-Fitness specialize in adapting your exercise routine so you keep motivated and focused on your goals. 7. Find a Buddy to Exercise With – Exercise can be fun if you have someone to share your thoughts with while you workout. At Oakland-Fitness Personal Training we are big advocates of exercising with a buddy. Statistics tell us that people who exercise with a friend are more successful at exercising consistently. You can keep each other accountable. Knowing that someone is waiting for you to exercise with them can be great motivation to show up and get it done

We at Oakland-Fitness believe, it is never too late or one is never too old to start exercising. You can live a healthier and happier life by taking the time to incorporate these seven tips into your daily lifestyle. We guarantee you will be pleasantly surprised with your results! Remember, physical activity need not be strenuous for you to see positive results, so don’t delay start today. Our Personal Training Staff is here to help you get started!

Geneva D. Clay is an accomplished health and fitness professional and radio personality who, for over the course of twenty years has shared a message and vision based on her positive, energetic approach to the business of health, fitness and nutrition which inspires, motivates and empowers individuals to tale control of BOTH their health and life.

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Seven Best At Home Exercises For Women

January 5, 2012 by  
Filed under Bicep Exercises

Article by Flavia Del Monte

Don’t have time to go to the gym? The busy lives of women just became easier with these 7 best at home exercises for women. Who says you need all the fancy equipment in the gym?

What you do need is the foundation behind weight loss and muscle building so you will begin to see inches falling off in record speeds. There is a right and wrong way to exercise. You can spend hours doing the wrong form of exercise and never see a difference in your body.

Cardio Vs. CardioEver see a heavyset marathon runner? Here’s why. Our body is a master at adapting. Our body will regulate to almost any condition we throw ourselves into. If we do steady state cardio, such as the treadmill at the same speed, elliptical at the same level, walking, or even jogging, without changing any factor; our body will adapt and our heart rate will regulate. Start sprinting or running up stairs and BAMM! Bye bye adaptation and fat. When we change the state our body is experiencing, our body will not be able to adapt to the constant change.

Aerobic Vs. AnaerobicAerobic exercise is what most people refer to as ‘cardio’. This type of exercise is done at a low to moderate pace where your heart rate is approximately 50-70 percent of your maximum heart rate. At this pace, and with reasonable conditioning, you should be able to supply the muscles with sufficient oxygen to keep them contracting and performingfor some time. Aerobic means with oxygen.

Anaerobic exercise, in contrast, is done at an intensity in which your muscle requirements for oxygen succeed the amount you can supply. Anaerobic meaning without oxygen. You will be forced to stop this type of exercise sooner because your muscles will cease to function. At this intensity, your heart rate will be at 90-100 percent of your maximal heart rate.

Here is why anaerobic exercise is much better for weight loss: When we are using the aerobic system, the body will regulate itself, creating enough energy to carry out the exercise. With anaerobic exercise, you will create a huge deficit of oxygen that will stimulate the body to continue to use energy to replace this deficit for hours after your workout. Our body uses macronutrients for energy and if we are eating just enough to cover the amount of energy needed to supply the body in normal conditions, anything above this will cause our body to look for energy elsewhere; fat tissue.

Foundation of Weight LossThe key to weight loss is calories out > calories in. This does not mean you need to go on a low calorie diet. Our body needs nutrients in forms of protein, fats and if we are exercising, carbohydrates. Our body uses carbohydrates for energy. There isn’t a place to store excess carbohydrates in the body. All extra carbs that are not used for energywill be stored in fat cells. Too bad our body wouldn’t just get rid of them instead.If you are very active, you need carbohydrates for energy and recovery.The key is using carbohydrates for those two purposes and those two alone; exercise and recovery. Now that you know the basics of exercise and nutrition, let’s look at how using the right exercises will help to create the body of your dreams, give you energy long into your later years of life, and will create a positive self image.

Foundation of Muscle BuildingMuscle can do one of two things:1. Grow larger and/or stronger2. Shrink and/or get weaker

The only way to create muscle tissue is by breaking down the muscle tissue and rebuilding stronger and bigger cells. The most effective way of doing this is through resistance training.

With proper training your muscles grow stronger and larger. Benefits of muscle include:• performing daily activities more easily,• burning more calories daily,• building stronger bones, preventing osteoporosis,• improves your flexibility, stability and balance,• improves strength and posture• improves body composition• reduces loss of muscle mass due to inactivity.

Muscle BalanceEarlier I stated that there is a right and wrong way to exercise. One key aspect of a workout program is the focus of creating balance throughout every muscle. Each muscle has an opposing muscle, the antagonist. Let’s use squats and lunges as examples. Here, the quadriceps is the agonist (dominant muscle being used), while the hip flexors are theantagonist (opposing muscle) and hamstrings become the synergist (stabilizer or helper) muscles. When you are performing more quadriceps dominant exercises as opposed to hamstrings or hip dominant exercises, your pelvis will tilt, causing pain in the lower back, and knees that are prone to injuries.

We can fix this by adding hip and hamstring dominant exercises to balance out all muscle groups. As a rule, you should never do more quadricep dominant exercises than hip movements. Always keep the volume balance between each muscle.

Large Muscle GroupsAny exercise plan needs to involve large muscle groups, focusing on working the antagonist in the same amount as stated earlier. Knowing the proper exercises can ensure you will also target the smaller muscle groups, creating harmony throughout the entire body by incorporating stability muscles as well. And in doing so, you will also cut the amount of time needed in the gym by leaving out certain body parts that were already targeted in other exercises.

You also need to be aware of the muscles being worked with each exercise to ensure you keep balance throughout all muscles. A simple chest press targets your pectoalis major, but also uses pec minor, deltoids, trapezius muscles, and your rotator cuff for example.Importance of the CoreThe core encompasses more than two dozen abdominal muscles, lower back muscles, and hip muscles that stabilize your spine to keep your torso upright. Your core allows you to bend forward, back, side to side, and rotate. Your core plays a major role in movement. Working your core (stability muscle) is crucial to optimal performance.

7 Best At Home Exercises For WomenBy now you understand the importance of exercise. You don’t need fancy equipment for you to benefit from exercise. Here are just 7 at home exercises, especially for women, that will not only better your appearance, they will better your health.

Chin-up/Pull-up-These exercises target your lats but also hit your tere major (stabilizer muscle) and biceps (more so with chin-ups). Your core and middle back are also involved in assisting in the movement or acting as stabilizers.

Pushup-This exercise targets your pectoralis major but also involves your front deltoids and triceps. As for stability muscles, your rotator, traps, serratus anterior, and abdominals all assist with this movement.

Inverted Shoulder Press-The shoulder press targets your front deltoids, middle deltoids, and the triceps. They also activate your upper traps, rotator cuff, and serratus anterior which act as stabilizer muscles.

Squat-These exercises target your quadriceps, but also activate your core, and every muscle in your legs including your glutes, hamstrings, and calves. This exercise burns a ton of calories and is a must-have home exercise for women.

Stability Ball or Towel Leg Curl-This exercise is great for targeting your hamstrings and glutes, and also activates your lower back muscles and core. Because the glutes are the largest muscle in the body, any exercise involving your glutes will burn a lot of calories.

Single-Leg Toe Hops off Bench or Chair-This exercise targets your calves, but also incorporates your quads, hamstrings, glutes and gets your heart rate up to the fat-burning zone.

Side-plank-This exercise improves the strength in your back and will help with performance. Planks target the entire core, making this exercise a must-do for health and appearance sake.

Your At Home Workout

The workouts are split into different combos with 3-4 exercises in each combo. Each exercise is preformed 3 times before moving onto the next combo. Do the different exercises back to back, then repeat for a total of three sets. You must always warm up for 10 minutes and cool down for 10 minutes.

After you are able to do these workouts in 45 minutes or less, add 20-30 minutes of cardio following your workout on three of the five days. Two days of cardio should be HIIT and the other day should be steady cardio for endurance training. Stretching is also vital following the workouts.

Use these 7 at home exercises for women for 6-8 weeks to improve strength, build muscle and burn fat.

Flavia Del Monte is a Registered Nurse, Certified Physical Trainer, Certified Nutritionist and the creator of Full-Body-Licious. You can read more about her training programs, nutrition advice and workouts for women on her female fitness blog.

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Seven things that may be holding you back from running

December 26, 2011 by  
Filed under Running and Jogging

Article by Start Running for Beginners

Ever thought about what is stopping you moving forward from developing a successful running plan? Some of you are simply having a hard time getting started running for beginners, and today we are going to check out why. Maybe you have recently started and just could not keep with the program, perhaps you are someone who has not able to get rolling at all, or maybe you are just learning about running, and testing the waters to find out what must be done to start a running program. For individuals who are already running regularly, there may be some really good tips in here for you as well, for taking your running one stage further.

Here are a few things that could be stopping you from proceeding from having a successful running program: ??

Fear of injury – Fine, so nobody ever desires to get hurt, right? And, the fact is that if you run for a long enough period of time, then the probability of injury increases. Obviously, you can avoid many of the injuries from taking place by having good form and running with decent shoes. And, even though you do get injured, at least you will have taken advantage of being healthier in the long run. I would instead be a runner while enjoying the great things about running, even if it means getting injured every once in a while, than sitting on the sofa and being unfit, but rarely injured. ??

Unsure where to start – Maybe the reason that you cannot get started running is basically that you just do not have a hint where to begin. Well, in case this is you, you are clearly doing what can be done to cope with this halting point. You should continue to learn about running from sites like this one as well as other running blogs and podcasts. There are also running magazines and books that will help teach you as well. Speak to your friends that are runners, and ask them if they are ready to give you a few guidelines. Maybe they would run along, and be an accountability buddy as well. ??

Do not have a plan – I’m sure I have pointed out this issue a couple of time here, but not having a plan is a sure approach to fade out as a runner. Come up with a simple running plan and go do it. ??

cannot find time to run – All of us live hectic lives, and I know gelling a run could be hard at times. But even 3 times a week for half an hour watch run shouldn’t be too hard for even the most frantic executive. If the president of our great country has time to exercise throughout the week, I think you can make an hour or two to do it likewise. In the end, there are 168 hours inside the week. Really don’t you believe you can spend two of them to take care of your body? ?

?It is Too Difficult to Run – The fact is that running can be hard work. If it were easy everyone would do it, correct? But, it also has many advantages that make it definitely worth the effort. The good thing to keep in mind is that you don’t need to run a marathon the first time out. You can start slowly and build up a little bit each time. Just take your time, and make a little bit of improvement each time you go out. ?

Fear of success – You may be a person that is actually afraid that you will encounter too much success, and you will not know how to cope with that success whenever you do achieve it. Maybe you are scared that if shed fifteen lbs men will look at you differently? Do not be fearful of success, but instead accept it. You are probably uncomfortable with the changes that success brings, and this will be one way to figure out how to embrace change and good results.

The goal of Start Running for Beginners is to help you start running and stick with a regular program. Learn more about how to start running for beginners and running to lose weight.

LG seven years of grinding sword bamboo salt toothpaste to build healthy living

December 15, 2011 by  
Filed under Healthy Living

Article by hi joiney

2008 3, LG Household and Health Care of bamboo salt toothpaste was awarded “China Famous Brand”, this hard-won honor for a foreign brand, which proves that LG Household and Health Care in the Chinese market have been the consumers identity. LG bamboo salt toothpaste rapid spurt of red, a high-end market, a brand of toothpaste legend. Create differentiated marketing, “South Korean health expert” imageDay of the Chinese market has always been competitive, and LG “healthy living” in the beginning of landing in China, with unique new concept has quietly built up in the minds of consumers, “health experts from Korea,” a good image, which have benefited from its excellent market differentiation strategies, including the use of “Bamboo Salt,” which has the characteristics of Korean traditional Korean concept of health culture, unique communication strategy and the “concentrated market” brought about the market impact, and thus obtain a good effect on the market. The development of Korean enterprises in ChinaLG Household and Health Care as an operating company supplies integrated life, and daily necessities in South Korea Cosmetic Market has been leading, but entered China, LG Household and Health Care fully into account the issue of cultural impact on China’s domestic market and the culture a lot of research and analysis, so according to the Chinese cosmetics, daily chemicals market conditions and characteristics of consumers, has developed products that meet the preferences of Chinese consumers. In addition, LG Household and Health Care is also actively involved in China’s social welfare services. Following the 2006 South Korea’s LG Life Health bamboo salt toothpaste, soap and other products by the State Sports General Administration Training Council is designated as “athletes designated products”, this year LG living healthier, more positive attitude to join in the activities of the 2008 Olympic Games, the exclusive support “China’s charm, a harmonious community, five city health run” in order to fuel the Beijing Olympics. Looking to the future: “China Famous Brand”2008, LG bamboo salt toothpaste finally be the first to get “Famous Chinese Trademark” reputation of foreign toothpaste products, this unique and LG bamboo salt toothpaste and quality of the core elements of security are inseparable. For future development, LG Household and Health Care will continue to “Bamboo Salt,” the brand as the center, at the same time furthering Other Diversification of the brand development of healthy life to make LG the other products in the future be able to star as the main way of bamboo salt toothpaste in the market, “honorary double income.” 2008 bamboo salt toothpaste year for access to the “Chinese Famous Brand” title of LG Household and Health Care is a new beginning, in the future, LG will continue to live healthy lives in China to promote green ideas, promote healthy living, the development of a natural, healthy household products. LG Household and Health Care will continue to work for China’s consumers more professional, better health, higher-quality Japanese products, with personalized service to every consumer feel the LG concept of living a healthy and humane health care.

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