Abdominal Exercises: The Key to Sexy Abs

September 6, 2012 by  
Filed under Abdominal Exercises

Article by Guido Nussbaum

Abdominal Exercises: The Key to Sexy Abs – Health – Fitness

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There are many different types of abdominal exercises that you can use in order to strengthen and shape a great six pack of abdominal muscles. These exercises range from the basic and well known like the classic abdominal crunches, to leg raises, and multiple weight lifting machines designed to target that specific trouble area of many people’s bodies.

The wide variety of various ab machines out there, and the large variety of different abdominal exercises can be a little bit intimidating to a lot of people who aren’t natural gym rats. Whenever there are so many choices, attempting to figure out which abdominal exercises are best for your goals and your situations can be intimidating. The good news is that there is no “only one way” to get there, which means that a wide variety of abdominal exercises can be effective.

The other good news is that despite all the commercials bombarding you with the claim that you have to buy this machine or that machine, but many of the best abdominal exercises aren’t from machines, but are some of the same good old fashioned exercises that you practiced in gym class.

The three best overall abdominal exercises:

1. Crunches. That’s right, the good old fashioned stomach crunch is still the best exercise for abs and should be the foundation for any serious exercise program focusing on abdominal exercises.

2. Reverse crunches. These are similar to crunches, but emphasize the lower abs over the upper abs. A great balance exercise for regular crunches.

3. Side bends. These are really good to work on the supporting oblique muscles.

Someone who only concentrates on these three exercises will do well in building up their abs. These abdominal exercises should always be the base of any serious workout. With weights and other machines, there are also several other really good exercises that can add some great variety, help you keep interest in your workouts, and also help to build your ideal abs.

Leg raises are another favorite among gym goers. Just set yourself up with good posture on the appropriate machine and lift the legs. The pressure forces your abs to work out and can help really shape up that part of the body. The abdominal bicycle crunch is another very popular exercise that you might see around. For some people this is easy, but for beginners it might take a while to get the coordination down.

If you have a bench to work with, then there’s a whole variety of additional abdominal exercises that you can do, including: side leg raises, front kicks, bench kickbacks, and rear leg scissors. A gym workout for abs combined with Pilates at home can be a great way to get the full effect of each workout and come out with the abdominal muscles that you’ve been dreaming of.

The most important thing is to just keep with whatever abdominal exercises that you are working out your stomach muscles with. Keep at it until you get the results you want, and you’ll be glad that you stayed faithful to those abdominal exercises.

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Build up Huge Muscles.. Find out at 2Fit4You: Bodybuilding, Fitness, Weight Loss

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Guido Nussbaum

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Build up Huge Muscles.. Find out at 2Fit4You: Bodybuilding, Fitness, Weight Loss

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Body Weight Workouts for a Strong and Sexy Body

April 18, 2012 by  
Filed under Isometric Exercises

Article by Joey Atlas

Bodyweight workouts are very misunderstood and under-estimated ways of enhancing muscle tone and strength. Many trainers and fitness seekers can’t see past traditional bodyweight workouts consisting of push-ups, pull-ups and dips.

Both men and women can follow body weight workouts and get great results that are in line with fitness goals ranging from slimming, shaping and toning to strengthening and lean muscle building.

A big hurdle for most people to get over when considering body weight workouts for fitness is the question of, “How can a body weight workout routine replace one that uses weight training and machines?”

It is easy to see how psychology can be an obstacle in trying to help people understand that properly structured bodyweight workouts can be better than traditional weight-lifting and exercise machine workouts. Traditional workouts offer many variations, almost endless actually. Where as bodyweight workouts rely on creativity mixed with a good understanding of how the body functions and what exercises stimulate healthy and safe fitness progress.

Many fitness pros believe that body-weight workouts offer just a limited amount of exercise options and are very general at best, meaning that there is no ability to target and isolate specific muscle groups during a bodyweight workout. This is a big mis-perception that prevents many fitness success stories from ever becoming a reality.

Here’s the reason why. When people get into the ‘health club mentality’ of only being able to workout with equipment, weights and machines, they set themselves up for many episodes of ‘falling off the program’ and failing. Bodyweight workouts eliminate this excuse.

Here’s an example where bodyweight workouts are a million times more effective than regular old gym workouts. You go on vacation or you go out of town on business, or maybe to visit family for several days. So many times these events become excuses for people not sticking to their fitness plan because they ‘couldn’t go to a gym’. With a well-rounded, bodyweight workout program this excuse is not valid.

The right body weight workouts can be done anywhere and anytime. They can be done at home, the office, a fiend’s house or even on a play-ground. And in terms of effectiveness – I can only say through personal experience with my own bodyweight workouts and those of the people who I have trained that when planned properly and followed consistently, bodyweight workouts can be even more effective than most weight lifting or machine based workout programs.

Body weight workouts offer ‘fitness veterans’ – a refreshing, eye-opening alternative to the those repetitive weight and machine training programs. Even more importantly, bodyweight workouts offer sedentary fitness beginners a safe, non-intimidating and effective method for starting a home based fitness program with a high probability for success.

Whether you are just beginning or you’ve been ‘pumping the weights’ for some time now, give some consideration to the benefits and advantages of properly structured body weight workouts and how they can help you move forward in your fitness and conditioning goals. Open up your mind to the possibility of a bodyweight workout being a part of your overall fitness plan and see what happens. You’ll be very pleased and maybe a bit surprised with the results you experience.

Joey Atlas, Trainer and Fitness Consultant, is the mastermind behind the Complete Body weight Workout System on DVD.

And see Fitness DVDs for Home & Fitness DVDs.

Weight Training For Women – Proven Methods For a Sexy Body

February 28, 2012 by  
Filed under Weight Training

Article by Arnold Vessigny

Most women who take up exercise or workout programs tend to dismiss the idea of weight training for women. A lot women find weight training as a very light and non-engaging program that does not really lead to good or noteworthy results. However, these preconceptions about the program are misleading since many women have benefited from following the basics of strength training for women.. If you’re in doubt, and are a woman, try to find time and consider this program as it may work for you-nothing to lose but fat and a sluggish lifestyle.

A common misconception about women weight training is that weight training would make a woman’s body so muscular to the point that they would look like petite bodybuilders. This, friends, is not true. A woman’s body is just as good as a man’s, as both bodies are, by convention, a work in progress. Unless a person really starts taking working out seriously, nothing good will ever come out of a workout program except for good appearance and a good excuse to burn money.

Modern women who consider the option of weight training usually do so after work or during weekends. Weekdays are still just as jam-packed though, since a lot of gyms now have huge female followings regardless of age and life status.

For those interested in strength training, it is essential to have enough of a budget and an open mind. Although working out won’t be cheap, availing the assistance of a professional gym trainer may cost you depending on the plan or program you intend to sign-up for, and the gym where you’d be doing your workouts.

Also, consider your diet before going on weight training. Women’s bodies respond to things quite differently, and having an irregular diet while engaging in extreme activities might lead to unwanted injuries in the future. In order to prevent these things, it is important for women to rethink their diet by going for less calories and more protein. Depending on the age, other food groups may be added in order to make your diet work for you.

Women’s weight training routines differ greatly from men’s in such a way that women’s routines are less rigorous but still efficient in delivering results. It is important to note that women’s bodies are more fragile than men’s, but are just as equal in terms of potential. It is also important to note that working out in gyms may be more ideal, but sometimes, workout programs may be carried out within the comforts of one’s home. So consider having your own workout set in your spare room and ask for help from friends who are in the know.

Weight training is just like any other training; just make sure you’re ready for it – physically, mentally and financially. Before you know it, you’ll be in great shape in no time! Brace yourself for a rigorous but very rewarding experience.

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Grab more information on Muscle Building Exercises,an ecourse and a Free Ebook on Muscle Building Exercises called “Avoid The Top 20 Ways To Screw Up in the Gym”,then go Now to http://bodybuilding.muscle-building-exercises.com/

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Go From Flab Arms to Sexy Arms In 4 Easy Steps

February 14, 2012 by  
Filed under Arm Exercises

Article by William Onedge

Flabby arms have a way of making a person feel insecure, even if they are not overweight. They can ruin your day, and put a damper on your entire sense of being. It’s amazing how something that seems so insignificant can do so much damage. Luckily, all of that can be changed.

When you go from flabby arms to sexy arms, your life will seem better, and everything will look good on you. To make it a reality, you’ll need to first start making simple changes in your diet. Is your diet loaded with carbs? Most likely, it is because unfortunately, people do not know how to eat these days. There are good carbs and bad carbs. Bad carbs consist of mostly refined sugars and junk foods such as candy, cakes, ice cream, white bread, and potato chips. Good carbs consist of food containing more nutritional value such as bananas, apples, wheat bread, wheat noodles, and all vegetables.

1.) To get rid of flabby arms, there is no doubt that you have got to stop consuming so many bad carbs. Pay attention to your beverages as well. If you drink a lot of soda and artificial juice, your body will continue to hold onto fat. To get rid of flabby arms, you have to change your eating habits by adopting a healthier lifestyle.

By making a few simple changes in your diet, you should start to notice that your arms shrink considerably, especially over the first couple of weeks. Although you will be experiencing fat loss, you will still have to do something about that flab. Having flabby arms is what makes it all so unattractive. To put an end to this, you are going to have to exercise.

2.) Triceps and biceps exercises should be enough to take care of the flab. Keep in mind from the very beginning that you’ll have to stay persistent in your efforts to see positive results. Biceps curls are a great way to decrease some of the flabbiness you may be dealing with. Simply take a bar and some weight you cannot lift anymore than eight to ten times. You want to make sure that the weight on the bar is a bit of a challenge so that you see quicker results. The muscles need to really work hard to tighten up and burn any additional fat you are left with.

3.) Triceps pull downs and kickbacks are another good way to get rid of flabby arms completely. Most people tend to experience flab on the back on of their arms surrounding the triceps area more so than anywhere else. The weight lifted for these exercises also needs to be no more than you can do eight to ten times each. The amount of sets you do should be somewhere in the middle, ranging from around four to seven. Rest is very important when doing flabby arms exercises because that is when the tightening will start to occur. Your muscles cannot tighten and burn fat adequately if no rest is provided. Give your arms about 48 hours of rest before working them again.

4.) Probably you can work your arms about three times per week. Along with the flabby arms exercises, you will need to continue to pay close attention to your diet and practice other methods of fat loss, such as cardiovascular exercise, at least three days per week for about 45 minutes. This type of exercise will help to keep your metabolism up, making it very difficult for your flabby arms to return.

Give your diet and exercise program about a month or two before taking full effect. Before you know it, you’ll have the attractive arms you have always wanted, and everyone will notice. The only difference is that this time, people won’t be looking because they’re disgusted, they’ll be looking because they want to!

You need to eat, but just do not overdo it. That’s where a good weight loss system can help you. At http://www.flabisgone.com There’s a Free Workout Program and a Great Product Review on a system that can help you on your way to fabulous looking arms and the body you always wanted in less time than you think.

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3 Days to Lose 10 Pounds – A Real 3-Day Diet to Slim Down and Look Sexy Fast!

December 10, 2011 by  
Filed under Slim Down

Need to lose 10 pounds in 3 days? Well I’ve got good news and bad news for you. The good news: it actually is possible to lose up to ten lbs in just three short days. The bad news: it’s certainly not as easy as many people make it out to be. In this article I’ll show you a realistic way to lose several pounds and a few inches very quickly… including a simple and healthy “3 day diet” anyone can follow.

5 Steps to Losing 10 Lbs in Only 3 Days

If you really want to burn some fat, lose some weight, and get a bit leaner really fast you must stick to these 5 rules…

1. Get motivated — Do whatever you need to do to get and stay motivated. The more motivated and focused you are on losing weight quickly, the easier and more effective the process will be.

2. Get energized — Boost your energy by getting plenty of sleep, avoiding alcohol, getting some sunlight every day, and following the next step closely.


Water = weight loss — One of the simplest and most-proven techniques for losing 10 pounds fast is to drink large amounts of water every day. Shoot for a gallon or more. You’ll cleanse your system and force your body to drop several pounds almost effortlessly.

4. Cut the carbs — You must cut out all sugars and starchy carbs if you want to lose weight quickly. That means no grains or potatoes!

5. Sweat for fast success — Exercise is a must for fast, effective weight loss. Do some form of higher-intensity exercise every day and results will come quickly.

A Simple 3-Day Diet

Day 1: Do a simple fast based around pure water, water with fresh-squeezed lemon juice, and low-calorie vegetable broth.

Consume no whole foods or sugar (including honey).

Day 2: Eat a raw diet based around raw vegetables, fruits, nuts, and seeds. Eat as much as you want. Try to eat at least every 2-3 hours. The fiber will fill you up but also continue to cleanse your body, helping you to lose a couple pounds of waste matter.

Day 3: Eat 5-6 small low-carb meals and snacks based around lean meats, whole eggs, fish (not fried!), lightly cooked vegetables, nuts, and seeds. Eat just enough at each sitting to feel slightly satiated. Continue to drink lots of water throughout the day.

There you go, a simple and “real” method for losing 10 pounds in 3 days. If you want to learn even more about how to go about losing pounds quickly check out the link below…

Click here to learn about how to lose 10 pounds in 3 days the smart, healthy, and safe way!

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