How To Get in Shape for Soccer

April 14, 2012 by  
Filed under Get in Shape

Article by Phil Tucker

One of the most physically demanding sports in the world is a full length game of soccer. If you have ever watched a match, you will understand that the players often spend the entire 90 minutes running up and down the pitch, sometimes drifting forward, other times jogging hard, and sometimes sprinting as fast as they can to break away or catch up with an opponent. Soccer players are in phenomenly good shape, and they usually have thighs like barrels of muscle while their upper bodies are lean and ripped. How can you get ready for a soccer season most effectively? What is the best way to prepare for a good, grueling game of soccer?

The first aspect that must be addressed first aspect that must be addressed is the amount of running involved. You have to be able to run long distances at different tempos, and in order to do that you should begin with two different kind of running programs. The first is the Miles Makes Champions approach, in which you seek to build the basic foundation of fitness that will allow you to run for extremely long periods of time. This will involve an ever increasing amount of distance training, alternating during the week so that you are able to consume vast distances with little difficulty.

The trick however lies in blending this marathon-running approach to the kind of interval training that will lend you the explosive speed you need to be able to call upon. Toward that end, you should figure in some interval training to your work week, where you practice for shorter durations at running at varying speeds, some explosively fast, others merely hard jogs.

With your running under control, you need to condition your entire body through some cross training. Toward this end, few sports will condition your body and enhance your cardio like swimming. The added benefit is that swimming is very low impact which is crucial after the amount of running you will be doing, and benefits your whole body.

Finally, you should consider doing a few bouts in the weight room each week so as to develop muscular strength and power. You shouldn

Getting in Shape with Used Treadmills and Olympic Weight Lifting Equipment

April 5, 2012 by  
Filed under Weight Lifting

Article by Shawn Manaher

Getting ready to get in shape? A used treadmill and olympic weight lifting equipment, used in the right combination, can help you achieve your goals. As with any exercise program, check with your doctor first to make sure you are healthy enough to begin your plan.

Used treadmills can save money, sometimes as much as 200.00- 300.00 dollars, and these days who does not need to do that? Buying used gym equipment can be especially difficult for first time buyers who do not know what they are looking for. On-line is a good place to start, as it will let you see what is out there, compare prices and models, all without dealing with a salesman looking to make his commission for the day.

Keep in mind what you want in your used treadmill, and do not be pushed into something you do not want or need. If you are just starting out in your exercise journey a high-end, high-powered machine may be more than you can use. If this happens you may just get so frustrated that you give up before you even get started.

While buying on line may be easier than going into a store, it is also harder to see the actual condition of the equipment you are looking to buy. With used treadmills you want to not only see, but try out the treadmill before you commit to buying it. If you decide to purchase online, be sure you remember the cost of shipping. What seemed like a good deal may not be if you have to add 100.00 or more in shipping to the cost of your used treadmill. Also, find out the details about the warranty, with used machines they can vary, if one is even offered at all.

A second approach to getting in shape is the use of olympic weight lifting equipment. Before deciding on what equipment to buy, one should get help in deciding what weight limit to start with. If one has never done olympic style weight lifting before, then starting with too high a weight on the bar could wind you up in the hospital instead of in good shape. One of the best ways to find this out would be to take advantage of a weeks ( or whatever amount is offered) free membership in a local gym and have one of the instructors there help you find your starting point. Once you have found that, and perhaps the brand of equipment your want, then you can start looking for your own personal set of weights.

A combination of both types of equipment would provide the best over-all workout, and allow you to have a varied routine so you do not get bored before you reach your goal. Have fun and enjoy!

The author has spent a lot of time learning about used treadmills and other related topics. Read more about olympic weight lifting equipment

Supplements- Which Ones Do You Need To Get In Shape

April 1, 2012 by  
Filed under Get in Shape

Article by Kevin Richardson


An honest answer is that you don’t need any. It might sound astonishing but the reality is that in over seventeen years of using multivitamins, fat burners, protein powders and bars, meal replacements, and all the other bodybuilding and fitness related products all I have to say is their miraculous abilities to make changes in your physique are yet to be seen. That and the fact that there is nothing that has yet convinced me that these substances are truly safe for human consumption.

I would like to bring to your attention that all of your information regarding the safety and efficacy of these supplements come from entities that have a vested interest in promoting them. The bodybuilding and health and fitness magazines that get paid millions to advertise the products, some of which are actually owned by the very companies that make the products in the first place. The media that also gets paid for the ads run by the products, and of course the many so called scientific studies conducted with funding from the manufacturers themselves. The supplement industry is no different from the food and tobacco industries that wreak havoc on the public health. Profit is and always will be the bottom line. Not your health, not your fitness goals and certainly not the truth. If you think that in some way that the federal government wouldn’t allow a company to make a product that could jeopardize your health, then you must have been asleep for the past few years while they banned products like ephedra and pro-hormones. Bans that took effect long after the products had been on the market for years. The problem is that the Food & Drug Administration regulates dietary supplements under a different set of regulations than those covering “conventional” food and drug products, both prescription and Over-the-Counter. Under the Dietary Supplement Health and Education Act of 1994 (DSHEA), the dietary supplement manufacturer is responsible for ensuring that a dietary supplement is safe before it is marketed. 1The FDA is only responsible for taking action against any unsafe dietary supplement product after it reaches the market. Generally manufacturers do not need to register their products with FDA nor get FDA approval before producing or selling dietary supplements. Think about it; someone figures that there is money to be made from selling a particular product and they make it. As simple as that. There are no long term independent double blind studies to verify effectiveness or safety. In fact most of the studies quoted regarding supplement efficacy are either severely biased, purposefully misinterpreted or flawed. It is only after people die or consistently experience severe adverse side effects that the federal government gets involved. What is worse is that there have never been any long term studies to show how these substances interact with the human body. No one can really guarantee that the fat burner that you are taking now will not cause you health problems several years down the line. Many of them have not even been around for that long. So how do you know? Answer- you don’t! FAT BURNERSHave I used them? Yes. But not as much as you would think. I was never much of a fan of these products to begin with since I always paid very strict attention to my diet and training and didn’t really need them. If I needed to get ready for a contest or a photo shoot, I would simply adjust my diet to suit and train my behind off. When I did take fat burners earlier on in my career, I never used more than an quarter of the recommended dose. Did they work? The ones containing ephedrine did. I got leaner faster, but in the end I looked the same. Considering that when I took them I had trouble sleeping, my hands would shake and I would have terrible energy swings, I made the decision not to use them anymore. The pictures of me that you see posted are the result of years of hard work and conscientious dieting- not from any fat burners (or any other supplements for that matter- protein powders etc. included.) I believe the finished product proves my point that I didn’t need them.

We need to examine the mechanisms of these drugs to understand why they are so popular in spite of being so dangerous and filled with negative side effects. The most effective fat burners (the ones that were temporarily banned) were essentially ECA stacks. A combination of Ephedrine (from ephedra), Caffeine and Aspirin. Caffeine is a stimulant and has diuretic effect. Ephedrine is a bronchodilator and was sold over the counter as an asthma medication. It is a stimulant as well2. The two drugs together increase the body’s norephinepherine production which then decreases appetite3 along with significantly elevating your heart rate measurably.3 Reduced appetite means you eat less and the elevated heart rate means that you should burn more calories. These drugs also combine to slightly increase body heat which further increases caloric burn while the caffeine forces you to lose water at a faster rate. The end result- short term weight loss. Which would have been wonderful except for the fact that you are also potentially harming yourself.

Ephedrine (derived from ephedra) was banned for some time after being linked to several deaths. Studies have shown that it can increase blood pressure and risk of stroke, anxiety, irregular heartbeat, myocardial infarction4, depression and psychosis2. Largely due to the lobbying of certain special interest groups, the federal ephedra ban was lifted. Still, most companies now are afraid to put it back in their products because of the fear of lawsuits, that, the high cost of liability insurance and the fact that the federal ban being lifted does not make it a legal product in many states- the state of New York included.

Caffeine as we all know can also affect heart rate as well as blood pressure2. There is also an addictive property to caffeine, just as there was with ephedrine. Put the two together and you’re faced with an addictive compound quite adept at causing your natural adrenal production to be compromised. After developing a tolerance to the raciness effects of the drugs, frequent and increased dosages lead to a dramatic loss of “energy” when the drugs aren’t taken. It’s a classic addiction and it made many a supplement manufacture rich at the public health’s expense. Let us not forget the aspirin added to the blend that wreaked havoc on your stomach lining. Personally I chose not to use a substance that not only I didn’t need, but also that had many dangerous side effects and was potentially addictive. Now that ephedra has made it to the ‘we are not using it in our product list’ (thankfully), the remaining ingredients on their own have not been proven to significantly reduce body fat. Translation, they are still dangerous compounds, but now they don’t work as well.ECA fat burners have been around for about a decade or so, but people have succeeded in getting into fantastic shape for much longer without potentially dangerous drugs. They did it over time. By being patient and by working hard and in a responsible manner to achieve their goals.The other thing to consider is that studies have shown that individuals that lose weight and then regain it increase their likelihood of compulsive overeating5 developing heart disease6 and increasing mortality risks6 7. Remember if you rely on pills to get your weight down, the effects are only short term2. When you stop taking them your weight will eventually go right back to where it was to begin with, unless of course you choose to use them for the rest of your life. The only safe way is to be in shape all year round, not just for summer and certainly not thanks to supplements.

Kevin Richardson, CPT, ADS

References:1. Dietary Supplement Health and Education Act of 1994 (DSHEA), 2. Shekelle PG, Hardy ML, Morton SC, et al.: Efficacy and safety of ephedra and ephedrine for weight loss and athletic performance. A meta-analysis. JAMA 289:1537-1545, 2003.3. Effect of a Dietary Herbal Supplement Containing Caffeine and Ephedra on Weight, Metabolic Rate, and Body Composition Greenway et al. Obes Res 2004;12:1152-11574. Cardiovascular Effects of Ephedra JAMA 2004;291:1560-1560.5. National Task Force on the Prevention and Treatment of Obesity. Dieting and the Development of Eating Disorders in Overweight and Obese Adults. Arch Intern Med 2000;160:2581-9.6. Lissner L, Brownell KD. Weight cycling, mortality and cardiovascular disease: a review of epidemiologic findings. In: Bjorntorp P, Brodoff BN, eds. Obesity. Philadelphia: J.B. Lippincott Co.; 1992. 7. Wing RR. Weight cycling in humans: a review of the literature. Ann Behav Med. 1992;14:113-9

Information contained in this article is not meant to treat, diagnose illness, nor substitute for medical counseland is intended for purposes of information and education only. Consult your physician before modifying your dietor starting any exercise program.

Kevin Richardson, CPT, ADS, is New York City’s most prolific trainers, the founder of the Naturally Intense Lifestyle and the owner of the legendary Naturally Intense 5th Avenue Gym in Park Slope, Brooklyn, New York. With over sixteen years of experience as a personal fitness trainer, and with a clientele that spans the globe. You can read more of his articles as well as learn more about the Naturally Intense Lifestyle at

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How you can get In Shape Fast

March 29, 2012 by  
Filed under Get in Shape

You’re unhappy with your physique. A lot of people are. The lifestyles we lead, coupled with the kinds of food we eat, has really gone on to create a society that is largely overweight. It’s so hard to get rid of that weight too – regardless of whether you want to trim down your midsection, shape up your thighs or reduce your overall fat.

It really is harder to lose weight than to gain it. You best bet is to attack it from multiple fronts – nutrition, physical activity and any other method available.

Alcohol is one of the worst culprits for weight gain as it slows down your metabolism severely. Any exercise or diet that you go into can end up for naught if you don’t cut off the beer and spirits from your daily beverage list. If you are serious about getting in shape, ditch the alcohol and start drinking more water. Water helps flush out toxins in the body and can actually curb psychological hunger.

When you’re working to get fit, water is one of your best friends.

Burgers and fries? Not good either. Fast food fare is one of the biggest reasons for obesity the world over with greasy burgers, salty fries, sweet sodas, sugary sundaes and a whole bunch of unhealthy items on the menu. If you want high-calorie, low-value nutrition, then by all means, eat fast food day in and day out. If you’re looking for quality nutrition, however, and are looking to slim down fast, kicking the fast food habit is a step in the right direction.

Eat at home instead of the next burgers and fries joint. Have some home-made salad with no dressing, lean chicken breast cooked over fire or another healthy meal. When you dine at home, you can control what goes into your food and monitor the amount of calories it packs. It’s a healthier dining option, not to mention more economical.

If you’re going to diet, make sure to find a real diet – not starve yourself. Starving can wreak havoc on your health including your immune system. While depriving your body of the fuel it needs will lead to weight loss, it will also stall your metabolism. Remember that your body is smart enough to adapt to its conditions – if it gets no food, it tries to use up little of it. As a result, when you do eat again, it will store even more of the calories than normal. As an alternative, eat smaller portions of food. If you generally eat hefty servings three times during the course of the day, break it up into smaller portions about the size of your palm. To compensate for the increased hunger it can create, eat about five to six times a day with the smaller portions instead.

Try to put in as much exercise as possible. A quick jog every morning before you hit the shower and a short walk after dinner can do wonders for your body. Take up a more active lifestyle by joining hikes or starting in a new sport. Not every beneficial physical activity requires hitting the weights and getting a gym membership – oftentimes, just working up a light sweat will do.

If you really want to lose the weight fast, check out for alternative methods of shedding the pounds like using body wraps and liposuction. Make sure to educate yourself about them, however, before committing to either one.

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4 Week Get in Shape Plan for 2009

March 28, 2012 by  
Filed under Get in Shape

Article by Todd Raymer

If you are a little rounder and a little softer than you were last year, now’s the time to shape up for 2009.

You can lose those pounds and get those muscles back into shape for summer sports. Here’s how to start:

Week One

* Drink a glass of water before meals. Proper water intake is a key to weight loss, according to the Southwest Bariatric Nutrition Center in Scottsdale, Ariz.

* Try eating four to six small, healthful meals a day. It boosts metabolism so you burn more calories.

* Start a food-and-exercise diary. See the facts about what you actually eat. When shopping, check food labels for fat content.

* Get moving if only for five or ten minutes a day. Walk, ride a bike, dance to the music, but move.

Week Two

* Make fresh fruits and vegetables convenient and inviting. Prepare them in advance for snacks.

* Skip all finger foods other than fruits and vegetables. Focus on your lifestyle changes.

* Don’t be frustrated by only small weight losses. Set small goals like ten or fifteen pounds in three months.

Week Three

* Set a goal of keeping fat grams down and going to the gym three times a week. The director of Doral Resort and Spa says if you accomplish this, your goals will be reached.

* Be 90 percent good with your healthful diet. Doctors at Duke University Diet & Fitness Center say no food is forbidden. Quantity counts.

* Buy a food scale and learn what portion sizes really are.

Week Four

* Exercise while you watch TV. Use hand weights, ride a stationary bike, or do floor exercises.

* Exercise for 30 minutes four times a week.

* Combine aerobic exercises and weight training. Do 15 minutes of cardiovascular exercise plus 15 minutes of weight training for maximum weight loss and muscle gain.

Learn more about Health and Nutrition from Viva Vitality brought to you by GBG Vitality proud distributors of GBG Health and Wellness products.

Viva Vitality is brought to you by GBG Vitality I am one of the publishers of health and wellness information

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Getting Back in Shape – How to Begin?

March 26, 2012 by  
Filed under Get in Shape

There might be lots of reasons why you are looking at getting back in shape. It could be you have had a baby, or you just feel the need to get fitter thanks to having a largely sedentary job that takes up your time. Maybe your kids are heading to school and you just have some spare time. Whatever the reason, getting back in shape requires a fitness program that has lots of different qualities if it isn’t to be a waste of time and energy.

Any good exercise routine needs to incorporate variety. Variety helps when it comes to getting different parts of the body in shape. It also staves off those enemies of exercise workouts – boredom and repetition. These are two factors which can quickly kill off enthusiasm.

A good program that will help getting you back into shape also needs to include some downtime. The body needs time to recover from exercise if it is to regenerate and build up muscle.

Good, targeted, regimes will give you guidance as to how far you should push yourself and  when you should be backing off.

Another thing to consider if can you perform most of the exercises at home? You don’t need to pay for expensive gym memberships when a good routine with a range of different tasks can work just as well. If it requires costly equipment then it’s almost certainly promising something that can’t easily be delivered.

Getting back in shape can be a welcome diversion and not too time consuming. Even if you can find a spare ninety minutes a week you can lose weight, gain muscle and improve your body’s tone and shape. With the right exercises it’s a great use of your time.

I have found a great range of exercises for getting back in shape which will also help you with your strength and conditioning workouts

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Weight Loss With Spicy Food – Can You Boost Metabolism With Spicy Foods and Get In Shape In 4 Weeks

March 23, 2012 by  
Filed under Boost Metabolism

Article by donald brewer

Diabetes as a word was borrowed from the Greek word meaning ‘a siphon’ 2nd century A.D Greek physician called Aretus the Cappadocian was the first to use it to represent a disease condition in a patient to passed urine excessively a medical term called ‘polyuria’. Diabetes as a disease poses so much life threats to human it has gained so much attention by the world it has created awareness world wide. It spans through continents gender and different ages.10000 steps a day helps you lose weight and also prevent nutrition cardiovascular and lung diseases. And based on this magic number is the booming success that pedometers enjoy nowadays. Pedometers are the small devices that placed on your belt wrist or in your belt measure the number of steps you have taken during the day. Pretty cool.

Everyone who is frustrated with their weight has thought at one time or another that they will just not eat anymore until the weight is lost. Starvation is very different than fasting for weight loss. A starvation diet simply eliminates all food and nutrition until the weight is gone but a fast stresses the importance of good health and properly supplying the body with nutrition while on the fast.Have you been thinking about getting liposuction but you’re just not sure if the procedure is right for you? There are non-surgical liposuction procedures that might be able to provide the treatments that you’re looking for. Read on to learn more about these amazing advances in cosmetic surgery!

Is it really possible to lose weight and keep it off? Absolutely. However creating long-term weight loss success requires implementing some basic tried-and-true principles. Here are three simple but extremely powerful pointers that open the gates to your dreams. Do not let the simplicity of these suggestions fool you. Follow these three steps and you are on your way to a thinner happier you!If you want to drop your weight and keep on doing it then there are many methods to do it. Some people follow the conservative method and lose weight slowly and steadily. Others are in a hurry and try out all the latest types of fads and diet programs available in the market. Still many others try weight reduction through rigorous exercise regimen. How would you like to lower your weight?

Nowadays it seems like everything has gone online – including weight loss programs! Sparkpeople is just one of the many online forums dedicated to weight loss plans – encompassing resources for motivation support and goal-setting. Some may also argue that it is one of the best online resources for weight loss help especially after being named as ‘Best Health Website’ from 2006-2008 by Business Weekly. And believe it or not Sparkpeople is completely free to anyone who was an Internet connection! It’s a wonder how Oolong Tea Weight Loss brings amazing results without any real effort. Just sipping two cups or so a day and you see the magic of this tea. It is really difficult to believe how a simple cup of tea works wonders. You will surely believe if you try it yourself.

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Reasons why people gain weight. Both a survey of reasons from people and professionals. Who is really to blame for being over weight? Online prescription weight loss products are becoming rampant today. The internet has evolved to become not just a powerful source of information but also a cyber market for different products including weight loss pills. But how safe are weight loss prescription products sold online?

These are the best 2 vitamins for weight loss. If you aren’t using them you’re losing out! Typically weight loss pills work with the premise of promising you a way to lose weight yet how do we decide which one works and which does not? How do we differentiate between the good and the bad? The reputable ones from the bogus ones? What determines the decision?

What can a detox cleansing diet do for you? With all of the stress that many of us are facing each day – you know trying to pay the mortgage buy food for our families and put expensive gas in the car – it is no wonder that we feel overwhelmed and find ourselves turning to food at the end of our busy days to try and relieve our anxiety. Weight loss injections are rapidly becoming the most popular mode of eliminating body fats. The HCG hormone injection is one of the first.

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Mixed Martial Arts Training – How To Get Into Top Shape

March 21, 2012 by  
Filed under Get in Shape

Article by Louiell Ayonon

The world of Mixed Martial Arts or MMA is fast evolving these days. Both trainers and athletes are constantly coming up with better ways to train. And if you want to get into this sport, it is very important to condition your body first.

Say you have been training in boxing, wrestling and Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu for years and years. And you have mastered quite a lot of techniques. Your strike may be impeccable, your takedowns are unbeatable, you are in perfect control of your game. But the moment you step into that cage, you suddenly realize that while your skills are undoubtedly top of the line, your body is not in top shape.

You may be fast and sharp in the beginning. You take down your opponent with a lightning-fast single leg that he does not have time to stop. You are perfectly in control, or so you think. As the game progresses, you realize that with each scramble, you seem to lose some speed. You begin to struggle with your breathing and at the blink of an eye, the tables have been turned. You now end up defending yourself instead of delivering the offense you have been practicing for years. And before you know it, everything turns black. You just passed out.

The point is, in the world of MMA, skill will be rendered irrelevant if your body is not in optimum shape. In short, you are not conditioned properly. So the solution to prevent this from happening is through a well-rounded mixed martial arts conditioning program.

The program must develop:

• Aerobic capacity which pertains to the maximum amount of oxygen that the body can use in a workout session, that is normally assessed during a brief period of high intensity exercise.

• Anaerobic capacity which pertains to the total amount of energy from the anaerobic energy systems, that is maximally stressed in short duration high intensity activities.

• Strength that is the degree to which muscles can apply force against any resistance.

• Functional Strength which refers to the maximum strength, strength speed, strength endurance and reactive strength.

• Power which is the ability to exert maximal muscular contraction at once through sudden bursts of movement. Power is composed of speed and strength.

• Muscular Endurance that refers to the muscle’s ability to perform sustained work.

There are a range of exercises that you can do to develop these attributes such as sprinting, running, plyometrics and weight lifting. Start where you are weakest and work from there. By training everyday and doing these exercises religiously, you will acquire that conditioned body in no time.

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Great Ways To Getting In Shape

March 20, 2012 by  
Filed under Get in Shape

The market is saturated with low-fat, low-carb and sugar-free foods. But despite the popular diets, “magical” pills and the latest, greatest fitness machines that all promise to melt away the pounds, more than half of American adults are overweight.

For true weight-loss success, health experts stress the importance of changing your lifestyle for the long term and exercising regularly. Here are some creative ways to make fitness fun again and help you win the battle of the bulge once and for all.

* Take “healthy” vacations. Make fitness part of your travels. Head to a spa where, along with a little pampering, you can enjoy hiking, rock climbing, kickboxing, aqua aerobics and yoga.

* Walk or run for a good cause. Training for a 5K charity walk, for example, may be all the motivation you need to get started on a regular fitness routine.

Best of all, you’ll be helping your favorite charity accomplish its goals.

* Dance. Join a ballroom or hip-hop dancing class. It’s a great way to shed the pounds, learn how to dance and have fun.

* Strip the weight away. New DVDs featuring Carmen Electra help you spice up your regular workout routine and provide a fun new way to tone your body right in the comfort of your own living room.

“Carmen Electra’s Aerobic Striptease” and “Carmen Electra’s Aerobic Striptease – Fit to Strip” are fast becoming wildly popular. With the help of fitness experts, Electra teaches viewers how to trim down with high- and low-impact dance and fitness techniques. The strengthening moves are designed to help tone the hips, thighs, buns and abs. The DVDs’ special features include a pop-up video display with workout tips and a customizable music track.

* Do Pilates. Find out what makes Pilates the workout of choice for countless celebrities, and why your gym’s Pilates classes are always full. The “MTV: Pilates Mix” DVD, hosted by renowned Pilates and yoga instructor Kristin McGee, is perfect for those who want to add a more cutting-edge beat to their workout. The DVD features two half-hour workout sessions that focus on toning the arms, legs and abs, with a music mix that motivates you to get up and work out.

Anietie Okon is an Alternative Medicine Practitioner with 4 years of Traditional Chinese Medicine experience. He equally enjoys reading and writing for online publication. For more on this topic please visit

New Years Resolution: 30 FUN ways Get in Shape!

March 17, 2012 by  
Filed under Get in Shape

Article by Lind – Drop Of Pink

New Years Resolution: 30 FUN ways Get in Shape!

We’ve all known a friend (or ourselves) say that they’ve eaten waaaaay too much over the holidays and now want to get back into ship shape. ‘But exercise is boring and hard!’Ah, but that is where you are wrong! Here is 30 FUN ways to burn 300 calories. Ready, Set, BURN!1. Get together with a friend (or on your own) and powerwalk for 50 minutes!2. Go back to the 70′s and rollerskate for half an hour. Yes, you can even wear your leotard and legwarmers!3. Take over the ski machine at the gym for 22 minutes. You can even close your eyes and imagine the snow underneath you if you like 4. Re-arrange a room in your house and lug around furniture for about 35 minutes. 300 calories burnt, you feel good about yourself, and you’ve got a whole new Feng Shui about the place!5. Do 40 minutes of low impact aerobics (either at a class or in your living room). It’s even another excuse to break out the legwarmers!6. You know that old bike you haven’t used in donkey’s years? Dig it out and go for a ride! Just under half an hour is all you need.7. Book a badminton or tennis court for 45 minutes and persuade a friend to have a match with you! But no, cake is not the prize for the winner ladies.8. Do just under 30 minutes of medium impact circuit training exercise. This includes a few ‘stations’ around the room. So station one could be abdominal crunches or full sit ups. Station 2 could then move onto leg lunges (the deeper the lunge, the more it hurts and works), station 3 moves on to arms. Press-ups or weight lifting (dont try and lift weights that are too heavy). Do 6 stations of 5 minutes each. Don’t forget the good workout music.9. After christmas the house may be a bit of a mess, so spring (or should we say winter) clean your house for an hour. Two birds with one stone really!10. Have a laugh with a friend, or your partner. Go to a dance class and learn a new style of dance! Being a dancer myself I know how fun dancing is, and because you’re enjoying it that much, you totally forget about how much of a workout it really is! If you’re with your partner try taking a salsa class for an hour, or if your with a friend then things like Zumba classes or Dance Aerobics are spot on for a fun workout!11. Take a 35 minute hike in the countryside. Working out, seeing the beautiful sights and even de-stressing after a hard day at work perhaps? Then order a low calorie drink at the pub afterwards!12. If your more of the get-up-and-go type, then a 30 minute job is right in your comfort zone. Stick your headphones in and blast some of your favourite tunes to get you through it.13. If you’ve had a hard day at work and are generally feeling a bit fed up, let out some of that aggression with a kick boxing class. It’s a hard workout, i’ll warn you. But if you think you can handle it, then just 20 miunutes is enough. Watch out Ricky Hatton!14. If you want to work out but it’s a nice day outside, how about tidying up your garden for 45 minutes?15. If you like animals, a 30 minute walk with your dog is a perfect way to exercise those mince pies off!16. Do a 55 minute Aqua Aerobics. This is perfect if you’re not the skinniest girl in the world but still want to make the effort. The water gives extra resistance so you still get a workout but it doesn’t feel as hard as it is. Plus, its a bonus if you get a hot male instructer!17. Pretend you’re an olympic rower, 25 minutes on the rowing machine at your local gym will do the trick!18. Give horse riding a try. Book a 90 minute session, you’ll be a pro in no time!19. Get together with a friend or partner and have a aggressive game of squash. Another de-stresser and a brill workout. If your not sweating after it then you may be tougher than Rambo himself!20. 20 minutes of fast paced front stroke at the swimming baths will do the trick.21. Clean around your kitchen for 40 minutes, two jobs in one go!22. Another tough workout is spinning. Take an hour long spinning class for beginners and you’ll probably burn more than 300 calories, and most likely won’t be able to walk the day after. All in the name of good fitness thought!23. As its the festive season, why don’t you get together with friends and go ice skating. An excuse to put on your best woolies and make a fool of yourself. 40 minutes of ice skating will do.24. Scrape off the hideous wallpaper in the living room that you know EVERYONE hates. 40 minutes and you’ll be down 300 calories and will have probably made a lovely mess in the living room. Job done!25. Just because you want to get fit, doesn’t mean you have to cancel your life whilst you’re doing it! Go on a night out with friends (gin and tonic or vodka and diet coke!). Dance for at least 35 minutes (even though we all know you’ll be the last ones on the dance floor!).26. Take over the running machine at the gym and run for 21 minutes. Run at a pace of about 10 minutes per mile. Allow longer for slower paces.27. Get your freak on (did I really just say that?) and have a go at Martial Arts. Take a tae kwan do class for just 21 minutes!28. Get together with a friend that has either a Nintendo Wii or Xbox Kinect. Challenge eachother on an exercise game, (Wii Sports or a dance game for the kinect). Make it more interesting by adding a 5 sit-up penalty for the loser of each game. Do this for about an hour (or longer if you’re having fun).29. Learn to snorkel at your local pool – practise this for about 45 minutes.30. This may seem like a really embarrasing idea but get together with friends. Each learn a 5 minute workout concentrating on one part of the body (e.g. abdominals or bums) and lead your own mini aerobics class. (You & your friends save the money and have loads of fun doing it). Take it in turns to teach the class, then when one person is finished swap over to the next person.Have fun and happy exercising!

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DropOfPink is written by women, for women it provide’s a place where all types of women can visit and learn how to make themselves look fabulous!! In our blog we provide beauty tips makeup tips and plenty beauty secrets and tips to keep you girls entertained! xx

Girls were encouraged to be their most attractive at a young age. Brilliant!!

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