Benefits of Doing Push Ups ? You Should Know

May 20, 2012 by  
Filed under Push Ups

There is one very important exercise that one should include in a fitness regimen as a must. This would be the push ups. There are a number of benefits that come out of this. They can be as follows:

It builds up the chest muscles
There is help going to the triceps and the pecs. You will be able to properly sculpt your chest and the shoulders too.
The muscles in legs also become strong, which include the calves, quads and the hamstrings.
You can realize that you can workout longer than you used to before. This happens because the body becomes stronger day by day and as a result you can do more push ups with increasing time.
Doing it regularly helps you to increase your muscles. This way your muscles grow too.
It helps avoid injures. This acts as a protective mechanism in case of injury prone exercises. This is particularly true in the case of weight training exercises.
The best benefit among all is that you do not have to spend anything over it. you do not have to carry any equipment with you in order to do push ups. You can do it as and when you find time and wherever you want to. you can do it in the luxury of your home

How does this work?

When you are doing the push ups, if you notice you can see that you are muscles of the entire body are involved in the process. This way, even the muscles of the leg are becoming strong. 

When you do push ups there are certain hormones that are produced in excess in the body, which help you to increase the muscle mass too. This way you are indirectly increasing the muscle too.

When you are a person who does regular push ups, you can see that you will be able to do the weight involving exercises easy than the others.

In conclusion you should know that you are actually building up many of your body parts even without your knowledge in the process of doing these push ups. Thus it is actually a full body workout. With all the benefits and the cost free health being acquired, it would be wise for all to try and do it at home or wherever they would want to, whenever time permits. Such is the versatility of doing push ups.

Author is writing about How To Do a Push Up . For more information please visit their website:

How to get a bigger chest: Workout for a bigger chest: All exercises for a bigger chest:
Video Rating: 4 / 5

What Speed Should You Run

May 14, 2012 by  
Filed under Speed Workouts

The time spend on running exercise should be of your own control. However, the duration of each run is best not to exercise less than 30 minutes, every day the best, if there are difficulties, can be one time every two days. Do not exercise more than two days will make little effect. If you get enough time, dusk is good for healthy, exercising every morning hungry is not scientific. Running at night is best to run before dinner, if it is after a meal, should not exercise within 2 hours after meals.

Long jogging training can make strong and thin legs. The methods of running to reduce weight are long-term exercise. Running at least 40 minutes at one time, and stick to it everyday.

To runners, running at different speed will be better, that is, run slow first, and then speed up, keep the fast speed for some minutes.

This can save time on preparatory activities. The fastest speed all depends on your healthy and body condition. Great arm swing is usually in fast running, for jogging, arm just play a balancing role, and do not deliberately consider that.

If you want to participate in the marathon, it is recommended to participate in amateur training, or get a sport teacher to guide for you. Pay attention on the basis at the beginning of training. Recommended pulling marathon time, every day to run 70-90 minutes, to finish the first, no need to consider the speed, do not give up and the speed is the later thing you would exercise.

When air pollution is serious, when outdoor exercise is not recommended, you can go to the gym. However, if no conditions can take a thin mask, will be the beginning of respiratory discomfort, adhere to the habit of just fine.

Some women have special body condition. Female menstrual period is usually mild activities. Some women can adhere to the run, but the best of halving the amount of exercise, should rest on the second day of menstruation.

Try to strengthen the running power. Once you have some endurance base, most simple way to increase the pace is mountain running. Regular daily running mountain plan will do wonders to plain ground running, for competition is a significant effect. Mountain runners can not only increase thigh strength, enhance coordination of legs, but also enhance the coordination of the brain. This is most obvious to elders. Researches indicate that bone density of elder runners is more than those who did not participate in the training.

At the beginning of mountain running, you may choose those cliffy hills. Ideal of the mountain run, a quarter-mile length of its mountain, Mountain slope do not be too steep.

Pick the best running shoes for you. When are you going to start running exercise, one important thing is to understand their own feet, and then buy a pair of line with the characteristics of their feet running shoes. Only in this condition that you will go exercise smoothly and achieved results, and will avoid injury. The top running shoes brand can be Nike, Asics, and New Balance.

As a best runner, you may be interested in latest Nike Free Run style Nike Free Run 2.


More Running Speed Work Articles

Kettlebells Workouts: Key Benefits Why You Should Use It

May 9, 2012 by  
Filed under Kettlebell Exercises

Article by Lea

Kettlebells workouts are now being used by a large number of fitness professionals, athletes, weight lifters, and even Olympians. Why? Because this type of workout is not only affordable but also can give you guaranteed quick, consistent weight loss results. The best part also is that a kettlebell workout does not need a gym-size space. You would only need a little space to execute your movements and store your tool afterwards, a kettlebell of course, some basic kettlebell workout routine, and the discipline to continue what you have started.

So why should you use kettlebells when you can just go to the gym and lift a barbell or a dumbbell?

That’s a very good question. Actually there are kettlebell moves that you can also execute with the use of a dumbbell, but in most cases you do not get to see the same results when you use a kettlebell. So how did that happen? Because the weight of a kettlebell is not actually centered, like that of a dumbbell, and knowing that you now force your body to put extra effort to complete your kettlebell moves properly. It turns out that Kettlebells workouts are harder to execute than their dumbbell equivalents but do not be discouraged since often this is the most effective workout there is.

Aside from the simplicity of a kettlebell movement, the little space you need, and the guaranteed results after every workout, here are more reasons why not only fitness professionals but also teens, elderly, and even pregnant women use kettlebells.

1. If you are an athlete and you do a lot of sprinting, jumping, and kicking, then a kettlebell routine will help you build up your hip thrust fast which can be very beneficial in any sport you are currently doing.2. Aside from building your hip thrusts, kettlebell training is also good both for your shoulders and back, keeping them strong and healthy. With kettlebells, you build more strength, improve your endurance, and you lose weight.3. It helps you work on your muscles, strengthen your posterior chain, and makes your lower back more resilient.4. If you are into high intensity workouts, kettlebells help you complete intensive workout sets effectively.5. It is very versatile giving you full workout freedom.6. Since kettlebells are also very versatile, for as short as 15-20 minutes of your chosen routine you see the results immediately.7. Increases your balance and body coordination.8. It helps you improve your flexibility and your stamina.

Well of course apart from using kettlebell exercises, it is also wise to maintain a healthy diet, have some motivation, and do not stop until you reach your fitness goal. With kettlebells workouts, you do not just lose weight or build muscles, and prevent yourself from accumulating the same amount of fat you already get rid in your first kettlebell training, you also start to love yourself more and believe that yes you can have that body you have always wanted.

Now, if you want to learn more about Kettlebells workouts I suggest you read the best-selling book of Sharon Summer entitled Kettlebell Workout Secret Start Looking Better and Feel Healthier in 7 Days (Or Less) – GUARANTEED? Simply check out and get more advise and instructions about kettlebell workout that you can easily follow.

The author worked for 7 years as a senior copy editor, proof reader, writer; currently accepting freelance writing opportunities to improve her writings.

Why You Should Do Circuit Training Exercises

May 1, 2012 by  
Filed under Circuit Training

Article by Jonathan Montealto

Circuit training exercises has increasingly become more and more famous and rewarding in most fitness programs especially in different sports levels. The main goal for every form of exercise program is to improve performance, strength, endurance and efficiency. This is done within the shortest time possible. It is a fact that only very few people have allocated their free time to exercise daily and most of them have very little time to squeeze some type of workout routines into their very busy schedules. But to continue to live a healthy lifestyle, one should regularly do an effective and well-rounded exercise few minutes a day. This can be made possible through Circuit Exercises.

Circuit Training Exercises is very much applicable to all kinds of sports, climates, ages, in both sexes and in all degrees of professions. It is best described by example and that’s why for this purpose some schools and universities have large exercise rooms to be used by their faculty and students.

The way to demonstrate it is by having the circuit trainer enter this room and stand right in front of the first station. In this station there’s a mat on the floor where the trainer do ten sit ups. Moving to the next station, he must then do two pull- ups under a bar. He must then quickly move to the 3rd station where he should run in place for about a hundred steps.

The next step is to perform all the required exercises moving from one station to another until all the exercises are completed at every station. Using a timer, he should record the time he took to complete the whole circuit training exercises.

The goals for this type of training is to complete the exercises within a short period of time and to do an exercise that involves the whole body. It is also important to change the exercises at every station to workout the different body parts.

Some people do the circuit training exercises in a way that is fun and interesting for them. For instance, a boxer may integrate this type of workout to his boxing exercise routine. Others use a popular dance called Zumba.

So far, the workouts that has been mentioned above serves specific purposes. There are of course other types of exercise programs but most are for the amateur athletes or professionals whose main goal is to compete. They are mainly focused on breaking some records and to be superior in performance. Competition of course is not just for the stars but also for the mediocre who is more interested in competing so everyone should be allowed to do so. But for those whose main goal is to be fit and enjoy a healthy lifestyle, circuit training exercises is the way to go.

For Best Circuit Training Exercises, Go to >>> Best Circuit Training Exercises

Want to Lose Weight fast? Go to >>> Best Lose Weight

What Parents Should Know About Healthy Eating For Kids

April 12, 2012 by  
Filed under Healthy Living

Article by Trevor John

Healthy eating for kids is an issue that affects parents everywhere. Children need to consume a diet rich in the vitamins and minerals needed for proper growth and development. Instilling good habits when children are young will encourage them to live a healthy lifestyle when they become adults.

Eliminating excess fat is important to avoid obesity. Overweight children have a higher risk of developing a variety of health problems. Making the right choices at the grocery store is an effective way to reduce fat intake. Suitable options include lean meats and poultry served without the skin. Whole grains and nonfat dairy products are better choices than processed foods made with white flour and whole milk.

Protein is important for growth of virtually every part of the body. The proteins are broken down into amino acids, which go into producing tissues, cells, hormones and enzymes. Animal and plant products contain proteins. Eggs and other animal products are the body’s only source for certain essential amino acids. Protein needs fluctuate during development with the greatest need during infancy and just prior to the adolescent growth spurt.

Most people are aware of calcium’s role in the development of strong bones but this mineral is crucial for other physiological functions. The body needs calcium for normal muscular activity, to regulate heartbeat and to assist in blood clotting. When calcium levels become too low, the body compensates by withdrawing it from bones. Dairy products like milk, yogurt and cheese are rich in calcium.

Milk is also the primary dietary source of Vitamin D. The bones need Vitamin D to absorb enough calcium for proper growth.

Many kids do not get enough fiber in the diet. Foods like beans, vegetables, fruits and whole grains contain large amounts of fiber in addition to minerals and vitamins. Eating foods rich in fiber promotes healthy digestion. These foods will also make the child feel full longer and decrease the desire for between meal snacking.

Iron plays a crucial role in early brain development and the ability of red blood cells to transport oxygen throughout every portion of the body. Heme iron from animal products is more readily absorbed than the non heme iron in plants. Good dietary sources of iron include meat, spinach, seafood and legumes. Some food suppliers add non heme iron to pasta, cereal, bread and rice.

Children who are included in shopping for food and preparing meals will learn good nutrition habits by example. Snacking is not a bad thing as long as the food provides nutritional value instead of just empty calories. Whenever possible, parents should serve water instead of sodas and juices packed with sugars.

Sticking to a regular meal schedule will encourage good eating habits. Parents dealing with children who are finicky eaters may have to get creative at mealtime. Most kids hate plain vegetables but can be convinced to eat them with a nutritious dipping sauce. Cutting foods into shapes is a way to make dinner fun. Finding ways to encourage healthy eating for kids is challenging but necessary for proper growth and development.

Check out these tasty healthy eating for kids recipes and find out more about healthy eating for children.

Cloth Training Pants: Everything You Should Understand

April 2, 2012 by  
Filed under Pull Ups

Article by Byron Dyson

Parents look forward to training their children to make use of the potty. The process may be very difficult for the parents and for the child. They do a lot of reading about potty training and learn precisely what they can about toilet training. They consult with their friends and family and read some books.

Cloth traniing pants is something that you may want to get if you have a kid who is beginning to learn how to make use of the toilet. If you select the cloth training pants, you will find some good benefits instead of using the ones you dispose of.

One thing to remember is that they are not something you use instead of diapers. They need to be used once your youngster is learning to make use of the potty. These are going to be a substitute for pullups and the ones you throw away.

There are a variety of benefits of utilizing these kinds of pants.

One of them is that, they are often used again as with all other type of underwear like big girl underwear. Because you don’t need to keep getting them, you’ll save money. The price discounts on their own have persuaded a great deal of economical mothers and fathers to utilize them.

As they are reused as well as washed, they’re just the thing for the earth. When using these with your toilet training, you don’t have to bother about filling the trash dumps with the ones you throw away. Lots of people throw things away that the dumps are becoming filled up. So using ones which are reusable and washable is an effective thing for the environment and for the world on the whole. There are many people who are chioosing to discard things that they could recycle.

Lastly these types of pants can help your kids to learn how to make use of the bathroom a lot more quickly. Disposables are likely to pull away just about any liquids and therefore the youngster can simply only use them like baby diapers and never visit the toilet. However when you are utilizing the cloth training pants, your son or daughter will know when they are soiled. This means that your child will unquestionably get the routine of going to the bathroom a lot more quickly.

Potty training a child can be very challenging but one thing that can really help is definitely cloth training pants. When your child has a small accident in their pants, you’ll like them to understand. This way they are going to know that something occurred and that they should be aware of it Rather than keeping the child dry, they inform them that there’s been an accident. That is why they’re so excellent for bathroom training and for getting kids to use the restroom. Cloth training pants are something which most parents can use to help with toilet training children.

Learning about cloth training pant is incredibly aggravating. If you would like to make absolutely certain you have most of the information you need consisting of specifics of the threepack cloth training pant, then you need to see our internet site.

Functional Training: Should Women’s Exercise Programs Include It?

March 9, 2012 by  
Filed under Bicep Exercises

Article by Flavia Del Monte

Everyone has regular activities and make repetitive movements in our daily lives. These movements can be fun activities like tennis, or a basic daily chore like squatting to pick up a book off the floor. Wouldn’t it be fantastic if we could improve these movements and increase your performance?What Is Functional Training?

Functional Training is training that helps the body perform regular daily activities. Physiotherapists originally developed this type of exercise for the purpose of rehab, and soon athletes discovered it could greatly improve their performance. But the rest of us can benefit from functional training too.

Performance: More Than Just Muscles

To understand what functional training is, we first need to understand what affects performance. Some factors that determine our performance are permanent, like genetics. And no matter what you do, or how hard you train, you’ll never be able to improve them. That doesn’t mean training is useless, however. It just means you need to set realistic goals and concentrate on improving the factors you can change.

Factors that determine performance include:

Power — If you want to increase power, you need to build strength, increase your neuromuscular efficiency, and flexibility.

Agility — Improving agility can really give your performance a boost, but the exercises you do to build your agility must be specific to your goal. So, if you want to jump higher, practice jumping from the floor, not using fancy equipment, which causes you to use slightly different muscles and movements.

Cardio — Performance relies heavily on your cardio and respiratory systems. But when you build these systems, do so by mimicking the activities you wish to improve. So, if you want to be a better tennis player, use slow and moderate cardio, with short stints of high intensity cardio.

Sport Skill — Just because something is “similar”, it doesn’t mean it’s the same or will have the same effect. So, to improve a specific movement, you need to repeat it in exactly the same way you would normally perform it. This improves the right neuromuscular pathways, instead of just the muscles and tissue.

To improve your performance, you need to work on all four factors. And to do that, you’ll need functional training. It replicates the movements made during the activity you’re training for and improves the relationship between the nervous system and the muscles. In other words, functional training improves the entire movement and the specific neuromuscular paths involved, not just the muscles and joints like traditional exercises.

If you were to use functional training to make it easier to carry bags of groceries, for example, you would never exercise while sitting or lying down. Why? You would never carry a bag of groceries while sitting or lying down; both would be done while walking or standing.

This type of training has a few other benefits as well. Functional exercises use your spinal, shoulder, hip, knee, and ankle joint stabilizers and neutralizers, as well as a strong and stable core. This promotes good posture and increases the efficiency of the movement, while lowering your risk of injury.

Pretty good reasons for women’s exercise programs to include functional training, right?

Functional Training and Total Body Balance

The movements performed in functional training are the exact same movements and positions your body uses during normal daily activities. We also know that exercises that use the most muscles and joints, like lunges or standing dumbbell presses, will make us look the best. Put the two together and we can make some serious progress in a relatively short amount of time.

Squats are a great example of a functional exercise. They use a number of muscles at once, so we’ll get maximum results. However, we perform squats in our every day life, particularly when bending over to pick something up, so they’ll help you improve your daily performance, too.

Functional movements improve your balance, stability, and coordination, while helping you perform better. The trick to functional exercise is to teach all of the muscles to work together effectively, rather than isolating them and forcing them to work on their own.

Static Training VS Functional Training

When deciding whether women’s exercise programs should include functional training, you need to understand the difference between it and static training. As mentioned before, functional training greatly improves balance, stability, and coordination, which are all important for looking and performing at our best. Static, or machine training, is quite different.

Static training places your body under constant and variable tension and resistance, while tracking proper joint function. So, for example, when you perform a dumbbell bicep curl on a Swiss ball, the biceps have no tension in the top or bottom position, but are under maximum resistance when the dumbbell is perpendicular to the floor.

When you use a machine to perform bicep curls, your biceps endure tension throughout the movement. This tension varies throughout the exercise, depending on the muscle’s strength curve. This might sound better at first, but the best women’s exercise programs shouldn’t be limited to one type of movement or exercise.

Getting the Best of Both Worlds

Some experts argue that functional training is the way to the perfect body. Others say the secret is isolated exercise and static training. In reality, both of sides of this argument are right.

You see, true functional training means avoiding machines, split routines, single-joint exercise, and bodybuilding. Those who believe you should only use functional training feel other exercises have no real purpose, aside from aesthetic ones. Functional exercises, on the other hand, increase strength, muscle mass, sport performance, and work capacity, while improving the function and integrity of your joints.

These same “purists” argue that functional exercises are natural, while isolated exercises are not. This statement is true in some respects, but it isn’t always the case. First, the only real natural training is practice — anything else done to manipulate the body and improve performance is artificial. But don’t let this scare you.

Just because exercise is technically artificial doesn’t mean it’s useless. It just means you’re improving your body on purpose. And this will greatly improve your performance, not to mention your body shape.

If you really want to look great, improve your performance, and have the most effective workout possible, you need to use a variety of the most effective exercises and movements. So, instead of looking at a movement as good or bad, choose exercises and equipment that will address your body’s unique needs and give you the results you’re looking for.

Flavia Del Monte is a Registered Nurse, Certified Physical Trainer, Certified Nutritionist and the creator of Full-Body-Licious. You can read more about her training programs, nutrition advice and workouts for women on her female fitness blog.

Why you should make the effort to get in shape after pregnancy

February 26, 2012 by  
Filed under Get in Shape

Article by James Mark May

Many new mothers buy cots or loungers to accommodate a new baby in the early months, this is the ideal solution particularly if space is at a premium, but also because it allows you to be close to your new born.Having delivered your baby, no doubt you are tired and out of shape right? But you may, like many new mothers want to get home, get settled and get back into shape.

Getting back into shape is important for you, but it is also very important for your baby that you are healthy enough to be able to give your child the best care.

Getting started

Your child will set its own schedule and if you want to fit in some exercise you will have to find ways to work around that. Make sure that you have a structured environment that will allow your baby to feel settled and allow you to get the rest you need.

Having a child is a wonderful time and you will want to be able to share and enjoy every moment with your new child

Women Weight Training: Why Women Should Not Be Afraid Of Dumbbells

February 6, 2012 by  
Filed under Weight Training

Article by Cornell Dayne

The image of women weight training—for many people, these two things should never, ever go together—reminds us of those orange tanned, masculine-looking ladies wearing shoestring bikinis that barely cover their bulky chest area—and who wants to look like that?Those women are professional bodybuilders. And they didn’t develop 21-inch arms by following a beginner’s guide to weight training for women. Those women worked really hard, employing advanced training techniques that many a time were developed by the very best trainers in their industry. Knowing and understanding this proves that the fear of bodily overdevelopment is unfounded—and silly. Women weight training is a good thing, and if done in moderation it can yield some spectacular results.The truth is, any good healthy diet plan should include a bit of weight training, especially if your weight loss goal is more than 25 pounds. The Biggest Loser show is a great example of that. If you want to keep your body toned and in shape, then working out with weights is the way to do it.But first, there are a few lies about women weight training that need to be discussed here. First, weight lifting will not turn fat into muscle, nor will any muscle tone you’ve built turn back into fat should you stop weight training. It’s like saying apples can turn into oranges. Fat and muscle are completely different. Always remember that.The way that muscle and fat are alike, however, is that you will lose both if you only do cardio workout. Sure, cardiovascular exercises are critical to raising your metabolism and burning calories, but they can cause a reduction in muscle tissue.Another popular myth is that weight training is a non-factor when it comes to weight loss. This, again, is wrong. While you’re not jumping around with dumbbells in your hands, the resistance of it and the work your body needs to do in order to accomplish it only serves to strengthen your heart, and it gets those endorphins revved up, too.Weight lifting for women has been shown to help improve the health of cancer patients, diabetics, and those suffering from hypertension. It also helps to prevent osteoporosis and muscle atrophy in older folks. You must combine your cardio with weight training. You’ve got to feel a good amount of resistance—feel the burn—in order to get the most out of your weight training routine.However, the key is to start out slowly, and increase the weight gradually. If you start out with too much weight, you can tear and damage your muscles—and that’s unhealthy, as well as painful.Just like you shouldn’t do cardio work seven days a week, nor should you weight train every day. Start out with just two days a week, on your off days from your cardio workout, and 45 minutes of activity for each session should be perfect.While it’s not necessary to go to a gym to weight train, it is highly recommended that you have someone teach you the correct way to do it so that you don’t get into bad habits. This is why you see mirrors in gyms. It’s not because people are vain. It’s because the correct position of your arms, legs, and other body parts is crucial in building and maintaining your muscles.

What Makes A Healthy Diet? This is the question of the ages. Sign-up now for our free newsletter to get the answer to this question along with answers on Women Strength Training Workout.

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Why You Should Not Ignore The Benefits Of Resistance Training

January 29, 2012 by  
Filed under Resistance Training

Article by Marley Martinerin

While the benefits of resistance training have gotten quite a bit of publicity in recent years, many people still haven’t taken the hint and started a strength building program. Once you begin doing this exercise program, you will realize there are no unwanted side effects. After reading the rest of this article, it will be clear as to why you should incorporate resistance training into your existing exercise program.

The local gym, which it used to be filled with younger guys trying to bulk up by lifting weights, has seen a gradual change. However, as research has shown the many health benefits of resistance training, especially to the bones, you now see people of all ages lifting weights and using strength training machines. Bone mass naturally begins to dissipate in your early 30s and 40s. As you get older, you will have to eat less and exercise much more in order to compensate for your slowing metabolism. Weight lifting or other forms of resistance training help to counteract both of these natural occurrences, increasing your metabolism and improving bone density.

Getting the maximum benefits from a fitness program really involves combining as many elements as possible. A resistance workout, combined with proper dieting and aerobic exercise, can create a workout that can help you stay in shape. Resistance exercise, combined with aerobic activity, can create a perfect exercise routine that can build muscle and help you lose weight. It is also very important to stick to a good diet that is free of junk foods and foods that are high in fat.

Benefits, such as increased physical strength, are found in those that do resistance training on a regular basis. If you play golf on a regular basis, or play tennis, this routine can help improve your game because of your added strength. Strength can also be important for many everyday activities, such as carrying groceries, moving furniture or shoveling snow. Your extra strength will allow you to prevent potential injuries from occurring when you do certain physical activities. As with most weightlifters, you will have been added feeling of confidence knowing that you are stronger than ever before. When you do resistance training, you are also improving the way you feel about yourself and your health on an everyday basis. If you are consistent, you will do well as you do this routine every day. If you’re not sure what kind of exercise is best for you, try some different methods, such as free weights, exercise machines at the gym or strength building exercises you can do at home. You will definitely enjoy your workouts once you get started as long as you remain consistent every day.

Marley Martinerin is a regular contributor to a number of sites and writes articles about such topics as the big tv stand, and the techcraft tv stand.

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