Summer Skincare Tips – 6 Steps to Help You Protect Your Skin

August 28, 2012 by  
Filed under Exercise Tips

Article by Kaite

Summer Skincare Tips – 6 Steps to Help You Protect Your Skin – Shopping – Fashion Style

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At 7:00 in the morning, apply sun screen to your skinThink about what you are going to do today, go to work or do some exercise outdoors? This is very important, because this decides which kind of sun screen you are going to use today. For people with common skin, sun screen of SPF 8 – 12 will be proper. If your skin is sensitive to light, then the SPF of your sun screen should range from 12 to 20. If you are an office worker who is exposed to direct sunlight only on the way between home and office, the SPF value of your sun screen can be below 15. If you take an excursion in an open country or swim in the ocean, then the SPF value of your sun screen should be above 30. And you’d better choose waterproof sun screen if you are going swimming. In addition, it will be preferable for fair-skinned people to choose sun screen of SPF 30 or higher to prevent spots. Remember that sun screen must be applied half an hour before you go out.At 9:00 in the morning, put on sun-protection clothesThe UVB is strongest from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. in a day. If you have to walk outdoors during this period, you must put on sun-protection clothes. What are sun-protection clothes? Maybe you have not heard of that. As the name suggests, they are clothes with the function of protecting your skin from the sunlight. Then, what kind of clothes has such a function? It is suggested that you pick a dress made of pure cotton. The fabric itself has SPF, and cotton has the highest SPF, which is around 15 to 40. Secondly is light clothes made of polyester with SPF of 7 to 10. While knitted clothes only have SPF of 4 to 9.At noon, avoid photosensitive foodsPhotosensitive foods include coriander, leek, soy, turnip and so on. If you eat too much of them, spots will appear on your skin easily when you are exposed to direct sunlight. Foods such as shark fin, eel, white gourds and broccoli have sun-protection nutrients, so you’d better eat more such foods in summer. Another tip: Strawberries are rich in vitamin, calcium, phosphorus and dietary fiber which are necessary to the body. Strawberries not only help digestion but also whiten skin. What’s more, their sun-resistant and radiation-proof functions are now being gradually recognized. Therefore, you can take strawberries as your after-meal fruit.At 3:00 in the afternoon, add some new sun screenHaving worked for such a long time, your skin may have become dark due to the UVA which refracted indoors. Oily skin may even oil, which will spoil your make-up. If your skin oils too much, you can use a high quality oil-absorbing sheet to absorb the oil in the “T” area. Then, you can choose a sun screen with SPF below 15 to freshen up. If your skin is too dry, you might as well drink some water at this time.At 5:30 in the afternoon, sun-protection for your hair is also essentialAfter work, do some outdoor activities which are beneficial to your skin and body type. Meanwhile, do not forget the sun-protection for your hair. Since the temperature is high in summer, the metabolism accelerates. The sebum secretion of scalp is excessive, so the condition of the hair will change, and the quality of the hair will decline. Therefore, people should choose appropriate sun screen for the hair in the late afternoon. Firstly, you should avoid products with alcohol or formaldehyde which will make the hair more withered. Secondly, mild products without any additives are a nice choice.At 9:40 in the evening, repair the skin after sunburn

Although your skin has been well protected with the help of sun screen and non-photographic foods, you still have something to do. A cup of yogurt in the evening is enough to provide necessary nutrition for you and help you stay in shape. But be sure not to take it all. It is a terrific idea to apply the rest of the yogurt on face. All you have to do is to steep the cotton pad in the yogurt for a while and then take it out and attach it to your face for about 10 to 15 minutes. This can enhance the skin’s resistance against the ultraviolet rays, and it can also lighten your sunburn. Not bad, eh?

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I’ve written the content about fashion, women apparels and relationship in the last 3 years. Thesexylingerie is specialized in lingerie for women of all shapes and sizes at very reasonable prices. Check out why so many customers love

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I’ve written the content about fashion, women apparels and relationship in the last 3 years. Thesexylingerie is specialized in lingerie for women of all shapes and sizes at very reasonable prices. Check out why so many customers love

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How to Get Clear Skin Through Healthy Living and Eating

January 31, 2012 by  
Filed under Healthy Living

Article by Zilma Steiner

Radiant skin helps to improve one’s self confidence and motivation. Not only does it make others find you attractive, it can also be an asset to achieving the ultimate goal of being a magnet to the opposite sex. Bad skin will always be frustrating. Some or most people are unfortunately distraught with having to live with acne, zits, black heads, white heads, and harsh pimples. But luckily, there are numerous methods and tips on how to get clear skin available.

The primary reason of having acne is because it runs in the blood. If your family has a genetic make-up of faces with acne or other kinds of skin irritators, there is a big chance that you’ll acquire bad skin from them. Fortunately, a couple of home remedies plus some solutions made by modern technology today can counteract the effects of your genetics and eventually give you clear skin.

It’s always best to remember that living healthy is the best weapon for all the negativity in the world- as this is also a very important cue on how to get clear skin. Eating fatty, greasy food like the usual burgers and fries is not really included in healthy living so it’s best to stay away from them as much as possible. Also, drinking 6 to 8 glasses of water a day is crucial to getting clear skin as water is a natural detoxifier of the body. Further to this, eating the safest types of food, such as vegetables can make your skin healthy too.

How to Get Clear Skin through Good HabitsBut if eating healthy doesn’t stop the growth of acne or any skin related diseases, countless alternatives on how to get clear skin are always available. Washing your skin twice, once in the morning and another at night before going to sleep, with a mild deep cleanser removes all unwanted dirt and germs that may cause bad skin. A steam activated wash is the best way to do this. Washing your face with warm, not hot, water opens the pores on your skin which will make cleaning it easier to do. But before applying any solutions or creams to your skin, you have to classify what kind of skin type you possess- whether it’s dry or sensitive. Knowing this could be the difference to the path on how to get clear skin or the path to the further damage of your skin.

Applying toner to the skin also is another method on how to get clear skin. For really problematic skin, you should choose one that contains sacylic acid as it gives a better result.

For further protection, you should apply lotion to your face, neck, behind the ears, hands, and to all the parts of your body that is not covered with what you wear. Lotions with a high concentration of UV ray protectors give you adequate defense in the sun’s skin-damaging rays.

For really problematic skins, applying a pore cleansing mask twice per week could be a remedy to your problem on how to get clear skin. Creams with benoxyl peroxide are also fast treatments to reduce the redness and the size of acnes. But remember that creams with benoxyl peroxide should only be used in emergencies and not very often as it can further damage your skin. Also use a microdermabrasion scrub one per week. This peels off dead skin cells to be replaced with new, healthy ones that are clean and clear.

How to Get Clear Skin through Good HygieneThe solutions mentioned above are adequate methods on how to get clear skin. Doing that for a couple of days or weeks should provide you with excellent results. But the treatment shouldn’t be enough. Skin should always have maintenance like any other thing in the world. To retain the radiant skin you have always wanted, further healthy living is required. Changing your bedding every week and replacing your pillows at least once a year could be very important as beddings and pillows that are not regularly washed could be a breeding ground for acne- causing bacteria.

Women wearing make-up should always remove them before going to sleep. This gives your skin more room to breathe. Sleeping for at least 8 hours a day gives our body adequate time for rejuvenation and more protection as weary skin is more prone to deteriorating. Sleep is as important as drinking lots of water.

But if all of the things mentioned above do not give you the result you so long for, then it probably is the right choice to seek for dermatological intervention. Remember that each and every one of us has different levels of tolerance with the solutions and methods to take on how to get clear skin.

Healthy, radiant, clear, and smooth skin can always be achieved if you just follow the tips and tricks that are mentioned above. With all these methods, you are on your way to uplifting your self-esteem and showing the world your beauty.

If you want to discover much more data, then go to our blog and obtain a few of the very best information on how to get clear skin