Best Muscle Building Workout For Fast and Slow Twitch Muscles
July 13, 2012 by admin
Filed under Speed Workouts
Article by Emily Louisa
Best Muscle Building Workout For Fast and Slow Twitch Muscles – Health – Fitness
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Real Difference Between Fast And Slow Twitch Muscles
Slow twitch muscles are the simplest to describe. They are powerful aerobically, meaning good at using oxygen. They are called slow twitch because they are slow to fatigue, not because they are slow to contract. Being slow to fatigue makes this type of muscle fiber important for endurance. These fibers recover fast after being fatigued. Slow twitch muscle fibers are useful to long distance runners and other endurance athletes.
Fast twitch muscles are more complicated, because they are classified into three subgroups. One is the Fast Oxidative fibers, which are good aerobically and are resistant to fatigue. Another type is Fast Glycolytic, which includes fibers that are more effective anaerobically (without oxygen transfer). They are the easiest to fatigue and the slowest to recover. The third type is intermediate, referred to as Fast Oxidative Glycolytic. The fast twitch muscles are so called because they fatigue fast. However, they recover slowly after being fatigued.
These are simplified descriptions of how muscle fibers are classified based on their ability to use oxygen and on the speed at which they fatigue and recover from fatigue. Slow twitch muscles actually twitch faster and recover faster from exercise than do fast twitch muscles.
Engaging Each Muscle Fiber Type
Your brain recruits muscle fibers for force rather than speed of contraction. For this reason, slow twitch muscles are the easiest fiber type to engage. They also require the least amount of energy. In fact, if you lift weights too quickly, you primarily engage your slow twitch muscles.
Slightly more energy is required to engage the Fast Oxidative muscle fibers, and still more for the Fast Oxidative Glycolytic fibers. The highest amount of energy is required to engage the Fast Glycolytic fibers.
The key for an optimum workout, therefore, is to take advantage of what physiologists call orderly recruitment. This means engaging each type of muscle fiber in sequence, from low energy and fast recovery to high energy and slow recovery. The important factors for accomplishing this in the same workout are: 1) sufficient weight for bringing on muscle failure (i.e., the point at which you can no longer lift the weight); 2) the right lifting speed for engaging all types of muscle fibers in sequence; and, 3) the total time under load (TUL) for a particular set or muscle group.
The optimum strategy for accomplishing all of the above entails a very slow lift rate and an equally slow return rate. One extra advantage of such super slow movements is that it is easier to use good form. Fast lifting leads to jerking weights rather than lifting them, which recruits some slow twitch muscles and leaves other fiber types unchallenged.
Scientific Research
All the recommendations in this article are backed by numerous scientific studies over the past few decades. The best summary of this research is now available in a book, Body by Science, by Dr. Doug McGuff, M.D., and John Little. It is the best and most recent book on this topic. By the way, the subtitle of this book is, A Research-Based Program for Strength Training, Body Building, and Complete Fitness in 12 Minutes a Week.
On a personal note based on my experience, 12 minutes a week may even be more than you need. My own muscle building improvements have accrued very effectively on about 10 minutes a week.
About the Author
Learn exactly how to absolutely optimize 7 of your body’s most powerful muscle growth and fat burning hormones.5 easy tips to skyrocket your Testosterone levels.
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Emily Louisa
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Learn exactly how to absolutely optimize 7 of your body’s most powerful muscle growth and fat burning hormones.5 easy tips to skyrocket your Testosterone levels.
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Internet Speed Too Slow? – How to Increase Your Internet Speed
May 6, 2012 by admin
Filed under Speed Workouts
Article by Dan Karas
If you are using the Internet on a regular basis, you are probably interested in the topic of how to increase your Internet speed. Some surveys suggest that people are generally never satisfied with their speed of their Internet connection, regardless of what their Internet speed actually is at any given moment. This is probably a result of the modern society which teaches us that everything should always be bigger and faster, so people find it hard to settle for something that is only average – they are always on the lookout for something fantastic, fabulous, or incredible. Well, your Internet speed is no exception to this rule. In spite of the fact that you might think that the only way of increasing your speed is to change your service provider or alter your deal with them, the fact is that there are a few simple things you can do in order to speed up your Internet connection.
Basic Computer Maintenance
The lack of basic computer maintenance is the cause of many problems, one of which is almost always decreased speed. So, if you have noticed that your favorite websites are taking longer and longer to load, you should try to ‘clean up’ your computer a bit. Do some ‘vacuuming’ by running your anti-virus software; do some ‘dusting’ by emptying your recycle bin; do some ‘cleaning up’ by disabling all of the add-ons on your Internet browser, that you are not using. By doing these three chores, you will in most cases notice a significant increase in the overall speed of your computer, as well as your Internet speed.
Check Your Browser and Your RAM
The combination of a slow Internet browser and not enough RAM is one of the most common causes of slow Internet speeds. Some Internet browsers, such as Internet Explorer, are known for being much slower than other browsers that are available. Aside from the Internet browser you are using at the moment, you should also pay attention to how much RAM you have on your computer. No matter how much you are paying for a fast Internet service, the connection will never reach its maximum speed if you do not have enough RAM to support this speed.
Close All Unnecessary Programs and Apps
Another common mistake people make is that they assume that the number of programs they are using at any moment has nothing to do with their Internet speed. Well, as it has already been mentioned above, RAM plays a big part in your Internet speed. So, the more programs you are using, the more RAM is used for these programs, and less RAM goes to your Internet connection. Therefore, close all the programs you do not need, as well as all the applications that are running in the background and are not necessary.
Contact your ISP
If none of these things help you increase your Internet performance, the best thing you can do is contact your ISP (Internet Service Provider), and ask them whether the Internet speed you have available is the speed you are being charged for. In some cases, they will know if there is a problem, and solve the problem right away. If not, they will always be able to assist you and advise you on what you should do next.
If you still want to go faster, you can compare the Cheapest Broadband Internet deals and choose a high speed Internet package that you’ll be satisfied with using the ISP 1 broadband comparison list:

Athletic skips are an efficient running drill that requires a runner to lift the knees and drive force into the ground to increase speed. Learn a running drill with tips from a professional fitness trainer in this free video on running. Expert: Les Whitley Contact: Bio: Les Whitley is director of Velocity Sports Performance in Franklin, Tennessee. He has a degree in exercise science. Filmmaker: Tim Brown
Slow Down Your Metabolism and Control It
March 1, 2012 by admin
Filed under Boost Metabolism
Article by Michael Lee
For the most part, people are consumed with losing weight and speeding up their metabolism, so it sounds fairly different if you are interested in knowing how to slow down metabolism. But it’s certainly not a rare case. For example, if you’re too thin for your frame and height, or if you do eat a lot but are unable to gain a single pound no matter how hard you try, it may be time to consider learning how to slow down your metabolism.
Your metabolism ensures that the calories you consume are burned and food nutrients are processed for your body’s use. If you want to gain more weight, you can take a few steps to slow down your metabolism. Remember that your goal here isn’t to gain a lot of weight in a short time; that can be very unhealthy and may involve you eating the wrong kinds of food that will help you pack on some pounds.
The first important thing to remember if you want to slow down your metabolism is to eat high-calorie foods. A high amount of calories will help make sure that your body won’t be able to burn them off so quickly. Consider adding more sauces or dressings to your meal, or enjoying extra helpings of food. For health purposes, you can still select healthier food options, such as those containing vegetable fat. Otherwise, refrain from eating anything that contains zero or low-fat.
Remember to drink fruit juices or milk throughout your day. This is a simple way to help you feel full and assist in adding to your calorie storage.
Exercise is still important in lowering your metabolism. Just remember not to do any high-impact exercises. Instead, you can still go with low-impact workouts just to ensure that you remain physically fit.
To be sure about what can help you slow down your metabolism, you can consult your physician. He or she will be able to guide you and perhaps even give you a list of foods and dishes you can prepare that will help you lower your metabolism.
Trying to slow down your metabolism may sound a lot easier–and probably more fun–but remember that this doesn’t give you the license to start eating unhealthy foods. Your goal is simply to gain weight, and you can accomplish this without having to stray from a healthy food program.
Michael Lee has prepared a FREE revolutionary fat-burning course that reveals secrets on rapid and naturally safe weight loss tips at
To slow down metabolism, eat more calories. Get more tips for reducing metabolism from a certified physical fitness trainer in this free workout video. Expert: Mike Quebec Bio: Mike Quebec is a certified trainer from the North American Sport Savate Association of American boxing and kickboxing. Filmmaker: Bing Hu