How To Get in Shape for Soccer

April 14, 2012 by  
Filed under Get in Shape

Article by Phil Tucker

One of the most physically demanding sports in the world is a full length game of soccer. If you have ever watched a match, you will understand that the players often spend the entire 90 minutes running up and down the pitch, sometimes drifting forward, other times jogging hard, and sometimes sprinting as fast as they can to break away or catch up with an opponent. Soccer players are in phenomenly good shape, and they usually have thighs like barrels of muscle while their upper bodies are lean and ripped. How can you get ready for a soccer season most effectively? What is the best way to prepare for a good, grueling game of soccer?

The first aspect that must be addressed first aspect that must be addressed is the amount of running involved. You have to be able to run long distances at different tempos, and in order to do that you should begin with two different kind of running programs. The first is the Miles Makes Champions approach, in which you seek to build the basic foundation of fitness that will allow you to run for extremely long periods of time. This will involve an ever increasing amount of distance training, alternating during the week so that you are able to consume vast distances with little difficulty.

The trick however lies in blending this marathon-running approach to the kind of interval training that will lend you the explosive speed you need to be able to call upon. Toward that end, you should figure in some interval training to your work week, where you practice for shorter durations at running at varying speeds, some explosively fast, others merely hard jogs.

With your running under control, you need to condition your entire body through some cross training. Toward this end, few sports will condition your body and enhance your cardio like swimming. The added benefit is that swimming is very low impact which is crucial after the amount of running you will be doing, and benefits your whole body.

Finally, you should consider doing a few bouts in the weight room each week so as to develop muscular strength and power. You shouldn

Soccer Strength

February 23, 2012 by  
Filed under Strength Training

Article by Mark

Soccer strength is the basis to optimal performance in competition. It will help improve soccer speed, soccer speed-endurance and power.

Strength is the physiological basis to all movement. It even takes strength to get up out of the sofa!;-)

So it follows logically that soccer strength is also important in soccer-movement… and to no small degree. But… there is only one problem, right?

You know how there’s a lot of confusion surrounding physical development and strength training for sports, escpecially in soccer training! Three different “authorities” have nine different opinions, at the end folks just get exasperated, throw their hands in the air and say: “Never mind all this soccer strength-and-power-stuff, nobody can agree on anything, we’ll just keep doing what we’ve always done!!”

We will clear up this soccer training confusion here, once and for all. We will strip things down to the basics that work, and we will most of all keep things simple, so you can actually take this information and apply it to your soccer strength training right away:

Improving soccer performance; soccer speed, power and agility, reducing the risk of injury and going to the top-limits of your physical potential.

You don’t want to look back later on and wonder “what if”. Here is everything the player needs to increase soccer speed, get more power/to become explosive, to get into the best shape ever, the shape of his life.All that’s required is to take these time-proven training techniques and apply them.

Now I don’t claim for this site’s info and advice to be “the only correct method for soccer training on earth, ever!”, definitely there are several approaches that work at least fairly well.

But I can tell you this: This here is the best, cutting-edge and most up-to-date training information out there that I know of. It’s all tried, tested and true. Trust me; it works!;-) To improve soccer speed you will have to improve soccer strength. To improve explosiveness/power, first you must focus on soccer strength.

This approach to physical improvement has been used successfully for decades and has produced championship-titles consistently. Stronger athletes are faster, more explosive, “speedier”.This is the way to increase speed and power for soccer. Which brings me to the next point: Trust me, yes, but don’t just take my word for it, please don’t! Simply look at the results. The only rational aproach to soccer training is one that’s based on real-world results.

When what you’re doing clearly improves performane you know you’re on to something.

Ultimately, does it improve your game? Are you faster, more explosive, ie.: are your speed and power through the roof? This and other parameters can and should be tested regularly. So I encourage periodic testing of things like:

* Vertical Jump

* 10 meter-starts

* Velocity of the soccer ball(laser-gun)

* 1RM-Testing(your max in the main-lifts)

Some or all of the above should be tested every 4-8 weeks for increased motivation and also to prove that what you’re doing actually works.

I will say it again: With the soccer training information contained on this web-site… IF you apply it… you WILL produce the desired results, in other words: improve speed and power, improve physical soccer performance.

Strength is the Basis to Everything.

No Speed-Endurance without Speed.

No Speed without Power.

No Power without Strength.

No Strength-Endurance without Strength.

Strength is the Basis to Everything.

BUT: Hypertrophy(read: muscle mass) -in the right places, and of the right kind- Is the PLATFORM for Soccer-Strength.

Rationale: After initial gains, pure Speed/Power/Strength-Training will platform forever, further gains will necessitate an increase in Functional Hypertrophy, read: useable muscle-mass.

What that means is that to increase a quality like power beyond initial gains one must first increase strength. See the big picture?

Everybody and their sister wants to become more explosive. That’s fine, that’s what you need for soccer sure enough. But again: The basis to that explosiveness is strength.

This article was taken from

For the Best in Soccer Training, go to:

Improve Soccer Sprint Speed Training

February 21, 2012 by  
Filed under Speed Workouts

Article by John Quodomine

Many people, including myself, have wondered how they could increase their top sprinting speed when playing a sport. Well, the most basic answer to “How do I run faster?” is to run fast, over and over. Of course there’s a bit more to it than that and there are variations that help too, but that’s the most basic Idea. One such exercise that fairly simulates gameplay can be done on a track. This exercise will help to improve both speed and conditioning. The basics are simply to sprint the straight-aways and jog slowly around the turns. Just keep in mind for all soccer training to WARM UP and STRETCH before performing any training exercises. Another simple sprinting exercise can be performed on the field. Begin at one endline and sprint to the nearest 18yd line, then jog back to the endline. If you consider yourself a beginner then rest for a total of 45sec. Repeat this 2-3 more times. Then sprint all the way to the 50yd line and jog back. Rest for 75seconds and repeat 2-3 more times. Finally, sprint to the other 18yd line and jog to start, taking 105sec of rest before repeating 2-3 more times. That ends the drill. Remember that the “jog back” is included in the “rest time.”

To supplement your field sprint speed training for soccer, there are also exercises you can do in the gym to build explosive power and improve your sprinting speed. One of my favorite exercises for this is the jump and lunge. This is a great leg exercise that I perform on a regular basis to improve general strength and speed. Another good type of exercise for speed is static holds. There are a number of various ways to perform them with some focusing on several muscles while others isolate specific muscle groups. One such method is to perform a wall squat. A wall squat is done by leaning your back flat against a wall and the moving into a squat position and holding that position for a set period of time. The time held depends on how experienced you are. If you are just a beginner then just try doing it for 30seconds and then moving up from there. Perform 3-4 total sets per session. Just remember that your thighs should be parallel to the floor when you are in the correct position.

The most important thing to keep in mind is to WARM UP and STRETCH to prevent injury. Check out Elite Soccer Power for some tips on injury prevention. Also, Total Soccer Fitness offers some good information for improving soccer sprinting speed.

I have been playing soccer my entire life and have been in serious training for the last 5years or so. I love to play and have found a bunch of great information that has helped me to become a better, faster, and stronger player.

More Speed Training Drills Articles

Soccer wellness and fitness training ideas

February 3, 2012 by  
Filed under Endurance Training

Article by Martin Vitouse

By utilizing a number of the most successful soccer fitness coaching tips, you’ll constantly manage to stay properly in advance from the recreation when in comparison with other coaches. This is because it will assist you to in getting players who will consistently be stronger , faster and even have more endurance as in contrast towards the opposing group players. A significant amount of coaches typically make the error of spending most of their time training their gamers on skills training and entirely forget about that a resilient fitness base is extremely important for your purpose of getting people who is going to be able to carry out at an optimum degree all through the sport.

A few of the most important parts which make up an successful soccer fitness training incorporate:

one. Appropriate warm-up:A lot of coaches have been recognized to put their people by way of static stretching when they are sensation cold. This has been mentioned as just about the most dangerous and back dated fitness regime there has at any time been. The best method to go about it really is by starting with some straightforward calisthenics which help to heat up the muscle tissue ahead of you begin on stretching them. Once you begin stretching the muscle tissues it truly is advisable to function on dynamic stretching.

2. Sprint Training:Several coaches have also been recognized to instruct their gamers to jog for miles by having an intensity of about fifty %. This is the incorrect method to go about it. The shortcoming in this can be noticed whenever your gamers may also use exactly the same pace of fifty % while they run about the area for the duration of a soccer game. For this reason, as the coach you should constantly try to train your team for maximum performance. Additionally, it critical to notice that players ought to never sprint until they’ve had a appropriate heat up session. Stay away from sprinting each day just before a recreation and constantly give your people about forty eight hrs of recovery time ahead of a game.

three. Plyometrics:Just before putting your gamers by way of plyometrics, it really is crucial for you personally as being a coach to completely realize how the physical exercise really should be carried out within the correct method. This type of exercises could be dangerous especially when carried out in an incorrect manner. For this reason , you must make use of the right form.

four. Recovery:The importance of recovery for people can’t be stressed sufficient. Many times, coaches frequently make the mistake of destroying great people because they take them through a “no discomfort no gain” fitness regime. In as significantly as it is possible to drive your gamers to give you 100 percent, it is also important to make certain you give them atleast each day off to rest or consider them through an energetic recovery day.

Apart from the soccer fitness coaching, it is also critical for you personally as being a coach to train your people on a couple of soccer methods. This can can be found in very handy even though on the area as it’ll give them an upper hand against their opponents. These soccer methods will also support your people to manipulate the ball inside the very best way achievable thereby increasing their probabilities to score far more goals.

Soccer methods can’t be learned inside per day, consequently do not despair when you see some of your group gamers executing a few of the greatest and thrilling methods because they entertain the fans. This normally happens using a lot of apply and devotion along with the far more time you devote training, the higher the chances you’ll have at gaining the correct information in executing these methods.

One more way by means of which a coach can aid his gamers learn several of these methods is by getting them watch movies of a few of the worlds renowed players as they perform some of these soccer methods while on the area. They are able to later on practise them throughout their training sessions.

To understand a lot more about soccer fitness visit this webpage Fut Fuel

Soccer is one of the worlds most well-known and quickest developing activity. It involves two groups with eleven members each and every actively playing from one another and inside the field the referee could be the one who controls the game. As a way for a team to have an upper hand from their opponents, it truly is required for your coach to utilize a variety of fitness tips so as to ensure that his players are bodily match and robust. It will practically be a joke if you go view your favorite team enjoying only to locate gamers huffing and puffing in the field because they attempt to catch their breath because of lack of fitness.

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Soccer Endurance ? The Easy Way

January 16, 2012 by  
Filed under Endurance Training

When it comes to playing the game of soccer, there are several pieces that need to fall into place for a player. For instance, if you’re not ready to defend, and at times run backwards, the opposing team can run rough shot on you. You’ll find that the world is quite difficult to manage when it comes to defense, if you can’t backpedal and turn on a dime. You’ll have to not only be able to change position, flip your direction backwards and forewards, but also be able to do it for the full 90 minutes if need be. Do not assume that if you’re not a center, you have to work less than others, you will have to work as hard as you can during training to accomplish more than the opposing squad when it comes down to playing, even if you’re a goalie.

To start your endurance training, it’s suggested that you start jogging in the mornings.

If you’re not jogging already, start tomorrow morning. Start with 15 minutes of jogging throughout your city, then move forward and go 30 minutes. After you’ve gone 30 minutes and it becomes relatively easy, then try to go forward for an hour at a time. If you find yourself doing an hour time with ease, then make sure that you start running full speed for 15 minutes, then running full speed for 30 minutes. Eventually running full speed every morning should become the norm.

The second thing to do when working on endurance, is to get on a treadmill at night or in the afternoon. Spend no less than an hour jogging on a treadmill at different inclines. This will seem difficult at first, but it’s going to help you in the long run. Make sure that you’re jogging and not fully running.

Your running should be reseved for another time.

Lastly, to improve endurance and dexterity, go to the field and start at one end lunging forward. Lunges are a crucial element to dexterity and endurance, and if you can do forward lunges through the course of a full soccer field, you’ll start to gain stamina and strength in your lower body. Combine this with your running, and you’ll have a great combination of options that will lead you to move along faster than ever thorough training.

One last thing to remember when working on soccer endurance is to make sure that you combine your cardio vascular exercise with weight lifting. The call is not to do major weights, but rather to work out on the upper body and lower body alike. When building lean muscle, you have to work on toning and definition because you’ll need the balance that comes with exercising your whole body. If you only run, you will have one set of skills down, but not the endurance that is necessary in moving ahead of the compeititon. Mix things up and you’ll find that you can gain a major foothold in endurance and stamina training. Do not concentrate on one thing, make sure that you go forward with many options.

Need to improve your soccer skills? Click on the links to know more about exercises for soccer and soccer drills!

Soccer Conditioning Workouts to play your best soccer.

January 5, 2012 by  
Filed under Strength Workouts

Article by Nick Iliadis

There is no doubt that effective soccer conditioning workouts can dramatically boost your skill level in all parts of the game, whether it be your speed and agility, fitness or overall strength. You’ll be playing your best soccer in no time with the right workout.

One of the most important facets of soccer conditioning workouts is strength training. Getting the right strength exercises will give you greater power and improve your soccer skills to become a much better performer. It will give you more strength not only in your lower body but your upper body also.

Some of the benefits of strength training include

Fact – Soccer Fitness Training Basics

December 7, 2011 by  
Filed under Fitness Tips

Many physical experts agree that soccer demands more strength of all sports. A large playing field, no rest time and a game which goes on for a long time are few such reasons. During the match, while possessing the ball, players at times cover 10 miles consisting of 24% walking, 36% jogging, 20% coursing, 11% sprinting, 7% moving backwards and 2% moving. The intense levels of the game is so high, average player’s heart rate is maximum of 90%.

Aerobic Capacity

During a match, players can cover more ground if their aerobic capacity is higher. In addition, improved endurance enhances the sprints which can be completed during the game. The significant feature of soccer fitness training to improve aerobic capacity is that it can be done anywhere and anytime.

Weight Training

Soccer players undergoing weight training plays major role in conditioning programs.

In older version, it was three sets of ten reps whereas in new fitness training, it includes balanced explosive power and muscular endurance.

Though some might benefit by improving lean mass, focusing on converting on the strength into specific power is vital. This training also helps correct muscle imbalances. A well formed plan can address the problem of overly strong quadriceps related to hamstrings as the soccer players are prone to this issue.

Soccer Fitness Training includes Diet, Nutrition and Metal Attitude

One can be a lean machine like soccer legend Pele and could be in danger due to high percentage of body fat levels. Rather than consuming junk food and soda pep, if a professional soccer player eats natural food and drinks purified water, they get an edge over other teammates and competitors.

Michael Jordan and Tiger Woods need to be thought of as perfect examples of mental toughness and discipline. Predicting first where the soccer ball would go gives a big edge on the competitors. Giving 100% effort and a positive attitude is another tip of all great athletes of our time. One can only walk his head high if this advice is followed, irrespective of how bleak the situation looks or how brutal the game was, no matter whether if the game is won or lost. This needs to be kept in mind during soccer fitness training.

Shirley has been writing articles professionally, both online and offline, since 4 years ago. This author is not only writing in the subject of health, but also in dieting, fat loss, fitness and many other more. Check out her latest website in King-Size Sleigh Bed which discuss and review about King Bed Frames.

The Swedish Diet is the top fast weight loss program. Learn the facts about the Swedish Diet, and choose something that is natural and healthy for weight loss.

Getting Better At Soccer

December 2, 2011 by  
Filed under Get in Shape

One of the more popular sports that people choose to engage in is soccer, because it is a fun experience that is also an excellent workout. Soccer is the most popular sport in the world, because of the ease of play and nearly universal recognition in the international scene, making it both a game that can be played casually and one that can be engaged in in a deadly serious fashion.

Soccer is played by having two opposing teams face each other, using their feet to kick a ball toward the opposing faction’s goal. Points are scored by successfully using the head or the feet to kick the ball into the goal, which is marked off by a rectangular frame of accepted designated area.

This effort is hindered by the fact that once the ball is in any given participants ownership, the pother team immediately tries to knock the objective away and secure possession of it. Players are allowed to use any means necessary besides using their hands to interfere with the other team’s efforts.

In order to maneuver the ball, participants must kick it in a series of repeated movements down the field, usually utilizing short bursts of power to do so. This technique is known as “dribbling”, and it is utilized to quickly move the objective down the field while retaining control of it, and is also used to deny encroachment.

If a person manages to evade opposing participants all the way to the end of the field, then they are in a position to shoot a goal. However, there is one last barrier that stands in between them and their objective, which they will need to evade successfully in order to score.

The last obstacle that stands between the participant and the points that they are after is the last player on the opposing team, called the goalie. It is this person’s job to guard the goal and use any means necessary to stop encroaching invasion.

The goalie is the only player that is able to use their hands during soccer, which they can utilize to scoop up the objective and either throw it or kick it down the field. The goalie is a unique role in this context, and is one of the more specialized and interesting roles that a participant can undergo.

The team that scores the most points over two designated timed halves wins the match. Goals can either be scored in free fashion during an active state, or they can sometimes be scored via penalty kicks, which are awarded to people when the opposing faction breaks a rule.

There are many physical benefits to soccer, which include improved strength and endurance. Because the sport requires athletes to run great distances over a fair amount of time, both sprinting and distance running skills are important things to be honed. Over the natural course of time, people will improve their stamina as their cardiovascular system is worked out during the activity.

In order to become better at soccer, there are a few skill sets that should be emphasized. As stated, physical conditioning is an absolute must, because of the strains that athletes endure during a normal game.

Additionally, athletes need to know their strengths and play the appropriate role in the context of the sport. For example, strong runners who are quickly able to maneuver are usually assigned to offensive roles, while the defensive roles are relegated to selfless people who can act in the greater good of the others.

Lastly, memorizing the best tactics to apply in any given situation will help ensure success better than any other factor. When athletes are able to quickly adapt and make the right call for the situation, then they become much more effective in their endeavors.

Playing soccer and improving in the sport requires the participant to have an in depth understanding of the rules and conditions of the game, as well as knowing when to utilize the appropriate tactics in order to find success. The physical benefits that the sport provides the users as they engage in the activity helps ensure that they will be in better shape for future returns, making them more effective and efficient in their efforts.

Ronald Pedactor is a fitness trainer. He has been coaching athletes for more then 20 years. He recommends the bestexercise equipment to achieve your fitness goals.

Contact Info:
Ronald Pedactor

Play Soccer

December 2, 2011 by  
Filed under Get in Shape

Want to play with an unshakeable self-confidence… and have an outstanding game week in, week out?

New Soccer Conditioning Program Guarantees You’ll Be Playing The Best Soccer of Your Life… No Matter How Much More ‘Natural Ability’ Your Opposition Might Have.

How effective they are on the field.
It doesnt matter how much skill and natural ability you have. If you cant apply it consistently in a game situation, then you wont even get picked in the starting eleven. And you certainly wont fulfil any ambitions you have of playing at a higher level.

Dont think you have to be some kind of naturally blessed athlete endowed with favourable genetics. Nor do you have to spend hours everyday training or sucking down expensive performance enhancing supplements. The bottom line is you can apply these closely-guarded principles almost immediately…

No matter what shape youre in now…

No matter what your current skill-level is…
Its astonishingly easy. These training principles are simple to get. And best of all…

You Can See Everything For FREE If You Choose!

Heres the deal: Everything has bee laid out step-by step in a killer e-book called Total Soccer Fitness. It contains the same drills, sessions and programs used by the world’s top players and teams. More importantly…

What Total Soccer Fitness reveals to you will make you a faster, fitter, stronger and more deadly effective player, whatever your skill level.

This means youll suddenly play with more energy, more confidence and greater consistency than you ever believed possible (while everyone around you fades and falls victim to fatigue) and youll win plenty of accolades.

Yes, even against more gifted, more experienced opponents.

For more details go to click here

CELEBRATE THE WORLD CUP AND GET IN SHAPE AT EXTREME FITNESS WITH FIT4SOCCER! Soccer is one of the most popular sports in the world and soccer players are known to be some of the best-conditioned athletes. By popular demand, Fit4Soccer is back at Extreme Fitness just in-time for the World Cup. Develop strength through short bursts of speed in a variety of actions such as stopping, turning and directional changes. The instructors of Fit4Soccer are all professional Freestyle soccer masters and will teach participants the secrets to their ball control skills and the art of freestyle soccer. Fit4Soccer is created in partnership with It kicks off at the following clubs starting June 2nd. For more information, call reception. YONGE & DUNDAS 319 Yonge Street Wednesday nights at 7pm Beginning June 2nd – August 25th Friday nights at 5:30pm Beginning June 4th – Aug 27th CEDARBRAE 3495 Lawrence Avenue East Friday nights at 5:30pm Beginning June 4th – Aug 27th
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