Benefits of Using Speed Resistance Training Equipment
July 23, 2012 by admin
Filed under Resistance Training
Article by Shekhar Bhalla
Benefits of Using Speed Resistance Training Equipment – Sports – Other Sports
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Resistance training refers to that kind of training that uses resistance to the force of muscular contraction. It is a form of strength training in which each effort is performed against a specific opposing force generated by resistance and weight training is also a part of resistance training. After using these equipment each and every exercise becomes easier with an explosive force. There are three types of resistance training:-
1. Isotonic: It is the kind of training in which the force is applied to muscle does not change while the length of muscles increases or decreases.
2. Isometric: In this training the joint angle and muscle length does not change during contraction. Isometric training is done in completely static position rather than being dynamic.
3. Isokinetic: It is the form of training where the muscle contracts and shortens at constant rate of speed.
Speed resistance training equipment is considered as the best sports training accessory and it is designed to add extra resistance to an Athlete as he/she attempts to move through a range of motion. These accessories are very helpful for increasing jumping strength, speed training movements, quick leg recovery drills, lateral speed and balance. By using training equipment an athlete can easily increase stride length, frequency, power and acceleration by selecting the most suitable equipment. It is very beneficial in increasing muscle power through both speeds in starting and stopping function and used to develop the strength and size of skeletal muscle.
In market, there is a large collection of speed resistance training equipment that helps an athlete to gain experience and keep full control over his/her speed during game and practice situation and these are:-(1) Dual Resistance Trainer: It is the most economical equipment where two players are required for training in which one provides resistance while other one runs.(2) Evasion Belt: It is the perfect equipment that requires one on one marking up and mirroring and also useful for soccer, rugby, netball, basketball and other sports that require short space shielding.(3) Speed Chute: It is ultimate speed training equipment that helps an Athlete to improving leg muscles which results in increasing performance during training and game competition.(4) Resistance Trainer: In this training equipment, require two Athletes to perform speed training in which one is providing resistance while other one runs.(5) Weighted Sledge: It is also one of the best speed training equipment that helps an Athlete to improve speed, change direction suddenly and perform sport-specific skills.
In market, “Bhalla International – Vinex” is the leading and oldest supplier and manufacturer of best sporting goods and accessories since last 54 years that provides best speed resistance training equipment. The company becomes India’s Number 1 exporter of sporting goods due to its advanced manufacturing techniques and providing most excellent customer satisfaction.
About the Author
I (Shekhar), always have excitement to know about the sports accessories and fitness equipment. Above I have shared my knowledge and experience regarding sporting goods.
For more details about sports goods and accessories visit website: or call at: 121-2441111.
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I (Shekhar), always have excitement to know about the sports accessories and fitness equipment. Above I have shared my knowledge and experience regarding sporting goods.
For more details about sports goods and accessories visit website: or call at: 121-2441111.
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American Body Building Extreme Speed Stack Fruit Punch 20 x 22 Oz
July 23, 2012 by admin
Filed under Bodybuilding Supplements
- Serving Size – 22 fl oz
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+ + Product Details: Product Name: ABB Extreme Speed Stack Fruit Punch Size: 20 x 22 Oz UPC: 0455298508… More >>
American Body Building Extreme Speed Stack Fruit Punch 20 x 22 Oz
American Bodybuilding – Extreme Speed Stack Dietary Supplement – 20 – 22 fl oz 650 ml bottles – Cranapple Twist
July 13, 2012 by admin
Filed under Bodybuilding Supplements
- Serving Size – 22 fl oz
Product Description
+ + Product Details: Product Name: ABB Extreme Speed Stack Crannapple Twist Size: 20 x 22 Oz… More >>
Shredding Fat With Speed And Strength Training
July 5, 2012 by admin
Filed under Strength Workouts
Speed and strength training are the most effective methods that are begin used today to get a lean body. These are especially useful if you are trying to get lean in a hurry.
When trying to get lean, many people make a huge mistake when choosing the workouts. Not only does speed and strength training help you get lean, it also plays a vital role when it comes to good conditioning of the body. This type of training guarantees results, and prevents injuries.
Here are a few workouts that represent speed and strength training, respectively, just to let you have an idea of what they are.
Speed Training
Speed training not only focuses on improving your speed, agility, fitness, and quickness; it also helps you burn fat so much quicker whether it is your intention or not. Speed training is used by amateur and professional athletes to greatly improve their conditioning to bring out the best of their abilities.
Here are a few examples:
High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT)
Interval Training
Tabata Sprints
Shuttle Runs
100m and 200m sprints
Strength Training
Now strength training is used as the ultimate conditioning program. Many people, whether pro athletes, amateurs, and even normal people use strength training to build muscle. Regardless of the reason for that muscle growth, stronger muscles help prevent injuries and make you look good at the same time. Here are a few:
Resistance Training
Descending Pyramid Weight Reps
Ascending Pyramid Weight Reps, etc
The good thing about strength training is that it is entirely up to you if you want to gain both muscle and strength or, if you are happy with your muscle mass, just improve on your strength without building more muscle mass.
Critical Details
If you are looking for something more than just conditioning and strength, and want to look good and lean then there is something else you have to take into account when trying to shape your body.
Have you ever heard of the phrase – “you can never out-exercise a bad diet”? The thing that most people fail to shed light upon is the fact that having a good diet really helps in acquiring an awesome physique.
You need a good diet for a good body and it is important that you are happy with your diet because if you are not then you will get easily distracted and stray away from your goals.
If you are looking for more interesting facts and info about speed and strength training or other fat loss techniques, visit out resource page at “” and don’t forget to claim your free gift!
Agility and Speed Training Equipment
June 21, 2012 by admin
Filed under Endurance Training
Article by Shekhar Bhalla
Agility and Speed Training Equipment – Sports – Track and Field
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BHALLA INTERNATIONAL is one of the oldest and largest Sports Equipment Manufacturing Industry in India, which is indulged in manufacturing of Sports Equipment in India since 1957. The company promotes & sells its product under the brand name Vinex. Since inception Bhalla International has focused on adapting the best manufacturing techniques available to produce the highest quality products with the lowest possible price. This can be evidenced from the No.1 Award given to company continuously since last 4 years for the highest exports of Athletics equipment, for the promotion of Indian brand.
We manufacture the largest range of Sports equipment that accounts to more than 950+ products only under one facility with the widest range of machining and tools facilities that facilitates us to produce not only traditional & non-traditional sports equipment but to innovate and produce non-sports equipment.
We have 63+ IAAF and 100+ EN 71 certifications on a varied range of our Athletics & Sports equipment, which proves our ability to produce superior quality products. We offer the products with wide selection of products suiting different market segments right from Track & Field Equipment, Athletics Equipment, Agility Training or Speed Training Equipment (Agility Hurdle, Agility Ladders, Slalom Poles, Speed Reaction Hoops, Resistance Training Belts etc.), Football Equipment, Soccer Accessories, Soccer Training Equipment, Basketball Equipment, Boxing Equipment, Playground Equipment, Rhythmic Gymnastics Equipment, Table Tennis Table Equipment and Accessories, Tents and Tunnels, Fitness Equipment, Beach Toys Accessories, Primary Sports Equipment, Physical Training Equipment and much more. We also customize and develop products as per customer requirement.
At BHALLA INTERNATIONAL, we design our products with a strong emphasis on safety, innovation, quality and durability. All of our products are designed to provide you with years of top quality performance. We are highly dedicated to the supply of Sports Equipment and Services to our clients with the best prices by maintaining cost effectiveness through efficient business procedures.
To know more details about us, please feel free to visit our corporate website or call us at 91-121-2441111
About the Author
We are a leading manufacturer and supplier of Sporting Goods and Athletics Equipment in Meerut India. We are also selling sporting goods online on
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We are a leading manufacturer and supplier of Sporting Goods and Athletics Equipment in Meerut India. We are also selling sporting goods online on
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Foods that Speed Metabolism
May 28, 2012 by admin
Filed under Boost Metabolism
Article by Lincoln Bryden
Foods that Speed Metabolism – Health – Fitness
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A Quick List Of 10 Foods That Speed Metabolism
Are you looking for special foods that speed metabolism? Well this will probably surprise you but all foods speed metabolism to one degree or another.
“How is that possible?” you ask.
Let’s take a quick look at just what is metabolism and how food can speed metabolism. This explanation might help you to better understand the process and how it can affect your body.
When you eat a meal, your body begins the process of digesting the food, drawing out the nutrients and processing them to create energy that keeps your body functioning properly and effectively. It takes approximately 4 hours just to absorb the nutrients. This is repeated with every meal you eat. In a day, that amounts to 12 hours that your body is busy absorbing each meal’s nutrients.
In short, during the digestion process, our bodies burn calories. This is especially true of foods containing carbohydrates and protein which take longer than other foods to digest. Simply by eating, digesting and absorbing nutrients from the food, you speed your metabolism.
Does this mean you should eat more to constantly stimulate calorie burning and speed metabolism?
Weel yes and no.
If you skip breakfast and other meals, you will reduce how quickly your body burns calories. In this case, eating more food will help speed metabolism. In fact, by eating smaller meals more often throughout the day, you can keep your metabolism working so that your body is constantly in the state of calorie burning.
As mentioned, there are some foods that require more of your body’s energy to burn. The degree to which they affect your body’s metabolism depends on the particular food choice. Caffeine, coffee, tea, chocolate and a chemical found in chillies are some foods that speed metabolism, but only minimally.
Carbohydrates and protein trigger the highest rate of metabolism. In fact, a protein meal can burn as much as 25% of that meal’s calories through digestion and absorption.
While a high protein meal might sound appealing, consider that it would not provide your body with its required round of nutrients. Adding vitamin and mineral supplements is not the answer either, because they do not provide the same quality of nutrients that are found naturally in foods.
Your best choice is to eat well-balanced meals regularly that contain protein, non-starchy vegetables, fats and carbohydrates. This can minimize fat production while keeping your blood sugar at a level that helps to burn fat and build muscle.
Focus on these 10 specific foods that help speed metabolism and burn fat.
Whole grain breadChickenSalmonEggsFresh CheeseGreen BeansSummer SquashCabbageAsparagus and other non-starchy vegetablesAnd, of course, protein rich meats
To temporarily boost your metabolism by as much as 30%, drink cold water.
Remember, there are other factors beyond your control that can affect your body’s speed of metabolism, including your age, sex and any medical conditions.
While these foods can speed metabolism, the best way to lose weight is with a healthy combination of regular meals and physical exercise, especially those that build muscle because muscle burns calories too.
Exercise regularly, stick with a diet of protein, non-starchy vegetables, fats and carbohydrates, and be sure to add some of those foods that speed metabolism, and you’ll soon see the results you want.
About the Author
Lincoln has been in the fitness industry for 20 and has helped 1000s of people achieve their weight loss goals through a mixture of personal training and group exercise. He has a Free video which reveals the number 1 secret to lose all the weight that you want without spending hours in the gym or starving your self. Visit for more information
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Lincoln Bryden
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Lincoln has been in the fitness industry for 20 and has helped 1000s of people achieve their weight loss goals through a mixture of personal training and group exercise. He has a Free video which reveals the number 1 secret to lose all the weight that you want without spending hours in the gym or starving your self. Visit for more information
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whereby the original author’s information and copyright must be included.
What Speed Should You Run
May 14, 2012 by admin
Filed under Speed Workouts
The time spend on running exercise should be of your own control. However, the duration of each run is best not to exercise less than 30 minutes, every day the best, if there are difficulties, can be one time every two days. Do not exercise more than two days will make little effect. If you get enough time, dusk is good for healthy, exercising every morning hungry is not scientific. Running at night is best to run before dinner, if it is after a meal, should not exercise within 2 hours after meals.
Long jogging training can make strong and thin legs. The methods of running to reduce weight are long-term exercise. Running at least 40 minutes at one time, and stick to it everyday.
To runners, running at different speed will be better, that is, run slow first, and then speed up, keep the fast speed for some minutes.
This can save time on preparatory activities. The fastest speed all depends on your healthy and body condition. Great arm swing is usually in fast running, for jogging, arm just play a balancing role, and do not deliberately consider that.
If you want to participate in the marathon, it is recommended to participate in amateur training, or get a sport teacher to guide for you. Pay attention on the basis at the beginning of training. Recommended pulling marathon time, every day to run 70-90 minutes, to finish the first, no need to consider the speed, do not give up and the speed is the later thing you would exercise.
When air pollution is serious, when outdoor exercise is not recommended, you can go to the gym. However, if no conditions can take a thin mask, will be the beginning of respiratory discomfort, adhere to the habit of just fine.
Some women have special body condition. Female menstrual period is usually mild activities. Some women can adhere to the run, but the best of halving the amount of exercise, should rest on the second day of menstruation.
Try to strengthen the running power. Once you have some endurance base, most simple way to increase the pace is mountain running. Regular daily running mountain plan will do wonders to plain ground running, for competition is a significant effect. Mountain runners can not only increase thigh strength, enhance coordination of legs, but also enhance the coordination of the brain. This is most obvious to elders. Researches indicate that bone density of elder runners is more than those who did not participate in the training.
At the beginning of mountain running, you may choose those cliffy hills. Ideal of the mountain run, a quarter-mile length of its mountain, Mountain slope do not be too steep.
Pick the best running shoes for you. When are you going to start running exercise, one important thing is to understand their own feet, and then buy a pair of line with the characteristics of their feet running shoes. Only in this condition that you will go exercise smoothly and achieved results, and will avoid injury. The top running shoes brand can be Nike, Asics, and New Balance.
As a best runner, you may be interested in latest Nike Free Run style Nike Free Run 2.
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Internet Speed Too Slow? – How to Increase Your Internet Speed
May 6, 2012 by admin
Filed under Speed Workouts
Article by Dan Karas
If you are using the Internet on a regular basis, you are probably interested in the topic of how to increase your Internet speed. Some surveys suggest that people are generally never satisfied with their speed of their Internet connection, regardless of what their Internet speed actually is at any given moment. This is probably a result of the modern society which teaches us that everything should always be bigger and faster, so people find it hard to settle for something that is only average – they are always on the lookout for something fantastic, fabulous, or incredible. Well, your Internet speed is no exception to this rule. In spite of the fact that you might think that the only way of increasing your speed is to change your service provider or alter your deal with them, the fact is that there are a few simple things you can do in order to speed up your Internet connection.
Basic Computer Maintenance
The lack of basic computer maintenance is the cause of many problems, one of which is almost always decreased speed. So, if you have noticed that your favorite websites are taking longer and longer to load, you should try to ‘clean up’ your computer a bit. Do some ‘vacuuming’ by running your anti-virus software; do some ‘dusting’ by emptying your recycle bin; do some ‘cleaning up’ by disabling all of the add-ons on your Internet browser, that you are not using. By doing these three chores, you will in most cases notice a significant increase in the overall speed of your computer, as well as your Internet speed.
Check Your Browser and Your RAM
The combination of a slow Internet browser and not enough RAM is one of the most common causes of slow Internet speeds. Some Internet browsers, such as Internet Explorer, are known for being much slower than other browsers that are available. Aside from the Internet browser you are using at the moment, you should also pay attention to how much RAM you have on your computer. No matter how much you are paying for a fast Internet service, the connection will never reach its maximum speed if you do not have enough RAM to support this speed.
Close All Unnecessary Programs and Apps
Another common mistake people make is that they assume that the number of programs they are using at any moment has nothing to do with their Internet speed. Well, as it has already been mentioned above, RAM plays a big part in your Internet speed. So, the more programs you are using, the more RAM is used for these programs, and less RAM goes to your Internet connection. Therefore, close all the programs you do not need, as well as all the applications that are running in the background and are not necessary.
Contact your ISP
If none of these things help you increase your Internet performance, the best thing you can do is contact your ISP (Internet Service Provider), and ask them whether the Internet speed you have available is the speed you are being charged for. In some cases, they will know if there is a problem, and solve the problem right away. If not, they will always be able to assist you and advise you on what you should do next.
If you still want to go faster, you can compare the Cheapest Broadband Internet deals and choose a high speed Internet package that you’ll be satisfied with using the ISP 1 broadband comparison list:

Athletic skips are an efficient running drill that requires a runner to lift the knees and drive force into the ground to increase speed. Learn a running drill with tips from a professional fitness trainer in this free video on running. Expert: Les Whitley Contact: Bio: Les Whitley is director of Velocity Sports Performance in Franklin, Tennessee. He has a degree in exercise science. Filmmaker: Tim Brown
Soccer Speed Drills For Successful Procedures
April 29, 2012 by admin
Filed under Speed Workouts
Article by gober enwi
Within the game of soccer, velocity is really a commodity that can spell the difference amongst success and failure. That is why incorporating soccer velocity drills into your teaching is a crucial aspect of making a successful program. Developing velocity allows your people to obtain to the ball first of all, shut rapidly on attackers, and seal off passing lanes. If your team can do that proficiently it will reduce your opponents scoring opportunities, and raise your very own opportunities.
Being a mentor, you might possibly not have a good deal of management within the physical traits belonging to the people you get on your group, but putting your people through these soccer speed drills on a regular basis will improve the velocity and quickness within the gamers you have.
Wind Sprint Soccer Speed Drills
Among the traditional speed drills for any sport may be the wind sprint. It is an exceedingly effective way to do the job on velocity, and also building up endurance. All you require is two cones, along with a spot to run. It’s pretty simple, even so it works.
Set the cones up on the flat place about 20 meters apart. The objective should be to have the players constantly moving; they aren’t allowed to prevent running. Commence at cone one and operate at a gradual operate toward cone two. If they attain the next cone thy will turn and sprint back to cone just one. When the get to cone one particular, they turn and slow operate back again to cone two. Have your workforce do a few sets of 6-8 laps.
Variable Initiate Soccer Pace Drills
In a very soccer activity your players is not going to consistently be expected to launch sprinting in the exact same situation. They’re going to not constantly be going through the direction for the sprint, or they may well be required to try and do something previously they initiate the sprint (come up with a pass, do a throw-in, get up off the bottom, and so on.) This drill will require your gamers to complete many tasks prior to doing a 20 meter sprint.
The simplest technique to launch may be to have your people stand at cone a person facing from cone two. Within the whistle, the players will immediately turn and sprint to cone two. Do two sets of 6-8 sprints.
You are able to also include several tasks to be completed prior to the sprint, just like do three push-ups after which sprint, or complete a pass then sprint. The variations are endless.
Pace and Agility Drills
Even while speed is fantastic, it requires regulate as a way to be effective. Simply being initial into the soccer ball doesn’t attain nearly anything should the player simply cannot quit or turn. Like everything else, your people can develop that ability if they are given drills to aid them follow it.
A quick, hassle-free drill would be to setup your area with about three cones in the line, about 10 meters apart. Players will begin the process of at the very first cone and sprint towards the following cone. At cone two the are mandatory to operate round the cone at the time, then keep going the sprint to cone about three.
You could also arrange a zig-zag course that your people need to sprint through which may require still left and right turns alongside just how.
An individual note about using soccer speed drills: Boys and girls really like opposition. Set up the drills so that people can compete against each other. It retains it more intriguing, and therefore the competing firms usually will consequence in increased intensity with the players.
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1. Foot Speed 2. Plyometrics 3. Acceleration Starts 4. Agility Drills 5. Med Ball Throws 6. Box Jumps 7. Kneeling Med Ball Throws
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Speed Endurance Training to Chase Down Your Competitors Like They Were Standing Still
April 11, 2012 by admin
Filed under Endurance Training
If you are sick and tired of getting passed up every time at the end of your sprint races you have to realize that you now need to start working on your speed endurance. Working on your speed endurance is very important to your overall speed. You can have all the quickness in the world but it wouldn’t matter if you get passed up each and every single time. In fact it can be very embarrassing if you are constantly blasting out the blocks in the lead and then slowly get passed up at the end of the race.
In order to prevent this from happening you have to incorporate the proper training program. When you begin to perform your speed endurance training sessions you have to make sure that you are probably warmed up. A typical warm-up consists of running two laps around the track with some dynamic stretches towards the end.
By utilizing the proper warm-up routine you are making sure that you will not pull any muscles during practice.
Now that your warm-up is out the way you can now begin to focus on your training session. When you first begin your speed endurance training session you can start off with simple workout such as running four 150 m sprints. In between the sprints you have to make sure that you are rested for at least 10 to 15 minutes.
You don’t want to start running with ugly form just because you’re tired. Try to focus on the quality of your workouts more than the quantity each and every single time you step on the track.
Would you like to take your speed to the next level with the exact training program that Michael Johnson uses?