American Body Building Speed Stack Pumped NO Grape 20 x 22 Oz

January 20, 2012 by  
Filed under Bodybuilding Supplements

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American Body Building Speed Stack Pumped NO Grape 20 x 22 Oz

Speed Workouts for Football Players

January 13, 2012 by  
Filed under Speed Workouts

Article by Lucas Jonhson

Speed workouts for football are very important in a football preparation. This is because all the football players must sprint on the fields very fast to attack the opposing team players. Nevertheless, team players can just be able to do quick and fast movements only after a long time of regular and consistent football speed workouts. These training workouts for football require a perfectly fit body. So, it is necessary that you do not have any injuries or physical problems when doing these. You should begin the training only after your doctor advice you to do it because you are perfectly healthy and fit.

However, always remember to do warm ups first before the football workouts. By doing so, your body muscles will be ready for the football workouts that are surely heavy. You can do warm ups such as jumping rope, stretching, and jogging for a few minutes.

The so called suicide speed workouts are one of the most recommended because it’s one of the finest speed workouts for football because they effectively help in developing endurance, fitness, and strength of a player to meet the requirements at a professional level. In this suicide sprint, the challenge is to lessen the time taken for the sprints to finish.

Then there is also the long stairs work out. In this workout, you have to run up the stairs until your reach the top and return back down as quickly as you can. The time taken for finishing one complete cycle or running up and down will be noted. After a few repetitions you can take a break and do 10 to 12 repetitions and even 15 repetitions with constant practice, experience, and added stamina. This is one of the most effective workout training for speed in football.

Another is the squat-jumps exercises. This is done by squatting as low as possible while maintaining perfectly your body balance and then jumping as high as possible in the air and returning back to your first position by making a land on the balls of your feet. And last but not the least is hurdle workouts which are truly enjoyable speed workouts for football.

Whether you are a football player or any other kind of athlete, increasing your speed will dramatically increase your performance in your sport. Start training for increased speed and quickness today be checking out some of our training programs below.

Every football player knows how important it is to increase your speed. If you are looking to get faster then make sure to take a look at our speed workouts for football to make sure you are training correctly.

And for all of those out there who are looking to increase their speed for other sports we also have a large selection of speed training programs and drills that you can start doing to become faster and quicker.

More Speed Workouts For Football Articles

Bat Speed: What It Is And How To Get It

January 9, 2012 by  
Filed under Speed Workouts

Article by Jon Doyle

The term “bat speed” is all the rage these days among players, coaches, instructors and parents alike. Everyone is searching for the “Holy Grail” of hitting…bat speed.

But wait, not so fast. Bat Speed is important, but a VERY generalized term. Let’s break it down so you understand it and how to develop it…

When most people say “bat speed” they picture Manny Ramirez, Gary Sheffield or any MLB with world-class bat speed putting a hurting on a baseball. This is obviously the goal every hitter has. But please understand this is the end result, the culmination of hard work, being a student of the game and yes, of course, great genetics.

It’s not like you can take your average high school player, add 5-10 mph on their bat speed and all of a sudden they are Manny Ramirez. It simply doesn’t work that way. While you can argue that player would be better, he still would have average mechanics and vision.

Now, I do believe if you increase your bat speed you have a better shot at raking than if you didn’t. It certainly gives you a leg up on the competition and allows for a certain amount of error, which as you know will help any hitter.

What I’m worried is bat speed is becoming like the radar gun for pitchers. Now all someone cares about is how fast their bat speed is on the bat radar machine. One question…Who cares?

Swinging as hard as you can in a cage without having to make contact with a ball has absolutely zero carryover to hitting. Sure your “bat speed” may have increase, but your mechanics are now down the toilet. I’ve seen it happen over and over and over again. And despite my warning the players, coaches, instructors and parents are left shaking their heads why Johnny is barely hitting his weight.

Hard to believe, yes. But, sadly, also true.

I’ll make this statement and some self-proclaimed “expert” will argue with me but “You don’t need world-class bat speed to be a world-class hitter”. It certainly helps, but is not mandatory…

However…”You do need world-class Game Bat Speed to be a world-class hitter”

That’s right “game bat-speed”. Or how quick you can dial it up when you actually have to see the ball, locate it, decide what pitch it is, figure out if it’s in your zone and then pull the trigger. All in the matter of milliseconds. Some call it natural hitting ability. Others call it instinct. It’s possible to have average, or even below average “bat speed” and have outstanding game bat speed.

And it’s VERY common to see players with great bat speed during practice and batting practice and then be terrible hitters. These players are called 5 o’clock hitters because they mash at 5 o’clock (the time pro teams take BP before a 7pm game) and stink when game time rolls around.

You don’t want to be a 5 o’clock hitter do you? Nobody likes that guy…

Here are 3 things you need to work on if you want to develop game bat speed, which is the REAL money-maker in hitting…

1. Baseball-Specific Vision

I don’t care how fast your bat is, if you don’t pick up the ball early you can forget about becoming a great hitter. Sadly, 99.9% of coaches and instructors get this ALL wrong. You can’t get it by sitting in front of a computer screen, hitting different colored baseballs (did I miss something? Does a baseball change color?) or any of the gimmicks sold today.

2. Proper Dynamic Flexibility and Range of Motion

This one is so overlooked its ridiculous. Coaches and instructors spend hours upon hours trying to force hitters to do things their body simply cannot do. You can teach rotational hitting till you’re blue in the face, if the hitter who you’re teaching does not have proper dynamic range of motion throughout their hips, shoulder and lower body you can all but forget they will EVER pick up the mechanics. It’s IMPOSSIBLE! Spend time developing dynamic flexibility and range of motion before you begin to engrain poor mechanics that will be impossible to break.

3. Ability to Generate Force

Here’s another one that the greats do naturally and the coaches and instructors miss. If you can’t generate force from WITHIN you won’t be able to put a hurtin’ on the ball. You’ll simply be a “soft contact” hitter, unable to generate game bat speed and put the ball into play with authority.

Learn correct strength and conditioning drills to do with your players in order to develop this. Not machines, not stupid “balance” exercises or bodybuilding workouts. Specific methods that will develop world-class force generation.

Get these three aspects in order and you’re well on your way to explosive game bat speed and huge triple-crown category numbers!

Jon Doyle, MA, CSCS is considered the world’s foremost authority of effective baseball training. Make sure to visit his website to discover the most effective baseball drills

How Is Speed And Strength Training Effective?

January 9, 2012 by  
Filed under Strength Workouts

Article by Tom Cut

Nowadays, if you are looking to get lean then the most effective method would be doing speed and strength training. They are especially useful if you are tying to get lean in a hurry.

A lot of people make a huge mistake when choosing good workouts to get lean. Apart from getting lean, speed and strength training plays a vital role when it comes to good conditioning of the body. If you want to prevent injuries then this type of training guarantees results.

Here are a few workouts that represent speed and strength training, respectively, just to let you have an idea of what they are.

Speed Training

In addition to improving your speed, agility, fitness, and quickness; speed training also helps you burn fat so much quicker whether it is your intention or not. A few examples are listed below:

FartleksHigh Intensity Interval Training (HIIT)Interval TrainingTabata SprintsShuttle Runs100m and 200m sprints

Strength Training

Strength training is used as the ultimate conditioning program, used by pro athletes, amateurs, and even normal people to build muscle. Despite the reason for that that muscle growth, stronger muscles help prevent injuries and make you look good at the same time. Here are some examples:

Resistance TrainingDescending Pyramid Weight RepsAscending Pyramid Weight Reps, etc

The good thing about strength training is that it is entirely up to you if you want to gain both muscle and strength or, if you are happy with your muscle mass, just improve on your strength without building more muscle mass.

Vital Details

If you are looking for something more than just conditioning and strength, and want to look good and lean then there is something else you have to take into account when trying to shape your body.

Are you familiar with the phrase-

Plyometric Exercises Can Increase Golf Swing Speed

December 30, 2011 by  
Filed under Speed Workouts

Article by Scott Cole

Copyright (c) 2010 Scott Cole

Plyometrics have been an important component in the training routine of elite athletes. These exercises help improve their power and explosiveness. Golfers are now incorporating these exercises to help increase their golf swing speed, which will result in more distance off the tee.

Plyometrics are simply exercises that involve loading and contracting the muscles rapidly. By doing this you help develop the force and speed in which the muscles can act and react.

A common plyometric exercise for the legs is one where the athlete jumps from the ground onto a box or chair, then back to the ground, and right back up to the box.

For golfers, there are quite a few plyometric exercises that will help increase golf swing speed. The most beneficial of these are going to involve the legs, hips and core.

For the legs, an exercise similar to the box exercise is adequate for most golfers. Squat jumps are such an exercise that is good for less than elite athletes. Starting from a standing position, with the feet shoulder width apart, you simply squat down low, then explode up and jump as high as possible. When you land, try and land more on the balls of the feet, and immediately drop down into the squat position. Do this for 6 to 10 repetitions, and for up to two sets. If you have any knee or ankle issues, this is probably an exercise to avoid, as it is high impact. Performing these on a padded surface is recommended.

For the hips, a good exercise involves some martial arts exercises where you perform both inside and outside crescent kicks into a heavy bag. These exercises will help to develop speed on the inside and outside of the hip. You simply do these kicks as fast as possible, usually in sets of ten. For more information on how to perform this kick, do a simple search on the internet, as a description of the move is too long for this article.

In the case of the core, the most popular plyometrics exercise involves a rotational throw of a medicine ball, either against a wall or with a partner. Another good exercise in this regard is a similar move, but with the use of exercise bands or tubing. Performing these exercises with some speed will help produce the desired result of learning how to turn the body more quickly in the transition from the back swing to the down swing.

One other exercise that will help develop some explosive movement in the upper body involves old fashioned push ups. Remember those push ups where you explode up and clap your hands? That is a essentially a plyometric push up. If you can elevate your entire body off the floor, including your feet, then you are getting the most out of this exercise. However, you can get results simply by doing this from your knees.

Once you have developed some increased strength through regular strength training exercises, if you add in some of these plyometric exercises, you will see even better results.

Scott Cole is a golf instructor who specializes in helping students develop more power in their golf swing. For more information, visit

Video Rating: 4 / 5

Football Speed Workouts: 4 Exercises for Lateral Speed

December 26, 2011 by  
Filed under Speed Workouts

Article by Steve Calamuso

Football speed training is not just about getting faster while running straight-ahead. You also have to master the ability to be fast laterally. Your football training workouts need to reflect this. Here are 4 lateral speed exercises that will make you faster on the football field.

1. Angle Lunges

Similar to Lateral Lunges, but you step on a 45-degree angle forward. This is a great movement for football (and, again, all sports) because now you

How to Increase Speed of Internet

December 23, 2011 by  
Filed under Speed Workouts

Article by Joe Morrison

Today, the Internet has become indispensable for many. People narrowing down to this option are opting for technological advancements like broadband, ADSL, Wi-Fi etc. However, the slow speed of connection can be highly frustrating at times especially during downloading. There are a number of ways which allow you to optimize your internet speed. High bandwidth technologies hold extreme importance for tech-savvy consumers. Among such washing ashore are cable modems which are nowadays being used for high speed Internet connection. It also eliminates the need for dialing in every time you want to go online. The users can continue to receive television through the same cable, whereas data services can be shared by several PCs in a home based LAN configuration.

An Ethernet network is managed over a wide geographic area. In case, there are a few users served by a neighborhood node on this network, all the bandwidth will certainly be dedicated to them. On the other hand, if there will be a majority of users availing cable network will lower the speed. Cable providers generally add a node to an area to reduce such congestion. Use of cable modems has shown their caliber resulting into high speed internet connection. This was one of the ways to speed up the connection through cable modem.

Many individuals see GPRS internet connection on PC as the best means to increase speed of the internet. Opposed to this, a broadband connection with mere 256 kbps can be enough to work online efficiently without any disconnections.

Broadband Internet Access, often acronym to simple “broadband”, is high speed Internet access. They are preferred over dial-up modems which are only capable of supporting a maximum bitrate of 56 kbit/s. Broadband connections provide the double of the speed what dial up connections has to offer and without disrupting telephone use.

Broadband is generally termed as high speed Internet connection as it can transmit a high rate of data. Any connection to the customer of 256 kbit/s or more is considered broadband internet. It offers several advantages for business, home users. Along with putting an end to waiting time for downloads, broadband gives fast access to the information the user requires or wants.

Allen is an editor for Small Business Services Division of iYogi Inc. iYogi provides Computer Support, PC Repair Services, Technical Support, Computer Repair, 24/7 Support, Tech Support, Antivirus Support, Antispyware Support, Computer Support Tech Support, etc.

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Agility and Speed Training Equipment

December 17, 2011 by  
Filed under Endurance Training

Article by Shekhar Bhalla

Agility Training Equipment are the best tool that helps an athlete to improve ability to change direction, brake suddenly and perform sport-specific skills effectively with speed. Our speed training equipment is more suitable for improving your sport-specific skills. We are world’s premier manufacturer and supplier of quality agility and speed training equipment. We are trusted and reliable professionals in the field of sports equipment manufacturing. We take ownership of each and every part of the equipment we provide and our customers can trust that we only sell the highest quality product. Our high standards control the process from start to finish.

BHALLA INTERNATIONAL is a foremost name in the sports equipments and carrying out business since 1957 under the brand name VINEX. The company has carved out a leading status in manufacturing Speed Training Equipment, Agility Equipment, Track & Field Equipment, Landing Areas, Soccer Accessories / Training equipment, Primary Sport / Educational, Rhythmic Gymnastics, Mini Sports, Basket Ball Equipment and many other sports equipment. The company carries more than 850+ products in total 2500+ variants. IAAF, EN 71 certifications on our diverse range of Track & Field products exhibit superior quality and performance of products we manufacture. Our sports equipments are being used in a good range of International and National Sports Championships across the globe. We have been honoured and Awarded as Number – 1 Exporter of Athletics Equipment from India by SGEPC (Sports Goods Export Promotion Council of India)

BHALLA INTERNATIONAL now takes pride in its long experience in the sports segment and comprises an enormous half decade of experience. The company has achieved the landmark figure of 53 years in the sport segment in 2010. On the basis of our ability for taking giant strides in technology and innovation, we have attained the position of a leader in the global Sports Industry. The deep penetration of our sporting equipments in various national and international markets makes us a force to be relied upon

Bhalla International keeps a close look on the changing market trends and manufactures sporting equipments accordingly. All the equipments are manufactured to suit the different games according to the specifications, and this has been the cause of our relentless growth. Coming up with the products with innovative designs has placed us among the industry leaders and we are striving hard to maintain our status of being the leader.

To know more details about us, please feel free to visit our corporate website or call us at 91-121-2441111

We are a leading manufacturer and supplier of Sporting Goods and Athletics Equipment in Meerut India. We are also selling sporting goods online on

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The true essence of football speed workout

December 15, 2011 by  
Filed under Speed Workouts

Article by Bruce Kilgour

The true essence of football speed workout

Any football workout program would comprise of rigorous and well designed football speed workout programs. If you are big and a strong muscled athlete, but lack the required amount of speed to excel in your sport, you probably need a good dosage of football speed workout and speed training.

Development of endurance and strength building workouts are an integral part of football training. Workouts such as these are a sure shot strategy to maintaining healthy athletic bodies. When football coaches implement this technique of football speed workout too literally, more than helping the players, they tend to limit their capabilities. This technique of football speed workout is not an end in itself, but it’s a means to achieve the end.

Strength training workouts are all good in own capacity but they tend to limit the player if it is not judiciously intermingled with training in football speed workout as well. The most crucial aspect in a game of football is speed and football players are more often than not disappointed in their speed gains.

Now the big question is what is speed training? Training for speed is a completely different ballgame altogether when compared to training for endurance and strength. Hence, this training has to be completely different when the resultant has to be responding like lightening on the football field. Speed training can be simply understood as the quickness and muscular agility that is required for the effective responsiveness on the field. Speed is measured by how fast your muscles can contract and not by how strong your muscles are. The irony here however is that, you can run faster only if your muscles contract faster.

Research done by various experts’ shows that a blend of resistance cable exercises and isometric exercises can lead to an increase I muscular speed.

Latest researches point out that to increase muscular speed use of a combination of resistance cable exercises and isometric exercises is quite effective. These exercises are believed to do the conditioning of the body muscles for better velocity on the ground. Many of these isometric exercises are misunderstood to be strength training schedules and sometimes the claim is proved to be right. Nevertheless when incorporated aptly, these exercises could turned out to be the most effective football speed training systems as well. Football speed workout, as the term implies, are training schedules and programs, which are designed in order to release muscular energy that can be translated into speed on the football field.

How to achieve speed on the field would be one among the critical questions arising in the minds of promising football players. The so called Isometric exercises that are practiced during the strength training mode would help developing some extra speed. However, this particular exercise when combined with the resistance cable workouts could result as an important feature of football speed workouts. These types of football speed training and workouts would ensure speedy mobility of muscles, essentially where it really counts, like on the football ground. More info here

Love sports and football!

Visit for more football coaching videos. In this episode, we review several strength and speed exercises you can add to your football conditioning workouts. Bench press, power cleans and agility ladder drills are demonstrated.
Video Rating: 4 / 5

Benefits of Using Speed Resistance Training Equipment

December 2, 2011 by  
Filed under Resistance Training

Resistance training refers to that kind of training that uses resistance to the force of muscular contraction. It is a form of strength training in which each effort is performed against a specific opposing force generated by resistance and weight training is also a part of resistance training. After using these equipment each and every exercise becomes easier with an explosive force. There are three types of resistance training:-

1.  Isotonic: It is the kind of training in which the force is applied to muscle does not change while the length of muscles increases or decreases.

2.  Isometric: In this training the joint angle and muscle length does not change during contraction. Isometric training is done in completely static position rather than being dynamic.

3.  Isokinetic: It is the form of training where the muscle contracts and shortens at constant rate of speed.

Speed resistance training equipment is considered as the best sports training accessory and it is designed to add extra resistance to an Athlete as he/she attempts to move through a range of motion.

These accessories are very helpful for increasing jumping strength, speed training movements, quick leg recovery drills, lateral speed and balance. By using training equipment an athlete can easily increase stride length, frequency, power and acceleration by selecting the most suitable equipment. It is very beneficial in increasing muscle power through both speeds in starting and stopping function and used to develop the strength and size of skeletal muscle.

In market, there is a large collection of speed resistance training equipment that helps an athlete to gain experience and keep full control over his/her speed during game and practice situation and these are:-
(1)  Dual Resistance Trainer: It is the most economical equipment where two players are required for training in which one provides resistance while other one runs.
(2)  Evasion Belt: It is the perfect equipment that requires one on one marking up and mirroring and also useful for soccer, rugby, netball, basketball and other sports that require short space shielding.
(3)  Speed Chute: It is ultimate speed training equipment that helps an Athlete to improving leg muscles which results in increasing performance during training and game competition.
(4)  Resistance Trainer: In this training equipment, require two Athletes to perform speed training in which one is providing resistance while other one runs.
(5)  Weighted Sledge: It is also one of the best speed training equipment that helps an Athlete to improve speed, change direction suddenly and perform sport-specific skills.

In market, “Bhalla International – Vinex” is the leading and oldest supplier and manufacturer of best sporting goods and accessories since last 54 years that provides best speed resistance training equipment. The company becomes India’s Number 1 exporter of sporting goods due to its advanced manufacturing techniques and providing most excellent customer satisfaction.

I (Shekhar), always have excitement to know about the sports accessories and fitness equipment. Above I have shared my knowledge and experience regarding sporting goods.

For more details about sports goods and accessories visit website: or call at: 121-2441111.

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