AST Sports Science – Micronized GL3 L-Glutamine Powder – 1200 Grams

December 23, 2012 by  
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GL3 Micronized Glutamine 1200gr Strength; Size; Recovery. Glutamine represents over 6337; of the amino acid content in the amino acid pool of your muscle cells. Intense training and exercise put greater demands on your bodyapos;s needs for Glut… More >>

AST Sports Science – Micronized GL3 L-Glutamine Powder – 1200 Grams

The Best Exercises and Sports to Increase Endurance.

September 25, 2012 by  
Filed under Endurance Training

Article by Marina Robinson

The Best Exercises and Sports to Increase Endurance. – Health – Weight Loss

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Resistance means the ability to sustain an effort psychophysical without compromising performance. Mentally is the ability to sustain the effort as long as possible and physically is the ability of the organism to adapt and delay the onset of fatigue. For athletes is essential to have good endurance, a greater or lesser extent, is what is always looking, as this depends on the proper response of the body in the sport working hours. The main goals of resistance training are to achieve an increase in the amount of blood reaching the muscles that do the main work and improve energy systems. The resistance has a strong bond with the circulatory and respiratory systems, and the metabolism, particularly cell phones.

There are two types of resistance: the aerobic and anaerobic. The first seeks to realize low-stress exercises but long life. This type of resistance depends on the ability of the heart, lungs and circulatory system deliver oxygen and nutrients to the muscles to produce energy efficiently. Its development involves improving the overall physical resistance and decreased blood pressure, the amount of fat in the body and the possibility of occurrence of cardiovascular disease.

Anaerobic endurance turn develops exercises that involve a high effort but for a short space of time. With the development of anaerobic resistance is achieved by improving the reaction rate. To put the aerobic training is important to include activities that can raise heart rate above a point and maintain that level of activity over 15 minutes session.

One of the best ways to train aerobic endurance is to practice running, which should be conducted at a slow pace, while paying more attention to the distance traveled. Similarly, although this is not the main objective, to get continuous training run more miles in the same time. swimming or cycling exercises are also considered optimal for the development of resistance.

The rhythms, as in the case of the running, will go rising gradually as the body adapts to the effort required. The dance is also recommended to increase endurance.

For the correct development of aerobic endurance, it should establish a training plan, which must be customized, always taking into account the physical characteristics and condition of each. Proper aerobic work developed for about 20 or 30 minutes a day is more than enough to make adequate progress and ensure proper endurance sports.

For the practice of these exercises and achieve win an optimal resistance level is very important to note not have to exercise and sudden breathing correctly is very important because in this way keeps the body relaxed, which is necessary because if the body tension note there will be no proper blood circulation and oxygen will not correct (the which means more fatigue in less time).

Nor should we forget that it is very important that the end will make a good session of stretching, to avoid further complications.

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we review the best fat burners like slim weight patch review or unique hoodia,capsiplex etc.

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we review the best fat burners like slim weight patch review or unique hoodia,capsiplex etc.

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Extreme Sports Performance Force Equals Mass Accelerator, Punch, 300 Grams

August 17, 2012 by  
Filed under Nitric Oxide

  • Extreme muscle volume training formula
  • Induces intense energy for explosive workouts
  • Insane muscle pumps

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Designed precisely to produce extreme muscle endurance and drive insane pumps. Force equals mass accelerator is intended for advanced athletes who seek to increase and/or break personal or competitive performance goals…. More >>

Extreme Sports Performance Force Equals Mass Accelerator, Punch, 300 Grams

Why Powerlifting Is Important for Sports Person

July 30, 2012 by  
Filed under Powerlifting

Article by Praveen

Why Powerlifting Is Important for Sports Person – Sports – Extreme Sports

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Powerlifting exercises are extremely useful for helping rugby players, or athletes from any contact sport to increase their strength, size, speed and power.

There was a time when Olympic lifting was considered the top method for enhancing “power” (mass x acceleration) but with the use of accommodating resistance, popular in powerlifting circles, lifters, and players are now able to use powerlifting movements to develop not only absolute strength, but explosiveness and true power.

Due to the dynamic nature of rugby, it’s important to build a good overall foundation of strength. Powerlifting places a huge emphasis on strengthening every area of the body. Any weakness is obvious as it will show up in the relevant powerlift – squat, bench press, or deadlift.

Rugby players will become more durable, muscular and powerful by improving the strength in the 3 powerlifts. Using accommodating resistance – bands and/or chains – with lighter loads, fewer reps across multiple sets, they can prime their newly developed muscle and strength to produce force quickly, thus increasing power.

Bands provide a faster stretch of the muscle fibers during the eccentric (lowering) portion of the lift, which produces a faster concentric action in return. The body’s power output is enhanced by this simple training method, more so then if using free weights only. Without bands, the body will decelerate the bar towards the end of the lift to prevent the bar from flying away, also the more advantageous leverage closer to lock out reduces the force needed to move the weight.

Bands get increasingly harder in the stronger positions (near lockout). This forces the body to generate more and more maximal tension throughout the entire lift, producing a stronger, more complete action. The benefit of this can be seen at contact in scrums, tackles, fending, jumping, running, clearing out at the ruck etc.

Chains on the other hand lessen weight on the weakest portion of a lift, with the least leverage by piling up on the floor as the weight is lowered eccentrically, while increasing the load on the strongest part of the lift as they come up off the floor. This allows every part of the strength curve to be trained, rather then the load being dictated by the weakest part of a lift. Like the bands they teach the body to “follow through” the lift completely as the weight increases towards the end of each lift.

These are just two tools common in powerlifting that can help rugby players immensely. Another area that has great benefits is the focus that powerlifting places on the posterior chain. To absorb and deliver force, one needs a strong back. Simple exercises like squatting and deadlifting build the back along with more specialized exercises like the reverse hyper, and glute ham raise. Both these machines were developed by Louie Simmons of Westside Barbell in the USA. The number of athletes from sports such as rugby and NFL that have achieved excellent results with these tools goes along way to proving their value (and that of powerlifting knowledge) for contact sport athletes.

Powerlifting, like rugby requires a full-body approach. By following a basic training template, with the right guidance, rugby players can benefit enormously. Once shown proper technique the core lifts are simple to perform, progress and vary. While other forms of training such as strongman or Olympic lifting are also great for training rugby players, powerlifting creates a good foundation of various strength qualities – absolute, starting strength, strength speed – among others. These are whats needed to help build complete players, who are durable enough to play, perform well and enjoy their rugby for a long time.

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Why You Need Sports Specific (Weight) Training

July 23, 2012 by  
Filed under Weight Training

Article by Alex Miller

Why You Need Sports Specific (Weight) Training – Health – Fitness

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Sports specific training is that which is auxiliary or in addition to the training that an athlete practices for their particular sport. It usually consists of a conditioning program built around sports skills that help you as an athlete realize your goals much more quickly than if you trained without such a program. A ski jumper would need their legs to be like shock absorbers when landing and a football player when blocking would need explosive power in both their arms and legs. Sports specific training can achieve a stronger and speedier athletic performance because the main characteristic of most specificity exercises is that they closely resemble the individuated body mechanics in your particular sport. Here are some examples and suggestions:

Specific Training for Power

This is weight training for maximal effort when you bench press, squat or deadlift for a one rep max. The regular training involves using a medium weight for six to ten repetitions which would be seventy to eighty percent of your one rep max. Do three to five sets for each. Every workout you should add a little more weight on the bar. Once in awhile, you should reserve a workout to do a personal one rep record (PR) in say the bench press or squat. You can add overhead press, bent rowing and weighted chins to this list. Power training is especially valuable for martial and grappling sports such as football, mixed martial arts, rugby, wrestling and judo.

Sports Specific Training for Speed and Acceleration

Light free weights of between forty to sixty percent of your one rep max can be used for both the bench press and squat to develop the speed aspect of strength. You would follow the Westside barbell training protocol for this: For bench press with a barbell, take about fifty percent of you 1RM and do six to eight sets of three repetitions each. For back squats with a barbell, you take about fifty percent of your 1RM max and perform ten to twelve sets of two repetitions each. Keep in mind that speed is the goal. The weight should not be so light that it flies up out of your hands and it should be heavy enough that when you push that thing up, at least the starting of the rep should feel like you are pushing your maximum weight. Speed is useful for football, mixed martial arts, track and field, gymnastics, volleyball, diving, etc. The list goes on.

The somewhat technical Olympic lifts such as the clean and press and the snatch would also be classified under speed and acceleration training as well as plyometric jumping. Developing speed for the horizontal for sports such as tennis would not use this type of training but would rather incorporate quickness with sprints forwards and backwards and from side to side in the athlete’s sports specific conditioning program.

Sports Specific Training for the Demands of Strength Endurance

This type of training is often neglected. It consists of performing fifteen plus repetitions using free weights or machines. This would develop muscles that are capable of producing repetitive contractions under moderate to extreme fatigue. Long distance skiers, runners, rowers, triathletes and the like would do this type of training.Injury prevention

It has been said that football is not a contact sport but rather, a collision sport. The legendary strength coach Bill Starr stated that a sport such as football is nothing short of war (albeit, a somewhat controlled one). It is for this reason that the weight workout in the gym should be a lot tougher than the practice out on the field. There seem to be fewer injuries when this advice is followed which can be applied to virtually any sport. Regular weight training strengthens and toughens not only muscle but connective tissue as well.


So whether you want to improve your karate, your baseball swing, base stealing, basketball speed or any kind of athletic performance, sports specific training workouts with weights is one of the fantastic ways to increase the likelihood of your success of performing in the zone. Along with a good nutritional program, you will develop added power, speed and strength. Also, it may help to prevent injuries and also bring the attractive benefit of hypertrophy (more muscle mass) as well. Your competition is very likely using sports specific training and so should you.

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If you liked this article, you may also by interested in the Weight Training for a Triathlon. Check out for more weight training information.

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If you liked this article, you may also by interested in the Weight Training for a Triathlon. Check out for more weight training information.

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Strength Training Exercises To Gain The Extra Edge in Sports

July 1, 2012 by  
Filed under Strength Training

Article by Neil Playfoot

Strength Training Exercises To Gain The Extra Edge in Sports – Health – Fitness

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Looking at body builders and the thoughts of using steroids is enough to keep many people away from the weight lifting machines.

Since people are learning that lifting weights can be used to lose weight, more of them are trying weight training. With all of the publicity about athletes and steroids, the use of steroids has decreased.

So actually the stereotypes associated with weight training are really just what we said – stereotypes. Exercising, such as weight training, is of great benefit, even to the average man or woman, and they would see that, if they would only give it a try.

The world of sports is so competitive that people try to find all the angles they can to get an edge. Strength training exercises can be extremely helpful to gain that edge and little bit of extra advantage.

Even if you are not involved with the traditional sports that almost mandate this type of training, you can still benefit from some amount of extra strength. In addition, your muscles don’t have to gain in volume so keep that in mind.

You will lessen the chances of becoming injured by simply bolstering your muscles to attain a bit more strength. Offering you today will be some great brainstorms for exercises using strength training.

While all people have their individual likes and dislikes, most approve of a physique that is physically fit. Nevertheless, the truth is that only a small amount of people maintain the perseverance for even a simple strength training regimen. It simply won’t work to use the excuse that it is impossible to get to a gym.

Because anyone can use their own home to exercise with body weights.

The thinking process behind this is most shun that type of dedication-and it doesn’t feel good! It isn’t easy to force yourself to improve how much you work and keep on the right path. A good amount of recognition ought to be given to the individual who apparently works hard at exercise via strength training. An easy reason is it takes a big dose of training and faithfulness.

Though you can continue doing the same and procure good consequences with a program that is ordinary. It might floor you at what you can bring about. Multiple benefits can be had from these work out exercises. An added bonus is the fact that exercising with weights could continue keeping strength in the bones as well as bettering your joint health later on in life. Good considerations are many as to why a strength training regimen should be free from harm as well as practical.

Did you know that strength training exercises must be properly selected based upon your overall needs? There are many exercises that will improve your all round body strength as well.

A sedentary schedule, one devoid of a consistent exercise program, is common in today’s society. Lack of mobility, such as sitting down for long periods of time, can lead to wellness issues in the future.

If you do participate in some type of sporting event, these exercises will definitely help. Staying in shape is a combination of doing workouts to stay fit and also build upper and lower body strength. Each paragraph below will present different ways of working out using strength training exercises that work.

Leg muscles are an excellent place to begin; you can feel better and become stronger by doing certain exercises. You could start with your back leg muscles and your quadriceps to get going. Training machines at your local gym, or at home, can help you build these particular muscles. Muscles on the back of your leg, though not as large, would be your next activity to do.

You don’t need to visit your local gym in order to work on your quadriceps; some exercises can be performed at home. All you have to do is do a movement similar to sitting down, hold, and then return to this standing position with your feet shoulder width apart. By maintaining your balance and equilibrium, making sure that your thighs are level with the ground, this home exercise will definitely help you out.

A strength training program, as well as most other exercise routines, are great for physical advantages, and are also beneficial psychologically. Depending on what you want in your life, it will take more changes than just adding an exercise program. If you do not make any adjustments in your diet, and it is unhealthy, then you will not see much improvement with weight loss.

Exercise is important, but to become a healthy person you must have a healthy diet. When you have the right food source, doing even simple push ups will benefit you greatly. Changing your life is easier, when you have input on the food you want, or the exercises you are willing to do. So go ahead and give this some thought and get started.

Simply put there are two general preferences to exercise with strength training. Free weights or weight training devices can be used as some people prefer them. Other people have the preference of body weight use and no other type of weights.

For sports, you can get the results you want with either approach. There are some professional athletes who rely solely on natural body weight types of exercises. Years ago Hershel Walker entered professional football, and he made some news because he did not lift any weights.

Walker was a terrifying vehicle on the football field and he only used body weight exercise.

There are as many reasons for starting a strength training program as there are people. People have their individual ambitions and aim. Actively pursuing this for the reasons of sports is in a category by itself.

Those that yearn to be strong for better sports performance should strengthen for that purpose. But the non-sports person can easily begin a program for general strength building and firming, as well. If that is the case, you don’t have to rush, slowly decide what it is that you are interested in.

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Resistance Training Equipment For Sports and Fitness

June 19, 2012 by  
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Article by Lisa Perkins

Resistance Training Equipment For Sports and Fitness – Health – Fitness

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Individuals who want to improve their sports performance should consider purchasing some resistance training equipment for themselves. Almost every form of exercise these days integrates resistance training, even aerobics and dance classes. Building muscle, whether it’s bulk or tone, will burn calories much faster even while resting and sculpt your body.

Buying the right equipment is important no matter if your training for a given sport, or are trying to improve your overall conditioning. What you need depends on the intensity of your workouts, and your current fitness. If improving lower body strength is a point of emphasis, then you’ll want to find equipment that is designed specifically for that.

Here are a few ideas for resistance training equipment:

Training parachutes

These mini parachutes are designed primarily to help runners and others to improve their speed. In addition to speed, it also increases acceleration, stamina, and strength because it adds resistance during the run. As soon as the parachute opens, air resistance pushes the runner to take larger strides and work harder. The faster you run, the more resistance there is. Once you begin running, the chute opens up; you can also release the strap as well.

Tyra Banks is said to use a training parachute as a part of her training regimen. They can be used by anyone who just wants a good workout. For those who do long distance running, this might add some variety to your routine.

Weighted sleds

The purpose of this resistance training equipment is to increase power needed for jumps squats and lunges. Certain sports like basketball and other racket sports necessitate such movements; hence, athletes can certainly find this resistance training equipment useful.

Studies have shown that sleds don’t necessarily increase top speed, they do improve their acceleration. The ideal amount of weight allows the runner to still run with good technique.

Sidestep elastic bands

There are many sports that require side step movements, including tennis, football, baseball, and basketball. Sidestep elastic bands can improve shuffles, lateral walks or slides to increase groin flexibility. You can also improve the flexibility of the hamstring and hips by doing knee raise drills. These bands are made up of elastic tubing that can be stretched safely.

Choosing the appropriate resistance training equipment is extremely important to improve agility, speed, strength, or provide explosive power. Fitness enthusiasts can choose from different models and brands available in the market.

You don’t have to spend thousands on resistance training equipment achieve your fitness goals. All one has to do is choose wisely and use it consistently.

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Personal Sports Training: Who Needs It?

June 11, 2012 by  
Filed under Endurance Training

Article by Rocky D’Amico

Personal Sports Training: Who Needs It? – Health – Fitness

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Personal training is not just for elite athletes. It actually takes on many forms. When most people think of personal training, they relate it to working out in a gym, preforming some sort of resistance exercise training, such a lifting weights. However, personal training can take on many forms, including personal sports training.

Essentially, a personal trainer is a coach who works one-on-one with their clients. With their added training and experience, they are focused on providing clients with personalized guidance so they are able to achieve their goals. Believe it or not, their performance on the field begins with the quality of their sports training.

Some personal sport trainers will have a specialty area, focusing on one particular sport, such as basketball, soccer or tennis, whereas other trainers may specialize further by focusing on a single skill position, such as pitching or goal-tending. Personal sports trainers who specialize in one individual sport will, or should, have extensive training and experience working in their specific field. For example, a retired professional baseball player may become a trainer for younger up and coming baseball players. Sport trainers that work with overall conditioning assist their clients with goals to achieve optimal level of fitness.

Do you need personal sports training? Some think that their skills are fine for what they are doing, but remember: even multimillion dollar professional athletes have coaches. There are benefits to having a coach that go beyond income. Personal trainers will help you set goals and motivate you to achieve your objectives.

Evaluation: Personal Sports Training

The sports trainer’s primary goal is determining the fitness goals and then working to achieve them. This starts with an evaluation. This is usually accomplished by an evaluation of your current skill sets.

Performance Enhancement: Making the Grade

One of the trainer’s primary goals is to help improve the athlete’s performance by working to remove flaws in form, correcting the athlete’s mistakes that are holding them back from achieving their full potential. Removing bad habits is the primary reason many professional athletes work with coaches. Often, a slight change in position is all that’s needed to correct bad habits that the athletes don’t even realize they have.

Motivational Benefits for Personal Sports Training

It’s normal that motivation decreases as time wears on. Any sports training program that begins with the best of intentions can become boring, causing a drop in motivation and a loss of interest. It’s at this point where the trainer becomes crucial. Their extra energy keeps you motivated, through encouragement and support.

A personal sport trainer is able to recognize when the client has reached a plateau: that stage in training where the body has adapted to the training to the point where no further gains are being made. When this happens, the trainer can upgrade your fitness routine so that you can continue to make gains.

Personal Sports Training and Safety

Sports training for non-professional athletes should still be conducted by someone who is skilled. The last thing you want is to overtrain, or overstrain, and end up hurt. Laws can vary widely from state to state regulating personal sports training certification, but personal sport trainers should be certified by an accredited agency, have verifiable experience in their area of specialty and training in emergency medical procedures such as first aid and CPR, in case an emergency situation should arise.

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Dietary supplements are an important part of your overall sport training. When you are working under extreme conditions, pushing your body to the limits, you want the tools and knowledge to train for peak performance – every time and every day. Get the best nutritional support that is backed by military science.

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Dietary supplements are an important part of your overall sport training. When you are working under extreme conditions, pushing your body to the limits, you want the tools and knowledge to train for peak performance – every time and every day. Get the best nutritional support that is backed by military science.

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How To Avoid Injuries with Sports and Exercise Safety

June 4, 2012 by  
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Article by Sam Li

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Exercise and sports safety both on and off the playing field must always be taken very seriously. Sports and exercise injuries occur in people of all ages every day, and many of these are avoidable. The truth is, anytime you engage in some kind of exercise or sports there’s going to be some possibility of getting injured. While these risks can be reduced, they can’t be completely eliminated; but then, there are risks associated with everything we do. There are steps that can be taken, though, that can make an injury far less likely. We will cover a few topics concerning safety precautions for sports and exercise.

No matter what kind of exercise or sport you’re involved with, there’s a simple way to prepare yourself for it. No matter what the activity is, or how fit you may be, it’s essential to warm up properly. This is equally true for high level athletes as it is for someone just starting a fitness program. Even a short warm-up will get your muscle groups prepared for the greater effort you’re about to demand of them. Along with a proper warm up, stretching exercises are very important. A muscle injury is something that can happen to anyone, which is why stretching should be done before any strenuous activity.

If you exercise and get a good burn, sometimes you feel a lot better than you did prior to the workout The positive state of your mind is actually coming to play and is a result of a good workout. You are hyped up and full of adrenaline, and the feelings that result are to be expected. The physical exercise that you do should be limited by virtue of what you’re able to do.

Your performance on any given day will depend upon your body and your mind. You may try too much one day, sometimes motivated by the way you think or feel. Many problems can arise including major or minor injuries that should not happen. Know your limitations, and by using common sense, you will avoid physical injuries.

Learn to listen to what your body is trying to tell you, especially when you are doing physical exercise routines or sports. Your nerves will give your brain feedback you need to listen to in regard to how your body feels and what it can take.

You can learn to understand the needs of your physical system through constant monitoring and consistent workouts. People need to become aware of the demands of their bodies. Doing what needs to be done once you understand what your body is asking for the key to maintaining your health. Once you clearly understand the physical limitations that you have, you will be less inclined to push past them which can be very bad. The above are some of the sports and exercise safety tips that can help you enjoy your favorite sports and other activities in the safest possible manner. You can eliminate many injuries simply be remembering to warm up and stretch ahead of time.

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Sports Supplements For Triathlon Training

May 26, 2012 by  
Filed under Strength Training

Article by Mark Etinger

Sports Supplements For Triathlon Training – Health

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In its most popular form the triathlon includes swimming, cycling, and running in succession. While there are variants, it is far less likely to encounter; so for the time being focus on training for these three activities.

First thing to note is the sports nutrition you will need to endure your training and eventually the event itself. The main foods you will need are carbohydrates, fiber, protein, and fat. You will also need your share of vitamins B, C, E, iron, calcium, and zinc. Protein and carbs are awesome for muscle gain and retention and the fat will provide the energy. You can include a few pre-workout supplements and shakes into your daily routine prior to periods of activity to boost results. Fiber keeps your body regular and your cholesterol down. This is necessary when you’re loading up on foods for energy. The vitamins and minerals will fight off free radicals and illness while your body is weakened from intense workouts as well as activating cellular activity. Follow the food groups and get in some supplements for the gaps in your diet.

Strength training is an absolute must. You may think that going directly into running, biking, and swim sessions are the way to prepare but without the strength training and endurance trials you are not going to see the results you want. The main thing is to build muscle and stay lean. You want enough power but you also want to cut resistance while performing in the event. That is why you add resistance during your training. If you want to last longer then you will need the best bodybuilding supplements. Look for anabolic and nitric oxide stuff. Work on your core muscles, arms, and legs. Leg extensions and curls, lateral pull downs, bench presses, and squats will carve and build the muscles that you need the most for success.

For swimming, focus on the speed more than anything else. Get comfortable with freestyle. Do not fear saving speed for crucial moments during the swim practices. Instead aim to just go fast, no matter what. If your speed is sporadically slower at some points, that’s okay because you’re not in the actual event just yet. Also focus on intervals. 50 yards (or meters) will most likely be your intervals. Base your time on that.

You will want to test your intervals with cycling as well, except you will do it by testing how you maintain speed and power in 30 minutes. Practice on alternative terrain and different paths too so you will be prepared for anything. Before you go, take a protein bar or pre-workout drinks.

Keep track of your progress as the event draws nearer. Good luck!

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Universal Nutritional Products Inc. is a sports nutrition wholesaler that stocks some of the best bodybuilding supplements available on the market. You can find out more about them at the blog

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