Five Ready Signs To Start Potty Training
Article by Janice Caller
Starting new things for your child sometime difficult, but you still have to do it. Potty training is one phase that your child has to go through. So, find out when is your child ready for potty training. Here are those five ready signs:1. Takes Off Own ClothesLet
Weight training for women – If you want to lose fat and be lean, then start weight training
February 21, 2012 by admin
Filed under Weight Training
Article by Randy Robinson
Women generally care more about their health and their weight, than men do. Most women would like to be lean and have the sexy curves. Very few women actually achieve the look you see in fitness magazines, not because women don`t work hard, but becuase they avoid weight training.
Very few women step inside a weight room, because they believe they will look bulky and muscular, by doing weight training exercises. This certainly not true! Women just don`t have enough testosterone to build much muscle mass. Even if you want to build muscle, then you will not gain much muscle mass naturally.
If you want to be healthy, lose excess fat and develop sexy curves to your body, then training with weights will help you mold that physic. A lot of the women who do exercise with weights, do not exercise with enough intensity to have much benefits. If you want to get great results, you should train like men do and use the same type of exercise. The women you see on magazines train the same way most men do. With the exception that women put more emphasis on their thighs and glutes.
A lot of people have the misconception that if you want to lose fat, you should do cardio and when you want to build muscle, you should lift weights. And that is not really true. Research shows that weight training is actually more beneficial for fat loss than cardio training. Not only do you burn tons of calories when lifting weights, put you also speed up your metabolic rate much more than with simple cardio. Not only will you burn calories during your workout, but many hours after your workout as well.
There are many benefits of weight training: burn calories, lose fat, become stronger, have more energy, feel better, look better, tone muscles, strengthen joint and bones. There are many different workouts you can use and if you are a beginner then it is important to get help. You can get a personal trainer to help you. It is very important to perform exercises correctly. Or if you do not have the money to hire a personal trainer, you can watch videos online and read articles to help you.
To get the most out of your workouts, and also get a cardiovascular workout as well, you can decrease your rest between sets. If you are doing leg presses, then rest 1.5 minutes max during sets. That way you will get a cardio workout as well. And you should also focus on exercise that work large muscle groups like squats, leg presses, leg curls, leg extensions, bent over row, lat pulldown and so on.
So weight training for women is certainly beneficial, no matter what your goal is. The main thing is not to be afraid of using heavier weights and working hard. You can and should be using the same exercises and workouts that men are using, with some modifications. After a while you will certainly see a big difference and feel much better.
Find out how you can easily burn thigh fat and how to get rid of inner thigh fat

There’s three simple exercises that when combined, will give you total body strength. While you may not need it on the battlefield, it will definitely come in handy on the ball field. So no matter if you are an elite athlete or a weekend warrior, Take your work out to the next level.
Video Rating: 4 / 5
Start a Beginner Jogging Program
January 10, 2012 by admin
Filed under Running and Jogging
I’m here to help you start a running program. “Running program? That doesn’t sound very sexy,” I hear you cry, “It sounds like something Bill Gates does.” OK then, I would like to help you make running a part of your life. How does that sound? Or how about, I’ll change your life for the better! Actually I just lied. You are going to have to change your own life for the better, but I would love to help.
If you’re a total novice then the best way to start is to not even think about running…Yet. I want you to wake up your muscles slowly. Forget that image you have of a running coach as a Drill Sergeant with a bullhorn screaming, “Damn it! I know you’ve done nothing but sit on the couch for two decades, but in one day we’re gonna transform you into Ahnold Swarzahneggah, you maggot!” Think of me more as a kindly nurse, softy coo-ing “Wake up muscles, it’s time for your sponge bath.” And if that sounds a bit creepy, it might just come useful later…
Anyway, we are going to start by walking – actually you are going to walk.
I’m going to do nothing. Oh God, now I’m reminding myself of my high school coach, I can hear him now bellowing, “We’re going to run 25 miles today, gentlemen.” That bloody beep never ran a step. OK, so I promise to run if you promise to walk. Deal? Walk every other day for 4 to 6 weeks, for 20-30 minutes, depending on your starting fitness. Avoid hills and, in the beginning, don’t push yourself. Over the weeks slowly increase your walking speed. To help you do this, try visualizing Frankenstein’s Monster closely following you – and he’s not wearing any pants. If you find yourself slowing for his embrace, you could alternatively try thinking of your mother-in-law, the tax man, or your ex-boyfriend, whatever doesn’t turn you on really.
You may wonder why I am suggesting you start so slowly.
It’s like this: If you suffer no injuries, you’ll take one step forward. But if you were to have a physical setback, you’d take many steps backwards. I don’t want that to happen to you. It’s really depressing to throw yourself into something only to be slapped in the face by an injury. Do not try to be a tough guy early on, be a big baby. If anything hurts, stop immediately, rest and ice the area of soreness. After several weeks you may want to pump up your walks. You know that hill you’ve been avoiding? Cease avoidance. Hills are great for your heart and great for your bum. Please venture down slowly though or you and your knees will have a long and painful discussion.
After you have successfully walked for 4-6 weeks, it’ll be time to mix in some short jogs. After walking for ten minutes, jog 100 meters, one block, or the space between telephone poles. Walk until you feel recovered, maybe a minute or two and repeat the 100 meter jog. Try to run softly, using short strides and don’t bounce. Slowly increase the amount and duration of your jogs until you can run the entire way. Keep it up and some day soon a person will inquire, “Hey, are you a runner?” and you will lift your chin and proudly reply, “Why yes…Yes I am!”My work here is done.
Coach Carvey is passionate about running and helping others to do the same. His unique style of writing blends humor with helpful tips. Carvey’s website address is Coach Carvey is an international contributing author for
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Dumbbell Workouts: Stop Wasting Your Time And Start Getting Results!
January 9, 2012 by admin
Filed under Dumbbell Exercises
Article by Eddie Lomax
Every time I see a man or women pick up a light dumbbell and perform “isolation” or “sculpting” exercises I want to pull my hair out. It’s not that there is anything wrong with these dumbbell exercises. It’s just they aren’t designed to get the results the exerciser wants or needs.
And that is a waste of valuable training time.
Let’s face it, most people have trouble setting aside time to work out as it is. When they do get themselves to the gym, or set aside part of their busy day to work out at home, the last thing they want to do is waste their time. Every minute spent training needs to count! So, stop wasting your time with those dinky weight dumbbell workouts, and start using dumbbells to their full potential.
At this point, some of you might be offended. You may believe beyond a shadow of a doubt that “isolation” dumbbell exercises and “feeling the burn” is the way to get the most out of your dumbbell workout. (Even though you’ve failed to make major changes to your body). Please, keep reading and give me a chance to change your mind.
Honestly, most people start dumbbell workouts, or any workout for that matter, because they want to change the way they look. Yes, there are health and performance benefits to a properly performed dumbbell workout. But, who are we kidding, appearance is the top motivating factor!
And, since we are being honest, most people only start to work out when their appearance gets so bad they just can’t stand it anymore. They’ve ignored the lack of muscle tone and the accumulating fat for so long they are not just out of shape, they are REALLY out of shape! They just don’t need to lose a pound or two of fat and tone up their arms. They need to lose a LOT of fat and build a LOT of muscle to make a major impact on the way they look!
So, the dumbbell workouts they perform should be designed to build muscle and burn fat, preferably in the shortest time possible. So, they pick up a 2 pound dumbbell and perform triceps kickbacks. Wrong, wrong, WRONG!
Let’s look at it this way:
A sculptor is given a 2 ton block of granite to sculpt a figure that ultimately weighs 1/2 ton. Should they:
a) Use a small pick and start to lightly tap on the block? orb) Pick up a sledgehammer and whack away most of the unneeded material?
I hoped you picked option b!
You see, when you have a lot of work to do, use the right tool for the job!
So, if your goal is to significantly change the way you look by putting on muscle and burning fat, make sure your dumbbell workouts are designed to do both. Don’t waste your time with small weights and small exercises. Dumbbells are an excellent choice for full body transformation, but only if you use them correctly!
Here are three tips for changing the way you look with dumbbell workouts:
1) Perform dumbbell exercises that recruit as many big muscle groups as possible.Dumbbell lifts like squats, deadlifts, rows, presses and cleans, snatches and jerks require a lot of big muscle groups to complete the movement. Plus, using big muscle groups allows you to use heavier weights. Using more muscle with heavier weights means more muscle!
2) Perform dumbbell exercises that require a great deal of energy.Heavy grinding exercises, explosive exercises and combo matrixes require a lot of energy for completion. Expending more energy means less fat!
3) Perform dumbbell workouts in such a manner as to simultaneously build muscle, improve cardiorespiratory endurance and burn fat.Doing workouts like super sets, timed circuits and peripheral heart action training, you can make your dumbbell workouts SUPER efficient. You’ll get the most out of your training time by attacking your body on many fronts!
I hope this short article has opened your eyes to the true value of dumbbells in your quest to change the way you look. If you want to see the greatest change in appearance in the shortest period of time, leave the light weight dumbbell workouts alone, and start using dumbbell to their full potential. Following the above tips makes your dumbbell workout more effective than ever before!
Coach Eddie Lomax, author of Superior Dumbbell Workout, invites you to explore the body transforming power of proper dumbbell exercise and learn the 5 hidden secrets of dumbbell workouts.
More Dumbbell Workouts Articles
Jump Start Your Fitness Routine This Winter with High Intensity Cardio Training
December 24, 2011 by admin
Filed under Endurance Training
Article by Fitness Together
Pack Training Fitness Together
As you dive into the winter season, you may find yourself in a rut of doing the same old, same old when it comes to your fitness and wellness routine. And as the temperatures get cooler, climbing on the dreaded treadmill or elliptical machine may seem to be your only options for burning those inevitable extra holiday calories.
Effective cardio training, though, can include more than your traditional running, biking and swimming. By taking your workout up a notch with high intensity cardio variations, you can jump start your fitness routine so you look better, feel better and perform better throughout this winter season.Ramp Up Your Cardio for Weight Loss and Maintenance
As the holidays approach and we are in the thick of pumpkin pies, turkey dinners and over scheduled calendars, the common fitness theme this time of year is fighting the bulge and finding time to squeeze in a workout. Although concentrating on eating in moderation is a key component to weight loss and maintenance, cardio exercises focused on interval training can help combat the belly bounce. Interval training focuses on intense bursts of exercise in your workout that not only jump start your heart rate, but burn body fat quicker as well.
The good news for your hectic schedule is that you don’t have to bang out hours on the treadmill to realize the best cardio results for your body. Industry research[1] shows that shorter duration of high intensity exercise can be more beneficial than traditional endurance training.
Basic exercise science also supports that the harder you work, the more calories you burn every minute you exercise, while high intensity cardio sessions also speed your metabolism for hours following your workout session.
So, if weight loss/maintenance is your main goal this holiday season, ditch the treadmill and opt for a more fast and furious workout full of burpees, wind sprints and slam balls. Your belly will appreciate it and so will the number on the scale January 1st, 2012.Incorporate Cardio for Greater Strength and Muscle Definition
As we all know, strength and conditioning exercises build muscle. Cardio, when coupled with proper nutrition; however, is the secret weapon to defining and showing off the hours spent in the weight room. To create greater muscle definition in the common “problem” areas (arms, abs, glutes), it is important to incorporate metabolic cardio conditioning to your fitness regimen to unveil your hidden lean and sleek muscles.
A recent study[2] that evaluated the effect of training methods on female college athletes found that concurrent strength and aerobic endurance training was highly effective on muscle strength and endurance, body composition and flexibility. When your goal is to build strength and muscle, combining strength training exercises with total body cardio is key to realizing the best results. This type of cardio approach packs a variety of total body movements into your workout that aims to raise your heart rate and maintain the increased level for 5-10 minutes.
Some full body cardio exercises include:
● mountain climbers
● battling ropes
● jump squat circuits.
These exercises allow you to build more muscle and burn calories, while you to get the most bang for your buck as it relates to time efficient and effective cardio exercises.Maintain Consistent Cardio for Endurance Training
Whether your goal is to achieve a personal best at this year’s turkey trot or you’re planning to start the New Year with a triathlon or long distance running race, consistent cardio exercises are the key to any training program. There is no doubt about it that in order to prepare your body for a long endurance event, you have to put in the mileage. If you are signed up to run a half marathon in January, then you have to prepare your body for the wear and tear of pounding pavement for two hours by running (not walking, elliptical, biking) the mileage laid out for you in your training plan.
However, if you find yourself lacking motivation half way through your training program, you can mix up your weekly workouts by incorporating some hill and interval training to not only build muscle and endurance, but also keep you mentally engaged throughout your training program. Just make sure to plan appropriate rest days after the more intense training sessions to give your body time to recuperate and prepare for the big race day.
Another tactic for keeping you on track for successfully completing your training plan is to take your cardio training outdoors whenever possible. In the winter months this isn’t always an option, but if you can hit the trails early in the morning before a snow storm rolls in or later in the afternoon when temperatures have reached a reasonable level, research from West Virginia University found that training outdoors makes you 52 percent more likely to exercise more regularly.
Whether your goals this season are to combat the belly bounce, build more muscle or successfully train for an upcoming endurance event, incorporating high intensity cardio into your fitness routine will not only make you feel better and look better, but also perform better in any of your upcoming endeavors. Contact your local Fitness Together PACK Training studio today to start building cardio into your overall fitness and wellness routine at:
McGill S, Low Back Disorders: Evidence-Based Prevention and Rehabilitation, Human Kinetics, 2007 Baechle T and Earle R, editors, Essentials of Strength Training and Conditioning, 3rd Edition, National Strength and Conditioning Association, Human Kinetics, 2008 Bryant C and Green D, editors, ACE Personal Trainer Manual, 4th Edition, American Council on Exercise, 2010 Bryant C and Green D, editors, ACE’s Essentials of Exercise Science for Fitness Professionals, American Council on Exercise, 2010