Physical Fitness training to stay healthy

September 20, 2012 by  
Filed under Fitness Training

Article by Dete49

Physical Fitness training to stay healthy – Health – Fitness

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The components of physical fitness are: Cardio respiratory (CR) endurance being able to exercise and work out for longer periods of time. You need to have Muscular strength which is the greatest amount of force a muscle or muscle group can use in a single effort when lifting weights or working out. This means repeated movements with a sub-maximal force for extended periods of times.

You need to work on flexibility in other words the ability to move your joints or any group of joints through an entire, normal range of motion when stretching or playing sports. Your body composition which is the percentage of body fat a person has in comparison to his or her total body mass. By working on these three fitness components you will lose body fat. This will greatly improve your overall health. You will gain speed, agility, muscle power, eye-hand coordination, and eye-foot are all part of Physical Fitness.

The right kind of training can improve these factors within the limits of your potential. Your weight loss and fitness program should help to improve or maintain all the components of physical fitness routines.Constant pain is a sure way to kill your exercise program. Sacrificing Quality for Quantity. When you are ready to increase the number of reps of a particular exercise, and strengthen the corresponding muscles, instead of forcing yourself to do a little more each time try decreasing the number of repitions in a set but increase the number of sets.

Principles of Exercise Adherence to certain basic exercise routines is important for developing an effective program for you to become fit and lose weight. The same principles of exercise apply to everyone at all levels of physical training, from the pro athlete to the weekend jogger or sports person. You must exercise often to maintain your Physical Fitness.

About the Author

The components of physical fitness are:

Cardio respiratory (CR) endurance being able to exercise and work out for longer periods of time. You need to have Muscular strength which is the greatest amount of force a muscle or muscle group can use in a single effort when lifting weights or working out. This means repeated movements with a sub-maximal force for extended periods of times. Physical Fitness training

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The components of physical fitness are:

Cardio respiratory (CR) endurance being able to exercise and work out for longer periods of time. You need to have Muscular strength which is the greatest amount of force a muscle or muscle group can use in a single effort when lifting weights or working out. This means repeated movements with a sub-maximal force for extended periods of times. Physical Fitness training

Use and distribution of this article is subject to our Publisher Guidelines
whereby the original author’s information and copyright must be included.

Stay Young *Telomeres *Nitric Oxide Booster

August 1, 2012 by  
Filed under Nitric Oxide

  • Raise your Nitric Oxide
  • Protect your Telomeres
  • Yielding Youthful Pleasure
  • Balance Your Hormones
  • Clear Toxic Estrones

Product Description
Your chromosomes shorten each time the cells divide causing your body to age at a predictable rate. Stay Young includes a unique combination of herbs including Astragalus root. Based on scientific evidence related to a natural chemical called TAT2 (cycloastragenol) which enhances telomerase activity found in Stay Young to prevent and slow the progressive telomere shortening to fight aging. Journal of Immunology, Nov 15, 2008. In this study, it was shown we can slow … More >>

Stay Young *Telomeres *Nitric Oxide Booster

Push Ups – Fantastic way to Stay Fit

March 22, 2012 by  
Filed under Push Ups

It is assumed that the very first human beings living prior to the word “exercise” was created did push ups within their dimly lit caves with regard to strength and virility. It had been a part of their every day routine equivalent to the present day boot camp. The good thing about pushups as a entire body exercise is that it doesn’t need special training, absolutely no expensive equipments and you will perform it anywhere and also at any time you like, even just in your bedroom or even lounge.

Pushup — The Classic Physical exercise

The bulky physiques and bulging muscle tissue acquired in a fitness center with all weight training as well as bench presses isn’t any match to the level of fitness of a person who will regular push ups everyday. Stamina and stamina would be the direct benefits of this particular workout routine. The body enters better athletic form compared to all muscle mass hunk physique of the gym trainer. Power wise the push-ups give better results since the body uses its weight as opposition enabling the person in order to slowly but surely build up the actual endurance and tone of muscle to an optimum degree.

Not only are the hands and shoulders increased, but also the chest which could expand out in to rock sold solidity and width. The secret is to have patience as well as commitment on a daily basis. The actual classic pushups work best way to start your day and you should start with this particular style initially prior to moving on to other variants.

The Technique

Start with laying flat face down on the ground, preferably a wood deck keeping your body straight from head to toe. Provide the palms associated with both hands touching each side of the torso, putting the open palm toned on the floor. Raise your entire body by pushing recorded on the palm making use of your shoulders and lower arm, until your entire is lifted clear up and running except the hands and toes of the feet supporting your body.

Lower the body to the floor and replicate the action as often as possible without overstraining your body. If you can comfortably carry out ten push-ups on the very first day, then keep going with it for three to four times and slowly improve to somewhere such as fifteen. Once you are once again comfortable with fifteen, enhance the bar to the next level each and every few days. Remember not to rush into it or else you will do more harm than good.

Strategies for Leveraged Benefits

An additional variation involves making use of your fist instead of open up palm creating more opposition and strain towards the arms muscles. Near the palm right into a fist and sleeping the knuckles flat on the ground start doing the actual pushup. These variants will also strengththen the arm and harden the actual knuckles.

You can build much more endurance and power into your program after being at this for a couple of months through trying out another variance. Use only one hand or fist to aid the entire body to find the lift and carry out the pushup. Begin with the right palm or even fist and once you receive used to it, change to the left hand or fist. Interchange quickly from right to playing each push up to have it going in a tempo.

Pushups are all you need into shape and stay fit for the rest of your lifetime. Flab and ldl cholesterol, hypertension and diabetic issues and all related illnesses will stay clear should you choose push ups as part of your everyday activities.


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Doable and Highly Effective Fitness Tips To Stay Motivated

February 18, 2012 by  
Filed under Fitness Tips

Article by Binford Noto

Americans have become a nation of fat people. Millions of people in the US get a score of “F” when it comes to using fitness tips for motivation! You can learn all the fitness tips in the world, but if you do not take positive action each day, then it is all pointless. Exercising is something anyone can do in one form or another. It really just means to get your body moving. A good way to start is to take a walk whenever you have the chance. The trick is to make this a daily practice. You can build that into something that will transform your life. Make sure you acknowledge your accomplishment of taking this daily walk. Right now is the best time to start. If you need some motivation in this area, the fitness tips that follow can help you.

When you first wake up, strenuous exercises may not be what you most feel like doing. That feeling is quite normal. On the other hand, research has shown that those who work out in the morning have a better chance of sticking with a fitness program. Working out in the morning, five to six times weekly seems to be the best formula for success. This may sound odd, but you can’t argue with research. Based on this, even if you’re not used to exercising early in the day, you might want to try it for at least a week. You may be surprised, and find that after doing it for a week, you’ll never want to quit. The fact is, what you do first thing in the morning has an impact on your whole day. There’s no better way to increase your metabolism and give you a feeling of aliveness.

You may want to try the buddy system, as lot of people find that this motivates them tremendously. What that means is you find a friend, or work out partner, and the two of you meet and exercise together.

You can help one another achieve your respective goals. Now, if you fail to keep an appointment, you’re not only letting yourself down, but your buddy as well. It’s an unbreakable rule that you don’t let your buddies down, whether in combat or at the gym. This is a simple way to find motivation for working out if you need it. This is especially good for sociable people who are energized by doing things with others.

Decide that you will build, cultivate, and maintain a positive attitude in all areas of your life.

Keeping a positive outlook when circumstances are difficult can be hard for anyone. Yet, if you can do it, you can achieve great results. Staying motivated and working out will be easier for you if you can manage to orient yourself in a positive direction. It’s been proven that this is true for anything you want to achieve. Also, you will find that everything tends to affect everything else. You can get a sense of accomplishment when you stick to your fitness program. These positive feelings will, in turn, make it easier to hold onto a positive outlook. So it’s worth doing.

You can use these fitness tips for motivation to affect the most startling personal transformation, ever. But remember to do something, today, and take small action tomorrow and the next day.

There is more information available on building muscle there’s plenty of information not covered on this page, take a look at Author’s website to uncover more.

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How to Get in Shape and Stay in Shape

December 2, 2011 by  
Filed under Get in Shape

It does not take much effort to lose some fat or get in good shape but it is very hard to maintain it. People find it easy to find motivation to exercise for example 2-3 months but exercising for 2-3 years and more is a lot harder. People lose their focus really easily if things do not go according to plan, so knowing exactly how you can get in shape and actually stay in shape is very important.

How to get in shape and stay in shape

First of people have to set themselves specific goals. If you only want to lose weight, then that is good but not good enough. The more specific your goal is the more likely you are to get there. You get set yourself very specific goals like achieving single digit body fat, or losing an x amount of pounds.

If you have set yourself specific goals then the next step is setting measurable goals. If you can´t measure your progress then you can´t tell if you have reached your goal or not.

The mirror is a useful tool to measure your progress but very often the mirror can be very objective. And the scale is also a good way to measure progress but it is not perfect. The scale does not tell you how much fat you have lost of how much lean body mass you have lost. The best way to measure you progress is to weigh yourself and also measure your body fat percentage.

Setting big goals is also very important. If you want to get in shape quick, then you have to dream big. Your goal has to be something that you want not something you think you may achieve. If you want to lose 50 pounds of pure fat, then make this your goal not 20 pounds that you think you may lose. your goal can be even a bit unrealistic but if you believe that it can be done then very often it can.

Also setting short-term and long-term goals is necessary as well.

For example what your ultimate goal is , your 6 month goal, your 3 month goal, Weekly goals (weighing yourself and measuring body fat), daily goals (habits to develop, things to do every day repeatedly) and beating your personal best during your workout for example.

Burn The Fat, Feed The Muscle

Bodybuilding Foods That Will Help You Bulk Up And Still Stay Healthy

December 2, 2011 by  
Filed under Bodybuilding

It is really important that if you are going to seriously get into bodybuilding, you have to start eating the right types of bodybuilding foods. If you are working out every day, but not eating the right foods, you are not going to achieve the results you are after, and will soon give up on your goals of being totally ripped. But, when you are eating bodybuilding foods in addition to working out, you are going to achieve your goals, and do it a lot quicker.

The Top Healthy Bodybuilding Foods

There are many healthy foods that you can eat when you are trying to gain muscle but make sure that you do not gain fat at the same time. Foods that are low in fat and high in protein are excellent for this, and with protein being an essential tool for bodybuilders, these are the foods that you should be eating when you are trying to bulk up while still being healthy. You will find that there are many food choices available to you, but there are some that are better than others for providing protein and the other nutrients that we all need to be healthy.

Egg Whites – The benefits of eggs have long been known to bodybuilders, and they are probably the first type of protein supplement that was ever used. But today, we also know that whole eggs are not always the healthiest choices, especially if they are not prepared in a healthy fashion. You can get all of the protein benefits that eggs have to offer just by eating the egg whites, and there are many different things that you can do with them to keep your diet creative, even if you are using egg whites as bodybuilding foods. You can enjoy delicious egg white omelets, or use egg whites to make eggnogs (using artificial sweetener of course). If you don’t have the patience to separate eggs yourself, you can purchase egg whites at any supermarket.

It doesn’t matter who you are, or what your level of fitness is. We all get the urge for a tasty sweet treat now and again. Even bodybuilders! But, even though we have these cravings, it is important to try to satisfy them with treats that are healthy and diet friendly. When it comes to egg whites, you can create sweet treats in a matter of minutes that will satisfy your cravings, but have no fat, very few calories, and are loaded with protein. You can make meringue cookies with egg whites, a few drops of lemon extract and some artificial sweetener. They only take a few minutes to bake, and they are delicious, healthy treats that even make great bodybuilding foods.

Salmon – Salmon, as well as many other types of fish, are very high in protein, not to mention omega-3 fatty acids that are extremely important. Salmon is also loaded with the good, unsaturated fats that everyone, including bodybuilders, need to have in their diets. The best way to have salmon is in a fillet, either baked or broiled. When you fry it, you get the additional oils that are not healthy, unless of course you are using olive oil, which is also loaded with protein and other nutrients. It is better to go right to the fish section of your supermarket to get fresh salmon, as it has the most nutritional benefits. If you are unable to get fresh salmon, frozen will also do the trick.

The healthiest way to prepare your salmon, especially if you are using it as one of your bodybuilding foods, is to bake it. The easiest way to do so is to simply get rid of all the bones, place it on a baking sheet with your favorite seasonings (lemon pepper is really nice on salmon), and bake at 400 degrees for 10 to 15 minutes, or until it is flaky and pink in the center.

Sweet Potatoes – This is something that is becoming more and more popular these days, and unlike the sticky sweet potato dishes you are used to seeing at family get-togethers, there are actually many healthy dishes you can make with this vegetable. And, just one ounce of sweet potatoes will provide you with four grams of protein, and added to meat and other vegetables, you can get much of the protein you need in a day in one single meal.

If you love sweet potato fries, but don’t want to have the grease and fat that goes with them, you can still enjoy this tasty treat. Cut your sweet potatoes to look like fries, but instead of deep frying them, bake them in the oven. They will come out crispy and tasty, but be a much healthier alternative to their greasy counterpart.

Getting enough Protein Is Essential

Even if you are eating all kinds of healthy bodybuilding foods, you may still not be getting enough protein in your diet, which is essential if you really want to bulk up, and have the energy to do it. If this is the case for you, it is a good idea to add protein supplements to your diet. Not only will you be getting the additional protein you need, you will also be getting many other vitamins, minerals and other nutrients that our bodies need, whether or not we are into bodybuilding. You will find that there are many different types of protein supplements available, and the ones you use will really depend on your needs, your personal tastes, and your lifestyle.