Are Steroids a Problem in Body Building?
August 20, 2012 by admin
Filed under Body Builders
Article by Andrew Lee
Are Steroids a Problem in Body Building? – Health
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Body building is a sport that really reached the national (and to some extent, global) consciousness when Arnold Schwarzenegger was dominating the scene back in the late 1970’s. The documentary “Pumping Iron,” which followed Schwarzenegger and memorably told his story as he attempted to win yet another Mr. Olympia title, really helped the general public to see what body building was all about.
However, since those times, the sport has become very much a niche thing all over again. Body builders now are considered to be “roided out freaks” rather than mostly-proportionate, big, strong guys like Arnold Schwarzenegger and Lou Ferrigno were. Many people simply do not like the sport because they know the competitors are not clean. So, are steroids a serious problem or even a threat to the future of body building?
As a consequence of the fact that steroids have such a negative stigma attached to them, natural body building has become a more popular thing in recent years. Organizations such as the INBF/WNBF, INBA/PNBA, and more hold body building contests where urinalysis tests are required before competition. Other events such as Muscle Mania or Ultimate Fitness Events do the same thing, and their hope is that this kind of body building brings a certain legitimacy to a sport that was trying in vain to be included in the Olympics several years ago.
Since Arnold’s time as the most famous professional body builder of all time, the sport has really gotten a black eye from the knowledge that most of its competitors (if not all, at the top levels) have used steroids. Despite the fact that anybody could simply
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or a similar substance and use it themselves, people see this steroid use as something that makes body builders even less relatable as people than they already were because of their unbelievable builds.
In fact, Arnold Schwarzenegger himself has had to distance himself from the sport because it linked him to world of steroid use that he had to escape when he became a politician. Because steroids are illegal in the United States, it is not just a matter of using a supplement that is frowned upon, but actual criminal activity that we’re talking about.
Many organizations or events do not worry about testing for anything at all, and instead turn a blind eye to what can only be called rampant steroid and other substance use for athletes that need to train as hard as possible in order to build unbelievable physiques. Whether or not mainstream America or the rest of the world would warm to the sport even if steroids were not an issue is not known. However, we do know that in many countries (especially the United States), steroid use is frowned upon in professional sports, which could definitely be holding body building back from becoming a bigger sport.
In such a visual sport, though, where the results are all about looks and not objective performance (such as lifting an object of a certain weight in a power lifting competition), how could we go backward and start celebrating people with physiques cannot match up to what we saw in years past? After all, that’s what banning steroid use outright would do to the sport of body building.
It is a very controversial topic and there is no right or wrong answer in sight, but one thing is for sure: body building and steroid use will continue to be linked, possibly for as long as the sport exists. For better or worse, it’s something body building will not be able to get away from anytime soon.
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Generic labs produce anabolic steroids in the form of injections as well as oral steroids. Customers have rated both of them as being superb and up to mark in terms of performance.
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I am an online marketing consultant with expertise in SEO, SEM, Web Analytics & Affiliate marketing.
Generic labs produce anabolic steroids in the form of injections as well as oral steroids. Customers have rated both of them as being superb and up to mark in terms of performance.
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The Importance of Anabolic Steroids for athletes and body builders
August 8, 2012 by admin
Filed under Body Builders
Article by Ashley Burks
The Importance of Anabolic Steroids for athletes and body builders – Health – Fitness
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The Importance of Anabolic Steroids for athletes and body builders
It is an irrefutable fact that the athletes and body builders pay serious attention for building a well built and muscular body. All of them need to adhere to a nutrient rich diet and some even take additional health supplement. However those who want to get a robust figure use the anabolic steroids.
As a matter of fact, the Anabolic steroids are a cluster of synthetic steroid hormones that are used for stimulating bone and muscular growth. Till date more than 100 such hormones have been developed. In USA one requires a prescription for using them. Several types of needles and syringes are needed for injecting the steroids. The oil based ones are injected with intramuscular needles. But the water based steroids are given with shorter sub skin needle.
There are some people who mix the popular Anabolic steroids like dianabol, winstrol, sustanon etc together and then push the injection. However a person who wants to inject such steroids in to his body needs to be careful about certain facts. There are certain factors that need to be taken in to consideration for ensuring his safety. First of all he needs to verify the date of expiry of the product. This is vital for his health.
A large part of the body builders and athletes use the steroids. It is another matter that few of them admit the truth. The water and oil based anabolic steroids need to be taken intramuscularly. What this means that the injection must pierce the skin and break through the muscle directly. The body places preferred for giving intramuscular injections include thigh, buttock and deltoid part of the arm.
He needs to clean his hands thoroughly before touching the syringe or the needle with disinfectant. It will diminish the chances of contamination. It is very important to check that the syringe does not contain any air bubble. For each dosage a fresh syringe and needle need to be used. It is never recommended to inject the steroids in to vein as they are meant to be injected in the muscle. After using a needle a person should not share it with anyone.
However the women body builders and athletes need to be particularly careful about injecting these steroids. This is because they have a different anatomy and improper dose of these steroids can result in hormonal imbalance in the body of a woman which is definitely not desirable. It needs to be kept in mind that the anabolic steroids are after all the synthetic derivates of male hormones.
Dianabol is a steroid that is used by a lot of people. Men should take it in dosages not exceeding 50 mg per day. For women this limit should not exceed 10 mg per day. It is known to have caused side effects like acne and increased blood pressure. Some athletes use it in conjunction with Proviron and Nolvadex. For gaining body mass and strength it can be used in combination with Winstrol.
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John Burks is author of this article on dianabol. Find more information about winstrol here.
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John Burks is author of this article on dianabol. Find more information about winstrol here.
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Do Bodybuilding Supplements Contain Steroids?
July 8, 2012 by admin
Filed under Body Builders
Article by Engr. Al M. Kind
Do Bodybuilding Supplements Contain Steroids? – Health – Supplements and Vitamins
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Contact Us was recently raided this September 2009 for allegedly selling products containing anabolic steroids. The steroids that have become so popular in the recent news lately once again grab the headlines.From baseball, football, track and field, to practically all Olympic sports the steroid saga has not stopped. Steroids enhance the performance of athletes through promoting bigger gains in lean muscle and assisting in fat The recent raid at has confused many people. Despite the on-going campaign against steroids that has reached even the congress, still carelessly sold them. Is it really true that they did?The simple answer would be: Yes., the world’s largest bodybuilding store and bodybuilding website with millions of members did sell steroids. But as with all things in this world, it isn’t that simple. It isn’t black and white. Several of’s products tested positive on the following substances: Madol, Tren, Androstenedione, Superdrol and Turinabol. Most of them are what you call “prohormones.”There were not classified as steroids until recently. They are not steroids but simply substances with steroid like properties. Prohormones accomplish this by transforming themselves into steroids when broken down by the body. Although the manufacturers claim that these products produced effects that were equal to steroids they did not. But hordes of bodybuilders did believe the marketing hype and these supplements sold off the website quickly.So what went wrong? The FDA issued several warnings to about these products. It was not until recently that the FDA did not approve of that these prohormones were steroids. They actually allowed these products to pass off as supplements. However, recently the FDA branded that these prohormones were steroids. Nobody really knows what steroids are anymore. Technically steroids, anabolic steroids, are derivatives of the male hormone testosterone. This hormone is responsible for male gender specific traits in bodybuilding’s case muscle hypertrophy. But since the FDA now considers prohormones in the same category as steroids they are now prohibited. That is why the raids on the’s warehouses and several other retailers as well.For now bodybuilding supplements do not contain steroids. Prohormone based supplements are out of the market. Hopefully the FDA will make a clearer distinction to what constitutes a steroid. Because the steroid craze might never end.
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A weekday Communications Engineer and a Weekend Runner. Engr. Al has studied Cushion Running Shoes extensively. You can check the experiences he shares at
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A weekday Communications Engineer and a Weekend Runner. Engr. Al has studied Cushion Running Shoes extensively. You can check the experiences he shares at
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Steve Cook, 2011 BodySpace Spokesmodel Winner From Boise, Idaho, Steve Cook fell in love with lifting weights while playing high school football. This past year he has taken the bodybuilding and fitness industry by storm with triumphs in multiple natural bodybuilding competitions, winning the Fit Body Contest, stealing the show at Muscle&Fitness Magazine’s Male Model Search, and now with his recent title of 2011 BodySpace Spokesmodel. With his boy-next-door good looks, amazingly symmetrical physique, and dedication to serving as a role model to others, his star will continue to rise. When asked what he would do as a BodySpace Spokesmodel Steve summed it up in one simple word, “HELP.” As a representative for a community of over 700000 members, he will have plenty of help to give. To learn more about Steve Cook’s training, workout routine, diet and exercies go to
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Football Training Aids – Use Steroids – Develop Better Football Skills
May 21, 2012 by admin
Filed under Speed Workouts
Article by Andrew Berkey
Football Training Aids – Use Steroids – Develop Better Football Skills – Sports – Football
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Yes, use steroids, break into the starting line up and maybe get that college scholarship. They are only the football training aids the needed to be bigger, stronger and faster. Anabolic steroids are football training aids in a bottle, guaranteed to develop your football skills.Look what they have done for other athletes like Chris Benoit or the late Lyle Alzado and former USA track star Marion Jones.What were they thinking? As of this writing Marion Jones sits in jail for lying about her use of steroids, after having been stripped of her Olympic gold medals for using steroids. Former All Pro Denver Bronco, Lyle Alzado died before his time. Chris Benoit will be remembered more for murdering his family and killing himself, than he will for his wrestling career.It is our position the greatest football training aids are heart and drive, used properly, these football training aids can help you develop better football skills than steroids.Let’s consider 5’7 165lbs. Rudy Reuttiger, too small to play big time college ball. He had few football skills and even less talent. November 8, 1975, after 2 years of playing on the practice squad, Rudy finally played two downs for Notre Dame. Utilizing his football training aids of heart and desire, Rudy registered one sack and is currently the last player to be carried off the field by his team mates.What made Rudy a Notre Dame legend? Why is there a movie about Rudy’s college career?Rudy used heart and drive as his football training aids. Developing his football skills, he fulfilled his dream of running through the tunnel onto the field of Notre Dame. Today’s young football players face more pressure than ever before, to break the starting line up and try to win the ” Holy Grail” a college scholarship. They also have more football training aids available to develop football skills. Football training aids today include training videos, articles on the net and football training equipment all designed to help players develop better football skills. There summer football training camps, advanced work out techniques and better gym equipment. It is our sincere hope today’s players these football training aids, not steroids, to develop their football skills.Football skills can be developed by practicing speed and agility drills. Strength can be increased by a regimented work out program done in the gym. Check with your coaches and trainers, they can give you a strength conditioning program designed specifically for you. These are football training aids that can improve your on field performance with out risking your life.Many games are won or lost in the 4th quarter, fourth quarter conditioning drills separate the winners from second best. Running and wind sprints should be part of your football conditioning program. Jogging exercises the heart as an organ, wind sprints work it as a muscle. Combined these will be the football training aids used to keep you in condition for the 4th quarter.The challenge is this, if an undersized and dyslexic Rudy Reuttiger can accomplish all that he did, given his limitations, what can you do with your all of your football skills?What football training aids will you use to develop your football skills, heart, desire and hard work, or steroids?Glory is fleeting, football careers are short, and the damage caused by steroids can last a life time. Just ask Marion Jones or the widow of the late Lyle Alzado.
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Anabolic Steroids – Effective on the Body
March 22, 2012 by admin
Filed under Body Builders
Article by Daniel Hirsch
Anabolic steroid is s synthetic compound which is basically derived from the testosterone. Steroids are god if prescribed by doctors due to any deficiency and health problems but taking it only for muscle gain and as habit will result in many health disorders like the physiological effects including strength, bone growth, muscle mass, high protein levels and appetite. These steroids are good if used in proportionate quantity and can cause ill side effects to body especially when not prescribed. Athletes and sports persons are advised to take steroids under medical supervision to avoid long term health ailments. These are medications which initially provide stamina and strength but slowly make your body weak permanently. Anabolic steroid is considered armful and deadly drug for human body. It use is under speculations and many misconceptions prevail.
Anavar-Oxandrolone is perfect steroid which gives body clean and cut toned look. This is ideal but will not help in muscle gaining mass. You can burn the excess muscle mass with Anavar-Oxandrolone as it is steroid associated especially for burning ample muscle mass. It has mild side effects on the liver and very few effects on the natural sex hormones of body. Though it is expensive but can be readily found in foreign countries on sale.The solid form of this steroid is capsules and it packed with a quantity of 25mg for a single dose. This oral androgen substitute works as a receptor in muscles and helps in gaining or repairing tissue strength. Proviron is a typical hardening agent and functions like a libido booster in the body. This synthesis steroid basically recommended to the players, body builders and athletes. Nevertheless, it does not pose any harmful effect on the human body, but it helps in reducing excessive weight and fat including water from the body.
Oxandrolone was earlier called by the brand name as Anavar in United States. It was produced by Searle- a drug manufacturer in year 1964. When it was introduced this was very mild drug which can be used for stimulating the child’s growth. Don’t worry as this steroid will not stunt the growth rather it increases the estrogen produced in the body and hence most of the women have less height than men.
After all this one must be finding that how the steroids are available for sale? In some countries there is black marketing of the products done whereas in many countries steroids are readily available for sale but most of them with prescriptions. Steroids for Sale are available in various brands and products by manufacturers. There are steroids for muscle gains, skinny body types, athletes and weightlifters the steroids differ and the proportion and guidelines are different. There are misconceptiosn regarding the side effects experienced by people with steroids consumption. Remember, through research and planning, quality Steroids for Sale can be found.
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74 Year Old Female Body Builder only started exercising at age 56. It’s not too late to get in Fantastic Shape! You will notice that even though this is a woman of faith, and a testimony to God, that there will be very immoral comments about those wanting sex with this woman posted under this video. It shows how we have a shameless culture and those without conscious today. No class, no respect and clueless.
Get Biggest With Steroids
December 2, 2011 by admin
Filed under Bodybuilding
There are various medical shops and online stores offering steroids on heavy discounts these days. Elements like cholesterol and sex hormones in the body can also be classified under them. Most of the people prefer the natural production of hormones in the body, but these days, people who want to go a bit over the top use these external agents in the form of inject steroids. There is categorical evidence that the detrimental effects of steroid use have ruined many a promising athletes career as they are not allowed to use them while practicing games. Many examples can be seen from our day to day life where people are using steroids to increase the metabolic rate of their bodies. If done in a safe and secured manner, they are good, but anything done or taken in excess has detrimental effects on the body.
Anyone, who is taking steroids without proper medical prescription is asking for trouble. There have been many cases brought up by media where several people have been caught taking these illegal drugs. Though, there are some positive sides to it too. Treatment of disorders associated with the hormonal functions in the body, asthma, kidney diseases and paralysis of the facial muscles advocate their positive effects on human body. Corticosteroids are among the most common forms of inject steroids which are put to use for the treatment of a multiple of medical conditions of the body. Many a times, you have to carry a doctors prescription while carrying them with you to the places to save you from the trouble. People who are into the use of these drugs, experience better recovery rate, reduction in pain due to any illnesses or injuries, lean body characteristics and increased muscles. All these positive effects of these drugs usually result in boosting the confidence of the user. People who commonly make use of anabolic drugs are those who are into weight training. Many weightlifters and wrestlers use them to enhance their physical features and get big muscular bodies.
For more information about steroids and inject steroids click here: .
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Best Muscle Building Steroids
December 2, 2011 by admin
Filed under Muscle Building
Article by kilian
Muscle building steroids are in high demand among teenagers, body builders and athletes, owing to their strength enhancing and body mass building properties. These properties notwithstanding, the use of steroids has always been dissuaded due to their extensive and sometimes irreversible side effects. However, not all steroids can be termed debilitating. For instance, there is a class of safe and effective muscle building steroids for beginners and advanced users. While most of the best muscle building steroids have herbal constituents and can be obtained over the counter, certain others are anabolic steroids that cannot be bought without a prescription.
The type and quantity of muscle building steroids used is dependent on the results desired by the user. Users need to determine their goals before selecting a steroid and starting a steroid cycle.
Best Muscle Building Steroids for BulkingThe muscle building steroidsare able to enhance body bulk quickly, without any severe side effects. Some of the best muscle building steroids available today are:1. Anadrol2. Dianabol3. Deca Durabolin4. Equipoise5. Sustanon 2506. Trenbolone 7.Testosterone (propionate, enanthate, cypionate)
These drugs can be taken in combination (stacking) with other drugs to improve their efficacy and accelerate results. The preferred steroid combination for both male and female bodybuilders is Deca-Durabolin and Dianabol. The drugs Anadrol and Dianabol should not be used together, because of their ill effects on the liver.
Best Muscle Building Steroids for a Lean FrameOne of the best muscle building steroids that help users reduce body bulk and obtain a lean body frame is Winstrol This steroid helps concentrate muscular mass, resulting in well-developed, strong and taut body muscles. Other muscle building steroids available in the market are:1. Primobolan2. Anavar3. Masteron4. Testosterone Propionate5.Trenbolone
You can procure high-quality muscle building steroids at cost-effective prices on websites such as The site also offers comprehensive information on anabolic steroids, diet supplements, training and steroid cycle that one must follow to attain the best results.
Muscle building steroids are used to enhance performance and to improve physical appearance. They are taken orally or injected, typically in cycles of weeks or months, rather than continuously. Read online for more details!
Steroids in Muscle Building
December 2, 2011 by admin
Filed under Muscle Building
Hormones are gatekeepers of body functions, they regulate most of the body processes. Excess or deficiency of any hormone can have a lot of impact on your body. Any imbalance in hormones results in a side effect. e.g. acne is widely attributed to hormonal imbalances.
The Thyroid Glands: This gland is situated close to the back of the head, by the neck region. Production of hormones is pumped to this region to stimulate the body’s movement. This gland also work with another gland called the endocrine glands to produce such nutrients as trilodothyonine hormones and thyrotropin.
One of the most important facets that must be addressed is nutrition. Any respectable muscle building review will include the significant role that a proper weight lifting diet plays in building mass. To actually gain muscle mass the body must remain in an anabolic state.
Simply put, you must feed your body frequent, small meals to prevent it from breaking down the muscle you have gained for food.
You should automatically know that the person who is giving you muscle building advice is a quack if he plays down the role of drugs and genetics in building muscle. A lot of the movie stars you see and whose wonderful physiques you admire, have used steroids to rapidly build their bodies up.
If you are not taking anabolic steroids, and have done resistance training consistently for around two years or more, you are not going to gain much more muscle than you already have. It won’t matter how much protein you take in, gains are going to come slowly. Don’t get me wrong, it is possible to keep gaining muscle each year, but it definitely gets harder the bigger that you get.
Due to the absence of this, immense increase of muscle mass for girls remains a dream. Well you may like to argue since you have perceived scores of pictures of women bodybuilders. But they are familiar with the utilization of anabolic steroids or synthetic testosterone along with other drugs. The application of these enables them to gain good muscles.
Prohormones are transformed by the human body into anabolic hormones. In conditions of fat loss effects and muscle-building, these are identical to steroids, and will increase the muscle strength and size. Depending on the precise type, it has the ability to decrease excess fat too, boost training intensity levels and increase sex drive.
Your hormones play an important role in muscle building. The right muscle building guide should help you understand how to use your hormone secretion cycles to maximize the muscle gain. For example, insulin acts as a driver to drive the glucose into the muscle tissues as muscle glycogen.
Read about womens magazine. Also read about pelvic inflammatory disease symptoms and female sexual dysfunction. CLICK THIS LINK to download part 1 of my Manifesto Of Strength document for free. Elliott Hulse shares his ideas about the use of anabolic steroids for athletes, building muscle, jumping higher, gaining mass… and why he believes that you are far better off by living a strong lifestyle that supports your body to produce its own anabolic steroids naturally.
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Muscle Building Steroids – Legal Steroids For Muscle Building
December 2, 2011 by admin
Filed under Muscle Building
Article by Muscle Gaining Expert
Taking steroids for muscle building has become almost a fashion. Every next person found of bodybuilding prefers to rely on steroids. These steroids are over the counter products easily available in the market. They come in the category of artificial hormones and are also known as anabolic steroids. They help increase the protein synthesis in the human body. It results in building cellular tissues particularly in muscles. That is why sports persons and bodybuilders love to take it to build muscles and enhance physical strength.
Legality of a steroid depends on the purpose for which it is being used. These are used for medicinal purposes also. If it is prescribed by a doctor for medical purposes, it is construed to be legal use of steroids. Use of steroids by bodybuilders and sportspersons to enhance their performance is called illegal. The steroids taken on the event of sports quickly helps gain body mass. It makes body stronger. But there is a downside to this aspect. The side effects of these steroids are very harmful. There are many health risks involved in taking steroids. It increases the bad cholesterol level in the body. It also raises blood pressure level. Its effects on heart are very dangerous. It may even damage the liver. Some of these health effects may be mitigated but some may prove to be fatal. Muscle Building Steroids
That is why they are kept in the category of restricted medicines. That is how these steroids are called illegal or legal steroids. Legal status of the steroids varies from state to state. In some states there is a strict control on the possession and sale of steroids. In America steroids come in the category of controlled substance whose possession without prescription is an offence and therefore punishable crime. Most of the international sports institutions have banned the use of steroids by sportspersons. But all the steroids have not been declared illegal.
Some steroids are legal and there are least side effects involved in taking these steroids. For example Hooded diet pills are said to have little side effects. On the other hand it helps raise the testosterone level to a considerable extent. But it is not easy to find out legal steroids. All the manufacturers claim their product to be legal. The labels on these products promise to build muscles within a short period of time. So it is advisable to consult a doctor before a doctor before using a steroid. Being a medical specialist he can better advice the pros and cons of the steroids. So be careful before you try out steroids for bodybuilding. Muscle Building Steroids
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