Next-Level Flat Stomach Exercises

August 8, 2012 by  
Filed under Abdominal Exercises

Article by Paolo Basauri

Next-Level Flat Stomach Exercises – Health – Fitness

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Flat stomach exercises are great to keep your torso in shape, however, as you spend more time in your training, you’ll find out that you need something more, you need advanced flat stomach exercises. Yet, few people take advantage of flat stomach exercises, and they keep doing routines that will show no further improvement in their stomachs.

The Vacuum

One of these advanced but simple exercises is the vacuum. The vacuum is a stomach exercise that has been practiced for years by bodybuilders across the world. But don’t be fooled, although it may sound simple, it is hard to master. The vacuum targets your transverse abdominus muscles, the deeper muscles in your abs section and the most important part of your core. Because of this, the vacuum should be the first exercise to master in order to provide a solid foundation to the development of the other muscles. Here’s how to do it:

Inhale until your lungs are full.

1.While slowly exhaling, try bring your belly button towards your spine.

2.Once you feel your sides tighten, hold the position for 10 seconds.

3.Exhale. This is one repetition.

Upside-Down Dumbbell lift

Another of the flat stomach exercises, that’ll help you reach the next level, is the Upside-Down Dumbbell Lift. This is an advanced exercises that should be done correctly to avoid injuries and serious conditions. Do not attempt to do it without first consulting with a professional trainer:

1.Lie down on your stomach on a weight bench

2.Border your torso off the edge of the weight bench and clasp a flat weight against your chest with the arms crossed.

3.Move up and down, using your stomach only to make the movements. If you feel the burn on other sides, stop doing the exercise, you are doing it wrong.

These two flat stomach exercises will help you reach new levels of fitness on your stomach area, however they’ll be of little help if you don’t add to them a healthy diet and a cardio training program. These two additional things will help you get rid of the fat on your body, a fat that keeps your worked out abs from showing.

I recommend you to work with an interval cardio program. Interval training will speed up your fat burning results and you’ll be ready to show your healthy body in no time. There are more advanced abs exercises for you to try, but first learn to master these two flat stomach exercises. Good luck!

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Learn how to get the stomach you want with The Truth About Six Pack Abs.

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Paolo Basauri

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Learn how to get the stomach you want with The Truth About Six Pack Abs.

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By Pointing Out Best Stomach Exercises

August 6, 2012 by  
Filed under Arm Exercises

Article by Jane Anderson

By Pointing Out Best Stomach Exercises – Health – Fitness

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It is common, many people wish to look their finest, and working out their ab muscles is generally a huge a part of most fitness programs. If that’s the case much time and effort will probably be centered on this group of muscles, it may be beneficial to be aware what the very best stomach workouts are. You will find many assets readily available for finding the right stomach exercises, and lots of individuals to say the things they think about the best, just how can an individual decide upon themselves which truly are the most useful exercises for working their ab muscles?

First of all it is important to note that the best stomach exercises are those that a person is willing to do. No matter how effective the exercise is, if a person isn’t going to do them consistently the exercise will not benefit that particular individual. It is also important to note that the best stomach exercises do not necessarily require equipment to perform them, although some machines and equipment may work quite well for some people.

Whenever a person decides to visit on the exercise program which includes stomach exercises, it is advisable to include stomach exercises that actually work aspects of the stomach. If an individual simply focuses on an area of the stomach, there workout won’t be as effective. The very best stomach exercises, mix working the oblique, which are side muscles, the low abs, the abdominal area as well as the upper section.

Many people think about the best stomach exercises to become incorporated in a Pilate’s workout. The reason behind being in Pilates, the entire focus is around the core from the body the abdominal, or ab muscles. Every movement inside a Pilate’s workout works the ab muscles either directly or not directly. These exercises are available on the web, either the exercise itself or video’s that may be purchased.

Another exercise that some fitness experts views to become among the best stomach exercises involves lounging flat in your stomach, leg straight after which raising the body up making use of your arms as the hands are clasped together and keeping the body straight as though carrying out a push-up. Hold it as lengthy as you can stand. This is a great movement to strengthen the entire stomach.

Remember again though that simply because one individual may think about a specific exercise to be the greatest stomach exercise that doesn’t always mean it is right for everybody. Every individual has its own way of responding in a different way to particular actions. Anyone seriously interested in focusing on the stomach muscles will discover it most useful to test a number of different stomach exercises after which pick which one they are able to both feel and find out results with. If a person exercise is just too difficult to do properly, or doesn’t seem like it’s done anything for that group of muscles labored, that being active is clearly not the very best and also the person should determine what works well with them.

About the Author

The concept may sound simple, but putting it into action can be quite challenging. It will take dedication, time and patience to get a six pack; but in the end, the effort is well worth it. To get six pack abs you need to do two things: lose fat and build muscle. It’s the Truth About Abs. If you’re looking for the best Six Pack Abs instructional guide. Having 6 pack abs not only strengthens your core back and stomach. But gives confidence through better health.

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Jane Anderson

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The concept may sound simple, but putting it into action can be quite challenging. It will take dedication, time and patience to get a six pack; but in the end, the effort is well worth it. To get six pack abs you need to do two things: lose fat and build muscle. It’s the Truth About Abs. If you’re looking for the best Six Pack Abs instructional guide. Having 6 pack abs not only strengthens your core back and stomach. But gives confidence through better health.

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Flat Stomach Exercises – Show Off Your Abs

June 12, 2012 by  
Filed under Abdominal Exercises

Article by Jeremy Arteago

Flat Stomach Exercises – Show Off Your Abs – Health

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If you are looking to get a flat stomach, there are some different exercises that you can do that will help you out. There are three primary flat stomach exercises that will help get your stomach flat and show off your abs. The abdominal muscles respond the best when the exercises you do concentrate on each different part of the abdominals. These parts are the upper abdominals, the lower abdominals, and the obliques. By following along, you will learn three flat stomach exercises that you can do in the comfort of your own home.

The different parts of the abdominal muscles should be worked in different segments. The three exercises represent the three abdominal muscle parts.

The first of the flat stomach exercises is the best upper abdominals exercise, and is a basic crunch. Doing this will help your upper abs. First thing is to get on your back on the floor, or an exercise mat, and put your hands to the side of your head, or across your chest. Keep your knees bent at a 90 degree angle and your feet should be resting on the floor. Lift your shoulder blades off the ground and pretend like you’re trying to touch your elbows to your knees, but do not move your legs and concentrate on just using your stomach muscles only.

The second flat stomach exercise is the best lower abdomen work out, also known as the reverse crunch. To start out with, line your back on the floor just like you did before with the regular crunch. But this time instead of bending your knees, keep them straight and have your feet lifted about 6 inches off of the ground. Slowly bring your knees closer to your chest, and then back down again, not touching the ground, about 6 inches off just like you started. It’s good to do 3 to 4 sets of about 15 to 30 repetitions.

The of the flat stomach exercises is for your obliques, and is called the oblique crunch. Start on your back with your knees bent, but lay your left foot flat on the floor. Keep your right knee bent, and place your right foot cross your left knee. Then place your left hand on the side of your head and place your right hand on the floor. Curl your body with a twisting movement, and bring your left shoulder to your right knee. Uncurl your body and lay your back against the ground again and this will complete one repetition.

These sound fairly easy, and they are. The toughest part is coming up with the motivation to actually do them. If you get the motivation part handled, you will have a flat stomach in no time.

About the Author

Not only does Jeremy enjoy a flat stomach, he reviews vacuum cleaners as well. Come visit his latest site over at Rainbow Vacuum Cleaners and learn more about the Rainbow vacuum cleaner.

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Not only does Jeremy enjoy a flat stomach, he reviews vacuum cleaners as well. Come visit his latest site over at Rainbow Vacuum Cleaners and learn more about the Rainbow vacuum cleaner.

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whereby the original author’s information and copyright must be included. – Are you looking to get tight and tone on your abs and sides? This flat stomach exercise, known as raised leg crunches, gets rid of love handles and flattens the stomach. This is one of the best exercises for a stomach workout.

Flat Stomach Exercise

June 5, 2012 by  
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Article by Mike Misty

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The age old crunch is a mainstay of personal trainers across the globe, no one likes doing them, but unfortunately they are one of the best flat stomach exercises around. There is the one bonus however; crunches are cheap and easy to do. They require no special equipment; just a little willpower, a clean space, and some time every day. Unfortunately because crunches are some of the most hated stomach exercises you may want to take out a little “insurance” to make sure you follow through with your workouts. Working out with a friend is always a good strategy, having a workout buddy will help to keep you motivated and on task with your flat exercises.

Next time you go into your garage to dust off that Ab Lounge, you might want to remember this — the best ab exercise will set you back zero. That’s right, it won’t cost you anything, because you already have everything you need to do this exercise. Every time you walk, you are using the equipment you will need for this ab exercise. If you are thinking your iPod, quit thinking. That’s right, it’s your own two feet. You know what the best flat stomach exercise is? I’ve already told you. If you are on the ball and paying attention, you’d answer that the best abs exercise is walking, and you’d be right.

The best stomach exercises will work all areas of the abdominal region: upper, lower, and obliques. Focusing on these three areas by performing abdominal exercises will help to attain the flat that you are looking for. Begin by using the listed exercises, but don’t limit yourself to only these. Once you become proficient in these, you can begin utilizing other exercises to help your progress.

Most of us are aware of the fact that in order to achieve the goal of having, it is going to be necessary for us to exercise. Although diet plays a large part in reducing our body fat as well, it is the exercise that is going to cause our abdominals to be flat and lean. There are some specific stomach exercises that you should be paying attention to, however, and these are going to be what makes the major difference in exactly how lean you look.

If you are really engrossed with losing those “love handles” then you have to do age famous crunch. It surely is hard but it is the most effective flat stomach exercises to help you realize a flat stomach. If you are unconvinced, try to think about this – why do you think fitness trainers all over the globe always includes this in their top list of exercise routines? The answer is simple. Every time you consult a fitness trainer, crunches are part of the exercise routines because it has proven its capacity with regards to effectiveness in creating that six-pack abs that is coveted by both men and women.

Stomach crunches are the most common and well used of all exercises today. It cannot help you to lose weight, but it can tone and firm up your stomach. Stomach crunches are the best exercises around and they don’t require any special equipment to do them. It can be tough sticking to an exercise routine that incorporates stomach crunches, and to really get a good workout for your stomach you need to do about 3 sets of at least 10 crunches a day. Don’t worry about doing that many all at once though, when you start out you may not be able to do more than a few, just keep on working at them and you will start to build up your ability to do them and increase the amount you can do.

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Read about breast enlargement. Also read about enhance breast size and increase penis size

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Read about breast enlargement. Also read about enhance breast size and increase penis size

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Stomach Exercises For Men

April 13, 2012 by  
Filed under Arm Exercises

 Is it impossible? Quite the contrary my friend, stomach exercises for men are what you need in order to get the results you want!

So, what are the best stomach exercises for men? If you think they are exercises for the stomach on weight machines you are wrong. The best exercises for losing your stomach can be performed anywhere you feel free to do it, let’s look at them.

The Vacuum

The vacuum is one of the forgotten stomach exercises for men. It’s a breathing exercise that will work your transverse abdominal muscles, the deeper set of muscles in your stomach. The steps are pretty simple:

Slowly Inhale until your lungs are full.
While slowly exhaling, bring your belly button towards your spine.
Once you feel your sides tighten it means it is working. Hold the position for 10 seconds.

This is one repetition. Repeat 10 times.

The Bicycle Exercise

Recent studies have shown that the bicycle is the exercise that triggers the most activity on your abs. This makes it an excellent stomach exercise for men, and it works many parts of the abs section at once.

Lie on a flat surface; make sure your lower back is pressed on the ground.
Take your hands behind your ears. Then bring up your knees at a 45 degree angle.
Start doing a bicycle pedalling motion. Touch your elbow with the opposite knee (right elbow with left knee and so on, alternating).
Breathe relaxed and evenly throughout the whole exercise.

The Vertical Leg Crunch

The vertical leg crunch is a variation of the common crunch. It adds a twist to the movement, increasing its power.

Lie on your back on a flat surface, using a mat or a towel.
Put your hands behind your ears.
Lift your legs into the air locking them at the ankles and bending slightly your knees.
Raise your head, shoulders and upper back to a 30 degree angle by using your abs.
Go back slowly and repeat for a set.

The Plank

Did you think Pilates was just for women? Pilates have excellent stomach exercises for men, since they work the core area of your body, giving you superior strength.

Here’s how to do the most effective exercise, the plank:

Lie face down.
With your elbows push your body and stay on your elbows and fingertips.
Hold for 30-60 seconds.
Repeat 3 times.

These stomach exercises for men will give you strength and definition. However don’t forget your cardio routine and a healthy diet if you want the six pack to fully show.

Learn how The Truth About Six Pack Abs can help you get a tight stomach in our exclusive review.

While you are there be sure to join our free newsletter for tips and more product reviews. – Visit for more. Stomach exercises and nutrition tips to lose belly fat.
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Know All About Flat Stomach Exercises And Diets

March 6, 2012 by  
Filed under Abdominal Exercises

Article by Steve Cantey

There are many of us who are struggling with stomach fat and no matter how much we try we are unable to get rid of this fat. There are many overweight people who cannot get rid of the stubborn belly fat and hence are fed up with all the exercises and workouts that they do. There are other people who try to lose the fat by doing a lot of abdominal crunches and sit ups only to discover that they lose only a few inches. For those who have been trying hard to get rid of the excess stomach fat there is good news. Flat stomach exercises and diets are the secrets that one must resort to in order to get that flat stomach of his or her dreams.

To begin with one should focus on flat stomach exercises and diets to get rid of that excess flab. The most common form of workouts that work on the stomach is the cardio vascular exercises that help in burning fat from the stomach and hence ensure that you get the abs of your dreams. These exercises are very popular than the conventional exercises like crunches and sit ups as they tend to tone the stomach and burn more calories then them. One cannot get a flat stomach if he or she has a layer of fat deposited on the stomach. This fat will not go away with just crunches and sit ups. This is the reason why one should resort to these exercises in order to knock off the extra pounds from the stomach area. The cardio vascular exercises serve the purpose of burning fat all over the body and thus reduce much of the fat that covers the area. With regular cardio vascular exercises one will slowly witness the reducing fat and making the stomach muscles show.

One must remember that flat stomach exercises are not the only ways through which we can remove stomach fat. One should also embrace healthy eating habits that can contribute to help losing the excess stomach flab. One should eat more often with the objective to increase the metabolic rates of the body. One should eat 5-6 meals in a day instead of having three main regular meals. One can include healthy eating habits and thus can along with the above -mentioned flat stomach exercises get the desired results. When we eat less frequently the body stores fat for the future and this in turn reduces the metabolism in the body. On the other hand when we eat more often the body is aware that there is enough food available in the system and thus does not store fat. This results in the rate of metabolism and hence the person does not gain weight around the stomach. One should never resort to crash diets and starve oneself. One should try to maintain regular timings for meals and include plenty of water in one’s diets. The body needs fruits, vegetables, protein, nuts and whole grains to remain healthy. One should try to inculcate these items in the diet along with flat stomach exercises to get that flat stomach that one can flaunt with pride.

Steve Cantey is a Internet Marketing Consultant who has been online since 2001. For additional tips and to get the truth about abs, visit

Four of the Best Stomach Exercises For Women

January 8, 2012 by  
Filed under Arm Exercises

Article by Jeremy Thomas

Although men often battle with saggy guts, women are many times met with the challenge of losing belly fat after pregnancy.

In order to take care of this problem the following are a number of the best stomach exercises for women. A very favored one of the best stomach exercises for women is something labeled the bicycle. What this very exercise tends to target is that area that regularly is coined a six pack.

The process for this includes having your hands resting behind your head, and the knees bent with feet up off the ground.Then, begin to twist your right arm in the way of your left knee, having extended the right leg outwards.

Move from twisting to one arm and knee to the other then stretch out the other leg. Rather than moving the elbow, twist the waist and at the same time try to keep the back straight on the ground.

Or else what happens is that the abs won’t receive much of a workout.Another one of the best stomach exercises for women is the twisting crunch. This involves having your back remain flat on the floor and the feet flat with the knees bent.

Get your hands behind your head and start to crunch up where the right shoulder should move towards the left knee. And then move to the other side of your shoulder and knee. Make sure that you continue to breath properly while doing so for instance – while coming up breath out, and begin to while you lie back but do not come back entirely. As with any other stomach exercise, there should be constant tension experienced around the abs with doing this.

A standing crunch exercise maybe the best stomach exercise for women for any pregnant woman to do to help exercise those abs.This requires you to stand upright and bend slightly forward to where you feel the tightening of your abs and breath out. Hold steady for a number of seconds and gradually see yourself right back up and take a deep breath in.

One more thing that can be done is resting your hands behind your head for support as you lean forward. The V-knee is one of the best stomach exercises for women, although is seen to be a little more of an advanced exercise to engage in.

This begins perched on the floor with arms bent placed behind you, legs straight out, and palms flat on the floor.Start to lean back a little and bring your chest forward once you bring your knees to your chest.

Also have your chest come forward. While keeping your legs in the air, allow them to return to the first position, and do several more repetitions. These exercises can really prove to be amazing for burning belly fat once tried out.

Jeremy Thomas prides himself in keeping his body fit and healthy. To view the full article on this, you can check out: Best Stomach Exercises for Women Aside from that, here’s a review of a great product worth taking a look at: The Truth About Abs Review

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