Strength training for seniors

September 4, 2012 by  
Filed under Strength Training

Article by Clara Lusa

Strength training for seniors – Health – Fitness

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We all need to raise our level of fitness and enjoy the feel good factor that fitness brings. One way to do is through simple strength training. Several studies have shown that strength training is a safe and beneficial activity for adults of all ages. The benefits of senior sport (in Finnish: senioriliikunta) for senior citizens are clear and when combined with outdoor activities such as walking prolongs the life as well as increases quality of life among them.

The basic studies showed that strength exercise is effective for increasing muscle strength and size in senior men, senior women and even nursing home residents.One study was made at John Knox Village in Orange City, Florida where several elderly residents participated in the study to determine benefits of strength training. Dr. Mathur is the Medical Director of John Knox Village. He was very pleased with the patients’ progress, especially their improved functional capacity for the activities of daily living.

According to Dr. Mathur, the program participants exhibited better physical and mental fitness, more endurance, and less low back pain. From a practical perspective, he found the strength training program easy to implement in the nursing home environment. He noted that the strength exercises were simple to teach and uncomplicated to perform, with gradual progressions to facilitate muscle development in elderly individuals.

Norwell Form Function creates through its functions and unique design this possibility. Designed so all people, despite their age, can enjoy it in the park, or at work, in the schoolyard for children with their teachers, or in the sports club.

Their outdoor fitness product line includes several items which are designed for strength training. For example Norwell Form Function Back is a simple way to build up strength in the back, shoulders and biceps.

Back is easy to use as it utilizes the body weight of the user as counterweight.

It’s equipped with a rubber coated seat using a portion of the body weight of the user as resistance. This way the user doesn’t have to make adjustments and it improves the durability.It fits all. There are no adjustments and it is thus always ready to use. The basis of the training is repetition rather than work out by heavy weight training.

Norwell Form Function Sit Up improves those important abdominal muscles, thigh and hip. Sit Up has several applications and it’s easy to use and equipped with a comfortable rubber coated seat. Norwell Form Function Pull Up is an extremely flexible and all round piece of fitness equipment as it combines strength training of a long range of muscle groups.

Pull Up reveals the user’s strength in relation to his body weight–an indicator for the strength level of the upper body. It offers the user a long range of exercises such as chin-up, shoulder, grip and body lift as well as a variety of stretches.

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Do you want to know more about senior sports ( in Finnish: senioriliikunta )?

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Resistance Strength Training – Amazing Maxick

August 29, 2012 by  
Filed under Resistance Training

Having strong muscles and bones is certainly an advantage to your overall health. One way to strengthen your bones and muscles is by doing resistance strength training at home. Strength training can be done by anyone and is beneficial to both men and women. And it is more important for people who have imperfect health condition.

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Weight or resistance is used by your muscles and bones to work against gravitational force. Through this process both body parts become stronger. There are a lot of benefits that you can get out form resistance strength training. One of the most significant is that it will make your bones and muscles even stronger. This lessens the risk of bone fractures and osteoporosis. It also improves mobility, balance and coordination, and help in maintaining a good posture. This kind of training also helps tone your muscles by efficiently burning calories. You will be able to avert obesity thus increasing your self esteem and overall health.

There are a lot of resistance training exercises that you can follow that are all effective just the same. An easy and safe method to follow is by using weight machines. You may also use free weights provided that you have enough experience. Originally used for physical therapy resistance balls are now also used for workouts.  There are also tubing and elastic bands. They are much cheaper and ia very portable allowing you to do workouts almost anywhere.

But before you begin to do any of these exercises you must first see your doctor.

Your doctor will be able to determine what exercises would be most suited for you without doing any harm to your body. Any health condition or any underlying injuries may get aggravated and could lead to more serious ones. You will be able to avoid these things and feel confident when you do your workouts.

It is important to maintain a fit and healthy body. Doing resistance strength training is one way to ensure you have strong muscles and bones, and have a stunning physique. So choose the workout that you are comfortable in doing and be sure to do it on a regular basis.

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This author writes about Amazing Maxick and Upper Body Workout At Home.

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Avoid Injuries With Golf Strength Training

August 21, 2012 by  
Filed under Strength Training

Article by Mike Schlacter

Avoid Injuries With Golf Strength Training – Sports

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Golf is a much more strenuous activity than non-golfers believe, when you play golf you are using most of the muscles in your body, and you are using them in ways that they were not necessarily designed to be used. If you are intent on learning to play golf then the first thing you should realize is that you need to be pretty fit if you want to get anywhere in the game without causing yourself too much grief. All too often people take up golf when they are not really fit enough and there have been cases where people have injured themselves in such a way that they never play golf again.

Most professionals golfers got where they are because they realized very early on that if they wanted to get anywhere in the game without serious injury then they had to look at building up their strength and increasing their flexibility. Building up the strength in your muscles is important for a golfer who wants to develop a good swing and a better drive. When you start out on golf strength training you need to consider nutrition and healthy workouts. Unless your body is getting the right kind of food, e.g. plenty of protein and green vegetables you won’t be up to strenuous exercise programs.

Everyone is different and this includes every golfer, a program that works really well for one person may be too much too soon for another, this means having some understanding of your own strengths and weaknesses. Probably the best advice is to start small but to be consistent – so you may want to limit your exercising and strength training to two or three times a week to start. Whatever you decide on just ensure that you are consistent in what you do. Little and often is a good maxim for most things in life and golf is no exception,

When you start working on golf strength training you might be a bit put off by the fact that many of these workouts involve the use of weights or dumbbells, don’t be, the reason you need these things is that in order to develop strength you need some sort of resistance. Using some sort of weight for example when you work on your golf swing means that you will be taking your body further than it wants to go because of the resistance – this will strengthen both your shoulders and your abdominal muscles.

Golf strength training involves using the lighter type of weights because you are trying to develop strength rather than build up your body. Because the weights are lighter this means that you can use them in more exercises than you would be able to if you were using heavier weights. When this sort of regular strength training is used along with stretching exercises, which are an inevitable part of a golf swing, it won’t be long before you begin to see an improvement in your game.

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For more information on golf strength training articles, visit the golf exercises site at Perform Better Golf.

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For more information on golf strength training articles, visit the golf exercises site at Perform Better Golf.

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Core Strength Training Exercises – Combat Core Strength

August 20, 2012 by  
Filed under Strength Workouts

Many people simply do their work out and most of them don’t know what core strength training exercises are. This training workout gives a lot of benefits like strengthening our stomach, core movements help us to develop muscles in the mid-section of our body, including muscle tissue in the upper leg, in the back as well as in the stomach are just some benefits for core training exercises.

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Proper execution of core training exercise helps us to reduce back pain. This is cause by the improper form of training. Core training helps strengthen the abdominal portion of the body, knowing this will lend a hand in avoiding from getting injure and experience too much pain after workout.

Core strength training exercises helps you to give good posture of the body.

This is really vital for all women out there. We know that for women, stand and posture is really important, for this is one of the things that guys get attracted of. The need of proper core exercise is really important not only for women but also for men. For this will assist us to keep away from having abnormal curve of the spine. This will happen through improper execution of exercise or some kinds of desk assignments.

A medicine ball adds more challenge for core training exercise. This medicine ball put more pressure in the core muscle groups. There are lots of exercises that can be done with a medicine ball. Do challenging exercises with a medicine ball to see much better results.

Increasing our endurance and resistance is also the benefit that can be found from core strength training exercises. We don’t notice but in the long run, doing core exercises regularly will help us improve our posture and endurance. Remember that frequent exercise will give you the best possible outcome you want to have.

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This author writes about Combat Core Strength and Lose Belly Fat Tips.

Strength For Distance – A Marathon Runner’s Training Program Formula For Success!

August 18, 2012 by  
Filed under Speed Workouts

Article by John Angel

Strength For Distance – A Marathon Runner’s Training Program Formula For Success! – Sports

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As a marathon runner your running workouts have to be well structured, but so do your strength training workouts. As an athlete you must always strive to enhance your body’s performance in every way possible irregardless of the type of sport you are preparing for. In other words, even though you are a distance runner this doesn’t mean that you shouldn’t work on building your strength as much as possible. Strength, speed, and power are all still important traits to have even for marathon runners.

As a strength and conditioning professional I can tell you that if you are looking to be a dominant force within your sport you must advance your level of fitness. You see the key to fitness goes beyond just being able to perform a single task well, but rather being able to perform that physical task well over and over again. This is the key to being truly fit. Your marathon running training program should be no different. As you organize your strength training workouts for your running program you need to make sure to include lifts and exercises that incorporate whole body movements.

When you engage in whole body movements or multi-joint lifts such as Olympic cleans, kettlebell swings, and plyometrics you inject your body’s bloodstream with a ton of growth hormone causing you to rapidly build a high level of fitness and strength. By doing this you prepare your body better for the physical run that lies ahead. This is why the strength program is such a vital element within the scope of your running training program. By strengthening your body for both muscular power and muscular endurance you are less likely to cramp, sustain muscle fatigue, or most importantly an injury. By incorporating a well structured strength and conditioning program you enhance your marathon running performance in every way. You will be able to run faster, longer, and with a better recovery time. Strength training equals distance my friend!

If you haven’t taken the time to incorporate more of the strength element into your current marathon running program then you are only hurting yourself. Take the time to learn more about the secrets to strength by accessing my articles on kettlebell and other means of training for free. Remember that most anyone can train hard, but only champions train smart my friend!

About the Author is best for website called Marathon Experts. For more information about training for a marathon and to learn how you can successfully complete your first marathon visit

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Disclaimer © 2012, All Rights Reserved. is best for website called Marathon Experts. For more information about training for a marathon and to learn how you can successfully complete your first marathon visit

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What Is Strength Training, And Why Must You Do It?

August 18, 2012 by  
Filed under Weight Training

Article by Thomas Christopher

What Is Strength Training, And Why Must You Do It? – Health

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A mammoth male lifts a hulking barbell. A tiny woman does catches and overhead throws that work her “lats”. A youngster pulls on a colored rubber tube. A teen lifts her legs repeatedly. A senior squeezes his knees together so hard his face is turning red. What is strength training? All of these.

Making your muscles move against outside resistance will certainly strengthen them along with bones, tendons, and ligaments. Done routinely, extended periods of resisted motion is a strength training. Do it 3 times a week along with stretching and aerobic exercises, and you have a complete health and fitness program.

Virtually any good health program includes strength training as an essential part. It keeps your lean muscle mass as it begins to turn to fat around age 30. It replaces slow-burning fat with muscle that requires 7 to 10 times as many calories daily–hence keeping more fat at bay. It enhances metabolic process–assisting your mind and keeping various chronic conditions at bay. Strength training builds up bones and balance to prevent or moderate falls.

Strength training has a number of forms; all except a red-faced senior doing isometric workouts are good. Isometrics nearly exclusively enhance muscles at the particular joint angle of the exercise instead of throughout a range of motion. Furthermore, it boosts blood pressure–unsafe for those with cardiac or stroke risks.

The most common form of strength training is the repeated use of progressively massive free weights to work all body parts. Barbells, good for the heavier range, are large and can be hazardous, if you lose control. They need a good deal of space for the bench and storage racks. A fitness center with a spotter is optimal spot to utilize these.

Even more people use dumbbells, specifically at home or the office. They use a great deal less room, and are much safer. Nevertheless, as your strength increases, you will certainly need ever heavier dumbbells, which can begin to take up much space and be a problem to keep track of.

An easy, space-saving option to standard dumbbells are the Bowflex SelectTech 1090 and Bowflex SelectTech 552 dumbbells. Both allow you to dial the weight you need: put the handle in the rack, twist knobs at the ends of the handle, and a clip will move to pick up the weight you specified. The 552 includes weights from 5 to 52 pounds (thus the number) and the 1090 arrays from 10 to 90 pounds. One or the other is just the range you need from the start through your years of weight training–the name for this specific form of strength training.

Also handy are the resistance bands or tubes. Each color has a different resistance, with lighter colors having less resistance and darker, more. As you proceed, you are going to get a rainbow of colors. Mild resistance training is good for recovery from injuries. Nevertheless, it can be a significant and important option for even the most advanced strength trainers. Program variation a minimum of every 3 weeks is necessary to keep your body from “accommodation” which means no more progress, no more strength training gains.

Whether you utilize your very own body, workout equipment, resistance tubes, barbells, or the Bowflex SelectTech dumbbells, to develop your body, you will definitely experience the benefits of of strength training, and learn for yourself what strength training is.

About the Author

Learn more information concerning strength training at the site. Find reviews of the Bowflex SelectTech 552 dumbbells and the Bowflex SelectTech 1090s. Thomas Christopher is a Colorado-based public speaker.

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Thomas Christopher

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Learn more information concerning strength training at the site. Find reviews of the Bowflex SelectTech 552 dumbbells and the Bowflex SelectTech 1090s. Thomas Christopher is a Colorado-based public speaker.

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What Makes the Best Strength Training Routines

August 15, 2012 by  
Filed under Strength Training

The best strength training routines will have a massive effect on how much you get from any exercise program. Using your time constructively and effectively in a structured way will yield so much more than mindlessly pumping iron without thought as to what you want to achieve. Almost any set of strength training routines will involve free weights, so let’s focus on weight-based exercise that will help you get stronger while burning fat and building muscle.

The first thing you will find in good strength training routines is that they will focus on “compound exercises”. In non-jargon these are exercises that will work on more than one joint. These have one real benefit. With more than one joint at work, you can lift more, while exercising more muscle groups. A win win situation of there ever was one!

The second technical term is “periodization”.

In simple terms this is something you probably guessed already – that the body adapts if you are doing the same exercises again and again. Good strength training routines will change over time to focus on different muscle groups, both to test you in different ways physically and to keep you mentally fresh. After all, no matter how much you want to work out grinding out the same exercises day after day can become dull. You can apply this yourself by doing some simple things. For example, change the position you do an exercise in, or try doing it with just one arm or leg.

There are dozens of strength training routines out there – think about what you want to get fit for and then focus on working out hard and recording your progress!

If you need the best strength training routines from qualified experts then check this site out for excellent strength and conditioning exercises

Misconceptions About Circuit Strength Training

August 12, 2012 by  
Filed under Circuit Training

One of the biggest misconceptions about circuit strength training is that you can’t build muscle when you combine aerobic activity with strength training. This is especially the case with men. It’s no secret that men and women have different goals when they hit the gym, and while a woman may sign up for a yoga class or jump on the elliptical machine, men head straight for the weights. What most guys don’t understand is that a circuit training workout is not an easy, fluff program, and if designed and done correctly can not only beef up muscle tone, but it can lean out the fat surrounding the mid section and make those difficult-to-get abdominal muscles pop!

The next misconception is for men and women alike. When it comes to strength circuit training there is usually a line drawn in the sand, between how much weight a man should use and how much weight a woman should use.

This is a cyclical argument because the true answer has nothing to do with quantity of weight, just quality of how you use it. Quality movement is marked by the amount and duration of tensions that the muscle has to work against in any given workout. If you are lifting extremely heavy weights, but are speeding through the reps in order to get them done, you will lose form, lose muscle tensions time, and lose results.

The same theory needs to be applied to women when they circuit strength train. The truth is that women always gravitate toward light weights, and sometimes they tend to life much lighter than they should for fewer reps than is necessary for muscle response. Again, the tension time is the most important factor in making a circuit beneficial for you.

Additionally, since a circuit is known for its brief periods of rest between sets, somewhere between 10-15 seconds, your heart rate is constantly challenged, so while it has “aerobic components” woven into the framework of the exercise, it is not technically considered aerobic in nature.

What men and woman commonly misunderstand is that the aerobic components of a circuit workout mimic that of traditional aerobic exercise, but is designed to create a low intensity, “fat-burning” workout in-between the strength training. The aerobic spurts of energy that are used in a circuit are not similar to logging some face time with the stair stepper because of the intensity of the heart-healthy activity. So, it is a part of the circuit to increase the challenge and to utilize stored energy sources in a short period of time, in order to eat up sugar and calories within the system and to challenge overall oxygen consumption.

Women tend to like the circuits for their aerobic components because those types of exercises seem to be more popular by woman, however if a circuit is done incorrectly you won’t be in the aerobic zone long enough to produce the same effects. These effects, the negative side of aerobic training, that keep men away from the cardio room is that it has the propensity to raise cortisol levels in the body (which is when muscle tissue begins to get broken down.) Circuit strength training can benefit both men and women, and is a hybrid of some of the best training techniques that can be found in the fitness market.

One such program that uses circuit strength training as one of its training methods is the 12 Minute Revolution. This is a great program for anyone looking to lost fat and build lean muscle mass.

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Important of Weight Lifting and Strength Training

August 9, 2012 by  
Filed under Strength Training

Article by Suresh B

Important of Weight Lifting and Strength Training – Health – Fitness

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Weight Lifting & Strength Training play an important role in strengthening your core body muscles and making your body less immune to injury.

Most think that when it comes to exercise, it is just things like running, walking, swimming which are important exercises and should suffice. However the fact is that strength training is equally important to have a fit and healthy body.

A strength training workout is when you take your body to its maximum intensity using different resistant exercises. This ensures that you are working every part of a muscle. It means, pushing your body to its upper limits including working your muscles to exhaustion levels. Even plyometric Training can increase the intensity of your workouts.High intensity is different for everyone depending on their level of fitness. As long as you feel you are pushing your body close to or at it’s maximum performance, then chances are you are hitting your workout at high intensity.

It is a known fact that if you are looking to build muscle mass and lose body fat, then you have to push your muscles to the next level, however very few actually do that.

Weight lifting and strength training exercises make your back, chest, arms and shoulders much stronger and give you a well toned look. You need to spend a few months in the gym however to get that bulked-up look. And it is also very important to work-out all the muscle groups. You need to select a suitable weight and do about 8-10 reps.

And once you have developed those muscles, you need to maintain the muscles by lifting weights on a regular basis. You need to lift heavier weights and do more push-ups and pull ups. Pushing your body into an intense workout will help you to build muscle mass and also help to burn body fat.

However there are few more things besides, a good and effective weight training program that you need to follow for maximum benefits. You also need to have a diet that promotes muscle growth. It is also important to give your muscles adequate rest so that they can repair and grow. This is an important aspect because when you work out, you damage your muscle fibers. During rest, your muscle fibers repair themselves and grow in size.

As you can see there are several benefits of following a muscle building program. However it is important to be persistent when you embark on a Weight Lifting & Strength Training program because you are going to see the results over a period of few months, so you need to be at it.

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For more information on Weight Lifting & Strength Training, visit

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Suresh B

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Build up your strength with Crossfit Houston workout program

August 9, 2012 by  
Filed under Strength Workouts

Article by Kravmaga

Build up your strength with Crossfit Houston workout program – Sports – Martial Arts

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A slender and well maintained physique is what makes the eyes turn. A fact is that appearances do matter a lot in the present scenario. Be it in a professional front or in the personal life, a person who is in good shape is always preferred. There are many people who despite their hideous flabs walk around comfortably and are satisfied to be in the shape they are in. Some might resist going to gym and shedding their sweat on the tread mill despite of being highly uncomfortable with their physique.

There are numerous exercise regimes initiated on daily basis to release the people from the unwanted body fat. One such program is Crossfit Houston which is the chief workout program of the armed units, martial arts mentors, law enforcement academies and professional sportspersons all across the world. The main aspect of the program is that irrespective of the age group or gender, the workout regimen remains identical. The main purpose behind this is that the engineers of the workout plan believed that this is not the type of exercise that needs to vary as per the person’s age, and if there is anything that needs to fluctuate is, it is the magnitude and the degree.

An archetypal CrossFit workout program is a blend of strength building components that incorporates something to do with barbell or the dumbbells along with special aerobic exercises that includes hopping onto a box or an object, running and much more. Not just this, the program also incorporates a bit of gymnastic exercises like push-ups, pull-ups and much more. A characteristic that marks a characteristic difference between Crossfit and other exercises is that the person is not allowed to take rest in the middle of the exercises since every aspect is calculated, be it the total workout timing or the recurrences so as to keep a close eye on the enhancements. A common notion among people I that the m ore time they spend for the workout, better will be the upshot which is quite opposite with this sort of exercise regime. The total time included in this exercise schedule is fifteen to twenty minutes, but during the workout you’ll be astounded to find out how absolute you feel after few minutes of the training.

Unlike other training programs, there are certain training gears required during the exercise sessions. Instead of fretting about the same, all you can do is to browse online and book your favorite gears. There is no doubt that these equipments like a barbell, a set of bumper plates, a pull up bar and gymnastic rings will cost you a little extra, but the amount is nothing against the satisfaction attained after the workout sessions.

There is an assortment of training sessions rendered for the trainers to opt for the best one that fits his requirements. Because of the international reach of Crossfit Houston, the training certificates provided to the people are applicable all across the world. Because of the flourishing branches, it becomes all the easier for a person to opt for the center that goes best with his convenience.

About the Author

Houston Krav Maga offers the best self defense and Kettle bell Fitness known as Krav Maga, Houston crossfit and Crossfit Houston Chief Instructor CJ Kirk is certified and licensed through the Krav Maga Association of America.

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Houston Krav Maga offers the best self defense and Kettle bell Fitness known as Krav Maga, Houston crossfit and Crossfit Houston Chief Instructor CJ Kirk is certified and licensed through the Krav Maga Association of America.

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