Abs Training Promotes Core Strength And Endurance

August 8, 2012 by  
Filed under Muscular Endurance

Article by Bridgette Tuck

Abs Training Promotes Core Strength And Endurance – Health – Fitness

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Training abs seem to be not much of an influence to acquire those appealing abs or the so-called six pack, according to some professional gym instructors. The main key is said to be low level of body fats. A person with muscular abs and high level of body fat at the same time cannot see a well defined abs, but someone with a lower body fat and exercise less can see a better abs definition in his abdomen. If you want your abs to be visible and clearly defined, men should maintain at least 10% of body fat and 14% for women, or even less.

The abdominal muscles are large slabs of muscles. Tendons stretching across these abdominal muscles generate six pack. Be aware that you cannot alter the sizes of these tendons nor does its position through a rigorous workout, therefore, your six pack sizes will not be changed.

Your abdominal walls and its supporting muscles are not entirely special that they require regular training sessions. These muscles do form your inner strength for they stabilize your torso. Any form of activity will serve as a workout for these muscles, from a simple bench press to cardio exercises like running. Therefore, the misconception of training everyday is kind of absurd.

It is enough to train your core muscles at least twice or even once a week. Since this core muscle group does not really constantly contract in order for your torso to be stabilized, but it contains more “stamina” fiber, and so repetitive training is also beneficial. Doing 50-100 crunches is like using other muscles like the hip flexors and not entirely separating the core muscles. In isolating the core muscles, a Kegel and vacuum exercises may be performed. A balance training of your abdominal walls through the lower back with the use of your own body weight helps build stronger, and more functional core muscles. Add proper nutrition and two to three cardio exercises to your abs training each week and you will find yourself in an interesting looking six pack.

Despite being said as not the sole factor to developing six pack, abs training are still and always significant to one’s health and physique. Abs training usually includes crunches, hanging knee raises, parallel leg raises and inverted scissors form of exercises. Sets and intensities vary on each level. Instruction guides are simple and easy to follow for those wishing to do something for their abs. Generally, in every workout, you start at level 1, doing several repetitions depending on its appropriateness. Once a specific level is completed, you then proceed to the next one until desired outcome is attained or depending on the instruction or what is befitting for you.

Abs training may be somehow easy and simple, but in doing so, it is not that simple really. But if you are set to have those suave-looking abs, then start your training and low fat diet now.

About the Author

Bridgette Tuck is the writer and owner of the site. Discover how to to get flat, toned and well-defined abs at http://www.rapidabs.com/. Find out and learn on how to get six pack abs, abs diet information, effective ab exercises & workouts and more.

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Bridgette Tuck

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Bridgette Tuck is the writer and owner of the site. Discover how to to get flat, toned and well-defined abs at http://www.rapidabs.com/. Find out and learn on how to get six pack abs, abs diet information, effective ab exercises & workouts and more.

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The Three Things You Should Do When Strength Training

August 7, 2012 by  
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Article by Derek

The Three Things You Should Do When Strength Training – Health

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If you want to learn about strength training fitness over 40, then you’ll want to read this article. Specifically we’ll discuss the ‘mind-to-muscle’ link, proper form in exercise repetitions and the speed of each repetition. After reading this article, you should be able to use strength training to improve your level of fitness and minimise the potential for injury.

What is the ‘mind to muscle’ link? It is the ability to be able to focus your awareness or attention on the specific muscle or muscle group you are trying to work. To do this you will need to know some basic anatomy. I do mean basic, for instance, though there approximately 640 skeletal muscles in the human body. You only need to divide the body into areas such as the leg, the shoulders, the chest and back, and the arms.

Take your arms for example; you basically have the muscle groups. The biceps at the front of the arm above the elbow. The triceps at the back of the arm above the elbow. And last but not least the forearms between your elbows and hands. If you start with a straight arm and bend it toward your shoulders as your hand comes to your shoulder you should be able to your bicep muscle tends tense. It is these feelings of tension that you should feel while performing your exercise fitness program to strengthen the bicep muscle. This feeling of tension is the ‘mind to muscle’ link. If you then straighten in your arm, as your arm comes to full lock you should feel tension in your triceps at the back of your arms.

Once you know how your bicep muscle feels like under tension, then when you are performing a resistance exercise, during your fitness workout, to target this muscle you will know how to use good form. Because, good form in resistance or strength training for fitness over 40 comes down to basically minimising the use of any muscle except that one are working on. For instance, the squat is supposed to target the legs and buttocks. If your form is bad you might be tempted to round your back in order to assist you in lifting the weight up and down. Apart from potentially damaging your spinal discs, you wouldn’t be working on legs and buttocks effectively. So at the very least your wasting your time in the gym, at the very worst you may be laid up with a bad back.

Another aspect linked to bad form is performing your repetitions too fast in your fitness routines. This is usually because the weight is too heavy and you have to jerk it up and dropped it down. Your repetitions should be performed at a speed whereby if needed you can force pause the exercise at any point for a second or so. Not that this is something you should be doing during your repetitions, but that you are sufficiently in control of the weight that you could do so if you wanted.

The ‘mind-to-muscle’ link will enable you to perform each repetition of any exercise with the best chance of correctly targeting the muscle you’re trying to work on. Good form will lessen your chances of injury and allow you to make any corrections needed in exercise technique. Monitoring your rep speed will enable you to choose the correct amount of resistance and help you to use good form in you fitness over 40 routines.

About the Author

Derek is a 46 year old who suffers with severe asthma and lower back problems. Now as he gets older it’s vital for him to stay fit and healthy. So he’s decided to go out and find easy, alternative ways ANYONE can get fit without endlessly puffing away on treadmills, without expensive gym memberships or enduring hours of exercise. Sign up for my FREE newsletter and report What Everybody Ought To Know…

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Derek is a 46 year old who suffers with severe asthma and lower back problems. Now as he gets older it’s vital for him to stay fit and healthy. So he’s decided to go out and find easy, alternative ways ANYONE can get fit without endlessly puffing away on treadmills, without expensive gym memberships or enduring hours of exercise. Sign up for my FREE newsletter and report What Everybody Ought To Know…

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Quick Tips To Help You Start with Strength Training Workouts

August 5, 2012 by  
Filed under Strength Workouts

These tips can be used for home strength training or training in the gym. If you wish to start strength training workouts then these tips will help you get started. The most important thing when starting your strength training workouts is warming up. When you warm up it gives the body a chance to deliver plenty of nutrient rich blood to areas about to be exercised, to actually warm the muscles and lubricate the joints. Along the the warm up process you should stretch. Stretching increases and or maintains muscle flexibility. When you warm up and stretch this is a preventive aide from injuring your muscles and frame.

Strating the first week strength training workouts keep it light.

Work on proper technique and proper body mechanics.You should slowly work up to heavier weights and more intense workouts. Quick tips to maintain good body mechanics you should go through the complete range of motion, move slowly and with control. Always remember to breathe, and maintain a neutral spine. Never sacrifice form to add heavier weight or more repetitions.

The intensity of your strength training workout depends on a few factors, including the number of sets and repetitions, the overall weight lifted, and the rest between sets. You can vary the intensity of your workout to fit your activity level and goals.

Always be aware of your body, and listen to your body. Your heart rate is not a good way to determine intensity when doing strength training workouts, it is important to listen to your body based on an overall sense of feeling of exertion. The least amount of strength training recommended by the ACSM (American College of Sports Medicine) is eight to twelve repetitions of eight to ten exercises, and at a moderate intensity. When you just start out it is recommended two to three days a week. As you get use to the strength training workouts you can workout more days per week, add more sets, and add more resistance.

Strength training workout sessions are recommended to last 1 hour or less. As a rule of thumb, every muscle that you train during your strength training workouts should be rested one to two days before being exercised further in order for the fatigued muscles to rebuild. “No pain, no gain” right? This statement is not only false, but can be dangerous. Your body will adapt to strength training workouts, and will reduce in body soreness each time you workout. If your muscle or joint aches or is very painful be very cautious. The first week or two of strength training workout you will be sore. This is normal, but if the pain is beyond sore and you think you hurt something, take a break, see a doctor, and let the muscle rest.


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Why Women Need To Train For Strength

August 4, 2012 by  
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Strength training is effective part of a woman’s workout routine. It won’t produce bulky bodies, instead it will form strong and shapely muscles that are sexy and useful. Standard strength training programs are time efficient, only two, half-hour exercise sessions per week will yield an awesome returns on this investment of time. Because woman have much less testosterone and are genetically predisposed to build muscle in a different way than men, there is no reason to worry about bulking up, or gaining a masculine physique.

No matter what age you might be and regardless of your particular fitness level, every woman should begin a strength training program that will benefit her in many ways -for life. Many gyms and health clubs offer woman only strength training classes and some fitness centers like “Curves” are exclusively for women. But there is not much difference in the way a woman strength trains and the way a man works out to build strength.

So if you prefer the coed environment, go for it! In addition to improving your appearance, and how you feel and function, studies are teaching us that regular strength training exercise also reduces your risk of osteoporosis. And for those with this condition, strength training if done carefully and correctly can be an effective therapy.

This is because strength training puts stress on bones, and thus increases bone mass. Previuosly it was a widely held belief that after the age of 30, exercise would definitely reduce the rate of bone loss. This is true, but not the whole story, because more recently research performed at the Human Nutrition Research Center on Aging at Tufts University tells us that strength training at any age, or fitness level can actually increase bone density, not just slow the loss. Strength training stimulates new bone formation by applying a force to the bone and that triggers the stimulus that gets new bone to form.

In this study, women from ages 50 to 70 did a strength training workout twice a week for a year. After the year was complete the bone density of their hips and spine was measured. As compared to the initial measurements they added about 1%, while the group that remained without exercise in the way of strength training had actually lost about 2.5% bone density. As you would expect, of course the woman had increased their muscle strength concurrently. Finally, it would be no surprise to hear that these woman were leaner, thus imposing less stress on their bones day to day than their sedentary counterparts.

Strength training can be done anywhere at any time using the most basic equipment or no equipment at all, just the woman’s own body weight. The American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM) recommends strength-training exercise as an essential part of any complete, fully effective fitness program for any healthy adult regardless of gender. The ACSM’s recommendation is to perform 8-10 exercises 2-3 times a week.

Always be sure to take at least one day of rest between training. One set of 8-12 repetitions per exercise is recommended for a basic strength training regimen for people under age 50. This should only take about 30 minutes to perform. One set of 10-15 reps (more reps performed at a decreased intensity) is recommended for people who are older than 50. This less intense training is also recommended for those with arthritis, previous injuries, or high blood pressure. It is always a good idea to consult your physician and get his approval, if you have any medical condition, before starting a strength training program.

Building strong bones, especially when you get a head start before the age of 20, can be an excellent form of preventative medicine against developing osteoporosis. Practicing a healthy lifestyle can be of the utmost importance for keeping your bones strong. No matter what your age, you need to invest in your health right away to start reaping the dividends by preventing a myriad of diseases not limited to osteoporosis. And in the later years of life you can enjoy active, physically independent lifestyle.

Dane Fletcher is the world-wide authority on training, nutrition, and supplements. To build muscle fast, he recommends the world class steroid alternatives from GetAnabolics.com instead of illegal anabolics


Women And Strength Training- 10 Benefits To Start Strength Training

August 1, 2012 by  
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Article by Jag252

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Strength training offers many benefits for women. Strength training has been overlooked as a viable weight loss method for way too long. Women are beginning to realize just how important a proper strength training routine is for their overall health and fitness.

Below are the top 10 benefits of weight training for women. Get to reading them and start your workout today!

1) Increase Your Metabolism – Here is one of the most important benefits of strength training for women. We always want to discover the secrets to weight loss… well here is the first secret! Strength training increases your metabolic rate by increasing the calories you burn on a daily basis. The more calories you burn, the more chance you have to drop body fat.

2) Increasing and Restoring Bone Density – Strength training prevents and fights osteoporosis.

3) Increased Lean Muscle Mass – Note: You will not get big and bulky by strength training! You simply do not have enough testosterone in your body. Yes, if you train for hours and hours and dedicate your life to becoming a bodybuilder you can bulk up. But simply lifting weights as part of a regular strength training routine will not cause women to bulk up.

With that said, for every pound of lean muscle mass that you have, you burn 35-50 calories per day! If you have 10 pounds of lean muscle mass then you burn between 350-500 calories. If you have 20 pounds you burn between 700 and 1000 calories per day! This is one of the biggest benefits of strength training for women.

4) Injury Prevention – Strength training strengthens our muscles and tendons. The stronger we are the less chance of an injury. This is especially important as we grow older. The benefits of strength training for women and men are highly touted for injury prevention.

5) Improved Balance – Especially important as we grow older. Strength training builds a strong foundation. Strengthening our legs and core section means an increase in overall balance and coordination.

6) Decreased Risk of Coronary Disease – Strength training can reduce your blood pressure. It can also decrease your cholesterol levels. These benefits of strength training for women alone are a great reason to begin your program today. Heart disease is one of the highest (if not the highest) killer of women in America every year.

7) Aids Joint Stability – Strengthening the muscles around our joints is one of the best ways to prevent and recover from an injury. For example, the best way to recover from a knee injury is to strengthen the quads and calves.

8) Better Sports Performance, Exercise and Life In General – The benefits of strength training for women all boil down to one point- a better overall quality of life. We can perform our favorite activities with more ease and less pain. We are able to increase our health and mental state from a regular strength training routine.

9) Hold Back The Aging Process – With less falls and less injuries you are able to age gracefully.yOur lean and toned bodies create a warm and strong persona. Strength training is a major factor in aging well. Enhancing your muscles and reducing body fat are prime ways to prevent sagging body parts too.

10) Look Better and Be More Confident – I don’t think it is much of a secret that we all want to look great. We are all searching for ways to look young. Strength training is a vital part of a fitness routine. Strength training has been shown to increase your muscle tone, decrease body fat, and so much more. A toned body is but one factor to looking great. The other is purely mental. There are so many positive mental benefits of strength training for women. We feel accomplished, secure, and strong after a strength session.

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If you are looking for step-by-step instructions on the best way to strength train, drop fat, and tone up continue reading

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If you are looking for step-by-step instructions on the best way to strength train, drop fat, and tone up continue reading

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Hypertrophy: Maximum Strength or Maximum Mass?

August 1, 2012 by  
Filed under Strength Workouts

Article by Eric Rotherman

Hypertrophy: Maximum Strength or Maximum Mass? – Health – Fitness

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Hypertrophy is the process responsible for muscle growth. This is a process that all strength athletes are very interested in, both bodybuilders and weight trainers in general. However there are two types of hypertrophy and these two growth processes both achieve very different results. To maximize your training you need to understand what the two different types of muscle hypertrophy are.

Myofibrillar hypertrophy is the process which increases the strength of the muscle, but only minimally grows the actual physical size of the muscle. If you are a competitive weight lifter this is the process you are most likely going to to be primarily concerned with. To encourage this sort of hypertrophy you will need to be getting a good intake of proteins, so that the exercise of lifting weights can increase the amount of actin and myosin in your muscles. These are the proteins in your muscle which account for a lot of your physical strength. To encourage growth further limit the repetitions you do in each exercise to between 2-6 reps per set. This means that you can work with heavier weights and really concentrate on lifting heavy, instead of using up your energy on lighter weights.

If you are a bodybuilder on the other hand you want your muscles to increase in size and strength is a secondary consideration. The type of hypertrophy you are looking for is called sarcoplasmic hypertrophy and has little or no affect on the actual strength of the muscle. In actual fact you are going to get both types of hypertrophy from your workouts. But in order to concentrate your efforts on sarcoplasmic hypertrophy, so that you can increase muscle mass, you will need to perform around 8 – 12 repetitions per set. Try not to go to heavy as this will cause your muscles to tighten and produces hard rather than growing muscles. Also if you do more than 12 reps per set you will find yourself producing strong and hard muscles, but they won’t be getting the size you want. This is because high reps tend to produce muscles aimed at endurance sport rather than sculptural body bulking.

Another important point is that muscles need rest. In fact muscles do their actual growing when they at rest. So make sure you allow plenty of time between workouts to rest. Each muscle group should have about 48 hours rest time between dedicated workouts. Hence the need to cycle your workouts around so you hit different muscle groups in different workouts. Happy muscle growing!

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Eric Rotherman

Check out my web pages on how to maximize muscle development and sorting your Muscle Building Diet for more information.

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Eric Rotherman

Check out my web pages on how to maximize muscle development and sorting your Muscle Building Diet for more information.

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Ultimate Wrestling Strength Studies

July 29, 2012 by  
Filed under Strength Training

Power and conditioning for wrestlers has got for being structured to get dynamic in dynamics. You see wrestling is a sport that entails a good deal of movement and intense physical exertion. You do not need to have me to let you know this, even so I am shocked at how a lot of wrestlers that know this are lacking this highly ingredient within the scope of their strength systems.

I really don’t treatment if you happen to be trying to find power and conditioning at the amateur, collegiate, or specialist degree you need to implement a similar principles. Your bodily teaching should at all times include lifts and actions that integrate multi-joint work outs. These drills should also encourage muscle growth, power, and power. Lifts and work outs that fall below this category contain items such as kettlebell training, olympic excess weight lifting, and plyometric drills.

They are all good strategies for constructing one’s body for pace, energy, and explosiveness. The more of this that you just do the more you are able to anticipate to deal with your levels of competition.

By engaging inside a smartly prepared strength and conditioning system you not merely much better oneself for your successful effectiveness, but you also toughen one’s body by generating it less susceptible to personal injury. This is specially important when hunting for the sport of wrestling and grappling. By engaging inside the lifts and movements that I talked about earlier you advertise the all-natural advancement within your system’s human advancement hormone (HGH) that is crucial in the enhancement of all athletic skills. This can rapidly increase your actual improvement and speed up the progress within your wrestling efficiency.

In the event you haven’t presently started out to implement a very well developed power and conditioning approach inside your wrestling system then you are only hurting your self.

Never permit the competitiveness beat you up. Get a mind begin on them right now by engaging in kettlebell lifting, olympic fat lifting, and plyometric drills. Sense free to discover far more by accessing the rest of my content articles around the subject matter totally free. Keep in mind that most anyone can educate difficult, but only the champions coach wise my buddy!

Click Here to GO Ultimate Wrestling Strength

Strength Workouts – What you Need to Find Out before You Start!

July 28, 2012 by  
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Article by Mike D. Thompson

Strength Workouts – What you Need to Find Out before You Start! – Health

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Before commencing strength workouts some important factors need consideration to give you the best chance of success. There is possibly more than you think that needs taking into account when considering various strength workouts.

So it’ll probably be helpful to know a bit more before trying to find the best workout for you.

The first consideration is that a strength workout should be part of a comprehensive health and fitness program. When this is not done people generally end up just giving up due to poor results.

So if you want to achieve your strength gaining goals you will first need to be really clear about what you are trying to achieve. Better strength, obviously, but is it just strength or are you looking to build huge muscles? Or are you looking for the lean and ripped,modern look while still becoming stronger.

What about endurance and stamina? It might not always be about getting a bodybuilders physique, you may want better strength but need not to “burn out” too quickly. Getting large muscles without working working on muscle endurance or stamina can have a negative outcome.

Stamina and endurance, as well as strength are important for many sports.

So now you see that there is much to consider when starting muscle building workouts.

With any workout it is best to start slowly and build up but you should still get expert advice. This is important with strength workouts to avoid injury, you will need to push your muscle hard to go beyond what they are normally used to. Diet, nutrition and rest periods are all important too. When your body does not have good diet and nutrition or time to repair muscle,results will suffer.

A variety of different exercises in strength workouts will make sure that all muscle groups are worked on. For example, chest workouts and bicep workout amongst others.

You should always start with a warm up, which may be some light cardio or small weights, then move on to the real strength exercises for the larger muscle groups first. Before finishing with a warm down you could target some specific smaller muscles groups.

Unless you are quite experienced in correct exercise techniques and how many reps, sets and how to choose the amount of weight, you will need expert guidance to get decent results.

The exercises will normally include lat pull downs, par bar dips, seated rows, bench presses, dumbbell presses and also dead lifts, these all require the use of some form of fitness equipment and could involve joining a gym or buying equipment for use in the home.

Push ups, squats and pull ups do not need special exercise equipment. Good strength training will require expert guidance but these exercises are generally suitable for getting started.

About the Author

Mike Thompson writes about health and fitness and has a website with free information and reports covering topics such as muscle building and fat loss. There are also reviews of some of the best workouts available, to find out more go to http://www.bestworkoutreviews.com

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Mike Thompson writes about health and fitness and has a website with free information and reports covering topics such as muscle building and fat loss. There are also reviews of some of the best workouts available, to find out more go to http://www.bestworkoutreviews.com

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1 lb. L-Arginine Alpha Ketoglutarate 2:1 AKG Powder 1000mg AAKG Nitric Oxide USP & FCC Maximum Strength Pharmaceutical Grade By Dual Health

July 28, 2012 by  
Filed under Nitric Oxide

  • Guaranteed 100% Pure. No Fillers or Additives.
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  • Pharmaceutical Quality Grade.
  • Free Shipping inside the USA.

Product Description
Facts: Arginine Alpha Ketoglutarate, or AAKG, is a form of arginine in which two arginine molecules are attached to an alpha-ketoglutarate molecule. Arginine is an amino acid and alpha-ketoglutarate is a form of another amino acid called glutamine. It is believed that this formulation improves arginine’s absorption, thereby further increasing nitric oxide (NO)production.

Benefits: AAKG has been shown to be used by the cells in your blood vessels to make nitric ox… More >>

1 lb. L-Arginine Alpha Ketoglutarate 2:1 AKG Powder 1000mg AAKG Nitric Oxide USP & FCC Maximum Strength Pharmaceutical Grade By Dual Health

The Science and Practice of Strength Training

July 26, 2012 by  
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Article by James Andy

The Science and Practice of Strength Training – Health

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What is practical programming for strength training? Firstly, you need to know there are two types of strength training, defined by two totally different classes of athletes. Absolute strength training, which bodybuilders and weightlifters use and relative strength training, which you will find rock climbers and gymnasts doing.

Weight lifters need to gain muscle mass to get strong by using heavy weights and eating a high calorie diet, gymnasts and rock climbers gain strength, but don’t want to put on weight because they would have to lift this extra weight whilst rock climbing or doing gymnastics. So they have to control their calorie intake so they do not to put on extra weight.

Something I have noticed over the many years of training with weights and working in different professions, is that the guys who have very physically demanding jobs always come out on top when it comes to their strength level, compared to to someone who works in an office worker (Both working out with weights).

If you intend to build strength, the first thing you need to know is that it takes time to build. And you must start off using weights that your body can handle, then build up slowly to heavier weights. If you try and lift heavy weights right off the bat, you put yourself at risk of injury. But this is temptation most people have; they think they can push harder and harder all the time.

But what really happens is that by pushing weights which are too heavy too soon, all the stress is placed on your joints and not your muscles. This will lead to many problems later on in life. And I am speaking from personal experiences. When I was twenty one, I trained with someone who pushed me too hard and I put too much stress on my shoulders and my knees. So much so, that I haven’t trained my quads properly since I was twenty five. That is fifteen years ago! And boy do I miss squatting.

I do train around these problems, but the heaviest I can do is a front squat usually holding a 20kg plate against my chest. And shoulder exercise, I rely on side laterals a lot.

Here are some strength training methods

Barbell workouts – Exercises involving the barbell are the simplest and most effective way to build strength.

Machine workouts – The advantage that machine exercises have over free weights, is that the machines do all the balancing for you. However, the disadvantage of using machines is that because they have a fixed motion (and you are using heavy weight), you are at risk of injury if you position yourself wrong.

Body-weight workouts – This type of strength training forces you to use your own body weight as the main resistance. Exercises include the press up, the chin up and dips.

How can strength training help you?

Health benefits – Long term strength training will increase your stamina, your testosterone levels and also increase your bone density.

Builds muscle – Bigger muscles naturally come with strength training with heavy weights (so you need to think of buying new clothes in a few months!). The stronger you are, the more muscular you will be.

Burns fat – Strength training keeps your metabolic rate high and usually helps you stick to a healthier, nutrient rich diet.

About the Author

Pill dispensers is a site which helps people choose the right type of alarmed pill dispenser. Rachelle has been writing and submitting web content for over four years, visit the latest website at http://pilldispensers.org which details many types of medication dispensers and reminders.

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James Andy

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Pill dispensers is a site which helps people choose the right type of alarmed pill dispenser. Rachelle has been writing and submitting web content for over four years, visit the latest website at http://pilldispensers.org which details many types of medication dispensers and reminders.

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Types of resistance training include anything where a force or tension is applied to the muscle, in such forms as cable resistance, dumbbells, barbells, kettle balls, medicine balls and resistance bands. Use body weight and free weights to do resistance training with exercise advice from an experienced personal trainer in this free video on fitness. Expert: Daniel Johnson Bio: Daniel Johnson’s passion for fitness began in his early 20s, and it started with the pursuit of perfecting his push-ups and sit-ups and performing agility drills to become a better athlete. Filmmaker: Dean Jones

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