Shredding Fat With Speed And Strength Training

July 5, 2012 by  
Filed under Strength Workouts

Speed and strength training are the most effective methods that are begin used today to get a lean body. These are especially useful if you are trying to get lean in a hurry.

When trying to get lean, many people make a huge mistake when choosing the workouts. Not only does speed and strength training help you get lean, it also plays a vital role when it comes to good conditioning of the body. This type of training guarantees results, and prevents injuries.

Here are a few workouts that represent speed and strength training, respectively, just to let you have an idea of what they are.

Speed Training

Speed training not only focuses on improving your speed, agility, fitness, and quickness; it also helps you burn fat so much quicker whether it is your intention or not. Speed training is used by amateur and professional athletes to greatly improve their conditioning to bring out the best of their abilities.

Here are a few examples:
High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT)
Interval Training
Tabata Sprints
Shuttle Runs
100m and 200m sprints

Strength Training

Now strength training is used as the ultimate conditioning program. Many people, whether pro athletes, amateurs, and even normal people use strength training to build muscle. Regardless of the reason for that muscle growth, stronger muscles help prevent injuries and make you look good at the same time. Here are a few:

Resistance Training
Descending Pyramid Weight Reps
Ascending Pyramid Weight Reps, etc

The good thing about strength training is that it is entirely up to you if you want to gain both muscle and strength or, if you are happy with your muscle mass, just improve on your strength without building more muscle mass.

Critical Details

If you are looking for something more than just conditioning and strength, and want to look good and lean then there is something else you have to take into account when trying to shape your body.

Have you ever heard of the phrase – “you can never out-exercise a bad diet”? The thing that most people fail to shed light upon is the fact that having a good diet really helps in acquiring an awesome physique.

You need a good diet for a good body and it is important that you are happy with your diet because if you are not then you will get easily distracted and stray away from your goals.

If you are looking for more interesting facts and info about speed and strength training or other fat loss techniques, visit out resource page at “” and don’t forget to claim your free gift!

Static Contraction Delivers Maximum Muscle From 1 Minute Strength Training Workouts

July 4, 2012 by  
Filed under Strength Training

Article by Jim O’Connor

Static Contraction Delivers Maximum Muscle From 1 Minute Strength Training Workouts – Health – Fitness

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For those who spend more than 1 minute on strengthtraining workouts, you are wasting your valuable time!Wouldn’t you want to strength train in the most effective, scientifically feasible way, and increaseyour muscle and strength by 400 plus percent?

One (1) minute muscle developing workouts are doneONCE per week or less. That calculates to maximally 4 minutes of strength training exercises per month! I am sure many people are saying that I havegone mad. The famous words, “he’s got to be kidding” are ringing vigorously in my ears. Dear reader, I amNOT kidding! Thousands of people are now exercisingless while getting tremendously better results. It is not just me stating this; the scientific documentation by far speakslouder than our conversation.

I would like to tell you about a client of mine named Todd.Todd, a relatively lean 46 year old, wanted to improve hisstrength and muscle tone. Prior to consulting with me, he followed the typical 3 days per week, 3 sets per exercise,and 3-4 exercises per body part routine. Todd was following the program John, his neighbor, told him about. Neighbor John received all his information from typical “bodybuilding magazines.”

Yes, Todd did get results in the beginning due to the initialadaptation of physical activity, but after three months, gains keptcoming slower, and slower until there was no progressionat all in his strength and muscle size. As a result of limitedprogress, Todd told me he hated to workout. He said he was tired all the time, and workouts were taking up too much time in his life. This is precisely the point in which he contacted me for help.

I quickly diagnosed the reasons for his challenges, andenthusiastically told him to take three, yes THREE weeksoff where he would not lift one single weight. After the three weeks, I explained to him his program was not effective, efficient, nor based on rational, sound exercisescience principles.

Todd’s initial program took him 4 hours per week; therefore, I condensed it down to 1 minute per week. He was hesitant, and thought I was joking. However, I reasoned with him, andhe started to see significant strength, and muscle gains not monthly, but after each workout. My rational approachto his new effective, efficient, result producing program is attributed to hi intensity, Static Contraction Training.

The majority of driven bodybuilders are not thinkinglogically, or scientifically about what they are doing. They justdo what the next person does. This current non-rational bodybuildingapproach, that has been around for decades, leads to wastingvaluable time, overtraining, and lack of long term progress. Hi intensity, Static Contraction Training does neither of these!

First of all, Static Contraction Training is based on the principle of activating the absolute maximum number of muscle fibers possible in their greatest strength range, therefore, triggering the muscle fibers to adapt by getting stronger and larger in size.

Please be aware, strength training is not aerobic (low intensity,high volume work. ) It is a high intensity, all out maximum effort for an extremely short duration. Muscle growth can be broken down into two main principles which I have practice for years, intensity and rest/recovery. In order to stimulate muscle growth, you need to provide a greater intensity or apply a greater stimulus than you generated in the previous workout, thus, activating the growth mechanism. Once this highly complicated growth mechanism is triggered, you MUST let the body replenish its limited reserves, compensate for the stimulus, and overcompensate to adapt for another training session. The precise amount of rest is mandatory in order to complete the muscle growth process. In the event you fail to allow sufficient recovery time to occur, you most definitely will short circuit the growth process, significantly compromising results.

Another crucial aspect of progressive results is tracking progress, and rest days between workouts. If you are not progressing each workout, you need more recovery time. If you areprogressing each workout, you have optimized your rest days. There is no fixed program for all. It is specifically individual. Some will need 4 days rest between workouts, while others need 12. Your specific numbers will dictate your rest days.

When performing Static Contraction Training, your objective is to statically (without motion) hold the maximum amount of weight you can in your strongest range of motionfor 5-10 seconds. Record that weight, and move onto the next exercise. If your intensity is high enough, and your rest is optimal, your numbers willskyrocket! This translates into significant strength, and muscle gains.

I could go on forever regarding the science, andstudies to back Static Contraction Training, but for the scope of this article I want to cover the basic, core principles.

For a detailed, tell all, guide to Static Contraction Training, I highly recommend the Train Smart ebook in whichI have provided a link below for your convenience.

For those who prefer working out in their homes, a brilliant friend of mine designed an amazing home gym that is built only for Static ContractionTraining. It is truly a cutting edge scientificbreakthrough. Check it out at, meter and all, it is likenothing you have ever seen.

The information above will get you started on your way to investing the absolute minimal exercise time while gettingbetter results than any other bodybuilding protocol available today.Enjoy your muscles in minutes while training intelligently!

* Please Note: Consult your physician prior to starting any exercise program.


For additional health and fitness tips like the one mentioned above,visit Wellness Word “Multimedia” Newsletter at


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Jim O’Connor – Exercise Physiologist / The Fitness Promoter

Copyright (c) – Wellness Word, LLC 9461 Charleville Blvd. #312 Beverly Hills, CA 90212 1-866-935-5967


About the Author

Jim O’Connor, Beverly Hills celebrity fitness consultant, has conducted thousands of personal fitness consultations with celebrites, business executives, and highly motivated individuals throughout Los Angeles. He is the Chief Exercise Physiologist for Wellness WORD, LLC, a health, fitness, and nutrition promotion company. Jim is the author of a wellknown, world wide multimedia newsletter called Wellness WORD, published online every other w

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Jim O’Connor, Beverly Hills celebrity fitness consultant, has conducted thousands of personal fitness consultations with celebrites, business executives, and highly motivated individuals throughout Los Angeles. He is the Chief Exercise Physiologist for Wellness WORD, LLC, a health, fitness, and nutrition promotion company. Jim is the author of a wellknown, world wide multimedia newsletter called Wellness WORD, published online every other w

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Sherpa Strength for Muscles & Strength, 60 Capsules

July 3, 2012 by  
Filed under Bodybuilding Supplements

  • Bolsters core energy, glutathione, and hormone levels to enhance muscle power
  • Supports Core Energy (through extracts of Ashwagandha and Cinnamon)
  • Provides Glutathione for Cell Growth (through extracts of Indian Cardamom)
  • Promotes Native Hormone Levels (through extracts of Indian Kudzu)
  • Supplies Key Nutrients for Strength Development (Choline, Cysteine, Ferulic Acid, Genistein, Glabridin, Quercetin, and Thiamin from herbal extracts)

Product Description
Sherpa Strength contains 100% herbal extracts from 8 botanicals used for thousands of years in India’s Traditional Medicine System (Ayurveda) to promote strength and muscle development. Our proprietary formulation delivers 233 natural phytonutrients (plant nutrients) that exert 503 synergistic activities on your body to promote strength and muscle growth…. More >>

Sherpa Strength for Muscles & Strength, 60 Capsules

Strength Training Exercises To Gain The Extra Edge in Sports

July 1, 2012 by  
Filed under Strength Training

Article by Neil Playfoot

Strength Training Exercises To Gain The Extra Edge in Sports – Health – Fitness

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Looking at body builders and the thoughts of using steroids is enough to keep many people away from the weight lifting machines.

Since people are learning that lifting weights can be used to lose weight, more of them are trying weight training. With all of the publicity about athletes and steroids, the use of steroids has decreased.

So actually the stereotypes associated with weight training are really just what we said – stereotypes. Exercising, such as weight training, is of great benefit, even to the average man or woman, and they would see that, if they would only give it a try.

The world of sports is so competitive that people try to find all the angles they can to get an edge. Strength training exercises can be extremely helpful to gain that edge and little bit of extra advantage.

Even if you are not involved with the traditional sports that almost mandate this type of training, you can still benefit from some amount of extra strength. In addition, your muscles don’t have to gain in volume so keep that in mind.

You will lessen the chances of becoming injured by simply bolstering your muscles to attain a bit more strength. Offering you today will be some great brainstorms for exercises using strength training.

While all people have their individual likes and dislikes, most approve of a physique that is physically fit. Nevertheless, the truth is that only a small amount of people maintain the perseverance for even a simple strength training regimen. It simply won’t work to use the excuse that it is impossible to get to a gym.

Because anyone can use their own home to exercise with body weights.

The thinking process behind this is most shun that type of dedication-and it doesn’t feel good! It isn’t easy to force yourself to improve how much you work and keep on the right path. A good amount of recognition ought to be given to the individual who apparently works hard at exercise via strength training. An easy reason is it takes a big dose of training and faithfulness.

Though you can continue doing the same and procure good consequences with a program that is ordinary. It might floor you at what you can bring about. Multiple benefits can be had from these work out exercises. An added bonus is the fact that exercising with weights could continue keeping strength in the bones as well as bettering your joint health later on in life. Good considerations are many as to why a strength training regimen should be free from harm as well as practical.

Did you know that strength training exercises must be properly selected based upon your overall needs? There are many exercises that will improve your all round body strength as well.

A sedentary schedule, one devoid of a consistent exercise program, is common in today’s society. Lack of mobility, such as sitting down for long periods of time, can lead to wellness issues in the future.

If you do participate in some type of sporting event, these exercises will definitely help. Staying in shape is a combination of doing workouts to stay fit and also build upper and lower body strength. Each paragraph below will present different ways of working out using strength training exercises that work.

Leg muscles are an excellent place to begin; you can feel better and become stronger by doing certain exercises. You could start with your back leg muscles and your quadriceps to get going. Training machines at your local gym, or at home, can help you build these particular muscles. Muscles on the back of your leg, though not as large, would be your next activity to do.

You don’t need to visit your local gym in order to work on your quadriceps; some exercises can be performed at home. All you have to do is do a movement similar to sitting down, hold, and then return to this standing position with your feet shoulder width apart. By maintaining your balance and equilibrium, making sure that your thighs are level with the ground, this home exercise will definitely help you out.

A strength training program, as well as most other exercise routines, are great for physical advantages, and are also beneficial psychologically. Depending on what you want in your life, it will take more changes than just adding an exercise program. If you do not make any adjustments in your diet, and it is unhealthy, then you will not see much improvement with weight loss.

Exercise is important, but to become a healthy person you must have a healthy diet. When you have the right food source, doing even simple push ups will benefit you greatly. Changing your life is easier, when you have input on the food you want, or the exercises you are willing to do. So go ahead and give this some thought and get started.

Simply put there are two general preferences to exercise with strength training. Free weights or weight training devices can be used as some people prefer them. Other people have the preference of body weight use and no other type of weights.

For sports, you can get the results you want with either approach. There are some professional athletes who rely solely on natural body weight types of exercises. Years ago Hershel Walker entered professional football, and he made some news because he did not lift any weights.

Walker was a terrifying vehicle on the football field and he only used body weight exercise.

There are as many reasons for starting a strength training program as there are people. People have their individual ambitions and aim. Actively pursuing this for the reasons of sports is in a category by itself.

Those that yearn to be strong for better sports performance should strengthen for that purpose. But the non-sports person can easily begin a program for general strength building and firming, as well. If that is the case, you don’t have to rush, slowly decide what it is that you are interested in.

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Tennis Strength and Conditioning – Some Key Ideas

July 1, 2012 by  
Filed under Fitness Training

In any sport, a targetted exercise regime will bring benefits. A tennis strength and conditioning programme should help bring greater energy to your shots and extra stamina, but without compromising your speed round the court or making you sluggishly muscle laden.

Your tennis strength and conditioning work needs to be designed so you can deliver power quickly and with force – and be able to maintain that over a long period of time. This means that once you have a good basic level of fitness any work with weights should be done with vigour – less weight and more dramatic repetitions will mirror what you do when you strike the ball.

There are two areas which will need special attention thanks to the unique demands of tennis. They are the forearm and the wrist, plus the rotator cuff. Work on strengthening these areas will definitely bring benefits and cut down the chances of pain and injury.

This doesn’t have to be expensive either, you could use some hand weights – or even save money and use some baked bean cans or something similar.

It can be difficult when doing tennis strength and conditioning exercises to make sure your body is balanced though, focusing on one area too much can lead to a rather lopsided feel. So make sure you incorporate some other general exercises into your routine.

The good news is that even one ninety minute session a week will bring benefits, especially for recreational players. If you use that time constructively your tennis strength and conditioning efforts will bear fruit.

For the best in time efficient tennis exercise programmes strength training and conditioning offers you some great secrets, while it is well worth finding out how the two for two rule can transform your strength and conditioning workouts for the better!

Strength Training

June 26, 2012 by  
Filed under Strength Training

Exercises that offer resistance to help build muscle mass and strength are known as strength training exercises. While a few aerobic exercises do offer resistance, it is not the same as strength training. These types of exercises involve lifting heavy weights, which include free weights, machines and elastic bands. Before lifting weights, however, it is advisable to consult your physician. Strength training exercises can be divided into three categories:

Upper Body Exercises

Lat Pull-down
-Grab the bar with a firm grip
-Your grip should be wider than your shoulder width
-With your arms fully extended, keep your back straight and head slightly down
-Slowly pull down the bar
-The bar should reach the base of your neck
-Reverse the motion until your arms are fully extended again

Bicep Curl
-Stand straight with your feet shoulder-width apart, and your knees slightly bent
-Grab the bars and maintain a width that is slightly wider than the shoulders
-Raise the bars to your chest in an arc-like motion. Bend your arms and push the bars to the front of your shoulders
-Slowly, lower the bars until they are in the original position
-This exercise can also be performed using free weights and even water bottles
-It works on the biceps and elbow flexors

Triceps Pull-down
-Grab the bar with a grip which is around 10 to 15 cm apart
-Your feet should be at shoulder-width distance from each other with your knees bent slightly and your upper body erect
-With your arms bent, pull the bar slowly towards your lower body
-Let the bar rise slowly till it is at its original position

Abdominal Exercises

Abdominal Crunch
-Lie back down on the floor
-Bend your knees and bring your feet close to your buttocks
-Either fold your arms across your chest or place them behind your head, and tuck your chin into your chest
-With your abdominal muscles, lift your upper body towards the thighs
-At the same time, your lower back should be on the floor
-Lower your shoulders and upper body slowly and return to the original position

Lower Body Exercises

-Place the straight bar on the rack. It should be just below the shoulders
-Add the proper weights and place collars on both sides to hold them in place
-Step under the bar and place your arms on the bar
-Place one foot before your body and the other behind and then lift the bar off the rack
-Position your feet such that they are at shoulder-width distance with the toes pointing in the same direction as the knees
-Keep the back straight and your head forward
-With both firmly on the ground, lower yourself slowly until your thighs are parallel to the floor
-Bend your hips such that your buttocks stick out
-To go back up, press into the floor and slowly straighten the legs
-Make sure to keep your back straight

Leg Extension
-You will need the leg extension equipment to perform this exercise
-Sit in the machine after you place the resistance on the stack
-Place both your ankles behind the leg bar such that the bar touches your leg just above the foot
-Align your knees with the machine’s axis and grasp the handles on the side of the seat
-With your upper body erect, lift your legs so that they are right in front of you
-Slowly lift the weight
-Throughout the exercise, remain in your seat and keep your back straight
-Slowly lower the weight and return back to the starting position

An expert on strength training, Chris Kennelly has written several articles for Sports and Supplements. The author will be happy to assist you if you have any questions.

Hyper Blast from Hyper Strength and iSatori 3-XL will have a remarkable effect on your strength training.

Huge & Freaky Muscle Mass and Strength Secrets: Build a Body Fortress Naturally

June 22, 2012 by  
Filed under Guide

Product Description
This book is for bodybuilders who want the know-how on gaining huge muscular bodyweight. It contains a detailed multi-phase program to help increase present strength and accelerate muscle gains. Readers get primary and secondary muscle-gain workouts, core growth workouts, descriptions of sets and reps, and info on gaining muscle weight without gaining fat — the healthy way…. More >>

Huge & Freaky Muscle Mass and Strength Secrets: Build a Body Fortress Naturally

ISO 7X – Strength Training Exercises For Men

June 19, 2012 by  
Filed under Strength Workouts

Article by Jamie Sullivan

ISO 7X – Strength Training Exercises For Men – Health – Fitness

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Once you get used to it the more your body would be needing and would be asking for it. It would be a lot more easier for a proper diet to be tandems with frequent exercising. Meal plan for weight loss doesn’t only refer to a meal plan alone, but it pertains to the whole practice of loosing weight. Avoid fatty food intake. You would also need strength training exercises for men.Click Here For ISO 7X Limited Free Trial!Foods like corn, vegetables and wheat are examples of food that has enough fat as well as with fish. Go with the tactics to gain good results aside from having workouts for gaining muscles. All you have to do is to know what are the right foods to take in. Make sure that you will try on turning your backs from the vices that can’t even help you with what you wanted to happen.Always be aware of the foods and beverages you are trying to take in, for you not to find it that difficult to reach the goal that you are aiming. Reflect on some things that you think could really help you and make sure you are doing every single thing properly to attain Muscle Building Weights.Move, our metabolism advances everytime we are moving. The more we are exerting much effort, the faster the metabolism takes place. We really would need to give time on taking some simple exercises for starters.So there are already so many strategies on building muscle for women. Eat right and train your body. When eating you really have to make sure of the foods and the nutrients it contains. You really have to see to it that you are taking in a lot of nutrients that could give you enough energy to perform on the needed exercises you would need to perform. Train and get immune with the daily exercises you have to get yourself into.Click Here For ISO 7X Limited Free Trial!

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This author writes about Upper Body Strength Training and ISO 7X

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This author writes about Upper Body Strength Training and ISO 7X

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Weight Lifting and Strength Training Frequency

June 17, 2012 by  
Filed under Strength Training

The basic principle behind weight lifting and strength training is progressive increase in the resistance applied to your exercises, forcing your muscles to adapt and grow. At first, strength and muscle gains are always relatively fast for beginners; however, as you progress with time and experience, the gains slows down, and eventually seems to stop, and you hit the dreaded plateau.

Our bodies are amazingly adaptive organisms. Its primary goal and purpose is survival, and that is it. It could care less how lean you want to get, or how strong you want to be – survival is the only thing it cares about. When your body faces new stimulus, such as having to perform three heavy set of squats for 6 reps every monday at 6pm – it instinctively knows, and adapts to that training stimulus.

There are several ways to get around this and deal with this problem.

One of the key things to do is to change your training frequency.

One of the biggest mistakes many people make is to follow the exact same routine, exercises, training schedule and frequency day in and day out. Your body quickly picks up on your consistent training frequency and training pattern and adapts and adjusts accordingly.

Weightlifting Strength Training Frequency

As you become more advanced and get increasingly stronger, the level of physical stress and exertion increases accordingly. Think of it like this. As a beginner, you might do something like squatting 3 sets of 150lbs for 10 reps. But as you advance and get stronger, you place much higher demands on your muscles and body by using much heavier weights, say doings the same squats for 3 sets, but for only 6 reps with 300lbs.

Now look at the two training sessions and compare the difference in the amount of effort required to complete 3 sets of 150lb squats vs 3 sets of 300lb squats. The difference is massive, and the amount of additional stress your body endures is far greater. With increased workout load and intensity, you must REDUCE your strength training frequency.

This may be somewhat a difficult idea to accept, especially when many people are afraid of taking prolonged rest periods – such as taking one or two full weeks off from training. However, these types of full rest periods will only do your body good, allowing it for a complete recovery. You may also consider reducing the overall training frequency of your strength training sessions. For example, if you previously worked your legs once a week, say on mondays, reduce your training frequency a bit – instead of working your legs once every 7 days, try training it once every 8 days, 9, 10, 11 days or longer.

Train smart and get your body to function at its peak to develop pure strength and muscle.

Learn more about how you can dramatically increase your strength and muscle growth using Static Contraction Training and the Maximum Strength workout.

Olympic weightlifting technique coaching at California Strength

Snatch and clean technique videos Suzy Powell, an American record holder in the discus, came to California Strength recently with a couple of friends to hone her technique in the Olympic lifts. California Strength owner and coach, David Spitz, helped these track and field athletes improve their form. Now, they can safely and effectively incorporate Olympic lifting into their personal strength training programs.

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Clash of the Titans: Cardio vs. Strength Training

June 12, 2012 by  
Filed under Strength Workouts

Article by Sean Keats

Clash of the Titans: Cardio vs. Strength Training – Health – Fitness

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More than likely, you know people who are nuts about cardiovascular exercise. They love running on the treadmill and riding the stationary bikes. Lifting weight? No thanks. And if you know many people, you likely know a few weight lifting folks who would rather be stranded on a desert island than have to spend time doing cardio.But not you. You’re wise to the ways of overall good health. You know the benefits that are offered through a well-rounded exercise routine that incorporates cardiovascular exercise as well as strength training. You’re just unsure how much to get of each and when each is appropriate. That’s about to change.Understanding Your BodyBefore going any further in this article, there is something you should know. Everything from this point forward requires you to know what is best for your body. To have this knowledge, you need to spend time in the gym, trying out different routines and intensities to have an idea of how your body responds to certain exercises and how well you like certain exercises. If you’re already armed with this knowledge of your body, you are clear to continue reading.Order of OperationsOne of the biggest questions about strength training and cardiovascular exercise is which should go first in a routine. Ask certain people, and you’ll learn that getting your cardio in upfront helps you burn more calories during your strength training. Ask others, and you’ll hear the exact opposite. And ask a few others, and they’ll say you’ll burn the same amount of calories regardless.While there is no consensus on which should go first, you need to make sure you get in strength training and cardiovascular exercise on a regular basis. And to make sure you don’t suffer injury during either, spend a few minutes warming up and stretching before each. Warming up is as simple as jogging lightly or performing a few repetitions lifting very light weights. Once the warm-up is over, gently stretch the muscles you plan to work out during your routine.Separate But EqualWhile some advocate performing cardio and strength training in the same routine, others claim separating them is the secret to health and strength. With this, you’re not stuck trying to figure out whether to go with cardio or strength training first or last. Rather, you do nothing but strength training on one day, while you save the cardio for another day. The upside to this is being able to focus all your energies to one pursuit each day. The downside? If you really only like strength training or cardiovascular exercises, spending an entire workout doing what you don’t prefer can seem like torture, and you may wind up skipping those days that are filled with exercises you don’t care for.Intensity DefinedOnce you figure out when you are going to lift weights and when you’re going to head to aerobics class, you’re still stuck with a question: How hard do you work out? A question that can be exceptionally difficult to answer and depends largely on your goals and how you go about your routine.Doing both cardio and strength training on the same day? You’ll want to push yourself on whatever you choose to do first, but don’t push so hard that you won’t be able to push yourself during the second half of your routine. This may mean you give 80 to 90 percent in your first half so you’ll have the energy to give about that much during the second half.Planning to split up your cardio and weight lifting on different days? Then you give yourself the opportunity to push your body to its full abilities on both. Choose this path and go ahead and push yourself as hard as you can. With a good night’s rest, you should be ready for the next day’s routine.

About the Author

Sean Keats is a personal trainer in Windsor, Ontario. He owns a Windsor boot camp called Insanity Boot Camp.

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Sean Keats is a personal trainer in Windsor, Ontario. He owns a Windsor boot camp called Insanity Boot Camp.

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