Fitness Resistance Bands – 2 Easy Fitness Band Workouts to Strengthen Your Lower Body

June 27, 2012 by  
Filed under Resistance Training

Article by JP Davis

Fitness Resistance Bands – 2 Easy Fitness Band Workouts to Strengthen Your Lower Body – Health

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Are you looking for new exercise routines using fitness resistance bands? The one thing I love about latex bands is their amazing versatility. You can virtually create hundreds of new routines for any muscle you can think of.

Here are 2 easy workout routines which can be done using fitness resistance bands.

The butt stretch – It is an interesting routine for your buttock muscles.

This one is performed in a position a bit similar to the traditional horizontal push-up, except that here your body is supported by your knees and hands posed on the floor.

Step 1 – Position yourself with your body supported by both your hands and knees on a mat. At the same time, you are holding in each hand the handles of an elastic band, while the middle of the tube passes around the sole of your left foot.

Step 2 – Slowly stretch your left foot backwards so as to extend the band and stretch your buttocks muscles. Do it until your leg is horizontal to the floor. Now return to initial position, without releasing the pressure.

You can do 10 to 20 repeats then switch legs.

The calf workout – This exercise is best done either with a loop or the figure 8 band (a short elastic loop joined in the middle so as to form a “8”). It’s done in the upright position. Make sure that you do not use any support for your body. Pass the band around your ankles.

The exercise consists of working out your calf muscles by stretching your 2 legs apart. 20 to 30 repeats should be enough.

You can use your fitness resistance bands for many more lower-body routines. Remember to continue exploring, experimenting every day. It will make your daily workouts more enriching and so much more fun.

About the Author

Discover how easy it is to get fit from home with the Slim in Six home fitness program at today.

Also, be sure to read these great Slim in Six reviews.

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JP Davis

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Discover how easy it is to get fit from home with the Slim in Six home fitness program at today.

Also, be sure to read these great Slim in Six reviews.

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whereby the original author’s information and copyright must be included.

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3 Ways To Thicken And Strengthen Your Lower Back Muscle Quickly And Avoid Injury!

May 25, 2012 by  
Filed under Back Exercises

Article by Ian Burgess

3 Ways To Thicken And Strengthen Your Lower Back Muscle Quickly And Avoid Injury! – Health – Fitness

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Are you having problems gaining the serious muscle you want to? Are you working out a lot with little changes to your body? Want to get that ripped look men and women will envy and desire? This article will reveal three ways to thicken and strengthen your lower back muscle in making your ultimate physique and how to avoid injury which can derail heavy lifting for months or even permanently.

Tip No. 1: DEADLIFTS are as basic as an exercise can get for targeting quick muscle growth in the lower back region: It also hit your traps, lats and thighs to varying degrees.

Start with a barbell on the floor just in front of your shins; bend at the knees, grab the bar and stand up. As easy as that sounds, proper form is paramount for safety and effectiveness. Always lift with your thighs first, keeping your head up. Pull the bar up as close to your legs as possible (it should actually rub against them). An alternate grip (one palm underhand, one palm overhand) will prevent your fingers from giving out before your legs or back are properly taxed.

Proper warm-ups followed by sets of six to eight reps will stress your lower back area along with other major muscles. Deadlifts should not be performed heavy for every lower back workout.

Tip No. 2: GOOD MORNINGS – Exercise remain among the best ways to hit the lower back region.

Standing with your knees slightly bent, hold a light barbell across the back of your shoulders. Now push your butt backward, keeping your lower back arched and tight until you feel your hamstrings reaching the point of maximum stretch. Unless you are particularly flexible, you will not (as is often advocated) have to bend your torso so that it is perpendicular with the floor. The stretch in the hamstrings indicates where the range of motion ends. Repeat for six to 10 reps.

It is sometimes prescribed that you keep your knees locked throughout the movement. Don’t do it! As locking your knees will divert emphasis to your hamstring tendons and greatly increase the probability of a visit to the doctor!


Assume a prone position on a hyperextension bench or other appropriate flat bench. If you’re using a hyperextension bench (either a 45-degree or flat models), hook your feet (back of the heels) under the bar or have a partner hold them if you’re using a bench that lacks a component to stabilise your feet/lower body. Allow your upper body to hang down over the forward end of the bench. The forward edge of the bench/pad should be at the level of your hip joints. Knees should remain slightly bent throughout the movement.

Then leading with your head, “curl” your torso up and back as far as you can, squeezing out a peak contraction in your erectors at the top. Lower yourself to a point at which you still have at least half the peak stress on the lower back muscles and repeat for 10 or so repetitions.

Note:Four out of five people experience significant back pain during their lives, so to avoid being one of them, have one eye on injury prevention first and building muscle mass second.

Your ultimate body is within reach, providing you follow the proven principles in this article. Quick muscle growth is not a pipe dream or only for those with the perfect genetic makeup. Use these strategies in the order mentioned and very soon you will see your lower back grow thicker and stronger. Your lower back is of paramount importance because it is the foundation of your power.

About the Author

Ian Burgess has put together a complementary report on bodybuilding for quick muscle growth that will help you solve your muscle gaining problem quickly and permanently. To access it instantly please visit

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Ian Burgess

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Ian Burgess has put together a complementary report on bodybuilding for quick muscle growth that will help you solve your muscle gaining problem quickly and permanently. To access it instantly please visit

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Back posture exercises: strengthen your back muscles

February 10, 2012 by  
Filed under Back Exercises

In the era of six-pack abs, we should also pay good attention to other part of our body. In that case, how we can afford to neglect the exercises for back muscles.  When we require to do back posture exercises, then we need to understand one fact that back muscles and abdominal muscles are found to be the core muscles. And, these muscles tend to get weaker with the age, if they are not exercised properly. In that case, we need to follow complete regime for the back strengthening exercises. We should also have to consider that strong back and abdominal muscles can help in healing different types of back pain. When any kind of exercise makes our core muscles stronger, then it should become the part of an abdominal exercise or balanced program.

Different bones of the spine ensure the supporting frame for the back. At the same time, connected to this particular frame, the system of muscles and ligaments increases the strength and stability of the spine, arms and legs.

Our abdominal muscles and back muscles are found to be key components of the muscular network. And, this particular network ensures the strength in keeping the body straight. When the core muscles are found to be in poor condition, then extra stress is applied to the spine for supporting the body or back pain or back injury. In this regards, we can see the prevalence of different back strengthening exercises to support the spine, which are grouped in three categories:
Flexors (abdominal and iliopsoas muscles): use of these muscles is seen to bend and support the spine from the front. In that case, the flexors are found to control the arch of the lumbar (lower) spine, and flex. Also, it can abduct the hip.
Extensors (back and gluteal muscles): use of these muscles is seen to make the back stronger. Also, it can lift and extend the hip.
Obliques or Rotators (paraspinal (side) muscles): use of these muscles is seen in stabilizing the spine.  It also rotates the spine and helps in maintaining proper posture and spinal curvature.

We can see many benefits for the back posture exercises and they are as below:

Reduction in severity of the back pain
Improving the posture
Protecting against the injury with the means of responding to stresses efficiently
Reducing the likelihood of back pain episodes

Thus, to conclude, there are different ways to get rid of back problem, if we have adopted proper back related exercises to strengthen the back muscle.

I am Mike Nielsn having 8 years of experience for writing articles on different themes like on Laboratory Equipment, Home and Garden, Jewelry, Education, Posters and Prints, Law and more. To know more details about Back Strengthening Exercises, Back posture exercises.

Exercises for lower back muscle pain include the superman exercise, which is a stretch done while laying on the stomach with arms and feet outstretched, and the plank, which is a holding position on the toes and elbows. Reduce pain in the lower back through a few strengthening exercises with advice from a personal trainer in this free video on exercise and fitness.

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