High Jump Training – Secrets of Hamstring Stretches To Jump Higher
August 25, 2012 by admin
Filed under Stretching
Article by Brian Fender
High Jump Training – Secrets of Hamstring Stretches To Jump Higher – Outdoors
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If you have a dream of being a famous basketball or volleyball player then you will want to know how you can develop the abilities necessary to be able to out leap and outplay the other competitors. To be renowned at either of these sports will require a period of high jump training.
To start with you need to identify to what level you want to improve your leaping ability. Most top athletes will use a professional trainer that can help to motivate them and coordinate the workout regimes. If you are going to use a trainer or a friend to help you during your training then it is essential to choose someone that you respect and trust.
The exercises you will need to carry out in high jump training will work on strengthening and developing the leg muscles primarily but also enhance your overall posture, balance, coordination, and stamina. Exercises such as toe raises and leg presses can be done on a daily basis to rapidly improve your jumping ability. Remember to warm up before working out as if you pull a muscle you may be out of action for some time.
Another useful exercise is the jump squat. This involves leaping in the air from a squatting position. When doing any form of fitness regime it is essential that you have the right diet. There are supplements that can be taken that will quicken the time needed to develop muscle mass. Also make sure that you are keeping your body correctly hydrated.
Running and jumping is also an important skill as sports like basketball and volleyball are faced paced games. If you have access to an athletic track you can practice the hurdles. By sprinting and leaping you will be improving your leg muscles plus your coordination when in the air.
With the right dedication and training there is no reason why any of us cannot become a top basketball or volleyball player.
About the Author
Are you looking to permanently Increase your Vertical Leap? Check out the author’s website at http://www.verticaljumpguidereview.com where he tells you about the Top 3 Programs for maximizing your vertical jump explosion!
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Are you looking to permanently Increase your Vertical Leap? Check out the author’s website at http://www.verticaljumpguidereview.com where he tells you about the Top 3 Programs for maximizing your vertical jump explosion!
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whereby the original author’s information and copyright must be included.
Many people incorrectly stretch their hamstrings. Learn how to properly stretch your hamstrings with tips from the experts at Duke Sports Medicine. For more information visit www.dukehealth.org
It Would Really Help You To Learn Proper Hamstring Stretches to Enhance Your Workout!
August 13, 2012 by admin
Filed under Stretching
Article by Bryan C
It Would Really Help You To Learn Proper Hamstring Stretches to Enhance Your Workout! – Health – Fitness
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Within your workout, you would really help yourself by learning how to do proper hamstring stretches as you warm up and cool down. Your lower body can maintain flexibility, and it will stave off injury. You can very easily injure your hamstrings, as strains and tears are extremely prevalent in most athletes. Sprinters and the like can also experience these injuries when they have to put in quick bursts of energy. At the same time, if you stretch properly, you will be able to diminish the likelihood of getting your hamstrings in a bind. The following outlines some exercises that can come in handy when you work out. Basic StretchSit on the floor, pointing your legs right in front of you. Hold out your arms straight in front of you, bending your waist as you lean forward. Maintain constant movement, sliding your hands down your legs as you keep up the movement. Be sure to have straight knees as you do this. Reach to the point where you start to strain, then hold that pose for 10 seconds, releasing soon after. Do this three times Seated Hamstring/Groin Stretch Sit upright, pointing out both of your legs completely. Bend that right knee while it is on the floor, curling it up so you are resting your foot against the other thigh, holding it there. While maintaining an extended spine and lowering your shoulders, you reach forward to grab your left foot, which should still be extended. Move as far as you can, keeping your spine relaxed to get that full stretch, then hold this. Your extended leg should experience a good stretch, as well as your flexed leg’s rear and inner thigh. Switch legs and do this again, being sure to maintain breathing. Variations on Lying Hamstring StretchLay on your back, flexing your knees at a ninety degree angle. Hold your left leg up, taking your hands, and holding your leg behind the thigh. Following this, bring your leg up to your chest, maintaining a straight other leg as you do so. The thigh that is flexed should undergo a tremendous stretch. Switch legs and repeat this. Keep up the steady breathing. If this exercise is performed adequately, you can return to the position you started with, switching legs, and trying to keep the raised leg straight as you ease it into your chest. Once more, your raised thigh should stretch appropriately; however, unlike before, where just the top of the thigh felt the burn, your whole thigh should get a good workout, and you will feel the stretch within it the whole time. As with all those exercises, your back should stay flat and down. Do this with the opposite leg. Keep your breathing steady as you keep going. You can find these positions in a variety of different ways. You can just shift how the lower leg is positioned in order to switch up the lying hamstring stretch. Merely twist the leg over your chest. Make sure you do not force the leg, instead letting it ease up. Sit upright, keeping the right leg out. Your left knee should be bend over, and you must put your left foot against your right thigh, resting on the inside. The toes of your right foot must point right up. Using your hands, move down your leg, bending at the hips to achieve this exercise. Let your right hamstring get a good stretch. Switch the leg and do this again. Trick – Get every part of that hamstring stretched by making your toes point a different direction east time you lean forward. Chair Stretch For HamstringsSit upright, and set your right foot on a chair or something that matches its height. Have the left foot remain on the floor. Achieve a slight bend of the right knee. Maintaining a straight back, use your hips to move forward. Let your right hamstring stretch as much as it can. Switch these legs and do it again. You can do quite a large number of hamstring stretches if you like. If you can get into a daily workout routine with the help of these hamstring stretches, your flexibility will be greatly helped, you will reduce lower back pain, and you can even prevent injury.
About the Author
Bryan Carlton is a fitness expert who gives advice to people who want to burn fat, build muscle and live a healthier lifestyle. Bryan has lost over 30lbs, all while keeping genetically high cholesterol abay. Bryan will share the tips and trick he used to help you reach your goals! Download your FREE copy of “Simple Foods that Burn Fat While You Sleep” at http://www.turbofitnesssecrets.com.
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Bryan Carlton is a fitness expert who gives advice to people who want to burn fat, build muscle and live a healthier lifestyle. Bryan has lost over 30lbs, all while keeping genetically high cholesterol abay. Bryan will share the tips and trick he used to help you reach your goals! Download your FREE copy of “Simple Foods that Burn Fat While You Sleep” at http://www.turbofitnesssecrets.com.
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Stretches That Increase Height – Can Stretching Exercises Increase Height?
July 5, 2012 by admin
Filed under Stretching
Stretches That Increase Height
You have heard of surgeries to increase the length of your limbs to grow taller. But have you heard that you can easily increase your height just by doing some simple stretching exercises daily? It is true! In fact, it has been scientifically proven that stretching exercises increase height naturally, no matter what the person’s age is. So just when you thought you are done with getting taller…woohoo, you have got yourself a lifeline here, buddy!
Now this is certainly great news for us guys who have been troubled with a lack of height. The same problem that leads us to discrimination at work, being ridiculed by our friends, and sadly ignored by the opposite sex.
Stretching exercises have been found to help stimulate the body to produce a hormone that is responsible for the body growth. The human growth hormone, or HGH, is a microscopic protein substance that is produced by the pituitary gland after doing physical exercises. Stretches That Increase Height
Make no mistake – HGH does not directly make you grow taller. The HGH produced in your body system travels through your blood and stimulates the liver to produce a protein called insulin-like growth factor #1 (IGF-1). The latter is the one that helps the cartilage at the ends of your long bones to multiply and become thicker.
Do you get the picture now? Thicker cartilage = a few inches added to your height!
Not only do stretching exercises increase height by stimulating the production of HGH in your body, they help correct your posture too. More specifically, your spinal curvature. By doing specially designed stretching routines, you help to stretch and lengthen your spine and in the process, add a few more inches to your present height.
It may seem that this method to increase height is a little more time consuming. But the most important points you should take note are: it works, and compared to surgeries, are much less dangerous, painful, and expensive. Stretches That Increase Height
Laughed for being Short? No Confidence in front of Friends?
Get your Stretches That Increase Height with simple steps to do at home!
Get Stretches That Increase Height now and get back your Life!
Reduce Golf Injuries – Upper Body Stretches
June 17, 2012 by admin
Filed under Stretching
Article by Sean O’Kelly
Reduce Golf Injuries – Upper Body Stretches – Sports – Golf
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As golfers, about the most annoying things we have to deal with is injuries associated with the swing movement. When they take place, often only rest will remedy a condition, which takes us from the pastime we love to do. But to eliminate golf injuries, as well as significantly less serious aches and pains, we need to learn what causes these ailments, and then take a preventive maintenance strategy to guarantee a sound body.
As this is a extremely extensive topic, we will on this page deal with the shoulder and back area. The shoulders absolutely are a vital area because of the mobility demanded here. The following exercise really should be done not only at the outset of a round of golf, but before every single tee shot, at the minimum in an abbreviated manner.
1. Grip both ends of the club with an overhand grip.2. Lift the club forward and over your head with the elbows kept straight.3. Shift both hands to the back and behind your head until you feel pressure in your shoulders.4. Hold this position for 20 to 30 seconds, then release.5. Duplicate two or three times.
Don’t go beyond your limits, and do not jerk when you stretch. Look at the way a cat stretches: slow and deliberate.
Another area that i will focus on to eliminate golf injuries is the small of the back. This is perhaps the most vulnerable place for a golfer, since the torque needed in your golf swing puts an abnormal strain on this portion of the body. For this I will propose an exercise on the golf course, and another to do in the home or place of work. Do this on the golf course just before your first shot, and after that as you may feel muscles tense up:
1. Stand straight with back and shoulders relaxed.2. Reach back and interlock your fingers behind you.3. Bend forward at the waste, keeping your back straight.4. Bring your arms up and forward, keeping your hands together. 5. Hold for 10 to 20 seconds, and then release.6. Repeat two or three times.
This exercise is a great help to the upper torso. For some preventive maintenance at home, try this:
1. Take a seat upright in a chair, back straight.2. Reach behind you with your left arm to your right side, turning your torso. Produce torque by holding your right arm against your right leg.3. Hold for ten seconds, and repeat the exact opposite way. Do this each way at least three times.
About the Author
These are just a few examples of exercises that can eliminate golf injuries. My name is Sean O%u2019Kelly, and I hope that you will consider some of these preventive measures before you miss any time on the golf course. Click HERE for more training tips and guides, and for an interesting perspective on how to play golf for free, click HERE for a 50 page guide.
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These are just a few examples of exercises that can eliminate golf injuries. My name is Sean O%u2019Kelly, and I hope that you will consider some of these preventive measures before you miss any time on the golf course. Click HERE for more training tips and guides, and for an interesting perspective on how to play golf for free, click HERE for a 50 page guide.
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Hip Flexibility – How Hip Stretches Work
June 2, 2012 by admin
Filed under Stretching
Article by Dianne M. Buxton
Hip Flexibility – How Hip Stretches Work – Health – Fitness
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There are many good reasons to be concerned about the flexibility of your hip muscles as you get older. Strength is also a factor, as the pressure on bone from muscle use helps promote bone density. While all your muscles must be kept healthy, your hip muscles are key for retaining balance and an even gait as you get older.
Even if you exercise regularly, and you have strength in those muscles, preventing falls or over-exertion injuries involves knowing how to stretch your hip muscles routinely, and effectively.
Hip flexibility is important. Hip stretches will help balance the tension in the hips, and prevent strength training from resulting in spasms or soreness. Muscle relaxation increases muscle tone, as tense muscles cannot function with the same strength as relaxed, stretched muscles.
A stretching routine that includes the whole body is the runner’s lunge, used by athletes and dancers every day.
Another advantage to proper stretching is that circulation is increased in the muscles, and overall.
Begin new stretches with care and ease. Forcing a new stretch may cause tiny muscle tears that will become inflamed. A mild soreness after stretching is to be expected, but not real pain.
To become more flexible at the front of the hip you will stretch:***the quadriceps muscles at the front of the thighs***the psoas muscle that runs from the top of the front of the thigh over the hip bone and up into the front of your spine.
To become more flexible at the side and back of the hips you will stretch:***the ballet turnout muscles. Your lateral rotator muscles are your prime turnout muscles, specifically: Piriformis;Obturator Internus;Obturator Externus;Quadratus Femoris; Gemellus Superior; Gemellus Inferior. These muscles lie underneath your gluts, or “butt muscles’ which can retain much tension from weakness and overuse.
Understanding myofascial release and how that helps you become more flexible is something you can benefit greatly from.
If you are not particularly athletic, the sooner you learn about hip stretches the better. As you age, you can preserve hip strength and balance, preventing falls and hip fractures.
A stretching routine that includes the whole body is the best, starting with the neck muscles and working down. For chronic muscle pain in any area, a full body approach to stretching exercises will serve you best. Balancing the tension in all the muscles supporting your skeleton contributes to easier movement, and a sense of well being. This also helps prevent sports and dance injuries.
About the Author
Get your DVD that includes the details of hip flexibility, all the important body stretches, as well as myofascial release instruction. “Effective Stretching The Ultimate Stretching Guide will show you HOW HIP STRETCHES WORK.
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Get your DVD that includes the details of hip flexibility, all the important body stretches, as well as myofascial release instruction. “Effective Stretching The Ultimate Stretching Guide will show you HOW HIP STRETCHES WORK.
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whereby the original author’s information and copyright must be included.

30dyc.com join the global yoga challenge http join us in Bali for yoga teacher training retreats. Watch this short yoga session about opening your hips. Vinyasa Yoga is one of the most preferred forms of Yoga. If you’re looking for a good Yoga workout and connect with your mind, body and soul, I suggest you give Vinyasa Yoga a try. www.Perfect10Lifestyle.com http www.30dayyogachallenge.com http transform your life with yoga
Neck And Back Stretches Perfect For Starting Out
April 20, 2012 by admin
Filed under Stretching
Article by Pat Lowe
There’s a wide array of stretching techniques that target your back and neck, many of them uncomplicated and effective. If you’re a novice attempting to relax your muscles, give these simple techniques a try.
Beginner Back Stretch: A highly effective stretch for the back is the basic back stretch. Here’s what you need to do: Standing erect, contract your abdominal muscles while you bend forward at the hips, lowering your hands to the ground. Relax the head downwards and push using the fingertips; feel the stretch in the back while you do this. Maintain this pose for 30 seconds; if you find this too difficult, build up slowly to this amount of time.
Wide Back and Shoulder Stretch: This move should follow right after the basic back stretch. With your hands remaining on the ground, place your feet wide apart and position your arms inside your legs. Lift your hands off the floor and wrap your arms around the back of your calves, then grasp your ankles. Pull gently with the hands, thus opening up the shoulders and stretching the upper back. Maintain this pose for around 30 seconds.
The Shoulder Roll: Shoulder rolls are the simplest stretches that can be done. Either sitting or standing upright, rotate your shoulders upwards, backwards, down then forward. Begin with small circles and work up to a larger movement. Do 10 circles in the backwards direction, then reverse direction and do 10 repetitions going forward.
As well, you need to be sure that you avoid movements and actions that could cause back and neck pain. Good posture is critical. And you will need to be particularly cautious whenever you’re lifting a heavy item. You will need to bend down, then use your legs instead of your back to carry the load while you lift.
The way you sleep at night also has an effect on the pain you are feeling in your neck and back. A properly supportive pillow and mattress are essential, and keep the temperature set just right to ensure that you don’t have a restless sleep. By doing a few easy stretches before you go to bed at night, you’ll loosen up your muscles and have a sound sleep.
Stretching routines are an important component of overall fitness, and they can also be effective for managing the pain of a bad back. For example, sciatica stretches are highly regarded as the best way to manage that particular condition.
6 Essential Stretches for a Woman’s Workout
April 5, 2012 by admin
Filed under Stretching
Article by Flavia Del Monte
For a healthy workout, you can’t just lift weights. You need to include stretches for a woman’s workout. In fact, you should stretch half the amount of time you lift weights. So, if you lift weights five hours a week, you should stretch 2.5 hours a week.
The Repercussions of Not Stretching
Muscles naturally tighten up. And not stretching and loosening them up can have some serious repercussions. You increase your risk of injury. You’ll move slower, have decreased mobility, and have less power. Your muscle coordination and metabolism will suffer, and so will your performance.
Flexibility — One of the Four Main Components of Fitness
Stretching has numerous benefits. It reduces the amount of lactic acid and inflammation in your muscle tissue, while preventing muscle cramps. Most importantly, because stretching reduces your body’s automatic need to protect itself against overextension, it improves your flexibility. And the more flexible you are, the easier your muscles are able to move through the full range of motion. This increases your performance and reduces your risk of injury.
Tips for Stretching
There’s a lot more to stretching than just movement. First, you should never stretch cold muscles, so warm up a bit with five to ten minutes of low intensity exercise like walking or jogging. Then, stretch all the major muscle groups. Just make sure to stretch each side equally and focus on the major groups you’ll be using during your workout.
Don’t bounce while stretching your muscles. This will only cause unhealthy damage. Use slow, focused movements, gradually speeding up as you go. You should feel some tension as you move, but there shouldn’t be any pain. If it hurts, you’ve moved too far. Ease up on your position and hold it.
Ready for some good stretches?
Neck Stretch — Standing with your feet a comfortable width apart, tilt your head to the right and slightly forward. Then, with your right hand behind your head, gently pull down until you feel a gentle stretch on the left side of your neck. Hold it for half a minute and repeat the movement on the opposite side.
Shoulder Stretch — Shoulder stretches for a woman’s workout help you avoid issues like rotator cuff injuries. To stretch it out, bring your left arm over your body and hold your right arm either above or below your elbow. Hold for 30 seconds and repeat by brining your right arm over to hold your left.
Back Stretch — Called the “Cat and Camel”, start in the kneeling position, with your hands flat on the floor. Then, looking at the floor, let your tummy sag to the floor and your face turn to the ceiling, arching your back as far as you can. Then, do the opposite: Round your back by tightening the abdominals and lowering your head to the floor.
Hip Flexor Stretch– When doing stretches for a woman’s workout, don’t forget your upper thighs. Called a hip flexor, this muscle lifts your knees and helps when you bend at the waist. To stretch your hip flexor, place some padding on the floor and kneel on it with your right knee. Then, put your left foot in front of you. Shift your weight to your right thigh by leaning forward, holding your left leg with your left hand to hold yourself steady. Hold for 30 seconds, and repeat it on the other side.
Quad Stretch — To stretch your calf muscles, stand an arm’s length away from a wall or support. Put your right food behind your left foot and slowly bend your left leg, moving it forward. Keep your back and right knee straight, your hips forward, and your right heel straight and flat on the floor. Hold for 30 seconds and repeat it for the other side. If you need to deepen the stretch, bend your right knee slightly as you lean forward.
Hamstring Stretch — Sit flat on the floor with your legs straight out. Then, bend forward to reach ahead of you, while keeping your knees straight. Hold for ten seconds, relax, and repeat the motion.
It can be tempting to skip stretching, but you won’t save yourself any time. Stretches for a woman’s workout can improve your results and you might even do more harm than good.
Flavia Del Monte is a Registered Nurse, Certified Physical Trainer, Certified Nutritionist and the creator of Full-Body-Licious. You can read more about her training programs, nutrition advice and great butt workouts on her female fitness blog.
Learn some great tips on how to do Quad stretches for a track and field meet in this free sports events, stretching, and preparation video clip. Expert: Jabari Pride Bio: Jabari Pride started running track in 1993. The summer before entering into college at the University of Wisconsin, Jabari competed at the Junior Olympics in Baton Rouge. Filmmaker: Nili Nathan
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Find More Quad Stretches Articles
Common Misunderstandings About Ballet Stretches and Doing The Splits
March 30, 2012 by admin
Filed under Stretching
Article by Dianne M. Buxton
I am flabbergasted at the misunderstandings being perpetuated about doing the splits. Ballet stretches taught properly help with muscle flexibility. Ballet exercises in soft shoes and pointe shoes all require the correct posture and alignments. Doing the splits for a jete or a penche does not come naturally to many dancers. So how do they make it look right?
One of the biggest reliefs I had when I went from amateur to professional training was that hips do not have to be square in a derriere (behind you) position. Including doing the splits.
I started my training in the R.A.D. system. I had natural turnout. It looked great except when I did a tendu (French word for stretched) derriere. We had to keep our hips square. In more advanced classes the developpe to the back, and attitude positions still looked terribly turned in. Naturally the students would go for height, which opened our hip. Our teacher would correct our hips, placing them back to a square position, and both the height and turnout looked miserable.
When I got into classes taught by teachers from The National Ballet of Canada, I was elated to find I could open my working hip. The waist, upper back and shoulders had to stay square, but not the hips. I finally and instantly had a professional looking line in arabesque, attitude, etc. When I explained how I had been taught they said “no one can do that!”
Another absurdity is that some people will never do the splits due to hip deformity.
Doing the splits depends on overall hyper-mobility. Not only hamstrings and quads need to be extremely flexible, but your postural muscles, the iliopsoas, needs to be very flexible. Hyper-mobility of the joints is an extra blessing for doing the splits, but creates a lot of problems too.
A professional ballet dancer will do whatever it takes to get a good line in a split jete or penche. Those who cannot do the splits perfectly open the hip more, and sometimes slightly bend the leg so that their foot lines up with the hip, and even though the entire leg is not lined up, the illusion of the splits is seen.
The hard and fast rules of ballet technique are for safety – for prevention of dance injuries. Getting the right line allows for accommodations that skilled teachers know how to teach.
Stretch after your ballet exercises when you are warm. Relax your muscles first. Use a rubber ball to knead out the worst tension. Then stretch gently in correctly aligned positions. You will improve your muscle flexibility, and you may end up doing the splits. But if you never do, it is not going to kill a dance career.
Get more safe technical advice found here in professionally written ballet manuals.
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Chest Stretches – Breaking the Monotony of Work With Chest Stretches
February 20, 2012 by admin
Filed under Stretching
Chest stretches are one of the most effective ways to break the monotony at work. In this day and age, many individuals work seated behind a desk for the greater part of the day. This position over long periods of time cramps up many muscles of the body. This leaves you weak and sluggish during the day and this affects your productivity in the workplace. Not only do you have low energy, you also become irritable and impatient with the work and your co-workers.
The Good in Chest Stretches
Chest stretches provides many good effects for the working individual. By stretching at given periods of the day, you can help circulate the blood more effectively throughout your muscles and thus relieve tension built up in your body. These stretches also help refresh your senses and break the monotony of the daily grind. By this activity, your body releases endorphins in your body that are helpful to your overall health.
The Kinds of Chest Stretches
There are many kinds of chest related stretches that you can do while you are behind your desk.
Doing them at given periods surely helps you become better while at work.
* Simply trying to reach out to the ceiling while seated behind your desk is one kind of stretches you can do. By doing this, the arms and chest muscles stretch, letting your blood circulate through your chest muscles and making yourself healthy at the same time.
* Pushing your palms together and letting your chest muscles stretch while counting to ten helps in relieving tension in your body.
* Doing several breathing exercises are also good types of stretches for the chest. You need to breathe through your nose and exhale through your mouth clears many cobwebs in your head and chest.
You also clean the airways and exhale toxins from your lungs.
* Try stretching your arms parallel to your shoulders and then folding your arms to your chest, you let blood circulate. Do this repeatedly and push your chest and then pulling your chest back helps your chest muscles become active and ready for the work at hand.
Reminders when doing Chest Stretches
Do remember always that you are in the workplace and not in the fitness center. Keeping your exercises simple and low key surely helps from calling attention to yourself. You don’t need your boss all over your back if you disturb the relative peace of the workplace. Another simple guideline in doing chest related stretches is the reason for the exercises. These chest area stretches should serve to break the monotony and recharge your flagging energy. The exercises are not supposed to be all out exercise programs you do while in your office attire in the company pantry.
Chest Stretches and You
Doing chest muscle stretches while at work is but one of the ways to invigorate yourself and keep you alert while at work. They also provide many benefits for you, such as improving circulation, removing stress and tension and ultimately help you become a more productive employee behind your desk.
A lot more information about chest stretches can be found at FitnessDietReviews.com so going online to the site can yield nuggets of wisdom for use in your daily life.
Stretches for Lower Back Pain
January 11, 2012 by admin
Filed under Lower Back Exercises
Article by john gmillano
Lower back problems can easily be very agonizing and can practically render the individual incapable of completing daily matters that usually would be of no concern, however there is a way to minimize this discomfort and this is through performing stretches for low back pain. These kinds of stretching exercises are meant to help loosen the muscle groups in the lower back and make it to where the person is no longer having to deal with the pain on a daily basis. It is essential to note that this may not relieve the pain entirely, however it can help to decrease the pain substantially if the individual keeps up with performing the stretches each day in an effort to loosen up the muscles in the back.
Maybe the best stretching exercise for lower back pain is known as the Cat Stretch. This involves the person getting onto their hands and knees, then simply slowly and gradually arching the spine like a cat would do when they stretch. When exhaling the person should press their spine towards the ground. The key benefits of this stretch is that it is carefully working the muscle groups in the spinal area and is great to do the very first thing each morning in order to have more range of flexibility during the day. And the more one performs exercises, the more unlikely they’re going to have soreness in their lower back during the day.
One more back exercise that many people have found effective is those stretching exercises that stretch the hamstrings. Why is this? Due to the fact many people are experiencing back pain a result of the muscles in their legs not being able to bend with the person. Consider the fact anytime a shoe hurts the feet that most people experience this in their back, the same can be said of stiff and inflexible muscles. With this exercise the individual simply needs to sit down with one leg stretched out to the side, the other leg tucked up close to them. Get hold of the foot and bend over to stretch your hamstrings you are going to feel the lower back area being extended as well. Most people refer to this as a common runner’s stretch. And discover that by performing this each morning before they go to work or just to start their day is a great way in which they lessen the back pain which they feel during the day.
Any time lower back pain makes the day go by slowly and painfully, then the person should make sure that they are doing anything they can so as to help to reduce the pain. You shouldn’t have to take medications or use ice packs when exercises for lower back pain can be implemented to resolve the problem.
Sore back giving you problems again? Many people find relief with stetches for lower back pain. Check out our website today for relief from your back pain.
These are some stretching exercises which can assist in alleviating lower back pain by looseningmuscles through the lower back and more importantly through the legs. A lot of lower back painic caused by tight hamstrings dragging on the lower back.
Video Rating: 4 / 5