Perform Stretching Exercises Instead Of Medication For Lower Back Pain

December 4, 2012 by  
Filed under Lower Back Exercises

Article by David Kuehl

Perform Stretching Exercises Instead Of Medication For Lower Back Pain – Health

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You might already be aware of this but as folks tend to get older they also tend to have problems with their back, and you may find that there are lots of different reasons for this back pain. There’s a lot of reasons that your back will begin to hurt, but loads of it is with age you lose the elasticity you once had. One way that folks can in fact contend with this issue is by doing proper stretching every single day.

You must understand that people’s everyday lives can typically wind up causing everyone to suffer from back pain. Folks who play loads of sports early in life, and then continue them as time passes, will find a time when their bodies are in a lot of pain. Of course you will find other reasons for back pain that are not avoidable and that’s that individuals can end up in a car accident can have back pain. When it comes to experiencing back pain you’re going to find that prescription medication is normally the route people take, but these medications can have side-effects. In relation to these medications you will recognize that they do not address what is actually causing your back pain rather they only mask the symptoms for instance the pain. For individuals who wish to stay away from having to take this medication every day for the remainder of your life you need to focus on finding a cure for the cause of your pain.

Should you be one of the people looking to solve the cause of your back pain you may find that stretching can do this. Obviously many people would rather take a pill to get rid of the pain than actually devote the time and effort needed to be able to do their stretches every single day which could actually cure their problem. The very best advantage of stretching is that it’s a natural solution and you won’t become addicted to pain medication and its adverse side-effects.

Needless to say an additional benefit of stretching is that you will actually be strengthening both your stomach and you are back which will help reduce future injuries to your back. That’s something pain medication can’t do, in fact taking medication will most likely make your back weaker as well as more prone to injuries. Along with stretching you are going to discover that other exercises that will help strengthen your core will additionally alleviate back pain. When you have the ability to stretch and move your back you are going to find that your pain will minimize. An additional main cause of people’s back pain is because their back muscles are so tight, and stretching is something which can enhance the flexibility of your muscles.

Well, there is more to come with our discussion of lower back pain stretches, so we hope you are finding it to be useful. Rather than interject our own personal opinion on these matters, it is best to let you be the judge. That is really in your best interest only because you know your situation better than anybody else. You will be best served if your knowledge is broad, and then you can fill in any details with further research. That is would be the ideal scenario, here, but you will not always have the time to do what is necessary for that to happen. If that describes you, then you know that you need to make the very most of your time. What we mean by that is some aspect will have greater meaning for each of us, and then you can go off and discover more for your self on that one thing. One more thing to bear in mind in relation to stretching and doing core exercises is that these two things can have positive effects on your overall health and well being. You have to realize that while you are exercising and stretching regularly your cardiovascular system is additionally going to be strengthened improving your overall health. Getting plenty of exercise and stretching every day will be one of the greatest steps you can take for your back pain and also for each and every aspect of your health.

The number of possible issues that can arise with reading about lower back pain stretches will always depend on your previous actions. It is a little amusing about the internet in that so many ordinary people feel this great desire to create content – we think it is great. What we all see very clearly are competing points of view, opinions and even conflicting research results. So that is why when you are talking about anything marketing-related, or something similar, then you really need to exercise due diligence in all respects. That is your best line of defense when you want to have accurate knowledge from which to proceed.

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You no doubt will come up on various challenges as you search for reliable info on lower back pain stretches. That happened to us, too, so do not feel like it is you or something you are doing wrong. But this is just a matter of making sure you are following information you can trust. So just take a moment and get over to to find some very clearly explained material. Now, if you are truly interested to take your knowledge base to a different level, then has to be seen. What you want to strive for is gaining the clearest and broadest understanding possible.

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David Kuehl

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You no doubt will come up on various challenges as you search for reliable info on lower back pain stretches. That happened to us, too, so do not feel like it is you or something you are doing wrong. But this is just a matter of making sure you are following information you can trust. So just take a moment and get over to to find some very clearly explained material. Now, if you are truly interested to take your knowledge base to a different level, then has to be seen. What you want to strive for is gaining the clearest and broadest understanding possible.

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Stretching Exercises for Flexibility and Mobility

September 30, 2012 by  
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Article by Knut Holt

Stretching Exercises for Flexibility and Mobility – Health – Fitness

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Doing regular stretching exercises will make you steadily more elastic, flexible and mobile, and hinder you from getting physically rigid and stiff as you get older. Here are some principles for good stretching exercises:

– Take a thorough stretching session at least every second day. During this session you should stretch out all parts of your body: Your arms, neck, torso, pelvic area and legs.

– It is an old principle to stretch out after other types of training. This principle has been questioned in the last years. If you feel this is the best time to stretch out, then do so. If not, wait until you are less tired and do the stretching as a separate session.

– It is probably best for many to have a short stretching session after muscular training and a longer stretching session at a separate time every second day.

– When stretching out, you should bend or twist in the natural movement directions and movement angles for each body part, and for each body part you should flex in every natural direction.

– It is good to begin the stretching session with some active exercises with moderate stretching effect to make your muscles and joints warm. You swing, bend, twist and roll with your arms, legs, shoulders, torso and pelvic region so that every movement gives a moderate stretching effect.

– Then you do slow exercises with a stronger stretching effect. You swing, bend or twist each limb and your torso until you feel resistance and a little more so that you feel the stretch, and then hold the stretch in 30-50 seconds. You can make this stretching even more effective by doing it together with a friend and helping each other. Repeat each stretch at least 3 times with a pause between.

– When beginning a slow stretch you begin by emptying your lungs completely for air, and then breath deeply in when you go into the stretch. When holding the stretch you breath effectively, but in a calm manner. In this way the exercise vil also benefit your chest wall, lungs and diaphragm.

You can find descriptions of many exact exercises in specific books or web-pages. Classical hatha-yoga-exercises are a type of slow stretching exercises with a profound beneficial effect on the whole body. But you can also use your creativity and compose exercises that specifically fit you, as long as you use the principles listed above, and you can also improvise during each session.

About the Author

Knut Holt is an internet marketer interested in the health field. To read more about health topics and to find natural products for treatment of problems in the muscles, joints, windpipe, stomach, nervous system, circulation and hormonal system, please see his web-site.

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Knut Holt is an internet marketer interested in the health field. To read more about health topics and to find natural products for treatment of problems in the muscles, joints, windpipe, stomach, nervous system, circulation and hormonal system, please see his web-site.

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Dynamic Stretching Can Be Key To Effective Working Out.

September 24, 2012 by  
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Article by Joe Gardener

Dynamic Stretching Can Be Key To Effective Working Out. – Health

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If you are into fitness and working out you know that stretching can be a boring and tedious issue. And many people feel that stretching does not do anything, they feel it largely is a waste of time. That is why many people are beginning to switch to Dynamic stretching for their workout regime.

Dynamic stretching is stretching done with activity. For example, stretching your arms is done with full range of motion and exercise that warms up the muscle as well as giving it the chance to stretch. It is this muscle activity and warming up that makes dynamic stretching a big chance over traditional stretching.

We have all heard that warming up and stretching before you play a sport will prevent injuries. And in many cases stretching can be beneficial. There has been no study done to indicate that stretching without exercise will help give flexibility before performing an aerobic activity. In fact, there are a lot of different sets of data that show that stretching without muscle movement is largely worthless.

The key is to move the muscle, slowly at first, using full range of motion, and gently urging your muscles to stretch longer and longer at the same time they are warming up. Athletes are increasingly enjoying the new Dynamic stretching techniques, because it gives their muscles a warm up and the chance to stretch while exercising.

Dynamic stretching is the process of moving your body and slowly increasing speed, the range of motion and stretching movement, making the increases slow but steady. This gives your body the chance to get warm, stretch and move all at the same time.

When you are an athlete the first thing that you encounter when you step on the field to compete or to go for a run is the need for oxygen rich blood. Dynamic stretching does allow for this type of activity, and it supports the efforts to warm the muscle groups up as well as giving muscles support

The key to dynamic stretching is slow, repeated movements gradually increasing intensity and range of motion. As the muscle warms up, then you increase the repetitions and the range, and the intensity of the movement. Working together it provides a great deal of support for the muscle groups as well as giving a better set of stretches than traditional, static stretching does.

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Joseph Gardener is a health expert specializing in pharmaceutical research, men’s health and other health topics, such as generic viagra

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Joseph Gardener is a health expert specializing in pharmaceutical research, men’s health and other health topics, such as generic viagra

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Yoga Stretching & Flexibility Exercises Benefits Explained

September 12, 2012 by  
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Article by Tracy Renning

Yoga Stretching & Flexibility Exercises Benefits Explained – Health – Fitness

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Stretching exercises are beneficial for our health and help to keep our body supple and flexible. Doing stretching exercises for at least five to ten minutes before you embark on any kind of exercises be it aerobics or swimming goes a long way in preventing muscle pull.

Benefits of stretching exercises are manifold and include enhancing flexibility of your muscles, improving coordination among different body parts, controlling body temperature and heart rate and preventing overall injuries.

However, there are some methods that should be followed by an individual religiously while doing stretching exercises. As in the case of other types of exercises, a person while performing stretching exercises should keep in mind not to overdo it. And the proper way to go about it is to start stretching at a very slow pace. The whole body and mind should be entirely relaxed and the place of exercise should be peaceful and free from all kinds of disturbances. It is best that you avoid those stretching exercises that are painful and hurt you while performing it.

Basic aim of doing stretching exercises is to take your body to the level of “mild tension.” While stretching, give proper attention to breathing. It should be relaxed and normal. Do not try to hold your breath while performing the exercises; it could lead to an adverse effect. Give at least fifteen seconds to each exercise before returning to normal position. Do not rush. You should give time between each stretching exercise to ensure that your body gets enough time to relax. Stretching after your exercise is over is also very important as it helps your body to cool down so that your heart rate and body pressure returns to pre exercise position.

Your stretching exercise routine should consist of those exercises, which would enable you to stretch all parts of your body. Some of the more well known stretching exercises include neck exercises, hip stretch, hamstring stretch, inner thigh stretch, lunge stretch, kneeling hamstring stretch, piriformis stretch, knee to chest stretch exercises, calf stretch, spine twist, and many more.

For the neck stretch just stand upright and relax. Then turn your head to your left side and then hold it in that position for five seconds. Repeat the same turning your head to your left, upwards and downwards.

For stretching your shoulder and back of upper arm stand straight and place your right hand on your left shoulder and with left hand pull right elbow across chest towards your left shoulder and hold for around ten seconds. Repeat it with your other hand also.

For stretching your middle back, stand erect with hands on hips and start twisting your torso at your waist until you can feel a stretch. You should remain in this position for around fifteen seconds. Repeat it in the reverse direction.

For stretching your calf, stand at a little distance from the wall and rest on it with your forearms. Putting your right foot in front of you, bend it while your left leg should be kept in a straight position. In the next step, move your hips forward until you can feel a stretch in your left leg calf. Your left heel should remain flat and toes should be pointed straight. Repeat it with your other leg.

There are a number of stretching exercises and it is important you choose those which are suitable for you and which you feel comfortable in performing. In the end, it can be said that it is always better to start with those stretching exercises, which are easier to perform.

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Double your flexibility in 28 days using YOGABODY Naturals Flexibility Kit. Stretching Flexibility Exercises & yoga poses are not enough… you need Gravity Poses and 6 specific nutrients to improve your stretching flexibility fast!

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Double your flexibility in 28 days using YOGABODY Naturals Flexibility Kit. Stretching Flexibility Exercises & yoga poses are not enough… you need Gravity Poses and 6 specific nutrients to improve your stretching flexibility fast!

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The Use of Shoulder Stretching Exercise

September 9, 2012 by  
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Article by Lovegolfclub

The Use of Shoulder Stretching Exercise – Sports – Golf

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It’s a truth that strong arms and shoulders can help improve your golf swing. Golf stretching exercises for shoulder can help you to achieve a more consistent swing. The main restriction for golfers at the top of their swing is their shoulders. Primarily the rotator cuff of the back shoulders the right shoulder for a right-handed golfer. Golf stretching exercises specific for your shoulders will get you to the top of your swing consistently and with little effort.

Overhead Golf Stretching Exercises is a very helpful exercise to your backswing. Since the top of the backswing is above your head, it is critical to implement golf stretching exercises that are above your head. There are many simple stretches you can do with your hands clasped or by grabbing a golf club with your arms extended and take it overhead. Doing stretches like this consistently will make a dramatic improvement on your ability to get to the top of your backswing consistently. This position will make it much easier for you to come down in a mechanically correct position virtually every time.

The rotator cuff muscles are the most common to get injured with golfers. Rotator cuff exercises can be done easily at home, and they use little or no weight or resistance and only take about ten minutes at a time. The requirement to get to the top of your backswing takes a high level of rotator cuff felicity and if you don’t have it, the rotator cuff gets overused and injured. External rotation of the back shoulder is a must. With any restriction in this area, it is impossible to get to the top of your swing without tension. You will see an improvement in your game almost straight away.

Along with rotator cuff is backswing stretches. Golf shoulder stretch exercises for this phase of your swing should focus on the back of the lead shoulder and upper back muscles as well. Tightness in this area will create a higher level of tension early on in the backswing. Stand up and try to make a backswing and notice how early the tension creeps in with the back of your lead shoulder. I’ll bet you feel it early on, way before you get to a 90 degree shoulder turn.

The follow through is rarely worked on. Many people pay too much attention to the golf backswing instead of follow through, you can also loot at your follow through in the mirror, or make a follow through at any point in the day. Stretching this area is focusing on the back of the non lead shoulder specific to the follow through. Do this and I promise you, you will hit the ball further since you will be swing all the way through the ball.

Golf stretching exercises for shoulders will make a difference. The shoulder exercise will strengthen the front of your shoulder. You can use two dumbbells or a barbell. Hold your arms in front of you straight with your palms facing down. Either have a dumbbell in each hand or hold a barbell with both, shoulder-width apart. Raise your arms straight in front of you to shoulder height, no higher. Bring your arms down straight to your legs to finish the exercise. There are two important things to know about a successful shoulder exercise program. One is to make sure that you rest the muscles properly in order that they can heal beforehand, the other is that you build up the exercises gradually, being careful to avoid any exercise that causes you pain. In shoulders, pain invariably means that you are causing more damage. The information in this article will help you a lot on your golf swing.

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Lovegolf helps the golfers improve the game by giving them some great golf tips. Check out for a full service resort which will allow you to enjoy all kinds of golf clubs at home. And you can also get more detail information about the cheap and high quality Taylormade R11 Bag   TaylorMade R11 Hybrid

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Lovegolf helps the golfers improve the game by giving them some great golf tips. Check out for a full service resort which will allow you to enjoy all kinds of golf clubs at home. And you can also get more detail information about the cheap and high quality Taylormade R11 Bag   TaylorMade R11 Hybrid

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Go To For More FREE Shoulder Stretches Shoulder Stretches – 3 Easy Shoulder Stretches You Can Do Now 1 – Rear Deltoid Back Stretch 2 – Shoulder/Tricep Stretch 3 – Chest/Anterior Deltoid (Shoulder) Stretch This simple and quick shoulder stretching routine is perfect for keeping the rotator cuff in good shape by enhancing full and natural range of motion. By keeping the superficial, and deep layer, muscles of the shoulder girdle and surrounding muscle groups loose and limber – you decrease risk of injury, common aches and pains – And you improve overall posture. Performance in all sports and simple daily activities are enhanced as well. The results speak for themselves. You be the judge ;-))

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Proper Stretching Techniques

August 28, 2012 by  
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Article by Wowwhatsaving

Proper Stretching Techniques – Health – Fitness

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Stretching exercises have long been considered as an important part of any exercise routine. Some researches have shown that stretching exercises can be more than just a prelude to a more intense workout. Stretching will keeps you more flexible and helps with circulation. Start the day by warming up without your pack on. Walk up the trail for several hundred yards, turn back, at a comfort

Various Stretching Strategies May Possibly Help You With Your Lower Back Pain

August 18, 2012 by  
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Article by Kimrose Pianote

Various Stretching Strategies May Possibly Help You With Your Lower Back Pain – Health

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You may possibly already be aware of this but as people tend to get older they also tend to have problems with their back, and you might find that there are plenty of different reasons for this back pain. The elasticity in people’s backs can also be a major contributor to anyone who suffers from back pain. One way that men and women can actually deal with this issue is by doing proper stretching each and every day.

The way a lot of folks live their life, it is inevitable they will end up with back pain. Men and women who play a lot of sports early in life, and then continue them as time passes, will find a time when their bodies are in a lot of pain. Of course you’ll find other reasons for back pain that are not avoidable and that is that folks can wind up in a vehicle accident can have back pain. Most folks prefer to deal with their back pain with medication, which can be helpful, but at the same time very detrimental. With really bad pain, you could need pain medication or even a muscle relaxer, but in either case they only mask the pain, without experiencing the root cause of the problem. You need to additionally be aware that if nothing is addressing the particular cause of the pain you will be taking this medication the remainder of your life.

One of the techniques to cope with the actual pain in your back is by doing various stretches each day. The only problem with stretching is that it takes dedication and work and even though it will work better and save folks from being on dangerous drugs, most folks would rather take a pill. The very best benefit of stretching is that it is a natural solution and you will not become addicted to pain medication and its negative side-effects.

After you get started doing stretching exercises, not only will it make your lower back feel better, but it is going to strengthen it in order to prevent future injuries. One of the dangers of actually taking drugs to cope with your pain, is that your back may possibly feel fine which could end up causing you to cause more damage to your back. Any exercise which makes the body stronger by strengthening core muscles, is equipping your system to manage whatever comes on it. The more flexibility you have in your back the less likely you’re to have back pain. Improving the flexibility of your muscles is a thing that stretching can do which will also wind up decreasing the pain in your back.

When you do exercises to benefit your lower back, they will also benefit the remainder of your body. You have to realize that when you’re exercising and stretching regularly your cardiovascular system is additionally going to be strengthened improving your overall health. It will always be in your best interest to stay active and do stretching exercises, in order to remain healthy and the next time you are contemplating taking some pill, do some stretching exercises instead.

About the Author

Kimrose Pianote is known for giving her audience a variety of content and is also famous for being a committed blogger. She has written on multiple topics including Article Marketing, online marketing, and network marketing. Checkout her article on Life wave scam and on celebrating home training

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Kimrose Pianote is known for giving her audience a variety of content and is also famous for being a committed blogger. She has written on multiple topics including Article Marketing, online marketing, and network marketing. Checkout her article on Life wave scam and on celebrating home training

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Should You Get a Leg Stretching Machine?

August 16, 2012 by  
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Article by Vance Kardasian

Should You Get a Leg Stretching Machine? – Health

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You know how important it is to do leg stretches before and after a workout, and how you need to hold each leg stretching exercise for just the right amount of time, but do you need a leg stretching machine? The leg stretching machine is really all the rage these days, but there is the question that a lot of people have which is whether or not they should spend the money on a leg stretching machine or just keep performing their stretches on their own without the equipment.

Learn About the Benefits

To help you make your decision on whether you should get a leg stretching machine or not, the best thing that you can do is learn about all the different benefits that offered by this sort of machine. There are some great benefits that one of these machines will offer you, and which you are definitely going to want to take into consideration when making your decision here.

For one thing, you will be less likely to injure yourself when you are using one of these machines. They are very strict forward and easy to understand on how to use them, and so you are less likely to perform a stretch wrong and end up hurting yourself. Also, they are usually more effective at actually stretching the muscles than you can be when you are just doing the exercises on your own.

Although you will have to spend a bit of money initially in order to get the equipment, most people consider it to be more than worth it in the end, when they have looser, more limber muscles and they feel better before and after each workout. Not only that, but when you are stretching properly before and after your workouts, you are going to be boosting your metabolism and able to lose more weight overall as a result.

Where to Shop

If you have decided, as many other exercisers just like you already have, that you do in fact want to get a leg stretching machine, then you are just going to need to know where you can go to get such a machine. Check out any of the local fitness shops in your area to see what they have in stock, because they should have at least a remotely decent selection for you to choose from.

You are surely going to be glad that you bought the equipment and find it much easier in the future to complete your stretches.

About the Author

Stop by and visit my Calisthenics website for more tips, fitness resources and recommendations.

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Stretching For Golf Isn’t What You Think

July 29, 2012 by  
Filed under Stretching

Article by Mike Pedersen, CPT

Stretching For Golf Isn’t What You Think – Sports

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Stretching for golf is critical to slowing down the rapid decline senior golfers experience, as well as reducing the stress on the muscles, ligaments, tendons and joints. The golf swing puts a tremendous amount of pressure on the body, and unless you are participating in a consistent stretching for golf program, you will be a statistic.

The statistic I’m talking about is being one of the millions of golfers who aren’t improving and who are injured at some point every season you play. Does this sound like you? If so, keep reading to find out how you avoid being a statistic, and instead be one of the very few who actually improve and play their best golf.

The golf swing is dynamic. What I mean is it involves motion. This motion needs to be fluid, tension-less, and powerful. The only way to accomplish this is with dynamic strength and stretching drills aimed specifically at your golf swing faults.

This approach to golf improvement is not utilized among most amateur golfers, but if done correctly will take your game to the highest level in the quickest amount of time.

In most of the golf fitness books, videos and articles you read, you will see the golfer holding a particular stretch for up to 60 seconds.

Let me ask you this!

Do you ever hold any part of your golf swing when you’re playing or hitting balls? I don’t think so. So why would you train your body in this fashion? You wouldn’t! You would look at certain positions in the golf swing and incorporate dynamic (movement) stretches to improve those positions in an efficient manner.

For example, let’s say you are having a tough time making a full backswing. The backswing is a fluid and tension-less movement that is destroyed when you add tension or restriction to it.

Instead, you would make some backswing moves, going as far as you can, then a little farther and releasing it. Doing this 8-10 times throughout the day. You can do this in your office or at home. No need for a gym or workout gear.

Grab a short iron, stand tall with your arms extended straight out in front of you. The club will be horizontal to the ground at about chest height. Now rotate back as far as you can without too much hip rotation, then rotate through as far as you can with more hip rotation just like your golf swing.

Now this is a dynamic movement that will greatly improve your body’s ability to turn back fully and through to a complete finish for maximum power and distance.

In closing, don’t get me wrong!

You can definitely do static stretches and not hurt your golf swing. But the emphasis should be on more dynamic stretches, and less holding stretches to maximize your golfing potential.

As you can see, this is a much different approach to stretching for golf.

About the Author

Mike Pedersen is one of the top golf performance trainers in the country, author and founder of several cutting-edge online golf improvement sites. Take a look at his just released golf dvds and manual at his golf swing trainer site – Perform Better Golf.

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Mike Pedersen, CPT

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Mike Pedersen is one of the top golf performance trainers in the country, author and founder of several cutting-edge online golf improvement sites. Take a look at his just released golf dvds and manual at his golf swing trainer site – Perform Better Golf.

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Flexibility Stretching for Health Longevity

July 26, 2012 by  
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Article by Stephen Lau

Flexibility Stretching for Health Longevity – Health – Fitness

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Flexibility stretching holds the key to health longevity.

When you were young, you might have been very athletic and sportive. However, as you continue to age, you may have become less active physically: instead of participating in sports, you may have become only a spectator. Your sedentary lifestyle only reinforces your lethargy and sluggishness in everyday life. Even if you are busily engaged in running errands for your family, you are exercising only certain muscle groups of your body. What you need is flexibility stretching for health longevity.

Why is flexibility stretching so important to health longevity?

Flexibility fitness improves your posture. Poor posture leads to aches and pain. More importantly, poor posture may affect correct breathing, and the importance of correct breathing cannot be overstressed. You need to breathe right to get sufficient oxygen and nutrients to various parts of your body. Poor posture, due to muscle stiffness and muscle tension, contributes to incomplete or shallow breathing – which is not correct breathing. It is interesting to know that rodents, one of the fastest-breathing animals, have the shortest lifespan, while tortoises, with the slowest breathing, live the longest in the animal kingdom. Flexibility fitness has to do with correct posture, which is fundamental to correct breathing.

Flexibility fitness is doing flexibility exercises to enhance fitness. Many people, who do regular exercise, tend to focus on fitness, strength, and endurance. But flexibility stretching is the essence of fitness, because it not only reduces muscular tension but also improves overall physical performance.

Flexibility stretching enhances the quality of the protective lubricant for optimum joint movement, the decline of which is the major cause of arthritic conditions. Also, increased lumbar and pelvic movements reduce the risk of lower back pain.

Flexibility exercises, through stretching, improve neuromuscular coordination, that is, the reduction of time taken for messages to go from the brain to the muscles.

Flexibility stretching helps to avoid injuries and falls due to stiff or tight muscle fibers. As a result of flexibility stretching, the range of movement (ROM) significantly improves general physical movement and increases blood supply, thereby instrumental in facilitating joint mobility to avoid accidents and falls, especially among the elderly.

Physical activity, through flexibility exercises, extends longevity. In fact, flexibility stretching is the closest thing to an anti-aging pill. Unfortunately, inflexibility causes falls, and the fear of falls further immobilizes the elderly, and thus forming a vicious cycle of immobilizing the aged. Falling is the second leading cause of death in women aged between aged 65 and 85, and the leading cause of death for most individuals over 85.

There are two types of flexibility stretching: “static” flexibility stretching involves stretching a muscle for a certain length of time; and “dynamic” flexibility stretching focuses on slow or fast movements into stretched positions. The former is especially ideal for health flexibility for muscles and joints; while the latter, using multiple muscles and joints combined with neuromuscular coordination, is suitable for building coordination and strength.

Flexibility stretching is health flexibility for health longevity. If you wish to live longer with quality living, it is paramount that you do flexibility stretching everyday.

About the Author

Visit Stephen Lau’s “The Seven Pillars of Wisdom” ( ) to find out how to be healthier through physical activity. Stephen Lau is a writer and researcher, who has published books and websites on anti-aging, Chinese natural healing, Zen health, depression and eating disorders, and money management. For more information, visit his website:

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Stephen Lau

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Visit Stephen Lau’s “The Seven Pillars of Wisdom” ( ) to find out how to be healthier through physical activity. Stephen Lau is a writer and researcher, who has published books and websites on anti-aging, Chinese natural healing, Zen health, depression and eating disorders, and money management. For more information, visit his website:

Use and distribution of this article is subject to our Publisher Guidelines
whereby the original author’s information and copyright must be included.

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