Stretches That Increase Height – Can Stretching Exercises Increase Height?

July 5, 2012 by  
Filed under Stretching

Stretches That Increase Height

You have heard of surgeries to increase the length of your limbs to grow taller. But have you heard that you can easily increase your height just by doing some simple stretching exercises daily? It is true! In fact, it has been scientifically proven that stretching exercises increase height naturally, no matter what the person’s age is. So just when you thought you are done with getting taller…woohoo, you have got yourself a lifeline here, buddy!

Now this is certainly great news for us guys who have been troubled with a lack of height. The same problem that leads us to discrimination at work, being ridiculed by our friends, and sadly ignored by the opposite sex.

Stretching exercises have been found to help stimulate the body to produce a hormone that is responsible for the body growth. The human growth hormone, or HGH, is a microscopic protein substance that is produced by the pituitary gland after doing physical exercises. Stretches That Increase Height

Make no mistake – HGH does not directly make you grow taller. The HGH produced in your body system travels through your blood and stimulates the liver to produce a protein called insulin-like growth factor #1 (IGF-1). The latter is the one that helps the cartilage at the ends of your long bones to multiply and become thicker.

Do you get the picture now? Thicker cartilage = a few inches added to your height!

Not only do stretching exercises increase height by stimulating the production of HGH in your body, they help correct your posture too. More specifically, your spinal curvature. By doing specially designed stretching routines, you help to stretch and lengthen your spine and in the process, add a few more inches to your present height.

It may seem that this method to increase height is a little more time consuming. But the most important points you should take note are: it works, and compared to surgeries, are much less dangerous, painful, and expensive. Stretches That Increase Height

Laughed for being Short? No Confidence in front of Friends?
Get your Stretches That Increase Height with simple steps to do at home!
Get Stretches That Increase Height now and get back your Life!

Why is Knee Stretching Important for the Elderly?

July 2, 2012 by  
Filed under Stretching

Article by Tim Sweeney

Why is Knee Stretching Important for the Elderly? – Health – Disabilities

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We are all aware that as we grow older, we become decreasingly active and also subject to discomfort. As the years accrue, we also discover it is progressively difficult to recover from slight personal injuries and should we fall or stumble, effects will be endured for weeks instead of days. So that you can ease growing old and save ourselves from lots of needless issues as you can we’ve got to always endeavor to continue to keep, active, healthy lifestyles.

A very common issue for people as they age is problems with their knees. The knee is truly a intricate and delicate joint, many people endure knee conditions in their life and past injuries may perhaps be made worse as we get older. People who have suffered a sporting injury during their youth is vulnerable to feel repercussions of the past injury as they age. You may not appreciate simply how much punishment our knees receive during an entire life, but if you consider that each time we walk up a step, our knees receive four times our body weight in stress, you begin to fully understand exactly how much knees endure inside of a lifetime.

Exactly why knees and various other joints cause us a great many problems as we get older is that usually as our bodies age, our muscles become not as long and lose elasticity. In regards to to knees, this will make them less effective to take in the shock this is put on them on a regular basis through regular activity.

We do, however, have means to help us tackle this deterioration, like stretching, as there are lots of factors why stretching is really so worthwhile. Not preserving our knees can result in serious lifestyle impediments, a whole lot of pain and enormous expenses if knee surgery is demanded. Stretching the knee will enhance the flexibility within the muscles all around the joint, enhancing it’s means to soak up shock before it gets to the joint and can cause improved stableness from the joint, gaining better range of flexibility and causing it to be not as likely to ‘give out’ under you.

Knee stretches are most effective carried out Three or four times a week or even more regularly and you should always do it when the body is warmed up and ready, not every person will be comfortable completing this task first thing every morning even though some may find this the perfect time of day. Always speak with your physician before undertaking a new exercise routine.

This can be a basic exercise to strengthen the hamstring (back of thighs) and quads (front of thigh). Sit down on the floor with your back up against a wall put your legs out straight in front of you (if you choose, you can do this sitting on the bed with your back up against the headboard). Begin by using your muscles to push your knees down, you will make this happen by flexing your quads. You should see your knees go down a small amount. Next flex your hamstrings; you ought to see your knees go up a small amount.

Alternate between quad flex and hamstring flex for 30 seconds to 2 minutes, or less if you feel tired. Stop if you feel any pain.

To support the knees by strengthening your calf muscles, stand about 12″ from the wall. Place your hands on the wall. Step forward with your right foot until your toe is against the wall. Lean your hips towards the wall, keeping your left leg straight. You should feel the stretch in your left calf muscle. Hold for 20 seconds and then switch sides.

About the Author

To learn more about easy knee stretches, you can visit Tim’s blog, My Knee Stretches. Tim used knee stretches on his blog to win a gold medal at the National Rowing Marathon Olympics and also to compete in a 155-mile ultramarathon in the Sahara.

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Tim Sweeney

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To learn more about easy knee stretches, you can visit Tim’s blog, My Knee Stretches. Tim used knee stretches on his blog to win a gold medal at the National Rowing Marathon Olympics and also to compete in a 155-mile ultramarathon in the Sahara.

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Why Ear Stretching is Popular

June 29, 2012 by  
Filed under Stretching

Article by Mark Wilson

Why Ear Stretching is Popular – Other

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Ear stretching is popular for a number of reasons, but mainly because people are seeking new ways to be different. They know that most types of body piercing are now commonplace and that many are not generally visible, being hidden beneath clothing. They see stretched ears, particularly the earlobes, as a way of making their independence easily visible to everybody. However, it has not always been for that reason that people have stretched their ears.

The Historical Culture of Ear Stretching

Stretching ears is just one of the many forms of body modification that people have been using since before historical records began. Examples are body painting, tattooing being a more permanent form of this, lip stretching, hair styling and piercings of many different types. Unlike lip stretching, where the skin and flesh are stretched out to hold circular plates, stretched ears are simply an enlargement of the piercing in the ears, generally the earlobes, but not confined to just these.

Such body modification has been carried for a number of cultural reasons, including for religious reasons, to ward off spells and witchcraft, tribal affiliation and personal adornment and beauty. Young people of today use ear stretching for the last mentioned of these reasons, although there is still a great deal of stretching carried out throughout the world for those other reasons mentioned.

Examples are the Maasai people in Kenya and East Africa, some areas of Thailand and also among the indigenous peoples of the Amazon basin. Many carry out stretching to extreme levels, involving not only the earlobes, but also the conch of the ear, the septum and the lips, the latter being predominantly an African form of stretching. The Mursi of Ethiopia still wear large lip plates on their stretched lower lips, although as explained earlier these are straight stretchings and not stretched piercings.

Famous Examples of Ear Stretching

There are numerous examples of stretched ears, one being the stretchings apparent on the famous Easter Island Moai statues. The story goes that the Moai statues represent the ancestors of the original inhabitants of Easter Island, and were carved somewhere around 1200 CE to 1500 CE (CE=AD). They are represented with stretched ears, indicating that this was likely carried out by the original inhabitants of the island.

Another famous example is that of the boy pharaoh, Tutankhamen, whose famous gold and blue death mask exhibits earlobes stretched to at least 10 mm in diameter. The mask may be stylized, and not necessarily display the correct extent of the stretching, but there seems no doubt that this form of adornment was common in Ancient Egypt.

Another very famous example is that of representations of Siddhartha Gautama, better known as Buddha. Sculptures and other forms of representation of Buddha show definite stretched earlobes.

There are few doubts that earlobe piercing and subsequent stretching of the piercings has been carried out for many thousands of years. It may be that this was a sign of stature in society, although this is not the case in Thailand and Brazil, where ear stretching has been common among all members of society for untold centuries: even now, the peoples of the Amazon Rainforest and the highlands of Thailand practice this form of bodily decoration.

How to Stretch Your Ears

If you have a desire to stretch your ear piercings, you must either have an existing piercing, or have one carried out. In the latter case, you will have to wait longer to commence the actual stretching procedure because it takes about 6-8 weeks for the initial piercing to heal sufficiently to allow it to proceed.

You can choose either to do it yourself of have it done by a professional. Because of the damage that can be done if you get it wrong, you are advised to go with the professional, although you can purchase the equipment needed online from any good flesh tunnel or ear piercing website. Recommended site –

You must be absolutely certain that this is what you want, because after a certain point it is irreversible without radical plastic surgery. That point is in the region of 10mm – 12mm diameter holes, below which the stretching will revert to normal after a period of time, although to be frank, your ear lobe will never look as perfect as it once was, even with plastic surgery – so be certain!

Ear Stretching Equipment

The equipment you and the professionals will use is roughly the same, often in the form of insertion tapers that vary is width along their length, although the pros will have theirs properly sterilized and will take the increase in diameter of the piercing in small stages, allowing about 2 weeks healing between gaugings. The term ‘gauging’ is used because that is the term used to measure the diameter of the stretched hole.

Your ears lobes might start off with a 14 gauge piercing, around 1.63 mm in diameter. This can increase in size to 12.7 mm (1/2 inch), or 0000 gauge, and even larger to any size at which you care to finish. The Maasai and Brazilians can go to very large diameters, although you will likely stop at 0.5 inches or thereabouts. You will note that the gauge numbers drop as the size of the hole becomes larger.

Jewellery for Stretched Ears

You have a wide range of jewellery from which you can choose to adorn your stretched ears. Some use flesh tunnels that fit into the hole and show the space going through your earlobe. Others use bars that fit the expanded earlobe, with various forms of adornment attached to the ends. Yet others prefer to use rings or hangers that accentuate the ear stretching, and often make it seem even larger as the weight of the jewellery pulls it downwards.

Materials range from gold, platinum, titanium and niobium to Teflon, glass, crystal, plastic, shell, bone and wood. You are advised to keep clear of the absorbent materials, such as wood and bone and also some plastics, because these can harbour germs, viruses and fungi.

Ear stretching is a great way to express your individuality, but it’s not the stretching that matters as much as what you wear with it. Make sure you get some great jewellery to go with your stretched ears and you will look absolutely fabulous – Ab Fab as they say!

About the Author

More tips and information on gauging ear lobes for flesh tunnels are avialable on 40mm ear tunnels where you will also find a selection of great ear stretchers

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Mark Wilson

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More tips and information on gauging ear lobes for flesh tunnels are avialable on 40mm ear tunnels where you will also find a selection of great ear stretchers

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whereby the original author’s information and copyright must be included.

8 Minute Stretch

Effective Golf Stretching Exercises for Your Game

June 11, 2012 by  
Filed under Stretching

Article by Joey Atlas

Effective Golf Stretching Exercises for Your Game – Health – Fitness

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The singlemost important golf fitness factor for your golf performance is flexibility. The less golf fitness stretching exercises you do, the less flexibility you have, the worse your game. It’s that simple. Ignorance of the proper golf stretches and lack of flexibility are responsible for keeping the games of many players from ever reaching their full potential – on all levels.

No equipment breakthroughs, no magical flying golf balls, no $ 300 lessons and no ‘electrically charged’ bracelets will ever take the place of what a proper golf fitness stretching exercise program can do for your game.

With the right golf stretching exercises, the easier and further your body can turn, the better, more powerful, your swing is. Period.

Moving the club head over a greater distance allows for the generation of more club head speed, hence more distance on the ball – WITH LESS EFFORT.

So, What Does The Ideal Golf Stretching Exercise Program Consist Of?

1) It must include several key compound stretches – stretches that elongate several joint areas at the same time – mimicking natural movement patterns. Allowing the golfer to be more accurate through enhanced fitness flexibility, body awareness & control.

2) It must include a series of single or double joint golf stretching exercises. The effects of these stretches increase exponentially when the specific body movement requires several of these joints to move in coordination with each other (ie – the golf swing).

3) It must follow a symetrical protocol – the true key to maintaining optimal muscle/tendon/joint balance on both sides of the body. This allows for enhanced golf swing power without a large increase in swing effort. And this is also very important to chronic and acute injury prevention – and hence fitness and playing longevity.

4) It must offer several golf fitness program variations. A long version for regular training days and a short version for Pre-Round Stretching. A few variations with the large exercise ball should also be included (extremely important for the golfer) along with a couple of club stretches to do just before tee-off & between holes if necessary.

5) It must be realistic & easy to do for golfers at any fitness level with no equipment except for a stretching floor mat (and an exercise ball for certain stretches).

6) It should be thorough – addressing the head and neck all, the way down to the feet. Remember, the golf swing is a full body movement.

7) It should feel good – especially afterward. This type of stretch routine should make you feel as if your posture is immediately better & you should feel stronger – just because your body moves so much easier & more fluidly. You should almost feel like you could rip the cover off a ball if you were to hit one right after your golf fitness stretch routine.

8) It should cause some of your golf buddies to become ‘hateful enemies’. Once you start bombing your drives & ripping your iron shots ‘the boys’ are not going to be very happy with your new-found golf fitness abilities – they will be ‘green’ with envy.

9) Multi-plane, rotational floor stretches are a must. Glute, piriformis & IT band stretches are a must. Heel (Achilles) and calve stretches are a must. Hip flexor, quad, and groin (adductor) stretches are a must and have to be included in any golf fitness flexibility program.

10) Neck, trapezius & shoulder girdle stretches must be included. Chest, arm, abdominal and oblique stretching exercises must be included. Upper, middle & lower back stretches must be included.

11) A complete golf flexibility exercise session should take you no longer than 45 minutes on a long program and no longer than 14 minutes on a ‘quick golf stretch’.

The starting point of your optimum golf fitness exercise program should place priority on the flexibility component. A carefully crafted stretching program, consisting of the right golf exercises, should be the foundation for which the rest of your golf performance conditioning program is built upon.

About the Author

Joey Atlas, Exercise Physiologist, is the mastermind behind The Best Golf Stretching Exercises.

Go to for more tips, helpful advice & information.

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Joey Atlas, Exercise Physiologist, is the mastermind behind The Best Golf Stretching Exercises.

Go to for more tips, helpful advice & information.

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Dynamic Stretching for Optimal Health

June 8, 2012 by  
Filed under Stretching

Article by Jill Miller

Dynamic Stretching for Optimal Health – Health – Fitness

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Dynamic movement happens when the body keeps moving from one motion to the next without stopping. This type of action warms up the tissues of the body, improves circulation and prepares us for activity.

If you watch an animal when it wakes up, it progressively moves its body every which way, one motion tumbling into the next in a primal organic sequence. It also contracts its muscles while it is lengthening them to maximize the internal friction and hasten fluids back into the muscles, connective tissues and joints.

When we are still, we grow a kind of moss all over our musculature. This “inner moss” is fascia, an important connective tissue webbing that strings our body together. Sometimes this is helpful, for example in protecting a muscle that has been injured. However, fascia does not distinguish between an injured muscle and a “lazy” or underused muscle. It will just grow and continue to restrict movement unless it is regularly mobilized.

When we move our bodies fully, encouraging motion into every joint and muscle fiber in the body, we aid in loosening up adhesions that regularly grow between the sliding surfaces of muscles all over our body. When we dynamically stretch away our restrictions by breaking apart our tension areas, it’s like we’re performing physical therapy on ourselves!

The specialized fibers within our muscles that contract at a fast rate to maximize power and force need to be trained and turned on in order to make fast movements on the playing field or dance floor. Dynamic stretching has been proven to stimulate these responses within our muscles.

The opposite of dynamic stretching is static stretching. Static stretching implies that a body is at a still point and the muscles are held under consistent pressure for a duration of time. This is the ideal type of stretching after athletic output, as it calms the nervous system, resets and improves the resting length of muscles, and effectively rehydrates muscles and connective tissues so that you are less sore the next day.

If you play a sport with repetitive stress patterns, you should use static stretching afterwards to address these imbalances. For example, a golfer who is always twisting to one side can end up developing a patterned scoliosis in the spine if he or she doesn’t address the over-contracting on one side and the over-lengthening on the other, which is caused by the repeated abrupt rotations of their swing. This is also true for tennis players who tend to overuse their dominant side. Runners regularly suffer training imbalances from the repetition of their stride. Static stretching helps to reset their joints so that their stride actually improves for the next day’s run (after their dynamic stretches of course).

Incorporate dynamic stretching into your workout routine and enjoy optimal health and your favorite sports for years to come!

About the Author

Jill Miller is the creator of Yoga Tune Up

Exercises for Flexibility: Workout routines Using PNF Stretching

June 5, 2012 by  
Filed under Stretching

Article by David Martinez

Exercises for Flexibility: Workout routines Using PNF Stretching – Other

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Whatever training program you are using, adding an effective stretching routine makes good sense. Whether you exercise or not, I firmly believe that flexibility workouts to relax the muscles is something that everyone can benefit from. In my opinion, the best stretches for flexibility are included in a PNF stretching routine. PNF is another term for isometric stretching which consists of the constricting and the relaxing of muscles. Relax Into Stretch, a program created by Pavel Tsatsouline, is where I introduced to these flexibility stretches.

Muscle tension is the primary thing preventing the average person from doing a full split. Pavel tests this ability by having you position one leg to the side of your body at a 90-degree angle and then, with the other leg, doing the same. In essence, you can do a split with each individual leg, but when you try to do both at once, your body simply won’t let you. The reason this happens is that your nervous system keeps you from elongating your muscles beyond a certain point based on its past stretching experience. Your muscles get tense because this automatic reflex makes them stiffen.

Isometric stretching or the act of constricting and relaxing the muscles is referred to as PNF or proprioceptive neuromuscular facilitation. This stretching method is highly effective at improving your range of motion. To perform PNF stretching, you contract your muscle for a short period of time, relax it, and immediately stretch the muscle a little further. This works because your reflexes are slow to react. The muscles will be primed to want to stretch more even while you are in a relaxed state. There is not much time involved in this but it will allow you to have a greater range of motion in which to stretch.

An added benefit of isometric stretching is that by improving your flexibility, you create a stronger body. What happens is that your body feels more comfortable in a stretched position when it is stronger. Your reflexes don’t automatically halt the stretch because your body knows it is strong enough to restore itself after a stretch that is longer than the previous one it was able to achieve. Increased flexibility is the end result.

Pavel’s stretching routine consists of three techniques. 1) Contrast Breathing: Inhale deeply and then, as you stretch, immediately exhale the breath. This allows your body to completely relax and will increase your range of motion. Forced relaxation is another method. Although it sounds easy to accomplish, you are going to need a lot of mental strength to do it. Stretch and then hold it until your muscles can’t sustain the stretch any longer. 3)) Clasp Knife Method: In this technique, you apply intense force in order to nullify the stretch reflex.

There’s no reason why you can’t start a stretching routine since you can do these stretches just about any time and any place. You can simply perform PNF stretching in front of your favorite nightly TV show if you’d like. A core group of isometric stretching exercises will certainly help with muscular flexibility, simultaneously increasing both your strength and flexibility. Exercise routines that include stretches for flexibility should be done at least several times a week in order to see results. Don’t be surprised when, in three to six short months, you are performing a full split like a pro!

About the Author

When you’d like to learn about pnf stretches, come see my blog site where I deliver exercise and diet methods to allow you to shed pounds and get a lean physical appearance. Start getting in great shape right now!

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David Martinez

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When you’d like to learn about pnf stretches, come see my blog site where I deliver exercise and diet methods to allow you to shed pounds and get a lean physical appearance. Start getting in great shape right now!

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whereby the original author’s information and copyright must be included. Stretch to prevent injuries and increase flexibility. You asked for it, so here it is! Cassey Ho is a fun Pilates Instructor who loves mixing up her moves to upbeat pop music. Songs in this workout “Colombia” by Anjulie “I’m Into Something Good” by The Bird and the Bee “PYT” by Michael Jackson —— Follow me on Twitter: Read my Blogilates: Join me on Facebook ——
Video Rating: 4 / 5

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Types of Seated Stretching Exercises

May 2, 2012 by  
Filed under Stretching

There are a lot of types of stretching exercise you can undertake. Some can be done in standing position and some others are in seated position. Those are simple exercise which can contribute a great benefit for you. If you want to know more about seated stretching exercise, you can find out below.

Twists, Standing

This is a good exercise you can easily undertake. You will depend on the resistance of your lower body to support you while stretching. Start it from standing straight with feet as shoulder-wide as apart. Bend your knees slightly. Raise your arms by your sides until they are parallel to the floor. Then, rotate your upper body part to your right and then to the left. Twist it as much as possible. Do it repeatedly for about 5 times.

Twists, Bent Over

This is similar to the above exercise. The difference is on your body bending forward so that it is parallel to the floor.

Twist your torso to your right leg until your left hand touches your right foot while your right hand is pointing to the ceiling. Now, twist on the other way until your right hand reaches your left foot. It is beneficial for your external oblique muscles and also hamstring. You can repeat this stretching exercise for 5 times.

Quadriceps Stretches

This is aimed mainly for the muscles of your front thighs, quadriceps. Take a position of kneeling on the floor and keep your feet behind you apart. Sit between your separate feet. Place your hands on the floor behind you. Then, lean back as low as possible so that you can feel your quadriceps stretched. Hold this position for about 10 or 15 seconds and release it. Repeat it for about 2 or 3 times.

Inner Thigh Stretch

Take a seat on the floor and bend knees with one of your soles of your feet touch and face the other one in front of you. Bend your torso frontward and grasp your toes with hands so that your arms can rest on your thighs. Then, pull your feet gently to your groin as close as you can with your knees so close to the floor. Hold it for about 10 or 15 seconds before you release it.

Back Stretch

This is taken from yoga. You can start it lying down on the floor with a flat position. Bend your knees until your feet point the ceiling. Lefty your torso and head off the floor with your hands behind so that that they are so close to your leg. Then, pull your legs to the back of your head and tilt your head back while lifting the chest off the floor. Hold it for about 10 or 15 seconds. Then, get back to your first position.

Hanging Stretch

This is one of the stretches which can make you reach complete relaxation. Grasp your chin-up bar. Or, you can also use anything which is able to take your weight. Hold this stretch for around 10 or 15 seconds. Then, release it and relax.

Stretches exercises are very beneficial for your life. Instead of the above techniques, you can also do another stretch exercise by using Kettler Apollo inversion table. This is considered as the best inversion table you can rely on. Get one and get the most benefit out of it.

Improve the Effectiveness of PNF Stretching

April 18, 2012 by  
Filed under Stretching

Article by George James

PNF stretching is one of the most effective ways to increase an athlete’s range of motion . Standing for “Proprioceptive Neuromuscular Facilitation,” this technique involves taking a limb to it’s end -range of motion, performing and isometric contraction against resistance, relaxing the muscles by moving the limb slightly backwards, then moving the limb to a new and improved end-range of motion.The isometric contraction sets off a reflex (the inverse stretch reflex) that produces a high degree of relaxation after the contraction is released, allowing the limb to be moved to a new end-range of motion.This method of stretching is tried and true, but here are some new and improved ways to perform PNF stretching-methods that make it even more effective.CONCEPTThese improvements take into account the fact that connective tissue and joint stiffness often contribute greatly to inflexibility. Several measures are taken in order to increase flexibility in these areas:• Traction is applied to the joint before, during and after stretches.• The limb is moved in a different plane each time the stretch is increased or tension is released. This also involves more muscle fibres in the stretching.• If possible, the opposite limb (i.e. non-stretching leg) is stabilized-possibly with straps.EXAMPLEHere’s how to apply these new concepts, using hamstring stretching as an example.1. Athlete lies on her back on the massage table (if you have one). It’s optional, but the effectiveness of the stretch will be improved if you can anchor one leg to the table. Velcro straps are ideal for this purpose.2. Take the other leg and gently pull backwards on it, while slowly rotating it in small circles (about a foot in diameter)-five to ten times, first clockwise, then counterclockwise. This will help to loosen the joint capsule at the hip.3. Pushing upwards on the bottom of the ankle (to apply traction to the joint), slowly push the leg forward-keeping the knee straight-to its end-range of motion. When the athlete can feel the hamstring begin to stretch, stop the movement. 4. The athlete then pushes the straightened leg downward against the resistance provided by the partner. Hold for the count of six.5. The partner then shifts the leg slightly sideways (moves it in a different plane) and releases pressure on the leg by pulling the leg slightly backwards. Then, moving it to a different plane again, pushes the leg gently forward until the new end-range of motion is reached.6. The process is repeated for a total of 3-4 repetitions. Step #2 can then be repeated (traction), and three more stretching repetitions can be performed.You’ll notice the increase in range of motion. This same concept can be applied to other limbs and joints, such as the arm and shoulder.SUGGESTED MINIMUMIf you don’t have access to a massage table or straps, be sure to at least move the limb in a different plane of movement every time range of motion is increased, or tension is released.

The author has written dozens of articles about flexibility and stretching. For more information, see Improve the Effectiveness of P, Improve the Effectiveness of P, <a href=”

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The Benefits of Stretching

March 27, 2012 by  
Filed under Stretching

Everyone can benefit from stretching. Everyone can learn how to stretch, in spite of age or flexibility levels. Most people acknowledge weight training and cardio exercise as important. Stretching is often left out or forgotten altogether. What people don’t know is how stretching impacts their everyday life. Activities we used to take for granted seem so difficult now. Something as simple as zipping up a dress can be such a challenge. A stretching program will help you regain your flexibility. It will lengthen your muscles and make doing your daily activities a lot easier.

Stretching should be part of your daily fitness regimen. Stretching increases your range of motion. Range of motion refers to the distance and direction a joint can move to its full potential. People who do stretching regularly generally have a better range of motion.

They can move more freely without the stiffness associated with age. Stretching also reduces muscle tension which can contribute to limited range of motion and muscle fatigue. It improves posture, mobility and general wellbeing. Stretching indirectly improves personal productivity. When you are flexible, you are more likely to accomplish your work more efficiently. Athletic ability is also enhanced. When you are flexible, your muscles are at their optimum strength.

Stretching should be an integral part of a workout program. Stretching exercises should be done before and after aerobic and weight lifting exercises. Most experts believe that stretching reduces post exercise muscle soreness. It moves out lactic acid and promote healing. Stretching exercises should be done after warming up your muscles. Try to stretch your muscles gradually. Learn to relax and breathe correctly when stretching. Incorporate this into your fitness program. Try to stretch daily so it becomes a habit.

Stretching provides stress relief because it relaxes tired, tensed muscles. It improves circulation, increasing blood flow to the muscles. Injured muscles benefit from improved circulation by decreasing healing time. Stretching increases muscle coordination and balance. As one gets older, balance and coordination is sometimes compromised. This can be managed with stretching exercises. Hold each stretch for at least 30 up to 60 seconds. Tightened muscles take time to lengthen safely. Don’t bounce as you stretch as it can cause small tears in the muscle. If a stretching exercise causes pain, you’re not doing it correctly. Any exercise that causes pain should not be continued. Conditions which prohibit you from stretching include joint sprains, fractured bones and acute muscle strains.

There are so many benefits to stretching. Some fitness programs like yoga consist mostly of stretching moves. Stretching comes naturally to us. We stretch upon waking up, when we are immobile for a certain period of time or when we just feel like it. It is the body’s natural way of destressing. So go ahead and stretch. It will do your body good.

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Penis Enlargement Exercises – Stretching Techniques to Increase your Manhood

March 24, 2012 by  
Filed under Stretching

Article by Abel Mens

There are a wide variety of stretching techniques in penis enlargement methods. Stretching techniques is considered one of the best penis enlargement exercises. Stretching the penis definitely increases its size. The first stretch exercise is very simple. It is the Side Stretch technique. Other techniques are performed during a sitting position while this one is not rather it is perform in a standing position.

Use your hand to grab the penis. Make an OK sign and pull the penis downwards. Stretch your penis straight down pointing the floor. Then try to pull your penis slowly with tension to the right side and then to the left side. Do this technique for another 99 sets, having 100 sets performed. Afterwards, take a rest at least 5 minutes. It basically stretches the ligaments of the penis that are attached to the pubis.

The next stretching technique is very unusual but proven good and definite results. This technique is called the Torso Stretch. In this exercise, you will be using your torso to stretch the penis. To start up the exercise, you should lie on the side of your body with your upper body is perpendicular to the legs. Then take and stretch your penis and pull it towards the anus. Now tuck it in between your legs and then close it. After that, you should try to straighten your torso. You could also straighten and bend your body more so that you could feel more stretch in it.

This exercise should be done for at least 5 minutes only for the beginners. This technique should be done without checking what is happening there. It must be there based on the given time. You should not check on it until the time is finished. After doing this process continuously for a month, you can double up the time range for it by doing it for about 10 to 15 minutes. You should notice that the glans of the penis has changed its color after performing this exercise. It just means that there is blood circulation is going and that is normal.

Abel Mens has been internet marketing for nearly 8 years. Come visit his latest website over at which helps people find the best 7.1 speakers and information they are looking for when doing home theaters.

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