Summer Skincare Tips – 6 Steps to Help You Protect Your Skin

August 28, 2012 by  
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Article by Kaite

Summer Skincare Tips – 6 Steps to Help You Protect Your Skin – Shopping – Fashion Style

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At 7:00 in the morning, apply sun screen to your skinThink about what you are going to do today, go to work or do some exercise outdoors? This is very important, because this decides which kind of sun screen you are going to use today. For people with common skin, sun screen of SPF 8 – 12 will be proper. If your skin is sensitive to light, then the SPF of your sun screen should range from 12 to 20. If you are an office worker who is exposed to direct sunlight only on the way between home and office, the SPF value of your sun screen can be below 15. If you take an excursion in an open country or swim in the ocean, then the SPF value of your sun screen should be above 30. And you’d better choose waterproof sun screen if you are going swimming. In addition, it will be preferable for fair-skinned people to choose sun screen of SPF 30 or higher to prevent spots. Remember that sun screen must be applied half an hour before you go out.At 9:00 in the morning, put on sun-protection clothesThe UVB is strongest from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. in a day. If you have to walk outdoors during this period, you must put on sun-protection clothes. What are sun-protection clothes? Maybe you have not heard of that. As the name suggests, they are clothes with the function of protecting your skin from the sunlight. Then, what kind of clothes has such a function? It is suggested that you pick a dress made of pure cotton. The fabric itself has SPF, and cotton has the highest SPF, which is around 15 to 40. Secondly is light clothes made of polyester with SPF of 7 to 10. While knitted clothes only have SPF of 4 to 9.At noon, avoid photosensitive foodsPhotosensitive foods include coriander, leek, soy, turnip and so on. If you eat too much of them, spots will appear on your skin easily when you are exposed to direct sunlight. Foods such as shark fin, eel, white gourds and broccoli have sun-protection nutrients, so you’d better eat more such foods in summer. Another tip: Strawberries are rich in vitamin, calcium, phosphorus and dietary fiber which are necessary to the body. Strawberries not only help digestion but also whiten skin. What’s more, their sun-resistant and radiation-proof functions are now being gradually recognized. Therefore, you can take strawberries as your after-meal fruit.At 3:00 in the afternoon, add some new sun screenHaving worked for such a long time, your skin may have become dark due to the UVA which refracted indoors. Oily skin may even oil, which will spoil your make-up. If your skin oils too much, you can use a high quality oil-absorbing sheet to absorb the oil in the “T” area. Then, you can choose a sun screen with SPF below 15 to freshen up. If your skin is too dry, you might as well drink some water at this time.At 5:30 in the afternoon, sun-protection for your hair is also essentialAfter work, do some outdoor activities which are beneficial to your skin and body type. Meanwhile, do not forget the sun-protection for your hair. Since the temperature is high in summer, the metabolism accelerates. The sebum secretion of scalp is excessive, so the condition of the hair will change, and the quality of the hair will decline. Therefore, people should choose appropriate sun screen for the hair in the late afternoon. Firstly, you should avoid products with alcohol or formaldehyde which will make the hair more withered. Secondly, mild products without any additives are a nice choice.At 9:40 in the evening, repair the skin after sunburn

Although your skin has been well protected with the help of sun screen and non-photographic foods, you still have something to do. A cup of yogurt in the evening is enough to provide necessary nutrition for you and help you stay in shape. But be sure not to take it all. It is a terrific idea to apply the rest of the yogurt on face. All you have to do is to steep the cotton pad in the yogurt for a while and then take it out and attach it to your face for about 10 to 15 minutes. This can enhance the skin’s resistance against the ultraviolet rays, and it can also lighten your sunburn. Not bad, eh?

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I’ve written the content about fashion, women apparels and relationship in the last 3 years. Thesexylingerie is specialized in lingerie for women of all shapes and sizes at very reasonable prices. Check out why so many customers love

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I’ve written the content about fashion, women apparels and relationship in the last 3 years. Thesexylingerie is specialized in lingerie for women of all shapes and sizes at very reasonable prices. Check out why so many customers love

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Lose Belly Fat For Women – Get In Shape For The Summer Ladies!

August 16, 2012 by  
Filed under Get in Shape

Article by Rob Nurden

Lose Belly Fat For Women – Get In Shape For The Summer Ladies! – Health – Weight Loss

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Research has shown that women are more likely to want to lose belly fat than men are.One reason for this could be the fact that women can gain weight during pregnancy or whilst suffering from depression, thus causing the problem of overeating. So, if you are a woman wanting some advice on how to lose belly fat then please read on.

1. Fasting.

Not eating enough food is one of the many mistakes women make.

Too many women even starve themselves due to the dramatic reduction in food intake. As a result of this the body’s metabolism slows down as your food supply is reduced, therefore belly fat is not burned off as quickly as it could be. Whenever this happens many women chose to overeat or binge on the wrong foods usually at the wrong time causing an increase in belly fat.

The best way to help control this would be to eat smaller meals more often instead of larger ones less often. To help keep your body’s metabolism working properly you need to eat at least 3-5 small meals a day including light snacks in-between in order to feel more energized.

2. Cardiovascular Exercises

Many women use cardiovascular exercises as a way to help burn off belly fat, but as this can be a good way to help achieve this you could introduce short more highly intensive training in order to burn more calories. To achieve this you need to increase the intensity of your cardio workouts for at least 30 seconds pausing for around 20 seconds then repeating the process again. Try to maintain this for about 5-8 minutes at a time.

3. High Fiber Diet.

Finally, having a diet high in fiber will help not only burn belly fat but keep your metabolic rate high too. As an average women should try to eat around 35 grams of fiber per day. By eating a lot of fiber it also improves digestion and flushes out unwanted toxins from your system. The best fiber to use is both fruit and vegetables.

In order to lose one pound of fat, a healthy individual ought to burn approximately 3500 calories more than are eaten. Here is an example: by decreasing calories by 300 daily and boosting your activity output in the daily basis to burn off extra 200 calories, you would experience a weight loss of one pound each week.

It is also important that you drink plenty of water everyday too, around 8 eight-ounce glasses should be drank in order to help burn belly fat and keep your body hydrated too

About the Author

Rob Nurden has been a health and fitness enthusiast for many years who has himself struggled with various weight loss issues.You will be able to relate to him through the information he provides with articles and his blog.Feel free to take a look at his articles and blog which are regularly updated providing information on dieting, belly fat, weight loss, nutrition and various other health related issues.

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Rob Nurden

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Rob Nurden has been a health and fitness enthusiast for many years who has himself struggled with various weight loss issues.You will be able to relate to him through the information he provides with articles and his blog.Feel free to take a look at his articles and blog which are regularly updated providing information on dieting, belly fat, weight loss, nutrition and various other health related issues.

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whereby the original author’s information and copyright must be included.

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Summer Health Tips for Staying Fit

August 15, 2012 by  
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Article by C. Alexander Hagy

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Summertime is one of the best times to give your workout routine a jolt because you can do many of your activities outside while enjoying the beautiful weather. But with the summer months also comes very hot weather. If you aren’t careful, you could be doing your body more harm than good. These summer health tips will help you stay safe while getting the exercise you need when the weather starts to heat up.

Exercise Early in the Morning

During the summer, it’s best to do your exercise routine early in the morning. That’s because the temperature is much cooler before the sun is all the way up. Get in the habit now of waking up 30 or 45 minutes earlier than normal so you can get your workout in. If you can’t do that, try doing your exercise regimen in the evening when you get home from work. Once the sun starts to go down, the temperatures will cool and you’ll be able to do your routine with less of a chance of overheating your body.

Drink Plenty of Water

Water is the lifeblood of any body and it keeps the body functioning properly. Unfortunately, many people think that any type of liquid counts toward their water intake, but this simply isn’t true. One of the most important summer health tips is that you should be drinking about 16 ounces of plain (preferably purified) water before, after and during your workout. You should also be drinking water throughout the day to keep your body hydrated. For those rigorous workouts, sports drinks like Gatorade should also be included because they help replace vitamins, minerals and electrolytes that you lose when your body perspires heavily.

Eat Plenty of Fresh Fruits and Vegetables

During the summer, you can readily find plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables at your local grocery store for great prices. If you don’t make a habit of eating these foods during the colder months, this is the perfect chance to get used to these fresh foods when they are at their peak. You can buy fresh strawberries and add them to your morning cereal or just eat the fresh food by themselves as snacks. They are packed with nutrients that will help keep your energy up and help your body function properly in the warmer weather.

These basic summer health tips are ideal for helping you stay fit and eat nutritiously during the warmer months. By the end of the summer, you’ll feel great and be trimmed down and you’ll want to keep up those healthy habits during until the next summer season rolls around.

About the Author

C. Alexander Hagy is an experienced health writer with a lot to say! You can read more of his health articles at

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C. Alexander Hagy

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C. Alexander Hagy is an experienced health writer with a lot to say! You can read more of his health articles at

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3 Of My Best Diet Tips For Fat Loss – Get In Shape For Summer Right Now

August 13, 2012 by  
Filed under Get in Shape

I like to compare fat loss to a stool. You see, a stool can have 3, 4, or maybe even 5 legs. The more legs it has, the sturdier it is. And this can be said when it comes to dieting. You have to eat right, exercise, and take supplements (if that’s your thing). But those are only 3 pillars to the fat loss stool. What about if we added another leg to make it more sturdy?

That leg ladies and gentlemen is the mental aspect of fat loss.

You see, I whole heartedly believe that the mental aspect of this whole fat loss and dieting conundrum is bigger than all 3 that I listed above. You can have the best nutritionist providing you dietary information and have Jillian Michaels as your trainer, while having a full team of scientists drawing blood and analyzing where you are nutrient deficient.


If you have a weak and poor mentality, chances are you just will not last.

You might lose the weight, but you still need a strong mind to be able to keep the weight off. And that I believe is the most important part to everything, your mental state. But, there are ways that you can strengthen your mental fortitude. Your not doomed, don’t worry.

And that is what I want to talk about today, three of my best dieting/fat loss mental tips that you can use to make sure you stay on track to reach your goals.

Tip # 1: If It’s Not There, You Won’t Eat It

This is so easy that many people don’t even realize it. I will use myself as an example. I have dieted down in the past for various vacation trips, etc, and I often find myself having extremely intense cravings at night. I mean who doesn’t? Everyone does! We are all human. But what we can do to combat this is just not have any junk food in the house.


Because if it’s not around when you are ripping open all the cupboards, the pantry, and rummaging through your kid’s secret candy stash, you will just not eat it. Usually, if I have one of these what I call ice cream attacks, since I love ice cream, I’ll eat some peanut butter and have a chocolate protein shake. It’s satisfying and sweet at the same time. Then I’ll just lay down or hop on the computer. You can do this too, just prepare yourself.

Tip # 2: Talk to Yourself

Now I am not talking about Rain Man, even though that is a great movie.

This is what I mean…

If you are having cravings, or at work where they just love putting out 10 cakes a week and bags of candy like it’s going out of style and you go reach for a piece, ask yourself this question.

“Will this piece of food, hurt my progress or help my progress?”

Just by saying this to yourself under your breath (so that people don’t think you’re crazy) will force your conscious mind to think about what you are doing instead of just blindly reacting to a craving. I had a client one time who had a horrible sweet tooth. I mean, this woman had candy in her drawers at work, in the car, and at home. But once I taught her this little trick, her candy habit was cut in half.

Tip # 3: Have a Partner

Look at all of the self help groups and rehabilitation centers around the world and there is always one thing they have in common. That is accountability to someone else who has OR is going through what you are going through. You can use this same technique with fat loss. Partner up with someone who is going to go on a diet as well, but use someone who is just as serious as you. That is key! When you are accountable to someone, it makes you want to push harder, work longer, and not give into temptation. And if you are about to give into temptation, just call that person up and vice versa.

I hope this has helped you. Use it right away and pass it along to friends.

I just want you to reach your goals. It’s not hard, but you do need to have a strong mental attitude and a no die perseverance to get there.

With these 3 tricks above, you are now that much closer to reaching your goals!

For a free fat loss presentation on the 5 Dirty Little Fat Loss Lies of the fitness industry, then visit

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Slim Down This Summer

August 2, 2012 by  
Filed under Slim Down

It’s the start of summer, and that means that people are gearing up to take part in fun summer activities like days at the beach and under the sun. But if you’re not comfortable with your body, this can but a damper on your summer because you won’t be able to enjoy all of these carefree activities as much as you deserve. Things are even tougher when you’ve been working on your summer body all year long, only to find that there are specific areas of fat that just refuse to shrink despite any amount of diet or exercise. So, what can you do? Have you considered looking into liposuction?


Scottsdale liposuction is an excellent alternative for men and women who are tired of having to deal with stubborn pockets of fat. In many instances, bulge around the abdomen, hips, thighs, arms, and other areas of the body simply refuse to respond to traditional weight loss methods because they are composed of fat cells that resist shrinkage.

So, one of the most effective ways to achieve the body you’re looking for is to physically remove these stubborn fat cells through Scottsdale liposuction.


What Happens?


Before you undergo liposuction, you should have the chance to sit down with your surgeon and talk about your goals and what specific areas you want to have treated. That way, your surgeon can be given the chance to work towards what your ideal body looks like. You should also be given information regarding the surgical procedures and what you can expect following your surgery. When it’s actually time for you to undergo <a href=””>Scottsdale liposuction</a>, your surgeon will place you under anesthesia and use a specialized tool to physically suction out the pockets of fat you’re looking to have removed.

The length of the surgery largely depends on how much fat you’re looking to have removed, but it is generally an outpatient procedure and you can plan on returning home after your procedure is complete.


What about Scars?


The last thing anyone wants to deal with when it comes to a bikini-ready body is obvious scarring! Never fear – the tool your surgeon uses is designed to reduce the chances of scarring, generally leaving a barely noticeable incision mark in the area around where you had the Scottsdale liposuction performed. Provided that you’re working with a qualified and experienced <a href=””>Scottsdale liposuction</a> surgeon, you can expect to enjoy the benefits of your newly slimmed and sculpted body all summer long!

BodyNew is Arizona’s premiere source for the most elite cosmetic procedures available. Our Body Sculpting Center and MedSpa will leave you feeling satisfied with your results and experience. If you’re ready to experience BodyNew, learn about us and our cosmetic surgery procedures <a href=””>here</a>!

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Getting in shape for summer begins right now!

May 25, 2012 by  
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Article by Melonie

Getting in shape for summer begins right now! – Health – Weight Loss

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Getting in shape for summer should start now because by the time July comes around you’ll want to be fitting nicely into your summer clothes, especially your swim suit (get going for a beach body). When you feel confident you express confidence, because you feel great and look great and isn’t that the way you want to live your life, especially during the summer months when you wear less clothing. So, if you are overweight, and you want to lose weight fast this article will share some strategies to help you.Let me share some tips for losing weight.1. Visualize your ideal weight: Start now and see yourself at the weight you want to be! What I’m asking you to do is some creative visualization. If you find this challenging take a look through a magazine and find a body type similar to what you desire or find a picture of yourself at a weight that you felt good at and look at it often. It is the first step to success. 2. Keep a journal: Next what you want to do is write down your goal if it is to lose 10 pounds, 20 pounds or whatever. Be realistic and remember it is already April and you don’t want to set yourself up for failure. Write a journal to keep track of your success and challenges during this time.3. Exercise: It’s okay if you haven’t been that active during the winter months. Don’t go getting depressed before you begin. Start today to walk for 15 minutes and then increase daily. Doing a little something is better than doing nothing!4. Buy a DVD: Buy an exercise DVD and start off by doing 5 minutes one day and then 10 minutes the next day and so on. You may want to start doing Yoga. So, buy a DVD to see if it feels right for you and then go join a class. 5. Diet – Meal Plan: Diet and I don’t mean dieting. It is a good practice to eat up to 6 small meals or snacks during the day and remember not to skip a meal or you will slow your metabolism down. Avoid white anything like sugar or rice or flour it is processed and has no nutritional value and as well, you will want to leave out the fast foods and processed foods.6. Drink WATER: Drink plenty of WATER! Lots of water will not only make your skin look great, it helps curb your appetite. Remember this tip when you are feeling hungry. True hunger comes on gradually. If you’re not sure if you are really hungry, have a big glass of water.7. Follow the 80/20 rule: Do not get angry with yourself if you slip up and find yourself having that slice of cake at your neighbor’s party. If you eat by the 80/20 rule which says: If you eat healthy wholesome foods 80% of the time, 20% of the time, you can enjoy those special treats that you really enjoy so you won’t feel deprived.This may sound like a lot to do but you’re worth it and trust me, you’ll be loving the way you look and feel in your summer clothes. Hey, well here’s the next step. If you enjoyed this article, here’s something else you can do. Check out the FREE sneak preview of The MindBody FX Lifestyle book and Consumer’s Guide at You will find many weight loss tips to get you started.

About the Author

Melonie Dodaro is an author, coach, trainer and the founder and CEO of MindBody FX Weight Management Company, who specializes in changing the way women think so they can achieve permanent weight loss. Now, you can learn how to harness the power of your mind to experience the weight loss results you desire. Claim your FREE MindBody FX Lifestyle Book Sneak Preview and Consumer Awareness Guide at and start shedding the pounds today.

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Melonie Dodaro is an author, coach, trainer and the founder and CEO of MindBody FX Weight Management Company, who specializes in changing the way women think so they can achieve permanent weight loss. Now, you can learn how to harness the power of your mind to experience the weight loss results you desire. Claim your FREE MindBody FX Lifestyle Book Sneak Preview and Consumer Awareness Guide at and start shedding the pounds today.

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Exercises To Get In Shape For Summer – A Much Better Option Than Dieting

April 22, 2012 by  
Filed under Get in Shape

Article by Julia Mahler

If you’re going to get in shape for summer, you are probably wondering what types of exercises to get in shape for summer are the most effective. Well, first of all, you should realize that getting into shape for summer requires more than just losing weight. Unless you’ve been toning your muscles as well, you probably will not look as good as you would like. Not only that, but muscle tissue also burns more calories than fat tissue – so if you add a little bit of muscle mass now, you’ll find it easier to keep the weight off through the summer.

Resistance Training Is An Important Part Of Any Exercise Routine.

The best options for toning your muscles involve some resistance training, which should be a major part of your exercise to get in shape for summer. While you do not need to do a lot of weight lifting unless you actually want to bulk up a little, some resistance training is necessary. This includes getting free weights or a home gym in order to work out your upper and lower bodies. You should also use resistance training on your abdominal muscles – this way they will look much better than if you are just relying on un-weighted sit-ups or crunches to help you build your stomach muscles.

The other benefit of doing resistance training, especially on your abdomen, is that it will likely help you feel better during the rest of the day. Strong abs, for instance, will improve your posture. This, in turn, can also reduce the amount of aches and pains, especially in your back, that you have to deal with now and in the future.

Finally, exercising to get in shape is always a good idea! Even if you do not reach your goal for the summer, you will still have done your body good.

Julia Mahler is the publisher of She has studied fitness & nutrition for over 22 years & loves teaching how to get six pack abs

Summer Fitness For Kids

April 14, 2012 by  
Filed under Fitness Tips

As important as the pre-game or pre-workout meal is, if kids don’t eat healthily as a general rule they won’t get the much needed nutrients necessary for optimum physical and mental growth, and vitality. So choosing from the following foods and reducing their intake of the obvious “junk” and packaged foods is imperative.

The school bell has rung for the final time this year. The kids are home. You have a few ideas to keep the kids fit, but it is hard to compete with cartoons, MySpace, and Nintendo. Obesity rates among children are reaching epidemic proportions, due in large part to a sedentary generation of kids. So, how can you keep your kids moving this summer.

Sometimes kids can be reluctant to take part in sports and games, especially if they think that they are being ‘forced’ to do them against their will. Children take their lead from their parents so if they see their parents taking part in sports and fitness then they are more than likely to want to copy. Ensuring that the whole family stay fit and healthy can provide the right motivation for the less reluctant child to get involved. Embracing a healthier lifestyle yourself can help teach a child that they need to do the same.

With levels of childhood obesity on the rise and conditions such as diabetes among children a major worry for parents, it has never been more important to think about fitness for kids. As more and more kids are spending increasing levels of time in front of the computer and television, together with the wide range of snacks and unhealthy junk food which are available to kids, these conditions are now reaching epidemic-like levels among the nation’s youngsters.

In today’s age of technical innovations and new ways to entertain children, the growing trend is a lower level of physical activity. More time is spent in front of the television watching movies, surfing the internet, or playing video games. Activity and exercise have given way to the latest sports video game and online adventure.

With the grown in status and awareness of sports such as golf and tennis, get your kids involved in a new sport. In addition to increasing activity and creating a spark of interest, sports will always increase a child’s coordination, movement patterns and build confidence with their peers. Sports such as golf, tennis, basketball, badminton, martial arts are great at keeping them interested and you will find aspiring champions in every child! Kids are great dreamers!

Performing the Yoga postures help purify blood in the blood vessels and muscle co-ordination. Everyday aches and pains can be reduced by practicing Yoga. Body posture awareness, muscle toning, improved stability and mobility of the joints. Internal organs are toned, strengthening the body immune, circulatory and digestive system. Agility, balance, control and coordination are improved, improved balance and sleep patterns.

Children today have access to more technology than ever before. Many children have at least one games console, TV, computer and a mobile phone. All these gadgets are far more tempting than actually going outside into the real world, and actually interacting with real friends.

For instance, a child that gets into a pattern of doing physical activities on a daily basis will then carry those habits into adulthood, making for a much less lazy person. Children who spend their play time outdoors doing cart wheels, running, hiking, hiking, playing with the dog, will then enjoy those as past time activities as adults, rather than vegging out on the couch with junk food. This will decrease the chances of health problems later in life.

The best exercise for kids is to get moving. Develop some fun fitness ideas for kids. We’re not talking about body building or abandoning them to the treadmill for a half hour each day. If it’s not fun, they won’t do it. In a previous article, The Epidemic of Childhood Obesity, I talked about how childhood obesity can be prevented. And honestly, it most cases it can be prevented.

Gone are the oranges that we used to give our children at half time. Replaced with lollies(candy)! Why? They need an energy boost. Well giving them lollies will give them an energy boost for about ten minutes if you are lucky. Then their energy will plummet to levels well below the level prior to consumption.

Performing the Yoga postures help purify blood in the blood vessels and muscle co-ordination. Everyday aches and pains can be reduced by practicing Yoga.

Read About blog tips and also read about importance of online marketing consulting and successful blogging

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The Greatest Method For Getting In Shape Before Summer

March 6, 2012 by  
Filed under Get in Shape

Article by Richard Alexander

Bathing suit time of year is coming quickly and this has folks taking on new eating habits (shunning those of the winter season) and promising themselves that they will get in shape before the weather prevents them from hiding their bodies under heavy layers of clothing. Lots of people try to take on too much too soon with their training because they are so desperate to reduce weight and get into amazing shape before anybody will be able to look at their bodies. Sadly, working to get stronger too fast could actually harm your health. Doctors everywhere agree that it won

Essential Facts On The Muscular Dystrophy Association And Summer Camp

January 15, 2012 by  
Filed under Muscular Endurance

Article by Craig Morganson

The words summer camp provide instant mental pictures of wooden docks on rich green lakes surrounded by woods, cabins filled with bunk-beds, dining halls with screens as opposed to windows and s ‘mores over a campfire. Summer camp is a rite of passage for a few, a privilege for many people and an out of reach desire for others. Most of us have heard about the MDA, you remember fondly the Jerry Lewis telethons, and the big electronic donation tally, but did you know that through the donations produced by the MDA countless MDA kids each year get to benefit from camp totally free to their families?

MDA is an abbreviation for the Muscular Dystrophy Association. MDA is a non-profit organization committed to helping fund research into muscular dystrophy, ALS and nearly 50 other similar neuromuscular diseases. MDA scientists are at the leading edge of gene therapy research as well as helping provide medical services, equipment and support groups. This is in addition to helping provide the funding for MDA summer camps.

Every summer a large number of kids attend many of the 80 camps in the United States, all for the low, low cost of 0 dollars, on account of the fund raising efforts of MDA. The magic of MDA camps is always that for 1 week a year, children enduring various types of neuromuscular diseases are just kids. Camps are fashioned around activities for wheelchair users and those with limited mobility. Lifelong friendships are formed around shared ordeals and conflicts.

Many of the many fun activities might include: swimming, boating & canoeing, horse riding, karaoke, archery, arts and crafts, scavenger hunts and campfires. For one week, kids get to spend some time in a world that was built just for them. Not only that, this can very well be the one week a year their parents get a rest from the constant worry that their child is being appropriately cared for. Having their child in the care of an MDA summer camp specifically designed to suit the medical and physical issues of their disease supplies a kind of peacefulness that is priceless in and of itself.

The MDA has supplied not only the financial backing to support these camps, but they are already able to reach out to create a network of people prepared to volunteer their time to make this experience a reality. By supporting the MDA, you help them make a difference in the future of the disease, but you also help make a tangible real time difference in the lives of the children and families who are living with these challenges on a daily basis.

Craig Morganson was born and raised in Connecticut, then migrated to Nevada in 1980. From an early age, Craig had a strong sense of independence and an entrepreneurial spirit.

As a very young man, Craig began his professional career in the rough and tumble world of the New England textile mills. After demonstrating his competitive nature and high productivity on the production floor, Craig was promoted and quickly rose through the mill’s management ranks. A natural leader was born.

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