Summer Fitness Tips for Teens-Fitness and Health

December 29, 2011 by  
Filed under Fitness Tips

Article by Zohaib

A recent study suggests that this coincidence may have positive consequences for children and young people beyond the obvious, that looks attractive, healthy, enjoy good cardiovascular health and so on – teen fitness contribution to IQ is suggested by a recent study.In the study, siblings and twins examined and subjected to a battery tests, including logic, Visio spatial, technical, verbal and global intelligence, and so on. It turned out that subjects who were seen as the best condition, although most are performed in these tests.In particular, proved that condition improves young people between the ages of 15 and 18 had a higher test scores.Now with summer upon us, can teens help themselves get into shape with some great outdoor activities such as – PlayThe game is not just for young children, there is a large group activity that involves having fun with friends, you can learn valuable lessons that promote teamwork, improve competitiveness, learn new skills and significantly improve physical fitness.To throw a ball around the yard, shooting some hoops, even bouncing on a trampoline is fun and a great workout.For teenagers who are part of a competitive sport means to discover new possibilities within themselves and maybe even win scholarships. ChoresThis is bound to please your landlord or parents – to work in the garden, doing other chores around the house can be a surprisingly good workout. And do it the old fashioned way – Turn off the mower mechanized in favor of a manual one. Walking, cycling and runningWherever you must go, try the dependence of automated forms of transportation – if you have time and if practicable, walk or jog to your destination. Or use a bike to get to where you should go. Hit the beachAnd by this we do not mean lying in the sun on a real bath, get in other sports such as beach volleyball, or to learn new exciting activities like surfing. Organize or participate in hikes, tours, etc.This is another great fitness activity that can involve friends and / or family. Teens can come together and organize a day trip or sign up for similar events in the school or community.Creative, train, be fitter and healthier and maybe down the road, you can also become smarter?

A recent study suggests that this coincidence may have positive consequences for children and young people beyond the obvious, that looks attractive, healthy, enjoy good cardiovascular health and so on – teen fitness contribution to IQ is suggested by a recent study.In the study, siblings and twins examined and subjected to a battery tests, including logic, Visio spatial, technical, verbal and global intelligence, and so on. It turned out that subjects who were seen as the best condition, although most are performed in these tests.In particular, proved that condition improves young people between the ages of 15 and 18 had a higher test scores.Now with summer upon us, can teens help themselves get into shape with some great outdoor activities such as – PlayThe game is not just for young children, there is a large group activity that involves having fun with friends, you can learn valuable lessons that promote teamwork, improve competitiveness, learn new skills and significantly improve physical fitness.To throw a ball around the yard, shooting some hoops, even bouncing on a trampoline is fun and a great workout.For teenagers who are part of a competitive sport means to discover new possibilities within themselves and maybe even win scholarships. ChoresThis is bound to please your landlord or parents – to work in the garden, doing other chores around the house can be a surprisingly good workout. And do it the old fashioned way – Turn off the mower mechanized in favor of a manual one. Walking, cycling and runningWherever you must go, try the dependence of automated forms of transportation – if you have time and if practicable, walk or jog to your destination. Or use a bike to get to where you should go. Hit the beachAnd by this we do not mean lying in the sun on a real bath, get in other sports such as beach volleyball, or to learn new exciting activities like surfing. Organize or participate in hikes, tours, etc.This is another great fitness activity that can involve friends and / or family. Teens can come together and organize a day trip or sign up for similar events in the school or community.Creative, train, be fitter and healthier and maybe down the road, you can also become smarter?

There are a lot of hype and the confusion that exists about six sit-ups – the number of complaints about the “best team” and “the most effective supplement” to get the elusive six pack abs.

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Get In Shape Now For Next Summer

December 18, 2011 by  
Filed under Get in Shape

Article by Evan Bell

When summertime roles around people become insanely obsessed with losing weight in order to look good for the warmer months. Most people don’t have fitness model esque bodies which is why it’s always a great idea to start early. Not everyone is already living a lifestyle filled with exercise and healthy eating and as such many are in catch up mode…

Getting In Shape For Summer

So, what are you gonna have to do if you want to lose weight for the summer or simply do a little bit of toning? For one, it’s now time to get into the mindset of change. If you’re reading this then you’re not already in shape. Why is that? It all started with your thinking…

Telling yourself that you are ready for a healthy change and constantly reminding that crazy head of yours that you’re committed is a very necessary aspect of actually manifesting change. You could say it’s meaningless but it’s literally half of the battle. Again, the reason you’re not already in the shape you would like to be is because of where your started in terms of your thinking.

Getting In Shape Is Basically Work

The whole mindset thing is a matter of preparation. It’s a preparation for the work ahead. You didn’t think you were going to be pushing a button for instant results did you? I’ll assure that this isn’t how things work.

What I will say is that if you do really want to look excellent for summer then you are going to need to put in a decent amount of work and discipline. The specific kind of work I am referring to here is that of exercise. Yes, exercise.

If you want to lose weight or tone up your body then you are going to need to be doing a moderate amount of exercise, better yet, as much exercise you can fit into your schedule. You’ve probably thought about exercise before but you also probably never made it a part of your routine. And it started because you thought about exercise in the wrong manner (aka you refused to do any of it).

The next piece of the puzzle as far as looking leaner for summer goes is changing up what you’re throwing into your gut. Instead of overeating and eating a bunch of crappy foods you need to start cutting back on the crap and eating more wholesome foods. Again, very simple, but also something you never thought of correctly. Yes, this will take a ton of willpower and you will crave all of that deliciously unhealthy food, but you know what, it’s what works if you’re willing to accept it.

Are you super duper serious about summer weight loss? Are you dead set on attaining an attractive physique in time for next summer? If this is the case and you really, really want to lose weight for summertime (or any season for that matter) then follow that link for more on getting in shape and other fitness related help.

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Weight Loss Tips For Summer Fitness

December 12, 2011 by  
Filed under Fitness Tips


According to acclaimed health and diet experts, Mehmet Oza and Michael Roizen, one way to curb your appetite is by exercising at the gym. But not just any type of exercise. They emphasize combining cardiovascular exercises and strength training. In their online newspaper column, YOU Docs Daily, they cite a small 16 week study comparing a group of men who did only aerobics for 60 minutes or only weight training, to men who did no exercise at all and to men who combined only 22 minutes of cardio training with lifting weights. Results indicated that men who combined both aerobics and weight lifting were actually less hungry and ate fewer calories. The experts speculate that this powerful combination, cardiovascular training with weight training, might affect blood levels of fats, glucose, amino acids, and even hormones that affect appetite.


Pay attention to the way you think and feel.

If emotions are stirring up inside of you, and your immediate response is to reach for food, STOP! In fact, plan to stop in advance of your food craving. Have a plan, a pre-organized and structured activity to engage in when that emotional hunger pang strikes.

· Choose a good buddy to call and leave a message if you get that person’s machine.
· Write a page in your journal, before reaching for the food.
· Go online and check all your emails and respond to everyone, before you reach for food.
· Take a five minute walk before opening the refrigerator.
· Talk to someone about the way you are feeling, a friend or a therapist.


Stress occurs when you are excited, exhilarated, upset, angry, confused, tired, feeling responsible for more than you think you can handle.

· Take a breather, literally, breathe slowly and deliberately for a few minutes.
· Allow your thoughts to fill your mind and gradually let the thoughts subside as your racing mind slows down.
· List what you want, need or feel you must accomplish and then prioritize the list to only focus on the most immediate concerns
· DO the task NOW that you least want to do, the one that hovers in your thoughts and stresses your mind
· Take some amount of time to just relax your mind and your body.


Have you been getting by on 4, 5 or 6 hours of sleep every night and then “catching up” on the weekends or on only one or two days? Well, recent research suggests that your body does not “catch up.” You need to get adequate sleep every night so that all of your organs can replenish themselves and take a much needed rest from your daytime activities.

It seems that getting 7 ½ hours of sleep is important to help your body maintain its weight. Getting less sleep seems to affect your blood sugar levels and can actually interfere with losing weight.


Remember the old adage, “An apple a day keeps the doctor away.” Well, apples do more than keep your body healthy. Apples provide fiber and help you to have that full feeling, especially if you eat one or two apples a short time before eating your regular meals. Another surprising food that many of us neglect is legumes and beans. Beans are another very important source of fiber that can help to curb your appetite. Yes, they contain some carbohydrates, but are a much better choice than bread or cake or pasta for helping you to feel full.


I love this one! often has some wonderful tidbits about keeping yourself healthy. One suggestion is to photograph the food you are about to eat. This causes you to think about what you are eating before you bite into it. Just that brief moment, the time it takes to photograph it, can cause you to stop and think and make a healthier and lower calorie choice in the next few moments.


Now this one is not for everyone, but dentists will love it! Recently, I had to have a tooth extracted. That’s when I discovered this powerful diet. Once your tooth is removed, your gums are bleeding and highly sensitive. It is impossible to chew on any food, so you must liquefy everything you attempt to eat. Result is – food, for the moment, is totally unappealing. You just can’t eat anything. Great way to lose weight. However, that intense pain only lasts for one or two days, and in no time you can go right back to eating as much as you want, all day long.

If you are determined to lose weight, you will! Sometimes, one these seemingly silly ways to lose weight can be exactly what you need to jump start yourself into really following a weight loss diet regime. Here’s to finding your own way, now, so that you can feel proud of yourself and enjoy your slender body in the months to come.

Dr. Erica Goodstone has helped thousands of men, women, couples, and groups to develop greater awareness of the issues in their relationships and their lives, to overcome and alleviate stressors and discords, and to revitalize their relationships and their own mind-body-spirit connection. Dr. Goodstone can be contacted through her web site at where you can take the Create Healing and Love Now Personal Assessment and get your customized free report. To attend an upcoming Creating Love Seminar, go to

Top Tips To Get In Shape For Summer

December 12, 2011 by  
Filed under Get in Shape

Article by Special Fitness Store

Bathing suit season is coming up quickly and this has people taking on different eating habits (shunning those of the winter season) and promising themselves that they will get in shape before the weather prevents them from hiding their bodies under heavy layers of clothing. So many people plunge straight into training constantly because they are desperate to lose weight and get into shape before anybody gets to see their body. Sadly, attempting to get stronger too fast could truly hurt your health. Most medical professionals agree that just leaping into a high stress workout routine on a regular basis isn’t likely to help you. So what should you do to get fit in advance of bathing suit season arrives?

The most important thing you must do is see your doctor. Ask your doctor to give you a comprehensive physical exam. This can help you see precisely what your kick off point is before you start working out and trying to get in shape. Your doctor will help you learn how much it is best to weigh and what your body mass index should be as well as letting you know if you have any specific health conditions that you need to remember when you start working to get in shape. Your physician may help you set up a good diet plan so that you can get your eating style under control as well.

Begin your efforts slowly. Don’t try to run five miles right away. The Couch to 5K Program is a fantastic way to help yourself get stronger. This is a technique that will slowly but surely enhance your running workouts until you’re able to run a 5K marathon. Obviously it will take more than jogging to get in shape. It is also important that you develop your strength and endurance training. For people who are pressed for time, implementing the Couch to 5K program to swimming will help you work all of your bodily systems while helping you get in shape over time.

You should have a support group. Weighing too much can certainly be awkward, but you will have a better chance of losing weight and getting in shape if you find some people to work with you. You can work together to eat right and exercise-these are folks who can check out weight watchers meetings with you, take exercise classes with you, etc. If you don’t want to do this with people in your typical life, you can usually find this kind of emotional support on the internet. There are lots of online support groups established for people who want to lose weight.

The simple truth is that it is likely to take time to reduce weight and get into shape. You’ll be much better off if you can get started changing your eating and exercise habits sooner instead of later. The sooner you place your changes in place the easier you will find getting in shape to be. Remember, in this case, slow and steady is actually the way to go: your body and health will thank you for it come the summer months.

Achieving your health and fitness goals is hard work but worth it, visit our fitness store for fitness equipment

In order to play basketball, a player should get in shape through exercises and conditioning drills. Get in shape for basketball with tips from a semi-professional basketball player in this free video on basketball tips. Expert: Travis Corpening Contact: Bio: Travis Corpening played as a guard for Francis Marion University. Then, he moved on to play semiprofessional basketball for the Wilmington Sea Dawg’s Premier Basketball League. Filmmaker: Reel Media LLC

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