Make Your Next Bodybuilding Supplement Purchase Online

December 2, 2011 by  
Filed under Bodybuilding

If you’re trying to find the best prices on discount bodybuilding supplements you should try shopping online. This is a great way to save money and also have access to more products than you’ll find in one local store. It’s also not uncommon to save 10-25% by shopping online!

Just because a supplement is classified as a bodybuilding supplement doesn’t mean that bodybuilders are the only ones that can benefit from their use. No matter what your sport, you can find a supplement that will help you to perform better. And by shopping online you can save money while doing so!

Another benefit of shopping online for bodybuilding supplements is that by shopping around the different websites you increase your chances of getting a better deal. You may find a supplement at 10% off at one site and 15% off at another. So you should definitely look around.

It’s also very convenient to have your order shipped directly to you.

It is very common for online stores to offer free shipping if you spend over a certain amount, and this can be another great way to save on your bodybuilding supplement purchase. If you need your order sooner you can always pay a little extra, but it would be worth it at that point to see if you’d save money by shopping locally. You’ll save the most money by planning ahead.

If you are trying a product for the first time, you can find product reviews for that item either on the companies website or through a Google Search. See what other customers who bought that product had to say about it.

With your computer and internet connection, you can be shopping in a matter of minutes. And the whole process may take 15 minutes leaving you the rest of your day to do other things.

Getting in the car and driving to the mall or discount nutrition stores uses gas and you end up sitting in traffic half the day. Not if you shop online. This is great for anyone who is home-bound for any reason, and no worrying about the store closing. It’s open 24 hours a day.

Online shopping is a great convenience, saves you time and money (and gas) and you can get your bodybuilding supplements at a good price. What better way to shop than in the comfort of your own home.

When shopping around for for the best price on bodybuilding supplements you can look around, or you can go to a site that will do the comparisons for you. Comparison shopping sites are the best way to really save time and get the best deal on everything from NO2 to whey protein powder.

This is an authorised cut version from the documentary “Bigger Stronger Faster” from the producers of Bowling for Columbine & Fahrenheit 9/11. This film exposed the behind the scenes antics within the unregulated USA dietary supplement industry. For more information on recommended Sports Dietary Supplement Products please click this link:

Big Time Muscle Building and Bodybuilding Supplement Review

December 2, 2011 by  
Filed under Bodybuilding

If you are a man you must have a muscular physique. If you have the perfect structure, men will like you because of your self confidence and women will feel attracted because of your sexy looks. Though many men dream to have such a physique most of them are not ready to do those stressful workouts needed to increase their muscle mass. Such men will be immensely happy to know that now they can have muscles by consuming a fantastic product named Big Time Muscle.

The ingredients used in the product are so scientifically blended that it will increase the level of Nitric Oxide in human body. As a result, the muscles in our body will grow in size and strength. The product Big Time Muscle is basically a strong growth enhancing Hemodilator. It also helps to increase our immunity and thus we can stay fit and healthy from inside other than being muscular.

With the increase in Nitric Oxide content of your body, we can do have longer and stressful workouts sessions than before.

Because of these reasons, Big Time Muscle is a preferred by many sportsmen, especially those who are associated with tough games and adventure sports.

You can try the product only by ordering it from the website as it is not available in any local stores or retailers. Place your order and a pack will reach you within a few days. Now, the manufacturers are also offering a trial pack. Use it, and start feeling the difference in your body, both externally and internally.

Read more about Big Time Muscle in the review that is posted here:

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Best Bodybuilding Supplement Reviewed

December 2, 2011 by  
Filed under Bodybuilding

Article by Jono Johnson

Are you a beginner, amateur or professional bodybuilder? Whichever you maybe, bodybuilding supplement review is the answer for you, if you are looking for information on the variety of products. Bodybuilding supplement reviews provide you with a wide range of information of the latest products available in the market.

As you might be passionate about bodybuilding, it’s essential for you to follow these reviews before you can make a choice of any of the products which promise to boost your muscle growth. Most of these reviews are written by experts who have either tried these products or who have interviewed the ones who have been using them. These bodybuilding supplement guides help you become aware of the quality of products available and they are rated accordingly, which gives you enough information about the quality and efficiency of the different products. Bodybuilding supplement reviews can be found at a couple of sites which I shall mention below.

Supplement Judge is a very nice site for online reviews. There are many reviews which can help you make your decision and choice a product accordingly. Users also rate the products and give comments which may assist you further more. The supplements have been categorized accordingly, so you can choose what you are looking for. For e.g. if you are looking for something related with General health or Fat loss or Testosterone level, you can find them in those specific categories which makes it easy to spot, along with their reviews.

You can do comparisons according to what would suit you best also the site contains ratings for best reviews on supplements. And once you’re impressed with any of the product, you have an option to purchase directly from the site, which would be all the more convenient.

Bodybuilding for you is another site which contains supplement reviews. The bodybuilding supplement reviews on the site compare the quality of different brand names which can help you form your own opinion and also learn about the different standards available. You have an added advantage of posing your own review once you have used any of the bodybuilding supplements.

This site is extremely user friendly and it’s easy to surf and look for your own. This site also has a question and answer forum where users can post their own queries to gain knowledge or even share what they know about bodybuilding supplements. There is also an option to chat live with other users to exchange their experiences about bodybuilding supplements.

Jono has been writing articles for nearly 4 years. Come visit his latest website about commercial metal shredder which helps people find the best commercial paper shredders and information they need when looking for commercial paper shredders.

P6 Extreme Bodybuilding Supplement Review

December 2, 2011 by  
Filed under Bodybuilding

The recent crackdown by the FDA has made it increasingly difficult to find a high quality tesosterone boosting supplement. In years past, noticeable weight gains were commonplace with the likes of 1-AD and methylated andro supplements. Now a person would be hard pressed to finda testosterone supplement that could yield minimal gains, if any.

Bodybuilding supplement companies have been trying to find compounds that would illicit a hormonal response without any side effects. So far, they have been unsuccessful. Today’s test boosting supplements are tame compared to what you could get a few years ago. All of the andros have been replaced with different types of herbs like Tribulus, which can’t deliver the same effect. Some researchers say herbs like Tribulus are effective while others think they are a waste of money.

One of the more popular testosterone boosting supplements on the market currently is Cellucor P6 extreme.

P6 Extreme is a natural testosterone booster that has actually been around for several years but many people are just now hearing about it. P6 gets pretty good feedback from quite a few people. This is especially intriguing since it is a pretty expensive product. Users can expect to pay around $ 120 for a bottle of this stuff ($ 120 for a bottle of 120 or $ 70 for a bottle of 60).

Is a natural testosterone booster like Cellucor P6 really worth it. Most experienced users would say no. Some would say that paying over a hundred bucks for a natural testosterone booster would be crazy. Others would say it is a great product and is worth it. When dealing with hormones it is impossible to say how effective a particular product will be.

Generally, most supplements like this will have varying opinions on its effectiveness.

For helpful advice and more in depth reviews on products like p6 extreme or any Cellucor product, visit our website at There you will find unbiased reviews on dozens of the top bodybuilding supplements on the market today.

The Best Muscle Building Supplement Is Protein

December 2, 2011 by  
Filed under Muscle Building

It’s amazing how much false information there is on supplements floating around gyms. Most beginners looking to gain muscle mass think that creatine is the best muscle building supplement you can get. It’s also surprising that many beginners have never even heard of taking protein powders or at least increasing their intake of protein with each meal. Sure there are many studies that show creatine as being effective at adding strength, mass, and endurance. However, in all actuality it’s impossible to put on muscle mass without supplying your body with the proper nutrition. This includes supplying your body with plenty of amino acids from animal proteins and that requires you to consume large amounts of protein in your diet. Furthermore, without a surplus of calories, you simply will not add muscle.

The protein debate

There is a lot of controversy on how much protein a person looking to gain muscle mass should consume.

Many conservative nutritionists would say that your protein calories should only be about 25% of your daily intake which is far less than what most bodybuilding magazines would recommend. Just about every bodybuilding diet you’ll find will recommend you consume about 1 to 1.5 grams of protein per pound of body weight. Believe it or not, some pro bodybuilders claim to consume upwards of 400, 600, and even 800 grams of protein each and every day.

Stop wasting your money

Quit looking for the newest hype and the so called best muscle building supplement as it’s far more beneficial to focus on a clean high protein diet. Yes, you should buy supplements like whey protein powders, branched chain amino acids (BCAA’s), fish oils, and a good multi-vitamin. These supplements will help you reach your nutritional goals each day and ultimately help you stay healthy. The main reason for using a whey protein powder as part of a daily regimen will help you get the amount of protein required to gain muscle mass without having to cook six times per day. Protein powders are also convenient because you can quickly down them when you are in a hurry and do not have time to sit down for a full meal.

The conclusion

As mentioned before, stop looking for some secret supplement that claims to help you gain muscle mass at unheard of rates. As the title of this article states, protein is the best muscle building supplement you can take. Spend your hard earned money on high quality foods like fresh chicken, lean beef, fish, green leafy vegetables, and complex carbohydrates like brown rice and oatmeal. Nutrition is one of the largest factors in any effective bodybuilding program and should not be taken lightly. Sure, you can train hard and get lots of rest but you will not recover properly without giving your body the proper nutrients to do so.

For more information on complete muscle building programs including diets, complete workout programs, and much more click here to watch an informative video.

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Creatine: Safest / Best Muscle Building Supplement

December 2, 2011 by  
Filed under Muscle Building

Article by Mike Nevares

Supplements has been a very controversial topic among performance athletes and researchers.There are those who endorse them, and those who would never even think of using them ever.The truth about supplements is some where in the middle.

There is no such thing as one magical body building supplement that will give you the results that you want. However supplements make it easier to ensure that your body is getting all the nutrition it needs to give your self the absolute bet chance of muscle growth. Supplements make it much more convenient to get the correct amount of nutrition for your body.

Supplements are not necessary to get all of the nutrition that your body needs, but the amount of time and energy that you will have to waste in preparing the recommended five to seven meals everyday for optimum muscle growth can be a daunting task for anyone. My personal opinion is that creatine the best muscle building supplement as well as the safest.

A lot of research has been done on creatine, this research has show that it is the safest and the best muscle building supplement for athletes looking to improve strength and lean muscle. Not only does it help build muscle, creatine provides numerous amounts of other benefits. Creatine helps fight disease in the neuromuscular system, such as muscular dystrophy, and also reduces high levels of cholesterol.

What is creatine?

Creatine is a naturally produced by the body and is ingested through fish and meat. To ingest enough creatine and receive its maximum beneftis, creatine powder is the most beneficial source of this compound. Creatine increase the efficiency with which your body uses Adenosine Tri-Phosphate (ATP). ATP is used to give the muscles in your body a sufficient amount of energy. Higher levels of ATP in the body improves muscle function.

Research suggests that creatine is considered to be the best muscle building supplement because it helps to increase or maintain ATP levels in your body. Research has proven that consuming creatine increases the levels of creatine phosphate that is available to your cells, and this, in turn, helps to sustain any anaerobic activity such as sprinting or weight lifting.

When used in weight training, creatine allows you to achieve a higher level of performance. In addition to its reputation as the best muscle building supplement, creatine also offers significant benefits to those who have suffered heart failure as it improves the functioning of the heart.

Creatine is normally supplied to the body as creatine monohydrate, and for those who are strength training or doing high intensity exercise creatine allows you to work at a higher intensity level for a longer period of time. Creatine, which occurs naturally in the body and is produced by the pancreas, liver, and kidney, helps to strengthen the muscles. Adding creatine as a supplement helps to add to this effect.

Creatine is naturally occurring compound that is found in many different foods, and so its use in sports has never been banned. It is considered to be the best Muscle Building Supplement as well as the safest. Creatine monohydrate supplements, one of the best muscle building supplements, should be consumed at a dosage of approximately 5 grams per day.

In order to maximize the absorption of creatine, it should be consumed with a liquid serving of simple sugars, such as fructose, maltose or dextrose. The benefits of creatine <– click here to learn more

Original article

My name is Mike and I am a 23 year old fitness fanatic I enjoy researching (and using) all different types athletic supplements. My main goal in this research is to increase my performance in my workouts as well as spread information about products I see positive results from. Check this out to learn more about creatine and other athletic supplements.

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