Legal Muscle Building Supplements For Bodybuilding
May 19, 2012 by admin
Filed under Powerlifting
Article by Big Bob
Legal Muscle Building Supplements For Bodybuilding – Health
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If you are like most bodybuilders or powerlifters, you are constantly looking for an edge. When you notice a superior athlete in the gym, you immediately scan the exercise he is completing, looking for any variance in motion you can apply to your own training to gain an advantage. When you see a highly muscular man in the lunch line at work, surely you scan his plate looking for an estimation of the types and total number of grams of protein and carbohydrate that he is consuming. The spike in blood testosterone levels is without a doubt a highly desirable outcome for bodybuilders, and the reason these illegal drugs are so popular. If you’re one of the lucky stiffs with a doctor’s prescription for testosterone, then you are in a very good place. However, since most people don’t have such a luxury, you may be reduced to resorting to online manufacturing firms in China, who can take your money and deliver a counterfeit product with zero recourse from you. What can you do, call the police and tell them China ripped you off on the illegal steroids you were importing?Then, there is a class of drugs known as legal steroids. By simply changing a drug slightly, manufacturers can output a product which is not illegal by any definition. Sure, the drug they deliver will be just as powerful as any other oral steroid on the market. And in time, as the drug finds its place on the map and it develops a solid following, law enforcement agents may pick up on it and take efforts to make it illegal. In an economy like this where law enforcement budgets are being slashed in a major way, the focus of their operations has been reduced to the limiting violent crimes, moving the investigation and often pursuit of legal steroid creation to the back burner for the time being. This means the best legal steroid is getting better each year – without as much legal interference as was seen in the past. The best legal steroid can change from year to year. Currently, it is the Androstenedione products that are making the most waves. As the government detects each of these and makes efforts to move them to the banned list, developers continue to design drugs which are better and better. The resources of the capitalist-driven private sector far outweigh those of law enforcement. As a bodybuilder and a consumer, your best bet is to try today’s batch of pro-hormone supplements and see which one works best for you. Enjoy this time period where legal steroids are allowed to remain legal, and get big!
About the Author
Don’t mess around with illegal steroids. If you want to find the bestLegal Muscle Building Supplements then visit, the leading provider of Bodybuilding Supplements and muscle building products on the market today!
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Big Bob
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Don’t mess around with illegal steroids. If you want to find the bestLegal Muscle Building Supplements then visit, the leading provider of Bodybuilding Supplements and muscle building products on the market today!
Use and distribution of this article is subject to our Publisher Guidelines
whereby the original author’s information and copyright must be included.
2 BOTTLES Nitric Oxide Complex 360 total Capsules NO2 Creatine Ethyl Ester L-Taurine L-Arginine KRK SUPPLEMENTS
May 13, 2012 by admin
Filed under Nitric Oxide
- KEY FEATURES: Advanced Nitric Oxide Muscle Technology
- KEY BENEFITS: Maximized, intense muscle pumps.
- TARGET MARKET: Individuals involved in any intense weight and/or exercise training program.
- SIZE: 180 Capsules each bottle
Product Description
Advanced Nitric Oxide Muscle Technology With:
L- Arginine
Creatine Ethyl-Ester
Have you been waiting for a supplement that will blast your training to the next level? Are you ready to experience raging pumps like never before? Your wait is finally over!
KRK Supplements is proud to introduce the most potent Nitric Oxide product available on the market to date: Nitric Oxide ComplexTM.
Nitric Oxide is a free-form gas created in the body by breaking do… More >>
Body Building Supplements – Ask Yourself If You Have To Make Use Of Them?
May 12, 2012 by admin
Filed under Body Builders
Article by Thomas Pattersonon
These supplements are more common than you might think. You can buy them at the grocery store in the forms of powders, pills and even bars. You can eat them plain or mix them with foods or drinks or even swallowed whole. There are many varieties of these supplements to be aware of. All of these are meant to assist your body in the production of naturally occurring substances like proteins. How can you know which ones might work for you? We will attempt to educate you in this article about some of the popular supplements on the market today and tell you whether or not they might be right for you.
You can find a wide variety of protein supplements, and it comes in so many forms that is sometimes highly specific. Protein is taken to add to the body’s available protein to make a muscle larger and stronger during the repair phase. All people need protein to stay healthy and strong, so you can imagine that a body builder would need it even moreso. Heavy lifting, or slightly less depending on your goals, and repeated stress on muscles induces muscle tears, microscopic, and then the body has to repair that damage. This is why protein supplements are a must for many body builders. There are a lot of different types of protein supplements you can take: soy and whey are the most popular.
Amino acid supplements are very popular. There are supplements in this class of all shapes and sizes, and some are synthesized amino acids. If you want, you can find supplements that are only one special kind of amino acid.
It’s recommended in the beginning, if you’re not experienced, to take a broader approach to amino acid supplementation rather than jumping to a specific kind. However, don’t rush out and buy stuff – make an appointment with your doctor and get checked out and have a talk about everything. It’s probably not good to get an overdose of some kind of supplement if your doctor feels it is not needed. At the same time, a general amino acid supplement, taken sparingly, could really help your body heal after a workout.
For a little more lively debate, there is the supplement class of anti-estrogens. Men and womn both have estrogen and testosterone, although the amount is different depending on the gender. The pituitary’s secretion of testosterone is determined by estrogen, although very many other things are involved. Ok, now testosterone is needed for strength and the ability to keep it. Therefore, to be stronger, there’s a need for more testosterone, and that can happen if you get estrogen out of the picture. We think any doctor may recommend against this, but still – to be safe, see your doctor. Women weight lifters should absolutely talk to their family doctors about this supplement approach, and the reasons are obvious, we feel.
There have been so many body builders who have benefited in a positive way from using supplements. The primary areas of support include building muscles (muscle mass), and helping to recover faster than usually possible.
There’s no question that body building puts the body under intense strain and stress. That is why so many lifting athletes prefer supplementing. Other additional positive benefits from using supplements is to supply your body with everything it needs to maintain health.
These particular fitness tips are normally extremely practical to develop muscle mass and to lose weight safely. Should you one of those folks that are trying to find natural ways to shed weight and develop lean muscle mass quicker, in that case take a look at the following page on Vince DelMonte No-Nonsense Muscle Building and discover more about a well-known program to lose weight and build muscle without any drugs.
There’s also more on how to build body muscle here.
On this article are some recommended recommendations that can aid you to develop muscle mass and also to shed pounds.
Find More Picture Body Builder Articles
Boost Metabolism | Natural Supplements for Boost Metabolism
May 10, 2012 by admin
Filed under Boost Metabolism
The normal course of treatment has been AZT and other cocktails of antiviral drugs. Although these drugs can slow the progression of this disease, no one has yet found the cure. Studies are looking into natural supplements to fight this disease. There are multiple studies that have taken into consideration the effects of regular vitamin supplements for the body. A completely unique and new type of dietary supplement, combining immuno-modulators and direct acting anti-viral compounds from all-natural sources has emerged using medicinal mushrooms. These compounds have been tested in a number of different clinical Trials, and have been found to be extremely safe and effective. The Chinese have used many of these mushrooms to boost immune function for centuries.
Supplements and foods to take that will increase your metabolism:
Green Tea has an active ingredient known as epigallocatechin gallate or EGCG.
This is said to increase the body heat during the digestion and metabolism of food. This is known as thermogenesis and will increase the overall consumption of calories that may aid weight loss. Green tea can be taken as an extract or as a drink. Many green tea products contain caffeine that has been touted as a way to increase the metabolism but given that there are other side effects excessive caffeine consumption it is not recommended. In the case of green tea, drink it in moderation or look for caffeine free products.
Cayenne Pepper is thought to increase the metabolism of dietary fats and suppress the appetite. The active ingredient in cayenne pepper is Capsaicin. Whilst it might not have a dramatic effect on increasing your metabolism, cayenne pepper is a popular ingredient in spicy foods so if you like these types of foods, cayenne pepper can be used often.
Vitamin C is a popular supplement for people with colds but some research suggests that it may help to boost the metabolism. The tests showed that people taking vitamin C used up to 100 more calories a day than those not taking the vitamin. The resting metabolism was thought to increase to account for more calorie usage.
Despite adding many supplements to your diet you will not increase your metabolism significantly unless you do exercise. There are two forms of exercise that can boost metabolism. These are building muscle exercises and losing fat exercises.
Building muscle is a good way to boost your metabolism because the body needs to work harder to maintain muscle than fat. Thus more calories will be used up. Typical ways to build up muscle are weight lifting but if this bores you then strenuous work in the garden can provide this muscle building exercise.
Aerobic exercise is a good way to reduce fat and is recognized as beneficial to other parts of the body, particularly the cardiovascular system and the heart. Aerobic exercise will boost your resting metabolism during and after the initial exercise. Aerobic classes are popular in gyms but walking, running, dancing or playing some kind of ball sport are all good aerobic exercises. The more aerobic exercise you do the more your metabolism will be boosted.
Camellia Sinensis
Camellia Sinesis activates the central nervous system, which may spar the body’s ability to burn calories and unwanted fat cells through the Thermogenic process.
The phenol groups in Camellia Sinensis are extremely active, easily able to capture and neutralize free radicals and other pro-oxidants. Researchers have found that Camellia Sinensis is over 200 times more powerful than vitamin E in neutralizing pro-oxidants and free radicals that attack lipids (oils and fats). Camellia Sinensis is also 20 times more potent than vitamin E in reducing the formation of dangerous and potentially mutagenic peroxides that form in rancid fats and lard.
Alpha Lipoic Acid
The body needs Alpha Lipoic Acid (ALA) to produce energy. It plays a crucial role in the mitochondria, the energy-producing structures in cells. The body actually makes enough ALA for these basic metabolic functions. This compound acts as an antioxidant, however, only when there is an excess of it and it is in the “free” state in the cells. But there is little free ALA circulating in your body, unless you consume supplements or get it injected. Foods contain only tiny amounts of it. What makes ALA special as an antioxidant is its versatility-it helps deactivate an unusually wide array of cell-damaging free radicals in many bodily systems.
Must Read About Brahmi Benefits, Benefits of Ashvagandha and Natural Remedies for Fatique visit our website Coconut oil has a high concentration of medium chain triglycerides (MCT’s). MCT’s helps boost metabolism, helping to optimise energy production and metabolism. Making coconut oil useful for sports people, and those looking to lose weight. MCT’s are nautal antibacterials, antivirals and antifungals. MCT’s are safe saturated, fats and do resist heat damage when you cook with them. They resist very high temperatures. Damaged cooking oils are a source of free radicals that can result in damage to cells and organs. Free radicals also speed the aging process. So avoid using polyunsaturated oils like corn and sunflower oil, which are easily damaged by heat, and use heat stable coconut oil instead.
3 BOTTLES Nitric Oxide Complex 540 total caps NO2 Creatine Ethyl Ester L Taurine Arginine KRK SUPPLEMENTS
May 1, 2012 by admin
Filed under Nitric Oxide
- KEY FEATURES: Advanced Nitric Oxide Muscle Technology
- KEY BENEFITS: Maximized, intense muscle pumps.
- TARGET MARKET: Individuals involved in any intense weight and/or exercise training program.
- SIZE: 180 Capsules each bottle
Product Description
Advanced Nitric Oxide Muscle Technology With:
L- Arginine
Creatine Ethyl-Ester
Have you been waiting for a supplement that will blast your training to the next level? Are you ready to experience raging pumps like never before? Your wait is finally over!
KRK Supplements is proud to introduce the most potent Nitric Oxide product available on the market to date: Nitric Oxide ComplexTM.
Nitric Oxide is a free-form gas created in the body by breaking do… More >>
Superior Amino 2222 Caps 150 Capsules Amino Acids Supplements Optimum Nutritio
April 25, 2012 by admin
Filed under Amino Acid Supplement
Product Description
Amino Acids are the “building blocks” of protein. Our Superior Amino 2222 Caps provide a 2‚222 mg full spectrum array of amino acids including L-Ornithine and L-Carnitine…. More >>
Superior Amino 2222 Caps 150 Capsules Amino Acids Supplements Optimum Nutritio
Supplements- Which Ones Do You Need To Get In Shape
April 1, 2012 by admin
Filed under Get in Shape
Article by Kevin Richardson
An honest answer is that you don’t need any. It might sound astonishing but the reality is that in over seventeen years of using multivitamins, fat burners, protein powders and bars, meal replacements, and all the other bodybuilding and fitness related products all I have to say is their miraculous abilities to make changes in your physique are yet to be seen. That and the fact that there is nothing that has yet convinced me that these substances are truly safe for human consumption.
I would like to bring to your attention that all of your information regarding the safety and efficacy of these supplements come from entities that have a vested interest in promoting them. The bodybuilding and health and fitness magazines that get paid millions to advertise the products, some of which are actually owned by the very companies that make the products in the first place. The media that also gets paid for the ads run by the products, and of course the many so called scientific studies conducted with funding from the manufacturers themselves. The supplement industry is no different from the food and tobacco industries that wreak havoc on the public health. Profit is and always will be the bottom line. Not your health, not your fitness goals and certainly not the truth. If you think that in some way that the federal government wouldn’t allow a company to make a product that could jeopardize your health, then you must have been asleep for the past few years while they banned products like ephedra and pro-hormones. Bans that took effect long after the products had been on the market for years. The problem is that the Food & Drug Administration regulates dietary supplements under a different set of regulations than those covering “conventional” food and drug products, both prescription and Over-the-Counter. Under the Dietary Supplement Health and Education Act of 1994 (DSHEA), the dietary supplement manufacturer is responsible for ensuring that a dietary supplement is safe before it is marketed. 1The FDA is only responsible for taking action against any unsafe dietary supplement product after it reaches the market. Generally manufacturers do not need to register their products with FDA nor get FDA approval before producing or selling dietary supplements. Think about it; someone figures that there is money to be made from selling a particular product and they make it. As simple as that. There are no long term independent double blind studies to verify effectiveness or safety. In fact most of the studies quoted regarding supplement efficacy are either severely biased, purposefully misinterpreted or flawed. It is only after people die or consistently experience severe adverse side effects that the federal government gets involved. What is worse is that there have never been any long term studies to show how these substances interact with the human body. No one can really guarantee that the fat burner that you are taking now will not cause you health problems several years down the line. Many of them have not even been around for that long. So how do you know? Answer- you don’t! FAT BURNERSHave I used them? Yes. But not as much as you would think. I was never much of a fan of these products to begin with since I always paid very strict attention to my diet and training and didn’t really need them. If I needed to get ready for a contest or a photo shoot, I would simply adjust my diet to suit and train my behind off. When I did take fat burners earlier on in my career, I never used more than an quarter of the recommended dose. Did they work? The ones containing ephedrine did. I got leaner faster, but in the end I looked the same. Considering that when I took them I had trouble sleeping, my hands would shake and I would have terrible energy swings, I made the decision not to use them anymore. The pictures of me that you see posted are the result of years of hard work and conscientious dieting- not from any fat burners (or any other supplements for that matter- protein powders etc. included.) I believe the finished product proves my point that I didn’t need them.
We need to examine the mechanisms of these drugs to understand why they are so popular in spite of being so dangerous and filled with negative side effects. The most effective fat burners (the ones that were temporarily banned) were essentially ECA stacks. A combination of Ephedrine (from ephedra), Caffeine and Aspirin. Caffeine is a stimulant and has diuretic effect. Ephedrine is a bronchodilator and was sold over the counter as an asthma medication. It is a stimulant as well2. The two drugs together increase the body’s norephinepherine production which then decreases appetite3 along with significantly elevating your heart rate measurably.3 Reduced appetite means you eat less and the elevated heart rate means that you should burn more calories. These drugs also combine to slightly increase body heat which further increases caloric burn while the caffeine forces you to lose water at a faster rate. The end result- short term weight loss. Which would have been wonderful except for the fact that you are also potentially harming yourself.
Ephedrine (derived from ephedra) was banned for some time after being linked to several deaths. Studies have shown that it can increase blood pressure and risk of stroke, anxiety, irregular heartbeat, myocardial infarction4, depression and psychosis2. Largely due to the lobbying of certain special interest groups, the federal ephedra ban was lifted. Still, most companies now are afraid to put it back in their products because of the fear of lawsuits, that, the high cost of liability insurance and the fact that the federal ban being lifted does not make it a legal product in many states- the state of New York included.
Caffeine as we all know can also affect heart rate as well as blood pressure2. There is also an addictive property to caffeine, just as there was with ephedrine. Put the two together and you’re faced with an addictive compound quite adept at causing your natural adrenal production to be compromised. After developing a tolerance to the raciness effects of the drugs, frequent and increased dosages lead to a dramatic loss of “energy” when the drugs aren’t taken. It’s a classic addiction and it made many a supplement manufacture rich at the public health’s expense. Let us not forget the aspirin added to the blend that wreaked havoc on your stomach lining. Personally I chose not to use a substance that not only I didn’t need, but also that had many dangerous side effects and was potentially addictive. Now that ephedra has made it to the ‘we are not using it in our product list’ (thankfully), the remaining ingredients on their own have not been proven to significantly reduce body fat. Translation, they are still dangerous compounds, but now they don’t work as well.ECA fat burners have been around for about a decade or so, but people have succeeded in getting into fantastic shape for much longer without potentially dangerous drugs. They did it over time. By being patient and by working hard and in a responsible manner to achieve their goals.The other thing to consider is that studies have shown that individuals that lose weight and then regain it increase their likelihood of compulsive overeating5 developing heart disease6 and increasing mortality risks6 7. Remember if you rely on pills to get your weight down, the effects are only short term2. When you stop taking them your weight will eventually go right back to where it was to begin with, unless of course you choose to use them for the rest of your life. The only safe way is to be in shape all year round, not just for summer and certainly not thanks to supplements.
Kevin Richardson, CPT, ADS
References:1. Dietary Supplement Health and Education Act of 1994 (DSHEA), 2. Shekelle PG, Hardy ML, Morton SC, et al.: Efficacy and safety of ephedra and ephedrine for weight loss and athletic performance. A meta-analysis. JAMA 289:1537-1545, 2003.3. Effect of a Dietary Herbal Supplement Containing Caffeine and Ephedra on Weight, Metabolic Rate, and Body Composition Greenway et al. Obes Res 2004;12:1152-11574. Cardiovascular Effects of Ephedra JAMA 2004;291:1560-1560.5. National Task Force on the Prevention and Treatment of Obesity. Dieting and the Development of Eating Disorders in Overweight and Obese Adults. Arch Intern Med 2000;160:2581-9.6. Lissner L, Brownell KD. Weight cycling, mortality and cardiovascular disease: a review of epidemiologic findings. In: Bjorntorp P, Brodoff BN, eds. Obesity. Philadelphia: J.B. Lippincott Co.; 1992. 7. Wing RR. Weight cycling in humans: a review of the literature. Ann Behav Med. 1992;14:113-9
Information contained in this article is not meant to treat, diagnose illness, nor substitute for medical counseland is intended for purposes of information and education only. Consult your physician before modifying your dietor starting any exercise program.
Kevin Richardson, CPT, ADS, is New York City’s most prolific trainers, the founder of the Naturally Intense Lifestyle and the owner of the legendary Naturally Intense 5th Avenue Gym in Park Slope, Brooklyn, New York. With over sixteen years of experience as a personal fitness trainer, and with a clientele that spans the globe. You can read more of his articles as well as learn more about the Naturally Intense Lifestyle at
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Muscle Milk 5.29 lbs Vanilla Creme Meal Replacements Supplements CytoS
March 10, 2012 by admin
Filed under Muscle Milk
- Muscle Milk Collegiate: Calorie Replacement Drink Mix
Product Description
Collegiate Ratio Compliant. 500 mg Aminogen Aids in protein digestion. 40 g Protein less than 30% calories. 0 g Trans fatty acids. 99% Lactose free…. More >>
Muscle Milk 5.29 lbs Vanilla Creme Meal Replacements Supplements CytoS
Creatine Supplements For Strength and Endurance
March 9, 2012 by admin
Filed under Endurance Training
Dependent on what you’ll weight training, physical fitness activities, or weight loss goals are you would do well in accepting the fact that commitment, hard work and dedication will be required for you to achieve these goals. This would involve defining a sensible working out between as well as a suitable diet, which can be enhanced with implementation of items such as creatine supplements, and other weight-loss or performance-enhancing products and supplements.
If you are competing on professional levels in any sport, you may want to ascertain as to whether or not any of the supplements that you are taking are in fact banned, or might get you into trouble. This is due to the fact that some sporting organizations, or professional bodies team that enhancement supplements offer the athlete an unfair advantage over competitors. This may well be the case with creatine supplements, due to the nature of the supplements and the resultant effect.
You should have understand that creatine is a naturally occurring nitrogenous acid, that is found in skeletal muscles.
The process of taking creatine supplements enables the muscle cells to become hydrated, which in turn leads to a faster synthesizing of protein by the muscles, with the overall effect being that of increased strength and energy. This enables the person taking the supplement to be able to work out longer, build lean muscle which furthermore results in the loss of unwanted fat.
It must also be kept in mind that when you begin with the creatine supplements, the implementation must be phased in, over a period of days during specific times of the day, and then maintained. The fact that the creatine is absorbed and stored more easily when insulin levels are slightly raised, means that you should take the supplement before eating, and preferably with a liquid.
Undissolved creatine supplements can result in a distressed intestine, in which instance the proper dissolving of the supplement is a must.
Therefore these supplements have been shown to aid weight trainers, as well as those training to increase the strength, for whichever sport, by providing increased energy capabilities to the muscles. The added energy allows one to train longer, in other words you will be in a position to be able to do a couple of extra sets, which all goes towards achieving those goals that you set out for yourself.
The creatine supplements have no known side effects, besides the above mentioned intestinal distress, which is easily overcome by properly dissolving the supplement. The addition of these supplements will differently help you in your workout routines, so if you are possibly lacking the conviction or blaming the fact that you are lacking in energy to continue with your fitness and or weight loss goals, then perhaps you should consider implementing creatine supplements in your routine.
Creatine Supplements aid in both strength and endurance training. Visit Sport and Supplements at for the widest selection of the best supplements.
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Decca-Durabol Bodybuilding Supplements
February 29, 2012 by admin
Filed under Bodybuilding Supplements
- Excellent suppliment for muscle gain.
- Helps appetite stimulation.
- Increase red blood cell production.
Product Description
A phenomenal bulking and strength compound for building muscle mass, appetite stimulation, and increased red blood cell production. Will not throw off testosterone levels and has a very low rate of aromatization. Improves collagen synthesis and bone mineral content offering relief to those with connective tissue and/or joint ailments. Offers no adverse side effects on the scalp, skin, and prostate. Not toxic to the liver or kidneys. Will not cause erectile dysfu… More >>