Three Techniques the Experts Use to Gain Break-Neck Running Speeds

March 17, 2012 by  
Filed under Speed Workouts

Article by Anthony Sanza

Three Techniques the Experts Use to Gain Break-Neck Running Speeds

Running faster is an excellent goal to have, and it’s one that you can achieve if you work hard enough. But unfortunately, hard work isn’t enough. In order to drastically boost your running speed, you’re also going to need to learn the steps required. To help you get faster and stronger so that you can beat anyone who tries to race against you, here are the top three tips the experts use in order to achieve the kinds of speed that break records and turn heads.

Proper Form

Running faster requires you to keep perfect form. When you maintain the right posture and limb positioning, your body will be in a more efficient mode and you’ll not only run faster but you’ll expend less energy while you’re pushing yourself to achieve faster speeds. The proper form in running consists of relaxed arms, a strong push off and faster cadence. To help you maintain proper form, have a spotter watch you so that you can tweak any areas that need it.

Start Slowly

It may sound funny, but in order to run faster you’re going to need to start slowly. This means building up your aerobic fitness and strength in order to build a solid foundation which you can then build upon with more advanced strength training techniques later on. By starting slowly and working on the areas that need it, you will keep yourself from becoming injured and you’ll be more likely to achieve the ideal fitness level that’s required to win races and championships.

Break Through Your Comfort Zone

Every runner knows that wall you hit when you’ve reached the boundaries of your comfort levels. This is when your lungs and muscles begin to burn and the taste of copper fills your taste buds. But if you hope to run faster than you already do, then you’re going to need to break past that comfort barrier. Only by breaking past your personal comfort zones can you hope to reach your personal best in all that you do. To really break through your barriers, try running up hills, doing speed drills or racing against friends and teammates and try to push yourself just a little bit further each and every time. Even though your body may be screaming for you to stop, you must push on. The more you do, the better you’ll get and the faster your legs will take you across the finish line.

If you try as hard as you can and you still can’t seem to break your personal running speed records, it’s time to put these three tips to good use. If you can manage to keep proper running form, start slowly and break through your comfort zones, you’ll soon discover that boosting your speed isn’t so difficult after all once you know exactly what to do.

Visit now to get all the secret techniques and drills that the professionals have been using for years! Believe it or not, these are all easy to use and understand drills that anyone can learn and needs to learn to reach their maximum speed. Don’t waste another second!

Anthony Sanza – Secrets to Speed

Penis Stretching Techniques Is My Penis Small? – What Can I Do About It?

March 3, 2012 by  
Filed under Stretching

Article by nanaskipworth

I know exactly why you want to have a bigger penis. I have been there before myself. It sucks waking up every morning going to the bathroom and looking down at an embarrassingly small and limp genital. But don’t just keep dreaming about how your sex life would be like if you were an inch or more bigger down there! Start doing something about your manhood – start exercising your penis bigger!

RESULTS ARE NOW GUARANTEED: Enlarge your penis 1-4 inches. You can enlarge your penis size and girth easily. Get started TODAY with no waiting. See results in as little as 7 days Guaranteed!

See size gains in as little as 7 days GUARANTEED – Click here to start TODAY >> No waiting – Get instant access and start enlarging now >>

Penis stretching exercises are without doubt one of the most natural ways to increase penis size. All penis stretching exercises are intended to pull on and extend the suspensory and fundiform ligaments. It is the suspensory ligament that is severed during penis male enlargement surgery. So you have a choice let a surgeon and his knife loose on your manhood or increase your penis size naturally by using penis stretching exercises!

Are you tired of applying creams ointments gels and other products that you bought –that promises to increase your penis size in a short period of time but fails to work on you? Does your short penis affect your relationship with your girlfriend or spouse because you are unable to meet their sexual needs?

Many men around the world are learning an easy method to help satisfy women in bed. The method does not revolve around the traditional roads that many people seem to be traveling on in regards to male enhancement.

If you’re reading this it’s probably because you’re interested in enlarging the size of your penis? You’ve probably also wondered if it is even possible. Well in this article I am going to be helping you by answering the question – is penis male enlargement fact or fiction?

There are a plethora of penis male enlargement opportunities on the marketplace. From fancy devices to electro-stimulation to magic patches and pills and even surgical intervention. As we become more and more technologically advanced we seem to lose sight of the old-school ways that have allowed humans to exist for so long.

We’re all looking for effective ways to enlarge our penis but most guys simply have no real clue as to how to achieve it. What we should all be looking for is penis growth which also causes rock-hard erections and gives you excellent ejaculation control. Most products miss these last two points (and fail on the first one anyway). I’m going to look into types of products that I’ve tried tested and that I know either work or don’t work. Originally I had a 3 inch penis after puberty was over and done with. You can now probably guess why I took penis male enhancement so seriously! Read on to find out what I discovered…

Techniques To Make Penis Bigger Growing A Bigger Penis Completely Naturally Without Pills Pumps Or Surgery

Stretching Techniques to Grow Taller – Exercises to Increase Height

January 15, 2012 by  
Filed under Stretching

Article by Phillip Tom

Nobody is ever pleased with his or her present height. We all desire that we could increase in height a little bit than it is at present. This is most likely for the reason that being taller gives you a feeling of superiority and physical intimidation. It as well boosts confidence in men. And apart from men, however women who are tall are believed to be more sexually attractive than women who are short. Therefore it’s obvious that stretching techniques to grow taller must be a topic a lot of people are interested in knowing about.

There is a simple postulation in which the stretching techniques to grow taller is rooted in. It is assumed that you grow taller when you exert sufficient pressure on your bones and joints. For this reason, if you exert enough pressure on your joints and bones, they are going to grow, as a result making you increase in height.

Another thing to remember is that every person is not going to increase in height as they expect. Your genetics determines to some extent how tall you will become. However, stretching exercises can also help you grow taller.

Stretching Techniques to Help You Grow Taller

Despite the fact that growing taller may largely depend on your genes, it’s as well possible for you to stretch yourself to increase in height with a few inches. Therefore, why not take advantage of some stretching techniques to help you grow taller? This piece of writing reveals a number of the stretching techniques to grow taller.

Body Stretching ExercisesA very effective exercise for increasing height is hanging. You can just hang on a bar or go on the playing field where you are going to stumble on those monkey bars. You can just hang on the bar for about 30-40 seconds if you are really not interested in doing the monkey bars. You could as well attempt to twist your body from side to side at the same time as you are hanging.

Limb Stretching ExercisesOne of the most effective exercises to increase in height is the limb stretching exercises. Ensure that you stretch your limbs on a daily basis before you start your exercises, or immediately you wake up. Stretch the hamstrings, hands, chest, calves, back and thighs. Make it a point to stretch the entire limbs of your body.

Yoga Exercises:A number of the most effective growing taller techniques are given by the earliest Indian Yoga science. In my view, two yoga exercises are important and can help you grow taller. One of them is referred to as the Tadasana. In this Yoga exercise, you are required to face the wall while standing with your back, followed by lifting up the heel of your feet as high as possible. After that, stretch your hands up high to an extent you can and make sure that the whole of your body is stretched to an extent it can possibly reach. Maintain this pose for around 15-25 seconds and relax. You can do this exercise again for about 10 times.

The second one is called the Suryanamaskar (in image). This yoga exercise is a little bit different from the usual push-up. First, you take the normal push-up position. However, unlike the normal push-up, you do a curving crescent motion. Curve your body as you go down, and curve your body also as you lift yourself up. Ensure that all through the curving motion you stretch your body. Perform this stretching exercise in 2 sets of 8-10 reps. This is a very good stretching techniques to grow taller.

Other Unclassified Techniques to Grow TallerThere are other techniques to grow taller by doing stretching exercises. When riding a bike, you could raise the seat up by ½ – 1 inch beyond what is at ease for you. This is going to result to you stretching your limbs, if you want to pedal the bike. It’s better to try this exercise on an exercise bike, for the reason that the likelihood of accidents is lesser. Other effective stretching techniques to grow taller are swimming, jumping, kicking and skipping, which exert the sufficient pressure on the limbs, as a result making them grow. You are going to be astonished, but sleeping may as well aid you to turn out to be taller. This is for the reason that sleeping helps to relax and expand your back.

Want To Get Taller by 2 to 3 inches in just 6 weeks? No Miracle Cures. Only Scientifically Proven Ones. Guaranteed!To know more Click Here -> how to get taller naturally

The method shows how to add an EXTRA INCH right now, just by applying an amazing phenomenon discovered by NASA.To know more Click Here -> minerals to get taller

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Tips & Techniques For Muscle Fitness

January 13, 2012 by  
Filed under Muscle Fitness

Article by Antony Gerrard

Muscle fitness means not only having powerful and beautiful muscles but also having muscular endurance which means the ability of a muscle or muscle groups to perform repeated movements with a sub-maximal force for extended period of times. We can achieve muscle fitness only through our physical fitness. Physical fitness includes cardiorespiratory endurance, muscular strength, muscular endurance, flexibility and body composition. By improving these components, we can improve our physical fitness. Muscles make up almost half your body weight. Regular exercise keeps all muscles strong. Strong muscles help prevent injuries, especially to arms, legs and back and also promote a smooth, toned appearance.

First of all, to build your muscles, you should follow a special routine and diet. Proper training and exercise is the most important key for muscle fitness. It helps in maintaining the fitness levels of the body and also for improving the immunity system of the body. By achieving muscle fitness, one can gain more confidence and self esteem. And thus Muscle fitness helps to increase happiness in our life. Proper and well built muscles are the sign of our good and disciplined character too. Muscle fitness also points one

Low Back Pain Exercises – Find Out the Most Efficient Techniques

December 24, 2011 by  
Filed under Back Exercises

Article by Tom Charles

Back anguish is experienced by a great deal of people. This plaguing situation could be found to arise anyplace in the lower area of the ribs to above the legs. These parts of the body are most vulnerable to problems mainly because they function as the connectors of the upper and lower sections of the body. Thus, they put up with most of the body’s weight.

Many people have sought various treatments already. But more often than not, they do not seem to provide instantaneous ease. If ever this scenario applies to you, getting into low back pain exercises may help decrease the severity of the pain.

Low back pain exercises can be of great help to you since most types of low back pain can be eased if the muscles have proper strength training. Proper muscular activity enables the muscles to withstand the weight of the upper and lower body, as well as the force from strenuous activities.

There are many low back pain exercises recommended to sufferers of acute back pain. For this condition, the pain has to be addressed first. Once it is gone, gentle strengthening exercises could be pursued. These would include strength training for the abdominal area, back and legs. These can be complemented by stretching exercises.

More specifically, some low back pain exercises through stretching could be in the form of walking and biking. Low back pain exercises for strength training would include workouts focusing on the stomach and buttocks, like swimming. Finally, low impact aerobics with machines can be beneficial too, like elliptical or step training. If you want to get serious with the training, you might want to work with a personal trainer and/or a physical therapist.

Then again, low back problems workout routines should not be deemed as the end-all resolution to your issues. For those who notice no changes regardless of religious exercising, you have to re-consult with your doctor. There could possibly be other underlying conditions, the far more severe ones that might be producing the anguish.

There are methods that can help you to relieve back pain. Get a copy of our free report on beating back pain today by Clicking Here.

Healthful Techniques to Slim down

December 2, 2011 by  
Filed under Slim Down

In an impatient society, we want instant results. We want to lose weight now, and oftentimes we get impatient. We use fad diets such as the grapefruit diet, we use the Master Cleanse, we use anything that promises us results in 5 days, 5 weeks, 6 weeks, or 90 days. We use diuretic formulas, even though many of us know that water weight is easily lost and also easily gained. We suffer side effects and health problems all in the name of a thinner body at any cost. We don’t think about the healthy ways to lose weight, just the ways to lose weight now.

This being said, there are quite a few dangerous weight loss products out there. The most recent revelation was the FDA warning and mass recall of Hydroxycut. Hydroxycut is of course based on a number of popular ingredients such as different types of caffeine, yohimbine, and in some cases ingredients that aren’t even said to promote weight loss results at all.

Moreover, some weight loss ingredients like yohimbine have been known to cause heart attack, strokes, renal failure, and severe kidney damage. So it was really no surprise when a 19 year old user was reported to actually die from extreme renal failure associated with Hydroxycut. However, some have also claimed that Hydroxycut hid a number of dangerous and illegal ingredients from the general public, which would not be surprising all things considered.

Ephedra based diet pills, low carb diets, protein only diets, one fruit diets, etc. all promise miraculous weight loss results and a lot of dangerous side effects. With most of such diets, you lose weight fast, but then you gain it all back.

Outside of the known side effects, yo-yo dieting is of course dangerous to the heart and other vital organs.

It should also be noted that Alli would accordingly fall into the category of dangerous weight loss methods. Alli requires an extreme diet. It doesn’t just require a low fat diet, it requires a NO FAT DIET! If you don’t keep this up, you suffer problems such as uncontrollable diarrhea, orange spots, and they suggest that you actually wear an adult diaper. But on the more serious side, they have begun investigations into the effect of Alli on the liver. It should also be noted that by cutting out all the fat in your diet and by Alli cutting out even more fat, it actually interferes with the absorption of essential and important fat soluble vitamins.

So with so many unsafe diets and diet pills on the market, are there any healthy ways to lose weight? After extensive research, we have found a few select healthy ways to lose weight that are worth mentioning to you. While many healthy diets and safe diet pills seem to lack the power to produce any substantive weight loss results, Listed below, you can find the healthiest ways to lose weight.

*eat more fruits and vegetables

*use cardio exercise for at least 1 hour per day

*cut soda out of your diet

*use a natural appetite suppressant to decrease your caloric intake

*eat 5-6 small meals throughout the day to increase your body’s natural metabolic rate.

*implement good fats such as CLA and omega fatty acids into your daily diet

*stay away from caffeine. Caffeine can promote weight loss and fat burning at first. But some would say it contributes to obesity

*Focus on good carbs rather than bad carbs and simple sugars in your diet.

These are a few easy and simple ways to lose weight. And while most diet pills don’t work out for most people and for the most part very unsafe for featuring stimulant filled ingredients, the right diet pill can accelerate weight loss results without sacrificing your safety. While water can be one of the best natural appetite suppressants, there are other natural appetite suppressants that can only be found in the best diet pills producing significantly better results. So by looking in the right places, you can find safe stimulant free diet pills that will really produce amazing weight loss effects.

In my search for the best diet pill and healthiest ways to lose weight, I found some great alternatives to healthy weight loss. I found that there was no other way around eating healthier foods, rationing portions, and exercising regularly. But I was shocked to find a safe stimulant free diet pill that can help suppress appetites and improve metabolism. What I found was a product known as LipoBasics. For me LipoBasics was ultimately the best answer in every way. Its powerful appetite suppressing ingredients come free from all stimulants. Finding the best all natural ingredients designed to safely help you lose weight and even lower you BMI. LipoBasics features the use of fat burners such as: sesamin, CLA, and fucoxanthin. All of these are completely stimulant free. CLA is of course a good fat that has been clinically proven to promote greater fat oxidation as is sesamin. Likewise, fucoxanthin actually comes from seaweed, and it has been shown in clinical studies as well to promote greater fat oxidation and fat burning. This being said, obviously it is something to consider.

The biggest thing to remember about weight loss is that you won’t or shouldn’t achieve results overnight. Real and lasting results take time, safe results take time. And while losing just 10% of your body mass makes a huge difference in your heart and other body health, it doesn’t do any good if you’re using extreme and unhealthy methods.

I have seen CLA and other ingredients found in LipoBasics in other formulas. But when i tried them, as you may have also experienced, they didn’t actually work. This being said, LipoBasics is obviously different. It has multiplied the amounts of the ingredients used to actually fulfill the requirements of valid clinical studies. LipoBasics uses the right ingredients and the right amounts. It is completely safe and natural, and though they won’t promise you 7 pounds in 7 days, there is no better option.

My name is Jack. In years of searching and research I have found some effective weight loss methods. I have created a website to provide this information. You can visit here

Day 6: Today wasn’t too bad. Still having cravings. I have a really bad sweet tooth so I am use to eating more fruit than the slim down allows. I miss dark chocolate and my coconut water. I did pretty good today. I am tired of the slim down scramble though. When I’m done with the slim down I will be trying out all the pancake recipes in the Nutrition Plan and all the Smoothies 🙂 Got up for my bootycall and went for a 30 min walk at a fast pace. Walked my son to school again – he’s not too fond of it but it’s good exercise for the both of us and saves us gas. Ate all my lunch today. Really enjoyed my Meal 4 of berries. I love fruit 🙂 I made tilapia and asparagus for dinner so it was nice to have a change. I’d been eating chicken, salmon, or tofu and I was ready for something different. I had green tea today. I’m not a big green tea drinker. I got a decaf one because I don’t drink anything with caffeine. It gives me headaches. I didn’t really feel hungry in between meals. I just wanted other things besides the food on the slim down menu. I had planned on doing the new workout video from yesterday again today, but since I didn’t see a workout on the slim down and I am very very tired, I am going get to bed early for once! Ready for Day 7 tomorrow 🙂 Please Check Out my Blog for More Info: Follow me on Twitter @Mia_Butterfly Check Out Tone It Up: for some great Free workouts to follow. For more info on the ToneItUp Nutrition Plan

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Muscle Building Diet Plan for Men ? Tips and Techniques for Transformation

December 2, 2011 by  
Filed under Muscle Building

Muscle building diet plan for men is usually different from those of women. That is because men tend to have another purpose with the look of their bodies, as they want to be big and muscular and even intimidating, whereas women wants definitions and a clean look.

We will in this article go through what a muscle building diet plan for men can look like, both in terms of foods and the timing of it.

Muscle Building Diet Plan for Men – Example

The following foods in the muscle building diet plan for men will be a mixture of natural foods, as well as some supplements that can be good to use at times. The focus on the muscle building diet plan for men will be of gaining muscle mass.

100 grams of oatmeal
2 scoops of protein powder
400 ml of milk

-Meal 2:
1 can of tuna in water
200 grams of whole grain bread
Some vegetables

-Meal 3:
Post workout shake with 2 scoops of protein
50 grams of carbohydrate or a banana

-Meal 4:
200 grams of chicken
200 grams of potatoes
And mixed vegetables, including broccoli

-Meal 5:
200 grams of salmon
Mixed Vegetables

-Meal 6:
50 grams of almonds or cashew nuts (non-roasted)

The above muscle building diet plan for men is just one example out of many.

But what you should get out of it is that you can be as creative as you want, as long as you hit the amount of calories you are aiming for.

And you need about 1.5 grams of protein per body weight and a good amount of healthy fat and carbohydrates.
We will now look into some of the foods you can include in your muscle building diet plan for men.

Muscle Building Diet Plan for Men – Foods

-Muscle Building Diet Plan for Men #1 – Meat:
There are a lot of different meat sources, like chicken, red meat, fish etc. and they are all rich in proteins. Some would argue that chicken is preferred over meat because of the fewer amount of saturated fat and that fish is better than chicken, because of the good amount of omega 3 fatty acids.

I recommend that you include them all in your muscle building diet plan for men to have a variety.

-Muscle Building Diet Plan for Men #2 – Nuts:
You should have a variety of nuts in your muscle building diet plan for men. Some good sources are almonds, cashew nuts, walnuts etc. Nuts are both a good source of protein as well as healthy fat.

-Muscle Building Diet Plan for Men #3 – Yoghurt, cheese…:
Yoghurt and cheese are also great sources of protein in your muscle building diet plan for men. Yoghurt also contains the good bacteria’s that are good for your digestive system.

-Muscle Building Diet Plan for Men #4 – Carbohydrates:
You also need the right kind of carbohydrates in your bodybuilding diet plan for men. These can be the likes of vegetables, fruits, whole grains, brown bread, pasta, potatoes etc.

Follow the above tips and advice in your muscle building diet plan for men and you will build muscle mass like never before.

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Easy Muscle Building Techniques – Simple Muscle Building Techniques

December 2, 2011 by  
Filed under Muscle Building

Easy Muscle Building Techniques

Building body mass can be very easy as long as you are equipped with the right techniques to building body mass. However if you are not aware of this techniques you could waste a lot of time in the gym without being able to realize your objective. We all want to transform our bodies in one way or another so that we get a perfect body physique. Having a wonderful body is really essential because it can help boost your confidence and feelings of self worth. Confidence is really important if you want to win your dream girl because ladies are victims of confident guys. Easy Muscle Building Techniques

And this goes without saying if you boost your self esteem and confidence you will never live a lonely life again.

Body building is also important because it instills self-discipline in you. This is because without self discipline you will not be able to sail far in your life.

This article will enable you to gain mass fast without having to take steroids. We all know the side effects which come about when a person is on steroids. Some of these side effects are so severe and could end up damaging the health of a person permanently.

There are a few tricks a person can use in order to achieve muscle gain. They include the following;

1. Emphasize the negative

For muscle growth to occur there has to be muscle contraction. Therefore a lot of people tend to concentrate more on the concentric phase when lifting weights.

However it has now been proven that muscle growth can also occur when the muscles stretch during the eccentric phase. Therefore you should emphasize this phase so that you can be able to achieve fast mass gain.

2. Take fish

Fish is a very rich source of protein. And it is proteins which act as the body building blocks of muscles. Fish has another nutrient which is very useful for bodybuilders called omega three fatty acids. This nutrient helps the muscles to be more insulin sensitive hence they enhance glycogen to be stored in the muscles and also amino acids easily penetrate the muscles. The preservation of glutamine stores is also heightened by these omega three fatty acids. Easy Muscle Building Techniques

3. Take sodium in your diet

Sodium is good for a bodybuilder because it enhances the storage of amino acids and carbohydrates. They also make the muscles more insulin sensitive.

4. Ignore aerobic exercises

Aerobic exercises lead to the burning of calories. This is not good for any person who is trying to gain mass. If you want to gain mass you really need to save your calories. If at all you have to do aerobic exercises walking is enough exercise you need.

5. Weight train

This is the best exercise for someone who is trying to increase body mass. Lifting weights leads to muscle damage which is necessary for muscle growth to take place. You should use heavy weights with fewer repetitions so as to achieve muscle overload quickly. Easy Muscle Building Techniques

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