Weight Loss for Teenagers

April 26, 2012 by  
Filed under Exercise Tips

Weight loss is one of the major problems faced by a large number of teenagers across the globe. Our society is turning fat day by day as the building blocks of our society the teenagers have become fatter. These teenagers are being pressurized from parents, home, teachers and peers to lose weight. Teenagers have lot of things to worry over. Depression, Overeating, sedentary lifestyle, stress , alcohol and drugs can be some of the reason of weight loss in teenagers. Let us count on some reasons for rapid weight loss in teenagers.

It has been often find out that depression leads to overeating in teenagers. Overeating happens in teenagers during depression, stress, alcohol or drugs, eating disorders. The best way to avoid weight gain is exercise everyday and takes right kind of diet. Nowadays, fast food joints are available at every nook and corner of cities.

Teenagers should avoid eating fast food as such type of food leads to accumulation of unnecessary fat in the body.

Weight gain can also happen due to many other factors too like hormonal imbalance, hyperthyroidism, cancer, eating disorders and manipulative behavior. If you really want to losing body fat, then you should first and foremost try to build strong will power.

Achievement of a goal can only happen with strong will power. If you are motivated to achieve your goal, you will easily reach your aim of reaching the ideal weight. So, don’t hesitate and put aside sometime to reduce the excessive flab on your body.

Nicolas Bell is a famous author for health related articles. He has written many articles on weight Loss, san ramon medical weight loss, supervised weight loss, California Medical weight Management long term weight loss and so on.

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Healthy eating and living for kids and teenagers

December 27, 2011 by  
Filed under Healthy Living

Article by Regina Cheah

Kids and teenagers have very different lifestyle and dietary needs compared to adults. If you’re an adult and have kids of your own, I am sure you would have experienced your kid’s seemingly endless amounts of energy and unhealthy desire for fast foods and sweets. If you yourself are a kid or a teenager, I am sure you are tired of your parent’s nagging and complaints of “stop eating McDonalds!”, “eat your veggies!”, “have some fruit”, “chips again?!” and various other eating objections.

The truth is; if kids or teenagers don’t eat well, they will not develop properly, they will be more likely to be overweight, they will be more susceptible to various illnesses, cardiovascular diseases and acne, and they are more likely to have erratic moods, experience depression and basically, experience a lower level of enjoyment of life.

Now, the million dollar question is; “If I am a parent, how am I going to get my kids to eat healthily, or, if I’m a teenager or a kid, how do I start eating healthily?”.

For parents: The first important advice I can give you is: Kids imitate people they feel are good role models. Hence, trying to get your kids to eat healthily has to start from yourself. Once you are having a healthy diet and enjoying a healthy lifestyle, your kids will naturally start to develop healthy eating and living habits themselves. I have further listed below other advice and tips that I recommend to help promote healthy eating and living to your kids:

Eat together: When the entire family is sitting at the table eating breakfast or dinner, your children will observe what you have cooked or eating. Furthermore, meal times are the best way of maintaining and developing closer relationships with your kids as families naturally tend to have conversations over meals. Besides the health benefits of a nutritious balanced meal, studies have shown that kids who have stable family relationships have higher self-esteem and tend to do better in school.

Get them involved: Whether you’re shopping for groceries or cooking your meals, get your kids involved. Learn to read nutritional labels and teach them to your kids when you’re shopping. Compare and contrast the difference in nutritional content between products (ie. Potato chips and noodles) and help them select the healthiest meals and snacks for their lunch boxes. The key is to also give them a bit of freedom for them to choose which food products they want. If they select something that is unhealthy, gently remind them of the nutritional content and advise them that they should only eat them occasionally as a treat. When cooking, show them what really goes into the foods they eat and let them help up by ‘decorating’ and garnishing the food, stirring the soup or setting the table, etc. This encourages kids to be proactive at home, understand about nutritious foods and promote family togetherness.

Have healthy snacks within reach, put unhealthy snacks out of reach: Place fruits in a fruit bowl on the kitchen bench where it is most convenient and where everyone can see. Or have pre-cut fruits such as watermelon and place them in a Tupperware in the fridge for optimal taste and ease if your kids are craving a quick snack. Nuts and low fat pretzels make great snacks too, so open a packet and pour them into a bowl for easy access. Snacks like chocolate, high calorie muesli bars and sweets should be stored in the top cabinet out of sight. The less your child sees it, the less likely he/she will eat it!

Use Supplements: If your kids are not touching their veggies or your teenager is having erratic eating habits due to peer group and social activities, supplements are a great way of compensating the lack of nutrients arising from an unbalanced diet. For kids, look for supplements that have ‘fun’ flavors and shapes to make them enticing but ensure that it is free from any artificial flavors and sweeteners. Nutrients that are important to kids around 5-12 years of age include calcium for growing bones and zinc for improved and sharper memory. Vitamins A, C, D, E, K, folate, biotin and niacin are also important in providing your kids sufficient antioxidants for optimum protection against illnesses and optimal immune function. For teenagers, look for a supplement that covers and provides a wide range of essential vitamins and minerals for optimum body support as this is the stage where their body is undergoing the most growth and development. Essential nutrients include Vitamin A, B6, B12, C, D, E, K, Biotin, Calcium, Folate, Iodine, Lutein, Lycopene, Magnesium, Niacin, Riboflavin, Rutin, Selenium, Thiamin, Tumeric extract and Zinc. Ensure that the supplement you’re purchasing have these vitamins and minerals as a minimum in order to ensure healthy immune functionality and optimum health for their growing adolescent bodies.


Now, for kids and teenagers: The first rule about sustainable healthy eating is: Do not eliminate junk food entirely out of your life. If you try and do so, this will normally lead to intense junk food cravings which sooner or later, you’re likely to give in and binge on. The trick is to enjoy the unhealthy stuff occasionally, and substitute or swap the unhealthy stuff for the healthy stuff regularly!

I have listed a few healthier junk food alternatives ideas to get you started. But

Weight Loss Tips For Teenagers

December 7, 2011 by  
Filed under Exercise Tips

Thinning is beautifying for teenagers. A perfect body frame should come with a healthy thought. The intention is to give some weight loss tips.

Weight loss tips agenda should surely have ‘walking’ in it, as it is an effective way to lose the unwanted fat. Pedometers can help in keeping a track of how far one has walked. In the beginning it could be just one mile and later on it can be slowly increased to two miles and further so on.

Joining a gym can help where you get to exercise systematically. If not able to then increase the heart rate and what better exercise it could be but to run to burn your fat.

One of the most effective weight loss tips is to exercise thrice a week at least. Sports like volleyball or soccer and even softball can take you a long way.

No matter how much one walks or works out, an addiction to fast food will defeat the whole purpose.

It could be the main reason at times for all the weight issues in teens. Weight loss tips may not work here unless this is brought under control. A candy that has no fat has sugar content that is later on turned to fat, if not burnt off.

Snacks should be limited to twice a day and it should be more of fruits instead. Although these weight conscious people avoid donuts, they tend to forget that cookies too have enough calorie contents and needs to be controlled.

Get healthy with more information at FastDietReviews.net

Exercise For Teenagers

December 2, 2011 by  
Filed under Exercise Tips

It does, however, help to learn about the different ways you can exercise so you can have fun, reach your goals and avoid injuring yourself. The great thing about fitness for teens is that just about any activity that gets you moving will work.

You should try to get vigorous exercise in for about an hour a day at least 3 days a week, and regular, more moderate activity during the rest of the week. Vigorous aerobic fitness includes sports like football, tennis, soccer, volleyball, basketball, etc.

It also includes brisk walking, running, cycling, swimming or chasing an annoying sibling. Always make sure you are wearing the proper protective gear for whatever activity you choose and try for this level of activity at least 3 times a week.

Muscle-strengthening is a type of training that helps you build muscular strength and endurance. It can involve unstructured activities like using playground equipment or climbing trees.

It can also include structured strength workouts with exercises like squats, pushups or crunches using weights, machines, or your own body weight. Always work with an adult, coach, trainer or other expert before you start lifting weights to make sure you know the right exercises to do and how to do them correctly.

You may already lift weights if you are playing a sport but, if not, you can add this type of activity 2 to 3 days a week, with at least a day of rest in between. Aside from participating in a sport or other activities like running or riding your bike, you should also include regular activity into your day.

This means limiting how much time you sit at the computer or video game. This can include active games, taking walks, wrestling with your friends, or tossing a ball in the backyard.

This is something you can do every day, especially on the days you are not doing harder, more structured workouts. Power lifting is a type of training that involves explosive lifting, often focusing on how much you can lift at one time.

This type of training is not recommended for teens because it is difficult to use good form and the body may be stressed too abruptly, causing injury. Exercising too much can also lead to injuries, overtraining and, for girls, a change in menstrual cycles that could lead to bone loss.

It is sometimes hard to know how much is too much, since everyone can tolerate a different amount of fitness. However, exercising several times a day or for several hours is probably too much on anyone.

Following the guidelines and exercising about an hour a day is a good place to start. While it is fine to have goals to improve your body, we can’t always control what we can change.

If you want bigger muscles, that’s something that happens after puberty, although you can always build strength at any age. If you want to lose weight, fitness and a healthy diet are important, but don’t expect dramatic weight loss overnight.

Permanent, safe weight loss is a slow process and trying to speed it up with unhealthy diets or excessive exercise often backfires. If you are into sports, you probably have practice, games and other activities to keep you busy.

If not, you may have to be creative about fitness, especially if you haven’t had a chance to practice different activities to find what you like and what you’re good at. Ask your parents if you can go to the gym with them or if there is a local community center where you can exercise.

Create a new routine where you walk, in-line skate, or run every day when you get home from school. If you don’t want to exercise outside by yourself, ask your friends or a family member to go with you or use a fitness video in your own bedroom.

Do some chores like raking leaves or sweeping the driveway can actually burn calories while making your parents happy. You can also take the dog for a long walk.

Jack R. Landry has been writing about the exercise and health industry for years. He recommends using exercise bikes to stay healthy and fit.

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Jack R. Landry

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