How to gain muscle mass fast with these 7 tips stone
October 2, 2012 by admin
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If you are looking for a thin man, there are things you must do to build muscle and get bigger. Here are my 7 tips to gain muscle mass and building a great body, without becoming a gym rat.
There are some important differences in bodybuilding for skinny guys you should know if you’ll have good results in your efforts to build muscle. Many skinny guys looking to gain weight similarly to their training partners, but then are disappointed when their progress is not the same.
In general, the hormones can be divided into two groups – anabolic and catabolic. Anabolic hormones (in the form of testosterone, growth hormone and insulin growth factors) helps our muscles to grow, while catabolic hormones (cortisol, progesterone, and adrenaline) contribute to the degradation of muscle proteins, which be used for glucose (energy) synthesis.
So in other words, too catabolic hormones can actually be detrimental to our attempts to gain muscle quickly, as it can to undo our hard work.
a) Avoid stress as much as possible in your life – stress produces adrenaline which is a catabolic hormone.b) Get enough rest and sleep between workouts to reduce cortisol levels
c) Eat a diet rich in proteins to reduce cortisol levels
Sleep is very underestimated in its importance for gaining muscle mass quickly and building a great body. Lack of Sleep Deprived of his body time to recover and rebuild your muscles, and increases levels of cortisol in the body as mentioned above.
Cortisol is essential as a survival mechanism in our bodies, but public enemy number one when trying to gain muscle mass quickly. Anabolic growth hormones that are produced starting 30-45 minutes after falling asleep, but reach their highest level when in deep sleep.
Your metabolic rate also slows while you’re asleep along with increased blood flow to the muscles, a factor often overlooked in his attempt to gain muscle quickly.
your workouts should last no more than 45 minutes, and you should approach them with the attitude of “come and go.” This is good news because it means that you can make your workouts during your meals, so that now there is no excuse! You go and increment muscle mass fast! 🙂
If you want to gain muscle quickly is imperative that you find a good regimen of training for the ectomorph.
If you want to know how gain muscle mass Without HAVING to spend hours in the gym and Taking supplements, visit the Following article .. How To Gain Muscle Mass Properly
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Health and fitness is the secret to a long life, good care and keep the body strong and firm should be the goal of every human being. Find out in this site and gain muscle mass by removing excess fat, a healthy body, strong muscles strong and education is our day to day for you .. Visit here to learn more ..How Gain Muscle
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Health and fitness is the secret to a long life, good care and keep the body strong and firm should be the goal of every human being. Find out in this site and gain muscle mass by removing excess fat, a healthy body, strong muscles strong and education is our day to day for you .. Visit here to learn more ..How Gain Muscle
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Ways to Quickly Increase Your Speed With These Speed Drills
September 23, 2012 by admin
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Article by Van Casey
Ways to Quickly Increase Your Speed With These Speed Drills – Sports – Soccer
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For a Winger in Rugby or in Football your acceleration as well as your agility are 2 of your most valuable natural talents. The best wingers in the world be it at club or international arena work on keeping their acceleration and speed up for as long as humanly possible.
Being a winger myself I have a number of drills I do by myself to help prolong my speed. You are going to need to get a few things first which you can easily find by doing a search online or even find on eBay.
These include a weighted vest, ankle weights and a speed parachute pack.
Always remember a good warm up before and warm down at the end of each drill is essential.
My 1st Drill: Ankle Weights Drill
I sprint the full length of the pitch with ankle weights on my ankle. To start off with I would suggest you should try 5 sprints a day with this exercise to get your body used to it. Maybe you can begin at 60% pace for your first two sprints then slowly up the pace to 75 then to 85 then sprinting at your full pace by your 5th sprint. Your rest periods should be the walk or preferably the jog back to where you took off from. You will notice you get fitter and feel lighter when you run normally with no ankle weights. For the weights I would suggest 2.5lbs should be fine to start off with and you can gradually add more weights to themas you advance.
The Sessions for the 1st Drill Drill
Three sprints sessions per week will be ok, sprinting with this drill, doing this drill, abiding by this training every other day is the recommended programme to enable you and your body to regain energy.
My Second Speed Drill: Weighted Vest Drill
This involves you doing the length of the pitch sprints with a weighted vest on, this might be a bit difficult for others so if you do go with this drill I would suggest you ask your general health expert first that you are in the right shape to utilise this drill. As a word of warning it is not a rush to get as heavy as possible on. Rather it is a gradual transition, start of gradually with 5kg in the weights for say every other day of sprints. Then in the next week increase the weights to 7kg and the week after 10kg.
The Sessions for the Weighted Vest Drill
Three sprint sessions a week will be ideal. For instance every other day so if you start on Monday then next session should be on Wednesday and the Third should be on Friday. This provides you with 24hours in between sessions to allow you to rest. Just as with the ankle weights drill you should allow yourself the rest in between sprints to be the jog back or alternatively the walk back to where you began this will improve your fitnessand pace as you progress through the drills and the weights.
My Third Drill: The Parachute Drill
This is a lighter version of the 2nd above; it entails you wearing a parachute backpack on your back and doing sprints with it. I use this drill as a warm down after the weighted vest drill. However this drill can also be used on its own especially if you do not have a weighted vest at first. The Sessions for the Weighted Vest Drill
As this drill is not as taxing I would say ideally 10 sprints every other day should be ideal. However rather than doing them 10 at a go what you can do is break them into 5 sprints now then take a break by jogging round the pitch at a slow but steady pace and then do the next 5 straight away.
Final Thoughts
Self-Discipline, acceleration, confidence and fitness are all attributes that show signs of improvement and progress train with drills and I hope these drills help you to leave the competition staring at the back of your head as you zip passed them.
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Van Casey enjoys writing helpful articles on various topics from moving house to picking the best Polk audio Speakers or finding amazing deals on Polk Audio Monitor 70 speakers
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Van Casey enjoys writing helpful articles on various topics from moving house to picking the best Polk audio Speakers or finding amazing deals on Polk Audio Monitor 70 speakers
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Football speed Resistance Band Training for Football and all sports.. Any Football or sports speed drills are dramatically improved by the use of resistance bands. You can achieve better results in a shorter time. Click the link and learn how to add this to your training. I will explain how many reps and sets to complete and how many times a week you should use this drill. Kbands training for football speed and agility Adds resistance to drills you already use. This video is all about speed training for football players at all levels. We work 100% intensity during football speed drills and have other training sessions for football conditioning. The Kinetic Bands help fire the quick twitch muscles for maximum benefit along with great hip strength and leg drive. Click the link above to learn how to put this in to your training.
Slim Down Today With These Weight Loss Tips
Article by Mary Steve
Slim Down Today With These Weight Loss Tips – Health – Fitness
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If you are struggling with your weight, you’ve probably heard time and again that you need to lose the excess weight, in order to benefit your health. This doesn’t have to be impossible, however. Losing weight and becoming healthier, can be eased with the use of some of these helpful tips.You should bring your own lunch to work instead of trying to buy one from a restaurant or the work cafeteria. Not only will this save you money, but it will give you the opportunity to be in control of your fat and caloric intake.While on your weight loss journey, it is important to be patient. It’s proven that those who were patient and took the weight off slowly are the ones who will keep it off in the long-run. Losing just one or two pounds a week may not sound like much, but if you want to keep it off, that is the way to go.You should never be comparing your weight loss progress with someone near to you. It is great to use their work as motivation, but don’t try to have the exact same results as your best friend. This will certainly lead to frustration for one of you, since every person’s body works at different rates.If you are looking to lose weight, then look to your fork. If you eat only what you can fit on a fork, then this limits how much you can eat in one mouthful. Your stomach will then feel full quicker, stopping you from overeating. This also keeps you from wasting food, and could lower your weekly food bill.Keep track of everything you eat in a food journal or online. Counting calories is easier if you have everything recorded in one place. It may keep you from going against your diet plan if you know you’ll have to write everything down. Additionally, if you notice you aren’t making progress, you can look back at what you’ve been eating and identify problems.If you decide to start a weight loss program with your spouse or significant other, remember that when it comes to dieting and nutrition, women and men are almost totally different in their metabolism, dietary needs, and body composition. Ladies, be prepared: males tend to lose weight more readily, even if they consume more calories than a woman of the same size does.Eating soup can help you lose weight, especially if you place it in the refrigerator to cool before eating. Most of the fat from the soup will move to the top of the bowl, allowing you to scoop it out, throw it away and save yourself some calories before you enjoy your meal.When losing weight, don’t be afraid to just say no! You may feel pressured during certain events to take a piece of cake or a cookie. If you’re offered a food you’re trying to avoid or just want to cut calories, politely decline. You don’t need to explain your reasons. Just smile and say “No thank you.”Lose weight more easily by making small changes in your daily life. Making sweeping changes can be overwhelming and hard to maintain once the initial burst of motivation wanes. Small changes can more easily become habitual and can add up to big weight loss. One small change you can begin with is to take the stairs, for example.You actually want to keep your mind focused on foods that you can add to your diet, not those that you are removing. There is a great sense of desperation when you are feeling as if you are losing the things you love, especially when you have become dependent on foods for comfort. Make sure you focus on those foods that are being added to your diet, and you will forget that there are things being omitted at all.When working out, it might be useful to do strength training along with aerobic exercise like running. Strength training with weights or resistance can give you more energy to burn more calories during each workout. Also, you will feel more energetic in your daily life, and help lose weight faster.If your weight loss has come to a stop, you might have hit a plateau. Try increasing your calories to break it. When your body is not receiving enough calories to sustain the energy, you are burning, it will conserve fat. The resulting plateau can be frustrating, especially when weight loss is the goal. Add a few healthy calories and see if it makes a positive change.Next time you eat out, try asking for half your meal in a to go box before it’s even served. Most restaurants have portion sizes that are more appropriate for two or three people, and by eating half of your meal and getting the other half in a to go box, not only will you be cutting your calories in half, but lunch for the next day is already taken care of!In the end, listen to your body. Pushing yourself too hard is a road to failure, but giving up on your commitment will also get you nowhere. Find what’s right for you and stick to it and you’ll thank yourself in the end. There’s no downside to living a fuller, more energetic life.
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Thanks for reading my post. If you are still looking for ways to lose weight rapidly, then you need to come over to learn more about green tea metabolism now.
Do you want to start increase metabolism and lose weight faster? Then you can read more here now.
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Thanks for reading my post. If you are still looking for ways to lose weight rapidly, then you need to come over to learn more about green tea metabolism now.
Do you want to start increase metabolism and lose weight faster? Then you can read more here now.
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Big Arm Muscles – Get Huge Ripped Arms with one of these Tricep and Bicep Exercises
August 13, 2012 by admin
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Article by Mark Steinolad
Big Arm Muscles – Get Huge Ripped Arms with one of these Tricep and Bicep Exercises –
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Biceps are most likely the foremost overworked muscle while in the arm, this really is no bad thing obviously. The bad thing comes if your biceps are trained at the cost of any tricep training.
To essentially get big arm muscles you must be working out both your biceps and then your triceps.
The right workout for getting yourself big arm muscles may be to perform a high intensity circuit of bicep exercises and tricep exercises.
We have found one I recommend to beginners:
First of all hit the biceps. You are going to want to perform standing dumbbell curls with a weight with which it is possible to do between 8 and 10 reps.
Upon having completed the standing dumbbell curls then you definitely should jump into doing preacher curls. These preacher curls should really be for similar volume of reps but really should be used with a slightly lighter weighted dumbbell.
Remember when you have completed your reps to alternate your arm and perform an identical reps with the opposite arm.
These two bicep exercises put consecutively really should be enough to help increase your bicep size.
But don’t rest just yet, you will still have to work those triceps in order to get full arm growth.
You now are going to want to execute overhead tricep extensions again with a weight were you can do 8-10 reps for.
Once you are done with this you are going to get down into Tricep Dips, either at a dipping machine or on the edge of a bench.
Here you will perform as numerous repeitions that you can until you stop.
And that is exactly it, hopefully with this workout your triceps and biceps definitely will feel it big time. If you find you start to get through this easily then toss in yet another superset, for example concentration curls, tricep extensions etc. Use your imagination!
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Remember! Do not train just your arms alone. Training your arms alone will do nothing to lose chest fat. Instead what you need to be doing are these chest workouts for fat loss
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Remember! Do not train just your arms alone. Training your arms alone will do nothing to lose chest fat. Instead what you need to be doing are these chest workouts for fat loss
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FAZZ Top Bicep Exercises Without Weights – Chinup Variations – – – – – – – chinups pullups chin ups and pull up bar workout Best Fast plyos Chin-ups levers hammer grip proper form work out with no weights only without gym at home barbell 21s training Dumbells 21’s dumbbells preachers…
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Getting a better and healthier back with these back exercises
August 12, 2012 by admin
Filed under Back Exercises
Article by Sheila McCracken
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Are you currently going by means of lots of back pains lately? Can you often feel the anxiety of having to stay in one particular position for nearly any continuous time period? Has got the discomfort lingered for such an extended time it appears as if there’s no remedy for this? Let us take a look at what could be the pretty very best back exercises which could relieve your discomfort and discomfort.
This is among the parts from the physique that’s been thought to become with hardly any concern. Just about any workout that men and women know is most likely to focus much more in regards to the arms together with the chest, and around the legs, since lots of individuals believe that folks would be the only parts they call for sculpted to appear a lot more appealing. Clearly, only people that totally recognize what they are carrying out make time to concentrate on their back.
Back workouts originated from various roots. Instead of mentioning a single workout that’s specific to give the exercise you will need, view it inside the bigger scope. Activity could be the easiest technique to help keep the back wholesome, so its apparent the back workout routines you’ll discover additional into this information and facts are likely to be additional on activities than basically some nit-selected routine inside the bunch.
Maybe you have got observed why some swimmers have great physiques, however lots of of them will clarify they haven’t even visited a health club however? As being a swimmers physique could have currently done all of the workout routines which might be required merely by, nicely, swimming round the pool the complete day. But as opposed to the muscles of bodybuilders, swimmers cash firmer develops. Frequently, you may locate their build-as a lot as be rather soft and subtle. This actually is great, given that this is what you would like to search for with back exercises. While using back going by means of the majority in the tension, it is critical that the back workouts being carried out can relieve it of a kind of tension. And the only strategy to do that is definitely enable it support. Inside this situation, water will be the support from the back together with the relaxation through the body.
Possibly the most common approaches to help remedy any back discomfort is thru cardio. Using the motion that is put into aerobic workout, the incredibly most effective back exercises might be achieved with these workout routines. The strain from the back demands to be launched, as well as the only strategy to do that is really you happen to be able to find really loosely back workouts from aerobic physical exercise. And luckily for you personally, virtually any aerobic fitness workout encourages your body to discharge up. Just bear in thoughts that you’ll discover some programs that often overdo the job, so be aware of this.
These back workouts are a lot more about what goes on subsequent as soon as you have loose in the back. Soon after some of weight coaching, you happen to be in a position to stay clear of the prospective of going by way of could possibly be more than and over. But you have to be cautious about the exercises you carry out. Very first, never ever do an excessive quantity of exercise which will strain your back. The majority of the workout routines that you will execute has to be centered on giving core practicing the stomach plus the back. Light deadlifts is going to accomplish okay, together with some reverse hyperextensions. These routines will strengthen your back plus your core, therefore helping stop back discomfort later on. Bikram yoga is usually a superb type of workout which might help with back and core strengthening.
Nothing works much more efficiently on any area of the physique over a great play the park. In this circumstance, you may aquire a sizable quantity of workout accomplished face up simply by undertaking a little of cardio workout routines. Its a sensible method to relieve the strain around the back, moreover to acquire a fantastic burn.
Many us don’t take on very good suitable care of our backs bringing about discomfort and issues. Thing could possibly be prevented with regular and suitable workout. As with all workout, if uncertain speak to your physician initial prior to embarking by having an workout system.
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Having a bigger, stronger, and healthier back can definitely work to give you the back strength and support that you’ll require. There are various different kinds of back exercises for men and for women that will really help to give you a better back. The secret to the success of these exercise programs is to make sure that you also maintain a good and healthy diet so that your work is not offset with bad diet.
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Having a bigger, stronger, and healthier back can definitely work to give you the back strength and support that you’ll require. There are various different kinds of back exercises for men and for women that will really help to give you a better back. The secret to the success of these exercise programs is to make sure that you also maintain a good and healthy diet so that your work is not offset with bad diet.
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Use These Slimming Exercise Tips to Lose Weight
August 7, 2012 by admin
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Article by Audrey Makepeace
Use These Slimming Exercise Tips to Lose Weight – Health – Weight Loss
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Many people recognise that a major component to weight loss is to exercise. Of course, eating well is important too, but without exercise, especially as you get older, you are going to find that eating well is not going to do much for you other than perhaps keep your cholesterol down. If you are exercising to lose weight, then the following slimming exercise tips should help you achieve the results that you desire.
Slimming Exercise Tip #1: Walk, walk, walk! If you are among the many people who cannot take the time out of their day to go to the gym, then you are going to have to make your day work for you. Anytime you have the option, take the stairs instead of the lift. Park away from your destination so that you have to walk to get there and don’t forget to walk quickly to increase calorie burn.
Slimming Exercise Tip #2: Get some regular exercise! Most experts will tell you that you should exercise at least three times a week for 20 minutes, more if possible. This can include walking, running, lifting weights, swimming, biking, etc.
Slimming Exercise Tip #3: Remember your diet! Do not think for one second that since you are exercising that you can eat what you want. That might work for a 14-year-old boy, but that is not going to work for you. Eating all of the wrong foods is simply undermining your exercise routine, so stick with eating healthy.
Slimming Exercise Tip #4: Keep it interesting! There are literally hundreds of different exercise routines available to you. If weight lifting isn’t appealing to you, then try swimming, if you don’t like swimming try biking. Find something that you enjoy and include it in your regular routine.
Slimming Exercise Tip #5: Increase your endurance! The best way to start a program is by strength training and cardio exercises. Strength training gives you the stamina to work at the level you need to in order to lose the weight you desire. Cardio is the fastest way to burn calories and lose weight. Running, cycling and swimming are three exercises that embody both of these elements.
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More of the very best slimming exercise tips and secrets here. Regularly updated website covering slimming diet, exercise and more. Learn how to get slim and stay slim.
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More of the very best slimming exercise tips and secrets here. Regularly updated website covering slimming diet, exercise and more. Learn how to get slim and stay slim.
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Make A Difference By Following These Simple Fitness Tips
July 7, 2012 by admin
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Article by Wanda Tashre
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Good physical fitness means maintaining a healthy body that works the way it should, as well as maintaining a healthy state of mind. Not only will good fitness help you to be in good physical shape, but you’ll find it also improves your mental condition. If you are struggling to get fit again, the following article has suggestions to better your fitness level.
Don’t set yourself up for lost time trying to decide what to wear to work out. Purchase everything in neutral tones that blend. Keep all of your clean workout clothes in one place and those needing washing in a single, designated hamper. When you do this, your clothing will all coordinate, and it will be easier to care for your workout clothes. If you keep all your dirty gym clothes together it will save you time, because you can wash them all together.
Make sure your fitness program has plenty of variety. This is very important. If you are doing only the same exercises all the time, you will become mentally tired of them. When you body gets used to one type of exercise, it becomes easier and you have to do more of them for results. In order to keep your exercise regimen fresh and exciting, try new exercises on a regular basis.
It is common for people to push things too far once they make the decision to start a workout regimen. You can strain muscles and become extremely sore and tired if you don’t ease into exercise. In order to prevent injuries, take things easy at first, because you are physically unaccustomed to working so hard.
Take up jogging with a friend. Running with a friend can be a motivator, especially if they’re in better shape than you. Someone who is already used to running can be a great coach and mentor for you. Exercising with someone who can outperform you will encourage you to go faster and try harder. That sense of friendly rivalry that develops will spur you both on to greater achievement then exercising alone.
Doing free-weight squats with barbells is an excellent exercise to give you a really nice looking, muscular shape. Squats reign supreme in their overall effectiveness. Not only do they tone and build your quadriceps, abdominal muscles, hamstrings, calves, and lower back muscles, but they also contribute to your general body mass by temporarily boosting the production of a growth hormone.
You need to make working out one of your top priorities. Look at working out like taking a bath. You need to do it every day! Add exercising to your daily “to-do” list to ensure it gets done. If exercise becomes a daily habit, you will feel much better about yourself.
A lot of people regularly visit the gym and lift weights to improve their personal fitness. Actually, it is only necessary to do six simple exercises to keep all the muscles in shape. Those exercises are leg raises, push-ups, squats, bridges, pull-ups and handstand push-ups.
A great fitness tip for mountain bikers is to lean forward on their bikes whenever they are going up hill. This brings your weight to the front of the bike, keeping the front wheel from rising up. Try not to lean back on your bike because this will raise your front wheel and make it more difficult.
As discussed at the beginning of this article, getting the best information, and applying it to your own fitness goals, is not the most simple task. Keeping yourself educated, however, is one of the key parts of reaching your goals. Use the tips you learned here, and success will come easy.
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::More video’s, workout’s and recipe ideas available at Fitness personality and cover model, Rob Riches, is back in the gym to share with you his workout tips for building a fitter, stronger, healthier body. Filmed in the world famous Legacy Gym in Southern California, Rob demonstrates how to work each main muscle group through a variety of different exercises, using variations and modifications to ensure complete conditioning and development of the muscle. Whether you’re an aspiring competitor, model, athlete, or just want to get that fit, healthy look, you’ll learn how to do each exercise properly, and feel muscles that you’ve never felt worked before, helping you achieve results much faster. Subscribe to Rob’s YouTube channel, and see new video’s as soon as they’re uploaded. All exercises are available on one DVD, and can be purchased at Rob’s online fitness store: For more video’s, photo’s and daily health and fitness tips, follow rob on his social network sites below facebook: The Official Rob Riches Fitness Group
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Boost Your Immune System And More With These 3 Benefits Of Jogging Over Christmas
June 15, 2012 by admin
Filed under Running and Jogging
Article by Tom Parker
Boost Your Immune System And More With These 3 Benefits Of Jogging Over Christmas – Health
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Over Christmas your exercise routine probably takes a back seat. The cold, icy weather makes you want to stay huddled up in your nice warm living room rather than go outside and do some physical activity. However, if you want to maintain your Christmas fitness you need to do something. In my opinion jogging is 1 of best Christmas exercises you can do. In this article I explain why by listing 3 benefits of jogging over Christmas.
Over the festive period you are much more likely to catch the common cold or the flu. A strong immune system keeps you safe from these viral infections and allows your body to fight them a lot more effectively than someone with a weak immune system.
Studies have shown that regular exercise such as jogging strengthens your immune system by improving the distribution of immune system cells in the body and stimulating the production of lymphocytes and macrophages (2 cells that protect your body from disease and infection as part of the immune system).
Vitamin D is responsible for keeping your bones and teeth strong. Your body produces this vitamin when you are exposed to sunlight. Most experts believe that 15 minutes of exposure to sunlight each day is enough for your body to produce the required amount of vitamin D.
In summer you generally spend enough time in the sun to produce adequate amounts of vitamin D as the weather is warmer. However, in winter there is much less daylight and you are much more inclined to stay indoors because of the cold weather.
1 of the main benefits of jogging over Christmas is that it forces you to get outside and as a result allows your body to produce the vitamin D it needs. Even a short jog should allow you to get outside for 15 minutes and produce the required amount of vitamin D.
During the holiday season your time is at a premium and you may not have the hours available to commit to your regular workout. 1 of the key benefits of jogging over Christmas is that it is flexible enough to fit into your day. If you only have 30 minutes free that day you can still go for a jog in that time. If a last minute Christmas event pops up and causes you to miss your Thursday spinning class, you can still improvise with jogging and go in the morning or the afternoon.
As you can see there are many benefits of jogging over Christmas. It stops you being cooped up in the house all day, it’s flexible enough so that you can go at any time of the day and it’s a great way to maintain your Christmas fitness. So if Christmas commitments are having an impact on your workout routine, go get your running shoes, get out there and start unlocking all these benefits of jogging.
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Tom Parker owns Fitness Tips – an excellent source of diet tips and exercise tips. You can get more jogging benefits and learn more about improving your Christmas fitness by visiting his website.
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Tom Parker owns Fitness Tips – an excellent source of diet tips and exercise tips. You can get more jogging benefits and learn more about improving your Christmas fitness by visiting his website.
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The best way to lose weight through jogging is to incorporate interval training, which alternates high-intensity and low-intensity running. Discover the benefits of interval jogging with advice from a strength and conditioning coach in this free video on cardiovascular exercise. Expert: Trey Zepeda Bio: Trey Zepeda is a strength and conditioning coach who works extensively with athletes to make sure they are getting the proper training and nutrition for their specific sport. Filmmaker: Christian Sosa
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These Are The Best Metabolism Boosting Foods To Lose Fat Quickly!
June 1, 2012 by admin
Filed under Boost Metabolism
Article by Jim M. Smith
These Are The Best Metabolism Boosting Foods To Lose Fat Quickly! – Health – Nutrition
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What would you say if I told you that losing weight can be one of the easiest things in the world? By eating the right foods you can increase your metabolic rate and burn a lot of fat in just a few months.
Here are a few foods that boost metabolism:
* Ginger: the favorite food of the Chinese can help you speed up your metabolism. In fact, researchers from the Netherlands believe that ginger activates the mechanism of thermogenesis, the process by which the body burns fat to produce heat. What is more, ginger improves blood circulation.
* Water with lemon: according to research women who have replaced soft drinks with water lost an extra 1.5 kg in a year compared to those who did not change their habits. Those who drank even more than four glasses of water a day, lost 2 additional pounds. The naturally carbonated mineral water is preferable, because it contains more minerals (calcium, magnesium, potassium). It also contains sodium phosphate that protects against osteoporosis and reduces the amount of acid in the blood. If you add a slice of lemon to your water then you can have a wonderful antioxidant drink.
* Olive Oil: the good fats it contains can help to eliminate the fat around the abdomen. Research shows that a diet rich in monounsaturated fatty acids (olive oil and nuts are the best sources) may prevent the accumulation of pounds in the abdomen and increase fat burning, promoting weight loss. Indeed, studies have shown that women who consumed monounsaturated fat (from nuts) were thinner than the others. Moreover, another survey showed that people who eat olive oil before a meal consume fewer calories during the meal. One reason may be that fat causes satiety for longer compared to foods that contain only carbohydrates, such as bread. However, do not forget that olive oil contains a lot of calories and for this reason it would be a good idea to limit its consumption to 1-2 tbsp at each meal.
* Oats: they contain complex carbohydrates and fiber that increase metabolism after a meal, while keeping insulin at low levels. When you have high insulin levels your body gets the message that it is time to store fat. Oats are a particularly useful food, because they take more time to get absorbed and thus do not raise insulin levels abruptly – unlike white bread, for example. What is more, oats may increase the number of calories you burn every day, especially if you eat them at breakfast. A recent study has shown that eating oats for breakfast can help you increase your metabolism by up to 10%. On the contrary, skipping breakfast slows down your metabolism and encourages your body to store fat.
Now You Need To Pay Close Attention…
This is the #1 method to BURN FAT FAST! Just Click Here!
About the Author
John M. Smith writes for Tips For Healthy Life, a blog dedicated on helping you improve your health. and treat various health problems.
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John M. Smith writes for Tips For Healthy Life, a blog dedicated on helping you improve your health. and treat various health problems.
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Boost your metabolism with these healthy snack ideas. Find more fitness videos at or own this video for just .75! Download the video by clicking the link below the Play Button. Increase your metabolism through exercise by building muscle mass and fuel it throughout the day with these healthy snack ideas. Check Out Video! Subscribe to Our YouTube Channel – Go behind the scenes w/ Sarah’s Blog- Twitter Facebook: iTunes:
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The Best Muscle Building Exercises For Biceps – Why You Must Do These for Huge Arms
May 29, 2012 by admin
Filed under Bicep Exercises
Article by Rick Porter
The Best Muscle Building Exercises For Biceps – Why You Must Do These for Huge Arms – Health – Supplements and Vitamins
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The most trained muscle in the gym is the biceps. They are the best muscle to show off in a t-shirt (tight shirt) and they give the immediate appearance of strength. There are numerous biceps building exercises to choose from and the biggest mistake is picking the wrong ones and doing too many of them.
The reason most guys have arms that don’t grow is because they have the wrong idea about how to build huge arms. For some reason early on we are taught that more is better but I can tell you that those rules does not work when you try to use them with arm training. If you do too many exercises and sets and your arms will not be able to recover in between workouts and they will never grow. To build your biceps all you really need is two exercises. These two muscle building exercises will change the way your arms look forever.
The Close Grip Reverse Chin UpThe first of the muscle building exercises that you must use to grow massive biceps is the close grip reverse chin up. Don’t be fooled that this is simply a pull up with a reverse grip. It will make your arms grow faster than curls. Set your hands only about 6 to 8 inches apart rather than taking a wide grip. Anytime you do an exercise where you physically have to move your body through space your muscles are forced to work harder and will adapt quicker.That is why exercises like squats, deadlifts, chin ups, and dips work so well at gaining muscle mass. Do 4 sets of 6 to 8 reps of reverse chin ups. Pull yourself up as fast as you can and lower yourself down slower with a count of about 2 seconds. Rest about 2 minutes in between sets and hit another set. If you can do more than 6 to 8 reps it’s time to add some resistance. You’ll need one of those belts with a chain around it to strap plates on. If you don’t have one of these you can cross your feet and put a small dumbbell hanging from them. Or get some rope and tie a couple plates around your waist. Add just enough resistance so that you are hitting the 6 to 8 repetition range.
Standing Bicep Barbell CurlThis is pretty self explanatory, just a straight or cambered curl bar with some weights on the end. The best muscle building exercises are usually the simplest movements with free weights. Strict form is the essential part of a barbell curl if you want them to do something for you. Keep your back straight with your elbows tight to your sides. Don’t use momentum to get the weight started up. If you need to swing the weight up then check your ego and lower the weights. You want your biceps to be hurting at the completion for the set rather than your lower back and shoulders. Do 4 sets of this for 6 to 8 reps. Remember that the form is really the key here because you are looking for maximum biceps stimulation. Once you get to 6 or 7 really strict reps you can cheat on 1 to get to number 8 but that’s it.
Increase the Resistance ConsistentlyThis is a simple workout and simple works the best. If you stick to this for six weeks your biceps will grow fast but you need to make sure you are consistently increasing the weight and always trying to perform more repetitions. Don’t do the same amount of work each time you hit the gym. The best way to make sure you always push a little harder is by keeping a workout journal. Keeping a log ensures long term success.
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About the Author
I am a fitness professional and sports nutrition expert dedicated to learning how to make the human body perform past its peak to get maximum visible and measurable results from clients. I have been a state champion wrestler, spent 4 years in the Marines, and became a ISSA Certified Personal Trainer. Most recently I am working on teaching people to maintain a fitness and nutrition plan that meets their own lifestyles of likes and dislikes.
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Rick Porter
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I am a fitness professional and sports nutrition expert dedicated to learning how to make the human body perform past its peak to get maximum visible and measurable results from clients. I have been a state champion wrestler, spent 4 years in the Marines, and became a ISSA Certified Personal Trainer. Most recently I am working on teaching people to maintain a fitness and nutrition plan that meets their own lifestyles of likes and dislikes.
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