Bodybuilding Mind – Think and grow muscle with mental training

October 12, 2012 by  
Filed under Guide

Product Description
Training your muscles means using your mind. Bodybuilding excellence is the result of your mental state. Research shows dramatic improvements happen when you focus, visualise and use mental training to develop the physique you wish for.
The ability to plan and perform consistent exercise programmes comes from an overwhelming sense of self-mastery.
Here, over 31000 words give you easy, fast and fun techniques described step-by-step so you can apply and ad… More >>

Bodybuilding Mind – Think and grow muscle with mental training

Speeding Up Metabolism Is Easier Than You Might Think!

September 22, 2012 by  
Filed under Boost Metabolism

Article by Son Tyson

Speeding Up Metabolism Is Easier Than You Might Think! – Health

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It is not always easy to get healthy, but speeding up metabolism is a superb method to be healthier. Having a quicker metabolism is great for the body and it can even assist with other fitness objectives. It is great for losing weight.A regular metabolism which has a healthy speed helps the body function normally. Frequently a person

Think Of Safety When You Want To Lose Weight Fast

August 10, 2012 by  
Filed under Slim Down

You are afraid that you won’t fit in your clothers in a coming wedding, or holiday or party soon, and you want to lose weight fast, don’t you? It won’t be problem. You can ose 30 pounds in 30 days, or even 10 pounds in 3 days – easy. Well, it can be done – but is it a good idea? Not really. You can harm your health doing it.


There are a lot of pills on the market which make impressive claims. Some decrease appetite, others increase calories burned. There are those which block absorption of dietary fat. The problem is we do not know enough about their side effects. A few pills are banned by the American FDA, but what about the others? It is all a grey area. If you do use pills to lose weight do your research first. Try to find out what they do and if there have been any problems with the ones you propose using.


So what are the dangers of fast weight loss? These include.


Dehydration caused by mainly losing water weight and also the possibility of diarrhoea.


Gallbladder and gallstone problems.


Tiredness and lack of energy.


Cramps through reduced sodium and potassium levels.


Muscle loss, as the body uses its own muscle to produce energy.


When it undergoes fast weight loss your body tries to protect itself from famine and slows down its metabolism, thus burning fewer calories.

This in turn prevents it losing weight, as it is adapting to a lower calorie diet. You have abused your body by becoming fat, now you are abusing your body by trying to lose weight too quickly.


There is nothing wrong in losing weight.

In fact there is a lot right in doing so, but you must do it the right way. You should lose weight with a combination of exercise and a healthy diet. This is the way to go, but it is not an instant solution.


Start by cutting out fats, sugars, fizzy drinks and junk food. Do not just decide not to eat them. Ban them from the house. Instead eat fresh fruit and vegetables, grains, lean meat and oily fish such as mackerel. There are plenty of recipes available which show you how to use these ingredients in imaginative and appetizing ways. The Mediterranean diet is one of the best available.


You must exercise; walking, swimming, or cycling are all good if you do not like going to the gym. Start by exercising for half an hour a day and after two or three weeks work up to an hour a day. This can be split into half an hour morning and half an hour evening if that is more convenient. This way you should lose 1-2 pounds a week. If you are losing more reduce the exercise. You will then lose weight without any of the problems of fast weight loss diets and become fit and healthy in just a few months. That is plenty fast enough.


For information on the best weight loss program and regularly updated tips on keeping fit, just visit The Senior Walking Fitness Blog.

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Stretching For Golf Isn’t What You Think

July 29, 2012 by  
Filed under Stretching

Article by Mike Pedersen, CPT

Stretching For Golf Isn’t What You Think – Sports

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Stretching for golf is critical to slowing down the rapid decline senior golfers experience, as well as reducing the stress on the muscles, ligaments, tendons and joints. The golf swing puts a tremendous amount of pressure on the body, and unless you are participating in a consistent stretching for golf program, you will be a statistic.

The statistic I’m talking about is being one of the millions of golfers who aren’t improving and who are injured at some point every season you play. Does this sound like you? If so, keep reading to find out how you avoid being a statistic, and instead be one of the very few who actually improve and play their best golf.

The golf swing is dynamic. What I mean is it involves motion. This motion needs to be fluid, tension-less, and powerful. The only way to accomplish this is with dynamic strength and stretching drills aimed specifically at your golf swing faults.

This approach to golf improvement is not utilized among most amateur golfers, but if done correctly will take your game to the highest level in the quickest amount of time.

In most of the golf fitness books, videos and articles you read, you will see the golfer holding a particular stretch for up to 60 seconds.

Let me ask you this!

Do you ever hold any part of your golf swing when you’re playing or hitting balls? I don’t think so. So why would you train your body in this fashion? You wouldn’t! You would look at certain positions in the golf swing and incorporate dynamic (movement) stretches to improve those positions in an efficient manner.

For example, let’s say you are having a tough time making a full backswing. The backswing is a fluid and tension-less movement that is destroyed when you add tension or restriction to it.

Instead, you would make some backswing moves, going as far as you can, then a little farther and releasing it. Doing this 8-10 times throughout the day. You can do this in your office or at home. No need for a gym or workout gear.

Grab a short iron, stand tall with your arms extended straight out in front of you. The club will be horizontal to the ground at about chest height. Now rotate back as far as you can without too much hip rotation, then rotate through as far as you can with more hip rotation just like your golf swing.

Now this is a dynamic movement that will greatly improve your body’s ability to turn back fully and through to a complete finish for maximum power and distance.

In closing, don’t get me wrong!

You can definitely do static stretches and not hurt your golf swing. But the emphasis should be on more dynamic stretches, and less holding stretches to maximize your golfing potential.

As you can see, this is a much different approach to stretching for golf.

About the Author

Mike Pedersen is one of the top golf performance trainers in the country, author and founder of several cutting-edge online golf improvement sites. Take a look at his just released golf dvds and manual at his golf swing trainer site – Perform Better Golf.

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Mike Pedersen, CPT

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Mike Pedersen is one of the top golf performance trainers in the country, author and founder of several cutting-edge online golf improvement sites. Take a look at his just released golf dvds and manual at his golf swing trainer site – Perform Better Golf.

Use and distribution of this article is subject to our Publisher Guidelines
whereby the original author’s information and copyright must be included.

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Things To Think About When Opting For Your Home Gym Workout Program

June 23, 2012 by  
Filed under Gym Workouts

Article by Gene B. Pineda

Things To Think About When Opting For Your Home Gym Workout Program – Health – Wellness

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Getting into a home gym workout program is a big decision. You cannot just get into a home gym workout plan without really committing yourself to it. Pretending to go through the exercise routines without really putting your heart in it will not do you any good. A lot of people have tried getting into exercise programs half-heartedly only to quite after a couple of sessions.

If you want to get into a successful home gym workout program, you need to be 100% sold out to the program. You need to believe in the exercise program and commit yourself to following it. To help you choose a home gym workout program that you can commit yourself into, here are some points for you to consider.

Consider Your GoalsBefore you starting buying home gym workout guides and getting into a workout routine, you need to set goals for yourself. Knowing what you want to achieve out of your exercise program is very important. A lot of people eventually quit their home gym workout program because they do not know exactly what they want out of their fitness program.

If you want to achieve something, you need to know exactly what that something is. Set your goals and workout to achieve those goals. You need to set realistic and achievable fitness goals. Forget about those too ambitious goals which require you to lose 10 pounds in two weeks. Setting unreasonable goals is not a good thing. You will only feel frustrated and depressed if you cannot meet your goals.

Find an Exercise Program that Matches Your Physical Makeup

One of the main reasons why so many people fail to follow through their home gym workout program is because their exercise routine is too difficult for them to follow. Before your select a home gym workout program, make sure that you evaluate the program properly. Ask a fitness trainer to assess your physical capacity and give you exercise routines that match with your physical makeup.

If you have not been exercising for years, you need to start slow and let your body adjust to the new physical activities. Do not risk injuries by going for your exercise routines that require a lot of strength and endurance. You need to build your strength and endurance first before you advance to more difficult routines. Once you feel that your body has adjusted to the rigors of home gym workouts, you may not increase the intensity of your home gym workout program.

About the Author

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If you love this article, you will also love another article written by this article’s author on water rowing machine and kettler rowing machine.

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Please expand this box for more info! Thank you so much for watching! Finally got around to filming this highly requested video about my health, fitness & diet! If you guys like this video and would like to see similar videos like this in the future please let me know! Let’s Connect!: For business inquires only please email Facebook: Twitter: @stylebysophia Instagram: stylebysophia Formspring: stylebysophia Blog: Tumblr Pose you can also now find me on FTC: Not a sponsored video.
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Beneficial Pointers To Think About For A Healthy Way Of Living

April 5, 2012 by  
Filed under Healthy Living

Article by Jarrod Smith

Three Attributes To A Healthy Living

Many of us have a tendency to concentrate on the superficial aspects of our improvement only. We make sure we appear good to feel great. We paint our faces, we work difficult to have a model-like figure and we keep ourselves updated using the latest in factor. Some of us even attempt B12 injections for weight reduction. But for us to have a holistic improvement, we should not disregard our other important requirements.

Physical Nourishment

Healthy living begins with healthy food. It’s a fundamental need we have to fulfil prior to anything else. To have a great diet indicates to eat selection of food to take in various kinds of nutrients in our body. Lots of fruits and vegetables should be part of our diet plan simply because they are high in vitamins and minerals.

Consuming moderately is the ideal description for greatest diet plan. Eating less can only lead to wanting more and giving in towards the bait. Our food intake should be in accordance to our body’s requirements. If we are physically active enough to burn calories, there’s nothing wrong with eating high-carb food once in a whilst.

Physical exercise isn’t only for losing weight. I don’t believe our elementary science teachers have failed to clarify that we require it to enhance our bodily systems. It’s good for the heart, lungs and brain. Apart from these, we also develop our strength and power when we frequently move our physique.

No man is an island.

Man is social by nature. It’s impossible for us to survive in isolation from others. This is the chief cause why we need to get out of our shell and smile at individuals around us.

Normal bonding moments with our family, buddies along with other social groups will address our need for adore and belongingness. Sharing meals, celebrating birthdays and anniversaries and exploring new places together are three of the great ways to strengthen the closeness. We must find time to fit them in our busy schedule.

Joining clubs and organizations can widen our network. All of the individuals we encounter are great teachers, inspirers and motivators. Understanding people from various walks of life helps us gain wisdom. We do not have all of the opportunities to do the things we want so learning vicariously is a splendid idea.

I believe; consequently, I am.

The brain will be the most vital organ in our physique. It regulates all our involuntary and voluntary movements; from heartbeat to tiptoeing. So it’s worth feeding of challenges to avoid deterioration.

If you surf the web or flip the pages of a newspaper or magazine, you will find free brain games that are great for sharpening our cognition. Even an easy Sudoku or word drill can make our communication, memory and emotional intelligence much better. Various parts of the brain function out to solve the problem presented.

Here is onother interesting page. Basically the Same Article.

Bodyweight Training For Fitness: More Than You Think?

December 22, 2011 by  
Filed under Endurance Training

Article by Eddie Lomax

Fitness is a complex term. This is why when you ask someone for a universal definition of fitness you usually get something vague like this, “Fitness is being fit”. Don’t believe me, ask someone (even fitness professionals). But once you understand the true nature of fitness, I’m confident you’ll see why bodyweight training for fitness should be a part of your over-all workout program.

So, let’s begin with my definition of physical fitness!

Fitness is the acceptable and deliberate compromise of competence and ability to perform in all the areas of cardiorespiratory endurance, strength, flexibility, power, speed, coordination, agility, balance, accuracy and toughness to produce optimum performance results under the greatest amount of circumstances.

You’d better read that again to make sure you get it.

As you can see, fitness is more than being strong. It is more than having powerful heart and lungs. Fitness is the ability to use all your physical abilities simultaneously and seamlessly to overcome physical challenges. And bodyweight training is an excellent method for training for over-all fitness!

Normally, people seeking fitness focus on only one or two of the physical abilities needed to be fit. Or, they base their training on the RESULT of being fit, like burning fat or building muscle. You see, having muscle or being lean does not necessarily mean you are fit! However, being fit usually manifests itself as a strong, muscular, lean body.

There are three types of challenges you’ll face in sport, work and life.

1) The challenge requires you move your body to successfully complete the task2) The challenge requires you move an exterior object to successfully complete the task3) The challenge requires you to move your body and an exterior object to successfully complete the task

And to make things more complicated, the challenge can require any of the physical abilities of fitness and in any combination. As you can see, being able to move your own body is needed for two of the types of challenges, and therefore should be trained accordingly. Bodyweight training is that important.

Think of it this way, there are so many abilities to train in order to be fit, you need a versatile tool capable of training them all. And there is no better tool than your own body. Bodyweight training can effectively target all of the physical abilities needed to be fit.

Compare bodyweight training to weight training. Bodyweight training is a much more accessible and versatile form of training. Don’t get me wrong, I like weight training and think it superior for some types of training. I just think bodyweight training has more to offer in terms of improving all the physical skills of fitness.

So, if you want to truly be fit, you need to improve all the physical abilities of fitness. Bodyweight training for fitness should be a part of everyone’s physical training program. Because when you are truly fit, you’ll not only meet the challenges of sport, work and life with excellence, you’ll look great too!

Coach Eddie Lomax, author of Workout Without Weights has put together a bodyweight calisthenics progressive program together that takes bodyweight training for fitness to the next level!

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