The Three Things You Should Do When Strength Training

August 7, 2012 by  
Filed under Strength Training

Article by Derek

The Three Things You Should Do When Strength Training – Health

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If you want to learn about strength training fitness over 40, then you’ll want to read this article. Specifically we’ll discuss the ‘mind-to-muscle’ link, proper form in exercise repetitions and the speed of each repetition. After reading this article, you should be able to use strength training to improve your level of fitness and minimise the potential for injury.

What is the ‘mind to muscle’ link? It is the ability to be able to focus your awareness or attention on the specific muscle or muscle group you are trying to work. To do this you will need to know some basic anatomy. I do mean basic, for instance, though there approximately 640 skeletal muscles in the human body. You only need to divide the body into areas such as the leg, the shoulders, the chest and back, and the arms.

Take your arms for example; you basically have the muscle groups. The biceps at the front of the arm above the elbow. The triceps at the back of the arm above the elbow. And last but not least the forearms between your elbows and hands. If you start with a straight arm and bend it toward your shoulders as your hand comes to your shoulder you should be able to your bicep muscle tends tense. It is these feelings of tension that you should feel while performing your exercise fitness program to strengthen the bicep muscle. This feeling of tension is the ‘mind to muscle’ link. If you then straighten in your arm, as your arm comes to full lock you should feel tension in your triceps at the back of your arms.

Once you know how your bicep muscle feels like under tension, then when you are performing a resistance exercise, during your fitness workout, to target this muscle you will know how to use good form. Because, good form in resistance or strength training for fitness over 40 comes down to basically minimising the use of any muscle except that one are working on. For instance, the squat is supposed to target the legs and buttocks. If your form is bad you might be tempted to round your back in order to assist you in lifting the weight up and down. Apart from potentially damaging your spinal discs, you wouldn’t be working on legs and buttocks effectively. So at the very least your wasting your time in the gym, at the very worst you may be laid up with a bad back.

Another aspect linked to bad form is performing your repetitions too fast in your fitness routines. This is usually because the weight is too heavy and you have to jerk it up and dropped it down. Your repetitions should be performed at a speed whereby if needed you can force pause the exercise at any point for a second or so. Not that this is something you should be doing during your repetitions, but that you are sufficiently in control of the weight that you could do so if you wanted.

The ‘mind-to-muscle’ link will enable you to perform each repetition of any exercise with the best chance of correctly targeting the muscle you’re trying to work on. Good form will lessen your chances of injury and allow you to make any corrections needed in exercise technique. Monitoring your rep speed will enable you to choose the correct amount of resistance and help you to use good form in you fitness over 40 routines.

About the Author

Derek is a 46 year old who suffers with severe asthma and lower back problems. Now as he gets older it’s vital for him to stay fit and healthy. So he’s decided to go out and find easy, alternative ways ANYONE can get fit without endlessly puffing away on treadmills, without expensive gym memberships or enduring hours of exercise. Sign up for my FREE newsletter and report What Everybody Ought To Know…

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Derek is a 46 year old who suffers with severe asthma and lower back problems. Now as he gets older it’s vital for him to stay fit and healthy. So he’s decided to go out and find easy, alternative ways ANYONE can get fit without endlessly puffing away on treadmills, without expensive gym memberships or enduring hours of exercise. Sign up for my FREE newsletter and report What Everybody Ought To Know…

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Discover three abdominal exercise for women

August 3, 2012 by  
Filed under Abdominal Exercises

Article by R.T. Bucher

Discover three abdominal exercise for women – Society – Women’s Issues

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The best abdominal exercise for women incorporate hitting all portions of the abs. As you read each word in this article you will grasp the fundamental techniques you can use to shed belly fat.

Here are some abdominal exercise for women you can start using today to begin your quest to getting rid of stomach fat.

Exercise ball cruncher – This is a great exercise for toning the lower abs, if done correctly. Make sure instead of pulling your head towards your knees, you squeeze your lower abs. Use the contraction of the muscles to pull your body together. It will explode fat loss in that area. Many women have problems losing the pouch after child birth. This abdominal exercise for women will help remove that stubborn pouch.

Leg lifts – Leg lifts really help tone the midsection. This type of movement works all the abs and really strengthens the core muscles. Simply lie on your back with your hands under your buttocks and lift your legs six inches off the ground. Make sure you hold this position for at least twenty minutes. When the burn kicks in, go ahead and rest for a few seconds and repeat the process.

Praying crunch – Many men use this movement and women should also use it when they are trying to get rid of stubborn belly fat. You need a machine to accomplish this movement and most gyms have one of these in the corner somewhere. Just grab a rope and sit on your knees. Pull the rope down by contracting your abs and tuck your head between the knees. This movement will skyrocket your gains without a doubt.

You might now like hearing this statement but it’s so true. You can use all the best abdominal exercise for women daily and see only small results. You need to incorporate a healthy diet and couple it with fitness regimen. Without these two steps you can exercise till the cows come home and not see the results you desire.

About the Author

If you are a woman looking to shed belly fat then you need to go here now Six Pack Abs. Why spend the time to remove excess belly fat without expert instruction? You get a great body by emulating those who have one.

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R.T. Bucher

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If you are a woman looking to shed belly fat then you need to go here now Six Pack Abs. Why spend the time to remove excess belly fat without expert instruction? You get a great body by emulating those who have one.

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whereby the original author’s information and copyright must be included.

More Best Abdominal Exercises For Men Articles

Running For Beginners – Three Tips

July 19, 2012 by  
Filed under Running and Jogging

Running is so natural, people have been running for millennium, that some think they can just go start running. Although you can it’s best to follow the advice below.

Start slowly – You don’t run a marathon in the beginning. Regardless of your fitness level, running will introduce new stresses into your body so you need to start slowly. This also applies to runners who have taken a while off.

You can start very slowly, perhaps only running a quarter or half a mile at a time. Another great option is alternating walking with running. Even if you are only running a hundred feet at a time it’s a beginning and you can build up from there.

Vary your pace and distance – You’ll get more benefit by varying your pace and distance. Do you think marathon runners only practice by running marathon distances as fast as they can? Of course not! Some days push yourself and other days take it easy.

Don’t increase your distance too fast – That makes it more likely to get an injury.

You need to build up your distance very slowly. Some people recommend not increases your distance by more than 10% a week and that seems pretty prudent.

That may mean if you have a goal that it will take a long time to reach it. So what? If you enjoy running that shouldn’t be a burden. For example I’m planning on running a marathon in two years, which is quite conservative but safe in terms of minimizing the risk of injury.

Running can be great if you do it right and don’t push yourself too hard too fast and increase your odds of in jury. Since you need to build up slowly, why not get started today?

Harry loves to write on his passions of exercise, food, and wine. See his latest at best wine opener including the advantages of a screwpull wine opener.

So, You’ve Decided to Get in Shape… Again (part three).

July 4, 2012 by  
Filed under Get in Shape

Article by Craig Harper

So, You’ve Decided to Get in Shape… Again (part three). – Health – Weight Loss

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* I apologise in advance to my overseas visitors for some of the Australian-isms(!) in this post. Not only do we have words which are unique to our culture, but we also spell some words differently to our cousins in the US and Canada (apologise – apologize, fibre – fiber, realise – realize, organisation – organization)… so don’t just think I’m an uneducated bum who can’t spell.. we’re actually a little weird Down Under.

But then…maybe you are?

Finally; the home straight on the world’s longest post.

Here they are; my last ten food rules.Sorry, suggestions.

If you have missed part one you can read it here… or if you haven’t read part two, you can take a peek right here.

RULE 9: Plan your meals to create the best outcome.Don’t put yourself in situations where you can’t access your best nutritional options Many people are horribly disorganised when it comes to eating optimally. They wait until their blood sugar hits minus five, a wave of hunger has engulfed their entire body and then they eat thirteen potato cakes, a litre of sauce (ketchup), twenty four dimmos… and a diet coke (’cause they’re watching their weight). Being disciplined and organised doesn’t mean you’re obsessive; it just means you’re serious about creating real change. Going to an event (football, wedding, party, etc.) and saying “it’s all there was to eat”, doesn’t cut it when you’re committed to losing weight. If you’re in a situation where you can’t access any quality food, don’t eat. If the choice is junk or nothing, nothing is a healthier choice.

There’s a fair chance you won’t die from malnutrition before you get home. Many times I have gone to a function and not eaten because everything on offer was back-stroking in fat, sugar or salt… or all three. If you are in a work or school situation where you can’t eat for hours on end or you can’t access quality food, take some healthy food with you. Organisation and Tupperware are the keys! If people think you’re a freak because you take your food with you, tell them to get over it. If your friends criticise you or make fun of you because you’re serious about getting in shape, get some new friends.

RULE 10: Don’t reward yourself (or your kids) with food.”I’ve been so good; I deserve this”. What… you deserve to be fat? You deserve to over-eat? So many of us see food as a prize for doing (or not doing) certain things. We even ‘save up for the weekend’ because we’ve been so good all week. I’m not suggesting that food can’t be an enjoyable part of our life… but I am saying that we can’t come home from work and consume two kilos (4.4lbs) of lasagne (lasagna) and thirty beers because we had a stressful day and we deserve some food therapy. As long as we use food as a reward for certain behaviours, we’re in trouble. We are a society which starts this pattern early by shoving food in our kids’ mouths to shut them up or reward them for being good. If your two-year-old is a Golden Retriever then food rewards are a great idea… otherwise, give them a miss.

RULE 11: Don’t under-eat or starve yourself.Like over-eating, under-eating is also an unhealthy habit.Our body needs a certain amount of micro and macro nutrients to function optimally and when we starve ourselves all we do is put our health at risk. Unfortunately there are many people who alternate between overeating and under-eating. These behaviours are typically associated with people who have eating disorders but the reality is there are a great number of people who might not technically be classified as having an eating disorder yet are constantly bingeing and starving. They over-eat and then eat nothing to compensate.When we under-eat we slow our metabolism (the rate at which our body uses fuel), lose muscle mass, lose fluid and put our body in a state of distress. Invariably when people who have been starving themselves go back to eating ‘normally’ their bodies will over-compensate, pile on the weight and their ‘new’ slow metabolism will make it even harder for them to create their best body.

Remember, anything which is extreme is not going to work long term.I am constantly talking to people who believe that if they eat way less they will get ‘skinnier’ faster. What they are often doing in reality is losing muscle and retaining (or even increasing) body-fat. Quite often your body will rid itself of muscle before it will shed any fat. So what we end up with is a lighter but fatter body.Bugger.

RULE 12: Don’t be a social eater.We looked at social eating in book one of this series but we are a society of social eaters so it’s worth going there again… let’s call it revision. Pay attention I’ll be asking questions.Aussies are champions when it comes to social eating. We have a great capacity to eat way beyond our physical needs and justify it because of the situation or environment we are in. We even tell ourselves that we’re missing out if we don’t partake of everything on offer. We do it at Christmas, Easter, weddings, birthdays, work functions, parties, the footy, the pub, barbeques, on holidays and whenever we get the chance. We eat way more than we need to because… that’s just what we do. Besides, everyone else is doing it! At Christmas we even plan to overeat; we eat until we feel sick and then undo our pants to make room for dessert. By mid-afternoon Christmas day we vow we’ll never eat again and then about six hours later we can be found by the micro-wave, waiting for the left-overs to heat up.

Amazingly, our body’s energy needs don’t increase just because we’re at someone’s birthday function! If you have a tendency to overeat in social settings, try eating before you go out. By the way, it is possible to enjoy yourself socially without overeating or drinking alcohol. Some people struggle with this concept. Over the years I have had many people tell me that I don’t know what I am missing out on because I don’t drink alcohol. It’s funny because when I look at most of my friends who started drinking twenty years ago, I don’t feel too deprived.Perspective is an interesting thing.

RULE 13: Drink one or two glasses of water twenty minutes before each meal.I remember learning about this weight-loss gem when I was just a baby Trainer… an oldie, but a goodie; it works. I’ve used it with many clients over many years and it absolutely makes a considerable difference. Not only does it help you stay hydrated (many of us are regularly dehydrated) but it suppresses our appetite a little and stops us from over-eating.

RULE 14: Give empty calories a wide berth.Some foods contain a whole lot of calories and not much else… we refer to these as empty calories. As we know foods are composed of macro-nutrients (carbs, protein and fat), micronutrients (vitamins and minerals), water and fibre. Some foods have plenty of calories (often from fat and sugar) and very little in the way of health-promoting vitamins and minerals. These foods are low in nutritional value and will help you get (or remain) fat and hinder your efforts to become (or remain) healthy.When we talk about ’empty calorie’ foods we are talking about things like fried chicken, potato cakes, alcohol, crumpets, fairy floss, lollies (sweets) and frozen ice drinks.

RULE 15. Eat out… carefullyThe restaurant; the natural enemy of the weight-conscious.We don’t need to avoid restaurants (although it might help if you did) but we need to choose very wisely when we’re living large. Here are my eating-out suggestions:

Eat a main course only – no bread, entree, soup or sweets (you want them, you don’t need them!)No pasta dishes; even the ‘healthy’ options aren’t… (healthy)No cream sauces at allDrink two glasses of water before your mealDon’t believe the waiter who tells you: “no, it’s pretty low in fat”. He’s a liar.Go the protein (chicken, fish, beef, lamb, turkey) and salad option when you can.If you order steamed vegetables make sure they’re not drowned in butter or oil (chef’s have a habit of doing that).No alcohol; you might want it but you don’t need it! How much do you really want to lose that weight?No all-milk coffeesDon’t sit there feeling sorry for yourself, or acting like a martyr while your friends eat themselves to oblivion. Don’t focus on what your missing out on (an opportunity to overeat like your buddies), focus on what you’re gaining; a body you’re happy to live in.

RULE 16. Don’t tell fibs about your diet.For over twenty years I have listened to people lie to me, themselves and others about what they put in their mouth. I have met some of the world’s best liars. If there was an Olympics for fibbing, these guys would be gold medalists. Some of the lying is intentional deception because they are too lazy, too embarrassed or too proud to admit that they are struggling with their food, and some of it is by people who are delusional about their dietary habits. As tough as it may be to be completely honest about your food intake, it is crucial that you are ABSOLUTELY truthful and realistic about what you eat, when you eat, why you eat and how you eat. When I hear something like “I generally eat pretty well”, I know what they really mean is “I eat disgracefully but I’m embarrassed and I don’t want you to think I have no self-control”.

I’m not interested in embarrassing or humiliating anyone, I’m interested in truth and the truth is, if someone is obese and they’re telling me they have “pretty good eating habits”, they’re lying. Lying about eating habits serves no (beneficial) purpose, postpones the inevitable and means that people will stay fat for longer than they need to.Tough and uncomfortable to hear, but in my experience, true.

RULE 17: Increase your fibre (fiber) intake.Every second person I meet is constipated on at least a semi-regular basis. This is often because they have a diet which is high in processed foods and low in dietary fibre. When we increase the fibre and decrease the processed junk we usually see an improvement in er… bowel health. As a general rule, the more processed the food, the less there is in it for you in terms of quality nutrition. Increasing fibre intake also helps us lose weight because it helps fill us and take the edge off our appetite.

Depending on how much you weigh and which guidelines you follow, it is suggested that the average adult needs somewhere around 40 to 50 grams of fibre per day. Many of us have less than 10 grams of fibre per day!

To give you an idea of what 40 to 50 grams means; an apple with skin contains about 4 grams of fibre, a slice of white bread has about 0.6 grams, a slice of dark rye bread about 1.8 grams and most cereals are somewhere in the 1 to 5 grams of fibre per 100 grams, range. For example Special K (according to the label on the box) contains 2.5 grams of fibre for every 100 grams of cereal. So if you wanted to meet all your fibre needs through Special K you would need to consume about 2 kilograms of it per day. Even 100 grams of raw rolled oats (which you might think would be very high in fibre) only contains about 10 grams of fibre. My advice to you is don’t try and meet all your fibre needs in one hit (i.e. breakfast), spread it out evenly through the day. Eat plenty of fruit and vegies and if you really want to eat a low-fibre cereal for breakfast, at least put a couple of tablespoons of unprocessed bran on it.

RULE 18: Don’t get fat eating healthy foods.Be aware of those foods which are loaded with nutritional goodies… and calories. You might just end up healthy… and fat. Although… being fat is unhealthy, so you probably won’t be healthy at all. Mmm, glad I cleared that up. Many people think that because certain foods are loaded with good stuff they can shovel in as much as they want. Wrong. Plenty of healthy foods are calorie dense and need to be used sparingly. Avocado, nuts, seeds, dried fruit, yoghurt, muesli bars, fruit juices and protein bars and drinks (some protein bars have more fat and calories than an equivalent sized chocolate bar) are all foods which may do you more harm than good if you don’t use them wisely. Yes, almonds are good for you… but not when you eat them by the kilo!

At nearly 600 calories for a measly one hundred grams of them, they’ll get ya fat in about eight minutes. Put a hundred grams of almonds on the palm of your hand and you’ll be surprised how insignificant it looks… sneaky little buggers.Then you can compare a hundred grams of fresh apricot (35 calories) with the same weight of dried apricots (270 calories) and you begin to realise that it ain’t hard to chub up eating healthy foods. I probably shouldn’t tell you this but one hundred grams of caramel slice has the same amount of calories as one hundred grams of dried apricots (270). No, they don’t have the same nutritional value, and no, I’m not suggesting you go the caramel slice option but I am suggesting that you control your intake of calorie-dense ‘healthy foods’.

Okay, there you have it; no more excuses and no more going around in circles. Maybe now you can get off the weight-loss merry-go-round once and for all… have fun.

About the Author

Craig Harper (B.Ex.Sci.) is an Australian motivational speaker, qualified exercise scientist, author, columnist, radio presenter, and owner of one of the largest personal training centres in the world.

He can be heard weekly on Australian Radio SEN 1116 and GOLD FM and appears on Australian television on Network Ten’s 9AM.

Motivational Speaker – Craig Harper

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Craig Harper

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Craig Harper (B.Ex.Sci.) is an Australian motivational speaker, qualified exercise scientist, author, columnist, radio presenter, and owner of one of the largest personal training centres in the world.

He can be heard weekly on Australian Radio SEN 1116 and GOLD FM and appears on Australian television on Network Ten’s 9AM.

Motivational Speaker – Craig Harper

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whereby the original author’s information and copyright must be included.

Modifying a Pull Up: Three Tools

April 13, 2012 by  
Filed under Pull Ups

Article by Sam Stevens

The pull up is renowned because of its capacity of develop your back and strengthen upper body muscles. It is known for being incredibly difficult for novices, so here are some tools to assist you with modifications until you can do one completely unassisted.

1. A common practice is connecting gymnastics rings or a TRX to your bar. Connect the rings or TRX to your bar, grasp the rings, at the same time leaning backwards into an tilted position. From this point, lift your body upward and pull your hands right down to your area, inside a rowing activity.2. Jumping to your pull up. Another common practice for modifying the exercise is jumping up to the bar. This is employed in some Crossfit gyms where the beginner mandatory more support.This is done by grabbing the bar and jumping upward. You can place a exercise box underneath you if your bar is not reachable.

3. Resistance bands. I’d really only suggest this if you have a sturdy bar, just like the ceiling-mounted, wall-mounted or free-standing pull up bar. Just wrap the resistance bands around the bar, and secure it.

Resistance Bands are frequently color-coded thus start with the lightest one, most likely yellow or orange, by connecting you to your bar and round it around your elbow or tying a rope with the bottom for a foot hold.

If you don’t want to spend the money on resistance bands, I’ve even seen people wrap a towel around the bar until they were ready!Together with determination, as well as a little help, you will be able to expedite the process of doing an unassisted pull up. And once you have one pull-up the rest shall be history. You are able to enjoy the extraordinary benefits of acting pull ups on a regular basis.

And finally, if you want to know more about the Pull Up Bar, or at-home fitness, you should visit www.epullupbar.comr

Three Techniques the Experts Use to Gain Break-Neck Running Speeds

March 17, 2012 by  
Filed under Speed Workouts

Article by Anthony Sanza

Three Techniques the Experts Use to Gain Break-Neck Running Speeds

Running faster is an excellent goal to have, and it’s one that you can achieve if you work hard enough. But unfortunately, hard work isn’t enough. In order to drastically boost your running speed, you’re also going to need to learn the steps required. To help you get faster and stronger so that you can beat anyone who tries to race against you, here are the top three tips the experts use in order to achieve the kinds of speed that break records and turn heads.

Proper Form

Running faster requires you to keep perfect form. When you maintain the right posture and limb positioning, your body will be in a more efficient mode and you’ll not only run faster but you’ll expend less energy while you’re pushing yourself to achieve faster speeds. The proper form in running consists of relaxed arms, a strong push off and faster cadence. To help you maintain proper form, have a spotter watch you so that you can tweak any areas that need it.

Start Slowly

It may sound funny, but in order to run faster you’re going to need to start slowly. This means building up your aerobic fitness and strength in order to build a solid foundation which you can then build upon with more advanced strength training techniques later on. By starting slowly and working on the areas that need it, you will keep yourself from becoming injured and you’ll be more likely to achieve the ideal fitness level that’s required to win races and championships.

Break Through Your Comfort Zone

Every runner knows that wall you hit when you’ve reached the boundaries of your comfort levels. This is when your lungs and muscles begin to burn and the taste of copper fills your taste buds. But if you hope to run faster than you already do, then you’re going to need to break past that comfort barrier. Only by breaking past your personal comfort zones can you hope to reach your personal best in all that you do. To really break through your barriers, try running up hills, doing speed drills or racing against friends and teammates and try to push yourself just a little bit further each and every time. Even though your body may be screaming for you to stop, you must push on. The more you do, the better you’ll get and the faster your legs will take you across the finish line.

If you try as hard as you can and you still can’t seem to break your personal running speed records, it’s time to put these three tips to good use. If you can manage to keep proper running form, start slowly and break through your comfort zones, you’ll soon discover that boosting your speed isn’t so difficult after all once you know exactly what to do.

Visit now to get all the secret techniques and drills that the professionals have been using for years! Believe it or not, these are all easy to use and understand drills that anyone can learn and needs to learn to reach their maximum speed. Don’t waste another second!

Anthony Sanza – Secrets to Speed

Running For Beginners – Three Tips

March 15, 2012 by  
Filed under Running and Jogging

Running is so natural, people have been running for millennium, that some think they can just go start running. Although you can it’s best to follow the advice below.

Start slowly – You don’t run a marathon in the beginning. Regardless of your fitness level, running will introduce new stresses into your body so you need to start slowly. This also applies to runners who have taken a while off.

You can start very slowly, perhaps only running a quarter or half a mile at a time. Another great option is alternating walking with running. Even if you are only running a hundred feet at a time it’s a beginning and you can build up from there.

Vary your pace and distance – You’ll get more benefit by varying your pace and distance. Do you think marathon runners only practice by running marathon distances as fast as they can? Of course not! Some days push yourself and other days take it easy.

Don’t increase your distance too fast – That makes it more likely to get an injury.

You need to build up your distance very slowly. Some people recommend not increases your distance by more than 10% a week and that seems pretty prudent.

That may mean if you have a goal that it will take a long time to reach it. So what? If you enjoy running that shouldn’t be a burden. For example I’m planning on running a marathon in two years, which is quite conservative but safe in terms of minimizing the risk of injury.

Running can be great if you do it right and don’t push yourself too hard too fast and increase your odds of in jury. Since you need to build up slowly, why not get started today?

Harry loves to write on his passions of exercise, food, and wine. See his latest at best wine opener including the advantages of a screwpull wine opener.

Top Three Things To Look For When Buying Weight Lifting Shoes

February 26, 2012 by  
Filed under Weight Lifting

Article by Greg Gallon

Other than covering up your naked butt, most of your gym attire has little impact on your training itself. The weight lifting shoes you wear however, can play a pretty significant role in the exercises you do. Just like every other sport in existence whether it is soccer, baseball, tennis, running, rock climbing etc., there are also shoes specifically designed to provide proper support, grip and function while lifting at the gym.

The weight lifting shoes you wear to weight train at the gym are designed to allow you to do your exercises at the gym better. Proper form when weight training is one of the catalysts to tremendous results.

Proper form also helps to prevent injury. As part of your weight lifting gear a good pair of gym shoes will help you keep proper form and therefore are directly related to better results and fewer injuries. For the minimal investment that a good pair of gym shoes are they are more than worth it for these exact reasons.

The top three benefits that shoes provide is:

1) support2) stability3) grip

These directly relate to three key parts of the shoe:

1) vamp / upper (this is the part of the shoe that holds it onto your foot) 2) insole (the part your foot stands on)3) outsole (the part in direct contact with the ground).

We’ll give you some tips on what to look for in these three key area’s of a gym shoe.

Vamp / Upper

The lacing system of a good gym shoe will begin above the ankle and continue to where your toes meet your foot. The shoe should be able to fit the whole foot snugly. We prefer shoes that incorporate two extra support straps. One that is just above the ankle for extra ankle support and another across the mid section of the foot providing additional metatarsal support. Your gym shoe should feel like it would help prevent you from rolling your ankle. The vamp / upper of the shoe should hold your foot well against the insole of the shoe.


The insole of your shoe is vitally important. One of the big keys to muscle conditioning and growth as well as injury prevention is proper form. The key to proper form is proper balance and the best thing you can do to help ensure proper balance is stand on a firm stable surface. It will be very hard to maintain proper balance if the surface on which you are standing is unstable.

You should look for gym shoes that have a good firm sole. Air, gel and springy soles are not the ideal thing to find in a good gym shoe. The reason is that they are like strapping an unstable surface to the bottom of your foot. The last thing you need when you have 200, or 300, or maybe 400 pounds on your shoulders doing squats is an unstable foundation stuck to the bottom of your feet.


The outsole is the part of the shoe that makes contact with the floor or ground and is the last truly vital part of your gym footwear. If you have great support from the vamp / upper part of your shoe and also a comfortable but firm and stable sole, what good will it provide if your shoes have awful grip on the floor? You are a disaster just waiting to happen if you are walking around your gym with slippery shoes. You should look for shoes with soles made of neoprene or crepe and with a good gripping low profile tread. Deep treads can work like the air, gel or springy kinds of shoes.

Pretty simple hey? You will not regret investing in a good pair of shoes for your weight training time at the gym. Better for equals better results. The logic is inescapable.

If you’ve enjoyed all the exciting information you read here about weight lifting shoes & weight lifting gear you’ll love everything else you find at

More Weight Lifting Shoes Articles

How to Minimize Neck Soreness, Back Ache, and Sciatica in three Quick Steps – Excess weight Loss and the Bad Back again

February 8, 2012 by  
Filed under Back Exercises

Article by Chris Bullock

Walk the dogs! Heck, walk the cat! Just make positive you stroll! Don’t see your stroll as physical exercise, appearance at it as an escape, personal time, time with your thoughts, time by yourself. Alter your concentrate and you will discover your walks getting more time and the neck soreness, back again ache, and sciatica, along with that nagging pounds difficulty, and the resultant depression have only walked correct out of your daily life. Baby methods out the door! Baby techniques down the stairs! Child….You know the drill.Getting practical objectives and pursuits could basically make you sense improved each and each and every action of the way. Concentrate on smaller objectives, an individual at a time, and when you attain them they will give you the extra incentive to push on to the following. Constantly redefine and relaxation your goals in conditions of your extended phrase objectives and techniques. Eventually, you will achieve more if you simply emphasis on these days.The A.A. motto of “An individual Day at a Time!” might be just the mantra to aid you by means of.There are more than 196,000,000 obese grown ups in the United States alone. That is a staggering point, specially when viewed in the context of the subsequent simple fact, that a lot more kids and youthful grown ups are obese than at any stage in our background. Ever! Of program, as we age bones drop density and muscle groups often grow to be weaker. The age-progressive factors coming into play and putting pressure on the spine are myriad. Injury due to obesity is frequently irreversible, it is definitely critical to maintain optimum human body weight and muscle tone. The previously mentioned talked about reality is but a single extra good reason for initiating and maintaining an physical exercise routine. By turning out to be, then remaining, active our musculoskeletal method will continue being wholesome. The old adage that a balanced head and a healthy body are inextricably connected is so obvious it barely requires to be stated.Cheers!Drinking water fasting body weight loss can be pretty dramatic. In the early days of a water quick, a very few pounds per day of fat reduction is common.As the quick progresses the fat loss slows.Bodyweight Loss AveragesThe common body weight loss for the to begin with week of a water swiftly is 11 pounds. For the second week it is 7 pounds and for the third week 3 lbs.Hence the typical everyday bodyweight reduction for a fast of 21 days is a pound per day.The fee of Unwanted fat reduction throughout a water rapidly is all-around two or 3 pounds per week.The rest of the water fasting excess weight reduction is water excess weight.The entire body stores water in order to dilute its toxic load. So the much more toxic a person’s entire body, the more h2o it is probable storing.As the toxins are cleaned out during a h2o quick, this water is released.The glycogen merchants of the body are depleted throughout a more time swiftly and this, collectively with the number of lbs of h2o wanted to retailer glycogen, account for a very few pounds of the bodyweight lost.This weight will come back again inside a few of days right after breaking the rapid as the glycogen outlets are replenished.

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Lower back pain exercises to relieve pain in the low or lower back. These lower back pain exercises and in fact each lower back pain exercise in this clip will help back pain, relieve back pain, end back pain and even end back pain. These are rehab exercises for your lower back. The tight…
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Isometric Workouts – Three Secrets Of Isometrics Training

January 25, 2012 by  
Filed under Isometric Exercises

Article by Stallone Chidester

Whether you’re looking to discover just how isometric’s routine could help you become stronger, more muscular and cut you”ll want to read this piece.

In the following couple of paragraphs, we’re going to go over three crucial elements that you should consider before you begin your isometric training program. Firstly, we have to ensure that you understand how safe isometric routines are when comparing them to free weight’s. After, we are going to show you precisely how you can see strength gains of just over 300% with this kind of routine. Lastly, we’re going to demonstrated to youprecisely how you could save yourself a great deal of time and recieve results than taking hrs. in the gym working out.

First off, let’s begin with why there’s lower chances of hurting yourself using iso-training.

Unlike free weight training, isometrictension applies no poundage or strain on the delicate joints. Instead, every fiber in your muscle is worked and the only thing that is being worked is the muscle itself. Your joints are there merely a support and they’re not involved in the exercise itself. Accordingly, if you have had problems prior to this with weight training and are still experiencing hurt from them you can relax in the fact of knowing that using isometrics, as part of your regular workouts will permit you to make dramatic strength gains with avoiding the additional risk.

Now, let’s explain in more detail on just how you could increase your strength over 300%.

As isometric training is one of the few proven and real training protocols, it has been found in studies that people who have used isometric training tension in their workout routine have increased their strength as much as 300% in just four weeks. These results were documented by Drs. Hettinger and Mueller in the 50s at the Max Planck Institute. Even if you only get half of this, a 150% increase in the levels of strength is quite significant wouldn’t you agree? Of course.

In ending, let’s go over the fact that isometric training needn’t involve a big of time and most sessions can be performed in less than 10 min.

Isometrics do only needs a 7 to 10 second static hold in order for you to receive the most from the exercise movement. Basically, this means is that if you were to perform 10 or 15 movements the total training time might be done in about three – 4 minutes. That’s a lot better than spending one hour to an hour and a half in the gym to accomplish the same strength-building session. Additionally, you needn’t spend 100’s or 1000’s of dollars for fancy gym machines or home exercise gadgets. You may perform iso-workouts with merely your weight or you might want to get a cheap isometricexerciser such as the ISO7X or Bully Xtreme 4.

Isometric exercise equipment such as ISO7X or the Bully Xtreme 4 can offer you extra advantages because they provide for a better range of training angles. At the end of the day, the extra resistance from an isometric exerciser may provide you with strength building and muscle growth.

Understanding these 3 crucial parts involved in isometrics. Iso-exercise includes a lower risk factor than free weights exercises, you could include a whole workout in no more than 8 minutes., and the strength building advantages of this type of training protocol can easily double or triple existing muscular strength. Bear those things in mind if you decide to build your workout routine.

Kevin has been writing pieces about health and fitness on the internet for the past 6 years. You could also check out his websites, where he talks about diverse topics such as braun shaver replacement parts and crest teeth whitening.

The isometric engine is now able to support the character changing direction without moving. Not sure if changing direction should be action points or movement points?

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