The three myths about Arm Exercises For Women

January 20, 2012 by  
Filed under Tricep Exercises

Article by John Adam

To keep healthy and in shape means every part of the body has to be in the right condition, proper shape and of the right build. Though many do regular exercises what they tend to forget is that no general exercise is enough to keep the entire body fit. There needs to be body specific exercise in the regular exercise regime.

When we talk of this kind of specific exercises we find that the women generally skip the arm exercises fearing that they may develop bulky biceps. This is sheer myth. Arm Exercises for Women when done, gives, not a bulkier but a dense muscle with added strength. The logical factor behind this is the fact that the resulting muscle tone is caused by the reaction of hormones when exercised. For the males the testosterone helps in creating the bulky biceps whereas in women the estrogen reacts differently and results in a strong and dense muscle formation.

The second myth is that the Arm Exercises For Women doesn’t require any warm ups and can be carried out directly. Remember, not only the Arm Exercises For Women, any exercise for that matter does require a warm up session. It is always better to start with a 15-20 minutes warm up cardio exercises.

The third myth is that most of them think that Arm Exercises For Women has to be done at a gym only and is not possible at home. This myth has refrained many from taking up this exercise especially because of the fact of going to a gym which they don’t find comfortable or get time to drive up or any other reason. This is not true. These exercises can be done comfortably at your own home. The initial warm ups can include easy at home ones like skipping, cycling or running. The triceps exercises can be easily done at home that would include dips and push ups and the table kitchen can be greatly used for this purpose. Even two chairs would suffice. Push ups can be done with the palms positioned in the front or back positions. If you could spend some amount for purchasing a dumbbell or barbells, you can easily get that satisfaction of exercising at a gym. You can take the help of a personal trainer, if you can afford to.

If, so far you haven’t taken up the arm exercises, it is high time that you take the initiative now and begin doing it before it gets too late. The lack of arms exercise has a major impact on the toning and leads to sagging of the arms muscles. It would really look out of place when compared to that young look on the face developed due to proper food habit and with the rest of the body in shape.

It would take only a few minutes of your time daily but the resulting effect is sure to boost your self confidence and give you that extra energetic and young feel. Try them out and feel the difference for yourself.

If you are interested on more information, please visit the following website: Arm Exercises For Women.

The Three Best Back Exercises Explained

January 11, 2012 by  
Filed under Back Exercises

Article by Tariq Ghazi

In order to be judged as a physically fit individual you have to be an passionate protagonist of back workouts. It truly makes a tremendous difference. They are simple but unluckily there are some who perform them wrongly and do not get the desired results. Lower Back Exercises are a must for all the age groups. The more you exercise your back the better you will feel. The back is the part of your body which can improve by the back exercises. You will feel comfortable in the long run bereft of back pain. We have described a few back exercises and a few guidelines to get the maximum out of these.The dead lift: This exercise is the most favorite among the back exercises. On executing a dead lift you are expending most of the major muscle groups in your body. From the hamstrings, to the hips to the lats, all are participating in this exercise. To perform a dead lift you have to stand in front of the crossbar, go close to it and spread your feet a foot. Take your hands down and hold the bar with both hands, shoulders width apart. Pull the bar up to your waist keeping your legs bent and hands straight. Do these while bringing your back to an upright position. Bend down and keep the bar on the floor. While doing the exercise, make sure that your back is as rigid as possible. This will decrease the risk of an injury by the way of arching your back.One way in which you can gain a complete grip on the bar is to clasp the bar with your hand facing forward and backward respectively.Grip the bar with the hands facing forwards and backwards respectively and you would get the clean grasp.Biceps, deltoids and lats are developed by the chin-up workout. This workout is daunting as it needs one to raise one’s body weight. To do this you will have to pull up a bar with your hands straight and about shoulder width apart. Pull your body up against the bar so that your chin touches it. Count one then lower your body and repeat. A point to remember while doing chin ups you can modify the way you hold the bar from a wide grip to a narrow positioned on the machine pull the bar to your chest by stretching out your arms. Hold on to it for one or two seconds before returning to the start position gradually. If you can change your grip while doing this exercise then your back muscles can be exercised in different ways.These are some of the exercises that have been proved effective in making your back strong and keep the back aches at bay. Check for more exercises and strengthen your back muscles.Before you go anywhere now visit Lower Back Exercises. Also take a look at Sciatica Exercises and Fibromyalgia And Exercise for more information.

Tariq Ghazi is a devoted writer

Three female bodybuilding Workout Exercises

December 31, 2011 by  
Filed under Back Exercises

Workouts made specifically for women must be specified to cater her bodys needs as well as help her get the ideal look that female bodybuilders seek. Followed is a detailed explanation of three exercises that have helped women throughout the years to attain their goals for bodybuilding.

Dumbbell Press On Ball

A large ball and two dumbbells is all it takes to perform this exercise. Start by lying down on the ball with your back so that it supports your upper back. With a dumbbell in both of your hands, push straight up into the air ten times. Perform two sets of ten after you take a break in between for about a minute. The chest and the rear of the arms are the main targets of this exercise.

Barbell Bent Over Rows

Hold a barbell while bending at 30 degrees and holding your back upright. Suspend the barbell in the air while holding it in your palms.

Pull the weights with your elbows kept inside. This exercise is extremely efficient for developing your back while burning calories.


To perform squats, you’ll need a barbell that’s on a rack. Using your shoulders, lift it up behind them. Squat down and raise yourself back up. This exercise will help you achieve a toned butt and strong legs. This exercise is compound as it affects all muscles from down to your legs all the way up to your back and your shoulders.

The exercises discussed prior to this are ideal for female bodybuilders because they help develop the entire body. To work efficiently, you’ll need to incorporate them into a regular exercise routine. A proper workout doesn’t only include those exercises, however, but many more. Make sure that your workout is including exercises that develop all of your muscle groups.

If you want to lose fat and get the perfect body, you have to have good nutrition along with exercise. This is because you need the building blocks and energy to make muscle as well.

Discover more about losing body fat and suggested program to how to become a female fitness model here. Click the How to become a female fitness model to Read more…

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